Sample copy $17 per copy One-year subscription (institutional) $33 One-year subscription (individual) $28 Two-year subscription (institutional) $47 Two-year subscription (individual) $40 Three-year subscription (institutional) $61 Three-year subscription (individual) $54 The South Carolina Review The South Carolina Review The South Carolina Review Subscribe and Order Copies from our Web Site Vol. 47 No. 1 (Fall 2014) Center for Electronic and Digital Publishing 611 Strode Tower Box 340522 Clemson, SC 29634-0522 864-656-5399 Clemson Universit y Volume 47, Number 1 Fall 2014 The South Carolina Review, Volume 47, No. 1, Fall 2014 is published by Clemson University. © 2014 Clemson University. Fiction Editor: Keith Morris. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY Contributing Editors: DIGITAL PRESS Sterling Eisminger, Kimberly Manganelli, Angela Naimou, Catherine Paul, Rhondda Thomas, and Jillian Weise. Advisory Board: Susanna Ashton, Ray Barfield, Cameron Bushnell, Jonathan Field, G. William Koon, Michael LeMahieu, Dominic Mastroianni, Brian McGrath, John Morgenstern, Lee Morrissey, Angela Oberdan, John Pursley III, and Aga Skrodzka-Bates. Business Manager: Emily C. Clarke. n appreciation for sustaining support of our literary enterprise, the Editors acknowledge with gratitude the generous contributions to the SCR Friends fund by Wayne K. Chapman and Janet M. Manson; H. Morris Cox; Frank and Patricia Day; Jeanne Frank; Daniel Galvin; Margie and John Idol, Jr.; Steven Katz; Thomas E. Kennedy; Eleanor R. Lee; Rob Roy McGregor; Ronald Moran; Kathleen Nalley; Roger B. Rollin, Joseph A. Scotchie, and Peter Serchuk. The South Carolina Review Sample copy $17 per copy Editorial Correspondence: Subscribe and Order Copies from our Web Site Center for Electronic and Digital Publishing 611 Strode Tower Box 340522 Clemson, SC 29634-0522 864-656-5399 The Editor, The South Carolina Review Center for Electronic and Digital Publishing Clemson University, Strode Tower, Box 340522 Clemson, SC 29634-0522. Tel. (864) 656-3151; 656-5399. Fax (864) 656-1345. Subscriptions for Individuals: $28.00 (includes S&H) for one year; $40.00 for two years; $54.00 for three years: add an additional $5 per annum for subscribers outside the United States and Canada; $17.00 each for sample copies (includes S&H). The South Carolina Review is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, Humanities International Complete, Index to Periodical Fiction, and Book Review Index. SCR belongs to the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Content from SCR 37.1 onward is also available via ProQuest’s online database ( Entered as fourth-class mail at Clemson SC 29634-0522. The South Carolina Review is produced by the Center for Electronic and Digital Publishing and the Multimedia, Authoring, Teaching, and Research Facility at Clemson University using Microsoft® Word, Adobe® Photoshop CS6, and Adobe® InDesign CS6. The South Carolina Review is set in Adobe® Garamond Pro. Printed by Ricoh USA. A Special Number Three-year subscription (institutional) $61 Three-year subscription (individual) $54 Vol. 43, No. 1 (Fall 2010) Cover: Nikky Finney. Courtesy of the Photographer, Rachel Eliza Griffiths. Writing Modern Ireland Two-year subscription (institutional) $47 Two-year subscription (individual) $40 The South Carolina Review Charis Chapman, Chelsea Green, and Dustin Mosley. The South Carolina Review One-year subscription (institutional) $33 One-year subscription (individual) $28 Accounting Fiscal Analyst: Beverly Pressley Editorial Assistants: Writing Modern Ireland I Editor: Wayne Chapman. Edited by Catherine E. Paul Clemson University Volume 43, Number 1 Fall 2010 Special Offer W e're pleased to offer for sale, at the low discount price of $10 each (including mailing within the US), copies of the 282-page themed issue on Irish literature. The issue features work by Ronald Schuchard on Yeats, Michael Sidnell on Beckett, Jefferson Holdridge on a variety of authors, and Thomas Dillon Redshaw on the revival of the Cuala Press (illustrated), as well as translations from the Irish by Patrick Crotty, original poetry in English by contemporary Irish poets, and a host of significant scholarship and criticism by 18 additional international experts from the USA, UK, Belgium, France, and (of course) Ireland. Options to Preview the issue and either to Order a copy or to Subscribe to The South Carolina Review for one, two, ot three years (with a free copy of Writing Modern Ireland as a bonus) are available online at cudp%20home.htm. Subscription rates are listed on the back cover as well as on the SCR website. Credit cards are welcome. We'll be happy to assist by telephone, too. The numbers are listed on the masthead page (inside front cover). —WKC
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