/ NK_500E -v CWvI. ,7U ~ ~~~ FULLY HYDRAULIC TRUCK CRANE • Maximum rated lifting capacity: 50.5t • Maximum jib length: 15m • Maximum lifting height: 39.8m(boom), • Maximum boom length: 40m 54.7m(40m boom+1Sm jib offset 5} ( 6) .. OF ADVANCED THE CRYSTALLIZATION TECHNOLOGY. THE STURDY FULLPOWER BOOM CUTS DEFLECTION WAY DOWN • For greater ease of use. operability and safety, the boom is of a robust construction that reduces vertical deflection and lateral bending during operations. • The tough Fullpower boom utilizes a sequential, synchronized extension/ retraction control system that permits single-lever control and speeds up operations at all boom lenghs from low lifts at 10.8m (fully retracted) to high lifts at 40.0m (fully extended). Extra long boom boosts high and remote lift capabilities • Boom length 10.S 40m • J.ib length 9.2m, 15m • Jib offset (3-stage: 5<, 17', 30·) ~ 5" l Ii r, fJ '~17" /" 'f'1 .·>30° /r7.,r;. '/#i/;I# i.r !. I.,.,) ~ ,,~./ I 'HI e .~ I ;' COMFORT! SPACIOUS ALL~ROUND CAB GUARANTEES A PLEASANT WORKING ENVIRONMENT • The spacious cabin is finished in relaxing colour tones and comes with a sliding door that facilitates ingress and egress and can be left open without getting in the operator's way. A push-up type window is incorporated in the roof for better ventilation. Careful consideration has been given to human engineering for maximum operator comfort; the lengths of the levers can be adjusted and the highbacked seat can be moved forward or backward, raised or lowered to suit any physique. The result is a comfortable, roomy cabin that helps banish fatigue even during extended periOdS of operation. (5", 25', 45·asjibanoffset is) available option . s" 25' / •./ n . ,,:/?'--45" _t/k:?I •• 2 r Exceptionally Wide Operating Range CONSTANT ACS CONTROLS O.""~ ------- FIVE· • Sturdy, fully hydraulic outriggers ... The outriggers are designed for. 2stage extension. 7.2m at maximum stroke and 4.85m at intermediate stroke for greater stability during operations on restricted sites. Float mounting and dismounting operations have been eliminated by incorporating them into a single unit v"ith the vertical cylinders. thus helping to reduce operation times. OPTIONAL HYDRAULIC FRONT JACK PROVIDES EXCELLENT 360' LIFTING CAPABILITIES • A hydraulic jack installed under the front extremity of the carrier chassis enables the crane to offer the same lifting performance in all directions. This means that there are fewer limitations caused by the orientation of the crane when it enters a site. so the crane has a greater operational range. ~ "-y POINT DISPLAY OF OPERATING CONDITION • The ACS 11asdigital displays that show safety level. boom angle. boom length, working radius and critical load at all times, without troublesome button operation. For further safety the display of safety level is colourzoned to enable the operator to take in the condition of the load at a glance. • Protection against breakdowns and malfunctions ... For double protection in the unlikely event of a malfunction in the ACS Moment Limiter or any other problems, a trouble indicator has been provided to generate an emergency signal in the appropriate display to warn the operator. SMOOTH COMPOUND FOR • The use of 4 separate pumps enables the NK500E-v to perform 3 operation simultaneously. such as winch (hoisting. lowering), boom (derricking, telescoping) and slewing, without these operations affecting each other. This makes operation smoother and more efficient R'···· .-. 5!no.'fJli , .t I • J--=-C'.-~ ftOnt jack (Cpl,cn) eHy<!raulic 3 • The NK-500E-v features 2 independently-driven winches. This feature is particularly useful in compound operations because the main and auxiliary winches are controlled by separate levers that permit them to perform hoisting and lowering operations independently yet at the same time. The result is faster operations and greater efficiency. "QIJ<n •••I~' ..•• <o" I~f'itct>vf'\ • <: COMPOUND JUST THE JOB FOR OPERATIONS! CD·4·PUMP OPERATION SYSTEM KATO 1 e.-." . ACCORDING TO PERFORMANCE OUTRIGGER STATUS < _ - d..-l_ ~ -r - -~- intermediate stroke 4.85m maximum stroke 7.20m "i" ~ l t •• B(1um~~-'"'''''J 1u••.•.".II~t ~~t""IJ ~,~,;(@)'~ L-5 Based on RATED LIFTING CAPACITY BulJjgqers f:ny eJls,ded wi~ !runt jack o.lri4iers tony eJ"sd~ wilinut Ironl lack - '~::i ~~ I ,;~~~~i~~) ~~;:: 0GtIig~ lug !>tlS ever ~e lAd 0 ••• rear 3fID' '2~'~r~ ~~~ ~c:,:;'i:?~:; !__ I 50.50 . 28.00 2800_ 2~00 __ ·12.20 28.00 I 2600 24DO 18.DO 37.DO :?8oo 28f'() 2·:00 18.W 4.5 55 --6-0-6.5 33.00 2800 I 28.COj 24.00 W.DO 30.20 28.00128C{)1-24.00 18-:-00 1300 27.[>0r::650 . 2560 23.20 18.00 13.00 2500 I 24.00. 23.50 21.50 18:00- 1300 --22.70 22.30 2180 19.00 1800 1300 7.50 70 7.5 2070 2030 2000 T~40 . 16.8i) • 1300. -7.5018.90 i 1800 1I!.50117.10 15.70 1300 7.50 80 17AO I 17.tO 17.00' 15903 1480 1i'30 i 7.50 1595 1570 t5.6O 14,e.5 14.00 11.60 7.W 8.5 'I 140 160 =1=-= 200 18.0 22.01 __ ~L_I 24.0 I ~. 26.0 ~! ~oo I__ I . .2DOJ2?O I 1 1.50 !I.2.25 200 ! 1.05 I 1.50 5(XJkg p"'I"Ofli""1~1_7_L2:-1 _ I - I - 6 I.! - 80 an~:e OHsel radIUS [mj 900 79 78 77 76 75 74 10.00 1180 12.70 1350 14.40 1525 n-]1i5B5 ro-IIB50 68 ~ &1 25' I .•. ») ~c' 3.50 350 3.32 ~13 2.97 282 255 2.33 --sol ---; I II) 10.75 --_. 2.70 ,--- ,:ml -(t) 1225 2.00 _.~- 2.66 1400 200 78 114.00 2.::.4'~ -"2.0077 l1500 2,.,2 1570 1.94 76! 1595 2.32 16.50 1.8.8 --7-5-r;6Y.) 2.22 17.30 1.83 --7.-1-1 1785 2.13 18.15 1.78 72 119.75 1.95 19.70 1.67 70 I 21.50 \.81 21.25 158 68 123·10 2.50 2.35 2.22 2.10 198 1.78 1:61 ICq" 1£') 22:2:~. 1.48 1.58 24.20'40 1.48 25.65 1.31 OHs<;! ~ r<:ldms (m) -.!:"L~' 10.60 2.50 61 I 17 30' Off5et r;;.dlUS 1m} it) -{I) 1345 1.00 16.05 1.00 15.50 Load \.60 ,'Woo. 18.00 1.00 kl"9I' LOda Hi451.551aB5·1'OO 17.40 IA8 19.80 I.DO 1835 1.42 20,75 ~ 19.30 136 21.65 000 20.20 1.31 22.50 O.&<\ 2200 1.22 -2-1.25 000 2380 1.1-1 2595 087 25.45 1.07 27.55 o:F;'3 i\..'IOf.~'n. IA8 66 64 62 12510 I 25.85 128.45 1.36_1-27.151.00 1.26 28.75 0.95 1.16 3040 0.90 124 1.17 60 58 I 30.05 108 31.95 0.80 1.01 33.45 0.82 i 1.38 I 28.10 ~ c;;11:!,.5_. 1.14 I 28.75 1.18 :19.<;:) 1.10 I 1.02 I 30.05 095 30.95 I 000 57 56 54 13240, 000 134.20 0.79 35.t'0 0.71 I 33.0.5 O.eD 1 :J.:.l'51 0.7·1 I 3645 070 I 3440 0.60' 36.X ! 055 I 37.75 052 59 12685 55 I 2875 ::.4 52 080 .13~ 0.72 "33.30 .]2.IOJ I 0.69 13000 I 31.15 .i 060 : 32.50. _ 0.52 OSO ~----127A:5..L.!:~ Standard I 4 ton 'Of j' I I S' OH5et 2.50 Lead tAO 27.10 2615 1 1.51 127.45 1.32 28.40 Hook 1 weighl rear 40 m Boom -;- 15m Jib 79 ~.V.ork 12.85 ":";" I 24.85 ..22!.... 26.05 hOOk '¥II ra<1J1..'·'S 2:10 1315 2.00 LO,,;,\'IOIkinY1'C;;- 12[".) 13.40 1-120 1500 1590 16.70 1830 19.90 I Boom I OHsct:30' faCtUS 62 boom ar.gle i C,ilical i It)' 350 Note: Front jack is.opllonaL 350' full ~ over sid, a:6 9.2 m Jib IT raclus Iml i 2005 2.14 .~'-O 2\.00 ~ 2~00 I 2~15 1.83 2455 I I - 5'1~01 9.95 !. Lm 3.50 11.75 IWork.ion, d IWorki~ Parts lIneof ,---I I is, I for 50,5100 I ( I 0.6511.10I oro for 20 ton 075 270 kg 4 ! 3 ! -;::;;;ghtf-.--- angle Cn/leal boo.-nl 5.W4.70 20512&;;-1 3.30 295 I 30 2375 10 1 2.55 4.00 I' 31.0 ~300t:ook. Staocard Hook. 7.f:jJ 7.50 7.30 6.80 6.30 5.00 _._--_._- 585 15'75 570 650 ·125 L :i15 4-:10' 495 L Boom 81 9.5 12.85 ..!~ 12.70 13W 12.55 1320 12..45 ~.105(1 ----.-- ~114.3511420 -_.' -,,~> ~ 11.70 11.55 11.45 11.40 10.00. 11.0 9.75 9.60 --. 9.50 9.45 910 12.0 820 8.10 B.OJ 7.95 830 ---- ''''''-1 -- ,'-_. 13.0' 7.DO 6.65 I 675 e..70 7.56 --- 40 m Boom" loads tuRy ntfnde4 tiitIt ~ont jack fully exttftdad .•••tIIO.l frob! jack - OI!IiQQas ~ 35 40 s:o- * BS 1757 : 1986 * DIN 15019-2 * 75% of tipping -- 1------ Standard hook 120kg 1 - 131.70 - 51 I Parts hne of I boom Critical angle I '--- ~- -- I' Ii Hook weigh: 29.10 081 30.70 078 3220 0.75 TI 3..1.65 073 3505 072 -- -- _1-.__ '-I . 1 -- fOI 4 [On 120 kg 53 IUnit MetriC ton) I."nglm """"dlal,r., ut>oded .ilhou1 h•• IMrIgge;s fully !lW>d.d .ilbou! frG!ltpek 4() m Boom I 9.2 m Jib I t igk - 350 luR re';1 , .•.•, front Boo,,, + 15 In Jib 140m ! Of!wt:;.()·· W"'kion. LOad ra~I'.:S I (I) l~ 16.05 1800 1,00 1.00 18.85 1.CO 19.00 1.03 ---- -----L - _I 120 kg 5.5 6.0 7.50 7.50 75 I 7.SO 76 (Unit Melrie ton) 7.50 6.00 470 3.75 5COkg 12 - -'--7- !I ~7 !I ~6 fwilyIIbacled Ibloek'" en •• ~ic.1 cr!'.) OUID;!Q'" 360 tuilling, Working radius (m) 1O.8mBoom 3.0 800 35 5AO tor 20 1M 4,0 510 270 kg .1.5 420 -_.~-_. 1-- !-2.._~!_3_ I~ ~ • 5.0 3'-0 -----5.5 2.80 6.0 2.30 6.5 1.00 ,.0 100 7.5 1.25 60 ._~Iand~ud_~OOk H<>::>k ••••• eight Parts of line j . -- 1.00 tor 50.5 ton 5OOk9._ 12 (Unit Metric fOnt 4 NOTES: WORKING 1) The rated lifting capacities are the maximum load guaranteed on a firm leyel ground and include the weight of hook block and other lifting equipment. The capacities enclosed with bold lines are based on the structural strength of machine and the others are based on the stability of machine. 1--- RANGE I 2) The working radii as given in the table are the actual values including the deflection of the boom. Therefore, operate the machine based on the working radius. However, the working radii shown for jib operations are based on the values obtained when the boom is fully extended (40m). Jib operations should be performed on the basis of boom angle only, regardless of boom length when the boom is not fully extended. 3) The rated lifting capacities for the rooster sheave are equivalent to the rated lifting capacities for the main boom to a maximum of 4000kg. At all times the weight of all lifting equipment in use (including main hook block suspended from boom head) forms part of the load and must be subtracted from the rated lifting capacity. 4) If the value, boom boom crane lifting boom length exceeds the specified the rated lifting capacities for the length above and below the present length should be referred to, and the should be operated within the smaller capacity. 5) When using the main boom with the jib installed, 2,OOOkg plus the weight of hook block and other lifting equipment, etc., should be subtracted from the rated lifting capacities. When performing the above operation, do not use the rooster sheave. 6) Critical boom angles for each boom length are shown on bottommost line of lifting capacity table. If the boom angle is lowered to less than the critical boom angle, the machine will tip over without load. Therefore, never lower the boom below these angles. 7) The standard number of parts of line is shown in the rated lifting capacity table. When the standard number of parts of line is not used. the minimum number of parts of line is determined so that weight per part will not exceed 4,OOOkg. 8) Over front lifting performance is inferior to over side and over rear lifting performance. Great care should be taken when transferring from over side to over front since there is a danger of overloading. 9) Free fall is adopted in principle to lower the hook only. If it is necessary to lower a load by free fall, its weight should be less than 20% of the rated lifting capacity and abrupt braking should not be allowed. 5 Radius from center of rotation (m) Note: Deflection of boom and jib is excluded 10) The rated lifting capacities do not account for wind on lifted load or boom. Do not operate this machine at wind speed of 10m/sec. or more. 11) The machine will tip over or be damaged if operated with a load exceeding that specified in the rated lifting capacity table or not conforming to correct handling. If such trouble occurs. the machine will not be guaranteed. CRANE SPECIFICATIONS Name and Type; KATO NK-500E-v FUllY HYDRALIC TRUCK Hydraulic system Oil pump: Hoisting motor: Slewing motor: Cylinder: Control valve: CRANE Performance Maximum rated lifting capacity: 50.5 metric tons x 3.0m Boom length: 1O.8m-40.0m (5 section) 9.2m-15.0m (2 section) Fly iib length: -2' - 8f Boom derrieking angle: Boom denieking time: 63sec. (-2"-81') Boom extending time: 132see. (10.8m -40.0m) Hoisting line speed Main winch: 115m/min. (at 3rd layer) Auxiliary winch: 100m/mill. (at 2nd layer) Hoisting hook speed Main winch (palt of line; 12): 9.58m/min. (at 3rd layer) Auxiliary winch (part of line; 1): 100m/min. (at 2nd layer) Slewing speed: 2.4rpm Cmne cab: All steel welded construction Subject to no load *Speed: Wire rope for hoisting Main winch; Type: Diameter: Length: Auxiliar~' wincll; Type: Diameter: length: 4 section gear type Axial piston type Axial piston type Double acting type 3 position 4 way double acting with integral check and relief valves 650 lit. Oil reservoir capaCity: Winch system Main and auxiliary winches: Driven by axial plunger type hoisting motor through planetmy gear reduction. Controlled independently by respective operating lever. Equipped with automatic brake. With FREE FAl~ DEYICE Safety devices ACS (Automatic crane stopper) Boom falling prevention device Overhoist prevention device Drum lock device Drum turning indicator Automatic winch brake Irregular winding prevention device Hydraulic safety valve Outrigger lock device 4 x F (40) (Non-rotating type) 18mm 180m 4 x F (40) (Non-rotating type) 18mm 120m Optional equipment Cooler. heater, fan, radio for crane cabin, front jack 1,470 'Z' 1.400 1.350 G 2,350 2,450 .1 -.~~ J.t 1,450 -F] Carrier name Model ~ MITSUBISHJ KJ505S C D 3,800 4,990 5.250 4,850 I 7,200 I 3,520 3,800 5,125 5,215 4,850 113,300 NISSAN DIESEL KG54T 13,300 r B K I L I M l 7,200 I 3,520 I (Unit: mm) MITSUBISHI KJ505S NISSAN DIESEL KG54T I ~ 1 1 6 CARRIER SPECIFICATIONS Carrier model MITSUBISHI KJ505S Maximum travelling speed: BOkm/h Gratleability (tanO): 28% (computed, Minimum turning radius (centre of extreme outer tire): 11,501 General Carrier model NISSAN DIESEL KG54T Maximum travelling speed: 71km/h Gradeability (tan II): 38% (computed, Minimum turning radius (centre of extreme outer tire): 11.001 @G.V.W.=39,400kg) dimensions Overall Overall General length: width: Overall height: Wheel base: Front: Renr: Centre to centre of extended outriggers: Treads: Gross vehicle weight: Front: Rear. dimensions Overall Overall approx.13,300mm approx. 2,750mrn approx. 3,800mrn 1.450mm + 3,8500101 + 1,350rnm = 6,650mm 2,240rnm 2,0550101 length: width: Overall height: Wheel base: Front: Rear: Centre to centre of extended outriggers: Treads: 7.2000101 (Fully extended) 4.8500101 (lntermediatly extended) approx. 39.400kg approx. 15.400kg approx. 24.000kg Gross Carrier vehicle weight: Front: Rear: approx. 13.3000101 approx. 2,820mm apprOx. 3,800mrn 1,470mm +3.780mm 6.650mm 2.230mm 2, HOm01 +1.400mm = 7,2oomm (Fully extended~ 4.8500101 (Intermediatly extended) approx. 39.000kg approx. 15.000kg approx. 24,OOOkg Carrier Maker: Model: Mitsubishi KJ505S Maker: Model: NISSAN KG54T Drive system: 8x4 Drive system: 8X4 Engine: Maker: Model: Type: No. of cylinder: Piston displacement: Max.output horsepower: Max.output torque: Engine: Maker: Model: Type: No. of cylinder: Piston displacement: Max.output horsepower: Mitsubishi 8DC9-2A 4 cycle, water cooled. 8 - 90' V 16.031cc 300PS/2.200r .p.rn. 220kW /2,200r.p.m. 105kg-m/1.400r.p.m. 1,029N-m/1,400r.p.m. diesel Max.output Gondi1ion. ClutCh: Single dry plate, air booster hydraulic control with Transmission: to forward & 2 reverse speed. synchromesh and constantmesh gear Reverse "ELLIOT" type. Full floating type Steering: 8all nut type with power booster Suspension: Front: Semi-elliptic leaf springs Rear: Equalizer beams and torque rods Service: Brake: 2 circuit air brake, 8 wheels internal expanding type Parking & Spring loaded brake, acting on 4 rear wheels. variable air operated Emergency: Exhaust brake Auxiliary: 24V Electric system: 12V -145F51 x 2 Battery: 300 lit. Fuel tank capacity: Driver's cab: All steel welded construction. 2 person, low line type Tire size; Front: 12.00-20-18PR Rear (dual tire): 12.00 - 20 -18PR Front: Rear: optlon..1i1 NISSAN RE8 DIESEL 4 cycle. water cooled. diesel 8-V 15.115cc 315PS/2,3OOr.p.m. 231kW/2,300r.p.m. 105kg-rn/1,400r.p.m. 1.029N-m/1,400r.p.m. ambien~ Clutch: Single dry plate. hydraulic air booster Transmission: 9 forward & 1 reverse speed. constantmesh on each shift and synchromesh on range shift Reverse "ELLIOT" type. Full floating type 8all nut type ·.'ofith power booster Semi-elliptic leaf springs Equalizer beams and torque rods 2 circuit air brake. S wheels internal expanding type Mectanical. internal expanding type acting on drum at transmission case rear Exhaust brake 24V 12V-115F51 x2 300 lit. Front: Axles: Rear. Steering: Suspension: Front: Rear: Service: Brake: Parking: Auxiliary: Electric system: Battery: Fuel tank capacity: Driver's cab: Tire size; NOTE; Illustrations may inClude torque: DIESEL NOTO; The output is i~ accOI'd.'~ce With JIS 01004, 1976. na~ed power 0\.I1;>ut9ua~ante-ed within seh at standard correition. NOTO; The ""Iput is in accOI'dance with JIS DI004, 1976. Ra!ed pOwer outPUt gu.aranteed within 5% nt st<=indard amhllmt Axles: @G.V.W. = 39.000kg) CQuipment KATO products and 5pecjfic...,~ions are SL.bject to control with Steel. two men. semi under floor type. one side cab Front: 12.00-20-18PR Rear (dual tire): 12,00 - 20 -18PR Improvcme-nts rind changes wlthou1 notico. I ~I~~II~~I KAYO WORKS CO .•LTD. 51Na 1195 ISO IlOO1 9·37. higashi-ohi 1-chome. shinagawaTel. :Head Office Overseas Marketing Department Telex :222-4519 (CRKATO J) Fax. :Tokyo(03)3458-1152 Cable:CRANEKATO TOKYO ~ ISO IlOO1 :;s,: ku. Tokyo 140. Japan. Tokyo (03)3458-1111 Tokyo (03)3458-1115 ".·H'K~E·'oJ E3108(Hp] 1-2 Phnt~ In J.Jpo1n
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