SHAVUN ב"ה Chayei Sarah Parashat Chayei Sarah – Kiwi Jew or Jewish Kiwi? On the other hand, we are also "outsiders" to our society. Our morals, beliefs and the way in which we act are all based on the Torah. From that perspective, we are strangers to the general world. Is this mission impossible? No, it's just complex. It is an attitude which requires us to engage with the world, and to embrace the positive attributes while filtering out the parts which do not fit in with our Jewish belief system. As Avraham was embracing a new city in which he wanted to bury his wife, Sarah, he made this message very clear. Yes, he'll be an active member of the general society and contribute to the welfare of the public. But at the same time, the people of the city should realize that his ultimate alliance is to G-d, and that in certain circumstances he is also a stranger to their values and culture. Thank G-d, we live in a free society like New Zealand which gives us the freedom to enjoy both worlds. Are we taking this advantage also to increase our Jewish identity...? Dear Friends, People who live in Jewish communities around the world, sometimes face a situation when they have to make a decision between their Jewish identity and their residential identity. As Jews, how do we relate to the society around us? Are we full participants with no boundaries, or do we withdraw to the greatest extent possible? Or, perhaps, we might find ourselves somewhere in between. In this week's Parasha we find that Avraham sets the example for us. Upon the death of Sarah, Avraham is tasked with the responsibility of finding a burial plot for his wife. As he approaches the people of Heth he begins his negotiations with a very strange phrase: “ger v'toshav anochi imachem”- “I am an alien and a resident among you”. This is strange for two reasons: Why did Avraham offer personal information at the beginning of this business deal? After all, Avraham was here to buy a plot of land, why is he sharing details of his life story? Further, Avraham's words have an internal contradiction. He calls himself both a ger, a stranger and a toshav, a resident. Make up your mind Avraham! If you are a visitor than you are not a resident, and if you are a citizen there then you are not a stranger! ******* Warm Mazal Tov to the Berman family with the celebration of Michael’s Bar Mitzvah! We look forward to a wonderful Simcha in our Shule! Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Nathanel Friedler Mazal Tov to Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik (19031993) understood this phrase as describing the mission of every single Jew. On the one hand, we all must be "residents" of the society in which we live. Michael Berman for becoming Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat! Mazal Tov also to proud parents, Warren & Karyn as well as brother David. The Berman family warmly invite the community to share in this simcha. Please join them during the Service and at the Kiddush afterwards. We have to be fully comfortable with the secular world, both contributing and gaining in positive ways. 1 13 November 2014 20 Cheshvan 5775 AHC Contact Details: Office: 09 373 2908 [email protected] Rabbi Natti Friedler 021 714 157 Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Yair Jablinowitz: 021 488 030 Shifra Jablinowitz: 021 488 050 AHC BoM 5775 Chair & Human Resources: Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: Sharon Brokensha Mark Kantor Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: Joshua Arieli Future Planning and Kadimah Liaison Rachel Lerner Contents Mazel Tovs 2 Rabbi’s Shiur 2 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 Monday 1 Dec 2014 @ 6:30pm Cocktail Party Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis’ first visit to Auckland (including Rabbi Friedler’s Inauguration) Invitation to follow soon Rabbi’s Shiur @ Greys Ave Including Mincha / Maariv Thursday 13Nov (Tonight!!) 7:00 pm: Introduction to practical Judaism - The Written Torah and the Oral Torah Anyone sending a lift to Israel?? Assistance needed please: We have a paramotor which belongs to Shay Levanony, weighing about 25kg. Measurements are 850x500x500cm. We would be most grateful if you could assist. Please contact Estelle on 4485477 (h) or 021 744822 (mob) A hearty Mazal Tov to David Jaffe! David turns 90 next week! But wait, there’s more….! David and Pauline will also celebrate their 69th anniversary on November 26th. Mazal tov to them both and the extended mishpocha! Mazal Tov to Adam Szentes who was recently recognized at Glendowie College with several awards including “Proxime Accessit” and the award for “personal qualities, leadership, contribution and a sense of values”. AUT awarded him the Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship covering the next three years tuition at Uni. Kol Hakavod! Mazal Tov to Rob & Fiona Ross on Jeremy’s engagement to Jess in Israel. COME & JOIN HADASSAH NEW ZEALAND A CHARITY WALK WITH A DIFFERENCE! When: Where: What: November 23 2014 from 12-2pm. Start and Finish at the Auckland Hebrew Congregation (AHC) ` 108 Greys Avenue, Auckland City A wonderful walk of Jewish Heritage Sites around Auckland Central (approx. 5-6km total), followed by refreshments in the Kadimah Gymnasium (upstairs) at the AHC Sites include: Myers Park Sir Dove-Myer Robinson statue in Aotea Square Princes Street Old Synagogue and adjacent gallery Raoul Wallenberg tree Tahara House and the old Jewish Cemetery Full set of photos from the 1967 AHC Hebrew school – come help identify yourself and your friends Registration: $30 per adult; $18 per student; $75 for a family. Donations in addition are appreciated any queries please email: [email protected] or phone Jenny on 309 7426 All funds raised will go towards equipment for the Underground Surgical Centre at Hadassah Ein Kerem. The Centre functions as a wartime hospital protected from air strikes as well as chemical and biological attacks. It provides Israel with an Emergency Preparedness Hospital 2 Yom Huledet Sameach!! Happy Birthday!! Hannah Cohen-Smith Susan Copeland Stefan Goldwater Robert Lerner Claudia Arieli Alexandra Mills Jonathan Silverman Theo Eliot Isabelle Silverman Sophia Brown Shlomo Elisar David Jaffe Maria Shnayderman Gavin Berman Mary Katzen Daniel Lord BNEI THIS WEEKEND! Come get your toes in the sand on Sunday and show off your talents! This week we are going to explore ideas surrounding Jewish Unity through the fine art of sculpture building! We’ll have a blast discovering what we already know and what we can still learn about each other and how Israel can help us out! Don’t forget to bring a hat and sunscreen! Will keep you updated if there is rain on the day Save the Date!! Watch this space for details… In October 2015 the Zionist Federation will be attending the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem. If any eligible Zionist body or groups within the community want to have representation at this congress please make contact with the office of the Zionist Federation of New Zealand by 21st November 2014 3 YAHRZEITS FOR THE WEEK: Name: Remembered by: Heinz Eisig We wish you Long Life… Merle Newland Ron Eisig Roy Esterman Margarete Freeland Bessey Joshua Rose Benjamin Harold Goldwater Brian Green Vernon Levy Sybil Cornell Robert Narev Edith Clemans Isaac Stein Ross Leigh Esterman Dr. Arthur Freeland Sophie Goldwater Our thoughts are with all our congregants who are unwell at the moment. Nita Green Geoffrey Levy Dina Papier Ernst Rothschild Jacob Wolpowitz Finkelstein Zeev Relationship: Father Father Son Husband Mother Mother Mother Mother Father Mother Uncle Father Father Consecration Notice: The Consecration for the late Rena Ross will take place on Sunday 16 November, 10:30am @ Waikumete YOUR WEEKS AHEAD: FRI 14 21 Cheshvan SAT 15 SUN 22 Cheshvan 16 MON 23 Cheshvan 17 24 Cheshvan TUE 18 25 Cheshvan WED 19 26 Cheshvan THUR 20 27 Cheshvan Shacharit: Greys Ave Shacharit @ & AHC Stiebel: Greys Ave: 9am 9:15am B/Mitzvah classes Stone Setting: Rena Ross 10:30am @ Waikumete Kadimah Kabbalat Shabbat Yr 8 PPH @ 3pm Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave 7pm Stiebel 6:30pm 7:48pm 21 28 Cheshvan Rabbi’s Shiur @ AHC 7pm 8:49pm 22 29 Cheshvan 23 1 Kislev 24 2 Kislev 25 3 Kislev 26 4 Kislev 27 5 Kislev Shacharit: Greys Ave Shacharit @ & AHC Stiebel: Greys Ave: 9am 9:15am B/Mitzvah classes Kabbalat Shabbat PPH @ 3pm Greys Ave 7pm Stiebel 6:30pm 7:56pm Rabbi’s Shiur @ RFL 7pm 8:57pm 4
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