a) QAS lnternational REGTSTRMION CE RTIF TCATE This document certifies thot the administrotion systems of Kargo National (Pty) Ltd Kargo National H/O, M2 West on ramp, Denver Ext Johannesburg 2094, Gauteng, South Africa 7 hsve been ossessed and opproved by QAS lnternotionol to the following mondgement systems, stondards ond guidellnes: tSO 9001 : 2008 With the permitted exclusion of clause 7.3 Design and Development The opproved odministrotion systems opply to the followlng: A seruices orientated group specialising in transport, national distribution and logistics. Original Approval 13h October2Ol4 Current Certificate 13h Certificate Expiry 13h October2OlS Certificate Number s41826 October2ol4 Signed: Certification Officer On behalf of QAS lnter -.-_9NJ-. tional This certifcale remaans valid while lhe holder maintains their quality adminrstraton systems rn aaaordance with the standards and guidelines stated above, which wll be audited annually by QAS lnternational. The holder is entitled to display the above registration mark for the dulatron ofthis cerirficate, which should be retumed lo QAS lntemational upon reasonable request. lssuing Ofiice: QAS lnternational, 20A Oxtord Strcet, Malmesbury, Wltshire SN16 gAX, tJK "Ni #*i
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