United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Upper Darby, PA 19082 Permit #77 1108 Steel Road Havertown, PA 19083-3211 Return Service Requested November 2014 The Messenger News From Outreach Operation Christmas Child Great news!!! We have enough shoeboxes, so now we need the following items for ages 5 to 15: Toys Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, yo-yos, jump ropes, jewelry, etc. (NO guns) “The Messenger” is published 11 times a year by Hope United Methodist Church, located at Steel and Eagle Roads in Havertown. Worship each Sunday begins at 11:00 am and includes Childcare and Children’s Sunday School. Each week, Adult Sunday School meets at 9:45 a.m. and Youth Sunday School at 10:00 am. Our Pastor, James F. McIntire, can be reached by calling the church office, 610.446.3351 or his cell phone, 267-257-9541 or by Email at [email protected]. The church office hours regularly are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us at any service or special event. Learn more about us at our website: www.HavHopeUMC.org Catch the Spirit! Hygiene Toothbrushes, bar soap, combs (NO toothpaste, NO washcloths-have enough)) School Supplies Pencils/sharpeners, writing paper/tablets, coloring books, picture books, picture cards (NO crayons-have enough) Other Socks, gloves, hats, ball caps, sunglasses, hair accessories If it is not convenient for you to shop or you would like to contribute to the postage of the shoeboxes, donations are greatly appreciated. As this is the only gifts these children receive at Christmas, we feel it is a wonderful way to spread God’s love. Thank you so much for your support, Doris Peabody, Lyn Medica, Joan Cottier for The Outreach Committee Interfaith Thanksgiving Service The Haverford Township Ministerium is holding the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 23rd, at the St. Raphaela Center, 616 Coopertown Rd., Haverford at 7:00 p.m. HOPE FOOD BANK UPDATE Thanks to the Haverford High School football team we are well stocked in canned soups and vegetables. They just happened to be passing by when the Food Bank was open - on their way to another drop off destination - when they saw our signs! They decided to drop off what they had collected to us! What luck - and blessings! Thanks to all for your generosity! 2 11 14 15 16 17 18 23 25 30 Sunday Worship held in Sanctuary 11:00 a.m. All Saints Remembrance Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Communion Sunday Casseroles for St. John Hospice 7:30 p.m. Thomas Hall Kitchen Fundraiser for the Stango Children’s Fund Food Bank 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Food Cupboard Trustee Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Harvest Home Sunday Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at St. Raphaela Center Church Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. Facts Session 10:00 a.m First Sunday of Advent –Communion Prayer Group on Fridays at 1:00 p.m. in the Roush Room Sign Up Sheets Please take a few moments and look at the following sheets in back of Jones Chapel: Altar Flowers and last but not least the “Sunday Greeters” list. The Church Office is always looking for volunteers to be Greeters, Lay Readers and Ushers. Take a look at all the lists to see if there are dates that you would like to dedicate Altar Flowers to loved ones and be a greeter, consider being a Lay Reader/or Usher. Please call the church office and speak to the Secretary who will advise where the need is for Ushers and Lay Reader. Thank you!! Please take a few moments and look at the following sheets in the Jones Chapel Narthex: • Altar Flowers • Greeters • Bulletin Sponsors November Birthdays 2 John Dunn Steven Sneddon 5 Glenn Downs 6 Sonja Kerr 7 Joan Cottier 9 Barbara AmEisen Anna Mae Wren 16 William Abrams, Jr. 17 John Wren, Jr. 18 Christopher Ehrhart Linda Abrams 19 Keith Lipton 21 Richard Carlin 26 Chase Elizabeth Carlin 28 Larry Sneddon 30 Leah Hatchigian ALL ARTICLES FOR THE MESSENGER ARE DUE IN THE CHURCH OFFICE BY THE 15th OF EACH MONTH. Any items received after the 15th will appear in the following month’s mailing. 2 9 16 23 30 J. Miles P. Cutillo M. G. Emmett D. AmEisen D. Romero USHERS 2 W. Irving 9 J. Engler, R. Brunner, J. Deegan 16 M. Cosgrove 23 W. Hoyle, W. Irving 30 J. Engler, D. Molnar, J. Hoyle, P. Cutillo OFFERING COUNTERS 2 J. Engler, C.Hoffmann 9 P. Jacobs, R. Brunner 16 M. Cosgrove, L. Magro, D. AmEisen e th e F u for t e! ur Ultimate Wellness held every Tuesday and Thursday 6:15 to 7:30 p.m Serving in November Hop November Schedule 23 L. Medica, H. Scheck 30 L. Medica, H. Scheck ACOLYTES 2 E. Wojnovich 9 A. Mattoon 16 A. Stango 23 T.J. Osborne 30 M. G., Popky Casseroles for the Homeless The second Tuesday of each month casseroles for St. John Hospice are made in the Thomas Hall kitchen, thanks to Kathy Reisch and her helpers. All volunteers are welcome. The next date is Novembe 11, 2014 at 7:30 p.m GREETERS NEEDED November 2 - 9 - 16 - 23 - 30 d CHILDCARE: K. Kramer COMMUNION STEWARD FOR NOVEMBER: Kathy Cherwinski One and all thank you for volunteering Narthex Nosh The Narthex Nosh will begin some time in the fall after the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Volunteers please contact Joanne Miles – [email protected]. Thank you. Hope UMC is Selling Gift Cards to Support Our Capital Campaign Please consider support of the Capital Campaign through use of the Shop With Script Program. You can benefit Hope through purchase of a large inventory of Gift Cards. It’s a win for all. No extra cost to you and benefit to Hope. Purchase can be made by one of three methods: Sign up for a Family Account at http://www.shopwithscrip.com/ Enrollment Code – 73A8EB3D34865 E-mail your order to [email protected] or call Joanne Miles 610-449-9864 or the church office 610-446-3351 MORE NEWS from OUTREACH! November is upon us and the guests of Connect by Night are gone for another year. This event is not without a few surprises, but mainly we are amazed at the number of folks that come to sleep in our church. Every year there are more, this year they averaged around 45 to 50 but one night there were 55 and I suspect as the month went on and the weather got colder the numbers increased. I was surprised at the number of women and young men. Harold and I did meet the vans as they came in one evening and I talked with several of the folks. One little, elderly lady told me that she was grateful to be sleeping in our church as she and her daughter had lost their home. She hoped it was temporary as she didn’t like getting up at 5:00AM. However, they were grateful for a safe place to sleep and the daughter wanted the congregation to know they appreciated the snacks. To the HOPE Family, I believe we have been helping these folks since 1993 that I am aware of and each year the numbers increase. We started out with Shepherd’s Place and now Connect by Night. The items most requested continue to be toiletries (deodorant, body wash, razors, lotion, foot powder, body wipes, chapstick, etc), snacks (cookies, protein bars, crackers, nuts, coffee, etc), water enhancers (i.e., Crystal Lite, Mio), paperback books, sports magazines, socks, etc. To everyone who supplied snacks and a beverage, our heartfelt thanks. A big thank you to Kevin Kramer, who cooked and supplied a meal for the guests and also to our neighbors at Sacred Heart who supplied treats for two nights during the month. Carl Parker, who was once a homeless person and is now a member of staff and has turned his life around, wanted to specifically share with me, how much he and his staff missed Nick Stango. He wanted us to know just how much they all missed Nick and his association with them. There will be a Toy Barrel in the narthex from Nov. 19th to Dec. 17th. The Community Action Agency of Delaware Co. will be collecting toys for distribution to children in their emergency shelters over the holidays. If you are able, purchase a toy, book, gift card, etc. and drop it in the Toy Barrel. November is shoebox month for Operation Christmas Child, date for filling the shoeboxes November 13. Doris Peabody/Pat Cutillo Outreach Committee Many thanks to all of you once again for your generous support of our young men and women serving in the military in the Middle East. The number of troops there has decreased greatly, but we still have many soldiers stationed there and they really deserve our support and remembrances. I continue to send 2 boxes about every 6 weeks, and all of the items you have contributed have been much appreciated. We have received 4 new thank you notes from 3 soldiers [SSgt Andrew Smith and Cpl Tania Braxton (Afghanistan), LtCol Gordon Hannett (Kuwait)] who received our boxes, and the notes (signed by many of the soldiers) are posted on the tri-fold display in the Narthex. I hope you will take a moment to read these ThankYou notes, and realize how much your contributions have been appreciated. Although each box is sent to one soldier, the items are shared and available to all soldiers in the units, depending on their needs. I am assembling special boxes for Christmas and would like to include some Christmas cards from many of you, so please write a card and drop it in the basket in the Narthex. Other Christmas snacks would also be appreciated—(decorated cookies, cupcakes, candy, etc), or some handheld games. Let’s make sure they know that they are remembered, especially during Christmas when they are away from family and friends. Again, thank you for thinking of our soldiers who are far from home and for all the items you donate for them, and keep them in your prayers, Outreach Committee Linda Gonzales Food Bank The Food Bank is open the third Saturday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The next date is November 15th. Note: Each guest will be provided with 2 bags for shopping. Almost all items were depleted,October 18h. We must replenish for the November 15th Food Bank. Please consider contributing: November Food Bank Needs Canned Fruit & Vegetables Canned Soup Fruit Juice Canned Fruit Pasta & Pasta sauce Rice Hamburger Helper/Tuna Helper Breakfast Cereal Pancake Mix & Syrup Peanut Butter Jelly/Jams/Preserves Instant Oatmeal Packets Baby Diapers Coffee (instant and ground) Sugar Powdered Milk Cooking Oil Flour Mustard/Ketchup/Mayonnaise (medium sizes) Canned Tuna Canned Chicken Infant Formula (milk based) Diapers Plastic Wrap & Aluminum Foil Shampoo & Body Wash Toothpaste & Toothbrushes Toilet Paper Laundry & Dish Detergent Paper Towels Deodorant (Men’s and Women’s) Plastic Bags Remember No Glass Containers f Currently, we do not need baby food ENVELOPES FOR 2015 will be in the Narthex beginning December 7th, 2014. Remember, if you want credit for your contributions please use your Sunday envelopes, this will help the counters apply the contributions to the correct member/number. Any contributions received after Sunday, December 28th, 2014 will automatically be posted to your 2015 statement. Thank you.
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