Affirmation of Baptism/Rite of Confirmation—October 26, 2014 Karenna Levin, Nick Klug, Rachel Board, Lyle Summers, Taylor McGuire, Jacob Chrisco These young people have been instructed in the word of God and in the faith of the Christian church, have affirmed the promises of baptism, and made public confession of faith in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit before the assembled congregation. We welcome these children of God into the greater participation in the mission of this congregation and the whole church. Congratulations to them and their families as they have committed themselves to the Lord! Confirmation Banquet—October 25, 2014 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. The Ministry of Prayer As a community of faith, we join together in prayer for the needs, concerns, joys and sorrows that we share. Please pray for God’s grace and strength to surround those listed below. Friends & Relatives All Military Jim Barnes Curtis Batson Pat Carola Ron Christmas Family of Larry Cooper Pat Croson Verna Hancock Amberleigh Kiser Hayla Kiser Larry Kapuvari Anthony Kenworthy Nina Kleinfeller Labriola Family Jean Lee Kevin Lee and Family Robbie Lee Judy Leggett Ron Masar Petersen Family Charlie Pike Carolyn Schumm Laverne Stott Lisa Wenzel Pat Williams Kathy Wright Larry Yoder Our Missionary in Costa Rica Stephen Deal Young Adults in Global Mission Michael Dickson Our Mission Partner Water of Life Lutheran, Wilmington At Home Richard Barnes, Sr Diane Daniels Leatha Ferebee Fritz Fleming Marilyn Hess Christine Hughes Mel Johnson Nancy Johnson Bonnie Kendall Dick Kinnery Knud Kornberg Joan Nelson John Olson Mary Olson Marian Oswalt Barbara Reid Ellen Roessler Walt Schoen Jean Sherrill Len Stanislawek Carole Williams Pat Williams Sue Zeller In Service To Our Country Sean Barnes Peter Benson Todd Board Spencer Cole Jon Drew Luke Erickson Heather Fischer Jonathan Gribben Will Huerth Brian Hughes Mark Jennings Michael Karlowicz Ted Mataxis Phillip Sounia In Extended Care Pennick Village Rehab: Barbara Holderby Penick Village: Siv Schuch Quail Haven Rehab: Florence Ward In Retirement Communities Elmcroft: (Upper Unit) Peggy Smith St. Joseph’s Villas/Pine Knoll: Flo Moore So Pines Retirement Living: Lucille Howard Penick Village: Janet Nelson Engaged to be Married Roberto Garcia-Padilla and Nicole Rauscher Kyle Lykes and Jessica Crandall Mychael Barzanti Donald Boehm Kevin Bower Aubrey Burroughs Brian Brown Brian Christmas Jim Christmas Matthew Dunlap Dave Garcia Ken Heaney Shari Hiser Stacie Honeycutt Dale Johnson Nathan Jones Mark Koppenhofer Cam Lewis Garrett Martin Phillip Maxwell Tommy Meares Michael Moore Darren Morton Zack Pittard Taylor Prince Tom Powers John Pryztulski David Randall Rob Seymour Bill Shirer Kristine Slivka Scott Tucek Warren Wicks Prayers of Christian Sympathy To the family of Jack Hammett on his death Oct. 24 To David and Frances Clayton, Austin and Evan on the death of Frances’ father, Claude Hough, Oct. 25 To Gus and Janet Gustafson on the death of Gus’s sister, Lois Moore, Oct. 5. EMPTY STOCKING FUND The Social Ministry Committee invites all interested groups, families and individuals to help brighten the Christmas holiday for the needy in our community through the annual Empty Stocking Appeal. This is a community-wide effort that provides Christmas gifts and a food basket for those in need. This year we are doing Empty Stocking a little different. We will be sponsoring 30 school children from the Robbins, NC area. Articles of clothing are all that is required. We will have a “mantle” with hanging stockings for you to choose a child. Delivery will be to one location; therefore your gifts will be brought to the church. Stockings will be ready for you to select on Sunday, Nov. 2. Please return your wrapped gifts by Sunday Dec. 7. WAYS TO HELP #1 ______ I (we) will ADOPT a child. NAME_______________________________________________PHONE __________________ OTHER WAYS TO HELP #2 _____ I (we) will donate money for ham for food baskets. NAME______________________________________________ PHONE ___________________ Any questions, please call Trudy Blake, Empty Stocking Chairperson at 235-0859. Thank you for your support of this ministry. Your generosity makes a difference in the life of a child! THE FOOD DRIVE IS BACK The Social Ministry’s Food Drive will begin on Sunday, Nov 2. The food collected through this annual appeal will be used to provide Christmas dinner for 30 families which OSLC has “adopted” through the Empty Stocking Christmas program. Here are the items needed: Canned fruit of any kind Canned green beans, corn and peas Canned sweet potatoes Instant mashed potatoes Cranberry sauce 46 oz canned fruit juices Box Cereal Powdered milk Dessert (such as instant pudding, cake mixes, or boxed cookies) Please don’t feel that you must purchase all items listed. Just pick up whatever you can and together we will fill these Christmas baskets! You may leave your donations in the food chest in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall any time thru Dec. 18th. The Social Ministry Committee hopes to receive enough monetary gifts to purchase a ham for each family. Nov. 2 is All Saints’ Sunday Today there is joy in heaven as we lift our voices with all of the saints in praise of the God who is quick to comfort, strong to save, full of mercy, and abounding in steadfast love. Sunday, November 2 is All Saints’ Sunday. We will remember those members and friends who have departed this life since the previous All Saints’ Sunday. There will be a special Memorial Service at the 8:15, 9:38 and 11:00 service naming and remembering those who have been transferred to the Church Triumphant. We hope it will be possible for you to be present at one of these services. Harold Spoonhoward Lora Buelow Robin King Anne Oakley Chet Petri Irene Cassey John Matchulat Jack Kleinfeller Patti Friedman Margie Dow Dick Biegger Ben Eisenberger Jack Hammett Alice Martinsen They are before the throne of God, and worship Him day and night within His temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them. They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any scorching heat; for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and He will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Revelation 7:15-17 Dear Fellow OSLC Members; What we are writing about is important as it provides the lifeblood of OSLC's ministry in the Sandhills. Your 2015 Financial Commitment Card is in your mailbox. We have sent you two communications detailing our need to increase stewardship to meet not only the 2014 actual budget but the 2015 Budget as well. We have held the line in 2015 to less than a 1% increase over the 2014 budget, this action amounts to basically a nogrowth budget. We asked you to help us balance the Budget in 2014 by giving to the 13th Month Appeal. To meet the budget in 2015 we ask that you increase your monthly giving by the amount of one additional month that you can spread across the year. Our church family needs to do this whether you sign a Commitment Card or give an unspecified amount during the month. If you have not been signing a commitment card in previous years (only half of us have been doing so), we are strongly requesting that you do so for 2015. We need this information to budget appropriately. We ask that you give prayerful consideration to our request. Please call either of us should you have any questions or need more information. Sincerely, Tom Adams, Finance & Stewardship Team Leader 910-725-1855 Karyn Molnar, Treasurer, 910-215-5946 Manage Your Offerings Online Annual Meeting and Dinner Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014—4:00 PM The agenda for the Annual Meeting will include: 1. Vote on 2015 spending plan 2. Elect members to the Congregation Council 3. Ratify the constitution changes approved Nov. 17, 2013 All members are encouraged to attend the meeting and stay for Sunday Night Live dinner! Set up and manage recurring donations Make one-time contributions View your online giving history Get started today! It’s a new way to automate your giving to Our Saviour. Check out the link in the Giving Back area on our church’s website ( for your opportunity to make donations to Our Saviour. Stop by my office during the week for a demonstration or call for assistance, 910-692-2662x703. Debbie Schumm, Financial Manager 4:00-5:30 PM Youth Groups Little Disciples (K-5th grade) Jr. Youth (6th-8th grade) Sr. Youth (9th-12th grade) Adult Forum with Pastor Todd Topic: An in depth look at the Gospels 5:30-6:00 PM Dinner for Everyone Join us in the Fellowship Hall for Dinner! Join us each Sunday night for a blowout with youth groups, dinner, and faith formation opportunities for everyone! 6:00-7:00 PM Adventures in Faith Christian Education Opportunities for all ages! Kitchen Helpers Needed Helpers are needed for Sunday Night Live (SNL) dinners. In order to assure that the same people are not always in the kitchen, we really need more people to volunteer! No cooking will be necessary, just set-up and/or clean-up. Come at 4:30 to help set up; clean up will begin after dinner, around 6pm. Thank you to those of you who have been working very hard over the past 2 months! There is a sign-up sheet on Nicole’s door or email Nicole at [email protected]. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse We’d love to have your used printer ink cartridges. We turn them in to Staples and get coupons we use to purchase office supplies. Please remember to bring your used printer cartridges to church with you. It keeps them out of the landfill and helps us realize savings! There is a collection box under the member mailboxes. We also have collection boxes for cell phones, eyeglasses and hearing aids. Funds benefit programs of the North Carolina Zoo, a primary school in Uganda and the visually and hearing impaired through programs of the North Carolina Lions Club. Our Sunday bulletins are designed for seasonal use so they can be reused for several weeks. You are welcome to take your entire bulletin home with you to keep or to share with family friends ro neighbors. Please invite them to come with you next time! Or you may leave it in the baskets provided in the narthex to be reused and eventually recycled. Each Sunday you’re always encouraged to take home and use all of the inserts provided: Taking Faith Home and The Links—which includes worship notes, a calendar, news about upcoming events and our current prayer ministry. “Giving Thanks” Preaching Series Advent Preaching Series Pastor Todd will begin a special three week preaching series called Giving Thanks on Sunday Nov. 9. Come and see what God has to say about being thankful! As we wander through the hustle and bustle of this season, we will also have a special Advent preaching series called Wilderness Living. Advent is a time to prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to prepare for the celebration of his birth at Christmas. Together we will prepare the way of the Lord! Nov. 9 Thanks for Being Ready Matthew 25:1-13 Nov. 16 Thanks for Sharing Your Gifts Matthew 25:14-30 Nov 23 Thanks for Caring for Jesus Matthew 25:31-46 O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 Thanksgiving Eve Noon Service And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 Begin your family Thanksgiving holiday with worship and thanks to God! Make plans now to be come Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 12 noon. Parish Register Change Lois McCarthy transfer to St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Hickory, NC Address Change Ruth Hauge (as of Nov. 3) 2820 Jane Street LaCrosse, WI 54601 Attention Thrivent Members…Vote November is Election Month for Thrivent members. Voting Day to elect the Pines Chapter Leadership Board for 2015 will take place on Sunday, Nov. 9th at the Welcome Center, both before and after all three worship services. Ballots have also been mailed and emailed to the Pines Chapter membership. You may mark your ballot and place it in my mailbox anytime before Nov. 30th. Debbie Schumm, Pines Chapter President Dec. 7 Stay Awake Mark 1:1-8 Dec. 14 Prepare for Jesus John 1:6-8, 19-28 Dec 21 Point to Jesus Luke 1:26-38 Nov. 30—Fifth Sunday—One Service We will have one worship service on Nov. 30 at 10:00 AM. Plan to stay after worship on this First Sunday of Advent and help us decorate the church for Christmas. Bless this marriage, O God Jason Cooksey and Stephanie Carter were united in Holy Matrimony on Oct. 18. Thank you , God, for the love you implanted in their hearts. Bless this marriage with peace, happiness, understanding and forgiveness. Increase their faith and trust in You. What’s your Email address? Are you getting electronic communications from us? Each week we send out a Weekend Update to let you know what is happening that coming weekend. We also send out our monthly newsletter The Pines via email. Check out our websites: Please make sure we have your email address. Jot it down on your Welcome Card when you are here Sunday morning or send it to: [email protected] We will deliver approximately 15 quilts to a Lutheran church in Raleigh the beginning of November. These quilts will go to Lutheran World Relief in Windsor, Maryland where they are then dispersed to: Angola, Armenia, Jordonrefuges, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Kenya, Yemen and Tanzania to name a few. These quilts can be used for covering or as a baby carrier, a shawl, a market display spread on the ground and for sunshade. The quilts are made by our group called Sew Special. We meet on the second Monday of each month. The next meeting is Nov 10 at 9:00 AM. We are in need of people to cut fabric so we can make more quilts for LWR. Only an hour of your time is needed for this worthwhile project. We have all the equipment, we just need you! Call Sandy Zimmer at 673-6084 with questions. Habitat Meals Another project of the WELCA Women is to provide meals for the workers at Habitat for Humanity during the month of October. We have been doing this for 20 years. Thank you to Ruth Circle, Deborah Circle, the Property Committee and the Social Ministry Committee for providing lunches. Thank you one and all! Women’s Salad Supper —October 21 Poinsettias & Alternative Gifts It’s time to think about ordering poinsettias to adorn the sanctuary on Christmas Eve. As an alternative to ordering a poinsettia you may make a donation (for the same amount as the price of a poinsettia) to the Food Bank, Sandhills Branch. The Sandhills Branch of the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, located in Southern Pines, serves 4 counties in south central North Carolina. They are Lee, Moore, Richmond and Scotland counties. Last year over 5.1 million pounds of food was distributed to 100 agencies in those counties. In the counties served by the Sandhills branch, over 34,000 individuals are at risk of hunger: 12,000 are children and over 8% are 65 years and over. Orders will be accepted through December 7. All donations and memorials will be listed in a special pamphlet on Christmas Eve. You may send your order to the church office or place it in the offering plate on Sundays. Name: _______________________________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________________ Number of poinsettias: __________________________________ Alternative gift: ________________________________________ To the glory of God: _____________________________________ In Memory of: _________________________________________ In Honor of: ___________________________________________ Total Amount of Order $_____________ Env. No.________ Check No. ____________ Payment must accompany order! Please make your check payable to Our Saviour Lutheran Church for $11.00 per order. On your check note “poinsettia” or “alternative gift”. Gather your family and friends and come worship with us Christmas Eve! Majestic carols, quiet moments and beautiful candlelight will mark this very special evening as we celebrate our Savior’s birth with the reading of Scripture and Holy Communion. 4:00 PM Family Service (Fellowship Hall) 8:00 PM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) Worship Assistants THE PINES — November 2014 Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1517 Luther Way Southern Pines NC 28387 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED _______________________________ ________________________________ Church Office: Fax: Email Address: W eb s i t e : Our Ministers: Pastor: 910-692-2662 910-692-5589 [email protected] w w w. o s l c s p . o r g EVERY MEMBER The Rev. Todd A. Rauscher ext. 705 [email protected] Pastor Emeritus: The Rev. Dr. David R. Keck, Sr. Church Administrator: Patty Peeples ext. 701 [email protected] Clerical Assistant: Trudy Blake ext. 702 [email protected] Dir Faith Ministries: Nicole Rauscher ext. 704 [email protected] Dir Music Ministries: Sophia Chandley ext. 706 [email protected] Financial Manager: Debbie Schumm ext. 703 [email protected] Custodian: Phillip Williams Nursery Attendants: Cindy Summers, Robin Robinson Agnes Rackl, Dori Kenn-Harrison Congregation Council President: Barbara Holderby Vice President: Jeff Masar Secretary: Tracy Metcalf Treasurer: Karyn Molnar Tom Adams Travis Alfrey Bobbie Barnes Peter Benson Dan Peterson Jay Pittard Larry Wilson David Yoder Ministry Teams Columbarium Education Endowment Evangelism Finance Hospitality Mutual Ministry Personnel Property Social Ministry Scholarship Stewardship Worship & Music Youth
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