Nye bøker i Biblioteket August 2015 Vitenskap. Forskning Filosofi. Psykologi. Etikk. Religion Samfunnsvitenskap Statsvitenskap Samfunnsøkonomi Rettsvitenskap Offentlig forvaltning Sosial velferd. Forsikring Utdanning. Undervisning Naturvitenskap. Miljøkunnskap. Matematikk Medisin. Helse Teknologi. Energi. Industri Næringer Organisasjon. Ledelse Regnskap. Revisjon Bedriftsøkonomi Personal. Jobb. Karriere Produkter. Tjenester Innkjøp. Lager. Logistikk Markedsføring. Salg Reklame. PR Databehandling. IT Kunst. Underholdning. Sport Språk. Litteratur Geografi. Biografi. Historie Nattbordet Ebøker Biblioteket Handelshøyskolen BI Oslo New books in the Library August 2015 Science. Research Philosophy. Psychology. Ethics. Religion Social science Political science Economics Law Public administration Social welfare. Insurance Education. Teaching Natural science. Environment. Mathematics Medicine. Health Technology. Energy. Industry Various industries Management and organisation Accountancy Corporate finance Personnel. Work Products. Services Purchasing. Procurements. Logistics Marketing. Sales Advertising. Public Relations Computer science and technology Arts. Entertainment. Sports Language. Literature Geography. Biography. History Fiction Ebooks The Library BI Norwegian Business School Oslo Vitenskap. Forskning/ Science. Research Lunner, Ragnhild: Årsmøtehåndboka : møteledelse, møtekultur, valg og voteringer. - Oslo : Universitetsforl., cop. 2015. Filosofi. Psykologi. Etikk/ Philosophy. Psychology. Ethics Kvalnes, Øyvind: Hjelp : hvordan kan vi gjøre en forskjell for andre?. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm, 2015. Clay, Alexa: The misfit economy: lessons in creativity from pirates, hackers, gangsters and other informal entrepreneurs. - New York : Simon & Schuster,cop. 2015. The Oxford handbook of creativity, innovation, and entrepr eneurship / edited by Christina E. Shalley, Michael A. Hitt, and Jing Zhou. - Oxford : Oxford university press, 2015. Samfunnsvitenskap/ Social Science Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe: Vitenskap, teknologi og samfunn : en introduksjon til STS. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm akademisk, 2015. Johnson, Burke: Educational research : quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. - 5th ed. - Los Angeles, Calif. : Sage, cop. 2014. Tolmie, Andy: Quantitative methods in educational and social research using SPSS. Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2011. Ritzer, George: Essentials of sociology. - Los Angeles : Sage, cop. 2015. Barker, Chris: Cultural studies : theory and practice. - 4th ed. - Los Angeles : Sage, 2012. Ritzer, Georg: The McDonaldization of society. - 8th ed. - Los Angeles : Sage, cop. 2015. Bourrelle, Julien S.: The social guidebook to Norway : an illustrated introduction. - [Stavanger] : Frisk forl., 2014. The Anthropology of media: a reader / edited by Kelly Askew and Richard R. Wilk. - Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2002. Aalen, Ida: Sosiale medier. - Bergen : Fagbokforl., cop. 2015. Statsvitenskap/ Political Science Nordic cooperation : a European region in transition / edited by Johan Strang. - London : Routledge, 2016. Samfunnsøkonomi/ Economics Lucey, Thomas A.: A critically compassionate approach to financial literacy. - Rotterdam : Sense, cop. 2015. Zaloom, Caitlin: Out of the pits : traders and technology from Chicago to London. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2006. Björk, Tomas: Arbitrage theory in continuous time. - 3rd ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. Spier, Guy: The education of a value investor : my transformative quest for wealth, wisdom, and enlightenment. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, cop. 2014. Pedersen, Ann-Jorid: Opplevelsesbasert verdiskaping. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm akademisk, 2015. Dobbs, Richard: No ordinary disruption : the four global forces breaking all the trends. - New York : Public affairs, cop. 2015. Ritzer, George: The globalization of nothing 2. - Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Pine Forge Press, cop. 2007. Handbook on international alliance and network research / Jorma Larimo, Niina Nummela, Tuija Mainela. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, cop. 2015. HAN Rettsvitenskap/ Law Gottschalk, Petter: Fraud examiners in white-collar crime investigations. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, cop. 2015. Lehrberg, Bert: Avtalstolkning : tolkning av avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område. - 6. uppl. - Uppsala : Iusté, 2014. Hagstrøm, Viggo: Kjøpsrett. - 2. utg. - Oslo : Universitetsforl., 2015. Perspectives on patentable subject matter / edited by Michael B. Abramowicz, James E. Daily, F. Scott Kieff. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Managing the legal nexus between intellectual property and and employees / edited by Lynda J. Oswald, Marisa Anne Pagnatarro. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2015. Offentlig forvaltning. / Public administration Sosial Velferd. Forsikring/ Social welfare. Insurance Utdanning. Undervisning/ Education. Teaching Wentzel, Kathryn R.: Motivating students to learn. - 4th ed. - New York : Routledge, 2014. Breivik, June M.: Læring i en digital tid. - Bergen : Fagbokforl., cop. 2015. Naturvitenskap. Miljøkunnskap. Matematikk/ Natural Science. Environment. Mathematics Agresti, Alan: Foundations of linear and generalized linear models. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, cop. 2015. Finch, W. Holmes: Latent variable modeling with R . - New York : Routledge, 2015. Little, Todd D.: Longitudinal structural equation modeling . - New York : Guilford, cop. 2013. Carsey, Thomas M.: Monte Carlo simulation and resampling methods for social science. - Los Angeles : Sage, cop. 2014. Medisin. Helse/ Medicine. Health Teknologi. Energi. Industri/ Technology. Energy. Industry Næringer/ Various Industries Norges fiskeri- og kysthistorie / hovedredaktør: Nils Kolle ; billedredaktør: Aslak Kristiansen. Bergen : Fagbokforl., 2014. - 5 b. Organisasjon. Ledelse/ Management and Organisation Daft, Richard L.: Organization theory and design. - 12th ed. - Boston, Mass. : Cengage learning, 2015. Erichsen, Morten: Ledelse i små og mellomstore virksomheter. - Bergen : Fagbokforl., cop. 2015. Barringer, Bruce R.: Entrepreneurship : successfully launching new ventures. - 5th ed., Global ed. 2015. Regnskap. Revisjon/ Accountancy Collier, Paul M.: Accounting for managers : interpreting accounting information for decisionmaking. - 5th ed. - Chichester : Wiley, cop. 2015. Weygandt, Jerry J.: Managerial accounting : tools for business decision making. - 7th ed. Singapore : Wiley, cop. 2015. Bedriftsøkonomi / Corporate finance. Personal. Jobb. Karriere/ Personnel. Work. Careers Workplace learning : concepts, measurement, and application / edited by Marianne Van Woerkom and Rob Poell. - New York : Routledge, 2010. Leadership in spaces and places / edited by Arja Ropo ... [et al.]. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, cop. 2015. Produkter. Tjenester/ Products. Services Innkjøp. Lager. Logistikk/ Purchasing. Procurements. Logistics Logistikk og ledelse av forsyningskjeder / Göran Persson og Helge Virum (red.). - 2. utg. - Oslo : Gyldendal akademisk, 2011. Markedsføring. Salg/ Marketing. Sales Chaffey, Dave: Digital business and e-commerce management : strategy, implementation and practice. - 6th ed. - Harlow : Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2014. Reklame. PR/ Advertising. Public Relations Brønn, Peggy Simcic: En innføring i PR: teori, prosess og praksis. - Bergen : Fagbokforl., cop. 2015. Databehandling. IT/ Computer Science and Technology Kunst. Underholdning. Sport/ Arts. Entertainment. Sports Språk. Litteratur/ Language. Literature Geografi. Biografi. Historie/ Geography. Biography. History Nattbordet/ Fiction Aust, Kurt: Dødt løp: thriller. - Oslo : Aschehoug, 2015. Gifford, Elisabeth: Historien om huset ved havet. - [Oslo] : Silke, 2015. Gullgutten (Vol. 3 av: Michelet, Jon: En sjøens helt : roman. - Oslo : Oktober, 2012 [3]: Gullgutten / [båttegning og kart: Gerd Eng Kielland]. 2014. Houellebecq, Michel: Underkastelse. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm, 2015. Sem-Sandberg, Steve: De utvalgte. - Oslo : Tiden, 2015. Ebøker/ E-books Chopra, Sunil: Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation [elektronisk ressurs]. - 6th ed., Global ed. - Harlow : Pearson, cop. 2016. Day, David V.: An integrative approach to leader development , identity, and expertise [elektronisk ressurs]. - New York : Routledge, 2008. Earl, Lorna M.: Professional learning conversations: challenges in using evidence for Improvement [elektronisk ressurs]. - Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2009. Luthans, Fred: Psychological capital and beyond [elektronisk ressurs]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, cop. 2015. Smith, Adam: The wealth of nations : the economics classic : a selected edition for the contemporary reader [elektronisk ressurs]. - [Hoboken, N.J.] : Capstone, 2010. Tietenberg, Tom: Environmental & natural resource economics [elektronisk ressurs]. - 10th ed., Global ed. - Harlow : Pearson, cop. 2015. Weele, Arjan J. van: Purchasing & supply chain management: analysis, strategy, planning and practice [elektronisk ressurs]. - 6th ed. - Hampshire : Cengage Learning, cop. 2014. Ziegler, Andreas: Generalized estimating equations[elektronisk ressurs]. - New York, NY : Springer New York, 2011.
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