Page 14 Rockville News Cold Spring Record continued from page 13 the elections report showing Duane Willenbring received 466 votes, Rick Tallman 392. They will be filling two, four year council terms, starting January 2015. There were 1443 voters registered at 7am, plus 77 who registered that day. There were 59 absentee ballots cast and 984 persons voting on November 4, 2014 in Rockville. Also included was an application by the Pleasant Lake Homeowners Association for a Raffle Permit for January 24, 2015 at the Water’s Edge on Pleasant Lake premises. The request was ok’d also for the St. Augusta Blizzard Busters to host a Raffle at the Water’s Edge Restaurant on Pleasant Lake on February 2, 2015. The was no one from the Sheriff’s Department to give the report for October. In the packets it shows 33 hours of paid service for the month. There were four drunk driving arrests, three driving complaints, four fire situations and a physical fight. The working and researching the Department ran a successful trail from Cold Spring to DARE Program again with the Rockville. Looks like it’ll be 5th graders at John Clark school, sometime in 2016 when the trail a couple neighborhood disputes is completed up to the west end and a no pay customer at the gas of the city. station, two thefts from vehicles The Public Works committee and two complaints of threats. chair Councilor Don Simon reOver a couple hundred traffic ported from their November 6th stops and several personal assession. Residents from 250th sists. Street appeared, asking about City Administrator Rena Wepaving their street. A rough estiber noted that the Police might mate of the cost and the fact that not be here because the meeting it’s 100% assessable, soon date was changed, that’s why changed the tune. The City will Channel 10 was not taping the try some class five and better meeting. maintenance. The Pleasant Road The Public Works Department estimate is over one million dolrequested the purchase of salt lars to pave, the city is working and sand for the winter streets, on a letter to explain the details sand for $6,110.68 from Holicky and plans for the future, resiBrothers and salt for $1,005.00 dents should be getting a letter from Kraemer Trucking, for a tosoon. Sauk River Road appears tal of $7,115.68. There is to be falling into the river in one $3,924.50 left in the budget, plus spot, the city is working with the $6,900.00 in designated funds. Sauk River Watershed District. The Council voted to use up the Engineers are looking at what to designated funds and the addido, guard rails for sure are needtional amount to come out of the ed. An apron on a culvert has sand/salt budget, leaving a balbeen missing for some time, the ance of $3,708.82. The new PubWatershed District is applying lic Works man, Nick Waldbillig for a grant to help and with the reported on plowing the first city working with the county on snow fall, more than a foot on their 139th Street project, things November 10th. A real challenge, will get better. They talked about there were two extra helpers that the Cypress Walking Trail, dust made it all happen. control vs. grading on gravel The Fire Department Chief, roads and options for reduction of Rod Schaefer requested permisspeed in 245th Street. City jurission to purchase a boat/motor for diction to put up a sign. Talked rescue calls, the old one does not about a “salt shed” maybe next qualify. The Department’s Comyear or in conjunction with a mittee has been looking for someneighbor. Well house has a new time and wants $7,000 ok’d for heater installed, needs insulathis purpose. The Council ok’d tion. The two water pipe repairs the request. It will come out of needed on Chestnut Street were the equipment fund. The Fire accomplished. Department also submitted a bill There were two applications, for $4,241 plus from Emergency still open until Friday, for an asApparatus Co. for going over the sistant maintenance person. The equipment and checking for Council voted to extend the apleaks. This was ok’d also. plication time for two more Susan Dean requested to place weeks to allow for more appligrinder station costs on tax rolls cants. for five years at 4.75% interest. The Mayor read the policy This is for the lot that was split changes he’d like to see made off from hers (ok’d last month) concerning contacting the city atfor future anticipated residence. torney and contacting third party The Council received the ficontractors. Councilor Willennance committees report from bring asked to table it so he’d be Councilor Sue Palmer on adjustable to read it well before voting. ing the water rates to reflect the It was tabled. states conservation of water There was some talk about rules that go into effect in Janusnow fences by Clarence Bloch ary 2015. The committee proand one on Hubert Lane by posed four tiers, those who use Muellers. The county is in charge less than 2,000 gallons would of any needs for the county roads pay a cheaper rate of $2.25, those in the city. in the next tier of users would City Administrator Rena Wepay $3.45 a gallon and those usber, reported on the bus tour that ing still more would pay $3.55 a city staff committee members, gallon and those using the most Planning Board Members, Counwould pay $3.85. The exact cilors and others took on the 25th amounts weren’t clear. It’s of October to discuss policy isthought that this would balance sues, future development and out with the base rate to keep view the roads of the city. the water fund in the black. The letter from the Voigt famiCouncilman Willenbring suggestly’s attorney saying they were ed the lowest users be charged against the proposed assessment even less and raise the amount of to the tax rolls, was duly recoggallons in this tier. In fact he nized and filed. asked if all these figures could be Councilor Simon noted that worked out in a couple options. the two men currently hiring on Mayor Hagen also wants to make as temporary snowplowers were sure there’s enough people in the paid $15 per hour and did a great higher paying ranges to make job in a challenging situation. sure it covers expenses. CounMaintenance Super said they cilor Willenbring noted that the were making less than on their City has a healthy reserve in the regular jobs. Simon proposed a water fund that this could be hike to $17 per hour retroactive tried and adjusted if need be. to November 10th. Councilor City staff finance committee will Palmer commented that she work up a couple options that are thought this easy reaction was viable to be ready for the Public inconsistent with re-actions Hearing that they set for these about pay raises in the recent rate changes on Wednesday, Depast. She did not however vote to cember 17th at 6:30pm in City amend and table. Councilors WilHall. lenbring and Simon stuck to The ROCORI Trail Joint Powtheir ideals and all voted to give ers Project and escrow agreethese temporary part time emment was ok’d by the Council. ployees more of a comparable Councilor Willenbring who is on wage. the ROCORI Trail Committee, The open forum brought Tudie reported that TAP (TransportaHermanutz to the mic to ask for tion Alternative Program) is the water rates/schedules/ tiers/figures to be posted before the Public Hearing so the public would know what’s going on with their water rates. It was assured that they would be posted as soon as ready. Rick Tallman came forward and reminded the Council that all public meetings must have available printed copies of where concerns, these must be available to the public. He also asked about the replacement of a water “hydrant” for one that isn’t working that had somehow replaced a “missing” one. Councilman Willenbring offered to check over the one that isn’t working, to see if he can fix it. Another recent expenditure was for a water heater for City Hall. The 50 gallon one was leaky and a replacement was made switching to electric from gas at a cost of $500 and then getting a 80 gallon guaranteed for life heater costing $1629.00 including installation. Vince Schaefer came forward thanking the power that be for getting some of the mics to work well. He also noted that there has been complaints that money is wasted when staff has to get information for residents, but then how much time is being spent on this “third party contractors” policy? When all it would take is a duplicate letter to any/all of them that the city is not responsible for any bills generated without the Councils ok. Winter Parking Ordinance The City of Rockville’s maintenance supervisor will determine when there’s more than 1 1/2 inches of snow, that no parking on any streets will be allowed until each is cleared. The sheriff will cite and/or tow all violators. They will be subject to a $25.00 fine and the cost of towing and any related charges to be paid before the release of the vehicle. Any questions, call City Hall at 251-5836. Snow Removal Remember not to push, shovel or blow snow into city streets or sidewalks when removing from your property. This can cause hazards for the city plow drivers. Fire hydrants and meters need to be shoveled out too...there’s an early start to snow removal this fall, with over a foot of snow all over, it’s a real challenge to clear the streets, sidewalks alleys, parking lots, etc. All are reminded to drive extra carefully on the icy streets and lots, the life you save may be your own. Recipe of the Week Kayla’s Favorite Supper 2 lbs. ground beef, 3 eggs, 2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. onion - chopped fine, 1/2 c. catsup, 2 c. milk, 1 c. cheddar cheese - shredded, 2-2/3 c. instant potatoes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together except potatoes and cheese. Put into 9 x 13 pan and bake one hour . Prepare instant potatoes according to package directions for 8 serving size. Spread on baked meat, sprinkle cheese over all. Bake 10-15 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Have a salad and a loaf of bread and you have your basics for a healthy life (This comes from Kayla McCormick’s kitchen). SCHOOLS John Clark Elementary School, Rockville is celebrating American Education Week. This year’s theme is Raise your Hands for Students Success. They had made place mats in their family groups the week before and now would decorate the placemats with various themes including the annual one, but some will probably feature age appropriate drawings. These will all go to Rockville’s Granite Edge Café. Customers will be alerted to appreciate and celebrate American education. The KIT (Keep In Touch) session for First Grade is on Wednesday, November 19th. Parents are invited. The KIT Session for 3rd Grade is at 9:45am on Friday November 21st. Parents have been notified. The Kindergarten KIT is set for 9:45 on Monday, November 24th. Parents have been notified. A heads-up for next week’s vacation time, there will be no school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, giving families a five day Thanksgiving vacation. Enjoy. ***** The Liturgy Lesson at St. Wendelin’s School last week was given by Fr. Roger as he talked about stories, we all have our own stories. He challenged everyone to think about what story our life is telling. Even buildings, like the church, have stories, the cross in front, the stations and paintings on the ceiling. Think about the stories they tell and we tell, “May our stories honor Jesus.” he said. The school, staff and students thank everyone for the box tops and labels donated. Thanks to Nicole Kirchhoff who takes care of this project. And remember, they’ll take any turkey stamps you can spare from Coborn’s shoppers for the school’s lunch program. ***** The students of Holy Cross School in Pearl Lake continue to reap the rewards for the Walk-aThon. This past week they enjoyed PJ day, a special movie, gum, hat day, relay races, Minute to Win It and fried bread! They’re getting ready for their annual Christmas Program. Everyone is invited, it’s Thursday, December 11th at 1:30pm and 7:00pm. Mark your calendars now. Memory There will be Memory Screening from 2-5pm on November 19th in the Bonn Great Room at St. Benedict’s Senior community in St. Cloud. Come and enjoy pie, coffee and a free brief confidential memory screening. To schedule a screening call 320-6542355. Bingo Turkey Party The Annual Bingo Turkey Party Fundraiser at Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church in Rockville is from 1:30pm to 4:30pm on Sunday, November 23rd. Door Prizes, pull tabs, refreshments and snacks on sale throughout the afternoon party. All are welcome. No entrance fee. Come and join the fun. Bring the family and spend the afternoon, spending money and winning turkeys or cash. The fundraiser includes a Cash Raffle. Tickets available in the church entrance on weekends. $2,000 top prize. Ticket donation is $20. Raffle drawing is at 4:30. Need not be present to win. Rockville County Park Closed The County Park located in Rockville just north of the Sauk River and west of Eagle Park. It is still closed because of the Disabled Persons Hunt which continues until November 23rd. Disabled veterans, disabled individuals and youth signed up to be assisted to do some deer hunting in the County Park with the aid of Midwest Outdoors Unlimited. They use shot guns, bows and cross bows from portable ground blinds. The 284 acre Rockville County Park just west of Eagle Park is a perfect location for a deer hunt. It includes over a mile of Sauk River shoreline and natural features such as granite out croppings and hardwood forests. There are trails, a bridge, an observation deck, horse area and bathrooms. The public is welcome back into the park after the Deer hunt ends on the 23rd. Eucharistic Adoration Sunday The Legion of Mary of the Parish of Mary of the Immaculate Conception is spearheading a special Eucharistic Adoration Sunday, November 30th from 11am to 7pm. All are invited and welcome to come to MIC Church during this time to adore the Lord in his real presence. The Eucharist will be placed in the Monstrance immediately after the 10am Mass. Various parish groups will lead prayers and songs for the first 15 minutes of each hour (12-6) with a Tuesday, November 18, 2014 special ceremony at 7pm with Fr. Ron Weyrens speaking and closing with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited to Come to Eucharistic Adoration. “The peace that can be yours; this foretaste of heaven and your transformation that occurs just by sitting before the real presence of the Lord is exceptional. When you sit face to face with all truth, beauty and love, you cannot hold on to bitterness, resentment, grudges, pride or disobedience. We are overwhelmed by His mercy and love as we sit at his feet. The God of the universe who loves us from all eternity is waiting for us in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar. Time with him is the fuel that keeps this fire within us burning! Come. Taken from the book, Love Letters From Mom, by Patty Schneier. Everyone is urged to participate. A sign-up opportunity will be available for weekly (Thursdays) Adoration Holy hours. All are invited to sign-up. Any questions call Tudie 252-3017. Youth Rally The Annual Catholic Youth Rally held at St. John’s on October 26 was attended by more than 500 young people from across the St. Cloud Diocese. A good cross section of the parishes were represented. The keynote speaker was very popular, the musician John Angotti, a self-described music missionary from Memphis, Tennessee. His message was clearly about becoming more Christ like especially through receiving the body of Christ in Mass and then being sent out on this mission of love. He used words, testimony and music to involve the kids in his message that God love us all. Bishop Don Kettler celebrated Mass with the youth and reminded them in his homily to love God as much as possible and you to love our neighbors like we want others to love us. The Rally included a challenge talk by Diocesan Youth Council, performance by the PPII Players, recreation opportunities, exhibits and a dance. A question and answer session with the speakers of the day was really interesting. The youth contributed $856 during the collection at Mass for the Child Survival Project, which seeks to improve the lives of young people in the Diocese of Homa Bay, Kenya, whose families are affected by HIV and AIDS. Two individuals received awards: Sam Manning of Christ Our Light Parish in Princeton/Zimmerman received the St. Timothy Award, the highest youth award and Melissa Fox of St. Marcus Parish of Clear Lake received the companions on the Journey Award, the highest award for adults. It was a great day. Nice fall weather made for a great outdoor procession as the participants walked to the Abby Church for Mass. House of Prayer Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer, Padua, Minnesota is celebrating the 8th Annual Anniversary of the House of Prayer on December 6th. All are invited. The Celebration begins with a Noon Mass followed by the Novena to the Blessed Trinity as requested by our Holy Mother Mary. The always delicious Chicken and Ribs Dinner is at 3pm at the Padua Pub (RSVP dinner reservations ($20) to Mary Elizabeth at 320-352-9954 or 33932 County road 18, Sauk Center, MN 56378.) The Festivities also include a Raffle. Tickets are $10, proceeds to support the upkeep of the mission. Prizes include: iPad Air 9.7 ($450), Gold Matrix Medal ($375), Dehydrated Meals ($250), Kindle ($200), Queen of Peace statue ($100). There will also be a silent auction. Do your Christmas shopping early and fresh baked goodies. All are invited and welcome. A perfect tie to unite together in Thanksgiving for the many graces and favors through the Blessed Mother’s mission. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to my college attending, granddaughter. Keep up the studies, the job and try to find some sleep! Happy birthday Hana Marie Long, born on her Dad’s birthday, November 21, 1994. Birthday blessings to Charlie Hermanutz, born on the 20th of November 1934. He grew up here in Rockville, toured the world on a missile tracking ship for much of his career, died young in Las Vegas 1995. He was the very best Uncle my kids ever had! Happy birthday to Darren Long, born on the 21st of November 1964, kinda neat having a daughter born on your birthday. Have a great day! Happy birthday on November 22nd to my twin nephews Tim and Tom Schmit, born 1962 and happy birthday on the 22nd to our neighbor across town, Chuck Hennen, born in 1942. Happy birthday to Michelle (Weisman) 1974 and her niece Mackanzie, 1994 born on the 22nd also. Birthday wishes to their dad, grandpa Michael Weisman, born on the 23rd, 1942. Can’t forget a couple more Weismans, two of Mike and Shirley’s grandsons. Happy birthday Louis on the 24th and Jayden on the 25th. You guys always eat a lot of “cake” towards the end of November! Enjoy! Birthday greetings to Cyndy (Allord) Walz, who was born on the 25th of November 1963. Birthday blessings to Judy (Weber) Mick (Mrs. Vernon) born on the 25th of November 1940. Died in June 1994, think of her often, great memories of friends from the “good old days”! Just how are you keeping warm on these January days in November? Tudie NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Managers of the Sauk River Watershed District pursuant to Minnesota Statue 103D.605 will hold a hearing November 18, 2014 at 6:45 P.M. at the Sauk Centre City Hall located at 320 Oak Street South in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The purpose of the hearing is to consider and take comments on the Middle Sauk River Targeted Reduction and Outreach Clean Water Partnership Project (Minnesota Clean Water Partnership Act Implementation Grant; Minnesota Clean Water Partnership State Revolving Fund Loan Program). The project will involve the installation of riparian Best Management Practices (BMPs) adjacent to ditches and tributaries of the Sauk River, performance monitoring of BMPs and public education and outreach. Funds from the project may assist both public and private landowners and entities. Total estimated project cost is $644,000 with $268,000 being provided as grant from the State of Minnesota and additional funding and in-kind contributions being provided by the Watershed District, local landowners and cooperating local, state and federal agency partners, including $150,000 Revolving Fund Loans from the State of Minnesota under the Clean Water Partnership Act. Funding will be used for planning and implementation of best management practices to reduce erosion and reduce sediment and nutrient discharges to the Sauk River and its tributaries. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the above mentioned project. For further information contact the Watershed District Office at (320) 352-2231. Duane Willenbring, President (Publish November 11 & 18, 2014) __________________________________ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS IN DISTRICT COURT SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Court File No. 73-PR-14-9331 NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Re: Estate of Larry Allen Bollman, aka Larry A. Bollman, aka Larry Bollman Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated Public Notices continued on page 17 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Cold Spring Record Page 15 STEARNS COUNTY SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 The purpose of this Report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning Stearns County for interested citizens. Questions about this report should be directed to Jim Stegura, Stearns County Financial Manager, (320) 656-3914. A FULL AND COMPLETE COPY OF THE COUNTY FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS AVAILABLE ON THE COUNTY’S WEB SITE AT WWW.CO.STEARNS.MN.US OR UPON REQUEST BY CALLING (320) 656-3914, OR BY WRITING TO JIM STEGURA, STEARNS COUNTY FINANCIAL MANAGER, 705 COURTHOUSE SQUARE ROOM 148, ST. CLOUD, MN 56303. COUNTY OFFICIALS Office Name Phone Commissioners: 1st District DeWayne Mareck (320) 251-3152 Office Name Phone Officers: Administrator George Rindelaub (320) 656-3601 Auditor/Treasurer 2nd District Mark Bromenschenkel (320) 493-9180 Randy Schreifels (320) 656-3900 Attorney 3rd District (320) 656-3880 Jeff Mergen* (320) 597-3247 Janelle Kendall Financial Manager (320) 656-3914 (320) 251-0653 Jim Stegura Recorder Diane Grundhoefer (320) 656-3855 4th District Leigh Lenzmeier 5th District Vacant Sheriff John Sanner *2013 Chair A PROFILE OF STEARNS COUNTY Key Indicator Estimated Population Total Tax Capacity Percent of Property Taxes Collected Total General Revenues Total Program Revenues (320) 259-3700 $126,607,287 2012 151,606 $129,630,261 Percent Increase (Decrease) 0.32% 98.30% 98.58% (0.28%) 2013 152,092 $73,826,151 $77,788,843 (2.33%) (5.09%) $52,915,337 $53,547,771 (1.18%) $116,914,784 $117,513,986 Capital Assets Governmental activities $290,647,260 $440 (0.51%) (100.00%) $279,673,905 3.92% $12,085,206 $4,685,000 $310,508 (36.47%) (10.25%) (26.45%) AA+ (S&P) N/A $328,312,693 2.99% Total Expenses Governmental activities Business-type activities $0 Business-type activities Total Outstanding Net Bonded Debt of County General obligation Revenue supported Special assessment $0 $7,677,920 $4,205,000 $228,386 Bond Rating on Most Recent General Obligation Bond IssueAA+ (S&P) Total Government-Wide Net Position Governmental activities $338,139,397 Business-type activities $0 Total Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees $0 851.98 0% $5,242 (100.00%) 840.97 1.31% STEARNS COUNTY’S 2013 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS’ FINANCES Other <1% Intergovernmental 30% Fee/Charges 8% Culture and Recreation 3% Property and other Taxes 58% The following definitions will help citizens understand the terminology that is used in the county's financial statement. Basic Financial Statements Stearns County's basic financial statements consist of three parts: government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements. The management's discussion and analysis and certain budgetary comparison schedules are required to accompany the basic financial statements and, therefore, are included as required supplementary information. Government-wide financial statements display information about the county's financial reporting entity as a whole, except for its fiduciary activities. These statements should present separate information for the governmental and business-type activities of the county (primary government), as well as for its component units. Fund financial statements display separate financial information for the county's governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds. Information for governmental funds is presented separately for major funds and the aggregate total for non major funds. Notes to the financial statements provide additional information and disclosure for information in the financial statements. Governmental activities are generally activities of the county financed through taxes, intergovernmental revenues, and other nonexchange revenues. These activities are usually reported in governmental funds and internal service funds. Business-type activities are county activities financed in whole or in part by fees charged to external parties for goods or services. These activities are usually reported in enterprise funds. Financial reporting entity consists of the primary government (county), organizations for which the county is financially accountable and other organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the county are such that exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. The nucleus of a county’s financial reporting entity is the primary government, the county. Primary government is a term used in connection with defining the financial reporting entity. The primary government is the focus of the financial reporting entity. For the county, the primary government represents the financial activities, funds, or accounts directly under the control of the county board. Component unit describes a legally separate organization for which the county board is financially accountable. In addition, component units can be other organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the county are such that exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. County Governmental Fund Types The General Fund is the general operating fund of the county. It is used to account for all financial resources, except those that are required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted for specified purposes. Investment Earnings -2% Conservation of Natural Resources 4% Health 3% Human Services 30% Sanitation 0% A User's Guide to County Financial Statements Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of principal, interest, and related costs of general long-term debt. Other 1% Capital Projects Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. General Government 21% County Proprietary Funds Public Safety 26% Highways & Streets 12% Assets Cash and pooled investments Receivables Due from other governments Inventories Prepaid items Assets held for resale Enterprise Funds are used to report an activity for which a fee is charged to external users for goods or services. Primary Government Governmental Activities $77,804,006 3,401,692 3,805,764 1,326,453 1,823 Discretely Presented Component Unit $ 753,395 909,500 – – 6,632 416,185 Land 14,963,833 652,894 Right of way 16,584,336 – Construction in Progress Infrastructure Buildings Machinery, furniture and equipment Total Assets County Fiduciary Funds Agency Funds are used to account for assets held by the county as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and/or other funds; for example, taxes collected and held by a county for a school district. Character Classification of County Expenditures The county’s governmental expenditures are classified by character or the periods expenditures are presumed to benefit. The county has the following character classifications: Current operating expenditures are presumed to benefit the current fiscal period. Debt services are presumed to benefit prior fiscal periods as well as current and future periods and includes amount expended for the payment of principal, interest, and other costs associated with debt. Capital outlays are presumed to benefit current and future fiscal periods and include amounts expended for the construction or acquisition of county capital assets. Intergovernmental represent resources transferred by to the county to other governments. Classification of County Functions Functions are a group of related activities aimed at accomplishing a major service or regulatory program for which the county is responsible. The county has the following function classifications: The General Government function includes expenditures for general county activities such as the county commissioners, county administration, county attorney's office, county auditor's office, county treasurer's office, county assessor's office, the judicial (excluding the county jail), environmental services office, and other county general service offices. Public Safety relates to the objective of protection of persons and property and includes expenditures for corrections activities, operations of the sheriff's department, the county jail, civil defense, and emergency services. Highways and Streets includes expenditures relating to the construction and maintenance of county highways and streets. Sanitation involves expenditures for the removal and disposal of waste and includes county solid waste collection and disposal, recycling, and sanitary sewer programs. Human Services represents activities designed to provide public assistance and institutional care for individuals unable to provide essential needs for themselves. These programs include child support collection, child welfare, chemical dependency, medical assistance, and others. Health involves all activities involved in the conservation and improvement of public health. This function includes expenditures for the county public health department, home health aid services, other nursing services, maternal and child health, supplemental nutrition programs, and programs to protect public and private water systems. Culture and Recreation involves cultural and recreational activities maintained for the benefit of county residents and visitors. These activities include county libraries, parks, and other recreation programs. Conservation involves activities designed to conserve and develop such natural resources as water, soil, and forests and includes such programs as soil and water conservation, county extension, water planning, and other. Economic Development activities are directed toward economically developing the area encompassed by the county and providing assistance to, and opportunity for, economically disadvantaged persons or businesses. Summary of Stearns County's Statement of Net Position December 31, 2013 – Capital assets Internal Service Funds are used to report any activity that provides goods or services to other funds, departments, or agencies of the primary government and its component units, or to other governments, on a cost reimbursement basis. 9,788,106 196,129,464 46,475,064 6,706,457 $376,986,998 – – 3,537,926 ___ 98,148 $ 6,374,680 Liabilities Payables Due to other governments Primary Government Governmental Activities $ 7,650,147 2,229,915 Unearned revenue 450,746 Long-term liabilities Due within one year Deferred Inflows of Resources Advance from other governments Net Postition Invested in capital assets net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total Net Position 104,581 – 2,436 8,201,632 Due within more than one year Total Liabilities $ Discretely Presented Component Unit 153,104 2,508,359 20,260,332 $ 38,792,772 $ 2,768,480 $ 54,829 $ – $ 282,478,919 $ 1,690,254 11,986,460 43,674,018 $338,139,397 780,054 1,135,892 $ 3,606,200 Stearns County Financial Statement continued on page 16 page 16 Cold Spring Record Continued from the previous page . . . MAJOR RECIPIENTS OF STEARNS COUNTY EXPENDITURES The following is a list of the recipients of Stearns County expenditures totaling $5,000 or more during 2013. The List does not include salary paid to County Employees nor does it include individuals who received Federal, State or County Human Services Aid. VENDOR AMOUNT 81,231.92 180 DEGREES INC 3D SPECIALTIES INC 5,417.57 A & H COMPANY INC 58,415.50 ACCESSDATA GROUP LLC 5,183.38 ACCURATE CONTROL, INC 10,459.00 ACS GOVT INFORMATION SERVICES 5,483.66 ADVANCED PUBLIC SAFETY 49,606.42 AERCOR WIRELESS INCORPORATED 73,313.37 AFSCME COUNCIL 65 214,162.15 AIRWATCH LLC 6,750.00 ALBANY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 745 2,805,192.25 ALBANY TOWNSHIP 381,605.62 ALBINSON INC 5,948.51 AMAZON.COM CORPORATE CREDIT 35,729.89 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING INC 10,200.00 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE 27,207.56 AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUPPLY 13,424.30 AMI IMAGING SYSTEMS INC 100,395.51 AMO ASSESSING 9,600.00 ANNANDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT 876 455,116.83 ANOKA COUNTY 83,612.69 APH STORES INC 6,519.35 APPLE INC. 34,922.22 ARCTIC CAT 21,295.00 ARNOLDS EQUIPMENT INC. 12,156.48 ARTEMIS SOLUTIONS 11,687.00 ARVIG ENTERPRISES INC F/K/A DIVERSICOM 17,033.22 ASHLEY TOWNSHIP 73,251.41 ASSESSCO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE 9,139.00 ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA COUNTIES (AMC) 42,425.00 ASTECH ASPHALT SURFACE TECH 675,316.09 AUTO TRIM DESIGN OF CENTRAL MINNESOTA 7,534.52 AVAYA INC 71,705.91 25,556.86 AVESIS 17,504.97 AVI SYSTEMS AVIANDS LLC 333,083.21 AVIAT 5,860.80 AVON TOWNSHIP 456,976.02 B&S EXCAVATING INC 23,250.00 BARNA, GUZY, STEFFEN LTD 46,985.84 BARR ENGINEERING COMPANY 50,298.83 BATTERIES PLUS INC. 5,532.55 BECHTOLD, DELROY A 43,500.00 BEE LINE SPORTS 12,953.57 BELGRADE BROOTEN ELROSA SCHOOL DIST 2364 1,028,032.29 BELGRADE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 7,062.22 BENNETT PETROLEUM SERV 21,095.63 BENSON FUNERAL HOME 39,300.00 BENTON COUNTY 197,216.92 BERTELSON BROTHERS INC 117,941.28 BLASCZIEK, GARY & RENEE 5,016.00 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHEILD OF MINNESOTA 7,909,338.70 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC 10,429.84 BOBCAT COMPANY 20,104.61 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC 8,007.69 BOUND TREE MEDICAL 5,244.06 BOYER FORD TRUCKS INC. 10,858.91 BRADSHAW & BRYANT 60,500.04 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP 28,743.50 BREDEMUS HARDWARE CO INC 13,932.89 BROCK WHITE CO 53,490.45 BROCKWAY TOWNSHIP 655,227.28 BROMENSCHENKEL, LOUISE & DAVID 9,628.00 BUECKERS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE 34,605.41 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 8,630.00 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 30,000.00 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 14,347.85 16,414.20 CATCO PARTS & SERVICE 5,286.84 CDW COMPUTER CENTERS INC CELEBRITE USA CORP 7,083.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP 12,578.05 CENTRACARE HEALTH FOUNDATION 8,000.00 CENTRAL MINNESOTA COUNCIL ON AGING 33,507.79 CENTRAL MINNESOTA DELIVERY 16,265.23 CENTRAL MINNESOTA LEGAL SERVICES 123,648.58 CENTRAL MN VIOLENT OFFENDER TASK FORCE 32,568.08 CENTURY FENCE COMPANY 73,347.60 CHADER BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO 24,410.22 CHANNEL MARINE & SPORTS INC 29,273.78 CITESCAPE, LCC 7,935.96 CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC 12,349.44 CITY OF ALBANY 1,291,374.87 CITY OF AVON 1,392,231.93 CITY OF BELGRADE 343,459.36 CITY OF BROOTEN 424,880.13 CITY OF COLD SPRING 1,722,084.10 CITY OF EDEN VALLEY 150,694.59 CITY OF ELROSA 36,041.60 CITY OF FREEPORT 480,797.40 CITY OF GREENWALD 36,934.68 CITY OF HOLDINGFORD 288,601.41 CITY OF KIMBALL 452,532.97 CITY OF LAKE HENRY 44,108.14 CITY OF MEIRE GROVE 30,537.32 CITY OF MELROSE 1,400,814.88 CITY OF NEW MUNICH 109,269.97 CITY OF PAYNESVILLE 861,080.14 CITY OF RICHMOND 893,566.36 CITY OF ROCKVILLE 1,570,271.39 CITY OF ROSCOE 53,846.78 CITY OF SARTELL 6,642,780.26 CITY OF SAUK CENTRE 2,653,438.57 CITY OF SPRING HILL 12,110.17 CITY OF ST AUGUSTA 1,217,799.01 CITY OF ST CLOUD 24,015,626.85 CITY OF ST JOSEPH 2,135,501.42 CITY OF ST MARTIN 151,181.45 CITY OF ST ROSA 16,696.17 CITY OF ST STEPHEN 232,618.66 CITY OF WAITE PARK 8,487,261.39 6,812.40 CLEARSTREAM RECYCLING INC CLEARWATER RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT 120,558.63 COBORNS INCORPORATED 20,764.64 COLD SPRING RECORD INC 14,331.79 COLE PAPERS INC 12,743.48 COLLEGEVILLE TOWNSHIP 522,152.58 COMMVAULT SYSTEMS, INC 42,839.53 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC F/K/A NORTH AMER SALT 273,196.96 CONEXIS BENEFIT ADMINISTRATORS 11,395.80 COPENHAVET-LIUKKONEN, JODI D. 96,900.00 CORE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PA 16,354.43 CPS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS 8,337.65 CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING INC 6,412.65 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, INC 26,212.12 CROW LAKE TOWNSHIP 65,241.77 CROW RIVER TOWNSHIP 124,909.24 94,907.98 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DANIEL FUNERAL HOME 37,485.00 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES INC 5,692.20 DATALINK CORPORATION 29,837.48 DAVID TURCH AND ASSOCIATES 48,000.00 DELL MARKETING L P 666,247.81 DELTA AIR LINES 6,396.10 DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF MINNESOTA 343,442.00 DESIGN ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS 9,776.01 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENTER 93,355.32 DIGINEER INC 18,210.00 DIRTWORKS 2000 INC 17,813.00 DISCOVERY BENEFITS INC 10,783.91 DIVERSIFIED REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC 49,935.00 DLR GROUP INC 364,430.18 DLT SOLUTIONS INC. 8,507.61 DOUGLAS-KERR UNDERGROUND LLC 1,742,241.02 22,000.00 DOWNTOWN COUNCIL ST CLOUD INC DUININCK BROTHERS INC 135,352.25 DUININCK CONCRETE LLC 5,839.57 DYNAMIC SOLUTIONS GROUP 6,136.67 EARLEY & ASSOCIATES INC 7,995.00 EDEN LAKE TOWNSHIP 497,616.96 EDEN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 463 1,229,254.74 ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE (ES&S) 58,997.06 ELEVATED GIS SOLUTIONS LLC 11,400.00 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC 32,130.37 EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES 531,813.58 ENERGY SALES INCORPORATED 7,445.46 ENFORCEMENT VIDEO LLC 7,877.76 ENVENTIS TELECOM INC 16,126.29 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INST. INC 34,054.35 ERICKSON ENGINEERING 59,626.00 EVERBRIDGE INC 32,390.00 274,793.06 EXPRESS SERVICES INC FAIR HAVEN TOWNSHIP 383,774.96 FARMING TOWNSHIP 214,465.13 FASTENAL COMPANY 17,407.83 FELD, TARA & ALLEN 6,377.00 FELIX, MICHAEL J & DINGMANN, JOYCE A 18,429.20 FERCHE FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 8,443.00 FLEET SERVICES DIVISION 304,004.27 FRANKMAN, LELAND J ATTORNEY AT LAW 28,000.00 FRIE, BERNARD 9,887.00 FRONTIER PRECISION INC 8,400.61 FRONTRANGE SOLUTIONS 23,183.15 G&K SERVICES 12,796.60 GARTNER GROUP, INC 33,770.00 GEM SANITARY DISTRICT 32,222.21 GENERAL OFFICE PRODUCTS COMPANY 7,943.32 25,141.01 GEO-COMM, INC 5,421.00 GERTKEN, LESLIE & STEPHANIE 79,644.08 GETTY TOWNSHIP GLACIAL RIDGE HOSPITAL DISTRICT 9,414.68 GLIEDEN ENTERPRISES, LLC 16,524.00 GOODIN COMPANY 15,133.07 GOPHER STATE CONTRACTORS INC 180,289.00 GOVDELIVERY INC 38,062.62 GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT GROUP INC 14,900.00 GRAINGER 10,415.61 GRANITE CITY ARMORED CAR 8,875.63 GRANITE CITY ROOFING 8,637.38 GRANITE CITY TIRE & AUTO 18,207.09 GRANITE CITY WINDOW CLEANING 7,990.00 GRANITE ELECTRONICS INC 118,184.95 GRANITE PEST CONTROL 6,032.06 GRAYBAR 6,852.71 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 5,809.80 GREAT AMERICAN MARINE INC 14,796.56 GREAT KIDS INC 5,043.90 GREAT RIVER REGIONAL LIBR 2,073,560.00 GREATER ST CLOUD DEV CORP F/K/A THE PARTNERSHIP 20,000.00 GREEN LIGHTS RECYCLING, INC. 7,555.52 GREEN VIEW INC 20,506.70 GROVE TOWNSHIP 128,034.39 GUSTAVE A LARSON CO-PAMECO 17,831.05 H&R CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 19,636.31 HAAS, ANTHONY PAUL 6,000.00 HANCOCK CONCRETE PRODUCTS, LLC 16,221.77 HARDRIVES INC 4,168,108.51 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 6,925.00 HARVEY ANDERSON FUNERAL HOMES INC 9,464.75 HDR ENGINEERING INC 6,916.00 HEALTH PARTNERS 63,013.04 HEMMESCH, ROGER & LISA 16,474.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER 6,848.49 HIGH LINE CORPORATION 41,542.50 HIGH MONKEY CONSULTING INC 8,892.00 7,540.00 HITESMAN & WOLD F/K/A HITESMAN & ASSOC, PA HOLDING TOWNSHIP 360,998.47 HOLDINGFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 738 1,520,661.40 HORIZON ROOFING 57,721.41 HOUSING RENEWAL (HRLARP) 58,193.38 HULS, JEANNE MASSMANN 23,063.00 IC SOLUTIONS 22,050.00 ILGEN EXCAVATING INC 18,383.02 IMAGETREND 17,835.00 IMPACT MAILING OF MINNESOTA 91,203.85 ING LIFE INS & ANNUITY CO 70,615.12 INITIATIVE FOUNDATION 10,000.00 INMEDIUS INCORPORATED 24,000.00 INTEGRA TELECOM 58,655.73 INTELLIGENT MEETING MANAGEMENT 27,972.00 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 13,250,026.69 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 5,127.00 INTOXIMETERS INC 5,005.42 ISANE, BETSEY A 49,500.00 ITT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES INC 24,298.40 J L GABRIELSON EXCAVATING INC 21,000.00 JENNIE O FOODS 7,123.40 JEREMY JANSON CONSTRUCTION INC 22,615.00 JOHN WIESE FORD INC 8,461.54 JOHNSON CONTROLS INC 42,529.26 JOINT FIRE ADVISORY BOARD 5,370.00 JUAIRE, KRISTINA KAY 13,962.00 JUSTICE BENEFITS INC 6,008.42 K JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION INC 6,685.00 KANABEC COUNTY 23,706.03 KANDIYOHI COUNTY 28,628.24 KELLY SERVICES 16,554.51 KIMBALL AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 739 1,337,548.13 KINDRED FAMILY FOCUS F/K/A KINDRED FAMILY SERVICES 8,924.88 KLINEFELTERS ENFORCEMENT & EMERG PRODUCT RESOURCE 64,508.68 KNIFE RIVER CORP 4,230,890.76 KNOWLEDGELAKE INC 69,528.57 KRAEMER TRUCKING & EXCAVATING 34,014.12 KRAIN TOWNSHIP 225,994.96 KRIPPNER TRUCKING & EXCAVATING 10,000.00 LABORATORY CORPORATION OF AMERICA HOLDINGS 7,385.00 LAHR, MICHAEL & SUSAN 7,427.00 LAKE GEORGE TOWNSHIP 64,274.59 LAKE HENRY IMPLEMENT INC 8,561.10 LAKE HENRY TOWNSHIP 93,166.80 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC 253,910.12 LANGE TRENCHING 21,882.30 LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES 84,640.50 LE SAUK TOWNSHIP 213,292.28 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 6,538.33 LEXISNEXIS 9,086.80 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA 132,125.84 LINDERMAN, DR ROSEMARY 5,052.27 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 9,423.41 LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGIES INC 371,901.11 VENDOR AMOUNT 5,589.00 LUETHMERS, JAMES A LUNDA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 117,047.27 LUXEMBURG TOWNSHIP 219,968.00 LYNDEN TOWNSHIP 383,239.76 M SPACE INC 9,257.44 MAINE PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP 657,694.11 MANAGED DESIGN LLC 5,280.00 MAR-BEN INC 32,292.00 MARCO INC 143,906.44 MARVL MANAGEMENT LLC 7,499.99 MATT HEINEN'S EMERGENCY 18,413.48 MAYO CLINIC SOCIAL WORK 14,859.14 MCDOWALL COMPANY 6,447.00 MCGEE, DR MICHAEL 79,500.00 MCI INC 85,004.86 MCLEOD COUNTY 17,883.24 MEDTOX DIAGNOSTICS INC 8,061.18 MEDTOX LABORATORIES INC 114,957.00 MEEKER COUNTY 17,129.96 MELROSE AG SERVICES LLC 11,538.90 MELROSE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 740 2,196,024.05 MELROSE TOWNSHIP 171,736.90 MENARDS INC 7,242.78 MEND CORRECTIONAL CARE LLC 724,493.25 METRO RADIATOR 7,290.10 METRO SALES INC 24,087.97 MICHAEL, KATHLEEN S 27,938.75 MID-CENTRAL CONTRACTING 14,250.00 MIDDLE FORK CROW RIVER WTRSHED 19,317.30 MID-MINNESOTA RESOURCE & DATA MANAGEMENT 7,500.00 MIDPOINT TECHNOLOGY, INC. 28,994.40 MIDWAY CONTAINER INC 7,948.71 MIDWAY IRON & METAL CO 12,714.97 112,683.81 MIDWEST CONTRACTING LLC 54,583.59 MIDWEST MACHINERY COMPANY MIDWEST MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE 79,749.20 MIDWEST PROTECTION AGENCY INC 13,323.58 MII LIFE-VEBA 2,460,937.22 MILLE LACS COUNTY 253,122.87 MILLER - CARLIN FUNERAL HOMES 23,000.00 MILLER PONTIAC-BUICK-GMC INC 18,987.04 MILLS FLEET FARM 8,353.84 MILLWOOD TOWNSHIP 320,141.07 MINCO 127,441.25 MINNEAPOLIS/ST PAUL REALTY ADVISORS INC 8,750.00 MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS 5,345.00 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER 37,242.37 MINNESOTA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY BAYPORT 28,512.00 MINNESOTA COUNTIES COMPUTER CO-OP (MCCC) 212,729.60 MINNESOTA COUNTIES INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRUST 902,986.46 MINNESOTA COUNTY ATTORNEYS ASSN 10,794.09 MINNESOTA DEFERRED COMP PLAN 225,914.80 MINNESOTA INTER-COUNTY ASSN 35,764.00 MINNESOTA MAINTENANCE SUPPLY CO 9,416.06 MINNESOTA NURSES ASSOCIATION 13,744.97 MINNESOTA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION 20,478.77 MINNESOTA SOCIAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION 5,180.00 MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE 5,258.00 MONSON CORPORATION 24,020.33 MORPHOTRUST USA, INC 5,700.00 MORRISON COUNTY 6,153.27 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC 109,096.32 M-R SIGN COMPANY INC. 28,805.09 MULTI MEDIA HOLDINGS CORPORATION 11,216.46 MUNSON TOWNSHIP 386,505.35 NACO 2,515,388.18 NATIONAL CONF. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 15,236.00 251,377.83 NELSON AUTO CENTER INC 18,751.05 NEO ADMINISTRATION COMPANY NEOGOV 16,058.00 NEOPOST GREAT PLAINS F/K/A DEATONS MAILING SYSTEMS 7,238.30 NETWORK CONSULTING SERVICES INC 34,587.72 NEW FLYER USA 250,000.00 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS 128,353.74 NEWMAN SIGNS INC 5,011.54 NORTH CENTRAL BUS & EQUIPMENT INC 8,256.77 NORTH FORK CROW RIVER 389,520.57 NORTH FORK TOWNSHIP 100,637.19 NORTH HOMES INC 19,704.25 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC 18,967.60 NORTHWEST EXCAVATORS INC 18,650.50 NOTSCH, JEROME A & DOROTHY M 40,000.00 NURSE-FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 20,559.00 NUSS TRUCK & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED 242,436.44 OAK TOWNSHIP 154,630.62 ODESA II 148,570.49 OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY 90,546.73 OPATZ, EDWARD J 13,332.00 OPTUM HEALTH FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 9,486.48 OZZYS EXCAVATING 11,900.00 PATCHIN MESSNER DODD 12,415.50 PATTON FUNERAL SERVICE CORPORATION 12,820.00 PAYNESVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 741 1,767,859.83 PAYNESVILLE TOWNSHIP 542,554.85 PERFICIENT INC 110,683.23 PFM 10,433.40 POLAR TANK TRAILER 23,131.25 POPE DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE 16,706.53 PORT GROUP HOMES 11,178.00 POSTMASTER ST CLOUD 9,741.50 POTTERS INDUSTRIES INC 25,872.00 POWERHOUSE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT 5,959.11 POWERTEAM INC 257,330.00 PRAIRIE LAKES YOUTH PROGRAMS 239,802.29 PRECISE MOBILE RESOURCE MGMT 15,212.59 PRISONER TRANSPORT SERVICE 7,229.40 PROFESSIONAL PORTABLE XRAY INC 7,060.00 PROJECT ONE CONSTRUCTION 7,147.70 PROOFPOINT 17,294.52 59,248.84 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC PRO-WEST & ASSOCIATES 17,283.75 PSS WORLD MEDICAL INC 18,700.46 PUBLIC ENGINES INC 25,583.60 Q MATIC CORPORATION 10,668.65 QUALITY INVESTMENTS INC 24,110.04 QWEST CORPORATION 311,874.27 R A MORTON & ASSOCIATES INC 63,293.94 RSVP 17,004.35 RAMSEY COUNTY 186,566.00 RAYMOND TOWNSHIP 81,296.43 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 104,087.91 REDSTONE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC 567,844.66 REGIONS HOSPITAL 16,855.97 RELUSENT COMMUNICATIONS INC 13,277.10 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY 50,320.94 RENNIE, ASHLEY 5,624.00 95,893.31 RESOURCE INC RICK OLSON SEMINARS 73,754.00 RILEY BROS CONSTRUCTION INC 187,142.86 RINKE NOONAN 74,159.67 RIPP RESTRAINTS INTERNATIONAL INC 5,507.80 RIVERTOWN COMMUNICATIONS INC 157,350.00 ROBERT R. SCHROEDER CONSTRUCTION INC 769,176.82 ROCORI AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 750 4,785,043.14 RON'S EXCAVATING SERVICE INC 10,322.76 ROYAL TIRE INC. 26,321.37 RT VISION, INC 5,287.21 S&T OFFICE PRODUCTS INCORPORATED 8,248.84 SANITY SOLUTIONS INC 68,420.39 SARTELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 7,464,822.84 SAUK CENTRE SCHOOL DISTRICT 743 1,858,994.72 SAUK CENTRE TOWNSHIP 225,823.58 SAUK RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT 1,118,821.72 16,345.62 SCHABEL ENTERPRISE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION 21,000.00 SCHREIFELS, BRYAN & GLORY 9,109.00 SCHWAGEL BROTHERS PROPERTIES 15,230.44 SCHWAGEL DISTRIBUTING INC. 9,606.38 SEACHANGE PRINTING AND MARKETING SERVICES LLC 18,814.77 SECURE DIGITAL SOLUTIONS LLC 6,750.00 SELECT ACCOUNT 19,033.83 SEVEN COUNTY PROCESS SERVERS 18,795.00 SHAFER CONTRACTING CO INC 54,554.83 SHARED SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES, INC 16,732.92 SHERBURNE COUNTY 86,395.15 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 6,766.69 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC 47,906.02 SKAALERUD, ALAN R 8,650.00 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 7,174.70 SOLDO CONSULTING PC 25,380.74 9,722.80 SPECTRA LOGIC SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY 5,848.08 SPEE DEE DELIVERY INC 13,825.74 SPRING HILL TOWNSHIP 126,678.92 SPRINT PCS 150,377.51 SPS COMPANIES INC 7,580.40 ST CLOUD AREA PLANNING ORGANIZATION 23,551.04 ST CLOUD AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 742 19,003,325.03 ST CLOUD CITY & COUNTY EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION 6,103.50 ST CLOUD FIRE EQUIPMENT INC 9,795.65 ST CLOUD HOSPITAL 126,792.55 ST CLOUD HRA 291,715.80 ST CLOUD MEDICAL GROUP 12,513.55 ST CLOUD METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION 868,097.02 ST CLOUD NORTHSTAR TIRE & AUTO INC 23,984.63 ST CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY 20,457.04 7,469.25 ST CLOUD TRUCK SALES INC 50,478.00 ST CROIX SOLUTIONS 6,758.92 ST JOHNS UNIVERSITY ST JOSEPH TOWNSHIP 458,122.70 ST MARTIN TOWNSHIP 154,501.06 ST WENDEL TOWNSHIP 407,980.71 STALKER RADAR 26,634.00 STAMER, MICHAEL 8,003.00 STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS 11,559.74 STATE OF MINNESOTA 38,560,964.26 STEARNS BENTON E&T COUNCIL 25,904.55 STEARNS COUNTY 209,659.13 STEARNS COUNTY ABSTRACT CO 79,551.16 STEARNS COUNTY FAIR 20,000.00 STEARNS COUNTY HRA 488,532.58 STEARNS COUNTY SNOWMOBILE ASSN 96,661.80 STEARNS COUNTY SOCIAL WELFARE 20,450.81 STEARNS COUNTY SOIL & WATER CONS. DIST 988,382.00 STEARNS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 15,883.25 STEARNS HISTORY MUSEUM 568,000.00 STEPP MFG CO INC 6,905.72 STEVE KRAEMER EXCAVATING 7,249.31 STEVE'S EXCAVATING 14,086.51 STOCK, DOUGLAS J 9,719.00 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CORPORATION 15,325.52 STREICHERS PRO POLICE EQUIP 21,832.34 SUNRAM CONSTRUCTION INC 7,695.49 SWANSTON EQUIPMENT 43,322.50 SYNTAX INC 27,799.50 TDS METROCOM 5,086.30 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 320 121,193.07 TENVOORDE FORD INC 12,520.08 TERHAAR EXCAVATING INCORPORATED 10,470.00 TERMINAL SUPPLY CO 5,081.29 THANE HAWKINS POLAR CHEVROLET INC 67,715.51 THE AMBLE GROUP INC 11,651.49 THE BRIDGE 205,788.01 THE FRANKLIN INVESTMENT CORPORATION 11,371.80 THE TABEN GROUP 6,724.43 208,728.35 THIELEN CONSTRUCTION THULL CONSTRUCTION 10,313.45 THULL EXCAVATING 9,562.00 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 55,662.28 TIBEX TECHNOLOGY INC 41,385.60 TIREMAXX SERVICE CENTER - ST JOSEPH 8,569.14 TOM KRAEMER INC 26,363.36 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTEMS INC 5,665.08 TOWMASTER INC 213,454.23 TRAUT WELLS INC 8,025.91 TRI CITY PAVING INC 1,210,467.69 TRI-COUNTY ACTION PROGRAM INC 120,315.45 TRIDIM FILTER CORPORATION 6,398.18 TRIMIN SYSTEMS INC 42,992.39 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS FKA VISIONAIR INC 117,521.76 TRUCK UTILITIES INC 18,998.10 TWIN CITY WINDUSTRIAL 39,691.58 U S BANK 4,223,362.50 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 11,197.03 UNISOURCE 16,167.81 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 270,000.00 UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL MINNESOTA 21,768.81 UNIVAR USA INC 17,557.70 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 165,117.04 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE OF AM 323,359.01 UPSALA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 487 46,225.59 USBANK 26,953,492.01 STATE OF MINNESOTA 211,024.00 VEOLIA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 138,004.60 VERIZON WIRELESS 27,868.41 VIRGIN HEALTHMILES INC 8,766.36 VOGEL TRAFFIC SERVICES INC 8,713.34 VOIGT MOTORCOACH TRAVEL INC 5,489.22 VOSS PLUMBING & HEATING INC 397,237.44 VOYAGER FLEET SYSTEMS INC 457,848.41 WACOSA 8,906.54 WAKEFIELD PORK INC 10,495.00 WAKEFIELD TOWNSHIP 664,570.79 WASHBURN-MCREAVY FUNERAL CHAPELS INC 7,963.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT INC 33,770.66 WELLS FARGO CORPORATE CARD 240,043.32 WENNER FUNERAL HOME 7,075.00 WEST ABE CONSORTIUM 13,000.00 WEST CENTRAL REGIONAL JUVENILE 13,242.00 WEST GROUP 21,885.06 WEST PUBLISHING PAYMENT CTR 39,011.80 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSOCIATES 54,920.34 WILLIAMS DINGMANN LLC 28,702.67 WORKPLACE BEHAVIORAL SOLUTIONS 34,868.50 WRIGHT COUNTY 39,225.46 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 56,794.67 XCEL ENERGY 711,219.12 XIOTECH CORPORATION 31,565.63 YURCZYK, ANDREW 6,165.00 ZIEGLER INC 59,999.68 ZION TOWNSHIP 207,565.44 Total $252,240,124.65 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Summary of Stearns County's Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 Functions/Programs Primary Government Governmental activities: General government Public safety Highways and streets Sanitation Human services Health Culture and recreation Conservation of natural resources Economic development Interest Total Primary Government Expenses Program Revenues $ 23,888,527 30,474,218 13,684,516 449,625 35,489,009 2,932,621 3,612,859 5,076,986 520,895 785,528 $ 6,864,180 5,478,701 17,095,318 1,304,565 16,844,582 2,816,782 310,650 1,855,482 345,077 – $ 116,914,784 General revenues: Taxes Grants and contributions not restricted to specific programs Other General Revenues Net $(17,024,347) (24,995,517) 3,410,802 854,940 (18,644,427) (115,839) (3,302,209) (3,221,504) (175,818) (785,528) $ 52,915,337 $(63,999,447) 70,303,699 6,472,555 (2,950,103) Net Change in net position Component Unit Housing and Redevelopment Authority Assets $ 2,452,436 $ 1,916,827 $ (508,609) A Summary Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds December 31, 2013 Road and Bridge General Cash and pooled investments $ 29,926,611 Petty cash and change funds 10,985 Departmental Cash 8,102 Delinquent taxes receivable 902,470 Special assessments receivable Delinquent – Deferred – Accounts receivable 199,817 Accrued interest receivable 197,456 Loans receivable 48,237 Due from other governments 174,117 Inventories – Advances to other funds 91,643 Prepaid Items 100 Total Assets $ 9,826,704 Major Funds Human Services Miscellaneous Debt Service Capital Projects Other Gov. Funds Total Gov. Funds $ 5,709,587 – – 199,334 $ 13,415,445 225 – 644,060 $ 2,372,109 – – – $ 5,552,993 – – 138,871 $ 13,553,803 – – – $ 5,389,834 825 – 38,222 $75,920,382 12,035 8,102 1,922,957 $ 31,559,538 $ 7,676,851 $ 17,316,747 $ 2,452,065 $ 6,026,645 $ 13,553,803 $ 6,330,315 $ 84,915,964 $ 2,042,756 1,492,293 – 435,119 450,746 64,500 $ 86,326 176,372 1,015,335 28,491 – 283,570 $ 1,295,356 1,103,834 – 10,537 – – $ 14,064 – – 1,745,771 – – $ 92,843 – – 3 – – $5,124 27,549 – 9,986 – – $3,536,469 2,800,048 1,015,335 2,229,907 450,746 439,713 – – 5,770 – – 435,707 1,326,453 – – Liabilities, Deferred Inflows of Resources – – 100,382 – – 3,154,912 – – 1,723 – – 5,256 – 33,672 41,028 – – – 10,402 324,379 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 69,028 39,318 20,271 – 424,747 – – 348,070 – 79,430 363,697 331,496 197,456 506,656 3,805,764 1,326,453 439,713 1,823 and Fund Balances Liabilities Accounts payable Salaries payable Contracts payable Due to other governments Unearned Revenue Advance from other funds Total Liabilities $ 4,485,414 $ 1,590,094 Deferred inflows of Resources Advance from other governments $ – Unavailable Revenue 943,613 Total Deferred Inflows of Resources $943,613 Fund Balances Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total Fund Balances 91,743 1,492,591 – 7,766 24,538,411 $ $ $ 26,130,511 Total Liabilities, Deferred inflows of Resources and Fund Balances $ 31,559,538 54,829 364,053 $418,882 $ 1,326,453 – – 4,341,422 – $ 2,409,898 $ – 2,104,898 $2,104,898 $ – – – 12,802,122 – $ $ 1,759,835 $ – 33,672 $33,672 $ – 365,456 – 293,102 – – – – – – 91,643 $ 91,643 $ – 441,203 $441,203 $ – 5,493,799 – – – $ $ 92,643 $ 43,659 $ 10,472,218 – – $________– $ – 562,683 $562,683 $ $ 348,070 4,709,484 667,419 – – $ 1,766,266 12,061,330 667,419 30,905,369 24,538,411 – – – 13,460,957 – $ 54,829 4,450,122 $4,504,951 $ 5,667,875 $ 12,802,122 $ 658,558 $ 5,493,799 $13,460,957 $ 5,742,973 $ 69,938,795 $ 7,676,851 $ 17,316,747 $ 2,452,065 $ 6,026,645 $ 13,553,803 $ 6,330,315 $ 69,938,764 Other Gov. Funds Total Gov. Funds A Summary of Governmental Funds Revenues and Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 Revenues Taxes Special assessments Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Fines and forfeits Gifts and contributions Investment income Miscellaneous Total Revenues General $ 34,260,153 – 697,163 8,647,206 4,017,843 349,265 5,010 (3,134,200) 2,158,222 $ 47,000,662 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 7,141,402 – 60,310 18,274,528 4,187 – – – 53,379 $ 4,870,586 150,781 – 39,061 – – – – – $ – – – 1,403,055 – – – – 78,250 $ 1,296,006 667,825 94,417 111,091 564,641 172,269 1,393 4,825 89,642 $ 70,498,074 818,606 851,890 46,039,523 6,744,732 521,534 21,322 (3,129,375) 5,770,433 $ 3,002,109 $128,136,739 – – – – – – – – – $ 347,771 – – 442,638 – – 977,270 35,815 335,381 $ 22,641,544 30,155,028 23,897,152 445,803 36,293,015 2,902,182 3,628,562 4,955,496 430,624 – – – – – 154,449 733,538 233,206 163,499 593,275 – – – – – 154,449 733,538 233,206 163,499 593,275 – 7,581,231 – – 36,293,015 2,902,182 – – – $ 2,029,039 1,887 – – – – 9,732 – – $ $ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – $ 50,377,044 $ 24,678,915 $ 46,776,428 $ 2,040,658 $ 4,926,602 $ 1,877,967 $ 2,138,875 $132,816,489 $ (3,376,382) $ $ (2,840,207 $ 81,550 $ 133,826 $ (396,662) $ 863,234 $ (4,679,750) $ $ – $ 875,687 $ (1,622,700) $ (95,252) $ (1,553,616) $ 15,480,319 – $ 4,956,991 – $ 76,002,451 169,710 Fund Balances - December 31 $ 26,130,511 Fund Balances - January 1 $ 29,933,288 Increase (Decrease) in res. for Inv. – $ – – 23,897,152 – – – – 63,620 – 718,143 – – – 854,891 $ 77,038 (1,148,199) 63,681 $ (1,007,480) $ (152,589) $ 5,650,754 169,710 $ 5,667,875 $ 1,863,487 $ 1,863,487 $ – – $ 1,229,440 (506,916) – 722,524 – – – – $ 4,145,000 635,702 – – – $ (2,117,683) $ $ 12,802,122 $ 658,558 $ 14,919,805 – – – 81,550 $ 577,008 – $ 875,687 – – 223,425 8 223,433 $ 1,640,054 Operating Revenues Charges for Services Miscellaneous Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses Cost of services Operating Income (loss) Nonoperating Revenues (Expense) Intergovernmental Income (Loss) Before Transfers Transfers In and (Out) Transfers in Transfers Out Total Transfers Change in Net Position Net Position – January 1 Net Position – December 31 Septic Loan $ $ $ – – – $ $ – – $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ – – – (5,242) (5,242) (5,242) 5,242 – – – $ – (1,622,700) – $ (2,019,362) $ 5,493,799 $ 13,460,957 Internal Service Funds – – – – $ 1,009,513 $ 4,484,286 – Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds $ – – 145,900 – – – – – – – – A Summary of Proprietary Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 A Summary of Proprietary Funds Statement of Net Position December 31, 2013 Net Position Unrestricted 52,780 – – – – – 2,900 – 2,066,528 $ $(3,802,777) Total Liabilities $ Capital Projects $ 1,481,305 Net Change in Fund Balances Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Due from other governments $ 22,877,147 – – 17,564,582 2,158,061 – 12,019 – 1,324,412 Debt Service Miscellaneous $ 5,060,428 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) $ (426,395) Assets Current Assets Cash & pooled investments Major Funds $ 2,122,208 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers in $ 893,182 Transfers out (1,319,577) Proceeds from sale of capital assets – $ 25,533,806 Human Services $ 43,936,221 Expenditures Current General government $ 20,118,834 Public safety 22,571,910 Highways and streets – Sanitation 3,165 Human services – Health – Culture and recreation 2,641,560 Conservation of natural resources 4,856.061 Economic development 95,243 Intergovernmental Highways and streets – Community Development 90,271 Capital outlay General government – Public safety – Highways and streets – Human services – Culture and recreation – Debt service Principal – Interest – Total Expenditures Road and Bridge – – 13,099 (108,512) 161 $ 767,982 $ 5,724,973 4,145,000 635,702 $ 3,088,446 (4,705,904) 63,842 $ (6,233,366) $ 69,938,795 A Summary of Fiduciary Funds Net Assets As of December 31, 2013 $1,463,269 Assets 29,671 $ 1,492,940 Cash & pooled investments Total Assets $2,225,571 $ (732,631) Liabilities $ 40,460 Accounts Payable $ (692,171) Due to other governments $ 1,622,700 $ – $ 1,622,700 $ 930,529 $ 709,525 $ 1,640,054 $ 718,143 90,271 Total Liabilities Agency Funds $ 3,980,142 $ 3,980,142 $ 69,928 3,910,214 $ 3,980,142 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Public Notices continued from page 14 Jan. 26, 2009. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Cynthia Steinke, whose address is 12025 Urbank Circle NE, Blaine, MN 55449 to serve as the personal representative of the decedent’s estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objections will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer th eastate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated October 29, 2014 Timothy Roberts Registrar Dated October 29, 2014 Timothy Roberts Court Administrator Filed October 29, 2014 Stearns County District Court By: Courtney S. Robert E. McGarry Attorney at Law Collins, Buckley, Sauntry & Haugh, PLLP W-1100 First National Bank Bldg. 332 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Atty. ID 225459 651-227-0611 (Publish November 11 & 18, 2014) _________________________________ Cold Spring Record 9. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGORS, THE MORTGAGORS’ PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgage: By_______________________________ Scott T. Larison Attorneys for Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgagee: GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT, P.A. 1010 West St. Germain, Suite 500 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 252-4414 (Pub. Oct. 28 – Dec. 2, 2014) __________________________________ State of Minnesota County of Stearns District Court Seventh Judicial District Court File Number: 73-JV-14-6635 Case Type: Juvenile Summons and Notice Termination of Parental Rights Matter In the Matter of the Welfare of the Child(ren) of: Samantha Johnson Parent Unknown Father Parent __________________________________ NOTICE TO: Unknown Father, above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s). 1. A Termination of Parental Rights Petition has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Juvenile Court located at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota, alleging that parental rights of the abovenamed parent(s) or legal custodian(s) to the child(ren) named in the petition should be permanently severed. 2. Notice is hereby given that the matter of said Termination of Parental Rights Petition will be called for hearing before the Juvenile Court located at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota, on December 10, 2014, at 2:00 pm, or as soon after as the Matter can be heard. 3. YOU ARE ORDERED to appear before the Juvenile Court at the scheduled time and date. 4. You have a right to be represented by counsel. 5. If you fail to appear at the hearing, the Court may still conduct the hearing and grant appropriate relief, including permanently severing the parental rights of the abovenamed parent(s) or legal custodian(s) and taking permanent custody of the child/ren named in the Petition. Page 17 __________________________________ NOTICE TO: Amanda Mary Park, above-named parent(s) or legal custodian(s). 1. A Termination of Parental Rights Petition has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Juvenile Court located at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota, alleging that parental rights of the abovenamed parent(s) or legal custodian(s) to the child(ren) named in the petition should be permanently severed. 2. Notice is hereby given that the matter of said Termination of Parental Rights Petition will be called for hearing before the Juvenile Court located at 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota, on December 8, 2014, at 9:00 a.m., or as soon after as the Filed: October 24, 2014 Stearns County District Court By: Cheryl R., Deputy Matter can be heard. 3. YOU ARE ORDERED to appear before the Juvenile Court at the scheduled time and date. 4. You have a right to be represented by counsel. 5. If you fail to appear at the hearing, the Court may still conduct the hearing and grant appropriate relief, including permanently severing the parental rights of the abovenamed parent(s) or legal custodian(s) and taking permanent custody of the child/ren named in the Petition. WITNESS, the Honorable Frank J. Kundrat Judge of District Court BY: Cheryl R. Court Administrator (Publish Nov. 4 – 18, 2014) __________________________________ RESOLUTION OF ABSOLUTE PROPERTY SALE It was moved by Commissioner Mareck and seconded by Commissioner Notch to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, provides for Tax Forfeited Land Sales: NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Stearns County, Public Notices continued on page 18 WITNESS, the Honorable Frank J. Kundrat Judge of District Court BY: Brenda Joarnt Court Administrator (Publish Nov. 4 – 18, 2014) __________________________________ State of Minnesota County of Stearns District Court Seventh Judicial District Court File Number: 73-JV-14-8724 Case Type: Juvenile Summons and Notice Termination of Parental Rights Matter In the Matter of the Welfare of the Child(ren) of: Amanda Mary Park Parent Jason David Hoversten Parent NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: October 14, 2014 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: REALTOR RING DAY • Tuesday, November 17th 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of that certain Mortgage dated April 28, 2008, executed by Sean T. Kelly and Valerie L. Nyberg, to Minnwest Bank, M.V., and filed for record on May 6, 2008, as Document No. 1257295, in the Office of the Recorder of Stearns County, and as thereafter modified. The Green Team along with local agents will be ringing the bell at Teal’s Market in Cold Spring and many of the real estate community will be ringing in and around the St. Cloud and surrounding areas. 2. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was: $91,710.32. SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 3. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 4. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 5. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is: $87,809.08. 6. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, on the land described as follows: LOT SIX (6), BLOCK TWO (2), RENGEL’S ADDITION TO ST. CLOUD, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT AND SURVEY THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER IN AND FOR STEARNS COUNTY, MINNESOTA. When You’re #1, you can do things others can’t. Century 21’s First Realty, Inc. Each office independently owned & operated specialist in lake homes, cabins, building lots, farms, residential & commercial properties! 28 Main Street, Richmond email: [email protected] 320-597-4222 Office (19482) COUNTRY BUILDING LOT – RICHMOND – Premier 1.44 acre with beautiful country views. $27,800 $26,800 DAVID DOLS 320-597-3232 (14061) COLD SPRING CITY CHARMER – With country atmosphere & park-like setting. $159,890 $144,700 Street Address: 231 – 22nd Avenue North, St. Cloud, MN 56303 A.P.N. 82.50193.0000 and will be sold by the Sheriff of Stearns County, Minnesota, at public auction on December 18, 2014, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Center, 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301. 7. The time allowed by law for redemption of Mortgagors or Mortgagors’ personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 8. If the Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on June 18, 2015, or the next business day if June 18, 2015 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. (44444) BIG LAKE RETREAT – RICHMOND – 2+ bed- (88647) HORSESHOE CHAIN – BUILDING LOT – 1.5 acre room weekend getaway w/80’ shoreline. $149,800 gradual slope 150’ Koetter Lake. $179,800 $135,000 (91369) BROWNS & LONG LAKE – RICHMOND – 200’ of primetime (33333) HORSESHOE CHAIN – RICHMOND – 175’ of primeshoreline!! .63 acres with park-like setting. $159,800 $149,800 time shoreline and million dollar view. $219,800 $198,900 216 12th Avenue S • Cold Spring 108 5th Ave S • Cold Spring 18403 Cedar Lane • Richmond PURCHASE ANY OF THE LOTS BELOW AND WE WILL PAY FOR YOUR CUSTOM DRAWN HOUSE PLAN! 17639 Fisher Rd • Cold Spring • Bolfing Lake • 1.43 acres • $199,900 xxxx Fisher Rd • Cold Spring • Bolfing Lake • 7.6 acres • $150,000 17615 Fisher Rd • Cold Spring • Bolfing Lake • 1.86 acres • $179,900 17329 Fisher Rd • Cold Spring • Bolfing Lake • 2.6 acres • $269,000 xxxx Forest Hill Rd • Richmond • Horseshoe Chain • 1.42 acres • $79,900 22432 Enfield Rd • Richmond • Big Lake • .45 acres • $49,000 22179 Jay Ave SE • Richmond • Horseshoe Lake • 42.94 acres • $150,000 18507 Long Lake Rd • Richmond • Long Lake • .91 acres • $79,900 18892 Koetter Ct • Richmond • Cedar Island Lake • 1.52 acres • $125,000 21115 Elkview Circle • Richmond • Horseshoe Lake • .69 acres • $99,900 xxxx Cyrilla Beach Rd • Paynesville • 1+ acre • $24,900 xxxx Mary Street • Eden Lake Twp • .91 acres • $24,900 xxxx Cty Rd 49 • Cold Spring • 22.57 acres • $189,900 xxxx Knightwood Rd • Collegeville Twp • 30.21 acres • $99,900 xxxx Cty Rd 23 • Richmond • Sauk River • 78+ acres • $249,900 RHONDA GREEN, Realtor, The Green Team GRI, E-PRO, RRS, CRS (34693) – NEW MUNICH CITY CLASSIC! – Cozy 3 bedroom, 56x215 lot, new roof, steel siding, furnace, water heater. $79,900 $69,900 MADISON DOLS FROM PHOENIX, ARIZONA SAYS, “MY AUNTIE VAL IS A CENTURY 21 PAL!!” Inc. Buyers Agent - Ana Krekelberg Listing Coordinator - Amy Hiltner Closing Coordinator - Nadene Tiberghien Cold Spring: 320-685-5925 • Cell 320-250-4648 • Paynesville: 320-243-4000 [email protected] Page 18 Public Notices continued from page 17 Minnesota, in session the 23rd day of September, 2014 that the County Auditor be and is hereby directed and authorized to sell any such tax Forfeited lands subject to sale and as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, for cash or on terms adopted by the County Board. PROVIDED FURTHER, that as required by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 284.28, at the time of sale of parcels of tax forfeited land, the County Auditor shall charge and collect in full an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the total sales price of land and a $25.00 State Deed Fee, which amounts are in addition to the sale price of the land. The amounts so collected shall be deposited in the State Treasury and credit to the State Revenue Fund. The County Auditor shall also collect a $46.00 Cold Spring Record recording fee which shall be credited to the General Revenue fund of the county. The County Auditor shall also collect State Deed Tax based on the selling price of the parcel. The amount so collected shall be credited to the Deed Tax Fund. PROVIDED FURTHER, that in the event the sale is made on terms other than for cash only, payment of at least twenty percent (20%) of the purchase price shall be made at the time of purchase, but that no tract be sold on terms unless the appraised value thereof exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and thereupon, the balance shall be paid in not to exceed 90 days, bearing interest at the rate set pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 549.09. No standing timber or timber products shall be removed from these lands until an amount equal to the appraised value of all such timber and timber products as may have been standing on such lands at the time of purchase has been paid by the purchaser provided, that in case any parcel of land bearing standing timber or timber products is sold at public auction for more than the appraised value, the amount bid in excess of the appraised value shall be allocated between the land and the timber in proportion to the respective appraised value thereof, and no standing timber or timber products shall be removed from such land until the amount of such excess bid allocated to timber or timber products shall have been paid in addition to the appraised value; PROVIDED FURTHER, that the failure of the purchaser or any person claiming under him to pay any of the deferred installments with interest, or the current taxes or to comply with any conditions that may have been stipulated in the notice of sale or in the Auditor’s Certificate, shall constitute default; and the State may, by order of the County Board during the continuance of such default, without notice, declare such certificate cancelled and take possession of such lands and may thereafter resell or lease the lands in the same manner and under the same rules as other lands forfeited to the State for taxes, are sold or leased. Resolution adopted this 23rd day of September, 2014 by unanimous vote of the County Board. Mark J. Bromenschenkel Chair County Board Stearns County, Minnesota Attest: Randy R. Schreifels County Auditor-Treasurer Stearns County, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that I shall sell to the highest bidder at my office in the Stearns County Service Center, in the City of Waite Park, in the County of Stearns, the following de- Tuesday, November 18, 2014 scribed parcels of land forfeited to the State for the non-payment of taxes which have been classified and appraised as provided by law. Such sale shall be governed, as to terms, by the resolution of the County Board, authorizing the same and commencing at 6:30 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday the 10th day of December 2014. City of Eden Valley 50.30732.0000 W1/2 of Lot 3 & All of Lot 4 Block 3 of Smith’s Add of Section 34, Township 122, Range 31 $10,000.00 Given under my hand and official seal this 23rd day of September, 2014 SEAL er Randy R. Schreifels Stearns County Auditor-Treasur- (Publish November 11 & 18 - 2014) __________________________________ RESOLUTION OF ABSOLUTE PROPERTY SALE It was moved by Commissioner Mareck and seconded by Commissioner Mergen to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, provides for Tax Forfeited Land Sales: NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Stearns County, Minnesota, in session the 28th day of October, 2014 that the County Auditor be and is hereby directed and authorized to sell any such tax Forfeited lands subject to sale and as provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 282, for cash or on terms adopted by the County Board. PROVIDED FURTHER, that as required by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 284.28, at the time of sale of parcels of tax forfeited land, the County Auditor shall charge and collect in full an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the total sales price of land and a $25.00 State Deed Fee, which amounts are in addition to the sale price of the land. The amounts so collected shall be deposited in the State Treasury and credit to the State Revenue Fund. The County Auditor shall also collect a $46.00 recording fee which shall be credited to the General Revenue fund of the county. The County Auditor shall also collect State Deed Tax based on the selling price of the parcel. The amount so collected shall be credited to the Deed Tax Fund. PROVIDED FURTHER, that in the event the sale is made on terms other than for cash only, payment of at least twenty percent (20%) of the purchase price shall be made at the time of purchase, but that no tract be sold on terms unless the appraised value thereof exceeds the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and thereupon, the balance shall be paid in not to exceed 90 days, bearing interest at the rate set pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 549.09. No standing timber or timber products shall be removed from these lands until an amount equal to the appraised value of all such timber and timber products as may have been standing on such lands at the time of purchase has been paid by the purchaser provided, that in case any parcel of land bearing standing timber or timber products is sold at public auction for more than the appraised value, the amount bid in excess of the appraised value shall be allocated between the land and the timber in proportion to the respective appraised value thereof, and no standing timber or timber products shall be removed from such land until the amount of such excess bid allocated to timber or timber products shall have been paid in addition to the appraised value; PROVIDED FURTHER, that the failure of the purchaser or any person claiming under him to pay any of the deferred installments with interest, or the current taxes or to comply with any conditions that may have been stipulated in the notice of sale or in the Auditor’s Certificate, shall constitute default; and the State may, by order of the County Board during the continuance of such default, without notice, declare such certificate cancelled and take possession of such lands and may thereafter resell or lease the lands in the same manner and under the same rules as other lands forfeited to the State for taxes, are sold or leased. Resolution adopted this 28th day of October, 2014 by unanimous vote of the County Board. Mark J. Bromenschenkel Chair County Board Stearns County, Minnesota Attest: Randy R. Schreifels County Auditor-Treasurer Stearns County, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that I shall sell to the highest bidder at my office in the Stearns County Service Center, in the City of Waite Park, in the County of Stearns, the following described parcels of land forfeited to the State for the non-payment of taxes which have been classified and appraised as provided by law. Such sale shall be governed, as to terms, by the resolution of the County Board, authorizing the same and commencing at 6:30 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday the 10th day of December 2014. City of Sauk Centre 94.58764.0000 S 75’ of E 160’ & N35.6’ of S 110.6 ‘of W 58’ of E 160’ of Block 2 of Robbin’s & Mendenhall’s of Section 16, Township 126, Range 34 $35,000.00 City of St. Cloud 82.52389.0000 Lot 5of Block 32 of West & Hoyt’s Addition of Section 11, Township 124, Range 28 $10,000.00 Given under my hand and official seal this 28th day of October, 2014 SEAL Public Notices continued on page 19 Classifieds (Classified Ad deadline is Thursdays at 4 pm) Real Estate Transportation PLAT BOOKS WITH 911 ADDRESSES LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR STEARNS, WRIGHT & MEEKER COUNTIES REG. $40 - NOW $25 + TAX AT COLD SPRING RECORD HIGHWAY 23 WEST COLD SPRING 320-685-8621 ______________________________________________s3tfp For Rent Now accepting applications for Pine West 1 & 2 townhomes located in Cold Spring. For more information call Cindy at 320-685-9803 or SMR at 800-450-7723. Equal Housing Opportunity. ____________________________________________n20tfc OFFICE FOR RENT – COLD SPRING - Building with 3 offices, 3 conference rooms and a garage; individual offices with shared conference rooms, rent negotiable, reception services can be available. Call Paul at 240-9423. _____________________________________________m3tfc FOR RENT – 2 and 3 bedroom trailer home for rent in Eden Terrace Mobile home park. Water, sewer and garbage are included in the lot rent . NO PETS ALLOWED. First month rent is FREE if all conditions are met. Mobile homes available for purchase also. If interested please call 320-453-7322. __________________________________________n11-18c FOR RENT – 2 and 3 bedroom trailer home for rent in Eden Terrace Mobile home park, Eden Valley. Water, sewer and garbage are included in the lot rent. NO PETS ALLOWED. First month rent is FREE if all conditions are met. Mobile homes available for purchase also. If interested please call 320-453-7322. __________________________________________n11-18c FOR RENT - Duplex in Cold Spring, 2 bdrm with garage, washer/dryer hookup, large yard, nice. Available January 1st. Call 253-1992 after 5pm. __________________________________________n18-25c FOR RENT - 3 bedroom rambler, attached 2-car garage. 2-1/2 miles South of Cold Spring. $1,000/mo +utilities. 218-731-3374. __________________________________________n18-d2c SELF-STORAGE RENTAL 24 Hour Access • Reasonable Rates 4 Sizes Available Security Surveillance Cameras 685-8556 East Highway 23 • Cold Spring, MN Office/Retail space for rent in the Schurman building in downtown Cold Spring. Call 320-492-1330. SENIOR AND/OR HANDI-CAPPED BUILDING: Now accepting applications for a fully accessible apartment at Springhaven in Cold Spring. For more information, contact Cindy at 320-685-9803 or Security Management and Realty at 507-345-1290. Equal Housing Opportunity. Granite Ledge Townhomes in Cold Spring 3 Bedroom Townhomes $750 per month Heat Included Income limits apply Call Mary or Don at 320-685-8650 John Clark Co-op Senior Housing (55+) 241 Broadway St. West Rockville, MN 1 Bedroom available immediately! 320-251-0165 HELP WANTED – Full-time Plumber. Experience required. Local work. No travel. Competitive wages. Start immediately. Gilk Plumbing, Heating & AC, LLC. Please call 320BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks 260-6914. and late model repairables. Top dol- __________________________________________n18-25c lar paid. Call 866-482-0972. HELP WANTED – Part-time ______________________________________________s9tfc Bookkeeper. Approximately 5-10 hours per week. 1-2 years experience. Gilk Plumbing, Heating & AC, LLC. Please call 320-260-6914. __________________________________________n18-25c Help Wanted MAINTENANCE MECHANIC PERSON – The City of Rockville is currently accepting applications for the position of a full-time Maintenance Mechanic person. Under the supervision of the Public Works Director, this position will be responsible for general maintenance duties for equipment, streets, buildings & grounds, and a general understanding of water & sewer operations. Must have a valid Commercial Driver’s Class B License, one year of maintenance experience and be able to obtain Class D Water license and Class D Collection system license within one year of employment. Wage range: $16.70 – 23.36 per hour DOQ. Other minimum qualifications are outlined in the job description. Applications may be obtained by contacting Rockville City Hall – 229 Broadway Street East – Rockville, MN 56369 at (320) 251-5836 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or on the city web-site at Applications have been extended and will be accepted until November 28th– 12:00 p.m. The City of Rockville is an equal opportunity employer. __________________________________________n18-25c EARLY CHILDHOOD ASSISTANT – Assist in the Cold Spring Head Start classroom. AA, CDA or willing to obtain one of these credentials required. 16 hrs/wk, 9 mos/yr. Wage scale starts at $10.63/hr. Apps available at Reach-Up Inc., 350 Hwy 10 S. or apply online at 253-8110. Position open until filled. EOE ____________________________________________o28tfc HELP WANTED – Subway is looking for a self motivated, energetic person to join our team. Two or three weekdays only, mornings/afternoons, no nights or weekends. Stop in for an application at 24 Red River Ave. N., Cold Spring. ______________________________________________n4tfc Now Hiring! Nursing AssistantFT nights PT evenings Pay range for these shifts $11.95-14.35/ hour, depending on experience. To inquire/ apply contact: Sally Noyes Annandale Care Center 500 Park Street East Annandale, MN 55302 [email protected] Phone: 320-274-1327 Applications available online at: __________________________________________n11-18c Hiring Part-Time Liquor Store Clerk HELP WANTED – Caring direct care staff needed to work in adult foster home. Flexible scheduling. Training provided. To apply, please contact (320) 398-5168. Starting at $10.75/weekdays $11.25/weekends. __________________________________________n18-25c The City of Paynesville is accepting applications for a Part-Time Liquor Store Clerk position at the Paynesville Liquor Store. Applicants must be able to carry and lift objects weighing up to 50 pounds. Approximately 10-14 hours per week. Wage is $8.78 per hour. Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Murphy Granite of Richmond, MN is looking for a designer. Must have a minimum of a 2 year degree (graphic or mechanical) in design. Must have excellent communications skill. We work primary in Corel, Adobe Photoshop. Sketch Up Pro experience would be a plus. Please send resumes to [email protected] or call 320-597-3070. __________________________________________n18-d2c Applications can be picked up at City Hall, 221 Washburne Ave. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or they are available on the City’s website at All applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on November 21, 2014. Classifieds Work! AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Retired Adults and Seniors! Are you bored at home during the winter? Winters go by fast here! Apply for part time work as a Lift Operator, Kitchen Worker or Ski Instructor. Will train. Stop by the chalet or apply online Powder Ridge Kimball 320-398-7200 POWDER RIDGE, KIMBALL, IS TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR SKI AND SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTORS, KITCHEN, LIFTS AND TUBING WORKERS Ages 16+, retired adults & seniors may apply. Will train. Apply online at or in the chalet Mon.-Fri., 9:00-4:00. (320-398-7200) Hilltop Health Care Center has openings for LPN/RN Fulltime Evenings, Nursing Assistants Registered & Dietary Aide. Benefits include: Vacation, Sick, Health Insurance, Retirement, Dental. Ongoing Continuing Education, NAR starting wage Eve shift $11.89, Day shift $10.89. Paid training for NAR’s (No experience needed) Supportive staff to help you achieve your career goals. We are four years deficiency free for MDH surveys! Apply at Hilltop Health Care Center 401 Luella St. Watkins, MN 55389 320-764-2300 Public Notices continued from page 18 ! " " # % # . & " ' ()* + " , ## / 0 " $ --)' & ! # ! " Cabinets that say “WOW”! Westwind Woodworkers has an opening for an installer. Duties include but not limited to: assembling, loading, delivering and installing cabinets and countertops. Carpentry or cabinet installation experience a plus. Excellent benefits, paid bi-weekly and paid vacation. Email your resume to [email protected] or stop by to fill out an application. 405 West Wind Court, Cold Spring Randy R. Schreifels Stearns County Treasurer Auditor- (Publish November 11 & 18, 2014) __________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes, 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable customers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. ASSUMED NAME: Herberg Construction PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 533 Cypress Court Cold Spring MN 56320 USA NAMEHOLDER(S): Name: Brian L Herberg Address: 533 Cypress Court Cold Spring MN 56320 If you submit an attachment, it will be incorporated into this document. If the attachment conflicts with the information specifically set forth in this document, this document supersedes the data referenced in the attachment. By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of per- Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Page 19, Cold Spring Record jury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. SIGNED BY: Brian Herberg MAILING ADDRESS: None Provided EMAIL FOR OFFICIAL NOTICES: [email protected] (Publish November 11 & 18, 2014) __________________________________ STATE OF MINNESOTA SAUK RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT Please take notice that the Board of Managers of the Sauk River Watershed District, sitting as drainage authority for Stearns County ditches 9, 11, 15, 19, 24, 26, 51 and Zion Munson and Pope County ditches Judicial Ditch 1 and County ditches 6, 11, will hold a meeting during the regular meeting of the Board of Managers on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. at the Sauk Centre City Hall located at 320 Oak Street South, Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss maintenance costs of the drainage systems and to consider certification of assessments to pay the drainage system costs and to establish a maintenance fund for the systems. Public comment will be taken. (Publish November 11 & 18, 2014) __________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Managers of the Sauk River Watershed District pursuant to Minnesota Statue 103D.605 will hold a hearing November 18, 2014 at 6:45 P.M. at the Sauk Centre City Hall located at 320 Oak Street South in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. The purpose of the hearing is to consider and take comments on the Middle Sauk River Targeted Reduction and Outreach Clean Water Partnership Project (Minnesota Clean Water Partnership Act Implementation Grant; Minnesota Clean Water Partnership State Revolving Fund Loan Program). The project will involve the installation of riparian Best Management Practices (BMPs) adjacent to ditches and tributaries of the Sauk River, performance monitoring of BMPs and public education and outreach. Funds from the project may assist both public and private landowners and entities. Total estimated project cost is $644,000 with $268,000 being provided as grant from the State of Minnesota and additional funding and in-kind contributions being provided by the Watershed District, local landowners and cooperating local, state and federal agency partners, including $150,000 Revolving Fund Loans from the State of Minnesota under the Clean Water Partnership Act. Funding will be used for planning and implementation of best management practices to reduce erosion and reduce sediment and nutrient discharges to the Sauk River and its tributaries. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the above mentioned project. For further information contact the Watershed District Office at (320) 352-2231. Duane Willenbring, President (Publish November 11 & 18, 2014) __________________________________ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 394.26, that the Stearns County Board of Adjustment, in and for the County of Stearns, will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, December 4, 2014, in Conference Room 121 CDE, Stearns County Service Center West, 3301 County Road 138, Waite Park, MN beginning at 6:30 p.m. Purpose of the hearing is to consider the granting or denial of variances from the Stearns County Zoning Ordinance, Stearns County Subdivision Ordinance, Stearns County Sewage Treatment Ordinance, Stearns County Recreational Campground Ordinance, Stearns County Lodging Establishments Ordinance, Stearns County Childrens Camps Ordinance and the Stearns County Manufactured Home Parks Ordinance as follows: Public Hearings: 1. To consider a request from Gregory & Elisabeth Seeman, Prior Lake, MN from Section 9.9.9A(1) of the Stearns County Zoning Ordinance #439 to leave as constructed a 22 foot by 21 foot 8 inch detached accessory structure located 8.8 feet from a sideyard property line. Said Ordinance requires a setback of at least 10 feet from a sideyard property line for the placement of detached accessory structures. Affected property: .79 Acres of the SW4NW4 on West Shore of Koetter Lake, Section 30, T123N, R30W, Wakefield Township. Property address: 21586 Forest Hill Road, Richmond, MN. 2. To consider a request from Adriana Hinnenkamp, Freeport, MN from Section 6.2.1P, Table M of Stearns County Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Ordinance #422 to locate a septic/lift tank 100 feet from the OHWL of Lake Maria, classified as a Natural Environment Lake. Said Ordinance requires a septic/lift tank to be located a minimum of 150 feet from a Natural Environment Lake. Affected property: 1.62 Acres of Govt Lot 5, Section 20, T125N, R32W, Oak Township. Property address: 29728 Lake Maria Road, Freeport, MN. All applications and related information are on file with the Environmental Services Department, Room 343, County Administration Center, 705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, MN and can also be viewed approximately one week prior to the meeting at by clicking on Board and Committee Meetings. Action taken on these applications will be available shortly after the meeting at the same website location. All interested persons are invited to attend said hearing or submit written testimony prior to the hearing date either in support of or in opposition to the requests. Written testimony should be sent to the Stearns County Board of Adjustment, Stearns County Environmental Services Department, Administration Center Room 343, 705 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, MN 56303. Barrier Free Status: This meeting will be accessible to the handicapped. Attempts will be made to accommodate any other individual need for special services. Please call 320-6563613 or 1-800-450-0852 early so arrangements can be made. (Publish November 18, 2014) __________________________________ Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: (Required) Cold Spring Irrigation 2. Principal Place of Business: (Required) 26733 168th Ave. Cold Spring, MN 56320 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address: (Required) Note: A PO Box by itself is not acceptable. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. Floor Restore LLC 26733 168th Ave. Cold Spring, MN 56320 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the persons(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I have signed this document under oath. Tim Burnett, Manager Dated: October 29, 2014 Email Address for Official Notices Enter an email address to which the Secretary of State can forward official notices required by law and other notices: [email protected] List a name and daytime phone number of a person who can be contacted about this form: Tim Burnett 320-250-1121 Entities that own, lease, or have any financial interest in agricultural land or land capable of being farmed must register with the MN Dept. of Agriculture’s Corporate Farm Program. State of Minnesota Department of State Filed November 03, 2014 Mark Ritchie Secretary of State (Pub. November 18 and 25, 2014) ——————————————— NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: November 12, 2014 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of that certain Mortgage dated June 29, 2007, executed by JENNIFER SCHMIT, a single adult, of 1689 – 33RD Circle South, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301, as Mortgagor, to Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity, a Minnesota non-profit organization, of 3335 West St. Germain Street, Suite 108, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301, as Mortgagee, and filed for record on July 9, 2007, as Document No. 1232507, in the Office of the County Recorder of Stearns Public Notices continued on page 20 Page 20 Public Notices continued from page 19 County, Minnesota. 2. The Mortgage has been assigned as follows: n/a 3. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was: $80,740.00. 4. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 5. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 6. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is: $63,501.34. 7. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, on the land described as follows: Lot Six (6), Block One (1), The Cove on 33rd Street, Common Interest Community No. 87, Stearns County, Minnesota. Street Address: 1689 – 33rd Circle South St. Cloud, MN 56301 Tax I.D. No.: 82.51500.0305 and will be sold by the County Sheriff of Stearns County, Minnesota, at public auction on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. in the lobby of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office located at 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303. 8. The time allowed by law for redemption of Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 9. The date on or before which the Mortgagor must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. § 580.30 or the property redeemed under Minn. Stat. § 580.23 is July 7, 2015, at 11:59 p.m. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. 10. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINN. STAT. § 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgage: By /s/ Robert J. Walter Robert J. Walter (#0114248) Attorneys for Mortgagee or Assignee of Mortgagee: GRAY, PLANT, MOOTY, MOOTY & BENNETT, P.A. 1010 West St. Germain Suite 500 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 252-4414 (Publish Nov. 18-Dec. 23, 2014) _________________________________ Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333 The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business. 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: (Required) The Jab 2. Principal Place of Business: (Required) 1428 17th Ave. SE Saint Joseph, MN 56374 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address: (Required) Note: A PO Box by itself is not acceptable. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. Cory Soine 1428 17th Ave. SE Saint Joseph, MN 56374 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the persons(s) whose Cold Spring Record signature would be required who has gram. authorized me to sign this document State of Minnesota on his/her behalf, or in both capaciDepartment of State ties. I further certify that I have comFiled October 20, 2014 pleted all required fields, and that Mark Ritchie the information in this document is Secretary of State true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Min(Pub. November 18 and 25, 2014) nesota Statutes. I understand that ——————————————— by signing this document I am subCertificate of Assumed Name ject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I have Minnesota Statutes, signed this document under oath. Chapter 333 Dated: October 9, 2014 Cory Soine, Owner The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with excluEmail Address for Official Notices sive rights to that name. The filing is Enter an email address to which required for consumer protection in the Secretary of State can forward of- order to enable consumers to be able ficial notices required by law and to identify the true owner of a busiother notices. ness. [email protected] 1. List the exact assumed name List a name and daytime phone under which the business is or will number of a person who can be con- be conducted: (Required) tacted about this form: Turbo Floor Restore Amy Soine 320-522-5851 2. Principal Place of Business: Entities that own, lease, or have (Required) any financial interest in agricultural 26733 168th Ave. land or land capable of being farmed Cold Spring, MN 56320 must register with the MN Dept. of Agriculture’s Corporate Farm Pro3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address: (Required) Note: A PO Box by itself is not acceptable. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary. Floor Restore LLC 26733 168th Ave. Cold Spring, MN 56320 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the persons(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I have signed this document under oath. Tim Burnett, Manager Dated: October 29, 2014 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Email Address for Official Notices must register with the MN Dept. of Enter an email address to which Agriculture’s Corporate Farm Prothe Secretary of State can forward of- gram. ficial notices required by law and State of Minnesota other notices: Department of State [email protected] Filed November 03, 2014 Mark Ritchie List a name and daytime phone Secretary of State number of a person who can be contacted about this form: (Pub. November 18 and 25, 2014) Tim Burnett 320-250-1121 ——————————————— Entities that own, lease, or have any financial interest in agricultural land or land capable of being farmed 8 4 7 3 6 1 9 5 2 9 1 3 2 5 8 4 7 6 6 5 2 7 9 4 8 1 3 5 7 6 9 2 3 1 8 4 4 2 8 1 7 6 3 9 5 1 3 9 8 4 5 2 6 7 2 6 1 5 3 9 7 4 8 3 9 4 6 8 7 5 2 1 7 8 5 4 1 2 6 3 9
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