89 OVERLOOK DRIVE MASTIC BEACH, NY 11951 PHONE: 631-281-5743 Roman Catholic Shrine Church of St. Jude WWW.STJUDEMB.ORG [email protected] FAX: 631-395-5786 “To the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.” Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: - November 23rd 2014 Pastor Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn In Residence Msgr. John Heinlein Senior Priest Rev. James Leone Deacons Thomas Gillen Kenneth Geoghan Mark Herrmann Joseph Simeone John Gagliardi Useful Numbers Rectory 1-631-281-5743 Parish Outreach 1-631-281-5634 Religious Education 1-631-281-2835 Pre-K 1-631-395-3959 Queen of Apostles School 1-631-878-1033 St. Vincent de paul 1-631-219-3542 Parish Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am–5:00pm Wednesdays 9:00am–6:00pm Friday CLOSED Saturday CLOSED Sunday 9:00am–12:00pm Closed Holidays Sacrament: Anointing of the Sick Available in danger of death or whenever there is a personal need, call the rectory for an appointment. Sacrament of Penance/Confession Saturdays 4-4:45 pm Wednesdays 2:00–2:45pm Also by appointment Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to be married should contact the rectory at least one year in advance to meet with one of the priests to make wedding arrangements. Pre-Cana is required for all couples. Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated most 1st and 3rd Sundays throughout the year. Please contact the rectory to set up an appointment with a member of the staff to arrange for the Baptismal preparation and then to arrange for a Baptisim date. Parish Outreach Mon.–Thurs. 9:00AM–1:00PM Closed Fri., SAT., SUN., And Holidays Important Parish Information All parish offices are closed on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th, Friday, November 28th & Saturday, November 29th. The rectory will be open on Sunday, November 30th from 9am. to noon. There is One Mass on Thanksgiving at 10AM. You may bring your bread, wine, or other food for your Thanksgiving table to be blessed at Mass. The collection on Thanksgiving Day goes to the ‘St. Vincent de Paul Society, Conference at St. Jude’ to help with extra needs of the poor in our community. Faith Formation THANKSGIVING RECESS – There will be NO FAITH FORMATION CLASSES BEGINNING on Wed. Nov. 26 – Sat. Nov. 29, 2014. Classes will resume on Mon. December 1st. However, the office will be open on Wed. November 26th from 9-5:30 pm. Adult ‘Catholicism’ at St. Jude Fr. Greg is presenting Fr. Robert Barron’s popular 10-part series Catholicism, in the parish center, on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm with one hour for the video and one hour for discussion. The remaining dates are November 25th; December 2nd, 9th; January 6th, 13th, 27th; and February 3rd. If you are not able to attend all weeks, come when you can! St. Vincent de Paul News Plans are underway for our 5th Annual Christmas Wreath Sale. This year we are offering “Advance Sales for 24” Wreaths” for $15.00. Volunteers will be at Masses next weekend November 29th & 30th with order forms. Pick-up will be at the St. Jude Christmas Fair on Saturday, December 6th or after Masses on Sunday, December 7th. Please call 219-3542 with any questions or for more information. Outreach News Thank you so much for your continuous generosity to Outreach. With your help, St. Jude is providing Thanksgiving dinners for 300 families in the community. The Diocese of Rockville Centre celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination of Bishop William Murphy Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:30 pm Mass Cathedral of Saint Agnes, Rockville Centre, New York His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the homilist. All are invited to come and join Bishop Murphy in this Liturgy of Thanksgiving. Masses for the Week Saturday, November 22, 2014 5:00pm 7:30pm William Rutkowski † Parishioners of St. Jude Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am 5:00pm Famiglia Porcelli † Felice Maldari † Henry A. Maurer † Frank Pisano † MONDAY, November 24, 2014 9:00am Eileen Huff † Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:00am Deceased members of the Cully Family Wednesday, November 26, 2014 9:00am Intentions of Erin & Laura Sayars 12 Noon (Guild) Eladio Cabrera & Ana I. Gonzalez †, Jennie Paruolo †, Jake Reventlo †, Intentions of Don & Anna Bull ‘70th Wedding Anniversary’ Thursday, November 27, 2014 Lighthouse Catholic Media The Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell - Fr. Michael Schmitz In this exceptional presentation, Fr. Mike tackles four very difficult topics: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. This talk addresses the question: What happens when I die? As a bonus, Lighthouse has provided an excerpt from Dr. Scott Hahn’s talk Purgatory: Holy Fire. Christmas Tree Lighting We will have our ‘Annual Christmas Tree Lighting’ sponsored by the J.V. Kavanaugh Council of the Knights of Columbus on Tuesday, December 2nd at 6PM on the front lawn of the parish center nearest to Neighborhood Rd. All parishioners and our friends in the community are invited to attend in ‘Keeping Christ in Christmas’. All are welcome for light refreshments immediately following at the Council Hall on Madison St. & Pawnee Avenue. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who give evidence that Christ is the Lord in their lives through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, attendance at Benediction or Forty Hours devotion. Keep Christ in Christmas Lawn Signs Friday, November 28, 2014 The Shrine of St. Jude Knights of Columbus, ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’ signs will be available for pickup at the Christmas Fair on December 6th for all who previously ordered. Any questions please contact the Grand Knight, Benny Schiraldi at 281-6501. Saturday, November 29, 2014 McGann-Mercy Alumni 10:00am Pietro Gullo † 9:00am Mary Petralia † “Happy Birthday“ 8:30am Michael Clancy Sr. † 5:00pm Anthony F.Jeans † 7:30pm Parishioners of St. Jude Sunday, November 30, 2014 8:00am Anna Campagna † 9:30am Gino Iapaolo † 11:30am Giuseppe Cumbo † 5:00pm Frank Pisano † † Denotes Mass is for deceased For the Sick: Patricia Ambrosino, Paula Arbaiza, Benjamin Archer, Joseph & Cindy Balzer, Christina Bobas, Joseph Boyle, Gary & Jennifer Brendel, Rev. Robert Burgess, Francis X. Butler, Dana Celentano, Al Clerico, Samantha Davis, Robert DiFrancesco, Joann Dillman, Raymond Dhyne, Tara Doring, Michael Drury, JoAnn Eppaillat, Joe Fazio, Joseph & Stephanie Frigano, Edward Fusco Sr., Felice Gagliardi, Nora Getchell, Ann & Frank Giordano, George Gunther, Greg Haren, Steven Heerbrandt, Marybeth and Virginia Hoffman, Gary J., Matthew Kaminsky, Lawrence Katz, Jonathan Koenig, John Kurz, Toni Lawery, Philomena Leone, Lewery Family, Freddy Liguori, Mr. & Mrs.C. Linsalata, Marilyn Lyden, James McGaughey, Ronald Nappe, Jessica & Joan Passaro, Frank Perez, Linda Perrier, Elvin Rodriguez, Justina Rodriquez, Eugene & Salvatore Russo, Vito Schiraldi, Kelly Steffen, Helen Sundaman, Alexa Elizabeth Temple, Richard Thomas, Desmond Vella, Madeline Villardi, Stefanie & James Walsh For the Deceased: Stephen Berg, Salvatore Rianna, Thomas P. Maher, Mildred Blakely, Lorraine M. Cullington For the Military: John Abel, Nicholas Acierno, Matt Corica, Michael Cuervo, Daniel Engo, Cody Farrell, Kyle Christopher Gray, Patrick Gross, Jeffrey Holmes, Chris Howell, Steven Kay, Richard Kruger, T.J. Kurlowicz, Chris Manakides, Thomas Mannix, John Maresca, Richard Mclaughlin, Anthony Ochoa Jr., Katherine M. Onorato, Ramon Ortiz, Matthew Parenti, Rich Pinckney, Kerri-Anne Pliego, Gerard Posillico, John Redding, Jr., Eric Reilly, Vinnie Riveria, Steven Schloesser, Carl Seaman, Don Skelton, Arlise A. Smith, Bobby Sosa, Anthony Thompson, Timothy Weisner, Robert Weyer Calling all alumni young and old, are welcome to join the McGann-Mercy Alumni Flag Football Game on Saturday, November 29th. Registration begins at 10 am in the Sports Stadium; game starts at 10:30 am. Can’t play? Come cheer on those that can! A BBQ will follow. Don’t miss out on all the fun! For more information, call 631.727.5900, ext. 334 A Huge Success The annual “Outreach Thanksgiving Bake Sale” reached an all-time high of (exactly) $900.00. This fundraiser is hosted each year by the Rosary Altar Society. Along with their time and talent, and our very generous parishioners, we were able to continue to bless our parish families at Thanksgiving. “Kudos to St. Jude Church!” Pizza, Prayer and New Friends Parish Center Small group activities, Video presentations, Refreshments and fellowship. For information e-mail [email protected] or you can call the rectory Grades 7 and 8 Friday Night: 7 – 8:30 Grades 9 – 12 Sunday Night: 6-8pm From the Pastor Novermber 23rd, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe orporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy Mercy as it is here contemplated, is said to be a virtue influencing one’s will to have compassion for, and if possible, to alleviate another’s misfortune. It is the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274) that although mercy is, as it were, the spontaneous product of charity, yet it is to be reckoned a special virtue adequately distinguishable from this latter. In cataloging it the Scholastics consider that it refers to the quality of justice mainly because, like justice, it controls relations between distinct persons. Its motive is the misery which one discerns in another, particularly in so far as this condition is deemed to be, in some sense at least, involuntary. Obviously, the necessity which is to be assisted can be either of body or soul. Hence it is customary to enumerate both corporal and spiritual works of mercy. •To •To •To •To •To •To •To feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; clothe the naked; shelter the homeless visit the sick; ransom the captive/visit the imprisoned; bury the dead. The spiritual works of mercy are: •To instruct the ignorant; •To counsel the doubtful; •To admonish sinners; •To bear wrongs patiently; •To forgive offences willingly; •To comfort the afflicted; •To pray for the living and the dead. It will be seen from these divisions that the works of mercy practically coincide with the various forms of almsgiving, as St. Thomas regards them. The word alms is a corruption of the Greek eleemosyne (mercy). The doing of works of mercy is not merely a matter of exalted counsel; there is as well a strict precept imposed both by the natural and the positive Divine law enjoining their performance. That the natural law enjoins works of mercy is based upon the principle that we are to do to others as we would have them do to us. The Divine command is set forth in the most stringent terms by Christ, and the failure to comply with it is visited with the supreme penalty of eternal damnation (Matthew 25:41): “Then He shall say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me no food, I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink, a stranger, and you gave me no welcome, naked, and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’” Here it is true there is mention directly and explicitly of only the corporal works of mercy. As, however, the spiritual works of mercy deal with a distress whose relief is even more imperative as well as more effective for the grand purpose of man’s creation, the injunction must be supposed to extend to them also. Besides, there are the plain references of Christ to such works as fraternal correction (Matthew 18:15) as well as the forgiveness of injuries (Matthew 6:14). It has to be remembered, however, that the precept is an affirmative one; that is, it is of the sort which is always binding but not always operative, for lack of matter or occasion or fitting circumstances. It obliges, as the theologians say, semper sed non pro semper (always and in each [particular] instance). Thus in general it may be said that the determination of its actual obligatory force in a given case depends largely on the degree of distress to be aided, and the capacity or condition of the one whose duty in the matter is in question. There are easily recognizable limitations which the precept undergoes in practice so far as the performance of the corporal works of mercy are concerned. Likewise, the law imposing spiritual works of mercy is subject in individual instances to important reservations. For example, it may easily happen that an altogether special measure of tact and prudence, or, at any rate, some definite superiority is required for the discharge of the oftentimes difficult task of fraternal correction. Similarly to instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, and console the sorrowing is not always within the competency of every one. To bear wrongs patiently, to forgive offences willingly, and to pray for the living and the dead are things from which on due occasion no one may dispense himself on the pleas that he has not some special array of gifts required for their observance. They are evidently within the reach of all. It must not be forgotten that the works of mercy demand more than a humanitarian basis if they are to serve as instruments in bringing about our eternal salvation. The proper motive is indispensable and this must be one drawn from the supernatural order. Ultimately, we serve our Lord Jesus Christ through our service and generosity to our brothers and sisters in need, both in body and in spirit. A very Happy Thanksgiving to all St. Jude parishioners and to your loved ones. For those who are able to join us, the Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 10:00 am, and you are most welcome to bring some food or drink items that will be shared at your table, to be blessed during the Mass. “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His mercy endures forever!” In Christ the King, Fr. Greg Mass Attendance Saturday New Years Eve Party! December 31st at 7:00pm Join the ‘Parish of St. Jude’ in our beautiful hall. Ticket Price: $65 per person (Purchase on or before December 1st, early bird special $60 pp) Last day to purchase tickets 12/16 Come enjoy delicious food catered by Carlos Ristorante, feel the music by DJ - Bob Vecchio. Ticket price includes food, DJ, wine, beer, soda, noisemakers and a midnight champagne toast! Tickets are now available at the rectory, Roma Funeral Home and on our website www.stjudemb.org (Paypal) Tables have been generously donated by the Kane family Table seating capacity is eight people. Thanksgiving Volunteers Needed Volunteers needed to help with cooking, set up, serving and clean up of community dinner served by the Jubilee Center at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church on Neighborhood Road on Thanksgiving day. Call Wendy at 772-5901. Volunteers are also always needed for the regular weekly dinner served on Wednesdays. Sunday 5pm 7:30 8am 9:30 11:30 5pm Total Oct.26 317 185 224 300 335 157 1518 Nov.2 261 170 252 312 310 186 1491 Nov. 9 301 130 209 262 370 209 1481 Nov.16 284 80 207 267 380 201 1419 Weekly Collection Nov 16th $8,142.68 Scripture Readings MONDAY , Nov. 24, 2014 Memorial of Saint Andrew Dŭng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs- Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/ Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2014 Weekday - Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2014 Weekday- Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19 Thursday, Nov. 27, 2014 Thanksgiving Day- Sir 50:22-24/ 1 Cor 1:3-9/ Lk 17:11-19 Friday, Nov. 28, 2014 Weekday - Rv 20:1-4, 11-21:2/Lk 21:29-33 Saturday, Nov. 29, 2014 Weekday- Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36 Sunday, Nov. 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent- Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/1 Cor 1:3-9/Mk 13:33-37 Altar Bread and Wine Have been donated: In memory of Sigmund & Mary Czak Available dates: January 5th, February 3rd & 23rd Altar Flowers Have been donated: In memory of Joan & Anthony Jeans Available dates January 18th & February 1st Wedding Banns I. Victoria Bechhofer/ Richard Alan Urbelis II Baptisms Tickets can be purchased at the rectory now until December 4th. Cadence Olivia Capes, Aubrey Michelle Maerkle, Joseph Michael Perrone Jr., Frank Giovanni Marcotrigiano, Alana Jo Pacella, Arianna Rilee Spinks May God Bless them and their families! C F Bulletin Reflection When the Son of Man comes in glory, may we be among those who have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger and clothed the naked. For Jesus tells us clearly that is those who have demonstrated good stewardship by sharing their gifts with the less fortunate who will receive God’s blessings and inherit the kingdom. St. Jude 15th Annual Krist Kindle The word Kristkindl means “Christ Child” in German. This custom began as a way to prepare for the coming of Jesus by seeing him in others. A group of people (family, neighbors, etc.) would put their names in a hat and everyone would pick a name. Several times during the Advent season, each person would do something special for their Kristkindl without the other person finding out who did it for them. The “something special” could be an act of kindness, a small gift, a service, or a prayer offered. On Christmas day everyone would reveal his or her identity to their Kristkindl. Advent will soon begin, November 30th, and during this special time of preparation you can be part of St. Jude’s Krist Kindle Program. Just fill out the form below and place it in the brightly wrapped box in the lobby of the church or drop it off at the rectory or just log on to our web site at www. stjudemb.org and follow the link to Krist Kindle. By November 28th you will receive, by mail the name of your assigned family. You can pray for them and surprise them with cards, phone calls or little token gifts each week throughout Advent. Another family will have your name and will be surprising you too. On Sunday, January 11th, after 9:30 Mass all the participants in the program will meet for refreshments and will have the opportunity to meet their Krist Kindle family. This program is so much fun for the whole family. Remember all names must be submitted by 6:30PM on Sunday, November 23rd! Any questions please call Dinah Castro at 631- 399-0604 or email to [email protected] Family Name: Phone: Address: Email: City: Cross Street: Heads of Household: Childrens Names and Ages: Name: Age: Name: Age: Name: Age: Name: Age: Name: Age: St. Jude Annual Christmas Fair When: Saturday, December 6th from 9AM-3PM Where: Parish Center Visit Santa, shop the vendors, purchase raffle chances, enjoy great food, there is something for everyone! For more information, call the rectory at: 631-281-5743 Fresh baked goodies are needed for our bake sale if you would like to make cookies, brownies, cupcakes, etc. Please call the rectory. Raffle tickets will be sold this weekend, November 22nd & 23rd, after Masses. Ticket donation, three for $10. Raffle Prizes are 1st Prize: $300.00 cash & 26” Statue of the Blessed Mother (Value $480), 2nd Prize: (2) 32” X 22” framed botanical prints and 2-1/2 hour massages from Three Peaks Physical Therapy (Value $190), 3rd Prize: Mr. Coffee Espresso & Cappuccino maker plus Capresso milk frother (Value $132), 4th Prize: Tastefully Simple Food Basket (Value $120), 5th Prize: Temptations Casserole, soup & sandwich set plus T-fal electric kettle (Value $100) 6th Prize: Santa serving dish, casserole & tiered serving set (Value $95) Winner need not be present at time of drawing. All drawings will be held on December 6th at the fair.
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