The Parish of Broughton St John Baptist Parish Church, Church Lane, Broughton St Martin's Chapel, Broadway, Fulwood St Peter's Chapel, Meadowfield, Fulwood Vicar: The Rev'd Shaun Baldwin Tel: 01772 862330 Email: [email protected] Assistant Curate: The Rev'd Pauline Taylor (Deacon) Tel: 01772 774634 23rd November 2014 - Christ the King Welcome to Broughton Parish! If you are a visitor and are a communicant member of your home church you are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Alternatively, you may wish to receive a blessing from the priest. If you are new to the parish please give your name and address to the Celebrant or to one of the Churchwardens or Sidespersons. We hope that you enjoy today's worship and will join us again. Services during the week Holy Communion Wednesday at 10am in St John's church Friday at 10am in St Martin's chapel Morning Prayer Friday at 8.30am in St John's church Prayers for the Sick and the Departed Will you please contact Father Shaun with the names of anyone who needs our prayers. Also, if you know of anyone who will appreciate a pastoral visit or Holy Communion at home or in hospital please contact Father Shaun. Baptism and Wedding Enquiries Please make your initial enquiry at the Hoggarth Room in the Parish Hall, Broadway. The office is staffed every Friday between 10am and 12 noon. Telephone 01772 713880. Banns of Marriage Rachel Kathryn Kirkham Eves & Benjamin Fox #2 Readings for Today's Eucharist Ezekiel 34,11-16,20-24: Centuries since the completion of the conquest of the Promised Land, affairs are in a sorry state. Due to bad kings – called shepherds here – Judah is now subject to Babylonian rule, and while some Israelites have been deported, others have scattered far and wide. Ephesians 1.15-23: Paul has written of the Father’s wisdom and insight in making known to us his will, his plan for completion of the restoration of the faithful to oneness with him, as told by Jesus. That both Jews and Gentiles share so much he sees as a milestone in this plan. Matthew 25.31-46: Jesus tells us the kind of conduct, of morality, towards others expected of the faithful – and the consequences of not caring for others. This afternoon… We welcome choirs from the Lancashire Area of the Royal School of Church Music for a 'Come and Sing' event, culminating in Choral Evensong at 6.30pm, to which everyone is welcome. Saints Days and Commemorations Tuesday: St Catherine of Alexandria, Martyr Isaac Watts, Hymn Writer Friends of St. Peter's School Christmas Fair Next Saturday 29th November 11.00am-1.30pm at St. Peter's school All the usual stalls and Father Christmas. We hope to see you! Parish Christingle Service Next Sunday 30th November at 4.00pm Please put the Christingle in your diary and spread the word among your family and friends. Start Advent as you mean to go on as you prepare to welcome Christ the Light of the World this Christmas. Proceeds of the Christingle service will support the work of The Children's Society. Parish Christmas Fair Saturday 6th December 11.00am in the Parish Hall Entry by donation Let's see the whole Parish at this year's Christmas Fair! All the usual stalls will be there - books, toys, cakes, sweets, bottles, cards, raffle, tombola, plants, jewellery, raffles, lucky dips, hampers, Christmas puddings, even some early Christmas cheer! You won't go hungry as hot dogs and other tasty treats will be served. The bell-ringers will be there with their Christmassy music whilst you enjoy your lunch. Father Christmas has put us into his busy schedule and he'll be there until 12.00 noon to hear what the little ones would like to receive on Christmas Day. As with last year there will be no 'private' stalls, only those who donate all profit to the parish. PS: If anyone would like to make a cake (or a few small ones!) the Mothers Union would be very pleased to sell them as part of their traditional cake stall. Ho-Ho-Ho!!! Teddy-Bola at the Christmas Fair Do you want to make space in your house? Could you part with those soft toys the children don't want any more? We are hoping to do a Teddy Tombola stall at the Christmas Fair on 6th December and we need clean soft toys to put on the stall. This includes teddies or any other soft toys in good condition. Toys can be dropped off at 3 Cross Green Road, Fulwood PR2 9QU (just off Yewlands Ave) or phone Kath Finlayson on 01772 717277 and we'll collect them. Books Wanted for the Book Stall at the Parish Christmas Fair on Saturday 6th December. Please bring them on the day, or phone Paul Cross 719394 who can collect them. Sides People and Christmas Fair Tombola It's that time of year again when Sides People are invited to contribute to the Tombola Stall. There are boxes at the worship centres for your contributions. Thanks in anticipation of your help. Advent at Blackburn Cathedral Saturday 29th November 2014, 10am-3pm An Advent Quiet Day: "The God who Comes" Led by Fr John Michael OFM and Rev’d Canon Dr Ian Stockton Sunday 7th December at 6.30pm "From Darkness to Light" An Advent Carol Service For more information please visit the Cathedral website: Broughton WI Christmas Afternoon Tea Wednesday 26th November 1.30pm to 3.00pm at the Hall on Whittingham Lane. Raffle and stalls. Tickets £1 inc. tea and mince pie. Deanery Synod Meets on Thursday 27 November at 7.00pm in the School Hall. The Next Parish Lunch… is at the Windmill Tavern, Salwick on 30th November at 12.45pm For more details please phone Janet Huggan 718453 Church Flowers for Christmas Donations are welcomed and will be gratefully received for flowers for Christmas -- and throughout the year -- to decorate church. Sunday School Nativity Plays St John's: 11am on Sunday 14th December St Peter's: 9.30am on Sunday 21st December St Martin's: 9.30am on Sunday 21st December The Nativity will be the focal point of the morning worship in all three worship centres. Please support the children of our parish and their Sunday School leaders by giving them your presence, your prayers, and your praise! Parish Choir Carol Concerts An informal evening of Readings and Carols for Audience and Choir Performances are on Monday 15th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th December at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall, Broadway, Fulwood. Tickets: £6.00 for adults and £1.00 for children, including seasonal refreshments. Tickets are available from Mr Anthony Dean Tel. 01772 794851, or from any Chorister. Don’t leave booking until the last minute; there were a lot of disappointed people last year… …and remember to come in good voice! Anne's Famous Puddings…on sale in Church! Christmas Puddings: 2lb - £9.50; 1lb - £5.50; individual - £2 Sponge Puddings: chocolate, ginger, sticky toffee: All £5.50 All proceeds in aid of church funds. Thanks Anne! PCC and Parish 'Away Day' We had a very prayerful, fruitful and enjoyable day last Saturday. The whole day was rooted in Holy Scripture as we prayed about our parish, rejoicing in the many blessing we enjoy, the many good things that are happening, and also identifying many other things that we'd like to see emerging in and around the parish. There is a Summary Sheet of the day available in all three worship centres, and on the parish website. Also, in each of the worship centres you'll see a tree with coloured leaves and bulbs, and around it are more details about the theme and structure of the day. PCC would like you to add your thoughts and ideas to the tree. So you'll find some paper leaves and bulbs waiting for you to write on. The green leaves signify the good things, the life that you can see in and around the parish. The yellow leaves signify those areas that you think might be a little jaded, but could be re-invigorated. The orange leaves signify those areas that you think have died and have had their day. We give thanks for them, but we move on. Finally, the bulbs signify the areas of new growth and life that you think need to be planted, nurtured and cultivated in and around the parish. Fr Shaun will speak at St John's and St Peter's about the away day, the tree, and what happens next. Derek Millbank, Churchwarden, will speak at St Martin's. PCC wants your feedback and involvement! So please listen carefully, think and pray, and add your thoughts and ideas to the tree in your worship centre. We'll collate all the feedback and will begin to draw up a list of parish needs and priorities. Whilst we're doing this, the Consultancy Firm will be starting their analysis and appraisal of our parish finances and assets, and we will report back their findings in due course. Mega Messy Christingle in Preston Minster Saturday 29 November from 3.30pm-5.30pm
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