a rs an Ac cr e ority fo rT ra ns l to d t In National d uth nA io at it w e w ity ers Div e g e w a rs .n 470 Ltd - Key to Langu aa 557 ti. 300 1 com : e 996 .au NAATI Hotlin 596 08 0 2 4 ABN rp re t NEW SOUTH WALES NAATI WORKSHOPS WORKSHOP PROGRAM JANUARY - JUNE 2015 Proudly presented by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd Version 1.0 NSW WORKSHOP PROGRAM TRANSLATION WORKSHOPS INTERPRETER WORKSHOPS These 6-hour workshops are delivered in English by an experienced translator. Topics covered include: • Translation skills • Ethics of the profession These 12-hour workshops will help you determine if you’re ready to sit a NAATI interpreting test and which test level (paraprofessional or professional) you should attempt. The workshop is delivered in two 6-hour sessions. Topics covered include: • Structure & format of the test • Structure & format of the test Translation Exercise • Ethics and social/cultural awareness • At the end of the workshop you will be given a translation exercise to complete at home, with instructions on how and when to return it. • Interpreting techniques, including communication, listening and note taking skills. • Your translation will be sent to an examiner for feedback, which will be forwarded to you three weeks later. Please note that we are unable to accommodate requests to return feedback earlier than the three weeks. • Interpreting practice, including common dilemmas, role conflicts and practice exercises. • The exercise is not intended to be an indicator of the likely outcome of an actual test, though the examiner will comment on your overall performance and technique. Cost: $329 Workshop dates (All sessions 9:00am to 4:00pm) February 2015 Session 1 – Saturday 14 February Session 2 – Saturday 21 February Cost: $220 March 2015 Workshop dates (All sessions 9:00am to 4:00pm) Session 1 – Saturday 21 March February 2015 Session 2 – Saturday 28 March Saturday 28 February April 2015 May 2015 Session 1 – Saturday 11 April Saturday 2 May Session 2 – Saturday 18 April June 2015 May 2015 Saturday 13 June Session 1 – Saturday 16 May Session 2 – Saturday 23 May ETHICS WORKSHOPS All NAATI tests include questions about professional ethics. In this workshop you’ll learn about the Code of Ethics, common ethical dilemmas and how to resolve them, and the best way to answer the ethics questions in the NAATI Test. NOTE TAKING WORKSHOPS • Note taking principles Cost: $109 • Key words Workshop dates • Abbreviations • Memory techniques February 2015 • Symbols and signs Wednesday 18 February • Practice and feedback March 2015 Cost: $220 Wednesday 25 March Workshop dates (All sessions 9:00am to 4:00pm) May 2015 March 2015 Wednesday 6 May Saturday 7 March (All sessions are 5:30pm to 8:30pm) This 6-hour workshop will introduce you to specific note taking skills for interpreters. The workshop covers: Workshops are held at: Post or fax your application, with payment, to: Sydney Mechanics School of Arts building 280 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 NAATI NSW Office PO Box A161 Sydney South NSW 1235 Phone: 02 9267 1357 Fax: 02 9267 4720 Email: [email protected] NAATI WORKSHOP POLICY 1. Full payment is required for an enrolment for a workshop (if payment does not accompany the enrolment form, it will not be processed until payment is received). 2. If you wish to transfer your registration to another workshop, you must request this in writing (mail, fax or email) to the NAATI Office where you have registered to do the workshop. Requests for a transfer to another workshop will be considered on a case-by-case basis and dependent on the availability of places. 3. If you wish to cancel your workshop registration, you must request this in writing (mail, fax or email) to the NAATI Office where you have registered to do the workshop. 4. If you cancel your registration more than 7 working days before the workshop your fees will be refunded. 5. If you cancel your registration 7 working days before the workshop your fees will be refunded less 15% of the fees paid. 6. If you cancel your registration 1-6 working days before the workshop your fees will be refunded less 25% of the fees paid. 7. When cancelling a session or sessions that were part of a discounted multiple booking, the refund will comprise of workshop session fee, less the discount and any other applicable cancellation fees. 8. If you cancel or do not attend on the day of the workshop, no fees will be refunded. 9. NAATI reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any workshop. If you are registered on a workshop that NAATI cancels or reschedules you will be given the option of receiving a refund or transferring to another scheduled workshop where there are available places. 10.All prices are inclusive of GST. DECLARATION • I acknowledge that, by completing this form, I have read and understood the NAATI Privacy Policy available at www.naati.com.au/PDF/Misc/Privacy_Policy.pdf, which explains: • how and why NAATI collects, manages and uses my personal information; • to whom NAATI may disclose my personal information (including to overseas recipients if I ask to be tested at an overseas venue); • how I can access and request correction of my personal information which NAATI holds; and • how I can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles by NAATI. • I understand NAATI will use the personal information collected in this form (plus any further personal information that I provide to NAATI as part of my application) to process my application, administer tests to me, and determine and record the outcome of my application. I understand that, if I am accredited, NAATI may disclose to people and organisations (to verify my accreditation, including via an online verification register) my name, NAATI credentials, expiry date, suburb and photograph. This declaration must be signed and dated • I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the NAATI Workshop policy. Signature: Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y WORKSHOP ENROLMENT FORM Please return this form with correct payment to NAATI Workshops PO Box A161 Sydney South NSW 1235 or fax to 02 9267 4720 NAATI Number: Mr Title Mrs Ms Miss Other please Specify Given name Family name Postal address Suburb Contact number (BH) ( State Postcode Contact number (AH) ) ( ) Email DOB: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Translation practice passage* English into LOTE LOTE into English Language Paraprofessional Translator/ Interpreter Level/Direction Professional Translator/ Interpreter *Note: The translation workshop cost includes one practice passage. If you wish to do practice passages in both directions, you will need to pay an extra $77.00. Select the workshop(s) you wish to attend TRANSLATION WORKSHOPS FEE INTERPRETING WORKSHOPS FEE February 2015 $220.00 February 2015 $329.00 May 2015 $220.00 March 2015 $329.00 June 2015 $220.00 April 2015 $329.00 Extra Passage $77.00 May 2015 $329.00 ETHICS WORKSHOPS FEE NOTE TAKING WORKSHOPS February 2015 $109.00 March 2015 $109.00 May 2015 $109.00 FEE $220.00 March 2015 NAATI does not accept personal cheques (only AMO, BANK CHEQUES and OVERSEAS DRAFTS) All payments must be made in Australian dollars Amount $AUD: (Please tick one) Australian Money Order Bank Cheque (a cheque purchased from a bank) Credit or Debit Card Cash (payable at any NAATI office) Card details Visa (Please tick one) MasterCard Amex Debit card Overseas Bank Draft (ONLY at a NAATI office) M M Credit card number Security number if requested / Y Y Expiry date Card holder’s name OFFICE USE ONLY Card holder’s signature Date D D / DATE RECEIVED: Finance CC CHQ AMO CSH DD EFTPOS AMOUNT PAID: ENTERED BY: DATE: RECEIPT NUMBER: TRANSACTION NUMBER: M M / Y Y Y Y
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