Press Release – November 18th, 2014 GOOD Mining Exploration Inc. concludes the 2014 Season Exploration Fieldwork and Drill Programs on its CanRee and Golden Target Projects in Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Newmarket, Ontario, November 18th, 2014 – GOOD Mining Exploration Inc. has completed all 2014 field activities and drilling programs on its 100% wholly owned mining rights, in Bowman and McCann townships, Black River Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Work undertaken during the 2014 field season included exploratory diamond drilling, geological mapping, stripping and channelling. Drilling activities are now completed and the equipment has been demobilized from both sites. Core cutting on the final drill hole has concluded this week and the remainder of the samples are being shipped to the labs for processing. Complete assay analysis results on 7 of 28 drill holes from the CanRee project have now been received. Initial assay analysis reports for the first three drill holes on the CanRee were presented on the previous press release of October 31st, 2014. *See the company website at: Results of the further four drill holes are being presented in this press release. Assay results and additional resource estimates from of the 2014 Drill Programs will be reported in future releases going forward as they continue to arrive from the lab, with a conservative expected completion date for assay analysis of approximately January 31st, 2015. As the assay analysis of the drill cores are proving on an ongoing basis, the CanRee Project hosts a modest ‘Indicated’ and ‘Inferred’ resource of Platinum Group Elements (PGE), particularly high in Palladium, and Rare Earth Elements (REE). There is also a range of highly prospective, mineralized structures within the Golden Target Project, which to date are highly indicative of Gold Mineralization (*Assay analysis pending for Golden Target drill cores). 1 Drilling The 2014 season saw a total of 10,124 feet of drilling, equivalent to 3,086.71 meters completed in a total of 28 NQ diameter drill holes, in an aggressive exploration campaign targeting prospective areas across the properties. The program was divided into two phases. Firstly, 25 drill holes targeted the PGE/REE prospect within the CanRee project, and secondly, 3 initial exploratory drill holes targeted the Gold potential within the Golden Target project. Drill hole targets were spotted and designed based on geological mapping, rock outcrop chip sampling, assay analysis results of same, as well as geophysics using detailed ‘VLF Surveys’ overlapped onto an existing geophysical ‘IP Survey’ of the property. HIGHLIGHTS: As shown below, the exciting results of the assay analysis are proving to show that the primary resource for the CanRee project is now becoming the Palladium (Pd). Results going forward are proving to quantify this further. However, all of the analysis results must first be received by the company from the labs to properly ascertain the primary resource as being Palladium. *Note that the following results are based on only 7 of 25 drill holes within the CanRee Project. Indicated and Inferred Resources: Total ‘Indicated Resources’ for Precious Metals present, based on the data for the seven drill holes received to date are as follows: (See table 1 for details) Total ‘Inferred Resources’ for Precious Metals present, based on the data for the seven drill holes received to date are as follows: (See table 1 for details) 312,636 ounces Palladium (Pd) 9,899 ounces Gold (Au) 5,890 ounces Platinum (Pt) 4,451 ounces Rhodium (Rh) 3,161,101 ounces Palladium (Pd) 100,088 ounces Gold (Au) 59,558 ounces Platinum (Pt) 45,001 ounces Rhodium (Rh) The Palladium occurs consistently within the gabbro, altered mafic volcanics, breccia zones as well as in the mafic intrusive host rocks. It occurs in every sample taken from top to bottom of each and every drill core, at a consistent grade that is in most cases above other global Palladium producers. As expected, the Gold occurs in fracture fillings and stockworks hosted also in all the other lithological units mentioned above, but not as consistent as the Palladium. 2 Scandium, Yttrium and Cerium which are members of the Rare Earth Elements (REE) that the company drill program was chasing, were also present. Higher grades of these elements occur within the Gabbro host rock. *See table 1 for the average grades and tonnage. A summary of the core logs including the core intercepts and assay results are shown in Tables 1 to 8. Details of the Highlights: Indicated and Inferred Resources are reported in this press release based on the assay results that have been presented from the labs to the company to date. The definition of an Inferred Resource is one that demonstrates geological continuity. It is the least precise of the resource categories. The undersigned uses this category since the intercepts agree to each other geologically. We only extended inferred resources to a maximum of 100 meters out from the edges of the resource envelope and approximately 50 meters inside. The Indicated Resource was calculated in order to determine further drill holes needed to upgrade the Inferred Resource going forward on an in-fill drill program. A radius was used for calculating the area of influence covered by the Indicated Resource and was set at 30% of the radius used in calculating the area of influence of the Inferred Resource for each drill hole. The Indicated Resource calculated is subtracted from the Inferred Resource calculation. Two surface rock chip samples and one drill core sample were delivered to the SGS laboratory in Lakefield, Ontario, for thin section analysis in order to identify the main lithological units being logged. An in-house Core Logging and Sampling Protocol was created by the company Senior Geologist, Mr. Dennis Patron; P.geo, in order to have a standard procedure to be followed in core logging procedures by all of the Geologist staff. Blanks and Standards for Gold and REE were inserted every 25 samples for QA/QC compliance. The sample interval was set at 1.2 meters except on strongly mineralized areas where sampling intervals were reduced to 1 meter. The NQ drill cores were cut in half in an on-site mobile unit provided by Larsen Exploration Services of South Porcupine, Ontario. One half was delivered to the laboratory for analysis while the other half stored in core boxes, stacked and piled in a fenced in, on-site secure storage area for future reference. GOOD Mining Exploration Inc. has implemented a ‘Quality Control Program’ to comply with best practices in the sampling and analysis of drill cores. Drill core samples were transported in security sealed bags for sample preparation at Swastika Laboratory in Swastika, Ontario. Swastika Laboratory then securely delivered all of the prepared pulp packets to the Department of Chemistry, Earth Sciences and Biology, accepted by the Director of the Elliot Lake Research Field Station (ELRFS), at Laurentian University in Sudbury Ontario for multi-element analysis, using their ISO: 17025 certified and accredited laboratory acid digest method. Both Swastika Laboratory and ELRFS Laurentian University Laboratory are ISO 9001:2000 certified laboratories. 3 Table 1: Resource Estimate Indicated Drill hole # Radius Name m CR-2014-01W 30 CR-2014-02W 30 CR-2014-03E 30 CR-2014-04W 30 CR-2014-05E 30 CR-2014-06E 24.75 CR-2014-07W 24.75 CR-2014-09E 24.75 Composit Tonnage: Inferred Radius Drill Depth Vert. Depth m m m 100 98.95 85.6907 100 99 85.734 100 102 88.332 100 88.2 76.3812 100 82.9 71.7914 82.5 70.3 60.8798 82.5 41 35.506 82.5 Average Grade throughout the drill hole: Palladium Platinum Drillhole # Name (g/ton) (g/ton) CR-2014-01W 4.89 0.09 CR-2014-02W 4.34 0.07 CR-2014-03E 4.30 0.12 CR-2014-04W 5.68 0.11 CR-2014-05E 8.15 0.14 CR-2014-06E 5.98 0.11 CR-2014-07W 6.34 0.11 Average grade 5.67 0.10 Rhodium Yttrium Cerium (g/ton) 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.12 0.17 (g/ton) 0.06 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.19 0.09 0.05 (g/ton) 33.68 21.47 23.04 23.57 30.91 27.76 24.24 (g/ton) 28.38 11.91 16.19 14.03 19.59 18.46 12.88 (g/ton) 34.83 36.95 31.54 31.58 28.52 26.18 29.23 0.09 0.15 26.38 17.35 31.26 Calculation of Metal Content: 'INDICATED RESOURCE' Pd Pt Rh Drill hole # Name Ounce Ounce Ounce CR-2014-01W 53,271 1,007 490 CR-2014-02W 47,385 712 726 CR-2014-03E 48,356 1,303 451 CR-2014-04W 55,173 1,027 852 CR-2014-05E 74,435 1,241 1,179 CR-2014-06E 21,021 382 407 CR-2014-07W 12,995 219 346 CR-2014-09E Total Indicated 312,636 5,890 4,451 Total PGE (Indicated Resource) : 322,977 Total Au (Indicated Resources) : 9,899 Total REE (Sc+Y+Ce) (Indicated) 136,927 Calculation of Metal Content: 'INFERRED RESOURCE' Pd Pt Rh Drill hole # Name Ounce Ounce Ounce CR-2014-01W 538,631 10,183 4,955 CR-2014-02W 479,119 7,198 7,336 CR-2014-03E 488,930 13,172 4,558 CR-2014-04W 557,863 10,388 8,619 CR-2014-05E 752,622 12,545 11,924 CR-2014-06E 212,543 3,859 4,115 CR-2014-07W 131,394 2,215 3,494 Total Inferred 3,161,101 59,558 45,001 Gold Indicated Resources Volume SG Tonnage Cu M Tons/Cu M tons 121081 2.80 339,027 121142 2.80 339,198 124813 2.80 349,477 107927 2.80 302,195 101441 2.80 284,035 39033 2.80 109,292 22765 2.80 63,741 0 2.80 1,786,965 Au Scandium Inferred Resources Volume SG Cu M Tons/Cu M 1,224,263 2.8 1,224,882 2.8 1,261,999 2.8 1,091,258 2.8 1,025,684 2.8 394,667 2.8 230,176 2.8 - Sc Y Ce Ounce 607 2,814 2,497 1,847 1,714 321 100 Kg 11,419 7,282 8,050 7,122 8,780 3,034 1,545 Kg 9,623 4,039 5,657 4,239 5,564 2,017 821 Kg 11,807 12,534 11,024 9,544 8,101 2,861 1,863 *Partial Estimate 9,899 ounces ounces Kgs. 47,233 31,960 57,734 Au Sc Y Ounce 6,140 28,450 25,245 18,673 17,328 3,246 1,007 Kg 115,460 73,629 81,397 72,015 88,773 30,680 15,621 Kg 97,301 40,835 57,197 42,859 56,262 20,398 8,301 100,088 477,575 323,152 Tonnage tons 3,427,936 3,429,669 3,533,598 3,055,523 2,871,914 1,105,068 644,492 18,068,200 Ce Kg 119,378 126,732 111,464 96,504 81,909 28,928 18,841 *Partial Estimate 583,755 4 PARAMETERS: 1. An Inferred mineral resource is a deposit which has been sampled (usually by drilling) to a point at which an estimate of its grade and tonnage is made at low confidence. Generally this is very approximate and subject to uncertainties. 2. An Indicated mineral resource is a deposit in which tonnage, density; shape, physical characteristics, grade and mineral content can be estimated with a reasonable level of confidence. However, the continuity of the deposit is not verified. 3. Radius used for calculating the area of influence covered by the Indicated resource was set at 25% of the radius used in calculating the area of influence of Inferred resource of each drill hole. 4. The radius used in calculating the area of influence of inferred resource is set at the midpoint of the distance between drill holes. 5. Vertical Depth is calculated as drill depth multiplied by the sine of the drill inclination which is 60 degrees 6. Volume of influence is divided by the number of drill holes that occupy the area of influence. 7. Tonnage was calculated by multiplying the volume by the specific gravity which is set at 2.8 tons per cubic meter. 8. Average grade was calculated by taking the summation of assay multiplied by the sample length and divided by the total sample length. 9. Precious Metal content was calculated by multiplying the average grade by the total tonnage and divided by 31.1 grams per troy ounce. The resulting values are in troy ounces. 10. REE (Sc, Y, and Ce) metal content was calculated by multiplying the average grade by the total tonnage and divided by 1000 grams per kilogram. The resulting values are in Kgs. 11. Multi element analysis was performed by ELRFS Laurentian University using an acid digest method. 12. Sample Preparation was performed by Swastika laboratories. 13. All assay results and sample preparation were certified by both laboratories. GEOLOGY: CanRee Project: This project occurs within the mining claim boundaries of claim numbers 4273175, 4273194, 4276170 and 4276169. The CanRee is generally overlain by mafic volcanics intruded by syenite dykes and gabbro. The North South trending gabbro which is the main target for Rare Earth Elements is a single intrusive body on the Southern portion of 4273175 but divides into two sections when it approaches the claim boundary of 4273175. One gabbro intrusive occurs in the West and the other gabbro intrusive occurs in the east of the North South claim boundary. The mafic volcanics and syenite packages are sandwiched by the two North South trending gabbro intrusives from the East and West. The mafic volcanics appear brecciated in-situ while the syenite appears as a breccia zone (syenite with mafic volcanics inclusions). It 5 appears that the mineralization in this project area is structurally controlled. Further drilling and advanced exploration would determine this in greater detail. The dimensions of the potential mineralized area hosted in the gabbro, mafic volcanics and breccia zone is 1400 meters North South by 200 meters East West. They are within the claim areas mentioned. Further exploration would expand the potential area based on VLF geophysical survey from West to East to locate conductive materials beneath the surface. Golden Target Project: This project occurs within the mining claim boundaries of claims 4277124, 4273033, 4273035, 4273034 and 4274040. Historical drilling results show a gold anomaly as high as 0.13 ounces per ton in a 1 foot zone just east of the claim 4273033. Three exploratory drill holes were being drilled during the 2014 field season. For drill hole GT-2014-26N which was drilled to a depth of 756 feet, certain shear zones were observed in the core, and passed through as well as two VLF geophysical targets that were pinpointed were also intercepted. One shear zone showed a high conductivity value during the electrical probe test. Drill hole GT-2014-27S is an exploratory drill hole which was planned to drill through and intercept two Quartz veins, with gold anomalies as high as 379 ppb analysed from rock chip samples directly on the surface of the rock outcrop. Two VLF geophysical anomalies were detected south of the Quartz veins which were also targeted by this drill hole. Channel Sampling was also conducted on the surface outcrop stripped by the excavator surrounding the surface area of drill hole GT-2014-27S. Drill hole GT-2014-28N is within the mining claim boundary of claim 4277124, where historical prospecting and trenching were conducted. From the VLF survey, a moderately strong conductor, a weaker conductor and a resistive unit were found and these were the targets to drill through. A very interesting zone of VMS section was intercepted from 34 meters up to 200 meters in depth. From the surface prospecting carried out during the 2014 field season, a silicified mafic volcanic lithological unit with a 1 meter width of chert beds were identified which are coincidentally located on the resistive rock unit interpreted from the VLF survey. Historical trenching shows 10-15% banded disseminated pyrite in 4 inches pyrite with 6 inches quartz vein zones. We strongly anticipate that assay results should determine a significant gold zone in these areas. A total of 23 channel samples were collected from two zones of GT-2014-27S and GT-2014-26N, accurately documented and delivered to the labs for analysis. Key Points of Interest for these Projects: Mining friendly jurisdiction of the historic Timmins gold camp of Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Exploration and Aboriginal agreements in place. Exciting PGE and Gold discoveries. This project consists of large contiguous mining lands of 24 active mining claims covering approximately 3000 hectares. Mining rights 100% owned by GOOD Mining Exploration Inc. Local infrastructure in place such as roads, highways, electricity, water, crusher mills and rail. Open pit mining with little overburden on both the CanRee and Golden Target projects. Expansion of claims base is ongoing to expand the PGE and Gold prospects. 6 Figure 1 – Drill hole Locations within CanRee Project Figure 2 – Drill hole Locations within the Golden Target Project 7 SUMMARY LOG From To 0.0 0.88 0.88 26.94 26.94 34.40 34.40 64.55 64.55 69.00 69.00 99.83 99.83 99.83 SUMMARY LOG Hole Number CR-2014-01W Lithology Overburden Fine to Medium grained Gabbro 2.7- 2.86 : Mafic Syenite 3.85- 4.15 : Mafic Syenite 7.34- 7.95 : Mafic Syenite 21.23 : QCV 22.5 : QCV 22.6 : QCV Mafic Intrusive Porphyritic Gabbro 35.12- 35.26 : Mafic Intrusive Mafic Intrusive Fine to Medium Grained Gabbro 89.30- 89.80 : Mafic Syenite End of Hole (EOH) AS Hole Number CR-2014-02W From To 0.0 0.3 0.3 29.2 29.2 41.7 41.7 65.7 65.7 70.1 70.1 99.2 99.2 99.2 Lithology Overburden Altered Mafic Volcanics 0.25- 0.70 : Syenite 0.70- 3.70 : Mafic Volcanics 3.70- 5.70 : Syenite 5.77- 23.3 : Mafic Volcanics 23.3- 24.2 : Syenite 24.2- 29.15 : Mafic Volcanics Syenite 31.6- 31.7 : Mafic volcanics. 31.8- 31.93 : Mafic Volcanics. 32.19- 32.42 : Mafic Volcanics 37.0- 37.63 : Mafic Volcanics Altered Mafic Volcanics 43.08- 44.0 : Syenite 51.0- 52.6 : Mixed Syenite 55.5- 56.1 : Syenite 57.6- 58.4 : Mixed Syenite Feldspar Porphyry Altered Mafic Volcanics 74.03-74.23 : Feldspar Porphyry 74.70- 75.70 : Feldspar Porphyry 77.2- 78.8 : Mixed Syenite 79.25- 79.4 : Syenite 81.20- 82.95 : Syenite 87.90- 88.10 : Syenite 97.20- 99.13 : Mixed Syenite End of Hole (EOH) 8 SUMMARY LOG Hole Number CR-2014-03E From 0.0 0.2 20.3 To 0.2 20.3 36.0 36.0 42.3 72.0 102.1 42.3 72.0 102.2 102.1 SUMMARY LOG From 0.0 2.1 7.9 12.1 16.6 22.5 27.5 AS Lithology Overburden Altered Mafic Volcanics Fine to Medium Grained Gabbro 20.3-21.2 : Transition zone Porphyritic Gabbro Fine to Medium Grained Gabbro Altered Mafic Volcanics End of Hole (EOH) Hole Number CR-2014-04W To 2.1 7.9 12.1 16.6 22.5 27.5 78.7 AS Lithology Overburden Contact Zone Syenite Mafic Volcaniclastic Syenite Contact Zone Syenite 31.0- 31.4 : Mafic Volcaniclastics 32.0- 32.62 : Mafic volcaniclastics 34.5- 35.2 : Mafic volcaniclastic 37.0-38.27 : Mafic Intrusive 41.23- 42.15 : Mafic Volcanics 43.05- 43.33 : Mafic Volcanics. 43.60- 43.94 : Mafic Volcanics 48.7- 49.02 : Mafic volcaniclastics. 78.7 96.1 96.1 111.5 Mafic Intrusive 93.64- 96.1 : Syenite Mafic Volcanics 102.2- 107.0 : Mineralized Zone 111.5 134.0 Fine to medium Grained Gabbro 134.0 153.1 153.1 153.1 Porphyritic Gabbro End of Hole (EOH) 9 SUMMARY LOG Hole Number CR-2014-05E From 0.0 2.0 3.8 44.8 55.5 To 2.0 3.8 44.8 55.5 75.0 75.0 94.9 94.9 99.4 99.4 99.4 SUMMARY LOG AS Lithology Overburden Syenite Fine to medium grained Gabbro Mafic Volcanics/Syenite package Syenite/Amphibolite Package 60.5- 64.9 : Feldspar Porphyry 67.95- 68.6 : Syenite 69.77- 74.9 : Syenite Fine to Medium Grained Gabbro Mafic Volcanics/Syenite package 96.65- 97.40 : Feldspar Porphyry 97.96- 98.70 : Feldspar Porphyry End of Hole (EOH) Hole Number CR-2014-06E From 0.0 To 1.4 1.4 29.1 29.1 42.5 AS Lithology Overburden Amphibolite Feldspar Phyric Amphibolite 30.14- 30.30 : Syenite @33.3 cm is a syenite dyke 6 cm thick and have contact angkes of 10 dtca. 39.83- 42.45 : Mixed intrusive Syenite 42.5 46.3 46.3 46.8 46.8 52.5 Contact transition zone. Feldpar Phyric Amphibolite 52.5 66.9 Amphibolite 52.5- 54.9 : Fine grained Amphibolite 54.9- 62.1 : Amphibolite 66.9 101.1 59.9- 60.2 : Syenite Fine to Medium Grained Gabbro 86.5- 87.25 : Altered Mafic Syenite 101.1 112.0 Amphibolite 110.5- 111.5 Fault breccia zone 101.5- 101.63 : Quartz Vein 101.1- 101.2 : Quartz vein 112.0 112.0 End of Hole (EOH) 10 11 Forward-looking Statements Certain statements in this press release relating to the Company’s exploration activities, project expenditures and business plans are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of securities legislation. The Company does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements represent management’s best judgment based on current facts and assumptions that management considers reasonable. The Company makes no representation that reasonable business people in possession of the same information would reach the same conclusions. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. In particular, fluctuations in the price of metals or in currency markets could prevent the Company from achieving its targets. Readers should not place undue reliance on forwardlooking statements. Note: Although the results and the findings in this report are significant, and it is the opinion of the company that we have discovered a high quality and rare multi mineral deposit in the CanRee, this release is a preliminary report based on only 7 of 28 drill holes being completed, sampled and analysed by reputable laboratories. A complete list of the minerals and elements present in all of the samples is included in the multi-element analysis report, which will be released in its entirety in the ‘2014 Season Annual Technical Work Report’ slated to be released in early 2015. There is no guarantee that drill results reported in this preliminary news release will lead to the identification of a deposit that can be mined economically. Further drill results, reports and/or work are required to identify a proven reserve or resource as a qualifying factor for an NI 43-101 compliant report. Further press releases are to follow in the coming weeks and months. 12
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