Ansley Public School 1124 Cameron St., PO Box 370, Ansley, NE 68814 - Ph. 308-935-1121 November 2014 From The Office of the Superintendent: What a Fantastic week for our students from Arcadia, Litchfield, and Ansley…..As they all came together for an assembly to listen to a former UNL football player Ricky Simmons speak on the illeffects of drugs and alcohol on his life…..His message to these students was powerful and entertaining and concluded our RED RIBBON WEEK on a positive note. As we move into November and our second quarter of the school year we are focusing on how our students are obtaining the skills and knowledge needed to perform well on our state tests and helping them understand WHY it is so important to do well on these State Standard tests. Every year our 4th, 8th and 11th graders are put in a position to take the state standards test and scored by the State in Reading, Writing, Math and Science and scored to give each Page 1-2…From the Office of the Superintendent Page 2…Principal’s List/H onor Roll Page 3…Thanksgiving Di nner Reservation Page 4-5…School’s Annu al Report Page 6…4th Grade Page 7…5th Grade Page 8…VIP News & Ca lendar Page 9…Basketball/Wrest ling Schedules Page 10…Breakfast & Lu nch Page 11…Activities Calen dar NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER school their own report card to see if we are meeting the State Standards Goals that they have set. Sometimes it might look like we are testing our students about everything BUT we are trying to see what your child knows and doesn’t know so we can fill in the gap of what might have been missed in previous years. We want every student to succeed and have the knowledge base that they need to be successful in all their classes and for the future. Our students in Ansley and Arcadia are not only students but they are ambassadors for our communities and when they do good on State standard tests, in the fine arts, on the athletic fields and courts and in the Ag arena ……it makes our communities proud and our goals at each school is to provide each student with the best opportunity to succeed at everything that they try. Until next time………GO REBELS………..GO SPARTANS Mr. Dave Mroczek PRINCIPAL'S LIST/HONOR ROLL First Quarter 2014-2015 PRINCIPAL'S LIST (ALL A's) SENIORS SOPHOMORES EIGHTH GRADE Ashley Bundy Kendra Henry Hanna Lane May Lee Nguyen Tori Ryan Taylor Henry Jesse Shirley Esequiel Abeyta Justin Bailey Reid Brockmeier Kailey Johnson Falan Ryan Jamie Shirley JUNIORS Courtney Bailey Marissa Campbell Hannah Lewis Grady Stunkel FRESHMEN Alyssa Bailey Mariah Lane Sarah Lewis Mable McAbee Matthew Reed Trent Scott Paige Stunkel SEVENTH GRADE Jasmin Pineda-Dominguez Karlee Stunkel Laney Stunkel HONOR ROLL (A's & B's) SENIORS SOPHOMORES EIGHTH GRADE Chase Corbin Tanner Hawkins Adam Hogg Shaun Johnson Kami Nelson Alyssa Hogg Brady Rohde Brett McAbee, Jr. Britney Peterson JUNIORS FRESHMEN SEVENTH GRADE Wade Amsberry Evan Brockmeier Michael Hoblyn-Shoemaker Morgan Horine James Mills Trevor Scott Mikael Harrop Seth Racicky Tanner Fangmeyer Brianna Ryan Thanksgiving Dinner Reservation The Thanksgiving dinner will be held on Tuesday, November 25th. Reservations are due on or before Thursday, November 20th. Dinner will be served between 12:40 and 1:00 (please be on time). Parents are welcome to come eat with their children, if they choose. You can call the school to find out what time their class is dismissed for lunch. The cost of the meal is $5.00. Please send reservations to Ansley Public School, PO Box 370, Ansley, NE 68814 or call the school at 935-1121 with your reservation. If you need a ride, please let the school know. NAME(S)___________________________________________________________ NUMBER ATTENDING________________________________________________________ ! AVERAGE ACT SCORES FOR SENIORS TAKING TESTS Graduate Status 6 Year Report: 2009-2014 ANNUAL REPORT TO DISTRICT #44 PATRONS 2013-2014 Report ANSLEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Michael C. McCabe, Former Superintendent Dave Mroczek, Current Superintendent Rod Amsberry, Board President MISSION STATEMENT The staff and community of the Ansley School District are committed to the success of all of our students. PHILOSOPHY Ansley Public School is an educational institution organized to preserve traditional, fundamental goals and objectives of our democracy. The primary objective of our school is to build a foundation enabling students to be cognizant of their responsibilities in civic, social, economic and individual endeavors, in order that they may function successfully in their spheres of experience, ungirded by, and within the parameters of the Bill of Rights, as set forth in the Constitution. OBJECTIVES Academics: To enable each student to acquire fundamental skills in each discipline, realizing his/her greatest potential, by providing programs of instruction, utilization of learning media (corresponding with student abilities), use of staff competencies, teaching strategies and a climate conducive of learning. To enable each student to develop logical, critical and analytical thinking skills, in regard to decision-making. Character: To enable each student to develop strong ethical character, a sense of personal worth, a respect for moral values and a self-disciplined approach to constructive use of time, in order that they may develop long-range goals for an upright, productive life, benefiting others as well as themselves. Patriotism/Citizenship: To develop patriotic leadership skills without which our democracy cannot function. To develop the appreciation that freedom is possible only when responsibility is acknowledged and accepted and to recognize and respect the rights of others as insurance of one's own rights. ! SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOAL! To improve our vocabulary usage throughout our entire school system. ! ! CERTIFIED STAFF! INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF: 25! DEGREES: ED.S - 1; MA+45 - 1; MA+18 - 1; ! MA+15 - 1; MA - 4; BA+27 – 4; BA+9 – 6; ! BA+6 - 1; BA - 8! SUPPORT STAFF: Guidance/Media! ! ! NON-CERTIFIED STAFF! Full Time: 1 secretary, 1 bookkeeper, ! 4 paras, 2 custodians, 2 cafeteria workers.! Part Time: 1 registered nurse, ! 1 custodian, 1 cafeteria worker, ! 4 bus route drivers! ! ! CAFETERIA;! The District’s cafeteria served approximately 23,503 lunches and 4741 breakfasts during the school year. ! Prices:! Lunch: Adults-$2.85; Jr.-Sr. High-$2.10; ! Elem.-$1.95! Breakfast: K-12-$1.40; Adults-$1.40! Milk or Juice: $.30 per carton! ! ! TRANSPORTATION:! Vehicles – 1 Activity Bus; 3 route buses; 1 spare bus; 2 suburbans; 1 van; and 2 cars. We currently run 3 bus routes and 1 suburban route daily, logging approximately 62,000 miles per year. Activity miles accounted for about 15,777 miles for the year.! ! ! CONTRACTED SERVICES: Ansley Public Schools contracts with ESU#10 and the Sandhills Coop for special services that include, but not limited to, a Speech/Language Pathologist, an Occupational Therapist, a Physical Therapist, a Diagnostic/Evaluation Team, along with various coordinators to enhance instruction. MULTICULTURAL STATEMENT: The District, in compliance with Rule 16, will provide learning experiences for all students to obtain knowledge about and respect for the diversity and traditions of cultures, histories, and contributions of Americans of different color or languages. 4.80% 8.70% PROGRAMS & SERVICES! BUDGET NEEDS BY PERCENTILE 2013-2014! 3.00% Office/Administration-9.6% Operation of Plant-9.50% 46.10% Regular Instruction-46.1% Library/Guidance-3.0% 5.88% 9.60% Special Education-12.4% Miscellaneous-8.7% 12.40% Transportation-5.88% 9.50% Federal/State Programs-4.8% GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS & HOURS Students need 250 credits to graduate: Course Credits Required Total Cdts. to Graduate Offered English 40 70 Social Studies 30 60 Science 30 50 Math 30 50 Speech 5 5 Physical Education 10 30 Electives 105 260 A reduced requirement is available for those educationally compromised and seeking an alternative education course toward a diploma. Reading 88% 92% Nebrasaka State Accountabiity: NeSa Scores Grades 3-6 Mathematics Science Writing 85% 82% 86% 88% 88% 80% 2012-2013 2013-2014 Reading 78% 74% Nebrasaka State Accountabiity: NeSa Scores Grades 7, 8, & 11 Mathematics Science Writing 75% 76% 76% 74% 91% 65% 2012-2013 2013-2014 “Mad” for Writing in 4th Grade!! 4th Grade has been hard at work preparing for the all important NeSA writing assessment that will take place in January. We have been learning all about parts of speech and how to make our writing more interesting. Please enjoy our silly Thanksgiving Mad Lib Thanksgiving (Miss Linke) Sean (Diego) mom (Mairiah) stern (Gradie) magnificent (Sean) cow (Karter) baseball (Garrett) Boom (Leyton) 10 tin can (Bre) (Mike) cheetah (Richard) pizza (Matt) bacon (Sean) cousin (Karter) bookmarks (Bre) turtleneck sweater (Gradie) Halloween (Mariah) Thoughts From the Fifth-Grade In an effort to untangle all of the reasons that education has become a series of pushing students through standards and testing, testing, testing them, I asked myself the question, “When did this all happen in education, and why?” The answer is a complex one, and hinges mostly on the levels of literacy that American children are attaining (or not attaining), perhaps. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Plum Creek Literacy Festival at Concordia University on a beautiful Fall Saturday in September. The festival is considered to be the premier literacy festival in the nation now, because of the keynote authors who are brought from around the nation. It is truly something to experience, and is like a soothing balm, or a shot in the arm to many educators. The following is an excerpt from the Keynote speaker’s address at the conference. The highly- acclaimed seventy-one year-old writer who has authored hundreds of children’s books put it simply. Rosemary Wells- Luncheon Speech 2014- Plum Creek Literacy Festival—(excerpt) The child who sits in a reader’s lap is more privileged than a child who is given fancy computer games, and state-of the-art sports equipment. This child can be poor. He can live in the meanest streets of a huge city or a house trailer in the far reaches of the rural hills. But if his father sits and reads to him quietly half an hour a day, this boy is not at risk. He is blessed and will grow up smart and strong. A child who listens to a story nightly receives a huge head start in life. This child can own one pair of old shoes and eat free breakfast and lunch at school, but if her mother reads to her, this girl is blessed and will look you in the eye and speak forthrightly and well. The child who does not have a reader’s lap to sit in every night may go to a private school in his father’s limousine but he will be emptier for this. No video games, no television hours, no texting will help him. The child who does not grow up with lots of stories and songs in her parents’ voices may be a junior Beauty Queen in the third grade but she will be emptier for this. No amount of trendy clothes, big birthday parties or face book friends will help her. The child who is read to, regularly and often, will develop not only a facility with learning but a healthy imagination. That child is getting a big dose of one on one love. It will show as the child grows up. He or she will likely become a producer in this world. The child who lives in a home where people have no time, a bookless world, one where the TV and pop music is always on and shopping is the preoccupation of the family, will likely not find it easy to develop much imagination. This can describe millions of American children’s lives in both poverty and great wealth. The mother and father of that little boy or girl have a child at risk. But this is the good news. They can turn this entire pattern around in about a month of intensive regular reading. It takes only a library card and a will to change to do this. Parents who read to their children are giving of themselves, of their time. By not saying “I’m too tired, I’m too busy, I want to do something else,” they are giving love. Her simple words sum it up in education. Sincerely, Mrs. Snyder P.S. We are having a great year in fifth-grade, with a delightful group of students! ! The Spartan VIP Club and Ansley Village Teacher Organization hosted a family carnival night on October 23rd. This event was planned as a part of the nation-wide Lights on After School Event. Through these events, afterschool clubs are working to build awareness and celebrate after school organizations. Spartan VIP club participants constructed the carnival games, created signs and decorated cupcakes for the cake walk prior to the event. The VIP club participants were also responsible for managing the games the night of the event. Everyone in the Ansley community was invited to come play the games and win prizes. Overall the family carnival night was a success. The Spartan VIP Club would like to thank everyone that volunteered, donated items and supported our Family Carnival Night. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. A Special Thank You To: The Clay Family Chas Fecht The Burki Family Cristi Gafney The Hartman Family Sue Cozad The Smith Family Kristi Horn The Gestwite Family Deb Shephard The Miller Family Kelli Vanslyke The Abeyta Family Mark Jodeman The Johnson/Shattuck Family Dave Mroczek The Fessler Family Lance Bristol The Hawkins Family The Wooters Family Grocery Kart-$50 The Larson Family Security State Bank-Treat Bags & Plinko The Slingsby Family Dollar General-$10 Retha Fecht Oh So Edgy Photography-Backdrop Bonnie Ferguson Ansley Public School Spartan'VIP'Club'November'Calendar' ' ~ November 2014 ~ ◄ October Sun Mon Tue Wed December ► Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Book Club-Pete’s Pizza-bake mini pizzas 4 Election DayVote for your favorite pizza 5 Free Play 9 10 Baking Club-Fruit Pizza Week Theme: 11 Pharaoh Headbands Craft Pizza 12 Free Play Week Theme: 16 23 30 17 Thankful Tree Craft 24 Lego Club-Farm 18 Kindness ClubThankful Jars 6 Chef’s Hat Craft 7 Pizza Movie Day 8 13 Turkey Table Center Pieces 14 Egypt Movie Day 15 Egypt 19 Free Play Week Theme: Thanksgiving 25 Hat Craft Exercise ClubThanksgiving Action Stations 26 2:00 OUT Free Play Hat Craft Movie Day 20 21 Thankful Turkey TP Thanksgiving Movie Roll Craft Day 27 NO SCHOOL NO VIP 28 NO SCHOOL NO VIP 22 29 Week Theme: Hats Notes: Thank you for making our family carnival night a success! Your support, time and donations are truly appreciated. wk 21 wk 22 wk 22 wk 23 wk 23 wk 24 wk 24 wk 25 wk 27 wk 27 wk 28 wk 28 wk 29 wk 29 wk 30 wk 30 wk 31 wk 31 wk 32 wk 32 wk 33 wk 33 wk 33 wk 34 wk 34 wk 34 wk 35 wk 35 wk 36 Tuesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Fri/Sat Mon/Tues Friday Saturday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Mon-Tues. Thurs-Sat Friday Saturday Tuesday Friday Mon/Tues Thursday Friday Mon/Tues Thursday Friday Tuesday Thur-Sat. Thur-Sat. 2014-2015 Ansley-Litchfield Basketball Pts Nov. 25, 2014 Juice Scrimmage Ansley 6:00/7:30?? Dec. 5, 2014 Amherst Amherst ??/6:00/7:30 1 Dec. 6, 2014 Brady Ansley 4:00/5:30/7:00 1 Dec. 9, 2014 Arcadia-Loup City Litchfield 4/5/6:00/7:30 1 Dec. 13, 2014 Elm Creek Elm Creek 4:30/6:00/7:30 1 Dec. 16, 2014 Twin Loup Litchfield 4/5/6/7:30 1 Dec 19/20, 2014 S.E.M Tournament SEM starts @ 3:00 pm 0 Dec. 29/30, 2014 Holiday Tournament Giltner starts @ 1:00 pm 2 Jan. 9, 2014 Palmer Litchfield ??/??/6:00/7:30 1 Jan. 10, 2015 Ravenna (NO Boys Varsity) Ravenna 4:30/6:00 1g Jan. 15, 2015 S.E.M. Ansley ??/6:00/7:30 1 Jan. 17, 2015 Stapleton Litchfield 1/2/3:00/5:00 1 Jan. 20, 2015 Pleasanton (GIRLS ONLY) Pleasanton 6:00/7:30 1g Jan. 22, 2015 South Loup Arnold ??/6:00/7:30 1 Jan. 26-27, 2015 MNAC BB Tournament TBD TBA Jan. 29-31 MNAC BB Finals North Platte TBA 0 Feb. 6, 2015 Sandhills/Thedford Ansley 4:30/6:00/7:30 1 Feb. 7, 2015 Central Valley ?? 6:00/7:30 1 Feb. 10, 2015 Spalding/Cedar Rapids Litchfield ??/??/6:00/7:30 1 Feb. 13, 2015 Anselmo-Merna Ansley 4:15/6:00/7:30 1 Feb 16-17, 2015 Girls Sub Districts TBA TBA Feb. 19, 2015 Girls Sub Districts TBA TBA Feb. 20, 2015 Pleasanton (BOYS ONLY) Pleasanton 6:00/7:30 1b Feb 23/24, 2015 Boys Sub Districts TBA TBA Feb. 26, 2015 Boys Sub Districts TBA TBA Feb. 27, 2015 Girls District Final TBA TBA Mar. 3, 2015 Boys District Final TBA TBA Mar. 5-7, 2015 Girls STATE Tournament Lincoln TBA Mar. 12-14, 2015 Boys STATE Tournament Lincoln TBA Thursday Monday Monday Monday Monday Jan. 15, 2015 Jan. 19, 2015 Feb. 2, 2015 Feb. 9, 2015 Feb. 16, 2015 JH Basketball Pleasanton South Loup Sandhills-Thedford Anselmo-Merna Twin Loup Litchfield Ansley Dunning Merna Litchfield 1:00/2:00 1:00/2:00 1:00/2:00 1:00/2:00 1:00/2:00 2014-2015 Ansley-Litchfield Wrestling wk wk wk wk wk wk wk wk wk wk wk wk 22 22 23 24 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 Thursday Saturday Friday Saturday Saturday Friday Saturday Friday Friday Friday Fri/Sat. Thurs-Sat. Dec. 4, 2014 Dec. 6, 2014 Dec. 12, 2014 Dec. 20, 2014 Jan. 10, 2015 Jan. 16, 2015 Jan. 17, 2015 Jan. 23, 2015 Jan. 30, 2015 Feb. 6, 2015 Feb. 13/14, 2015 Feb. 19-21, 2015 Neligh-Oakdale Duel Bronco Invite Sargent Invite Cambridge Invite Amherst Invite Mustang Invite Knights Invite South Loup Invite Ord Invite MNAC Districts STATE Tournament Neligh 6:00 Mullen 10:00 AM MT Sargent 1:00 Cambridge 10:00 Amherst 10:00 Rev. 7/17/141:00 S.E.M. Dunning 9:30 Callaway 1:00 Ord 3:30 Hyannis TBA TBA TBA Omaha TBA JH Wrestling wk wk wk wk wk 20 21 22 23 24 Friday Tuesday Tuesday Monday Monday Nov. 21, 2014 Nov. 25, 2014 Dec. 2, 2014 Dec. 8, 2014 Dec. 15, 2014 Sunrise Middle School Ainsworth Invite Sandhills/Thedford Invite Anselmo-Merna Invite Broken Bow Invite Kearney Ainsworth Dunning Merna Broken Bow Rev. 10/23/14 5:00 4:00 1:00 1:00 5:00 November 2014 Ansley Breakfast/Lunch Mon Tue Wed 3 Breakfast: Oatmeal Lunch: Chicken Gravy over Biscuits Green beans 4 Breakfast: Pancake-on-stick Lunch: Taco Burger w/lettuce,cheese Pinto beans Corn chips 10 Breakfast: Pop tarts Lunch: Chicken Strip wrap w/lettuce,cheese Broccoli Salad Apple Crisp 24 Breakfast: Banana Muffins Lunch: Taco-in-bag Pinto beans Salsa/s cream 25 Breakfast: Waffle sticks Lunch: THANKSGIVING MEAL 6 Breakfast: Brkfst Sandwich Lunch: Brd Hamburger Patty Mac & Cheese Peas 12 Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Lunch: Hotdogs w/bun Chips Pork & beans Cookie 18 Breakfast: French toast sticks Lunch: Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla Spanish Rice Fri 5 Breakfast: Omelet/salsa Lunch: Potato Soup w/wg crackers Bread stick 11 Breakfast: Waffle Sticks Lunch: Fiestata Pizza Refried beans w/salsa,s cream 17 Breakfast: English Muffin pbj Lunch: Crispy Chicken Sandwich Broccoli Thu 13 Breakfast: Biscuits & gravy Lunch: Lasagna Roll-ups Garlic Bread Corn 19 Breakfast: Omelet/salsa Lunch: Corndogs Pork & beans Pudding 14 NO SCHOOL 20 Breakfast: Brkfst Sandwich Lunch: Beef & Noodles Mashed potatoes Peas & Carrots 26 Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Lunch: Pizza California Blend Fruit Snacks 7 Breakfast: Ring Donut Lunch: Stuffed Crust pizza Corn 21 Breakfast: Cinnamon twists Lunch: Cheeseburgers wg bun Green beans 27 28 NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL November 2014 Ansley Activities/Athletics Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 VB Subdistricts @ Ord – 4:30/6/7:30 9 10 Ord One Acts Starts @ 7:15 (Ansley @ 2:00) 16 17 Semifinal Round FB Playoffs 23 11 18 25 MNAC Play G/B BB Production Juice @ CallawayScrimmage (Ansley-9:00) @ Ansley – SMILES 6/7:30 Program @ JH Wrest. 1:00 (PreK-6) @ Ainsworth FB Playoff 4:00 Finals-Lincoln 30 12 Veterans Day Program @ 9:00 Board of Ed Mtg. @ 7:00 Quarterfinal Round FB Playoffs Financial Aid Mtg @ 6:00 24 5 Josten’s Rep. FCA @ 6:30 nd 2 Round FB Playoffs 6 VB District Finals - TBA 19 26 8 Starts @ 7:45 (Ansley @ 5:30) 13 NSAA VB Champions @ Lincoln FCA @ 6:30 7 Loup City One Acts – 20 FFA Parents Nite 27 14 NSAA VB Champions @ Lincoln 21 15 NSAA VB Champions @ Lincoln 22 JH Wrestling @ Sunrise MS-Kearney @ 5:00 28 2:00 Dismissal NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Vacation Vacation Vacation 29
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