FEZ Tinker Kit BETA DRAFT 0.2 November 17, 2014 Getting Started FEZ Tinker Kit – Connect Components, Run the Program. – Have Fun G H I E l e c t r o n i c s GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit By GHI Electronics LLC. The world's leading vendor of .NET Gadgeteer and .NET Micro Framework hardware and software. “Where hardware meets software” BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 2 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Table of Contents Table of Contents 1.Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................4 2.Helpful Notes for Your Gadgets...................................................................................................................................................................7 3.Everybody's First Project: Hello World.........................................................................................................................................................8 4.The Second Program: Input.......................................................................................................................................................................16 5. Graphics....................................................................................................................................................................................................20 5.First Responder Traffic Control..................................................................................................................................................................24 5.1.The Project.......................................................................................................................................................................................24 5.2.Technicalities. The .NET Gadgeteer Framework..............................................................................................................................28 6.A Sensor Logger........................................................................................................................................................................................31 6.1.The Project.......................................................................................................................................................................................31 6.2.Missing Declarations.........................................................................................................................................................................34 6.3.Collecting Data.................................................................................................................................................................................36 IntelliSense.......................................................................................................................................................................................37 Watch What You Are Stepping Into..................................................................................................................................................39 Keeping it Tidy While it Grows..........................................................................................................................................................40 7.Solutions to Resource Challenges.............................................................................................................................................................42 8.Epilogue.....................................................................................................................................................................................................44 9.Resources In The Cloud............................................................................................................................................................................45 10.Updating Flash Software..........................................................................................................................................................................47 10.1.Check Firmware Compatibility with SDK .......................................................................................................................................47 10.2.Updating TinyBooter.......................................................................................................................................................................49 10.3.Updating TinyCLR...........................................................................................................................................................................52 11.Revision History and Acknowledgments..................................................................................................................................................53 12.Legal Notice.............................................................................................................................................................................................54 Disclaimer...............................................................................................................................................................................................54 Do Not Use Info 2 Page 3 of 54 www.ghielectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Introduction 1. Introduction Your Tinker Kit uses .NET Gadgeteer as its programming framework. What is .NET Gadgeteer? • A software and hardware standard developed by Microsoft and released as open source. • A method of creating projects consisting of a processor board, the “Mainboard,” and one or more modules (devices for sensing, controlling, and communicating). • A point and click development environment that uses a visual designer -- pictures of the Mainboard and modules are selected and connected. Application source code is automatically generated from the final diagram. A Gadgeteer module on the left, a Gadgeteer Mainboard on the right. A cable connects sockets between the module and the mainboard. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 4 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Introduction .NET Gadgeteer simplifies embedded development, projects are up and running in minutes instead of days. You will enjoy: • No soldering, no breadboards (until you want to). • A state of the art programming environment with built-in help, easy and fast debugging. • Software libraries that contain all the necessary interfaces to work with hardware devices; independent of underlying, often complicated, circuits and communications. • An application loading procedure that takes one click of the mouse. The projects in this book are easy, fun and quick! That doesn't mean your Tinker Kit applications are limited to these examples – .NET Gadgeteer uses a powerful underlying system, “.NET Micro Framework,” (NETMF). Gadgeteer was designed to make using NETMF easier. All Gadgeteer modules and mainboards use C# drivers which utilize NETMF to perform the actual work. NETMF has a huge number of libraries. The libraries support embedded hardware controls and interfaces, such as: • GPIO, • Analog In/Out • Serial (UART) • One-wire • SPI • I2C • CAN When you are ready for advanced feaures, your applications can use: • Networking (TCP/IP), DHCP, HTML, Wireless • SQLite Database • USB Host: input from joysticks, keyboards, mice, printers and more • USB Client: simulate a USB keyboard , mouse, etc. • In-Field update Even though designed for education and hobbyists, .NET Gadgeteer is powerful enough that it has been adopted worldwide by engineers for Rapid Prototyping of commercial and scientific devices. NETMF based designs are found in many mass produced products. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 5 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Introduction The availability of advanced features may vary between mainboards due to hardware constraints. Project source code for examples in this book are found at https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/src/Tinker_Kit_Examples.zip BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 6 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Helpful Notes for Your Gadgets 2. Helpful Notes For Your Gadgets Make it the Latest and Greatest The required Software Development Kits (SDKs) for .NET Gadgeteer projects are: • Microsoft Visual Studio (VS), supporting C# and/or Visual Basic • Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer and .NET Micro Framework for VS • GHI Electronics' .NET Gadgeteer package. We are constantly improving and adding features! Make sure you are using the best! Current versions and installation instructions are on GHI's “Support for .NET Gadgeteer“ website. Feeling Lost? This manual contains active hyperlinks. If you are reading a printed copy, the URLs are listed in the Resources In The Cloud chapter. Mix-n-Match the Hardware For the example projects, we use the FEZ Cerberus Tinker Kit. The projects will work on any FEZ Gadgeteer Mainboard with minor, or no, changes. Good news! – if you use the Gadgeteer Visual Designer (discussed below) many changes are automatic! Perfection is not the Goal • To keep examples small and to the point, efficiency, robustness, and good programming style are sacrificed. • Sometimes, in topics beyond the scope of this book” we may over simplify. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 7 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World 3. Everybody's First Project: Hello World Whenever you are using a new programming language, a new hardware system, or change development environments, task one is to develop and run a small application. For the .NET Gadgeteer tinker kit we'll blink the LED that is found on every mainboard and print a string to Visual Studio's Output window. An important part of embedded programming is the requirement that the versions of “firmware” on the processor match the development SDKs. If you know your processor matches the requirements of the SDK; just keep reading; otherwise, please see the Updating Flash Software chapter. Launch Visual Studio, Design the Gadget's Hardware Run Visual Studio (VS). On the left click New Project... , select the Gadgeteer template, in the Name field be sure to type “HelloLED” , exactly (letters are case sensitive)! This is important so that you can copy the sample code below and paste it into visual studio without having to make any modifications. The name HelloLED is used by VS as the namespace for your program. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 8 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World When you click OK Visual Studio you select your mainboard. Make sure the project will be created for the correct version of the SDK; in this case, 4.3, see below: Select and Create your mainboard (we are using the FEZ Cerberus). BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 9 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World The Gadgeteer Visual Designer's window appears. Find the Toolbox tab (top left side of designer window). From the Toolbox choose an USB Client Sp module (either left-click and drag it to designer window or double click it). BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 10 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World Right-click anywhere on the Visual Designer surface/window, and select Connect all modules Based on the Diagram of the Connections, Build the Physical Hardware Attach a connector from the USB Client Sp module to the mainboard's socket number shown by the designer; for the FEZ Cerberus this is socket “8”. Connect the USB Client Sp to the PC using a standard USB Cable. The Red light present on every Gadgeteer Mainboard turns-on, indicating the board has power. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 11 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World Note: when you are connecting modules to mainboards, you find the letter labeling the socket on the module; and then, connect it to any socket on the mainboard with the same letter. For the USB Client Sp the socket letter on the module is “D.” The module is then attached to any socket on the mainboard with type “D” (for the FEZ Cerberus, socket “8”). If the mainboard has more than one socket with the type you are looking for, you can choose any of them. Write the Software Your hardware is done! Time for the programming. As you can see in the Solution Explorer* window, the Visual Designer has already created two pieces of your application: 1. in the file Program.generated.cs are all the declarations and initializations to create the classes as drawn. 2. in the file Program.cs is a fully runnable application shell. This is where your project code goes. *If the Solution Explorer window is not visible, click on the VIEW menu and select Solution Explorer Open an edit window by Double-clicking on Program.cs. For this project we're going to change the code to blink an LED. You could type the following into the editor, but it's easier to just select the code, copy it, and then replace the default program with paste. using using using using using using using using using using System; System; System.Collections; System.Threading; Microsoft.SPOT; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Shapes; Microsoft.SPOT.Touch; using Gadgeteer.Networking; using GT = Gadgeteer; using GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules; namespace HelloLED { public partial class Program { void ProgramStarted() { Debug.Print("Hello PC"); while (true) // careful!!, must sleep/yield for event loop BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 12 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World { Mainboard.SetDebugLED(true); Thread.Sleep(1000); // leave it on for 1 second Mainboard.SetDebugLED(false); Thread.Sleep(500); // turn it of for 500 milliseconds } } } } As an aside, every Gadgeteer program has a class named Mainboard. Every Mainboard has a static method SetDebugLED; so the above program will work with any .NET Gadgeteer mainboard. The program is written, your gadget is built; time to compile, load, and ... Run It! An important step before running any application is to tell Visual Studio where you want to run the program. Under the PROJECT menu, select HelloLED Properties... BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 13 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World Click on .NET Micro Framework. Make sure the Transport is USB Everything is set-up. Press the Start button or press the F5 Key. Visual Studio does all the work; displaying its progress in the Output* window. The program is built; sent, “deployed,” to the mainboard. *If the Output window is not visible, click on the VIEW menu and select Output. The board's LED starts flashing! BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 14 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Everybody's First Project: Hello World The Debug.Print statements write their output to the Visual Studio Output window. When you deploy and run your application from Video Studio, a connection is open to the running process on your board (for debugging). If you want to make changes to your program/project the connection cannot be active. Just click on the red stop square in the toolbar (you can also type Shift+F5): Project source code for examples in this book are found at https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/src/Tinker_Kit_Examples.zip BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 15 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit The Second Program: Input 4. The Second Program: Input In the first project, we established a way for our gadgets to use hardware signaling (useful for in field debugging). Here we provide an input method for program control. Start Visual Studio, in this case name your project FlashBulb (remember to copy this name exactly). Here's our design of the hardware, set yours up the same way. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 16 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit The Second Program: Input Often when working on a project, you will want to consult a reference on the C# class used to interact with a module or Mainboard. Try this: In the designer, select the Button module and press F1. Visual Studio presents the full class description of the module. Let us explore another useful feature of the designer: rename a variable. Click on the label button and change it to controller. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 17 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit The Second Program: Input Below is the program code. If you examine it, you'll see we have purposely used BlinkLed in the namespace. This does not match our project name (FlashBulb). Leave the namespace wrong for a minute. using using using using using using using using using System; System.Collections; System.Threading; Microsoft.SPOT; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Shapes; Microsoft.SPOT.Touch; using using using using Gadgeteer.Networking; GT = Gadgeteer; GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules; Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics; namespace BlinkLed // FlashBulb { public partial class Program { void ProgramStarted() { while (true) // careful!!, must sleep for event loop { while (controller.Pressed) { controller.TurnLedOn(); Thread.Sleep(100); } controller.TurnLedOff(); Thread.Sleep(200); } } } } BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 18 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit The Second Program: Input Try to compile it (press F5). In the error window (VIEW > Error List) you read that VS could not find a definition for Mainboard; and, even though ProgramStarted is present, the compiler error states that it is missing. Remember this pattern of errors – it will save you time when you have wrong and/or missing namespace statements. Fix fhe program by changing the namespace to use FlashBulb. Now compile and deploy. Push the button down, its LED turns on; release the button, the LED turns off. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 19 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit 5. Graphics 5. Graphics Included in the Tinker Kit is a little graphics display. In this section we build a small drawing program that uses the joystick to draw on the screen. This example also shows a way to do graphics that requires very little memory. Your Tinker Kit may have a processor with more memory than FEZ Cerberus; the processor may have built-in support for displays. In these cases there are other methods you can use for graphics and user-interfaces we'll go over them later. Here's the hardware for this project: BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 20 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit 5. Graphics And here's the program: using using using using using using using using using System; System.Collections; System.Threading; Microsoft.SPOT; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Shapes; Microsoft.SPOT.Touch; using using using using Gadgeteer.Networking; GT = Gadgeteer; GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules; Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics; namespace Graphics { public partial class Program { private const int Y_MAX = 160; private const int X_MAX = 128; // In our example FEZ Cerberus, has 12 bit precision private const double DELTA = 2*(1.0/1024.0); void ProgramStarted() { Thread drawingThread = new Thread(Sketch); drawingThread.Start(); joystick.Calibrate(); joystick.JoystickReleased += joystick_JoystickReleased; } private bool doErase = false; void joystick_JoystickReleased(Joystick sender, Joystick.ButtonState state) { if (!doErase) doErase = true; } Bitmap eraser = new Bitmap(1, Y_MAX + 1); void ScreenErase() { eraser.DrawLine(GT.Color.Black, 1, 0,0, 0, Y_MAX); for (int xp = 0; xp <= X_MAX; xp++ ) { displayN18.Draw(eraser, xp, 0); // line by line erase Thread.Sleep(10); // slow it down so it visibly crosses the display } BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 21 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit 5. Graphics doErase = false; } void Sketch() { double xc=0.0; double yc=0.0; int x_center = (X_MAX)/2; int y_center = (Y_MAX) / 2; int x_current = x_center; int y_current = y_center; Bitmap dot = new Bitmap(1, 1); dot.SetPixel (0,0,GT.Color.Red); doErase = true; while(true) { if (doErase){ ScreenErase(); x_current = x_center; y_current = y_center; } displayN18.Draw(dot, x_current, y_current); // average to reduce noise and add some delay for (int ax = 1; ax <= 4; ax = ax +1 ) { xc = joystick.GetPosition().X; // -1.0 ... 0 .... 1.0 yc = joystick.GetPosition().Y; Thread.Sleep(3); } if (xc/4.0d > 0.0d + DELTA) { // ignore magnitude, just use value as direction x_current = x_current + 1; if (x_current > X_MAX) x_current = 0; // wrap around } else if (xc < 0.0 - DELTA){ x_current = x_current - 1; if (x_current < 0) x_current = X_MAX; // wrap around } // do nothing it's considered 0 yc = yc * (-1.0d); // map to screen coordinate system if (yc/4.0d > 0.0d + DELTA) { y_current = y_current + 1; // overlap movement for smoother lines if (y_current > Y_MAX) y_current = 0; // wrap around } else if (yc < 0.0d - DELTA) { y_current = y_current-1; BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 22 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit 5. Graphics if (y_current < 0) y_current = Y_MAX; } } // wrap around } } } When working with displays and devices like a joystick you need to decide on the orientation of the device and the coordinate system. In this example, as you face the components, Use the joystick with the GHI Electronics as its bottom and the screen layed-out so the ribbon cable is on the left side. In the case of small embedded processors, if there isn't enough memory to represent the entire graphics screen. The program draws on small bitmaps and then calls methods that draw the bitmap on the screen. If your mainboard has enough memory you can work on the whole display as one big bitmap and then use common graphics primitives, such as drawing lines, ellipses, etc. To have a modern look to the display you can create windows, buttons, check boxes and similar objects using GHI's Glide Library. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 23 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control 5. First Responder Traffic Control 5.1. The Project In the previous chapters have seen how easy it is to use the hardware and get started on the software. This project may seem more challenging than the previous; it is not – just a few more modules and the software to control them. Here is the scenario: You are a traffic-light engineer; tasked to add a control to a traffic signal. The control will allow firemen to turn the light red and sound the fire alarm. We will model one face of the traffic symbol: using an LED Strip; the Tunes module for the alarm, and a Button module as the controller. The LED Strip Module conveniently has green, yellow, and red LEDs; in the order of a traffic signal. Characteristics of the system: • Traffic lights are periodic: the program must measure time. • Each time a specific interval of time passes, the light (LED Strip) needs to switch colors. • When a fireman needs to stop traffic he obviously needs a control device (Button module), the event must turn the signal red and sound the alarm (the Tunes module). • If the alarm is sounding, and the button is pushed again, the traffic signal resumes normal operation. Building a Traffic Light In previous examples, we let the designer connect the modules' sockets to the sockets on the mainboard. There are times when you will want to use a particular socket for a module. This time, we will start off by manually choosing and connecting sockets for the Button module: 1. Start a new project project TrafficLight. Target the current version of NETMF. 2. Cick on the Button Module's socket (type X and Y), hold the mouse button down 3. Drag the mouse over the mainboard socket you wish to use. The socket must have the correct type, in this case X or Y; we choose Socket #3 which supports the necessary Y type (it also supports A, O and P). 4. Release the mouse button. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 24 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control The designer highlights mainboard sockets that support the module. The designer will not connect mismatching sockets. Finish the design by adding the LED Strip module, the Tunes module and the power module. Connect your gadget to the PC. 1...2...3...Stop and 4...5...6...Go The duration each light stays lit is important. Conveniently, NETMF contains a Timer class that does most of what we want; the class waits for a time period (specified in milliseconds) and then invokes a method. The program also takes advantage of the Button class' ButtonPressed event. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 25 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control Open Program.cs in an Edit window, replace its contents with: using using using using using using using using using System; System.Collections; System.Threading; Microsoft.SPOT; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Shapes; Microsoft.SPOT.Touch; using using using using Gadgeteer.Networking; GT = Gadgeteer; GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules; Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics; namespace TrafficLight { public partial class Program { private enum LightState : uint { // RR YYY GG 0 == ON, 1 == OFF GREEN = 1 + 2, // 00 000 11 YELLOW = 4 + 8 + 16, // 00 111 00 RED = 32 + 64 // 11 000 00 } private static int AlarmFrequency; private static LightState CurrentColor; private static bool fire = false; private static int seconds = 0; private static LEDStrip TrafficSymbol; private static Tunes Alarm; void ProgramStarted() { Alarm = tunes; TrafficSymbol = ledStrip; TrafficSymbol.SetBitmask((uint)LightState.RED); CurrentColor = LightState.RED; GT.Timer timer = new GT.Timer(1000); timer.Tick += timer_Tick; button.ButtonPressed += fire_alarm; timer.Start(); } static void fire_alarm(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state) BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 26 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control { if (fire == false) { fire = true; AlarmFrequency = 8000; Alarm.Play(AlarmFrequency); }else { fire = false; AlarmFrequency = 0; Alarm.Play(AlarmFrequency); } } private void timer_Tick(GT.Timer timer) { if (fire) { if (CurrentColor == LightState.RED) return; else if (CurrentColor == LightState.GREEN) seconds = 4; // --> Yellow, then Red } seconds += 1; if (seconds == 3) // Red-> Green { TrafficSymbol.SetBitmask((uint)LightState.GREEN); CurrentColor = LightState.GREEN; } else if (seconds == 5) // Green-> Yellow { TrafficSymbol.SetBitmask((uint)LightState.YELLOW); CurrentColor = LightState.YELLOW; } else if (seconds == 8) // Yellow->Red { TrafficSymbol.SetBitmask((uint)LightState.RED); CurrentColor = LightState.RED; seconds = 0; } } } } BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 27 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control Compile it. Run it The Signal light cycles through Red, Green, then Yellow.... A FIRE call comes-in!! Press the button, the alarm sounds, the light changes to red, the water truck zooms away. You press the button again to allow regular traffic. • The program will continue to run until you remove the power (disconnect the USB). • Using the Reset button on the mainboard, just re-starts the program; it does not stop it! • If you power-up the board, the program automatically starts. In a traffic light, that's what you want – if there is a power failure, the light should re-start as soon as power is restored!! 5.2. Technicalities. The .NET Gadgeteer Framework Yes, this is the boring part of getting started!! But you should take the time to read it! We describe important concepts related to every .NET Gadgeteer application. To explain the details we use the TrafficLight project. Boilerplate Gadgeteer programs use an event based programming style: the program is broken into methods which only execute when specific actions occur. Nuts and Bolts The traffic light program has three methods, each corresponding to an event: EVENT METHOD Initialization ProgramStarted. Invoked (executes/runs) once and only once when the Gadgeteer application is started. A second has gone by timer_Tick. It is invoked every time 1000 milliseconds passes. A button is pressed fire_alarm. Asynchronously invoked when/if the Button module is pressed BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 28 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control The Invisible Event – Idle-Time What happens in-between ticks of the clock (seconds in TrafficLight) and no button presses??? It appears that the program does nothing!! – In an event based program there is another method, the “event loop;” it is built-in to .NET Gadgeteer. The loop is running whenever one of event based methods is not running (we will call this “Idle-time”). The event loop is a decision maker – it watches for things that need to happen and calls methods when they do. In TrafficLight, the event loop calls ProgramStarted, timer_Tick, or fire_alarm when appropriate. When the called method returns, the loop continues. The method ProgramStarted is in every Gadgeteer program.; it only runs once -- when the application is launched. ProgramStarted initializes variables needed by the other methods; this includes establishing a list of event handlers (methods) that may be invoked by the loop. Very important: 1. During idle-time (i.e., in the event loop), the event loop occasionally runs the “Garbage Collector” (it manages the memory used by the program). 2. Additionally, the event loop checks for a mainboard linked to a computer's USB; if found , a .NET Gadgeteer internal event handler is set-up for communicating with the PC. With a few exceptions, if any method called by the event loop does not return, ✗ ==> the event loop no longer runs; ✗ ==> if events do occur, they are ignored (the event loop manages internal events) ✗ ==> the application may run-out of memory (no Garbage Collection) ✗ ==> communication between the mainboard and the computer will never occur... No deployments, no debugging, nothing! (USB detection is performed by the event loop) In the above case, .NET Gadgeteer programs do not stop, they are “stuck”! There are extenuating circumstances, such as threads and sleep (discussed in the SensorData project). To fix a stuck program you will need to Erase the memory containing the program (FEZ Config is used for this. Deployment (Advanced) > Erase Application). BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 29 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit First Responder Traffic Control An expanded table of events and methods for TrafficLight is: EVENT METHOD Idle-time The event loop (calls all other methods) PC to USB Link set-up (by the event loop!!) The communications routine; periodically called from the event loop. Sends and receives data to/from the PC. Application launched. ProgramStarted. Invoked (executes/runs) once and only once when the Gadgeteer application is started. A preset interval of time has passed. timer_Tick. Invoked every time 1000 milliseconds passes. A button is pressed. fire_alarm. Asynchronously invoked when ever the button is pressed BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 30 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger 6. A Sensor Logger One or more sensors are often used in embedded projects. The sensor's data needs to be analyzed and/or saved for future use. 6.1. The Project This example uses a LightSense module, and an SD Card module. The structure of this program can be used for other sensors, such as: gas sensors, current monitors, blood oxygen detectors, water flow, barometric pressure,..... Breaking the program into parts, it does two things: 1. It periodically collects the current value of the light sensor (sampleProcessor) 2. If a button is pressed, the sensor data is written to a file on the SD card (SaveData and LogData) Name this project SensorData. Use the Designer to put together the mainboard, Display, LightSensor, Button, and SD Card. We chose the Display N18. Go ahead and put an SD Card into the module. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 31 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger In this example, the Display N18 module has its top left corner when the display ribbon cable is on the bottom Here is the contents for Program.cs using using using using System; System.Collections; System.Threading; System.Text; using using using using using using Microsoft.SPOT; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media; Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Shapes; Microsoft.SPOT.Touch; using using using using Gadgeteer.Networking; GT = Gadgeteer; GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules; Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics; using using using using System.IO; GHI.IO; GHI.IO.Storage; Microsoft.SPOT.IO; namespace SensorData { public partial class Program { // sample values will be from 1 to this number, limited to 255 private const double SCALE = 100.0; private const int SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH = 100; private const int TIME_FOR_BUFFER_FILL = 5000; private const int FULL_BUFFER_INDICATOR_DURATION = 2000; void ProgramStarted() { Thread dataHandler = new Thread(sampleProcessor); dataHandler.Start(); button.ButtonPressed += SaveData; // when the button is pressed run SaveData() } private bool Dump = false; private void SaveData(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state) { BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 32 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger if (!Dump) { Dump = true; button.TurnLedOn(); } } private void sampleProcessor() { byte[] readings = new byte[SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH]; int buffer_index = 0; Mainboard.SetDebugLED(true); // sampling started while (true) { if (buffer_index >= SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH) { button.TurnLedOn(); Thread.Sleep(FULL_BUFFER_INDICATOR_DURATION); if (Dump) LogData(readings, SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH); button.TurnLedOff(); buffer_index = 0; } else if (Dump) { LogData(readings, buffer_index); button.TurnLedOff(); buffer_index = 0; // restart sensor sampling (at top of loop) } readings[buffer_index] = (byte)(SCALE * lightSense.ReadProportion()); Thread.Sleep(TIME_FOR_BUFFER_FILL/SAMPLE_BUFFER_LENGTH); buffer_index += 1; } } private int FileCounter = 0; // used to create unique filenames for storing data. private void LogData(byte[] buff, int dumpCount) { if (sdCard.IsCardMounted && dumpCount != 0) { FileCounter++; string Line; byte[] data; string rootDirectory = VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()[0].RootDirectory; FileStream FileHandle = new FileStream(rootDirectory + @"\Data" + FileCounter + ".csv", FileMode.Create); // output values in ASCII for editors, spreadsheets, databases... for (int bx = 0; bx < dumpCount; bx += 1 ) { BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 33 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger Line = (bx + 1).ToString("g") + "," + buff[bx].ToString("g") + "\r\n"; data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Line); FileHandle.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } FileHandle.Close(); VolumeInfo.GetVolumes()[0].FlushAll(); } } Dump = false; } } 6.2. Missing Declarations Compile the program. We get errors: What's wrong? It's not the project namespace, they match. The compiler tells us that a number of Classes and/or Namespaces can not be found. We need to find the declarations and get them added to the code. The first place to start looking is with the NETMF library documentation, comprised of: • Core NETMF API GHI Electronics' NETMF extensions These links may change or point to stale information. The current links are maintained on GHI's NETMF Support page. • BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 34 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger Going to the core API and searching for VolumeInfo yields: First we check the list of assemblies (libraries) by expanding References in the Solutions Explorer window (VIEW>Solution Explorer): BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 35 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger There is no Microsoft.SPOT.IO. We need to add a reference to the missing assembly. Right click on References, click Add Reference... and select Microsoft.SPOT.IO. Add the using statement to the code: using Microsoft.SPOT.IO; Following the same method for FileStream, we add a using statement for the namespace System.IO (the assembly was already part of the project). Finally for Encoding; the System.Text namespace is added: using Microsoft.SPOT.Touch; using Microsoft.SPOT.IO; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Gadgeteer.Networking; 6.3. Collecting Data When compiled and deployed (F5), the mainboard's LED turns on to indicate that data is being collected. When ever the buffer holding the sample data fills-up, the red LED on the button lights up for a few seconds. If during this time, the button is pressed, the entire set of data is written to the SD Card (which can be plugged-in to a PC and examined. During the sampling time, point the sensor in different directions to get varying values. When you've logged some data (by pressing the button). You can take out the SD Card and read the files on a PC. The important piece of code is the method LogData. It shows you how easy it is to work with files and SD Cards. If the SD Card is removed from the module without warning, the SD Card may not have all the data written to it. This examples flushes the filesystem immediately after writing the file to make sure the SD Card is ready for removal at any time. As far as example projects go, this tutorial is finished. However, we use the project to learn a few time savers; so, keep on reading... BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 36 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger IntelliSense “Intellisense” is an extremely useful part Microsoft's Visual Studio! Remember how you can select a module in the Gadgeteeer Designer and press F1 to get help on the module's driver class? Well, IntelliSense is better than that, it automatically gives you a reference guide to what you are typing. It also performs auto-completion and auto-code-generation. If your program is still connected to VS, turn off the debugging link (shift+F5) Example IntelliSense usage: • From left to right, slowly move the edit cursor over the various names in the GraphView statement: GraphView.SimpleGraphics.Clear(); BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 37 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger Just for demonstration purposes, type the following statement anywhere in the body of a method: GraphView.SimpleGraphics... As you type, IntelliSense displays the possible completions of the class members being referenced. You can use Tab or double click on the chosen member. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 38 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger Watch What You Are Stepping Into Instead of building and deploying with F5, press F11 (DEBUG>Step Into). When the program deploys, the VS debugger starts execution by stepping into the the program and stopping at the first line. While stopped, we will set a breakpoint in the event handler SaveData. View Program.cs in an edit window. Scroll down to SaveData; in the far left margin, on the line: if (!Dump) click with the mouse. A red stop icon appears: Click Continue The program begins graphing data. Press the button to invoke the event handler the program will stop at the breakpoint. Want to see the value of Dump? Hover the mouse over the variable name. The debugger has many features you will want to explore. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 39 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger Keeping it Tidy While it Grows Spaghetti As your projects grow more complex, keeping the modules and cables organized can be a problem. Here is a picture of a project; with just five modules, things are looking twisted and tangled: BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 40 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit A Sensor Logger GHI has a solution: As you can see we put a Light Sensor on a long cable to allow us greater mobility. The modules are mounted on a Holey board using standoffs, screws and nuts. The button is conveniently located between the display and the SD Card module. We recommend browsing our catalog for similar hardware accessories. Just Can't Get Enough What do you do when you have used up all the sockets on your mainboard.? You have many choices, a couple are: 1. Move to a mainboard with more sockets. The FEZ Cerberus used in our examples has 8 sockets. At the time of this writing, GHI offered one mainboard with 14 sockets and another with 18. 2. Add more sockets to your board with specialized extender modules. Here is an example: (as our product line-up changes over time, check the catalog for current offerings) Hub AP5 Module – adds eight Y-type sockets (GPIO), which are also five P-type sockets (PWM) and two A-type sockets. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 41 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Solutions to Resource Challenges 7. Solutions To Resource Challenges Memory One of the bigger challenges when programming for embedded devices is the trade-offs made to keep the hardware as cheap as possible. This is especially true of the RAM. The more RAM, the more the microcontroller costs. On a PC, you usually have at least a few Gigabytes. Contrast that with the FEZ Cerberus which has roughly 100 Kilobytes. What can you do? The easiest solution is to buy a mainboard with more RAM. There are many programming practices which reduce the memory demands of a program. We present a few here. Avoid dynamic data that is allocated over-and-over when it is only used for one purpose. Especially when that allocation is within loops; allocate the item outside the loop body. Re-use data structures by making them static and carefully use them in more than one method, a common example of this would be an array used as a buffer. Invoke the garbage collector Debug.GC. Garbage collection manages memory to conserve it and make it more efficient, it does run occasionally, but at unpredictable times. Your program may want to invoke it directly after using and then releasing big pieces of memory and/or many small items. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 42 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Solutions to Resource Challenges Power Adding any electrical module to a project increases the demand on power. For instance, when you are using USB to power your project; you may only have 500 mA . Some modules require large amounts of power, for instance WiFi. You can get a rough estimate of the power needs of your project in the Gadgeteer Designer. Right-click anywhere on the window and select “Power Estimate.” If any of the numbers approaches 500 mA you may exceed the amount of power supplied by the USB cable. Solutions to this can be found on GHI's website, search the Catalog for “power.” BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 43 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Epilogue 8. Epilogue We want emphasize this tutorial really is just a cursory introduction; it is only the tip of the iceberg. The power of Gadgeteer and .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) gives you most of the facilities of full blown desktop Apps. Gadgeteer is just a friendly veneer over the surface of NETMF. It makes it extremely fast to design your project from hardware to application code. But, you don't have to use it; and, for a variety of reasons, often developers do not. A few cases where using pure NETMF is a good idea: • Manufacturing – Project designs where the hardware will be built on a production line. • Hardware size -- (no connectors, peripheral devices and mainboards without sockets, etc.) • Environmental concerns -- for instance if the project is embedded in a machine with large vibrations (jackhammer, washing machine, suspension of a car) • Size of deployed code – The deployed applications are smaller when you bypass the drivers and support code used by Gadgeteer Early development is usually faster with Gadgeteer. Transforming the code to pure NETMF is relatively easy. In general, GHI's mainboards are built around small boards called “System on Modules.” They are designed for easy incorporation into commercial products and a way to reduce the physical size of any project. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 44 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Resources In The Cloud 9. Resources In The Cloud At the time this book was written important webpages were: Project source code for examples in this book are found at https://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/src/Tinker_Kit_Examples.zip • GHI Electronics' homepage: https://www.ghielectronics.com • GHI's Support Page. Contains installation instructions, links to API reference libraries, etc.: https://www.ghielectronics.com/support • The list of GHI's documentation: https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs • Discussions, often in real-time, on all manner of subjects, with a focus on .NET Gadgeteer. This a tremendous source of help and information: https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum • All source code (open and free) for GHI Electronics' mainboards and modules: https://bitbucket.org/ghi_elect/gadgeteer • Page with links to the most current version of this guide and to the guide's projects: https://www.ghielectronics.com/support/gadgeteer • If you would rather program in Visual Basic, you may want to look at the book “Learn to program with Visual Basic & .NET Gadgeteer” http://blogs.msdn.com/b/net_gadgeteer/archive/2013/12/05/new-gadgeteer-book-learnto-program-with-visual-basic-amp-net-gadgeteer.aspx BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 45 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Resources In The Cloud • GHI Electronics graphics framework “Glide”: https://www.ghielectronics.com/glide BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 46 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Updating Flash Software 10. Updating Flash Software In all processors running NETMF there are a number of software components. Two of the components (“TinyBooter” and “TinyCLR”) may need to be updated to be compatible with your SDK. Any time you receive a new SDK or a mainboard, you should follow the Compatibility test shown below. 10.1. Check Firmware Compatibility with SDK Step one is the same for all mainboards: use FEZ Config to check whether your mainboard needs updating!! FEZ Config is installed with the GHI SDK. Connect the power supply to the mainboard. For most people this will be either the “USB Client SP Module” or “USB Client DP Module” (the cable from the socket on the USB Client board must be plugged into a socket on the mainboard labeled with a “D”). Add an USB cable from the Client Module to the computer. This often results in Windows having to load a device driver. If it does, do not proceed until the driver is fully loaded. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 47 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Updating Flash Software Launch FEZ Config. Click on the Check device for update button. The next few sections describe the steps needed to change TinyBooter and/or TinyCLR IMPORTANT: if you need to update both TinyBooter and TinyCLR, always update TinyBooter first. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 48 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Updating Flash Software 10.2. Updating TinyBooter At the time this book was written TinyBooter updating varied between processors. Plans were underway to eliminate all differences. FEZ Config will always reflect the current instructions. Directions for boards are found in the Advanced>Loader (TinyBooter)Update menu: If the mainboard you are using is supported, just select it from the menu and carefully follow the directions. As a convenience, if FEZ Config updates TinyBooter, it also updates TinyCLR. The example used below was written for a Tinker Kit using the FEZ Cerberus. FEZ Cerberus TinyBooter Update The loader on the Cerb Family is updated using ST Microelectronics's STDFU Tester program. This program is installed by default with our SDK. Under STMicroelectronics in the Start menu, run the STDFU Tester program. The Cereberus main board must be put in a special mode for the STDFU tool to recognize it. To do so, hold the LDR button on your board, power the board or press Reset, then release LDR. If your board lacks an LDR button, short the two pads labeled either LDR or BOOT (depending on your board) together and then power/reset your board. If you have a FEZ Cerb40 II, hold the LODR pin high and then power/reset the board. You will see STM Device in DFU Mode appear under Device in the STDFU tool. Click the BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 49 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Updating Flash Software Protocol tab. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 50 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Updating Flash Software Click the Create from Map button, select the Erase radio button, and then click Go. The program will take a few moments to finish erasing. Once you see that it has finished, click the Load DFU File button and select the C:\Program Files (x86)\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.3 SDK\Firmwares\Cerb Family\Loader.dfu file (substitute your SDK version for v4.3). Click the Download radio button and then click Go. The program will quickly load TinyBooter onto your board. Reboot your board after the DFU outputs “Success.” BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 51 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Updating Flash Software 10.3. Updating TinyCLR FEZ Config is used to update TinyCLR. FEZ Config is designed to take you through the steps, just click on Firmware Updater and click your way through the Next and Okay buttons, sit back and watch the progress. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 52 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Revision History and Acknowledgments 11. Revision History And Acknowledgments This book uses some content from the copyrighted publication(s) listed below: • Learn to program with Visual Basic & .NET Gadgeteer Rev No. Date Modification Beta Draft 0.3 11/14/2014 Split some examples. More memory tips BETA DRAFT 0.2 BETA DRAFT 0.2 Preliminary Page 53 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com GHI Electronics,LLC FEZ Tinker Kit Legal Notice 12. Legal Notice Disclaimer IN NO EVENT SHALL GHI ELECTRONICS, LLC. OR ITS PARTNEERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. GHI ELECTRONICS, LLC LINE OF PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS. .NET Micro Framework, Visual Studio, IntelliSense and Windows are registered or unregistered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other Trademarks and Registered Trademarks are Owned by their Respective Companies. BETA DRAFT 0.2 Page 54 of 54 www.GHIElectronics.com
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