Monte Matters 21 November 2014 - Term 4, Week 7

Monte Matters
21 November 2014 - Term 4, Week 7
Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College
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Nicole Christensen
Good Sports Unite Communities
In 2014, our girls were encouraged to participate in one
Dear Parents and Friends of Monte,
Athletics, Basketball Cross Country, Dance, Hockey,
The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement
Kwon Do, Tennis, Touch Football and Water Polo.
or more of fifteen sports programs, including: Aerobics,
Rowing, Softball, Soccer, Snow Sports, Swimming, Tae
for 2014-2015 challenges us to look at the place of sport in
our lives. Where are its strengths and how can we ensure
that sport can thrive and in return, can nourish our society?
Most importantly, how can we work to realise sport’s
potential to unite communities, overcome differences and
be a force for social justice and reconciliation?
world of sport is a beautiful reality that has strengthened
over time, for the Ecclesial community sees in sports a
powerful instrument for the integral growth of the human
person. Engaging in sports, in fact, rouses us to go beyond
ourselves and our interests in a healthy way; it trains
the spirit in sacrifice and, if it is organised well, it fosters
loyalty in interpersonal relations, friendship, and respect
for rules.”
Monte has embraced the ten actions endorsed by the
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council; to strive for
our best and in so doing strengthen relationships and
inclusivity in our community.
Last night at Monte’s annual Sports Awards Dinner 600
parents, students, coaches and staff celebrated our
their participation and to support social justice programs
beyond the gates of Monte, encouraging women in sport
all around the world.
“Participation in sports can be a means for those at the
Pope Francis says, “The bond between the Church and the
Monte Sports also empowers our girls to be proud of
commitment to training and overall participation and
team work. Our Sports Captains paid moving tributes to
their sporting heroes, coaches and parents.
At Monte, we believe that sport should be open to all. The
impact of sport is profound. It encourages health, fitness,
inclusivity, building relationships and personal growth.
margins of society to move from the edges to the centre.”
Social Justice Statement 2014-2015
Thank you to all our parents, sporting coaches, community
and the Sports Department and staff for your generous
support of sport at Monte.
Nicole Christensen
Year 8 Joeys Dance
Joanne Cooper
At the beginning of the year, I shared a
learning goal with the Middle School,
I was going to learn to play a piano
piece and perform it publicly!
As you all have daughters, you are well aware that certain
comments get remembered very clearly and you get called
to account. I am now being pressured to perform my
piece. And rightly so, I will benefit from “assessment” of
my learning,very publicly!
But what is it that I have learnt in taking on this goal?
Year 9 Shormal
• I have learnt that even when I cannot do something
after 20 attempts, it sometimes comes together on the 21st
and parents we can help build this through emphasising
• I have learnt that asking for help actually moved my
the challenge, not the success (Dweck, 2007). Struggling
progress along quite rapidly.
with tasks is part of the learning process and is to be valued.
• I have learnt that having a goal to work towards kept me
Often students don’t identify the persistence that learning
motivated to continue, even when I was struggling.
asks of us, expecting instant results in a technological age
• I learnt that by sharing the journey with your daughters,
of immediacy. An IB learner characteristic, we aim to
they gave me moral support. It helped me understand the
value this quality of “persistence” in our life-long learners.
feelings of “risk” when we undertake something new.
• I learnt that I wanted to say “I can’t do it” but that was
The Middle School has also been engaged recently in
reflecting a fixed mindset of intelligence. Rather, as I
much summative assessment (less publicly) as the 2014
practised, I found that I could say “I’m beginning to do
academic year comes to an end. It seems that Monte’s
it”, a growth mindset (Carol Dweck, 2007), which made
Middle School celebration of choice is to dance! Year
me more positive about reaching my learning goal (don’t
9 celebrated their end of exams with the “Shormal”, a
expect Liberace here!!!)
facilitated “smart casual” dance with the boys from Shore.
Year 8 went to Joeys to join the boys in a formal dance,
I’m not looking forward to the performance, but I know
again led by the Joan Carmody Dance School. In a more
that it is part of me working towards my goal. I’ll do my
freeform approach, Years 7 and 8 kicked up their heels in
best on the day.
a social dance with the boys of the lower North Shore held
at Monte in the McGuirk courtyard. The Senior Leaders
It is an important conversation to have with your
set a great tone for the evening and co-ordinated a lovely
daughters in building resilience in learning. As teachers
celebration of the year.
Year 9 Shormal
Year 9 & 10 Relays
Year 9
Year 9 are to be commended on the manner with which
they conducted themselves during their recent “block”
examinations. Held in McQuoin Centre, the girls became
accustomed to the procedures of sitting whole cohort
exams in a four-day period, using study periods wisely and
managing an exam timetable. They have been introduced
to the Personal Project in a launch on 17 November and
are now preparing their proposals. To further prepare
them for Senior School, Year 9 spent a recent Pastoral
Period with Year 10 using the “speed dating” model, to
have 90-second conversations around what they might
expect next year. This session concluded with a battle of
the homerooms, a mix of crazy relays, with Year 9 Aquinas
A and Year 10 McGuirk B tying for first place.
Year 7 Wetlands
courage in their actions and identify other ways they can
role model courage and female empowerment with their
peers and in their community. This has also been evident
in the wonderful hampers that Year 7 and 8 have been
collecting for the Newtown Asylum Seeker Centre, as
part of the Middle School SRC initiative “Christmas is
Year 7
Year 7 showed great Mercy hospitality on the Year 7, 2015
Orientation Day by being a buddy and welcoming our
newest members-to-be of the Monte Community. They
also showed great sensitivity on their Reflection Day and
took over the responsibility of the pond,
from Year 7, 2009 (Year 12, 2014), something they will now
carry through to Year 12 and handover to Year 7, 2019. This
Year 8
Throughout this term, Year 8 has focused on “Connection
within their Community” through two main activities.
The first is The Secret Good Deed, where they perform
random acts of kindness for somebody else with the
catch that this person can never know. The second focus
has been Courage, where, using Malala Yousafzai as
inspiration, Year 8 reflected on ways they and others show
environmental focus was also evident this week when the
girls visited either the zoo (for Science) or the wetlands at
Sydney Olympic Park where they practised fieldwork and
learnt about the mangrove environment (Geography).
Joanne Cooper
Acting Director of Middle School
Photos courtesy of Anthony Khoury Photography
Paul Wacher
Head of Department
As we come to the end of the academic
year we can reflect upon some of the
recent events in Science.
Ten years after its launch, the European Space Agency’s
Rosetta space craft landed upon a comet last week.
What wonderful timing, as this coincided with the Year
11 Physics students’ study of the slingshot effect that is
more appropriately called gravity assist. The unfortunate
Ebola outbreak gave special relevance to Year 9 study
of the immune response and how vaccinations work.
To that end you have been chosen as a member of a disaster
The lava from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, that has been
relief research unit provided by the Australian Federal
continuously erupting since 1983, took an unexpected
Government who say they will fund any reasonable, well-
turn towards a village just in time for Year 10 to take note
explained, potential solution. Your individual role is to
as they studied plate tectonics. The list goes on. Hopefully
use your scientific expertise to develop ways to solve this
the girls observe the things that are going on around them
quickly growing problem.
and recognise the relevance that the Science they are
studying at school has to the events that are happening
The students then have two hours to plan what they are
in the world.
going to do, a full day to develop their solution and do the
practical testing, then two further hours to present the
Group 4 Project
results of their research and their solution to the problem.
The Sciences fall into the category of Group 4 subjects in
The girls set up their presentations in the new display
the IB Diploma programme. As part of the course, they
space in the Arts and Cultural Common. It is wonderful
must carry out a multidisciplinary group project. The
that the girls get this opportunity to be creative in their
students are presented with a problem and they must
approach in subjects where they don’t often get this
work together with their group to come up with a scientific
solution to the problem.
The Last Word
The problem - a disease without cure, without proper
Pope Francis has clearly stated the Catholic Church’s
diagnosis and - most frightening of all - with an extremely
position on evolution and the Big Bang. Even though these
high mortality rate has broken out in a number of remote
views have been clear for a very long time, we are still
villages in the South American country of Bolivia, deep in
confronted with students who think these scientific ideas
the Amazon Rainforest. Access to the villages affected is
can not be compatible with religion. I would encourage all
difficult (there are few roads) and the national and local
to read what the Pope has to say.
governments are seriously under resourced. There are few
hospitals near the affected people and what medical staff
Paul Wacher
were there, have become infected themselves and have now
Head of Science
died or are incapacitated.
Joanne Cooper
Director of Middle School
On Wednesday 14 November Monte
We were joined by Foin Sa’e, a young
Thank you to all involved, in particular
launched the “Food for Thought”
group of Timorese dancers and singers
Mr Young for his musical direction and
who shared their cultural music with
performance, as we tested the new
us, and were also joined by the Monte
ACC and found it to be a wonderfully
creative venue.
guest at the launch of the “Food for
The evening continued with fantastic
Donations for Food for Thought can
Thought” Campaign to raise funds for
performances from the Stage Band, the
be made by following the link on the
students in Timor Leste.
String, Chamber and Wind Ensembles.
front page of our website
We were also treated to some amazing
The Consul General for Timor Leste,
Ms Armandina Santos, was the official
The Campaign “Food for Thought”
will deliver funds to support the
Gracella Vega and Shalini Sinnetamby
education and nutrition of students
and teachers and staff sharing their
Joanne Cooper
in Maliana Timor Leste. This project
considerable talents with us!
Acting Director of Middle School
Sant’ Angelo Mercy College and the
diocesan Collegio Maliana, supporting
the works of the Sisters of Mercy.
The Monte community continues to
respond to the hungers of our time in
ways that are creative, compassionate,
excellence at the College. It began with
wonderful food service from the Year
12 hospitality class. Participants were
then invited into the Art Exhibition
“Sustain”, focusing on Nourish, Learn,
Discover - a photo exhibition from the
Timor Leste trip.
Music Academy
Year 9 Music Night
Congratulations to the following voice students of Ms
A reminder that the Year 9 Music Night is on this coming
Michaele Archer on their wonderful results in recent
Monday, November 24, starting at 5.30pm in the O’Regan
AMEB examinations:
ACC Theatre. It is shaping up to be a wonderful evening
of solo and group performances by our talented students
Grace Sinclair, Year 11 - Third Grade Singing for Leisure - A
undertaking their first year of elective Music studies.
Ariel Bonnell, Year 11 - Fifth Grade Singing for Leisure - A
It will be short and sweet, finishing at approximately
Jacqueline Grant, Year 10 - Fifth Grade Singing for Leisure – A+
6.45pm. All Year 9 Music students are expected to attend
and all parents, family members and friends will be most
Music Tour to Japan
welcome – it would be terrific to have a large audience to
Thank you to all who have shown interest in this tour,
support the girls.
to take place in the June/July school holidays 2015. Your
daughter should have brought home another information
Sarah Thompson
letter, requesting a deposit. This should be sent to us by
Head of Performing Arts
Friday November 21. If you require any more information
please contact me.
Andrew Young
Head of Music Performance
By Lauren Heath , President MSAMC P&F Association
Christmas Cocktails
The celebration on Saturday night was a wonderful
coming together of past and present parents and friends
to honour former principal, Ms Catherine Alcock. The
gathering included eight of the nine P&F Presidents from
the past 10 years, special guests Nicole Christensen, Jacqui
Magurren, Sister Jennie and Marshall Leaver. Indigenous
community members, Aunty Janette and Aunty Teresa
provided a special acknowledgment of land while the
band, Crunching Numbers, livened up the night with wellchosen songs from an appropriate era!
purposes and values. You can be the judge of how successful
Past P&F Presidents Shirley Mohen, Sarah Jane Vaux and
– or not - I have been in all of this. I take with me some
Rosie Morgan spoke of Catherine’s quiet persuasion, her
wonderful memories of the spirited and creative young
composure and sense of purpose, her ability to listen and
women of the College, whom I regard with significant
her collaborative approach. Her philosophy that good
respect and affection. The future world in their hands is
education was about encouraging all those around her to
well–placed and safe... I always held the view that I was
be ongoing learners, her understanding of the changing
privileged to be invited to be Principal of Monte Sant’
ways our daughters learn and the spaces needed to reflect
Angelo Mercy College ....[and] to have served and worked
this and her support for the P&F, confident that an active
with such a wonderful community.”
P&F helped build a vibrant school community.
I do not believe there is any doubt about the
Catherine in turn thanked the school community and the
transformational change overseen by Catherine and the
generosity of parents. Some of the things she particularly
deep respect and admiration the parent community has
appreciated and valued were the faith and trust shown in
for her.
her and the College, the support for the building projects,
the embracing of the IB. As well as the understanding
On behalf of the P&F, we presented Catherine with a
that schools are not perfect places, and the sharing of the
painting by Esmerelda Kulitja, depicting the law and
College’s values. She recognised the importance of parents’
stories of the Seven Sisters. Esmeralda has been to Monte
guidance and support in their daughters’ participation
as part of Naidoc week and her mother, Rene, is even
in College life and parents’ generosity of spirit, which is
more strongly connected with Monte through the Central
reflected in the students. She thanked parents and said:
Desert trip. We thank Marshall Leaver for assistance in its
“I endeavoured to provide your daughters with the best
resources and quality of education that I could muster
Lauren Heath
with the significant help of an enabling College Board. I
P&F President
also sought to promote a sense of community with shared
[email protected]
By Sister Lecia RSM
Dear Friends,
Installation of Anthony Fisher as Ninth Archbishop of Sydney 12 November 2014
bringing new hope to our Church in need of reform.
Last week was indeed eventful. I witnessed the Installation of Archbishop Anthony Fisher, enjoyed the “Food for Thought”
function in our new O’Regan Arts and Cultural Common, and had the final Spirituality Lessons for Year 10 - all wondrously
woven into my ordinary daily life, as an experience of living in love in God’s Presence. I am sure you would have your own
tales to tell about how this happens for you. Some people call such things coincidences, but they could just as easily be
thought of as marks of God’s providential care and part of His loving plan for us.
Whether or not you were there among the thousands who gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral last Thursday night, 12 November
2014, you can still find information about the celebration by simply googling “Archbishop Anthony Fisher”. Seeing and
hearing him that night filled me with grateful joy and hope, because here was an energetic, courageous, joyful, wise and
holy man who truly loves people, cares deeply about our children, and longs to lead the Church through its current shame
into a brighter future, with the Church emerging humbler, more compassionate and spiritually renewed.
It is very much in our interests to be united in our response to the Archbishop’s request for our prayers, and to follow his
lead, as he takes up and continues his hefty responsibilities, so that he might always “speak the truth with love” (Ephesians
4:15) - as the motto on his coat of arms reminds him to do. Our new Archbishop would particularly like us to seek Our Lady’s
intercession on his behalf, as he tries to achieve, with our help, the vision he so clearly defined in his inspiring first homily.
On another plane, our end-of year appointments calendar is filling at such an alarming rate, that we clearly need to discern
what we can reasonably manage. To do that, we can consider our priorities and examine our motives, (in the Ignatian way).
Then we can take all these things to God in prayer, asking The Holy Spirit to guide our choices. While we are about it, we
would do well to share our concerns with Our Blessed Mother Mary, our Guardian Angels and Patron Saints. Remember
that Jesus cannot refuse His mother anything, because He loves her so much. With all this help, we can confidently decide
and then leave the outcome in God’s hands.
Let us now consider those invitations. They are important to the ones who sent them and a sign of their regard for us, so
why do we sometimes fail to acknowledge them? We can accept joyously, or decline graciously, sending a tiny explanation
of our inability to accept this time. If we do all this, we will be glorifying God by expressing our love and appreciation for
His people, even if we cannot be with them in person. What more could we desire?
Until next week, then, my best wishes for the survival of your equilibrium!
Sr Lecia RSM
By Stuart Hanrahan, Sports Program Manager
Sports Awards Dinner
On Wednesday evening 550 students, parents, coaches, staff
and guests crammed in to the McQuoin Centre to celebrate
the sporting achievements of Monte students from 2014.
Guest speaker and Commonwealth games swimming gold
medallist, Emma McKeon, was gracious, eloquent and
inspirational during her interview with Monte parent
I would like to congratulate the following Major Award
Kate Biviano (Year 12) and Jacinta Fisher (Year 11)
expertise. Mr Chester has a wonderful manner and style
Teacher) and Miss Maddie Bounds (Senior Leader) for
Contribution to Sport Awards: Lucy Dirou, Emma
Woods, Alysha Skerritt and Emma Mason all of
Year 12.
contribution made by two members of staff: Mr
in his interviews and as such brings out the very best in
the subject. I would like to thank Miss Eloise Ford (Monte
Junior Sportswoman of the Year: Olivia Carmody
(Year 9)
Mark Chester. I would like to thank Mr Chester for once
again availing the College of his time, professionalism and
Senior Sportswoman of the Year: Jointly awarded to
Kevin Watson and Mrs Glenys Paranihi.
Team of the Year: Jointly awarded to the Swimming
Senior Relay and the Senior Representative
acting as MC’s for the evening.
Basketball teams who can both claim to be the best
school teams in all of NSW.
Umpires of the Year: Elizabeth Russell and
Samantha Curtis (both Year 11)
Student Coach of the Year: Ella Boudakin (Year 11)
By Stuart Hanrahan, Sports Program Manager
You may recall me recently discussing the Australian Social
Justice Councils 2014-15 Statement – A Crown for Australia
Good luck to all of the teams in Waterpolo, Volleyball,
– Striving for the Best in our Sporting Nation. Last night
Basketball, Tennis and Touch Football who are playing
we focused on a number of the Steps that were outlined by
either semi-finals or Grand Finals tomorrow.
the Council in an effort to engage the Monte community in
the goals of the statement. We supported the #LikeAGirl
“Become who you are. It happens once in a lifetime.” --
campaign in order to challenge sexism in sport. If you
have not seen the campaign video I encourage you to take
a look
Stuart Hanrahan
Sports Program Manager
The Sports Captains also made ‘thank you’ speeches
directed at women who are involved in sport who have
shown positive values within those sports.
The following students also won major awards within their particular sports:
Performer of the Year 2014
Madeleine Urquhart
Senior Athlete of the Year 2014
Jacinta Fisher
Junior Athlete of the Year 2014
Sara Dougan
Senior Player of the Year 2014
Sara Anastasieska
Junior Player of the Year 2014
Yasmin Bamford
Cross Country - Junior
Runner of the Year 2014
Molly Quoyle
Cross Country - Senior
Runner of the Year 2014
Elizabeth Gerber
Dancer of the Year 2014
Samantha Murphy
Junior Player of the Year 2014
Elizabeth Gobee
Senior Player of the Year 2014
Emma Mason
Netball - 12 year old
Player of the Year 2014
Isobel Pike
Netball - 13 year old
Player of the Year 2014
Grace Baron-Hay
Netball - 14 year old
Player of the Year 2014
Abby McGrath
Netball - 15 year old
Player of the Year 2014
Olivia Carmody
Netball - Senior
Player of the Year 2014
Lucy Dirou
Competitor of the Year 2014
Kristina Hutchinson
Junior Player of the Year 2014
Hannah Peric
Senior Player of the Year 2014
Ciara O’Sullivan
Junior Player of the Year 2013/14
Siobhan Bennett
Senior Player of the Year 2013/14
Sophia Shatek
Swimmer of the Year 2014
Jacqui Schafer
Tae Kwon Do
Martial Artist of the Year 2014
Rebecca Frater-Baird
Junior Player of the Year 2013/14
Jacinta Milenkoski
Senior Player of the Year 2013/14
Christine Meagher
Tennis - Tildesley Shiled
Player of the Year 2014
Jacinta Milenkoski
Touch Football
Junior Player of the Year 2013/14
Harriet Phelps
Touch Football
Senior Player of the Year 2013/14
Ciara O’Sullivan
Volleyball - Junior
Player of the Year 2013
Harriet Gillson
Volleyball - Senior
Player of the Year 2013
Casey Lloyd
Volleyball - Junior
Player of the Year 2014
Charlotte Lloyd
Volleyball - Senior
Player of the Year 2014
Harriet Gillson
Waterpolo - Junior
Player of the Year 2014
Gabriella Taranto
Waterpolo - Senior
Player of the Year 2014
Kate Biviano
Join us for
Year 11 Parents
It’s not lost - it’s in Lost Property
There are many items in Lost Property that must be cleared
Friday, 5th December 2014
before the end of year, so PLEASE ask your daughters to
At The Firehouse Hotel
(Fireplace Lounge)
86 Walker Street, North Sydney
From 5:30pm
go to Reception and check Lost Property.
All items left in Lost Property will be disposed of at the
end of the term.
RSVP: Jill Polley ([email protected]) or 0417494078
Christmas Card Order Form
Image Copyright Zvonimir Atletic, 2012
Used under license from
Image Copyright Robert Young, 2011
Used under license from
Our Christmas
cards are printed
in Australia and
packed by the
Sisters of Mercy,
North Sydney.
The Mercy Foundation works to bring social justice
to all Australians. We are working to help end
chronic homelessness.
The Mercy Foundation works to bring social justice
to all Australians. We are working to help end
chronic homelessness.
For more information about the Mercy Foundation
go to
For more information about the Mercy Foundation
go to
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Design B
Behold, I bring you tidings of
great joy. Wishing you a Merry
Design C
May the peace and joy of
Christmas be with you today
and throughout the New Year
(Please note limited number
Season’s Greetings and Best
Wishes for the New Year.
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Design D
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Christmas be with you now
and throughout the coming
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* Cards may be picked up from the Mercy Foundation office at
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Please send your order to:
Thank you for your support.
Mercy Foundation
40 Rocklands Road
Crows Nest NSW 2065
The Mercy Foundation works to end chronic homelessness in Australia. Proceeds
from the sale of Christmas cards will go towards projects that help end
homelessness for the most vulnerable people living on our streets.
Or call 02 9911 7390 to place your order.
Email: offi[email protected]
Please visit our website to find out more about our work.
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