Australian Journal of Industry Research SCIE Journals Inheritance of Protein Content and Grain Yield in Half Diallel Maize ( Zea Mays L.) Populations Gül Ebru Orhun Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Bayramiç Vocational College. Çanakkale – TURKEY Email: [email protected] Abstract A half dialellcrossing design was carried out during 2011 and 2012 growing seasons under Çanakkale Turkey ecological conditions. In this research, 20 F1 maize hybrids obtained by 6x6 half diallel crossing were used. Gene action for protein content and grain yield traits were explored in half set involving six elite inbred lines. According to the results diallel analysis dominance and additive gene variances were determined for protein content. Variance/ Co-variance graphs revealed for grain yield and protein content traits. In this study, inheritance of grain yield and protein content demonstrated over-dominance type of gene action. Key words: protein, maize (Zea mays L.) , dominance, diallel , inheritance Introduction Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the major cereal crops as raw material for the industry. In 2010, maize production was 704 million tons; while in 2007, it was estimated to reach 800 million tons. Maize, with a remarkable productive potential among the cereals, is the third most important grain crop after wheat and rice ( Saleem et. al. 2008). Maize is used for human consumption (20%), livestock feed (66%), and for industrial purposes (10%). The ratio protein content in maize kernels strongly impacts human and livestock health, but is a complex trait that is difficult to select based on phenotype (Burlingame et. al. 2009). The production of 817 million tons of maize in 2009 (Anoumyous 2009) makes it one of the most important crops in the world, and that is projected to be the largest source of calories in the human diet by 2020 (Rosegrant Maize cultivars have a wide diversity of genetic traits. Grain yield is a complex phenomenon which results from the interaction of various contributing factors highly influenced by environmental variation. Maize breeders and researchers have long recognized the potential for higher grain yield and protein content in maize. Inheritance of maize grain yield and quality depends on knowledge of the genetic mechanism governing related traits. Diallel cross technique developed by Hayman(1954) and Jinks(1954). Hayman (1954) and Jinks (1954) developed diallel cross technique that provides information on the inheritance mechanism. The technique helps the maize breeders to make effective selection. Diallel crossing programmes estimates combining ability of parents, gene effects and heterotic effects of population. Dominance gene action is desirable for developing hybrids and additive gene action implies that standard selection protocols would be effective enough in breeding about improving the character (Edwards et al.,1976). Srdic et al. (2007) reported that dominant gene effects were significant in maize grain yield. Wattoo et al. (2009) reported that protein contents in kernel were controlled by additive type for gene action. The purpose of this work is to investigate the inheritance and to determine gene actions of the protein level and grain yield in the half diallel maize population. Materials and Methods In this study, 20 F1 hybrids obtained by 6x6 half diallel crossing and six inbred dent corn were used as the material. The experiments were conducted in randomized block design with 4 replicates. This study was carried out in Çanakkale ecological conditions 2011 and 2012 growing season. First year 6 pattern The plots were represented by 4 rows, and 5m long. Cultural practices were consistent with the production of maize at Australian Society for Commerce Industry & Engineering 31 Australian Journal of Industry Research SCIE Journals this location. Ears of plants were harvested by hand at the time of maturation. Then the grains were separated from the cobs and dried to 15% moisture content. Protein contents (%) in kernel were calculated by Kejdahl method as described by Kirk and Sawyer (1991). Protein percentage was calculated by multiplying nitrogen percentage with 6.25.The grains were threshed by hand. Data pertaining to grain yield and protein contents (%) in kernel were statistically analyzed according to Steel and Torrie (1960) method, using the Tarpopgen computer packaged program. Correlation coefficients were also calculated using the Tarpopgen packaged program. Characters showing significant differences among the genotypes were further analyzed for gene action by using diallel technique developed by Hayman (1954) and Jinks (1954).Data obtained from 6 parents and 20 F1 were analyzed by Jinks-Hayman type diallel analysis for genetic parameters (Jinks and Hayman, 1953). The analyses were performed using the Tarpopgen program ( Özcan 1999). Resullts and Discussion Grain Yield Per Decare: Analysis of variance indicated that the differences among the genotypes were highly significant (P<0.05) (Table 1). Vr/Wr graph was shown in Figure 1. From the graphical presentation in Figure 2, it is apparent that the regression line passes below the point of origin. The graph shows over-dominance type of gene action in the inheritance of grain yield. The results corroborate the findings of Wattoo (2009), Orhun(2010), who reported that this trait was under the control of over-dominance type of gene action. It is apparent from the graphical illustration that inbred lines 1.2.3 possessed most dominant genes being in close vicinity to the point of origin. Inbred line 5 being away from the point of origin carried most recessive genes. As it is presented in Table dominance gene variance and additive gene variance were found significant statistically. The frequency of dominant and recessive allels was found 0.29. In population, narrow and broad sense heritability obtained 0.39 and 0.79, respectively. Being so low of narrow sense suggested that additive gene was not playing an important role for grain yield. Table 1 Preliminary analysis of variance grain yield Source of variation Degrees of freedom Mean Squares F value Replication 3 148396. 351 8.626* Genotype 20 459105.632 26.686* Error 60 17203.799 Total 83 Protein contents in grain (%) Analysis of variance in Table 2., indicated that the differences among the genotypes were highly significant (P< 0.05). Vr/Wr is shown in Figure 2. From the graphical presentation (Figure 1), it is evident that the regression line passes below the point of origin which suggests the over dominance type of gene action for this character. As the regression line did not show any significant deviation from the unit slope, it showed the absence of gene interaction. It is evident from the relative position of the array points on the regression line that inbred 4,1,2 being nearer to the point of origin possessed maximum dominant genes, while inbred line 6 being away from the origin, carried more recessive genes. D parameter was significant, which shows additive type of gene action for this character also (Table3). The result of this research supported by those of Shabbir and Saleem (2002), Mebrahtu and Muhammed (2003) and Wattoo et. al. (2009), who demonstrated that protein contents in kernel was controlled by additive type of gene action.As it is presented in Table 3. dominance gene variance (H1, H2) and heterozygote locus effect (h2) were found significant statistically. The frequency of dominant and recessive allels were found 0.32. In population, narrow and broad sense heritability obtained 0.04 and 0.59, respectively. Being so low of narrow sense suggested that additive gene was not playing an important role for protein content. Australian Society for Commerce Industry & Engineering 32 Australian Journal of Industry Research SCIE Journals Table 2 Preliminary analysis of variance protein content Source of variation Degrees of freedom Mean Squares Replication 1 0.095 Genotype 20 4.574 Error 20 0.745 Total 41 F value 6.137* Table 3 Genetic variances components and regarding ratios for protein content and grain yield Genetic Parameters Protein content D (additive genetic variance) 1,54±0,744* H1 ( dominance variance) 6,48±1,889* H2(corrected dominance variance) 7,54±1,687* F -0,54±1,818 5,51±1,136* H2 ( heterozygote locuse effect) E ( environment effect) 0,36±0,281 D-H1 -4,94±1,656 2,05 (H1/D)1/2 H2/4H1 KD/KR 0,29 0,84 Heritability degree ( Broad sense) 0,59 Heritability degree (narrow sense) 0.04 K ( gene number) 0.68 Yr, Wr+Vr r=0,960 Grain yield 163.237,66±60.859,734* 276.810,42± 154.497,976 351.250,08±138.016,905* 44.559,54± 148.680,393 42.713,76± 92.894,485 5.862,77± 23.002,817 -113.572,76± 135.491,173 1,30 0,32 1,23 0,79 0,39 0,12 r= 0.891 *) : 0.05 significant Australian Society for Commerce Industry & Engineering 33 Australian Journal of Industry Research SCIE Journals Figure 1 Wr-Vr graph for protein content Figure 2 Wr-Vr graph for grain yield Australian Society for Commerce Industry & Engineering 34 Australian Journal of Industry Research SCIE Journals Conclusion It was concluded that grain yield and protein content traits were controlled by additive and non-additive genes. 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