ANNOUNCEMENT BRUNEI DARUSSALAM GOVERN!,IENT SCHOLARSHIP TO FOREIGN STUDENTS TENABLE IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM FOR THE 20I5,/2O16 ACADEMIC SESSION Wiih the consent of His Majesty the Sultan and yang Di-pertuan of uarussatam, the Government Of Brunei Darussalam js offering Brunei annual scholarships under a special scholarship award scheme, for the 20-15/2016 academic session. Tenable in Brunei Darussalain, the aim of the scholarship awards is to provide applicants, wjth the opportunity to study at Universiti Brunei palyssalam IUBD], Universti Istam suitan Snarif Ati IUNISSA] and Institut Teknologi Brunei [iTB]. Thesacademic year for UBD, TJNISSA and ITB commences in luly / August 1. ELIGIAILITY 1. I Citizens of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth and ADC member c:uL'lries and others (including bilateral reciprocal cooperation) are eligible to apply. 1.2 Applicants must be between the ages undergraduate programmes and not exceedino of 1g - 25 for the -'' aoe of 35 for postgraduate programn es on the 3l . of .,ufv ZO'f i.'- 1-3 The award is Nor erigibre to Brunei permanent Residents and foreigners residing in Brunei Darussalam. 2. TENURE OF SCHOLARSHIP 2.7 Scholarship award is normally tenable for the minlmum period.The required to obtain.the specific degree wniin is rou, (4) years Degree with j-ionours, one (1) to two (2) years J?r 3 firstDegree, a Master's three.(3) years fo. i 6o.tor"i fiegree ar for UBD, UNISSA and ITB, three (3)'years f.. Oipf o-"-oii"""ltn s.i"n.u, ut UBD, all on a full-time b lsis. ,r 0v , t: 2.2 The Scholarship award is subject to the scholar maintaininq satisfactory conduct and progress in his/her studies. This requrrei the scholar to maintain an active registration and academic status by passing the prescribed semester examinations and attaining the manimum course credit units. The scholarship will be revtewed at the end of each semester. Should the scholar fail to obtain the minimum course credit units or is placed on probation status, the scholarship award will be terminated and revoked. 2.3 The duration of the schotarship granted will NOT be extended In any case, and changes of institution or programme is Dermitted. not 3. THE BENEFTTS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP 3.1 The Scholarships cover tuition fees and other appropriate compulsory fees as determined by the institutions for the duration of the programme. 3.2 One return economy class air ticket for the most economically viable route to Brunei Darussalam will be determtned by the Government of Brunei Darussalam. No additional assistance will be provided towards other travel expenses. 3.3 Allowances payable will include: i) Monthty personat allowance of 8ND500.00: ii) Annual book altowance of 8ND600.00; iii) Monthly food a owance of 8ND150.00; rv) Upon completion of the programme, baggage allowance to a maximum of 8ND250.00 to a country in the ASEAN region or BND500.0O to countries outside the ASEAN region_ 3.4 An accommodation at respective institution,s residential college is provided. If the scholar opts not to live in the provided accommodation, no additional allowance will be qiven in lieu of board and transDort. 3.5 Outpatient medical and/or dental treatment is complimentarv at any Brunei Government hospitals. However, an administrative charge is payable for each consultation with the government general practitioner or sDecialist. n\fl^rl' :, '. 3.6 Should the scltolar opts to seek medacal and/or dental treatment at a private hospital or clinic, all expenses are to be borne by the scholar himself/herself . 3.7 The scholar is NOT eligible to clalm any other facilities apart from those aforementioned under item 3. 4. pROGRAMr,tEs oFFERRED AND ENTRY QUALTFICATTONS Please refer. to accompanying information in Appendix A, or to the to owtn9 websites: i) ii) iii) 5. urtuU-ub. d-e'.{ yv.,Ul.w_.J!!.i, wwyt-Ltb-ed,ulbr OTHER TERIIIS AND CONDTTIONS OF TIIE SCHOLAR51IIP 5.1 Scholars are not encouraged to bring their fam y members for the duration of the scholarship. 5.2 Spouse andlor child allowance is not payable to the scholar. Accommodation is not provided to an accompanyinj famity member or any other person. 5.3 This sciolarship may not be held concurren y wtth any other scholarship, fellowship, grant or loan without the prior approvat of the Government of Brun€i Darussalam. fnis scf,oiarsnip *itt Ue terminated immediaterv shourd the schorar be rornjlo concurrenfly hold another schola rsh,p. 5.4 Under no circumstances are the scholars allowed to teave the country for more than 30 days per academic year wtthout prior permission from the t\lanistry of Education of Brunei Darussalam. Fairure to compry with this condition may read to the forfeiture of payments of the scholar,s monthly allowance. 5.5.. .The srholar may not. undertake paid employment or serve on the staff of their country.s representative in Brunei Darussalam during the award. 5.6 The Government of_Brunei Darussalam will not be responsibte for securing employmer)t for the schotar aft;. ;;;;r;j;". 5.7 An applicant mar' be required to appear for an interview at such place(s) as may be determined Uy tne inititrtions offerinq the f programmes, and to sit a written examination to assess the scholar's proficiency in the English Language / Malay Language / Arabic Language (where applicable). 5.8 The scholar must abide by the rules and regulations of the institution of study and the laws of Brunei Darussalam. 5.9 The scholarship is granted for studies in Brunei Darussalam only and therefore do not include participation in any form of activities under the Study Abroad programmes nor the Discovery Year Programmes. The scholar may however choose to participate In such programmes at his/her own expense. 5.10 The Government of Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to terminate the scholarship awarded to the scholar as recommended by their respective institutlon or if deemed to be justifiable. 5.11 Upon completion of the programme, the scholar is reguired to return to their country of origin with immediate effect. 5.12 If a scholar wishes to withdraw from the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship during the course of study, the scholar has to give one month advance notice and repay the full costs received by the scholar to the Ministry of Education of Brunei Darussalam. The scholar's return home airfare will be on their own exoense. 5.13 It as a prerequisite for the scholar to insure themselves with 24 hours traveling and health insurance for the whole duration of thear stay in Brunei Darussalam at their own expense. 5.14 Application forms must be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal point for scholarships in the scholar's country. 5.15 Applicants are required to get a security clearance statement from their National Security Agency / Police Station (i.e. clear from any civil and criminal records)- 6. HEALTH 6.1 The offer is subject to the attainment of a certificate stating that scholars are medically fit to undertake the scholarship to study in Brunei Darussalam, to be issued by a qualified medical practitioner which is registered with the local Government. All charges for the medical expenses are to be borne by the scholar. I ,F r. rTrI tar 'tt IL I AII .rfi$66 6,2 app|cants need to undergo heatth screening in ^Brunei.Successful Darussalam if deemed necessary bly the Covernment of Brunei Darussalam. In cases where the appliiant does not pass the health screening, they are to retum to ttreir home country at their own expense. 7. VISA AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 7.1 The successful applicant is required to be in a possession of a of their study in Brunei Darussalam. passport valid for the whole duration 7.2 The air ticket will be.ananged by the Foreiqn Mission in the scholar,s c6untry of Brunei Darussalam ;rigj; or. the ctosest Brunei Darussalam Mission to ttrat iountr!.' If the scholar purchases his/her ticket without prior auitiorizatron relevant Brunei authorities, the scholar-fo.f.iti -iirif,". from the right to the ticket andlor reimbursement for the ticket. 7.3 The scholar's Student Visa will only be issued upon arrtvat in Brunei Darussaram. Entry visa for schorais ia,n-.J,intri", a Brunei Darussatam Foreign Mission *iff OL*"iLng.dthat have by the respective Missions, For others. a visa upon arrival'witt be arranged by the Brunei Ministry of Educa[ion. 8. APPLICATIOTI FORIIS 8.1 Apptication forms_ can be obtained from the Brunei Darussalam Foreion Missions ano - .lp.lsentat]ves or a.unei ---"'"''" Darussalam or from the foltowing "Jor"JI, Technical Assistance Division Ministry of Foreign and Trade Bandar Seri Begawan BD2710 Brunei Darussalam Tel: Fax: 33_Ei:r_tr331,111rext.382385/380/383 Website: www.mofat=gey-e! tmait: [email protected]. bn Three (3) copies of the. application form and three (3) copies documenB must be submitted to Technical !1" ?l ..u-qporting Assistant Division or the Brunej.Mission ln your coul1ry ot origin or the closest Brunei Darussatam Mission to lr,!.-oriiil'oi ono,n. I f ./ /I t -U-\ ra g- ,\al':E A -EBgrL- 8.3 The application form and supporting documents must be of A4 size and printed on I side. 9. APPLICATION AND CLOSING DATE 9.1 Completed application forms, together with certified copies of relevant certificates and documents, must reach the Technical Assistance Division not later than 15 Disember 2014. Extension will not be granted. Incomplete application form submitted will not be considered. 9.2 The Government of Brunei Darussalam reserves the right to reject any applicants. Award will not be made if there are no applicants with sufficient merit. The decision on the selection of candidates is final. Any disputes or enquiries pertaining to the decision made will not be entertained. IDATO ZULKARNAIN BIN HA'I HANAFII Secretary (Higher Education) inistry of Education Reference : KPE/UB/S/22:B(2OL4)|JL Date tL+ z:ulhi:jah L435 lZ l.Oktober 2014 Cc: Permanent Secretary (Core Education) Deputy Permanent Secretary MoFAT Registrar and Secretary Universiti Brunei Darussalam Registrar and Secretary Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali Registrar and Secretary Institut Teknologi Brunei Appendix ' a'.i:r:l..,::. :t ,r ,'t ,:{-'',i(,ec1 ;t :.:.niact rere,a.t faat.ltrcs ii).,saiitSs :;oleritral arcas :..air '.f!!i r', r ii, i,;,, :l;i :Oi i::i:ici r-ii,i.1rj: i-,i 1i ,.t i::i: .,lii{,: itiiOri|i1lO,r C, ij!.Ilairie.iisir-dii'it ;reiJ_c :jnrJ.tOtiiiii:,1 :'] -:., irriina.': :jr.r itj.i(r l:or lU,lSi!.i O.v ReSe trCfi and FhL;. ar* relrrrrrr. r io atlai..n the tiiOr-i,.S:r: :, iirii Siii(i! y./irti i: :5-i ,.i,-1.i:talt,/, ip,r{:t(.iJ iO .'a_liiaie i ii_ i,t:Li"x, itr.j :oiriCS ,li.riJ.)j,jal .: .rii0;aijar :- ji;s;)1d DbJita t.raS |ltni;lu,-tc jog j, riler(ii(tfe re\;r:-,,\j lti,irirf ri';,i!r" ,l,i)r .:g',ri)iti.,,rSlo,1.ll tlt|:tal)le alt{i riCicaii.l] o:;t.l!1 SDecl.ti Ir: -ri:ri.iir, Lrri"t 1l:., jii!jii\ i;.l.ri:t !a''':.1 . ,t i,-,qtr'ia,.Sr-s !-,i:,.Crif /t.1ea.a!r t)r.O!.taS;r tl .-:,:a-/ t ..:f :.;-.. ajll,r-j i:i.tlr {j.i t : tt t. r :!21-.l,vi11 aci!,ii{r{:i1 Silrj!1 1 ! ior X BRUry!! QA8!l55AtA!\L€Q,v. ER_Uryrqryr selola85ulp GqEq Lst,Q&ElEtJ,!ry-pjltrs IElf Ag!E !N c8ufELaa8us53!4M r08-I!.|.E 29ltiq15 AqD-EMlq,5_E55lq!,(A.!tEusT !!rl4(g ?815,) Ph.D programmes A,r.: r-<1 2tJl5 .rt.!:i. FACULW OF ARTs AND SOCtAI" SCIENCES Ph-D PROGRAMM[5 1i'i 1ct' i:i.'r1..11.19'aU Mf DIUM OI INSTRUCTION DURATION t.l inU J\i 3b mcnlh,, : nilirjn J6 ,fioii-rt! f Jll l,rn. I rFlrst 36 n'to'rtlr:i J,J1! t i ngi,5r i6 nrDnihs luii t rDr a'liilis n JaJ rnontnl luit-t Ct'c;:r;pt'r1 Irg 36 aronllt. io' cl P]1 rcscpN,, n d::ic.y lctlL,. ot 31 c..ooh! in j!1(t ay rijrE\rcge !nd I InilUi!lt( t )o.ic' cl c'ric,,opbi ,n i\l,it.t !. : laa.ll'Jre ' ',, Arlrt'opo,gtj\, :)cclo. of rr.o5oohv i.l ArJpi .,(i . ]g.l (t a: ilc.lrt! oi thiio\ophy rn Aii )ct1o c; r,r lc(ci)"r.; i iiFi,str 'r :rler.lrU.r; llcctor oi ?ni osophl ,t'P,r, o)ooair loitor \lf 5oc: r-rre ile ,r) ,.)o( !--i-.: inra ln irrr r(_inrne.rr.tlsr ld e( lo(ic . r511 :,{ \n iuli 1 m(. 36 mo4t'r,. tLlii ti,rr: \1a iit v l6 l,}1ontir5 Md av -l{,- .nootil: luil tintc fuil.t,rltc o,rr-rilh\, :n f ,rg o,oc! t,_< h 35 nro!-ltir) fJir t iti0 Docio I oi Pi.:rosop.ty rn Profess,ora Con)itrirniaalron .tnd frg iltl th€ Mcrd,. 36 qronths f utl t,mt OURATION 36 month. fulr-tinre 36 mont ns f uli-timc 36 moot,r: fu il, t;r-n r' FACULTY OF SCIENCE Ph.O PROGRAMMES DCaiO, CI o,.laiO jOp,tv .l 8,cdivrtr,, iy lrca:c o' u'l csophy .n ts o oB\ JOCiCT Ot pr rOioOhV,n SrotQch noiQgl; )cctc, o; Piirio,,oph), C re.r1.5r ' MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS rglrsh r nBirs h .nglrsn DURATIO Jt' nrontn\ tuil t mr, f5 mcnth5 {uli tinre 36 month\ Iull t rnl{: in t JoCIor oi Phiicsoptry,n Co'npl !:. r 5c,ercc : ngilsn 35 fult,trmc, I ngtrsrl 3ar n'ronth. f LrlI-trnt(l lE4-r4r r'.rge I BRUNELDARUSSALAM ggvERTMTNT g!!gr,aRsHlp (8D!!l TO fqRE-lGN_sluDENIs_TrNAEL[ rN qBuNfl qatsu!si!!4!\!iq8 r!1E 2olyAql_64CAq,EMr(.lEssror\[AUG-u5J tNrA(E 2gr.s] li,(.a, ar Ph r:.,.rr;r! ,tr , r,ifi, .. 1- .:'. l,rijr l6 srl l5 r,r-.riit t,r, I j,.. r,:rr:.,, Jr :1r\i,: ..., ,l (:,:a.-(,r ,l!!: lltll' i f rlt a,!)ir:rr .,1 i!la:'rr 'D:- -. P l h. i.rll l ,|, ..-;. r'r i:ir I .rrr] ar.i Lrl,, :)-r.:a. c; 1rrLr,)l .- ., ;r:r,. n I,r,.q,i. i 'rtl .,t la In.';r.,1r I.| | ! n;li Jtr,..r{tliit.. :J t )., ., ir i'ltli,i'i Jd ,r,l rrinl rl: I.r .'t:,' PINGIRAN ANAK PUTERI RAsHIDAH S.AADATUL SOLKIAH INSTITUTE OF HEAI.TH SCIENCTS Ph.D PROGRAMMES MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS DURATION . r'. .. .. .r, , , .. ,t, . -,1, ':', riti irr i)i (iO' L-r. ?,t,;Os(r;r,-I ,l B:(l,r1rd.- 5- {' r., )a-a:r- '" o.r c,r'ir.r , , C -r c; I i,rltl . Sc lE 'rr') rrhi {iir; f''rrr' fg :'l l(r 'ncrrih,. iJll sh i'ttllr\x i,rrtt:, t,(r1., Jb rr. rdi: tr,]r,, .)r.iiLrr !rr ,.r. rr,.!.;r. , i,r NJi.r.r )caic, c' )r io.,erol., ,1 l ill:sil 36 .lrc,lii. a.l M,dw,ft''y i nglrsh 3{)\ full trl]ro i, r)ri. ACADEMY OF BRUI'ITI STUOITS Ph,D PROCRAMMTS MTOIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS ,)ca:a. al tn:o.,1)ilr' n Br.rnc, 5: Lrd, c; F . l nglrsh711,1316y sut-lAN HASSANAL SOt KIAH PROGRAMMES Ph.D i)o(lo' 0f Ph,iO(Och! in TTAEOTUM oucal.o,l 5UI-TAN OMAR AI.I SAIFUDDIEN M.DIUTU Or L),,{:o ' r,,', C Jr:., ^ ricJ,n L C r Itii c'1 Jtai C.jr.i:,,rtporar! .E$ER FOR ISTAMIC STUDTES IruSrNUCrIOr,IS an8l ! lr.'l\4.'l la y l A. a DURATION l6 monl hs l uii,, nEl,sh PROGRAMM€S fJii I'nli t ST|TUTE OF EDUCAION OF INSTRUCTIONS E Ph.D DURATIO'' 3b rnc-nlh5 o{ AStAn Sruoris or rrrrsiiiicrrorrrs DURATION J6 nronths fLrlttr!I. TNSTTTUTE OF Ph.D PROGRAMME5 ilo{lo. of Dh,tosoplly ii A5:an 51,;C cr ss 4g;r.,t r;,r ruebr una 5h DURATIO.l 3{i nro'r115 f;,; 1'nr,- I' r:, q8lJNEl DA8us54r-A!vr GqvE8rltlvllNr 5!$r!48sttp-1g,Dcs) lq r!BE!E_l,t sruDEi{,rs rE. {B!E rN 8zuNIr,D]F.Uss-Ar4.1d-f QlLIllE 201sr/20lqaeaqq!\4tc .Essl9N]4U,cu!r_l!!I4xr __ 2 Masters bV Research programme5 Ai j\: .ir .10 'o-] 15 :l:,rt| FACUI,TY OF ARTS AND SOCIAT 5CI€NCES MASTER5 PROGRATTME. _.1.,1lr . ,:, .i :: -i :i inrO,t0.rril! MEDIUIII OF INSIRUCTION i il{ :!1.i!tr. {.:,,..:. .r :,. o! iir!t.:,1,, i'l.r-rii.' il' .i.-: - i- .r !rr : tl: \;r lr',.!:.j.,.C! Fr,_ii.!. a,.1 llia\irr, ( I A,r!,5 i rr.rt,{h iJnqrrnfli .r'rd I n!.:r,\ll(! bi a: 'r fl ,,1 a DV R oy q,5g; ' g'r :: , l \l.t ay :;1q,J,t.i{ .t-rd -.,lfJ tir(5 i)y {- ! r-.i r l,4 r :vl.r rry c'r '',ieilCr a;;-.: . i:.:fo:s O,ta: Cc.rlr|s4 q.r1 ! r l.l.j tir(, 1!1ecl,!i Rt sanra tl C aa.!a:r'( I l,1a:ta. C:; 5trJdrcs bV .r.,.t:r. :,i Rr..t,;r(n Rr. ),:...( lr r., Oi SCjr.,rfi, \lJ:,:c, I 1r.irC \1,1 Jy 2J iciti.. lcllnr f.rlr I rn{l l,r: trnrr- l,r l{ rnOi] i( tUl v t In-.,: ,lJ iroilh., lUlr irqrr 1.1,y : rrlllI h 2J'rl0:rlh,. f.tlr.iiiltC a .rg h 2J nro'lih.. fJ ; i nl,, i-< I cs DURAIION nglrs i] l2 'r11l, s,1 12 24.rcnifl\ f! I trri: ,ril r:rr l2 2J ,llolltlr., Jult.i |ri. 24 months luit trm.l :. ,...:. " o1 5C.i ,rar, : FACULTY OF SCtENCE naioiun or irvsinuirror,rs f'lgir5h DURATION 24 lnonlh\ Iuir t ntr- i'ltllr5h 24 i 'rg rslr 2J nro.l i; tu, ,ltj,. i'ti',rl 24 ntonth! g oClrve,.srt! !l\r.qered.cfr V.r'':-'a'.'l !t .r'1, n- ru! naasrrns paoc carvr r,aes Ma:l.. ct 5.,.,1.e ]' f!tf,[.y' I,i'i(t 5l | 2j rricnlh. iLl, ',n',. .)J UJD !cf oe!_ gf usrNEssrN D rcoN oM MASTERS PROGRAMMES MEDIUM-q OF INSTRUCTION5 ",^.i. , , .J. \tr',,,1, .r1, ,\l hv '!i.r'r' 2J orc.tiit. /1 1,i.r5:i ': ii i, :l _,l ,i.ty ijii- .ii,r'i. u! la:r.a. an \'.i ., .,- . ,. a,r,.tl, 'l nlo.l:r1. iir' .".t(- !)'l L. t rln ir.rlC l-i .r6rtrr. lrri: t n,!:. lrHrisrl I nE .'jalii. ,ri .1.1 i nltlrs Jr il.rr:1. (.' i :i ,i:ir!,j.irritirniJ; ilrdrr,: bi lr.:e,.1I r, '.ia:ir, .)i ,i,l: ,,! :i,llc.ult. lrr '.:i ,'l L lvl._:rii: rri 4,1.,..1 Gr.rrl:,rOlt\, DURATION E oti)F\ illi :ro'rti: lull I .r,., fi.i ii. I nlr r'.rgr' ; qBqNEt p48U,s-5ArAjvl €g_v-E8l!MrM,sc,Hg!.AflsHrt_.fBqGs) ,T,qIq_RE]Er.{ sr!qENls r,!NAgr_E IN 9RUNE|-DAlirrlsAf.AM Fo. rHE ?,q!51?,0,16 AcAq€Mlq sE:5lQN IA_uG- UsM,lT4x.E ?01sJ I a:a: r:ri, L.,t:./ irf {r .i l,t 'l '.1,,..:,i'nJ \r (.,tat, . (r,,.\.r !r:! rr J-l ,!r{,1r'1 . i!i t i-ril .)J rrt,rli. iu , ,,rr ', lJ :nontll,: llrl t,nrt' i r Ft ii.,ll l.l ntcnt't.:. iujt :!me I ng ,.,f) 2;i rnoith'l i,t11,,.tr \1,r.:fr or )i i-.'ta,t' 'r ( iljipirii :r i -ai- ti, la(a j.:l ',1.r!ii-: il' \i_ ria': i- (r,,1r .( frr(ai. .! fif,i'.r'( ll il;r!:.,: or 5( i:t(a ,, '..lnlh(.rrilt !., ci Ri i (tic'r ',li.ii - arl 5( t,q.F , Pn\. (S O.,, lrtllr' 1i r:i trin(. PENGIRAN ANAK PUTERI RASHIDAH sA'ADATUL BOIKIAH INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES MASTERS PROGRAMMES . ',r 5\ r,t-,. {l L-l-Ded,(r s(,r,nr{r\ by Ft.t(,.trca r':::i c' -l(,t : .\{,.,,. (, €a,Sr,fr(c:, b.t q.:c.)r.h 't \',,,i{ ' t 'l d r'l \. r-,r' c ,l \r,j nil b! Rolc.t.rfr r.{., rc'ni .J,'.i :'i \( , ,Lr, 'J C',.; fp'y b) Rr'.,ra-c r MEDiUM OF OURNTIOI,I rrgl'l,i' r'lu rrr 12 2'1 nrcllns t.rl, lr:na !ng".'] l) I 12 2'1 monlh5 fulr-tirnc i . INSTRUCTTONS I7 24 $onrh\ liril lrtl{' I rs "' 2.J nrortns frt, r,mc ACAD€MY OF SRUNEI sIUDI€S MASTERS PROGRAMMES i"laste. oi Ar|5 rn g..r.rcr 5i.rdrcs irf Re-1en.(n MASTERS PROGRAMMES Ill.rrle. o' fdurai,o:r bV ilf:.serticli M€DIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS !,r it,,; n, Me at MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS I npi DURATION 2-1 rnonthr rirll trme DURATION 24,r0rthS fu!t,i,.t"rf jii 5UI-TAN OMAR ALt SAIFUDDIEN CENTER FOR ISTAMIC STUDIES PROGRAMMES \' ,::.. o. A't, . ,. ..n L C 'r l sdtrcn ,tnd f ortenr;.tc,.,.ry ''., . cr Pcs'.d'r'l MASTERS M€DIUM OF Ii\JiTRU.TIONS lngirshrlvltlJy_ araD ( bURNTIO^I 24 oqths lu,l I 'ni- 1'.r{1 i BRUryq!_qA8!'ssArAM 9o_VE8ryryt.€ll:5e !o!Ag_9t{,lp 19D_ci9} Iq FoEEI6!! 5M8g!tr5 t-ENtB-r-E joqtr€_?0ts/?q16asap_eMiisiss!o,uirr-c-usi :ry..):l_o-4*y,l*Sy t. rNl4lq 2qtlsl 'i Masters by Coursework programmes A.rilrsl MASTER5 PRO6RAMMTS !1,, ,li ir.' INTAKT i,1r_.r - :t!:ri :jr-tri :.,]fr -j,rl ( A lrgi.i:t OF ! r9,,.,1 ,\:rUr 5: !, it!!it.\ \1.r'rl' ..ri A.::. ,r,l .:rr! l)! i 0.': \r\,, cr \ \r:.1, , a1 ;\,i ,r\l ,.ty !,-rililoitt{i .:r-laj l:ni:,r ,trc \ L M€DIUM DURATTON INSTRUCTION .li: Ar.rrr !:.rCjCi o! (.,rrr..s..a'i ilj -1,.j !-1 Arl , 1 : (i ,s,l - 2Cl: c.;\f FACUI.TY OF AIITS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 5(r,r:i)i lrf rN i,'i." r-\!J A.rg:]st A{ 12:roqtn\ lo; i 'Ir i');l _<1- \1.t ;! rilJ ! | 12 ntiirl:h5 rL,,. 12 rro.r1h,' l.r r I2 .nor:hs iu l],. I ,:ir r'1.i,,1,'. oi Ari! i', V t'a!, : i., ,i:!t.a:),,.fcrrr\r !\!-1, i u8D MA5T€RS PROGRAMMES SCHOOT INTAKE Co -r'. oV r'$ fr. \ I2 fiorth( fUri I ,rr. oF BUstNE55 Ar\tD acoNoMtcs MEDIUM OF DURA TION INSTRUCTtONS \4,),:t'.r .jJ<,'rr.r. Aii'lr ir t1'at.c,t t n !..1u 51 i rgt 1-1 18 nto'lth! 1Lr,t i rn(, r,i,r:1r,.,:'',1ii-,aEarlrt.)i t: :r€ s. 18 ftonrds f!,r I ftra Cour\(,!..;o.l AugUii :rg i\h l2 mcnths {'f ol icCnorlll(; by Courlr',"rror ( {Lttl :,nrc AirB,J s r 'J! Ca-rr!a.,.Jo.!. A r;;ir "vJ,ii:t,, i)i !ci:,!:i{< i)y \/1,t: i t4;!:t ' ti !rjT,a ri.r6nCc irli a i] .r'rL,nC.i MASTERS pnoeinnannrs tu1.i5t{'. ai ?sbjir pcl (y aad l;4an;gg;ng,r1g; (cJ'5i,!!1r.1: MASTERS PROGRAMMES \1a!rr,, ii 5c:t_ir(!,,, I fiij, d y 5lrrdits b\ ,larrlJ!i E trgir 5il i,:i s,r l2 mcnihs fuir.t rrDI l8 .ncnlr: ^L: I ,,.r, r4_srlrurE oF PgrlcY sr.-uoiEs INTAKE MEDIUM OF DURJ .IoN INSTRUCT'ON5 !ne,,!h FACULTY OF SCITNC€ INTAKE M€DIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS inql''.,r l8 fionths fu, ! ',rr, DUhATIoN 12 rnolltit,\ fuli I nil, l'.ri( i BRUN€l D4RU!sAl-AM c_ov!8!'irylq!!I 5CHO!4tgHtp lgDGs].To FoREtGN STUDENTs rENABrr rN SBUNT! p,ARlillAlAM tq8I-HE e_0_r5l?0l6-AeAerl4|e!€s,stfNlA!,FU5I ,.:| , ,. i, , r.l ''! i,,1, ..: i-,- -i r, .t.1r! lN_-r-A!iE -20-15.1 ',1 Arr:i,rll i:la : 'l 2-i i1]i-il i,, i.r: .rr,- PENGIRAN ANAK PUT€Rt RASHIDAH SAADATUL BOI,KIAH INSTITUTE OF H€AI.TH SCIENCES PROGRAMMIS INTAKT MAsTTRS \1,llii'. iri;r li MTDIUM oF ounnrror., INSTRUCTIONS .i_ -r;,,,'. lr! aouri,,'a \l.i!'. , J !. ,. ,.r. 'i' .ri.j'.,. .ii :,, i,,,-.. i t1r), \]r,ri 1.: l.;1;.;,,,;r1 71p, Aulil\i frg I r is'ncrlfr j'l'lirnr,' | lli 'irr 16 !tlo'rirr,, irrr ' 't ', !).r'l i 'r1r (lrri\('!1(:f;. 5ULTAN HASSANAI BO|.KtAH INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION MASTERS 1,4.::lt PROGRAMMES MEDIUM OF 110.iifrr oi i tl(]i ;: (rr ( fcu:',4'r,,c'1. ltr ::. a'lt-i .1', Ly ,. rf: DURATION INSTRUCTIONS .e.:.', r; lr, ' ,.r (or.scvrrr,. ildsi(,' INIAKE b! Jdnudt! 5:1 1S ficnilt\ r.l I l.rnil i,ri,;;\ ir I2 morth! f utl-r nt{' la!r .r' i2 4rcq:n5 fulr i t irgi,sl-1 l8 'rtcnthr J.rnilar., It cr those !.rno itavc qual,fr6p1,o-rr Cou.tseii,nd o a'lt, {Diploma i'r Coun5art,rg) A ugJs: {io. tho5e \,.rhe rJo not hav€ cl!/aiiliCafrcn,fl {u il !,r'I Cou n se lirng i',rl, r' qRUN!r QAquSs/tt4M qQVERNMTNT !_ct{rlrARllilplqqG5) rq f e8ElcN IIV-qqryrs IEN4q!q tN qEqNE! qASVssAlA!4 r!f. to-E ?q-!5/2q!! AgADqMrc lEsltqN (AUGUlll rlrr,tK-E201-51 . -l Undergraduate programmes ,t,rilrrrt. PROGRAMMTSI FTRST DEGREE J] i)l') rjlit^t MEDIUI,/I OF INSTRUCTTONS DURATTON BACHEIOR OF ARTS {HONOURS) i;,:rir' ,Jt!,.ir d G,:oll:,r0hy ., , , .' . .l ..(, & r., \.J.,.1 :cc o:og,/.Al.|lr.o;l(-r1ilv, f ngtr\n -.-r'r!:ir.lftr & -,tgu st (5 [ngir:n : ii. airre t r !i ii ! h / lvl,1 ra,y ..] ya;1.! 1,111 t me ij.tnJ!.1 fujetayr & i:.f:-i,!ir<, i !, ..J _. i i .r .1,,r I l\/1ctn iL, 3rJn,l. \'.,d ,-\ /:-1 & C.rtit !r l'a..tC cg! P ofr,\5tcr.r -:ir'.r.r'!tn aat !r.r & -ltr, \4ed n i.')(l i ar .O1!t1r'|li II SlLtdra( J 2 BACHETOR OF SCIENCE (HoNOURS) arlir '\rr 4 yr-:'.t.r, :rrl6' .:18i, tr 4 il-i c. cfi!.edt App. ed p')!irf5 J.i cE ci S{:€'l!€! Chent,li11, tc.r3J:c. Sa i:n(a _ .!.1.,titc,nali(., Gecioqr .1 J BACH€LOR OF EUSINESS {HONOURS} ed glrsrnes: 1ii1-rr'l il-!ri:oa. !ao lonr ci 11n;cr of;e: I yla.: r,, ' ,,,tr. ,l4al r1,.,iOr1l; nE & ; ::lilt,:e -I .] BACHTI,OR OF HEALTH SCIENCE {HONOURS} t ngrs]] J ycar! i ir t,'ttrl B,onted,((tt 5a1cn( | f.lrr-r,'ril & 1,1'd.,! l{-..i li.l.i;or J 5 BACHEIOR OF ENGINEERING {HONOURS) I,l : nHl,.,h .l Va,a.., irll ILltta rrc' ciir_,rcd ara,gy SVslern: I' ,!' - 88UNllQA8u5!tt 4rvl g9v€RryMENl5Ctr-oLARsJrp {Bpqsl To FoEEt€N sJUgqrll5 IElgaBrr lN qEu!!rl D4.Ru!!A!AM FoSJ!t: rQlV?ol,q4-(4qr[4le 5€ssro]! 14.-!,JTlllJA{E ?g151 : ')!lr'1t r:, ,ril ,11()::r)dtrort n'rd ( t; r ,:',r,i a.-. i. !\ \ii'm5 r' r: 'r!,;. .:, ^!1., tir'Ji:u. ,tr,5r(1, " j: 1,:t 1E (,rffn f,t: & a,,o(a.,\ .iil r. r'li.r:, ! jr) DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES nr1, offe re-d {11.r1itrst jni.riL, or.,,., DIPIOMA PROGMMMES' MEDTUM OF r. s, ,, , (. .!-(r J._ . a lNrr,r nir t o ar1l., n qr.,iltlr L.!l 5?: cnae iJ\i,,,r,!j r.; cr:ri.: .r -la.i I l't rp.:r,.1,I.,c1.a!J SrienC€ INSTRUCTIONS DURATION lntl:rit I years Fngl sh I years i,tll t,rle [rgt,55 ] ycars luil time rJmc 'l,rr'r.t'i'r rii: r)f in('prOgramrni > \!lljeCt tt,.:,rlircrenl nulx0ar (1r.,,.1i(Jfnt! (,nroit ql tOr iha pnrl (,tr,t, -ra :t:Jrri,. !l : (.jl;r,Ci 10 {nanilrj., i' rr' l
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