Sunday, November 23, 2014 Chilliwack United Church Reign of Christ Sunday 10:30 a.m. Gathering Song & Lighting the Christ Candle No. 187 MV (Verses 1 & 5) We give our thanks to God, we give our thanks to God, we give our thanks to God, we give our thanks to God, “We Give Our Thanks to God” We give our hearts to you, we give our hearts to you, we give our hearts to you, because you first loved us. Hymn No. 820 VU “Make a Joyful Noise” Anthem “You Are Holy” Time for the Young at Heart Prayer Hymn No. 59 MV “Alleluia, Praise to God” Psalm No. 100 No. 824 VU (Refrain #2) Hymn No. 575 VU “I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” -1- Sunday, November 23, 2014 Presentation of Our Offering Sung Response No. 542 VU We give you but your own, whate'er the gift may be; all that we have is yours alone, we give it gratefully. The Lord's Prayer (Sung) Hymn No. 211 VU No. 959 VU “Crown Him With Many Crowns” Sung Blessing No. 223 MV “We Will Go With God” - Sing Twice (You are invited to join hands with those around you to form a “blessings circle”) We will go with God! Ho, ho, ho! We will go with God! Ho, ho, ho! We will go with God! On this day of great joy we will go with God. On this day of great joy we will go with God. The church has a supply of hearing units for improved sound in the sanctuary. If you wish to use a set for the Sunday service, please pick one up from the sound booth at the back of the sanctuary. Announcements Leading the Service Today: Clergy; Rev. Heather Anderson Musician; Rod Swanson Music Director; Marilyn Taves Scripture Reader; Jack Stanley Welcome bags are available for children and youth in the entryway. They contain an activity and a simple craft for young people of various ages. We encourage young people to be a part of our worship service – to take in the Spirit at work in play, music and praise. Feel free to ask any of our greeters to help you find a bag that is just right for you! -2- Sunday, November 23, 2014 Large print copies of the hymn book (words only), Voices United, are available in the Narthex. Lectionary Readings for November 30, 2014 Advent I Isaiah 64:1-9 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Psalm 80:1-7,17-19 Mark 13:24-37 Budget Summary Average Weekly Revenue Required to Service our 2014 Operating Budget Average Weekly Revenue to October 31, 2014 Deficit as of October 31, 2014 Deficit as of October 31, 2013 Average Mission & Service Weekly Revenue Required to Service our 2014 Objective Average Mission & Service Weekly Revenue Received to October 31, 2014 Mission & Service Funds Received to Date – October 31, 2014 Mission & Service Funds Received to Date – October 31, 2013 $ 3,534.00 2,879.00 (23,149.00) (13,794.00) $ 211.00 211.00 9,159.00 9,215.00 For your information, complete regular Monthly Financial Statements are posted in the Narthex on the bulletin board next to the ramp. Keep on top of the latest news! Be sure to contact the church office at 604792-4634 or email [email protected] , and add your name to our email list! The Mission Ministry Unit is making small packages of toiletries to give out at our Saturday Manna Soup Kitchen. Donations of small bottles/containers of shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant and shaving cream -3- Sunday, November 23, 2014 would be so appreciated. Items can be left in the church office Monday to Friday, or at church on Sunday. If you would like more information, please call Iva at 604-792-6794. Animate: Faith Consider the BIG Questions of Faith Session Seven: “Church: An Imperfect Family” Guest DVD Speaker – Bruce Reyes-Chow Thursday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m. The Thrift Shop is accepting donations of Christmas items! Its time to start stocking up on items for the Christmas Season. Bring your donations of unwanted Christmas décor, holiday clothing, anything Christmas to the Thrift Shop during their hours of operation (Tuesdays 1-4 pm and Wednesday to Saturdays 10 am-4 pm) or to the church office. Christmas Decorating! It is just a little over two weeks before Advent and that means the church needs to be decorated by November 30. The plan is to do it on Thursday, November 27 at 9:00 a.m. Anyone willing to help, your extra hands will be gratefully appreciated. Please let me know as soon as you can if you can help, talk to Marilyn Taves at church on Sunday or call her at 604-8587467 or email her at [email protected] Breakfast in Bethlehem Sunday, November 30 at 9:00 a.m. Tickets: $3.00 for Adults, Children are Free Come enjoy a hot breakfast at the Bethlehem Inn and shopping in the Bethlehem Market. Tickets available this morning in the Narthex or during the week from the church office. -4- Sunday, November 23, 2014 Starting Monday, December 1 - Advent Take Five every weekday in Advent, 11:45 to 11:55 a.m. Whoever is in the building will be welcomed into the sanctuary for 10 minutes of Advent Prayer time. If you are in the building at that time, join Heather and Lynn in the Sanctuary. Ken Lavigne's Christmas Album Concert Thursday, December 11, 2014 Chilliwack Cultural Centre 7:00 p.m. Get your tickets now before they're all gone!! This is a HUGE fundraiser for our church and a wonderful opportunity to listen to Christmas music sung by a powerful tenor. Ken Lavigne has visited our church in the past and was enjoyed by all who came. Tell all your family and friends, better still bring them with you. Only $25.00 for an incredible evening filled with Christmas spirit. Naramata Centre is at a crossroads! It has exhausted its financial resources. The Board of Directors has initiated a campaign to raise $500,000.00 by the end of November, 2014 in order to prevent the Centre from closing in two months. The Board and Management of the Centre at Naramata recognize that drastic, fundamental change is required to repurpose the Centre under a financially sustainable model. Board and Management will be consulting with stakeholders in the next few weeks to realize a future for the Centre. The Chilliwack United Church Choir presents the Christmas Cantata “Behold the Star” on Wednesday, December 17 at 7:00 p.m. in our sanctuary here at Chilliwack United Church. Put on your best listening ears and enjoy an evening of the Nativity set to music. Admission is by donation. Gifts With Vision: A great way to give a meaningful gift in your name or someone on your Christmas List. Catalogues are in the Narthex and the church office. -5- Sunday, November 23, 2014 You are invited to a presentation by Lea Froese of the Cyrus Centre in Chilliwack at Carman United Church in the Sanctuary on Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m. The Outreach Committee at Carman would like to support this endeavour in 2015. Tuesday, November 25th is the monthly meeting of their Namrac (United Church Women) group and Lea is their speaker. She will do a power point presentation for about one hour followed by coffee and cookies in the lounge. DID YOU KNOW: First United Mission is presenting an Aboriginal Speakers’ Series for the next several weeks on Friday afternoons. Email [email protected] for more information. Chilliwack United Church Monday, November 24 to Sunday, November 30 Monday, November 24 No meetings scheduled for today. Tuesday, November 25 1:00 Thrift Shop 7:00 Choir Practice – Come make a joyful noise! Wednesday, November 26 9:00 Deadline for newsletter submissions 10:00 Thrift Shop Open 10:30 Drop In Bible Study Thursday, November 27 10:00 Thrift Shop Open 7:00 “Animate: Faith” - Session 7 Friday, November 28 10:00 Craft Group – Everyone welcome! Bring your craft project to work on. 10:00 Thrift Shop Open Saturday, November 29 10:00 Thrift Shop Open 12:00 Soup Kitchen Sunday, November 30 – Advent I 9:00 Breakfast in Bethlehem 10:30 Sunday School & All Ages Worship Service -6- Sunday, November 23, 2014 Ongoing Announcements Salvation Army Food Bank Collection of non-perishable food items for the local food bank is ongoing. Bring your donations year round and leave them in the barrel in the Narthex. Boston Pizza fundraiser! BP will donate 5% of your bill (before tax and gratuity) back to our church. Write “Chilliwack United Church” on the back of your bill and leave it with your server. Anyone can do it! Invite friends and family to participate. The Mission & Service Fund of the United Church of Canada supports mission projects and emergency responses across Canada and around the world. We encourage you to consider donating your loose change this morning to the Mission & Service Fund. -7- Sunday, November 23, 2014 Minute for Mission: Rainbow Ministry How many of us have been rejected by our families, friends, and communities? How many of us have been kicked out of our homes for being who we are? How many of us have been rejected by our children? For members of the LGBTTQQ community, these are all-tooreal scenarios. LGBTTQQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Queer, and Questioning. Rainbow Ministry is an outreach ministry of Winnipeg Presbytery in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We work exclusively with the LGBTTQQ community. We have presented workshops and led discussions in churches around affirming and inclusivity issues in the church. Our work includes giving workshops at the Manitoba province-wide Gay/Straight Alliance conference, speaking at rallies, and providing pastoral care in the community, Bible studies, discussion groups, and a presence at Winnipeg’s Pride celebrations. For many members of the LGBTTQQ community the church is a place of pain, hurt, and anger. We work with people to show the love of God to all, to show that there are places of faith where all are accepted for who they are born to be. The moment we say the word “church” or “God,” many people pull back—even if they are missing the spiritual in their lives—due to the pain of the past. We are working to overcome this pain and to find a spiritual home for all. Your gifts for Mission and Service help to offer a compassionate community and healing for all God’s people. Please give generously. Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you. -8-
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