Nye bøker i Biblioteket New books in the Library april 2015 April 2015 Vitenskap. Forskning Filosofi. Psykologi. Etikk. Religion Samfunnsvitenskap Statsvitenskap Samfunnsøkonomi Rettsvitenskap Offentlig forvaltning Sosial velferd. Forsikring Utdanning. Undervisning Naturvitenskap. Miljøkunnskap. Matematikk Medisin. Helse Teknologi. Energi. Industri Næringer Organisasjon. Ledelse Regnskap. Revisjon Bedriftsøkonomi Personal. Jobb. Karriere Produkter. Tjenester Innkjøp. Lager. Logistikk Markedsføring. Salg Reklame. PR Databehandling. IT Kunst. Underholdning. Sport Språk. Litteratur Geografi. Biografi. Historie Nattbordet Ebøker Biblioteket Handelshøyskolen BI Oslo Science. Research Philosophy. Psychology. Ethics. Religion Social science Political science Economics Law Public administration Social welfare. Insurance Education. Teaching Natural science. Environment. Mathematics Medicine. Health Technology. Energy. Industry Various industries Management and organisation Accountancy Corporate finance Personnel. Work Products. Services Purchasing. Procurements. Logistics Marketing. Sales Advertising. Public Relations Computer science and technology Arts. Entertainment. Sports Language. Literature Geography. Biography. History Fiction Ebooks The Library BI Norwegian Business School Oslo Vitenskap. Forskning/ Science. Research Rudestam, Kjell Erik: Surviving your dissertation : a comprehensive guide to content and process. - 4th ed. - Los Angeles : Sage, cop. 2015. Lerdahl, Erik: Slagkraftige møter : større engasjement og bedre resultater. - Bergen : Fagbokforl., cop. 2015. Filosofi. Psykologi. Etikk/ Philosophy. Psychology. Ethics Samfunnsvitenskap/ Social Science Punch, Keith F.: Introduction to research methods in education. - 2nd ed. - London : Sage, 2014. Globalizing intercultural communication : a reader / Kathryn Sorrells, Sachi Sekimoto, editors. - Los Angeles : Sage, cop. 2016. Shaules, Joseph: The intercultural mind : connecting culture, cognition and global living. Boston, Mass. : Intercultural Press, 2015. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland: Kulturforskjeller i praksis : perspektiver på det flerkulturelle Norge. 6. utg. - Oslo : Gyldendal akademisk, 2015. The Business of culture : strategic perspectives on entertainment and media / edited by Joseph Lampel, Jamal Shamsie, Theresa K. Lant. - Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006. Mobile technologies for conflict management : online dispute resolution, governance, participation / edited by Marta Poblet. - Springer, 2013. Ytreberg, Espen: Medie- og kommunikasjonsteori. - 2. utg. - Oslo : Universitetsforl., 2015. Statsvitenskap/ Political Science Fukuyama, Francis: Political order and political decay : from the industrial revolution to the globalization of democracy. - London : Profile Books, 2014. Samfunnsøkonomi/ Economics Kunøe, Gorm: Service, påvirkning, personlig salg, profesjonsetikk . - Oslo : ScanForum, 2014. Rolim, João Dácio: Proportionality and fair taxation. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2014. State aid and tax law / editors Alexander Rust, Claire Micheau. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, cop. 2013. Brudvik, Arthur J.: Skatterett for næringsdrivende. - 38. utg. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm akademisk, 2015. Klaus Vogel on double taxation conventions / editors Ekkehart Reimer, Alexander Rust. - 4th ed. - Kluwer, cop. 2015. Pietro, Carla de: Tax treaty override. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, cop. 2014. Aktuell merverdiavgiftsrett / Ole Gjems-Onstad og Cecilie Aasprong Dyrnes (red.). - Oslo : Gyldendal juridisk, 2015. Fabozzi, Frank J.: Bond markets, analysis, and strategies. - 9th ed. - Boston : Pearson, cop. 2016. Josse, Jeremy: Dinosaur derivatives and other trades. - Chichester : Wiley, cop. 2015. Leeds, Roger: Private equity investing in emerging markets: opportunities for value creation. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. The India way : how India's top business leaders are revolutionizing management / Peter Cappelli ... [et al.]. - Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Review Press, cop. 2010. Gram, Trond: Fallitt : norske finansielle kriser. - [Oslo] : Res publica, 2015. Rettsvitenskap/ Law Writing democracy : the Norwegian Constitution 1814-2014 / edited by Karen Gammelgaard and Eirik Holmøyvik. - New York, [N.Y.] : Berghahn, 2015. Egholm Hansen, Johannus: Køb og salg af virksomheder. - 5. udg. - København : Nyt Juridisk Forlag, 2014. Gerhard, Peter: Köprättens grunder. - 13. uppl. - Stockholm : Liber, 2015 Jul Clausen, Nis: Købsretten. - 6. udg. - København : Karnov Group, cop. 2015. Andenæs, Mads Henry: Aksjeselskaper og allmennaksjeselskaper. - 2. utg. - Oslo : M.H. Andenæs, 2006. Offentlig forvaltning. / Public administration Sosial Velferd. Forsikring/ Social welfare. Insurance Utdanning. Undervisning/ Education. Teaching Drugli, May Britt: Relasjonen lærer og elev : avgjørende for elevenes læring og trivsel. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm høyskoleforl., 2012. Fossland, Trine Medby: Digitale læringsformer i høyere utdanning. - Oslo : Universitetsforl., cop. 2015. GRE master wordlist : 1535 words for verbal mastery. - [S.l] : Vibrant Publishers, 2013. GRE words in context : challenging list. - [S.l.] : Vibrant Publishers, cop. 2104. Manhattan prep GRE strategy guides. 3rd ed. - Manhattan Prep Publishing, 2012. Tinto, Vincent: Completing college : rethinking institutional action. - Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 2012. Naturvitenskap. Miljøkunnskap. Matematikk/ Natural Science. Environment. Mathematics Stoknes, Per Espen: What we think about when we try not to think about global : toward a new psychology of climate action. - White River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green Publishing, 2015. Kumbhakar, Subal C.: A practitioner's guide to stochastic frontier analysis using Stata. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2015. Medisin. Helse/ Medicine. Health Teknologi. Energi. Industri/ Technology. Energy. Industry Næringer/ Various Industries Organisasjon. Ledelse/ Management and Organisation Osterwalder, Alexander: Business model generation : en håndbok for nytenkere, banebrytere og opprørere. - Oslo : Gyldendal akademisk, 2015. Marr, Bernard: Big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance. - Chichester : Wiley, cop. 2015. Schwalbe, Kathy: An introduction to project management. - 4th ed. - Kathy Schwalbe LLC, 2012. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly: God forretning : ledelse, flow og skabelse af mening. - Aarhus : Klim, 2015. Ries, Eric: The lean startup : how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. - New York : Crown Business, cop. 2011. Regnskap. Revisjon/ Accountancy Bedriftsøkonomi / Corporate finance. Personal. Jobb. Karriere/ Personnel. Work. Careers Semundseth, Rune: Medarbeiderkoden : nøkler til aktivt medarbeiderskap. - Bergen : Fagbokforl., cop. 2015. Produkter. Tjenester/ Products. Services Innkjøp. Lager. Logistikk/ Purchasing. Procurements. Logistics Markedsføring. Salg/ Marketing. Sales Reklame. PR/ Advertising. Public Relation Databehandling. IT/ Computer Science and Technology Kunst. Underholdning. Sport/ Arts. Entertainment. Sports Silver, Jeffrey: Digital medieval : the first twenty years of music on the web ...and the next twenty. - [S.l.] : Xstorical Publications Media, 2013. Språk. Litteratur/ Language. Literature Geografi. Biografi. Historie/ Geography. Biography. History Zhang, Weiwei: The China wave: rise of a civilizational state. - Hackensack, N.J. : World Century Publ., cop. 2012. Nattbordet/ Fiction Andersson, Lena: Uten personlig ansvar. - [Oslo] : Gyldendal, cop. 2015. Doerr, Anthony: Alt lyset vi ikke ser : en roman. - Oslo : Pantagruel, cop. 2015. Healey, Emma: Elizabeth er borte. - [Oslo] : Cappelen Damm, 2015. Hjorth, Michael: Den stumme jenta : kriminalroman. - Oslo : Aschehoug, 2015 Lupton, Rosamund: Kjære søster. - [Oslo] : Schibsted, 2015. Marani, Diego: Den siste vostjakeren : roman. - Oslo : Pax, 2015. Morsmelk ; Til slutt (Vol. 2 av: St. Aubyn, Edward: Patrick Melrose-romanene. - [Oslo] : Gyldendal, 2014-2015. Næss, Kristine: Bare et menneske : roman. - [Oslo] : Oktober, 2014. Odell, Jonathan: Vida og miss Hazel. - Oslo : Pax, 2015. Pilgaard, Stine: Min mor sier. - [Stavanger] : Pelikanen, cop. 2015. Ebøker/ E-books Browaeys, Marie-Joëlle: Understanding cross-cultural management [elektronisk ressurs]. - 3rd ed. - Harlow : Pearson, 2015. Croll, Alistair: Lean analytics : use data to build a better startup faster [elektronisk ressurs]. Sebastopol, Calif. : O'Reilly, 2013. Handbook of the sociology of morality [elektronisk ressurs] / edited bySteven Hitlin, Stephen Vaisey. - New York, N.Y. : Springer, 2010. . Hull, John: Fundamentals of futures and options markets [elektronisk ressurs]. - 8th ed., International ed. - Harlow : Pearson, 2014.
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