THE CU™ CHECKP The “CU CheckPoint” provides implementation tips and milestone targets as you prepare to begin using Fannie Mae’s Collateral Underwriter (CU). The CU CheckPoint will be updated throughout the CU rollout phases to help you maximize the efficiency of your implementation. INT Stay on Track with CU! To prepare for Collateral Underwriter™ (CU™), lenders should begin taking the appropriate steps toward implementation. CU is an appraisal risk assessment tool that will provide real-time feedback on appraisal submissions starting in January 2015, with phased access to the user interface. Refer to the timeline below, which provides key CU dates along with information on training opportunities. KEY: Additional training opportunities available in January Intro to CU recorded tutorial Oct CU Scores and Messages recorded tutorial = Training Vendor testing CU scores and message of new UCDP feedback in UCDP integration enhancements 21 proprietary messages turn fatal in UCDP Nov Dec Jan = Technology Phased rollout of CU web-based tool (January 26 – April) Feb Mar Apr 2015 2014 K EY C ONSIDERATIONS CU risk scores and messages will be available through the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®) beginning January 26, 2015. CU risk scores and messages will display in UCDP on the Fannie Mae tab and the Submission Summary Report (SSR), the same way Fannie Mae proprietary messages are provided. You may also use your integration solution to transmit CU scores and messages into your systems. A phased roll-out of the CU web-based tool will occur from late January until April. Training will be available. CU web-based application does not require integration – access is obtained through a unique URL (registration required). P REPARING FOR CU I MPLEMENTATION … What You Should Begin Doing Now Understand and adjust UCDP submission and review process as needed Enhance UCDP integration to capture CU risk scores and messages and new fatal proprietary messages Document appraisal review process To prepare for the CU user interface If applicable, work with your UCDP to appraisal review to leverage CU’s risk score, flags, rollout, document your appraisal review integration solution providers and and messages in the review process. process and establish metrics around internal IT staff to consider display 21 Fannie Mae Proprietary Messages will become review times and resource utilization. options for both your UCDP integration fatal effective Jan. 26, 2015. These messages have a This information will become valuable and any integration between appraisal very small failure rate, but will require an updated as you leverage CU to enhance your review tools and loan origination systems. appraisal or manual override in UCDP. As a result, existing process. submission status may vary between GSEs. Ensure you have an effective process in place to Identify appropriate staff and/or check and store UCDP success status and associated project team to implement CU into your TIP: Check off the steps as you complete them messages separately for both GSE SSRs; configure systems and processes. along the way toward CU implementation. your system(s) as needed. Appraisal submission in UCDP must take place prior Additional considerations for lenders with a correspondent channel Enhance pre-funding QC processes to support new fatals and CU scores/messages, and update customer guidance and policies. R ESOURCES : Collateral Underwriter Page on © 2014 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. Ensure correspondent customers Ensure correspondent customers clearly understand these changes and encourage them to implement UCDP integration with vendors and IT staff. participate in CU training (live or recorded). CU Fact Sheet CU FAQs HFI Spotlight Webinars 11.18.2014 1
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