1st The FIRST EDITION Of The First United Methodist Church P.O. Box 350, Weatherford, OK. 73096 Lynn Brack, Pastor November 18, 2014 United Methodist Church THIS SUNDAY . . . NOVEMBER 23rd Liturgical Color . . . Green Christ The King Sunday th 50 Anniversary of Our Sanctuary Building 1964 – 2014 Consecration Sunday was March 1, 1964 Hymns for the Day . . . “God of Grace and God of Glory” “We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessing” “O Jesus, I Have Promised” Special Anthem . . . “Canticle of Thanksgiving” Featuring the Chancel Choir, Children’s Choir, & Exaltation Bell Choir Offertory . . . “Good News” Featuring the Chancel Choir Preacher for the Day . . . Former pastor Reverend (retired) Ken Tobler Served here when Sanctuary Building was Dedicated in 1977 SUNDAY SCHOOL AS USUAL AT 9:30AM ONE WORSHIP SERVICE ONLY AT 10:30AM CATERED LUNCH IN FELLOWSHIP HALL (Your RSVP Is Required For the Lunch) Special Recognitions In Worship . . . . All Those Who Were Here in 1964 Present Today . Most Senior Living Member Present Today . Longest Continuous Membership Present Today . Most Recent Member Present Today . Longest Continuous Office Holder Present Today . First Wedding in New Sanctuary Present Today . Traveled the Longest Distance to be Here Today 1 TEEN TALK The youth would like to give a huge shout out to Eddie and Linda Berrong for braving the snow last night and providing the youth with a snack supper. The food was delicious! Thank you both so much! Christmas is quickly approaching and the youth are preparing with an Advent study, “Under Wraps, The Gift We Never Expected”. This study is part of 3-D Wednesday. While adults talk about this study, youth are discussing it as well. This gives parents a great opportunity to learn with other adults while their youth learn with other youth. Then, they can go home and talk about their studies together. Prior to the bible study, which begins at 6:30pm, is a Devotion service that begins at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Worshipping God prior to Discipleship is a great way to prepare our hearts and get ready to listen as we study His word. Due to Thanksgiving Break, the youth will not meet on Wednesday, November 26th. Beginning at 5:30pm, on Wednesday, December 17th, the youth will be having a progressive dinner. All youth that plan on attending need to sign up in the youth lounge or contact Kelley Ramey. With Christmas coming the youth schedule changes a little on Sunday evenings. On Sunday, November 30th, we will meet at 6:00pm for Family Movie Night. The following Sunday, December 7th, we will meet at 5:00pm to go Christmas caroling with the church. Sunday, December 14th, we will meet at 4:30pm in the youth lounge and then go shopping for Caring and Sharing. We will eat afterwards. We will have a youth movie night on Sunday, December 21st, at 4:30pm in the youth lounge. Advent is a busy time of year! Let’s be sure and get ready for the coming of Christ’s birth. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. – Psalm 51:10 You Are Invited! SUNDAY NOV. 23RD 10:30AM ONE SERVICE ONLY 50th anniversary of the sanctuary building 1964 TO 2014 WELCOME YOUR NEWEST MEMBER! This past Sunday, we were delighted to welcome into our faith family BELLE LIN. Belle sings in our Chancel Choir, and is a SWOSU student in the Music Therapy department. She transferred her membership from the St. Timothy Anglican Church in Taiwan. Welcome, Belle! FORMER PASTOR, REV. KEN TOBLER, PREACHING catered LUNCH AFTERWARDS FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Family Movie Night is on Sunday, November 30th, at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall and will feature the film “The Christmas Cottage”. This movie is rated PG and is 103 minutes. About the movie: Returning home from college one Christmas, young artist Thomas Kinkade is dismayed to learn that attempts to promote local tourism have failed and his mother is dangerously close to losing the family cottage to foreclosure. Inspired by his mentor, Glen, a famous artist who lives next door, Thom accepts a job painting a mural of his small idyllic hometown. With Glen’s help, Thom not only discovers his calling as the Painter of Light but also helps the town rediscover the true spirit of Christmas. It is a great family movie! So bring your family and maybe a snack and enjoy a great night with your church family. 2 TH I S W EE K S EV E NT S Thursday, November 20 11:30am City Employee Luncheon 2:30pm Kingdom Connection 4:00pm Advent Study Saturday, November 22 10:00am “Bread of Hope” Food Distribution Sunday, November 23 “50th Anniversary Celebration” 9:30AM Sunday School Classes 10:30AM Worship Service (One Service Only) 11:45am Catered Luncheon Celebration 2:00pm Weatherford Living Devotionals 4:30pm FUMY Wednesday, November 26 Thanksgiving Eve…No 3-D Activities Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day Office closed Thursday-Friday Saturday, November 29 9:00am Worship Committee Decorates for Advent Sunday, November 30 Noisy Offering Sunday 8:30am Worship Service 9:30am Sunday School Classes 10:30am Worship Service 6:00pm Movie Night Requesting Prayers James Ediger; Linda Stengl; Dee Donwerth; Alene Macaulay; Jason Mills Paula Horsburgh; Dickey Brothers: Jack, David, Glenn; Those who are cold & Hungry; Sherry Hart Joys of Answered Prayers Snow! Moisture! Thanksgiving for youth group donating blankets for foster children In Our Father’s House Family of Brody Sims Family of Roy Dean Larkey • • • • • • • • • • • • • UP-COMING EVENTS • th Thursday, November 20 . . . 11:30AM—City of Weatherford employees’ Thanksgiving Dinner Church of Christ; our church provides dinner rolls Sunday, November 23rd . . . 50th Anniversary of the Sanctuary Building— 1964 One worship service at 10:30AM Catered Lunch Afterwards in Fellowship Hall 2:00PM—Devotional Service at WeatherFORD Living Center Thursday & Friday, November 27th & 28th . . . Office Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday Saturday, November 29th . . . 9:00AM—Worship Committee decorates Sanctuary for Advent Sunday, November 30th . . . First Sunday in Advent “Noisy Offering” received in both services for Circle of Care “United Methodist Student Day” Special Offering 6:00PM—Family Movie Night • • • • • Extended Care Facilities & Homebound Annette Dahlgren, (W’Wood #49) Duane Rea (W’Wood) (Brother of Joyce Hamburger) Ella Vogt (Corn, Corn #F7) Jack Phelps for Rehab (W’Corn # 36) Jim Lovell (W’Corn #16) Glassnell Smith (W’Corn #19) Virginia Lantz (W’Corn #22) Nellie Verhines (W’ford Living Center) Dorotha Downing (W’ford Living Center #313) Vanita Morris (Sterling House # 120) Flossie Pray, (Sterling House #105) Louise Wyatt (Sterling House #28) Ernestine Wright, (Sterling House #13) Evelyn Minton, (Sterling House #107) Sharon (Segress) Raskin, (McKinney, TX) Kaye Lee, Methodist Center, Clinton (Garla’s Mother) Gene Hays, Elkwood Memory Care Center, Elk City Gary Webb, Sterling on Council Rd., Bethany, OK Curly McAlpin, Grace Center, Clinton Missionaries • • • • • Meri Whitaker – Cookson Hills Center, Cookson, OK Dakin Cook and his wife, Bolivia Kristen Brown Christians & Missionaries • • • • • • • • • • Oklahoma State Legislature Our Nation Armed Forces & Military Service and their Families All Police, Law Enforcements & Corrections Officers Brent Webb, USAF Lt. Col. Judy Webb-Hapgood, USAF William Johnston, US Army serving in Iraq Chris Bonner, son of Merle & Nelda Bonner Charles & Autumn (Wright) Wood Dakota Duree Austin Baugh USMC • Those In The Service of Our Country BREAD OF HOPE If you’ve ordered food for November, remember to pick it up this Saturday, the 22ninat the Church’s Fellowship Hall at 10:00 a.m. Come a little early and join us for breakfast. The December menu will be available at that time. BJ Women’s Shelter Items (Frances Good Circle) The items for November is: Diapers; all Sizes, Baby Toiletries, wipes, rash cream, powder Food Pantry The Food Pantry item for November is Bread: Saltine, Graham Crackers & Muffin Mixes 3 Kudos to Sarah & Alex Two of our youth, Sarah Short and Alex Bessinger, were recently named to All State Mixed Choir, which is a big honor. This is Sarah’s fifth year to receive this honor and the second year for Alex. 50th Anniversary of the Sanctuary Building Sunday, November 23rd Catered Lunch in Fellowship Hall at 11:30AM Catered by Chef Kevin Hamburger Main Meat . . . Pork Loin Youth Fundraiser The youth have pecan pieces for all your holiday baking! $10 for a 12oz bag. If you would like some contact Kelley Ramey at the church 772-5565 or any youth member. We also have English Walnuts, Roasted and Salted Cashews, and Roasted and Salted Pecans all in 12oz bags for $10 each. CARING & SHARING This event will be December 20 with a few changes this year: same location as last year (PAC), except it will not be in the auditorium and there will be four shopping times instead of three. We are buying for boys 5 – 7 and are partnered with Trinity Baptist. Collection receptacles will be in the Ryden Center. Jason needs help with registration (Nov. 10, 17; Dec. 18) from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Chamber of Commerce. If you are willing to help, please call Jason (580-302-1371). Thanks, BJ th HEIFER INTERNATIONAL We will again this year have envelopes available to purchase “shares” in Heifer International “In Memory Of” or “In Honor Of” someone you wish to acknowledge this Advent Season. The shares are $10.00 each and we will have a catalog posted so you can see how many shares it takes to purchase various items. I REMEMBER WHEN . . . FIFTY YEARS AGO The following is a letter from then District Superintendent Luman T. Cockerill To the appointed pastor, Rev. Gordon Spencer February 14, 1964 Dear Brother Spencer, By the purchase of an adequate site and the erection of a functional and beautiful church edifice, the First Methodist Church of Weatherford has demonstrated that it is indeed a “Church with a Future to Share.” Your church is in the vanguard of those churches, which have dared to look fifty years into the future, and then have had sufficient devotion and dedication to translate your blue prints for the future into living brick and mortar in 1964. One would be foolish indeed to speculate on the number of lives which will be profoundly affected, and in fact changed, because the First Methodist Church of Weatherford has provided so adequately for the religious education, fellowship, and worship of its children, youth, and adults. The prayers of the Clinton District, the Oklahoma Conference, and indeed all of Methodism are with the Methodists of Weatherford as the doorway opens for you into this rich new day of service for the Kingdom of God. Sincerely yours, Luman T. Cockerill 4 MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SANCTUARY BUILDING 1964 – 2014 Fifty years ago, the faithful and obedient members of the Weatherford First Methodist Church launched a vision for a new church building. It came to fruition, at great sacrifice to themselves, in 1964 when they moved into the new, ultra-modern facility at 817 N. 7th Street. We owe much thanks to these our forbearers of the faith for their tireless and fearless efforts to provide future generations of Methodists with such a fine church building that has served the entire Weatherford community for fifty years. Members of our Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee, under the leadership of Shandelle Recker, chairperson and with the assistance of Judy Sisson and Jamie Sisson, have put together a wonderful day of celebration and thanksgiving. We will observe our 50th building anniversary on Sunday, November 23rd. On that day, there will be only one, large worship service at 10:30AM; Sunday School will meet as usual. The Reverend (retired) Ken Tobler, former pastor of this church from 1974-1979, will be preaching that day. The Chancel Choir, Children’s Choir, and Ju-Bellation Hand Bell Choir will come together to provide special music that day. Following worship, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a FREE catered lunch. You do need to RSVP and get your lunch ticket so we can have an accurate head count for the meal preparation. Don Hertzler will be preparing a special DVD presentation of some old photographs from when the church was built in 1964, and photos of members from that time period. Don will also be securing a commemorative tree, which will be planted that day to mark the occasion. Don will be planting a “Shurmard Red Oak” from the Sunshine Nursery in Clinton. An Historical Table will be displayed in the Fellowship Hall showing items and photographs from the period. Some of our folks have been asked to provide special decorations for the occasion. Weather permitting, there will be several large blow-up toys for children to play on that day. Tell us if you were active in this church in 1964. We will want all those members who were here then to sit together as a group so we can recognize you during the service. Lynn will be using the same basic order of worship as was used in 1964 when they began worshiping in this Sanctuary with the Rev. Gordon Spencer. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR STAFF PASTOR PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE FOR ORGANIZING OUR 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Shandelle Recker, chairperson Judy Sisson, assisted by Jamie Sisson Susan Rose, Joyce Hamburger, Carol Paxton and all those who have assisted in wonderful ways! Danny Ediger . . . Photography Don Hertzler . . . Power Point Presentation & Anniversary Tree Planting Jeff Short . . . Video Taping of the Service Sheryl Winn & Mary Fast . . . Historical Table Glenda Walker, Linle Levy, Terry Lowe, Lawanna Manos . . . Decorations Susan Rose . . . 50th Anniversary Cake 5 RING THE BELL AT WAL-MART SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 4PM TO 8PM ONE-HOUR SHIFTS North & South Doors Two People at Each Entrance HELP THE MISSION HOUSE of CLINTON Sign-Up TODAY at the Welcome Center THANK YOU! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 817 North Seventh Street NON-PROFIT ORGRANIZATION U.S. Postage Paid P.O. Box 350 Weatherford, OK 73096 (580) 772-5565 Web Address: http://fumcmethodistok.org Permit #43 Weatherford, OK 73096 E-Mail: [email protected] RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 6
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