ELDERS & STAFF TAC VISION If you have spiritual needs that you would like help with, please contact one of our elders, or our church staff at the TAC office. STAFF ELDERS Peter Hiebert 204.222.5478 Larry Janz 204.777.7319 Glenn Johnson 204.222.8722 Israel Lanoria 204.661.6463 Ian Smallwood 204.326.1362 George Stanton 204.663.8559 MINISTRY Derek deVries Lead Pastor 204.770.1828 Doug Smart Pastor of Community Life Kim Vanderhooft Office Administrator FOR GOD’S GLORY we will have MAXIMUM IMPACT in our World by seeing lives changed in their depth of love for God and people… TAC PURPOSE FOR GOD’S GLORY we will: EVANGELIZE the lost, ENCOURAGE Christ-followers to a deeper walk; EQUIP Christ-followers to win and serve LEADERS 55 ALIVE MINISTRY Ron & Marge Harder 204.663.6863 AESTHETICS TEAM Tammy Osask 204.222.6320 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Peter Hiebert 204.222.5478 CARE MINISTRY Elaine & Chris Ford 204.224.2781 COFFEE CREW Tara Mulholland Marlena Lanoria Gail Beavis (Ages 2-4) Alyssa Thiessen (K- Gr.1) Tara Mulholland (Gr. 2-4) Gwen Smallwood (Gr. 5-7) Stuart & Kelly Petrie 204.222.9571 204.661.6463 204.224.2689 204.255.5875 204.222.9571 204.326.1362 204.222.2037 COMMUNITY GARDEN Glenn & Debby Johnson 204.222.8722 EAL Kristin Watt 204.391.3777 FUN ZONE Tara Mulholland 204.222.9571 LAND DEVELOPMENT Chris Ford 204.224.2781 LIBRARY Oliver Meads 204.222.5211 LIFEGROUPS Don Vanderhooft 204.894.4678 MENTORING Doug Smart 204.222.0469 MEN’S MINISTRY Israel Lanoria 204.661.6463 MISSIONS Kristin Watt 204.391.3777 MUSIC MINISTRY James Cook Zig Thiessen 204.222.0045 204.255.5875 PLAN TO PROTECT Linette Stanton Kim Vanderhooft 204.663.8559 204.771.4678 PRAYER George Stanton 204.663.8559 ROAD CREW Stratton Janzen Terry Baker 204.999.3487 204.474.2795 SOUND Ken Chubaty 204.793.7438 USHERS Caroline Campbell 204.222.5211 VIDEO Steven Chubaty 204.222.6730 WOMENS MINISTRY Kim Vanderhooft 204.771.4678 YOUTH GROUP Kyle & Anita Blaquiere Rick & Trish DeBruyn 204.255.4243 204.222.2147 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY DRAMA MINISTRY NURSERY TAC ADVENTURES NOVEMBER 2014 SPOTLIGHT ON . . . Mexico & Malaysia Christmas is just around the corner, and one way we'd like to encourage the Kilbrai’s and Mahoney’s this Christmas is by sending them a monetary Christmas gift. It is difficult to send packages to both couples and even harder to ensure they'll receive them. By sending them a gift of money, they can treat themselves to something that they may ordinarily decide to do without. This is just one of the ways TAC can support these couples as our Seamless Link International Workers. If you miss a Sunday and would like to hear the sermon, check out the sermon archive @ www.mytac.ca Please indicate either Kilbrai Outfit or Mahoney Outfit on your offering envelope. TAC KIDS’ PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 @ 7 P.M. TAC NOVEMBER CALENDAR . . . Nursery Facilities NEWBORN TO 24 MONTHS Our Nursery’s goal is to provide a safe, peaceful environment for babies and to allow parents a stress-free worship experience. People can easily attend church, be part of a ! oday large crowd but never really get involved, make Join t friends, develop their spiritual gifts and be accountable in a practical way. Our LifeGroups fulfil these important elements of church life. As we get bigger, we have to get smaller at the same time - we do this through LifeGroups. LifeGroup Leaders are also available to pray, visit, counsel and support their members in any way needed. We would encourage everybody to connected to a LifeGroup. Give Don Vanderhooft or the office a call to get connected. SANDERSONS DINNER & CONCERT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH On Saturday, November 29th at 5:30 P. M. we will have a supper at TAC. After supper, The Sanderson's will favour us with music and testimonies. This is a great event to invite a friend. CHRISTMAS HAMPER COLLECTION TAC Adventures 10:00am for ages 2 - pre-k Kindergarten - Grade 7 are dismissed during the music set No classes for Grades 5 – 7 November 16th or 23rd MON TUE LADIES BIBLE STUDY Parents: An offering will be taken weekly. The children are working towards a special project with Samaritan’s Purse. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD PACKING PARTY & BAKE SALE SAT., NOV. 15, 12 - 3 PM Let’s help to fulfill the Samaritan's Purse goal to provide 100 million shoeboxes to needy children around the world. Come to the Packing Party! Grab a Shoebox and fill from a storehouse of all donations and invite your friends and family to come and stock up on Christmas Baking! How you can help: • Donate Christmas baking. Money raised will cover the cost of the postage for our boxes. All donations should be attractively and securely plastic-wrapped on disposable plates/trays. All items will be sold @ $7 each. • Purchase items for the shoe boxes. Lists will be made available at our information table and you can also look online at: www.samaritanspurse.ca/operation-christmas-child • Drop off baking and shoebox items to the TAC Building or the OCC basket at the Info Table until Nov. 14th WE’VE GOT A NEW NAME “RESOURCE LIBRARY” The library will continue to have great books available for the whole family to read. We will also expand throughout the year to become a hub of Biblically sound resources. Although books will be the main focus, an emphasis on learning through web sites, apps and other online products will broaden the usefulness of TAC's library. We want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to grow in; their love for Jesus, a right Biblical knowledge, and spiritual discernment. Your involvement in the past has made it possible for TAC to provide hampers for 4-6 families each year. It’s that time again and we need your participation. We will have our basket available at Murdoch starting November 16th for collection until Dec. 17th if you wish to bring something with you on Sunday mornings. You may also drop items off at the church building. A list of items needed for hampers will be found on our website after Nov. 15th. ELDERS MEETING (November 3) THE SHEPHERDING RESIDENCY (November 17) WED 7 PM / TAC Boardroom 7:00 PM / TAC Sanctuary 7:00 - 9:00 PM / TAC Sanctuary FUNZONE 9:30 - 11 AM / TAC Basement PARKINSON’S EXERCISE GROUP 1 PM / TAC Sanctuary MARIE ENS’ 80 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION (November 5) 7 PM Church of the Living Hope PRAYER MEETING 7 PM / TAC Sanctuary (November 12th) WORSHIP EVENING 7 PM / TAC Sanctuary (November 26th) BIBLE STUDY 9:00 AM/ Linette’s Home THU LADIES Please call to register (see number in Ministry List) EAL 7:00 - 8:30 PM / TAC Sanctuary LADIES BIBLE STUDY 7:00 PM Please call Elaine to register & for location (see number in Ministry List) FRI YOUTH CONNECT Girls Spa Night/Guys Gaming Night (Nov. 7)(free) 7:00 - 10:00 PM Girls @ TAC Sanctuary, Guys @ Blaquiere’s Bible Study (Nov. 14 & 28) 7:30 - 9:30 PM / TAC Sanctuary Change The World (Nov. 21) 7:00 - 10:00 PM / TAC Sanctuary Sleigh Ride (Dec. 5) ($8) 7:00 - 10:00 PM / Meet at TAC to travel to Miracle Ranch PLAY PRACTICE SAT CHRISTMAS (Nov. 8, 15, 22 & 29) OCC PACKING PARTY (Nov. 15th) 55ALIVE DINNER & CONCERT (Nov. 29th) 10:00 - NOON / TAC Sanctuary NOON - 3 PM/ TAC Sanctuary 5:30 PM / TAC Sanctuary SUNDAY MORNING SET-UP TEAM 8 AM TAC Sanctuary SUN WORSHIP SERVICE 10 AM / Murdoch MacKay Collegiate TAC ADVENTURES 10 AM / Murdoch MacKay Collegiate (Grades 5 - 7 remain in the service November 16th and 23rd) CHRISTMAS PLAY PRACTICE NOON - 2 PM / TAC Sanctuary (Nov. 2) BAPTISM 11:30 AM/ TAC Sanctuary (Nov. 16) ‘Tis the season to share with others in need. We are pleased to be offering only GLUTEN-FREE BREAD in our communion service EVACUATION PROCEDURES In the event of an emergency, the TAC Adventures Team, Nursery Volunteers and Ushers have been trained to evacuate the children to the East Field. Parents are to meet their children at the East Field. Please DO NOT come to their classrooms All video and music is used by permission. November 16th @ TAC Building, immediately following the service We are pleased to offer refreshments after our worship service. Check out our mobile library, check your mailbox, or speak to an elder to answer any questions you may have at the TAC Info Table.
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