Document 450055

Filed DeC. 20, 1939
Patented Sept. 16, 1941
>Joseph Alfred La Bille, Chicago, Ill.
Application December 20, 1939, Serial No. 310,241
A4 Claims. y (Cl. 280-1.15)
The invention relates to an animative horse
and carriage effect tricycle and more especially
to velocipedes.
The primary object of the invention is the pro
vision of a vehicular device of this character,
wherein the same is constructed to be imitative
of an animated animal, for example, a horse,
hitched to a vehicle, for example, a two-wheeled
type of carriage so that the device will not only
be a riding type of vehicle but will also lend@ fl()
amusement and attractiveness in the use there
of in that the said device will be driven by
pedal-operated chain and sprocket connections
the link andleverage connections between the
steering wheel and the legs of the image.
Similar reference characters indicate corre
sponding parts throughout the several views in
the drawing.
Referring to the drawing in detail, A desig
nates generally the combination horse and car
riage amusement device or velocipede which in
volves an >animated image B and a vehicular
equipment C, respectively, these being herein
after fullydescribed.
.The imagerB comprises a sectional body frame,
the sections beingv denoted at I0 and II, respec
with -power wheels and at the same time motion
tively, and the latter is turnable with respect to
will be imparted to the legs of the animal and» 15 the section III, this being had through the medi
also to the head and neck of such animal to ren
um of la vertically disposed pivot stem I2 of a
der the same lifelike in the use of the device.
steering wheel fork I3 in which is journaled a
Another object of the invention is the provi
front steering wheel I4. The pivot stem has
sion of a device of this character wherein the
ñxed thereto the section I I and is turnable in the
same is stored in a novel manner and the steer»l 20 front or forward end of the section I0.
ing is had by the turning of the head of the ani
The sections I ü and II are interiorly of and
have built about the same an image body I5, in
mative animal image while the legs and feet of
this instance representation of a horse, and such
such image become active on the advancement of
body includes a liexible neck portion I 6 made
the device to make it appear as if the vehicle part
25 from suitable iiexible material joined with the
thereof is being drawn by such image.
head I'I while pivotally associated with the Abody
A further object of the invention is the provi
' I5 are movable front and rear legs I8 and I9, re
sion of a device of this character, which is simple
' spectively, the pivots therefor being indicated at
in its construction, thoroughly reliable and eifr
20. These legs I8 and I9 are actuated to simu
cient in operation, assuring safety to the rider,
being steered in a novel manner, strong, durable, 30 late trotting activity and such movement is im
parted thereto through pivoted link and lever
and inexpensive to manufacture.
age connections ZI and 22, respectively, between
With these and other objects in View, the in
the same and a crank 23 which is a part of the
vention consists in the features of construction,
axle for the front steering wheel I4. The lever
combination and arrangement _of parts as Will
be hereinafter more fully described in detail, il 35 connection 2l is made in two parts and joined to
gether by the link 2I'. The ends of the link are
lustrated in the accompanying drawing; which
bifurcated and into which extend the ends of the
discloses the preferred embodiment of the inven
two sections of the lever and are held therein by
tion and pointed out in the claims hereunto ap
the pivots 22’ and 23', extending at right angles
40 to each other.
In the accompanying drawing:
The upper end of the rod 2l passes loosely
Figure 1 is a side elevation of the device ccn
through the arm 24’ so that it may readily turn
structed in accordance with the invention.
and yet be held against longitudinal movement.
Figure 2 is a top plan view thereof showing by
This arm 2t’ is rigidly mounted on the shaft 25'
full lines the normal position of the head of the 45 of the pivoted links 22. The links 22 are »con
image and by dotted lines an adjusted position
nected to the upper ends of the front legs I8 by
of the same resultant from the steering of the
means of rods 26’. The vehicular part C com
prises a frame 2li having its fore end 25 iitting
Figure 3 is a fragmentary vertical transverse
the stem I2 of the front fork I3 for the steering
sectional view through the device.
Wheel I4 while the aft end of this frame 24 has
Figure 4 is a fragmentary vertical longitudinal
journaled therein the power axle 26 carrying a
sectional view through the device.
pair of rear traction wheels 27, one being ñxed to
Figure 5 is a detail sectional view through a
the said axle 25 and constitutes the power or
coupling of the steering mechanism of the device.
driving wheel of the device.
Figure 6 is a fragmentary perspective view of 55
The frame 24 is equipped with foot pedals 28
a Wheeled vehicular part connected with the
steering fork, a steering Wheel journaled in said
fork, and means operated by the steering Wheel
for imparting motion to the said legs.
which through sprocket Wheel and sprocket chain
connections 29 and 30, respectively, operate or
» drive the rear axle 26 and the power wheel fixed
' thereto.
In this manner the device is driven.
2. A velocipede comprising a sectional body
Rising appropriately from the frame 24 is a
support 3| for a seat 32 and this support has
connection with the body l5 and its frame l0,
being imitative of the shafts of a vehicle and the
horse image hitched therein.
Pivotedto thehead I1 for vertical swinging 10
movement isa steering yoke "33 irnitative of the
Vdriving reins of harness and this yoke is ex
tended rearwardly in the directionv of the seat¢32 'Y
to be convenient for operation by an occupant §or
rider of the seat so'that the device’can be readily-V
frame, a steering fork connecting the sections
of said frame together and turnable by one of
said sections, an image built about said frame
and having movable legs and a flexible neck, the
latter movable with the turnable section, a
Wheeled vehicular part connected with the steer
ing fork, a steering wheel journaled in said fork,
.means operated by the steering Wheelv for im
parting motion to the said legs, and manually
v¿driven connections for one of the wheels ofthe K
handled for the steering thereof inlthat thehead ' ~ ' vehicular part.
3. A velocipede comprisinga sectional body
frame, »a steering fork'connecting the sections
swings the section II transferring >`turning 4»mo
of said frame togetherand turnable by one'of
tion to the stem I2 of the fork I3 resulting inthe
guiding of the vehicle through its steeringwheel 20 said sections, an image built about said frame
@and having movable legsr and a flexible neck, the
'1'4 -in the l,desiredîdirection .when 'thevehicular
I1 is manually turned with the neck_|6 which
vpart, ACîis :advanced or Aon reverse travel thereof.
V.Rising from the frame 24 lis -a-rest 34, -vvhich
`is-irhitative Yofthe dash boardof a vehicle’and
Vlatter _movable with the turnable section, a
wheeled vehicular part connected with the steer- '
permits of the placing of the yoke 3'3thereonfor
.the 4supported? r'the'same Vwhen not »grasped by
ing fork,1a steering vWheel journaled in said fork,
meansoperated bythe steering Wheel for im
parting motion tothe said legs, manually driven
»the hands of an operator of the vehicle or a per
»connections 'for one of the Wheels 0f the ve
hicular part,land _a steering yoke for turning the
section of said frame having the ñexible neck
fins Yhasvbeen stated heretofore, the 'device' is
vloperated throughA pedal action and the travel 30
Y‘senoccupying'v the seat 32. Y
thereof imparts activity to the‘legs--IB and '~|9"of Y
_*"4.~A velocipede comprising a sectional body _ ,
frame, a steering fork connecting the sections'iof
the image While -`the'said devicel is steered through
said >frame together and turnable by Vone of said
,manipulation'jfof ,the ¿yoke A'33, Ythe ’head ‘ l1 'being
`sections, an image built about said frame and
V`jnirned--for this-purpose and the ñexibility of `the
neckiHìV dores 4not vretard. or interfere 'with 'the 35 -having movable legs and a flexible neck, the lat- '
ter movable With the turnable section, a Wheeled
jturning of vthe @head [1l-_ofthe image, which, as
vehicular part connected with the steering fork,
`statedgis `imitativef'ofïa horse. The Vmotion of
' the/head H" and ¿the legs’rl'ß and I9 ofthe image y 'a steering Wheel >journaled `in said fork, means
operated vby the steering Wheel for imparting;A
V'effects aflifelike or,:animated characteristic
40 motion "to the Asaid legsymanually driven con
VWha?i'fis'claimed is:
-1.,A,1velocipe_de comprising a sectional body
frame, 'a -steering fork -connecting, the sections
Y 'nections for one of the Wheels of the vehicular
part, a steering yoke for turning the section of
K4said frame having the flexible neck built there
with, and, a -‘rest included with Vsaid vehicular
of'said frame together ¿and turnable by oneof
Y>-saidjsections,animage built aboutsaid frame '45 part for thersteering yoke.
Yand -having movable legs .andra flexible neck,
" thenlattervrmovable withv the .turnable section,