St. Andrews Herald The Monthly Newsletter of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church november 2014 VOL. 14, Issue 10 A Pictorial Remembrance of the Liberation of France Friday, November 7, 7pm Snyder Hall Followed by coffee, desserts, conversation See article, page 11 The Heritage Trombones November 2 – Stewardship Sunday and All Saints’ Day Jeremiah 29: 10-14 Psalm 34 1 Timothy 6: 6-12, 17-19 Matthew 5: 1-12 November 9 – Thank Offering Sunday Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25 Psalm 78 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Matthew 25: 1-13 November 16-Heritage Trombones! Judges 4: 1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11 Matthew 25: 14-30 November 23 – Groundzero Master’s Commission leading worship November 30 – First Sunday in Advent, Diane Pomeroy preaching Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 Romans 8:18-28 John 1:1-5, 9-14, 16-18 This ensemble of local and regional trombone enthusiasts will be enhancing our worship service on November 16. In 2012, the group officially banded together as The Heritage Trombones. The gathering has included as many as 8 players, and explores a wide range of literature, ranging from renaissance to contemporary, classical, jazz, and pop. The ensemble to perform on November 16 is a trombone quintet featuring Ron Garman, Bob Hearson, Greg Strohman, Lee Southall, and Alan Wood. . The quintet will be performing baroque, classical, and contemporary works at our 11:00 service on November 16. Hanging of the Greens Saturday, November 29 at 5:30 p.m. – ‘Casual Pot Luck’ – All Invited! Bring your Thanksgiving leftovers! Join in the “Hanging of the Greens”…Many hands make light work! THE HERALD is published eleven times per year at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 600 S. 12th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042 . . not yo’ Mama’s “Youth Sunday!” Hello, brothers and sisters of St. Andrews! When I was a kid, “Youth Sunday” was a sweet little church service where those of us kids who were the best behaved, the quietest, and the least unpredictable were recruited to “lead worship.” For the most part it consisted of us pretending to be grownups and doing the same things the adults did all the other Sundays of the year in pretty much the same way the adults did them. I remember the experience with some fondness, but in hindsight I also realize that it was a tad patronizing – it gave the adults a chance to pat us on the head and say, “What nice youth we have,” but in reality it was neither by the youth nor for the youth. Fast-forward 35 years to November 23, 2014 – when we will experience Christ the King Sunday in a whole new way. It will be wild. It will be noisy. But it will be REAL. Worship at both services will be led by a group of young adults who are part of an intensive discipleship program called Groundzero Master’s Commission. They are being trained to reach out and bring God’s good news to the youth in their communities in ways that kids can relate to. (Rob and Mel Cochran were part of this program several years ago, and Rob has brought the program to other churches where he worked before joining us.) As part of the service we will hear from these students about how Christ is King in their lives and what it has meant to them. At a time when those of us over age 50 sometimes wonder whether our faith will be passed on to the next generation, this service will answer the question with a resounding “YES!” The Psalm listed in the Lectionary for November 23 is Psalm 100, which begins, “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing.” This year we will celebrate the Lordship of Christ with joyful noise and hope for the future. Don’t miss it! In Christ’s love, Roz SESSION NOTES Roz Presby moderated the October Session meeting. Roz was commissioned as a “Commissioned Ruling Elder” at the October 21, 2014 meeting of the Presbytery of Carlisle. Her commissioning includes the authority to officiate at Funerals, Baptisms and The Lord’s Supper at St. Andrews church and moderate the Session and Congregational meetings. Frederick (Rick) and Judy Borger were accepted as new members into the Congregation of St. Andrews. The Borgers come to this church by way of letter of transfer from First Presbyterian Church, Jerseyville, IL. The Deacons reported to Session that Carol Schiller was welcomed into the Deacons to fill an unexpired term. Tom Shott, commissioner to the meeting of the Carlisle Presbytery, reported on the recent commissioning of Roz Presby. He informed the Session of a change in the selection of commissioners to General Assembly. At a future date, there will be made available a new application process to participate in the General Assembly as a commissioner from the Carlisle Presbytery, rather than the usual procedure of sending commissioners on a church rotation. This process will be made available at a future date for the 2016 meeting of the General Assembly. The Session approved the Christian Education Committee’s recommendation that the church participate in Camp Krislund’s “Traveling Day Camp” in the summer of 2015. This will be a five-day, all-day day camp for completed K through 6th grade, which will be led by Camp Krislund staff at St. Andrews. There is an additional opportunity for the all campers to spend the last two days of the camp at Camp Krislund and use the camp’s facilities. A date will be established for this camp opportunity. The camp will be offered to both church members and community youth at no charge. Church members will be enlisted to serve as additional adult support staff and for meal preparation. The Kruslund staff will reside in the church overnight. Showering facilities for the staff will be arranged either in homes or other facilities. The camp is being considered a community outreach as well as an opportunity to promote the many blessings of Camp Krislund. All costs will be budgeted under Christian Education. Session approved the recommendation from the Mission Committee to once again host the Emergency Homeless Shelter. The shelter will be housed in St. Andrews from March 30, 2015 – April 12, 2015. The guests will be housed in the church during Holy Week and Easter and offered opportunities to participate in worship. The Nominating Committee is ready to present to the congregation the names of nominees for Trustees, Elders, Deacons, President of Trustees and Visioning Committee. The information will be mailed to the congregation in preparation for the election, which occurs at the October 26th Congregational Meeting. Session approved an Alternative Worship Experience Proposal for a Friday evening worship opportunity during the Advent season. The service is an alternative form of worship that will engage those in attendance in art forms and conversation. The intent is to engage community members who ordinarily do not attend church routinely or belong to a particular denomination. Steffan Bomberger is planning the service that will take place on Friday, December 5th at 7 PM. Approved for temporary use of the building was the organization, The Downtown Singers, under the direction of Timothy Eck. This adult organization will be using the Sanctuary as a rehearsal space on Tuesday evenings, between 7 and 9 pm. When there is a space conflict with a church activity, the choral group will use alternative space in the church. Steffan Bomberger is the church liaison for the choral group. Submitted by Perry Latshaw D E a c o n d o I n g s Donna Kuntz It is my pleasure to become a Deacon for the St. Andrews family. As a member of St. Andrews for thirty-nine years, I was pleased to be invited to be a member of this thoughtful and caring group of people. I have personally experienced their willingness to share their time and reach out when there is a personal need. After forty years of of working in education, I retired as an elementary principal in the Palmyra Area School District in 2010. As a retiree, I like to spend some of my time as an alumni volunteer at Lebanon Valley College, where I sit on the Alumni Awards Committee. I enjoy membership and leadership in the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Nu chapter, which is an honorary education society. My hobbies include traveling, reading, walking, flower gardening and visiting my beautiful grandchildren once a month. I have been blessed with a wonderful family. As some of you know, my husband, Bill, a very active member of St. Andrews, passed away in 3002 from cancer. My son, Bill, his wife, Jane, and their two children, Matthew (10) and Sarah (6) live in Perry Hall, Maryland. Bill works for the law firm, Blank and Rome, in Philadelphia. My daughter, Kristin, is Director of Psychology for the Department of Surgery at the Ohio State University, Wexner Medical Center. Assuming the role of Deacon and talking to the St. Andrews members who are my direct responsibility is very meaningful to me. You are all very special people. Please remember that your Deacon is only a phone call away. TRUSTEE NEWS The Trustees are gearing up for the winter months rapidly approaching. If you have concerns regarding snow removal this coming winter please contact one of the Trustees. We are in the process of taking bids to repaint the lines on the parking lot this fall. On a security note we will be changing the codes on the side door in November. There have been concerns of who has the codes and when they were changed last. Just FYI we do change the codes annually. Once the codes are updated we will distribute to members who need them. We will also be painting below the windows where the paint is peeling this fall. As always all the Trustees are working hard to maintain the church and the grounds. If you have a particular concern or request please reach out to us. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 if you want to join us to discuss your particular concerns. Respectfully submitted, David Sensenig President Trustees It seems early to talk about the Advent and Christmas seasons, but when it comes to missions, we need to get a head start so others can enjoy the season! This year the St. Andrews’ family will have three opportunities to help others locally and globally. Those opportunities are Operation Christmas Child, the Angel tree, and our Alternative Gift Fair. Operation Christmas Child is a shoebox ministry of the Samaritan Purse. The Angel Tree is a ministry to local children, and our Alternative Gift Fair addresses needs locally and internationally. The Angel Tree will be put up sometime in November, and the Alternative Gift Fair is on December 7. Our first opportunity is Operation Christmas Child. “How many of these shoeboxes would it take to hold everything in one room of your house?” For some children around the world, a single shoebox may hold more than they have ever owned. Since 1993, more than 100 million shoe box gifts have been delivered to children in more than 100 countries. These shoeboxes are delivered by planes, boats, camels, elephants, helicopters, covered wagons, and dog sleds. You’re probably wondering what goes inside the box. If you pick up a shoebox out in the narthex or gathering area, you will find a shopping list of items you can put inside the box. You decide whether you want to buy for a boy or a girl, and the age category, which ranges from 2 to 14. There are also instructions on how to pack the box for shipping. You are encouraged to place pictures, cards, and letters to the children in your shoe box gift. There is a label for your box, and an envelope for $7 to cover the cost of shipping. You may want to partner with someone and share the cost of filling the box and the postage. If you would like to participate in this giving activity, please pick up a shoe box on your way out of church today. Boxes must be returned by Sunday, November 16. Then start looking for the Angel Tree. If you love to buy for kids, especially at Christmas, you will find the Angel Tree right up your mission alley. Don’t forget to put the Alternative Gift Fair in the December 7th block of your calendar. There will be lots of choices when it comes to buying something for that family member, friend, or person who is always so difficult to buy for. “For it is in giving that we receive.” ― St. Francis of Assisi Thanks for your help. (Wednesday Evening Bible Study) WEBS invites all to join us for a 5 week Advent study November 19 thru January 7. (There is no study on November 26, December 24 or December 31). We will meet in the Chapel at 7:00 pm. The title of the study is: “Not a Silent Night” by Adam Hamilton. Spend some time with Mary during this Advent season. This book looks at Jesus' life through the eyes of his mother. Imagine what Bethlehem must have looked like from Mary's point of view. Beginning with the crucifixion and resurrection and then backtracking through Jesus' life and ministry. You do not need a book to take part in this study, but if you would like a book please contact Ken Gries [email protected] or 838-4936. WEBS wishes all a joyous holiday season! St. Andrews Annual Thanksgiving Feast Does this Thanksgiving Day find you celebrating away from family? Why not join your St. Andrews family on Thanksgiving Day for the traditional turkey with all the “fixings.” We will meet at the church at 12:30 for appetizers and plan for dinner around 1:00. All you need to bring is a dish to share. Please RSVP to Don or Maggie Beatty at 272-2451, or at [email protected]. We’d love to have you come and share your Thanksgiving traditions and dishes. There will also be crafts and games for kids. There’s always plenty left to take home for the traditional leftovers too! We have a lot to be grateful for. Let’s celebrate together. Youth Update In last month’s newsletter I wrote about Groundzero Master’s Commission (GZMC) and the coming youth rally that our church and youth ministry will be Hosting. We are now down to counting the weeks until the rally! Students are excited and looking forward to what is to come and I am looking forward to all that the night will hold! One of the great things that is coming out of this night is what the youth ministry will be going forward with, introducing some of the changes that are in store. I have spoken briefly about some coming changes including the name of the youth ministry. Officially we are changing the name to EPYC Youth Ministry. EPYC stands for, Extreme Presbyterian Youth Connection. The reason behind this name is to build on the ministry to the youth that the church has had. Here I must add a personal comment: I have been amazed and blessed by the volunteers and parents of the ministry here. It is an amazing testament to the love and outreach of the church, in how the volunteers have diligently worked to pour into student’s lives! I want to continue to work with and build upon the work that the church has done and work alongside the volunteers to help move this ministry to the next level! This is why we are going to be EPYC! As EPYC begins ministry I ask for your continued prayers. The goal and mission of the youth ministry is to change the Lives of the students. A recent poll done by the Barna group shows that teenagers are one of the most active age groups within Christianity. Enabling students to be active through youth ministry programs reaches out to the community and further enables the church as a whole. This is the drive behind what EPYC will strive to do - enable youth to minister. Upcoming Events -Youth Rally November 22nd 7pm at SAPC -No youth on November 23rd and November 30th -December 6th First EPYC Youth Meeting -Christmas Caroling TBA -Christmas Party TBA Come one; come all to the 12th Streeter’s December outing at the Light’s Victorian Farm House, 81 Wampler Lane, Lebanon, Pa. on December 6 at 12:00 noon. Buffet style lunch served at 12:00 noon which includes the following: Tossed salad, baked ham croquettes, potato, vegetable, dessert and drink. All this for only $16.00 per person and includes tax and gratuity. After lunch we will enjoy a tour of the home along with a history of the home which will be decorated for Christmas. We need 20 reservations to keep the $16.00 charge, so please sign up by November 22 and send your reservations and payment to: Ted & Liz Kalb 1200 S. 4th Avenue Lebanon, Pa. 17042 717-273-8291 Make checks payable to 12th Streeters DIRECTIONS TO Light’s Victorian Farm House: North on 7th Street (Route 343). About one mile past the Wetland’s restaurant at Pine Meadows Golf Course look for the road sign that is Greble Road on your right. A traffic sign points to Greble 3 miles. Hang a right on Greble Road and continue for 3 miles. You will go through two stop signs at intersections. Just beyond the 2nd stop sign you will see a sign on your left that advertises Light’s Victorian Farm House. Turn left and continue down the lane to the home. D-Day Normandy 70 (Cover Story) n honor of Veterans Day, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church will offer a public viewing of a pictorial presentation depicting the events surrounding the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the allied landings at Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944. The slide show presentation will be accompanied by 1940’s period music and commentary, followed by coffee, desserts, and conversation. The program will be presented here at St. Andrews on Friday, November 7, at 7 pm in Snyder Hall. The program is free and open to the public. If you have ever wished to go to Omaha Beach, Normandy, and the American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, these images will make you feel as if you just made the trip. Please join us in remembering through pictures this milestone anniversary of one of WWII’s defining moments. It will be a moving and memorable evening. This winter we will be having a Sunday school class for the college students! This will be an incredible opportunity for the students to discuss successes and struggles of college in a safe environment. What we are looking to do though is create a list of college students who have been involved with the church. If you are a parent of, or a college student, please let us update our information so that we can get in touch with you! Please see Rob or drop information off with Cliffy during office hours! YTD Financial Update as of Sept. 30, 2014 Actual Collections Expenses $246,266.44 $285,382.73 Budget $255,975.03 $319,485.69 THE BEAUTY OF FALL IS HERE! PRAISE THE LORD! On October 16th several ladies enjoyed a trip to Derry Presbyterian Church in Hershey, a church rich in history, for a tour of their amazing stained glass windows - new and old. The outing ended with lunch at the Batdorf Watch for future PW events. Remember, if you are a woman, and a member of St. Andrews, you are automatically a member of PW (Presbyterian Women)! A BIG THANK YOU goes out to all who donated, and those who helped pack, clothing on October 27th! These items are being delivered to Sunset Gap Community Center in Cosby, TN, as well as to several of our local missions. Currently, on the first and third Wednesday mornings at 10:30, the PW Bible Study (Reconciling Paul) continues. All are invited to join the group. This study continues through December in the chapel, with a light soup lunch on the first Wednesday of each month There is still time left to add an item to the THANKSGIVING BASKET sitting outside the church office. This basket will be one of many auctioned off at the LCCM Banquet on Thursday, November 20th. Looking ahead, Sunday, November 9th, is THANK OFFERING SUNDAY. This annual offering results in supporting humanitarian programs around the world in amazing ways! Watch on the bulletin board near the elevator to see what was done with the $699,125 dollars donated last year! The theme this year: Hebrews 10:24 “Let us consider how to provoke one another to LOVE and good deeds.” As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, our sewing group has made 1,034 stockings for the troops and also for local mental health facilities and nursing homes through Church Women United. Take a peek to see how YOU can help! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014, at 2:00p.m. is the date for PW’s CHRISTMAS TEA! What a wonderful way to start off this blessed time of the year! Great fellowship, beautiful music, delicious treats! Come and bring a friend. We will once again collect baby items for a layette present to LCCM. Bringing an item is optional. HAPPY THANKSGIVIING TO ALL! PW needs your help for its annual Christmas Stocking Project. Each year we fill 50 stockings for the Church Women United Project for our friends in local mental health facilities ad nursing homes. You can help to defray the cost of filling these stockings (each costs approximately $8.00) with a monetary donation, marked “PW Christmas stocking, by placing it in the morning offering or mail to the church office. We’re Thankful for November Birthdays 1 2 5 7 8 9 13 14 15 17 20 Collin Miller Grace Oxenreider Gregory Becker Tom Bechtold Charlotte Allwein Kelsey McMillen Joanna Beatty Anne Bashore Daniel Salahub Edith Vradenburgh Jerry Fisch Jody DeWald Chris Risko Kerry Dellinger Don Lesher 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 Robert Dowd, Sr. Christopher Pellow Jeffrey Pellow Nell Tice Laura Juppenlatz Nancy Hoff Adam Shreve Mary Jane Jackson Will Juppenlatz Megan Risko Janet Via George Pomeroy LCCM’s Benefit Dinner—Thursday, November 20th Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church 600 Shepherd Street, Jonestown 5:30 pm Auction—6:30 pm Dinner Music: Johnathan and Laura Shuey Tickets $25/each—$250/table sponsorship (includes 8 tickets) Obtain tickets by calling LCCM office at 272-4400, x211, OR email [email protected] OR contact Betty Ann Seiser Deadline for ordering tickets is 11/13/14 Box City LCCM hosted its Second Annual Box City Event on August 8th and 9th at the Annville-Cleona High School football stadium. Youth groups from all parts of the county (along with families and businesses) joined together for a night of fun while raising awareness and resources for LCCM’s Emergency Shelter. This year’s event realized a net gain of over $5500. These proceeds will be used to support LCCM’s collaborative effort with Jubilee Ministries in providing emergency shelter and support services to families and individuals in need. Mark your calendars now for next year’s event: Friday and Saturday, August 7 & 8, 2015. Fall 2014 Wish List Boxed Meals Canned Vegetables Canned Pasta Canned Fruit Canned Soup Baby Wipes Diapers King/Queen Sheets King/Queen Blankets Men’s Shoes (8-10.5) Men’s Pants (28-36) Towels/Wash Cloths A Grief Support Group of St. Andrews Church … we talked in a kind of ocean depth of memories where magic fish swam past, as we evoked our parents and Joy’s sisters, all dead now but with us for an hour in that exquisite room where time past and time present flowed together. May Sarton We often speak of the “communion of saints”. But what we who have lost loved ones yearn for most particularly, is to have our own particular “saints” gathered with us. We want to sense that we are present with them and they with us. People have different experiences of this phenomenon, all the way from hearing voices and seeing ghostly presences to having strong memories of loved ones which call them, almost, to our side. In whatever form this experience occurs, it is a blessing. During the meetings of the St. Andrews Grief Support Group, the members often relate stories of their lost loved one coming to them in a dream or speaking to them in some other way. All of us recall strong memories of times when it seemed that our loved one was in fact in our presence. Many occasions through the months and years following the death of a loved one will trigger these strong memories and emotions. We frequently talk about these occurrences – some frightening, some amusing - with each other during our get-togethers in order to gain reassurance that no, we are not imagining things or being delusional. These happenings are a very normal and natural part of the grieving process. The St. Andrews Grief Support group welcomes anyone who has suffered a loss and would benefit from meeting with us and sharing their experiences with the group. If you know of someone who has had a loss, encourage them to come to our group. It is not necessary to be a member of St. Andrews to be part of us. We presently have quite a few people who are not St. Andrews members but contribute a great deal to our discussions and have grown to be our friends. Our meetings are usually held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, at 2:00 PM, in Cassel Chapel, unless something special is planned. Our November meeting will be on Thursday, November 6, at 2:00 PM. In December we will be having our Annual Christmas Luncheon, on Thursday, December 11, at 12:00 noon. More information about the luncheon will be shared at the November meeting. We will be happy to welcome anyone at any time! If you have any questions, please contact our Advisor, Diane Pomeroy, at 4540756; Jane Juppenlatz at 272-0218; Pat Yates at 273-9297; or the church office at 272 -9933. Surely among the richest of these experiences mentioned earlier are the times when, with nostalgia and often with affectionate laughter, we share with others our memories of someone we love who has gone on before. We leave such experiences warmed and strengthened by our common history, our commemorations of life and of love. Shared memories can be a source of comfort and joy. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 600 South 12th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 272-9933 FAX (717) 272-1526 [email protected] Nonprofit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Lebanon, PA 17042 Permit No. 252
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