Advanced Grain and Wholecrop Preservation 1 Visit us online at Safe Easy Processing and Storage of Farm Grain & Wholecrop Maxammon® Grain Maxammon® grain is the name given to an exceptionally cost effective and efficient system of grain storage and preservation, where enhanced pH and increased protein result in huge benefits. Mature grain off the combine can be lightly rolled, treated with Maxammon® and stored on farm to be fed later to livestock. It is also possible for whole grain to be Maxammon® treated with rolling or crimping done at feed out as necessary. To extend farm grown cereals, dry grains may also be Maxammon® treated throughout the year to further enhance its feed value. Maxammon® Wholecrop Where cereal crops are grown for wholecrop, the Maxammon® treatment can be used in place of conventional treatments giving a stable, cost effective alternative which offers the nutritional benefits of raised pH and protein. Crops should be harvested at a mature 75–85% dry matter stage rather than at the normal earlier fermented wholecrop stage. Mole Maxi Starch Feeds Mole Valley Farmers is also able to supply a ready treated range of Maxammon® wheat, barley or maize (see page 7). The Maxammon® Process The Maxammon additive is a combination of feed grade urea, full fat soya bean, essential oils and an advanced grain enzyme and is easily mixed in a diet feeder or through a crimper machine, preferably fitted with flat rollers for best throughput. ® Ammonia is released within the ensiled grain thereby rapidly preserving the grain without the need for drying or any further processing. The Maxammon® process aggressively releases ammonia into the mature whole or cracked grain which inhibits the growth of yeasts and moulds and attacks other spoilage organisms present on the harvested grain. This also raises the pH of the treated material to an alkaline level between 8.5 and 9.5 pH and acts as a buffer to acidic forages when fed. At the same time this activity enhances fibre digestibility of the grain and raises the protein level by approximately 30%. As a result, stock can be provided with part or all their concentrate requirements from one pit in the form of Maxammon® grain depending on livestock age and performance required. One of the big benefits of using Maxammon® is the simplicity of the treatment and storage of the finished product. Treated grain should be sealed for two weeks from the day of treatment. During the preservation process the advanced Maxammon® grain enzyme converts all of the added soluble feed grade urea to ammonia. After a two week period, indoor clamps should be opened and the plastic cover completely removed. Outdoor clamps of Maxammon® grain or Maxammon® wholecrop must be sheeted carefully to contain the ammonia produced during the 2 week preservation period and to exclude all rain. It then needs to be left covered with plastic, only opening to feed out as required. Maxammon® grain or wholecrop is also ideal for storage in an Ag-Bag, a simple, efficient and cost effective system compared to conventional grain storage. Safe Feeding of High Starch Cereals pH Effect Ammonium bicarbonate, produced from the Maxammon® treatment, is strongly alkaline. and RDP (rumen degradable protein) which are the two critical components for optimising rumen performance and feed intake. Optimum rumen pH for thorough digestion is pH 6.2. The addition of Maxammon® grain to diets rapidly increases the pH in the diet helping to attain an optimum rumen environment resulting in better feed digestion and feed conversion efficiency (FCE). Due to the fact that the mature grain is cracked rather than finely processed during the Maxammon® treatment the release of starch is slower in the rumen than conventionally rolled cereals. This alkaline preservation coupled with the slower release of starch results in a feed that, while high in starch, is very rumen friendly and is why much higher feed rates of Maxammon® grain can be fed than traditional forms of cereal feeding. The benefit of this is a higher energy diet giving improved milk yields, milk quality and fertility or improved daily liveweight gains for cattle reducing days to slaughter and total feed used. Maxammon® Protein Benefit Increased Protein Content One of the benefits of using Maxammon® is the increased protein content of treated grain or wholecrop. Treated grains and wholecrop are left with a high pH (8.5 – 9.5) which will buffer and counteract the acidity in the rumen when fed. This powerful buffering action supports and enhances the natural buffer-sodium bicarbonate, which is contained in a ruminant’s saliva. These buffers are essential to combat fermentation acids which can make the rumen too acidic. Feeding alkaline preserved feeds presents the rumen microbes with vital fermentable energy 2 3 Did You Know? Maxammon® Grains can be fed as an ideal complement to grass for dairy replacements and beef cattle from the age of three months upwards. Stage Three - PROCESSING The grain must be cracked preferably using a flat roller crimping machine. Cracking should break the grain but NOT turn it to meal as Maxammon® gasses need to percolate through the clamped grain (Do not Hammer Mill). Grain should be treated as soon as possible after harvesting (to avoid fermentation) unless dry enough for long term storage and later treatment with added water. The Maxammon® needs to be well mixed with the grain at the required rate. We recommend one of two methods. • Load the Maxammon® into a mixer wagon along with the cracked grain and dry mix. Maxammon® grain is thus a useful and cost effective source of RDP the value of which, when compared to a typical RDP source such as rapemeal, will help to offset treatment costs and ultimately help to reduce the overall farm feeding costs. From Field to Storage Stage One – GROWING The cereal crop should be grown to it’s maximum potential with fully mature grain. According to the farm’s feed requirements the decision can then be made to harvest as Maxammon® treated wholecrop or, to harvest the grain separately using the Maxammon® preservation system, leaving the straw crop for feeding and bedding. 4 Stage Two - HARVESTING For Maxammon® grain, the mature crop should ideally be harvested between 16-22% moisture using a conventional combine harvester. Whilst the grain is mature the process does not require dried grain so the crop can be harvested in damp conditions and a little surface moisture will help the grain cracking and preservation process. For grain outside of this range please speak to Mole Valley Farmers for further advice. Do not harvest grain which is immature, green or sprouted. Maxammon® wholecrop cereals should be harvested when dry matter is over 75% (ideally closer to 85%), using a grain processor fitted to a forage harvester. Wheat is the usual choice for wholecrop but triticale can also be used. The crop has to be good quality (minimal disease and weeds) with a high grain yield The use of a Glyphosate is recommended for both Maxammon® grain and Maxammon® wholecrop for desiccation of any weeds and remaining green crop which could cause spoilage in the clamp. It is possible for whole grain to be preserved and clamped with Maxammon® but this will need to be rolled/crimped after a minimum of two weeks storage, for feeding. Stage Four - STORAGE Maxammon® grain should be stored well sealed under a high quality plastic sheet that extends down the store sides. This can be an indoor or an outdoor store but rainwater must be excluded. The floor should also be lined with a sheet of plastic. After opening the face should be protected from rain and covered with the sheet whenever possible. The Maxammon® grain process directly discourages vermin and birds. 10 Recommended maximum clamp height (feet) Typical grain crude protein levels of untreated wheat and barley are in the region of 11% CP. By applying the Maxammon® treatment this can be increased by approximately one third. This will help to reduce the protein supplementation required, but not necessarily eliminate the need for it, dependant on the diet being fed and performance required (please speak to your Mole Valley Farmers nutritionist for specific feeding advice). • Add the Maxammon® into the crimp/roller machine hopper using a calibrated loader bucket. Did You Know? When using Maxammon® the urea in the additive is ENTIRELY broken down to ammonia by the advanced enzyme action, and it is the ammonia gas that acts as the preservative. Ammonia destroys microbes and moulds and effectively sterilises the crop. The gas also reacts with lignin in plant cell walls to enhance the digestibility. Instructions For Use Application Procedure Option 1 - Mixer Wagon (5 tonne mixer): • A dd 1 tonne of grain to the mixer/mixer wagon. • A dd 5kg Maxammon® and15kg Maxammon® Feed Grade Urea per tonne of grain to be mixed i.e. 5 tonne mix add 25kg (5 x 5kg) Maxammon and 75kg (5 x 15kg) Maxammon® Feed Grade Urea. • Mix briefly (1 to 2 minutes) with the 1 tonne of grain to activate the Maxammon® reaction, then add remaining grain (4 tonnes). If treating dry grain (below 16% moisture) add 60-100kgs water per tonne of cereal to activate the Maxammon®. • Mix thoroughly for 3 to 4 minutes and discharge. Option 2 - Crimper Application • Add 5kg Maxammon® and 15kg Maxammon® Feed Grade Urea per tonne of grain to be treated through a calibrated application hopper or calibrated loading bucket. • If treating dry grain (below 16% moisture) add 60 -100kgs water per tonne of grain while crimping to activate the Maxammon®. 9 8 7 6 5 4 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Moisture content (%) 5 Option 3 - Wholecrop Treatment • Ripe wholecrop should be harvested using a primary processing mill fitted with a grain cracker on a self-propelled forage harvester. • No green material should remain in the crop at harvest (use glyphosate as necessary). • Weigh each individual full trailer once before returning to the clamp. • Add 5kg Maxammon® and 15kg Maxammon® Feed Grade Urea per tonne of wholecrop to be treated through a calibrated loading bucket. • Apply the appropriate amount of additive per tonne of wholecrop once the trailer has been unloaded by sprinkling it over the load from the loader bucket. • The wholecrop can then be pushed into the clamp, rolled and sheeted. Storage a damp proof course the floor should also be sheeted. Maxammon® grain can be clamped outdoors, however moisture must not enter the clamp as this will lead to spoilage. The treated Maxammon® grain should be pushed into the clamp – DO NOT COMPACT BY DRIVING ON THE GRAIN. The surface of the Maxammon® clamp should be level. Mole Valley Feed Solutions Ready Made Maxammon® Products Mole Valley Feed Solutions are able to supply a range of Maxammon® treated grain products to extend farm grown grain or as a complete replacement where it can be used to complement other feeds used on the farm. Maxammon® Products Treated grain clamp height is determined by the grain moisture content (see graph, page 5). Once completed the clamp should be sealed immediately with the NEW polythene sheeting/cover. If more grain is to be added to an already sealed Maxammon® clamp within 2 weeks, open the clamp and complete the task as quickly as possible ensuring minimal disturbance to the existing grain. The top sheet should be weighed down and sealed adequately to prevent Maxammon® ammonia escape for optimum preservation. Prepare the clamp by thoroughly cleaning and power hosing the floor and walls. An insecticide should be sprayed on all store surfaces in advance of filling the clamp. With indoor pits, 1 week after treatment check under the cover for the presence of condensation/moisture. If moisture is present remove the cover. The sheet/cover MUST be removed after 2 weeks. All walls should be sheeted with NEW polythene. If the clamp does not contain Outdoor Grain clamps and Wholecrop clamps should be left covered for weather protection. Mole Maxi Starch Maize Mole Maxi Starch Wheat Mole Maxi Starch Barley Maize, ground and treated with Maxammon® to increase the protein content and provide an alkaline finished feed. With a high level of bypass starch, Mole Maxi Starch Maize can be fed as a sole starch source or as a replacement for part of the wheat in the diet. The alkaline pH allows higher starch levels to be fed and, as an effective rumen buffer, it will reduce the risk of acidosis. Wheat, crimped and treated with Maxammon® to increase the protein content and provide an alkaline finished feed. With a pH of 8.5 – 9.5 Mole Maxi starch wheat is a ready-made alternative to farm treated soda wheat or rolled wheat and provides an effective rumen buffer minimising the risk of acidosis. Crimped barley treated with Maxammon® to increase the protein content and provide an alkaline finished feed. With a pH between 8.5 – 9.5 it provides an effective rumen buffer to minimise the risk of acidosis. For Intensive Beef Finishing diets Maxi Starch Barley, with its increased protein level, may be fed as the sole feed with mineral supplementation. (Please ask for nutritional advice) Typical Analysis Typical Analysis Typical Analysis DM (%) 80 DM (%) 80 DM (%) 80 pH 9 pH 8.9 pH 8.7 CP (%) 13.8 CP (%) 13.5 13.5 ME (MJ/kg DM) 12.8 CP (%) 6 For all Mole Maxi Starch products please ask Mole Valley Farmers for specific feeding advice. 11.7 ME (MJ/kg DM) 14 ME (MJ/kg DM) Starch (%) 70 Starch (%) 65 Starch (%) 62 Oil (%) 3.3 Oil (%) 2.3 Oil (%) 2.5 NDF (%) 10.5 NDF (%) 18 NDF (%) 12 7 Contact Information Lifton Alternative Feed Office: 01566 780261 Arable Office: 01769 576232 Feed Line: 01278 444829 Fertiliser Line: 01769 576405 Feed & Nutrition Forage & Arable Animal Health Fuel & Renewables Agricultural Inputs Mole Valley Farmers Ltd., Exmoor House, Lime Way, Pathfields Business Park, South Molton, Devon EX36 3LH Tel: 01769 573431 Fax: 01769 573821 Email: [email protected] Web:
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