E. VALLENS.‘ METHOD AND PACKAGE FOR CIGARS IN GLASS TUBES. APPLICATION FILED APR. 23. 1921. 1 A26, 792?, Patented Aug. 22, 1922. l4 // 3 1" '"ni Que-mum; as an m “if; EUGENE VALLENS, OF NEW‘ YORK, N. Y. Mnrnon .aivn PACKAGE re .12, CIGARS IN GLASS TUBES. LGttSYSF-MCM- 1,42%,792. Patented Ans‘. 22, 1922.. Speci?cation. of Application ?led April 23, 1921. Serial ‘No. 463,883. Additional‘objects, advantages and fea tures of invention will appear from the Be ‘it known that I, EUGENE VALLnNs, nature of the elements used, the relation of a citizen of the United States, residing at the parts and their combination as herein New York, in the county of New York and after particularly described and shown in To all whom it may concern: 10 State of New York, have invented certain the drawings, wherein, new and useful Improvements in Methods Figure 1 is a top view of a package con-. and Packages for Cigars in Glass Tubes, structed in accordance with my invention, of which the following is a speci?cation. Fig. 2 is a cross sectional view thereof, The invention has for an object to effect Fig. 3 is a detail perspective view of one improvements in the ‘packaging of cigars of the tubes having cushion elements contained in glass tubes, whereby shipment thereon, Fig. 4 is a view similar to Fig. 2 show of such packages may be made safe, when transmitted by mail or express, or otherwise. ing a customary arrangement of the tubes 65 70 It has been found difficult to put up pack- . in a package. ages of this character in a manner which There is illustrated a package which may 15 will enable the ready display of the goods comprise a case 10 in the form of an ordi and at the same time be attractive and nary cigar boX, made either of wood or 75 eliminate necessity for rearrangement of the other suitable material, and this case may goods after opening, before they are dis have a suitable lining 13, which at one side should be cushion material to receive the played. Heretofore, when packages of glass tubes butt ends of the tubes. The case is pro containing cigars have been made up, layers vided with a lid 12 hinged in the usual way. 80 of cushion material such as corrugate A covering sheet 14; is shown over the con paper board, cotton batting and other mate tents of the package which would be en rials have been laid between layers of tubes, closed beneath the lid, the sheet being of a or arranged tortuously between the tubes, nature which may readily be lifted, or it and when such 30 package is opened, it is may be omitted if desired. Transversely of the case 10, which isxpreferably of oblong shape, there are tubes 15,'formed of glass having. integrally closed rounded ends 16 necessary to remove the packing material before the package is in sufliciently attrac tive form for display, and this ordinarily involves removal of some of the goods and 85 which rest against the cushion 11 at one replacement thereof, occupying time and in side of the box, the opposite end of the volving liability of damage and loss. It tube being closed by means of suitable corks 90 is a speci?c object of this invention to pro or caps 17. The tubes 15 are provided with vide a device for cushioning the tubes ornamental labels 18. against mutual contact, and also against‘ At a distance from respective ends, two contact with the sides of a shipping case rings 19 are engaged upon each tube, these 95 which may be permitted to remain upon, the ordinarily being formed of very soft rubber, tubes at all times, without detracting from or any other suitable material held friction the good appearance of the package as well ally upon the tube. The rings are therefore as involve no removal or replacement of of such size as to be under tension tending 45 material, or rearrangement of the contents. to hold them tighly in place. In the plac In this way, a considerable economy in sales ing of the rings, on alternate tubes 15, they costs is involved, as well as greater safety are preferably placed nearer the middle of attained, since the goods are safer against the tube than upon the other tubes as shown damage than where removal of the cushion in Fig. 1. In this manner, the tubes are ing element is required before display of supported at four longitudinally spaced points on each side, and when one layer of the tubes is arranged in alinement with the sity for constructing special racks to sup~ tubes of another layer as shown in Fig. 2, port the tubes, and to eliminate necessity they will be supported at the tops or hot 100 105 the..t contents. is also an object to obviate the neces 50 for securing ribbons or bands to the case toms, in the same manner, by a suitable ar 110 of the package, and to provide such means rangement of the tubes as will be readily that removal of part of the contents will understood. In case an odd number of tubes not leave packing or cushion elements which is disposed in the package, arranged in two would tend to litter the package. as: 1,426,792 or more layers7 the tubes may be arranged as Shown in Fig. 4, in which event the points of contact between verticall‘yadj-acent tubes What is claimed is: 1. In a package of the character de 20 Will be doubled in number as compared to scribecL-a case, a plurality of tubes, elastic the arrangement shown in “Fig. 2 with a rings frictionally ?tted upon the tubes, the resultant increase of safety to the con~ case being of a size to snugly receive the tents. rings in bearing upon the tubes and sides 10 i It is found that in; this-manner a veryv of the case. i 2. A; method of packing tubes and the certain and regular spacing of the contents of theipaekagevinay be attained by the use like'iconsisting in ?tting upon the tubes 25 of ordinary (felt or 1, other soft material in elastic cushion rin‘g's7 and ‘laying. the tubes ‘and the liability of‘ packages in‘parallel relation With‘therings disposed of disorderly; appearance is minimized‘, in to engage the sides of adjacent tubes, and case enclosing, all snugly.‘ ’ ‘addition to which the uniformity of safe In testimony whereof-Ihave al?xed my cushioning of the tubes-is enhanced. ' the a packing, In case one layer-of tubes should be less signature in, presence; of‘two WltHGSSQS, ‘ ininumber than another, some suitable means maybe ,usedfor?ll-lng the same at the end ofsuchlayen-as found most desirable. Y Witnesses: EUGENE ‘VALLEN S; _' HERMAN GroLDsr-EIN, ~ Josnrrr. NEUWIRTH. I v 30
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