33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Church of Our Lady Help of Christians A Roman Catholic Faith Community in Tottenville Since 1898 We extend a WARM WELCOME to families and individuals who are new to our Parish. Please register at the Rectory so that we can be of service to you. We encourage you to fully participate in our parish life. PARISH 7396 Amboy Road, Staten Island, NY 10307 RECTORY OFFICE 718-317-9772 FAX NO. 718-317-0038 Pastor Fr. D. Francis Dias Parochial Vicar Fr. R. D. J. Sylvester Ranasinghe Deacons Deacon Richard Salhany Deacon John Singler Part-Time Employees Parish Secretary Mrs. Ninfa Chiarello (M-T-F) [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs. Mary C. Zammit (T-W-TH) [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs. Maria B. Byrnes (W-TH-F) [email protected] MINISTRY TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory at any time. Communion to the Homebound Please call the Rectory to make arrangements for those homebound or hospitalized. Sick List Please update us monthly. SCHOOL 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 718-984-1360 FAX NO. 718-966-9356 Principal Mr. Michael J. Saldarelli Admin. Assistant Mrs. Jamie L. McCue School Secretary Mrs. Maria Geloso RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 23 Summit Street, Staten Island, NY 10307 718-227-2441 FAX NO. 718-966-9356 CRE Mrs. Marie T. Dunigan Part-Time Administrative Support Staff Mrs. Patricia M. Dresch MASS SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER-JUNE SATURDAY EVENING VIGIL 4:30 PM Family Mass SUNDAY 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Family Mass 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Individuals must come in person to see priest on duty. JULY-AUGUST SATURDAY EVENING VIGIL 4:30 PM SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM Website: www.olhcparish.org WEEKDAYS (ALL YEAR) 9:00 AM PRIVATE PRAYER The Church is open weekdays until 7:00 PM in the evening, for personal prayer and meditation. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Saturdays at 9:30 AM as well as twentyfive minutes before every weekday and weekend Masses. Baptisms Every Sunday at 2:00 PM. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment to speak with a priest. Baptism instruction classes for parents are held on the first Saturday of the month, in the lower church, at 11:00 AM. Marriage Couples should call the Rectory to arrange a meeting with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance of their wedding. RCIA A series of classes presenting a deeper exploration of Catholic faith for adults which prepares them to make a conscious choice to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please call the rectory. 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Pg. 2 MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE DAY DATE TIME INTENTION REQUESTED BY Sat 11/15 4:30 PM Narda Modzelewski Marie, Frank & Diana Ragusa Sun 11/16 8:00 AM John Ruffino Antonio & Manuela Ferreira 9:30 AM Lawrence Jensen Barbara O’Shea 11:00 AM Lawrence Jensen Deacon John & Judy Singler 12:30 PM Jenna Cruz Jacquelyn & David Cruz 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM Frank Kinkopf Kinkopf Family Mon 11/17 9:00 AM Thomas O’Connor JoAnn Magee Tue 11/18 9:00 AM Mass of Thanksgiving Mr. & Mrs. A. D’Esposito Wed 11/19 9:00 AM In Memory of the Rams & Capalbo Families Thu 11/20 9:00 AM Audrey Fabricant Tony & Betty Vaccaro Fri 11/21 9:00 AM John Puya Tony & Betty Vaccaro Sat 11/22 9:00 AM Special Intention Mr. & Mrs. A. D’Esposito Sun 11/23 Rams Family 4:30 PM Phyllis & Frank Raccuglia Carollo Family 8:00 AM Joseph Baffi Bobbie Borriello 9:30 AM Katherine Hauck (18th Anniversary) Her Grandchildren, Greg & Linda Hauck 11:00 AM Carol Ann Mitchell DeSerio Family 12:30 PM Carol McGuire 4:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM All Deceased Members of Vincenzo Ianarelli & Angela DiMarcello Families Chesta Dunigan & Family ADDICTION SUPPORT For more info, contact Gail Kross @ 973-600-5301 CROSS ROAD FOUNDATION COLLECTION 4th weekend after all Masses Next Collection: November 22/23 FIRST FRIDAY Mass-9:00 AM Adoration/Benediction-9:30 AM SCRIPTURE SHARING Thursdays-7:30 PM-Rectory ST. EDWARD FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION 1st weekend after all Masses Next collection: December 6/7 THIRD ORDER OF MARY 3rd Sun. after 12:30 PM Mass-Gym Next Meeting: November 16 YOUTH GROUP (GRADES 6-12) 2nd & 4th Sun. after 6:30 PM Mass Gym Next Meeting: November 23 ZUMBA Gym For scheduling info, contact Cathy Cataletto @ 917-829-1402 or e-mail: [email protected] THE SAINTS OF THE WEEK Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 11/15 St. Albert the Great 11/16 11/17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 11/18 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 11/19 11/20 11/21 Presentation of BVM 11/22 St. Cecilia 11/23 If a weekend Mass is being offered for a family member, please let a priest or usher know if you wish to bring up the gifts. 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Pg. 3 Dear Brothers and Sisters, YOUTH GROUP BAKE/CANDLE SALE The Parish Youth Group would like to thank all of those who supported the bake/candle sale conducted by the youth group. Over $350 was raised to put toward their annual Conference in Ellenville, NY. A special thank you to Carol Jensen for taking on most of this project and assisting with much of the "behind-the-scenes" preparation. ROSARY POSTER CONTEST The purpose of the contest was to make the children aware of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The flyer described it as a family project, but the child must do the work him/herself. Family participation was required; therefore, it was not to be done in a classroom setting. The desire was to bring the message home. The children did a great job depicting what the Rosary is all about. It involves personal and family prayer. It is based in Scripture-the Bible. It is aimed at Jesus through Mary. One hundred and twelve students from Grades Pre-K - 8 participated: 99 OLHC and 13 from Religious Education. All twenty-five winners received a Rosary blessed by Pope Francis. First place winners also received Staples gift cards of different values. ANNUAL FINANCIALS We are on sound financial grounds. We spent more on salaries because we continued with music at all Masses during the summer and when the musicians were on vacation. In addition, we had to hire priests to replace some on vacation and study leave which will not happen again. Overhead maintenance and operations were high due to breakdowns and replacement of equipment. Thanks to the numerous volunteers who do a lot of work around the church. Thanks also to conscientious parishioners who bring their absent envelopes. Thanks to all ParishPay subscribers as well. 2015 BOXED SETS OF ENVELOPES This method of offering envelopes has helped a lot in the long run. Please use them and don’t forget to put your name, envelope number and amount. If you are unsure of your envelope number, please call the rectory and we will provide it to you. I encourage all parishioners to use envelopes as opposed to just dropping cash in the basket so that your account can be credited for tax purposes. SACRAMENTAL REPORT This year we had 65 baptisms, 118 First Communions, 132 Confirmations, 11 Marriages and 81 Funerals. There are 2,991 households registered, with a total of 9,081 persons. Of those registered, an average of 1,271 people attend Mass weekly. Average weekly collection including ParishPay is between $7,300-$8,300. OLHC School has 187 students and 10 lay teachers. Our Religious Education program has 572 students and 43 Catechists/Assistants. PARKING LOT Thanks to the volunteers who painted the lines. Phil and Jeannine DeVito provided the paint and Steve Pantaleone and Tony D’Esposito did the work. Please leave the handicapped parking spaces to those it is designated for. After each Mass we expect you to leave; if you are staying for coffee hour or Religious Education Classes please park on the streets. Please note that we have permission to park in Bedell-Pizzo Funeral Home lot. MINISTERS SCHEDULING The PPC (Open) Meeting evaluated the Minister scheduling and advised that we cease to use MS Pro Scheduler System. It is not being put to the best use. Hence, we shall go back to the traditional list system. Substitutes is each individual’s responsibility. Hopefully we will have enough ministers including altar servers. Have a blessed week! Fr. Frank 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Pray for the deceased Let us remember all the faithful departed especially….Anna Rose Yandoli MEMORIAL OFFERINGS BREAD & WINE The People of Our Parish Pg. 4 WEEKLY SACRIFICIAL OFFERING November 10, 2013 $8,582 November 09, 2014 $9,175 Number of Envelopes 374 2014 MONTHLY CARDINAL’S APPEAL UPDATE Our Goal: $70,000 To Date: $62,295 Donors: 220 Have you made your pledge yet? It’s not too late. PRAYER LIST FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMAN SANCTUARY LAMP The People of Our Parish ALTAR CANDLE The People of Our Parish Andrew S. Aswad SC Anthony Manetta Africa David Baggs NY Mark Philip Martino US Army Thomas Brown LA Mason Morgante NC Raquel Caramanno CA Ronald McNair Afghanistan Raymond Conde Afghanistan Cody Robinson CA Cassandra Facciponti West Point Shawn Robinson WA ALTAR FLOWERS The People of Our Parish PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Aubrey George Kerber John Placente Joan Bartenhagen Ronnie Benitez Rafael Laskowski Maria LaSorsa Anna Marie Reinthaler Robin Rodolfo Valerie Bertan Joseph Liotine Barbara Rotunno Chris Bessi Dennis Castelli Mei Foo Liao Anthony Lodareo Frances Rotunno Hayley Rusciano Scott Conniff Ralph Lucchese Philip Russo Rita Cowan Joseph D’Angelo Scuoto Maisco Ed Malley Patricia Savino Timothy Singler Ellen Derowski Joseph Manfredi Anna Socci George Day Josie Doty Joseph Mariconda Peter Marsh Shelia Sullivan Edward Svenningsen Dennis Emperor Ken McCall Paul Taravella Norene Emperor Terence McGowan Justin Too Leopold Fleming Nancy Flynn Laura Murillo Aiden Truscelli Georgianna O’Connor Josephine Winters Ramona Fogelstrom Joan Orena Dominick Yanchunas Laura Grzeskowiak Larry Hartnett Gail Yanchunas Joseph Yasso Raymond Perry Jr. SPC Sean Pesce Nilda Peterson 2015 BOXED SETS OF ENVELOPES & CALENDARS are available in the Church lobbies. Please be sure to write your envelope number. If you do not know the number, call the rectory and we will provide it to you. Brian P. Fleming Germany Nicholas Singler CA Michael Ievolo Afghanistan Greg Tegan IL We welcome into the Christian Community of OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS Marco James Ferrito Olivia Ann Sanchez THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 An encomium for a good and worthy wife, this passage from Proverbs extols all the virtues which a worthy wife possesses – fidelity, industriousness, skill, charity to the poor, and fear of the Lord. Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Once again, Paul reassures the Thessalonians, who are anxious about the coming of Christ, that they need not fear being unprepared because they are “children of light.” Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus narrates the parable of the talents – in the story, the silver pieces given to the three men. Two of the men invest their coins and double their worth, but the third buries his coins in the ground and earns no return. The message of Jesus is that we must use to the fullest the talents we have received. 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Pg. 5 OLHC 8th Annual Dorothy Day Thanksgiving Dinner for the Needy OLHC, in collaboration with Project Hospitality, will be hosting/serving THANKSGIVING DINNERS for the needy at the CYO Center (120 Anderson Ave., Port Richmond) on Thanksgiving Day The following are needed for our Thanksgiving Outreach PLEASE CONTACT THE RECTORY @ 718.317.9772. Prepared Food Items: *TURKEY* Pork Roast Rice/Rice & Beans DED Mashed Potatoes NEE Green Beans Corn Cranberry Sauce Prepared food is to be brought to OLHC gym on Thanksgiving morning. Please bring food “hot” in aluminum 1 /2 trays . All meat should be sliced. Other Food Items: Fresh Fruit Cornbread/Rolls Gravy (cans or jars) Box Drinks Candy/Cakes (Individually wrapped) Tableware: Paper Plates, Cutlery Napkins, Tablecloths Craft Items: Crayons, Markers, Construction Paper, Paper lunch bags, decorations. Volunteers: SUNDAY 11/23 AFTER 9:30 MASS Food Sorters Children’s Crafts THANKSGIVING DAY: Drivers (9:30 AM) Shift 1 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) Set up and Serve Table Captains Shift 2 (12:00 - 2:00 PM) Serve & Clean up Table Captains IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SIGN UP SHEETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER ALL MASSES THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! CLOTHING ITEMS TO BE COLLECTED: “NEW” HATS/GLOVES/SCARVES, SWEATS—ALL SIZES—WORK GLOVES SCHEDULE OF EVENTS DROP OFF WEEKEND ~ Nov. 22/23 (after all Masses in School Gym) Thanksgiving Day Non-Perishable Food Items, Food Drive Items (Clothing Drive Items, Paper Goods & Candy SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23rd AFTER THE 9:30 MASS Children’s Craft Day & Drop Off of Non-Perishable Food Items, Candy & Clothing THANKSGIVING DAY ~ Nov. 27th 9:00 AM Thanksgiving Day Mass - Church 9:30 AM Thanksgiving Dinner Drop off - School Gym ` 10:00 AM Transport Food & Clothing to CYO Center in Port Richmond 10:30- 12:00 PM: 1st Shift of Servers/cleanup! 12:00 2:00 PM: 2nd Shift of Servers May God Bless you & your families for contributing to this special ministry! CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Next weekend’s collection for the CCHD needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty throughout America by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. Defend human dignity. Take poverty off the map. Please give to the CCHD collection. RICHMOND COUNTY ANNUAL RED MASS Tuesday, November 18, 2014 @ 6 PM Blessed Sacrament Church (30 Manor Road) All members of the legal profession are welcome to attend. 50/50 CLUB The November 50/50 is now in progress. Donation to enter: $5 REMEMBER….YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Pg. 6 R.C.I.A. CLASS FORMING: 18 YEARS AND OLDER The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults become members of the Roman Catholic Faith. The formation process is directed at those adults who have missed a Sacrament along the way or those from other faiths that have a calling to the Roman Catholic Faith. The culmination of the formation process takes place at the Easter Vigil where the Rites of the Sacraments (Baptism, Communion or Confirmation) are administered. The Classes are offered weekly beginning in December and continue through the Easter Season. If you would like further information, please leave a message for Deacon Richard or Dr. Constance Salhany at the Rectory (718) 317-9772. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Monday Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 or, for the Memorial of the Dedication, Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday Rv 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 Friday Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 PARISH OUTDOOR DECORATING PARTY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29th TOURING TUESDAY 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Visit OLHC School from 9-11 AM on Bring an ornament for our Outdoor Christmas Tree our next Touring Tuesday, November 18th or call to and join us in front of the Church for Christmas schedule a tour at 718-984-1360. Carols, Hot Chocolate & Cookies. ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! All children & adults are welcome for decorating & set up of our OUTDOOR Staten Island Campus nd CHRISTMAS TREE, OUTDOOR CRECHÉ and Saturday, November 22 from 9:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Register online at stjohns.edu/RedEvents
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