6600 Hunter Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 DATE: January – December 2014 TO: Prospective Tenant(s) FROM: Residential Income Department RE: Application Procedures TEL 707 584-5123 FAX 707 584-5124 www.ebmc.com Thank you for your interest in one of EBMC’s rental properties. We do our best to process complete applications within two to three business days of receipt. In order for us to process your application immediately, please review and comply with the following: • An application must be completed by each adult who is 18 years and older. There is also a $30 Application Fee, required for each adult 18 years and older. This is a non-refundable fee and must be paid in a guaranteed form such as money order or cashier check (No cash or personal checks for application fee). Without your application fee, your application will not be processed. • Ensure you list your current and previous landlords name and contact information. • Sign in ALL appropriate places. Note: There are 4 different places for you to sign. • Submit proper income verification. We need your last two paycheck stubs equal to 1 month of paychecks. • If self-employed, provide your recent tax return or 1099’s and proof of income (3 Months of bank statements). • We will need official photo identification (driver’s license, passport, etc). Note: DO NOT FAX. If you cannot bring a copy to our office, please arrange to mail or email a copy. • Note: Failure to submit all information / documentation will result in automatic denial of application. Please note: approval of applications is based on several factors including; income, credit history and rental / housing history and references. If you do not meet the standards, you may be offered other remedies such as a higher deposit or having a Co-signor. Co-signors must complete a separate rental application. Please note: this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. My signature below indicates I understand and agree with the terms as outlined above. Date: Signature: Questions or concerns may be directed to the Rental Department at (707) 584-5123. California Department of Real Estate Licensees: Patrick Aaron Silvia Schagerer Carol Melendez DRE #01939038 DRE #01774894 DRE #01157245 (707) 584-5123 Ext. 179 (707) 584-5123 Ext. 144 (707) 584-5123 Ext. 152 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tenant Guarantor APPLICATION TO RENT Individual applications required from each occupant 18 years of age or older. (All sections must be completed) Last Name First Name Middle Name Other names used in the last 10 years Date of birth Work phone number ( ) Home phone number ( ) Mobile/Cell phone number ( ) Exp. date Other ID E-mail address Photo ID/Type Number Issuing government 1. Present address Social Security Number or ITIN City Date in Date out State Owner/Agent Name Owner/Agent Phone number Reason for moving out 2. Previous address Current rent $ State City Date in Date out Zip Owner/Agent Name /Month Zip Owner/Agent Phone number Reason for moving out 3. Next previous address Date in Date out City State Owner/Agent Name Zip Owner/Agent Phone number Reason for moving out Proposed Occupants: List all in addition to yourself Name Name Name Name Name Name Do you have Describe pets? How did you hear about this rental? Do you have a waterbed? A. Current Employer Name Job Title or Position Employer address $ B. Prior Employer Name Dates of Employment Employer/Human Resources phone number ( ) Name of your supervisor/human resources manager City, State, Zip Current gross income Describe Check one Per Week Month Year Job Title or Position Employer address Dates of Employment Employer/Human Resources phone number ( ) Name of your supervisor/human resources manager City, State, Zip Other income source Amount $ Frequency Other income source Amount $ Frequency California Apartment Association Approved Form www.caanet.org Form 3.0 – Revised 1/12 - ©2012 – All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 3 Name of your bank Name of Creditor In case of emergency, notify: Branch or address Account Number Please list ALL of your financial obligations below. Address Phone Number ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Address: Street, City, State, Zip Monthly Pymt. Amt. Relationship Phone Length of Acquaintance Occupation Phone 1. 2. Personal References: Address: Street, City, State, Zip 1. 2. Automobile: Make: Model: Year: License #: Automobile: Make: Model: Year: License #: Other motor vehicles: Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Have you ever been evicted or asked to move? Have you ever been convicted of selling, distributing or manufacturing illegal drugs? Applicant represents that all the above statements are true and correct, authorizes verification of the above items and agrees to furnish additional credit references upon request. Applicant authorizes the Owner/Agent to obtain reports that may include credit reports, unlawful detainer (eviction) reports, bad check searches, social security number verification, fraud warnings, previous tenant history and employment history. Applicant consents to allow Owner/ Agent to disclose tenancy information to previous or subsequent Owners/Agents. Owner/Agent will require a payment of $ , which is to be used to screen Applicant. The amount charged is itemized as follows: 1. Actual cost of credit report, unlawful detainer (eviction) search, and/or other screening reports $ 2. Cost to obtain, process and verify screening information (may include staff time and other soft costs) $ 3. Total fee charged $ The undersigned is applying to rent the premises designated as: Apt. No. Located at The rent for which is $ per . Upon approval of this application, and execution of a rental/lease agreement, the applicant shall pay all sums due, including required security deposit of $ , before occupancy. Date Applicant (signature required) California Apartment Association Approved Form www.caanet.org Form 3.0 – Revised 1/12 - ©2012 – All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 3 CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION CODE FOR EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The California Apartment Association supports the spirit and intent of all local, state and federal fair housing laws for all residents without regard to color, race, religion, sex, marital status, mental or physical disability, age, familial status, sexual orientation, or national origin. The California Apartment Association reaffirms its belief that equal opportunity can best be accomplished through effective leadership, education, and the mutual cooperation of owners, managers, and the public. Therefore, as members of the California Apartment Association, we agree to abide by the following provisions of this Code for Equal Housing Opportunity: • We agree that in the rental, lease, sale, purchase, or exchange of real property, owners and their employees have the responsibility to offer housing accommodations to all persons on an equal basis. • We agree to set and implement fair and reasonable rental housing rules and guidelines and will provide equal and consistent services throughout our residents’ tenancy. • We agree that we have no right or responsibility to volunteer information regarding the racial, creed, or ethnic composition of any neighborhood, and we do not engage in any behavior or action that would result in “steering.” • We agree not to print, display, or circulate any statement or advertisement that indicates any preference, limitations, or discrimination in the rental or sale of housing. California Apartment Association Approved Form www.caanet.org Form 3.0 – Revised 1/12 - ©2012 – All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 3 Printed Using Professional Computer Forms Co. On-Line Forms Software 1/12 (03/2<0(179(5,),&$7,21)250 x x 7KLVIRUPLVXVHGWRREWDLQLQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJWKHHPSOR\PHQWKLVWRU\RI$SSOLFDQWVIRUUHQWDOKRXVLQJ7KHLQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHG E\WKHFXUUHQWRUIRUPHU(PSOR\HUPD\EHXVHGVROHO\IRUWKHSXUSRVHRIHYDOXDWLQJWKHDSSOLFDWLRQIRUUHQWDOKRXVLQJ 7KH2ZQHU$JHQWUHTXHVWLQJWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQPXVWUHFHLYHDXWKRUL]DWLRQIURPWKH$SSOLFDQWEHIRUHREWDLQLQJWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ6XFK DXWKRUL]DWLRQLVJUDQWHGLI$SSOLFDQW¶VVLJQDWXUHLVSURYLGHGLQ6HFWLRQ&RSLHVRIWKLVIRUPDQGRIWKH$SSOLFDQW¶VVLJQDWXUHDUH DFFHSWDEOH7KH$SSOLFDQWPD\EHFRQWDFWHGWRYHULI\WKHDXWKHQWLFLW\RIWKLVUHTXHVW3OHDVHPDLORUID[WKLVIRUPWRWKHSHUVRQ OLVWHGLQVHFWLRQDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOHZLWKLQKRXUV 72%(&203/(7('%<$33/,&$17 $XWKRUL]DWLRQE\UHQWDO$SSOLFDQWIRUWKHUHOHDVHRILQIRUPDWLRQ ,KHUHE\DXWKRUL]HWKHUHOHDVHRIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHTXHVWHGRQWKLV(PSOR\PHQW9HULILFDWLRQ5HTXHVWWRWKH2ZQHU$JHQWOLVWHGEHORZ I hereby acknowledge that the Owner/Agent can make copies of this executed page in order to obtain the information requested. 1DPH 6LJQDWXUH 3KRQHQXPEHU 'DWH 72%(&203/(7('%<2:1(5$*(17 3HUVRQUHTXHVWLQJWKHHPSOR\PHQWUHIHUHQFH 1DPHRI2ZQHU$JHQW 8QLW 6WDWH =LS )D[QXPEHU $GGUHVV &LW\ 3KRQHQXPEHU $SSOLFDQW¶VHPSOR\PHQWLQIRUPDWLRQ 3UHVHQW253ULRU2FFXSDWLRQFKHFNRQH (PSOR\HU1DPH 6WDWH =LS (PSOR\HU+53KRQHQXPEHU (PSOR\HU$GGUHVV &LW\ 6XSHUYLVRU¶V+50DQDJHU¶V1DPH %HJLQQLQJDQG(QGLQJ'DWHVRI(PSOR\PHQW &XUUHQW*URVV,QFRPHLIDSSOLFDEOH 72%(9(5,),('%<&855(1725)250(5(03/2<(5 (PSOR\PHQWLQIRUPDWLRQYHULILFDWLRQ 9HULILFDWLRQSURYLGHGE\ ,VWKHLQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGLQ6HFWLRQDERYHFRUUHFW" (PSOR\HU1DPH (PSOR\HU$GGUHVV 6XSHUYLVRU¶V+50DQDJHU¶V1DPH (PSOR\HU+53KRQH1XPEHU %HJLQQLQJDQG(QGLQJ'DWHVRI(PSOR\PHQW &XUUHQW*URVV,QFRPHLIDSSOLFDEOH ,I1RSOHDVHH[SODLQ <HV <HV <HV <HV <HV <HV 1DPH 7LWOH 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 3KRQH 9HULILFDWLRQREWDLQHGE\ 3KRQH 0DLO &DOLIRUQLD$SDUWPHQW$VVRFLDWLRQ$SSURYHG)RUP ZZZFDDQHWRUJ Form 3.8±5HYLVHG±$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 3DJHRI Printed Using formsRus.com On-Line Forms Software 1/14 )D[ 5(17$/$33/,&$175()(5(1&()250 x x 7KLVIRUPLVXVHGWRREWDLQLQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJWKHUHQWDOKLVWRU\RI$SSOLFDQWVIRUUHQWDOKRXVLQJ7KHLQIRUPDWLRQSURYLGHGE\WKH FXUUHQWRUIRUPHU2ZQHU$JHQWPD\EHXVHGVROHO\IRUWKHSXUSRVHRIHYDOXDWLQJWKHDSSOLFDWLRQIRUUHQWDOKRXVLQJ 7KH2ZQHU$JHQWUHTXHVWLQJWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQPXVWUHFHLYHDXWKRUL]DWLRQIURPWKH$SSOLFDQWEHIRUHREWDLQLQJWKHLQIRUPDWLRQ6XFK DXWKRUL]DWLRQLVJUDQWHGLI$SSOLFDQW¶VVLJQDWXUHLVSURYLGHGLQ6HFWLRQ&RSLHVRIWKLVIRUPDQGRIWKH$SSOLFDQW¶VVLJQDWXUHDUH DFFHSWDEOH7KH$SSOLFDQWPD\EHFRQWDFWHGWRYHULI\WKHDXWKHQWLFLW\RIWKLVUHTXHVW3OHDVHPDLORUID[WKLVIRUPWRWKHSHUVRQ OLVWHGLQVHFWLRQDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOHZLWKLQKRXUV 72%(&203/(7('%<$33/,&$17 $XWKRUL]DWLRQE\UHQWDO$SSOLFDQWIRUWKHUHOHDVHRILQIRUPDWLRQ ,KHUHE\DXWKRUL]HWKHUHOHDVHRIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQUHTXHVWHGRQWKLV5HQWDO$SSOLFDQW5HIHUHQFH5HTXHVWWRWKH2ZQHU$JHQWOLVWHG EHORZI hereby acknowledge that the Owner/Agent can make copies of this executed page in order to obtain the information requested. 3KRQHQXPEHU 1DPH 6LJQDWXUH 'DWH 72%(&203/(7('%<2:1(5$*(17 3HUVRQUHTXHVWLQJWKHUHQWDOUHIHUHQFH 1DPHRI2ZQHU$JHQW 8QLW 6WDWH =LS )D[QXPEHU $SSOLFDQW¶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orm 3.7±5HYLVHG±$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG 3DJHRI Printed Using formsRus.com On-Line Forms Software 1/14
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