CURRICULUM VITAE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Family name: First names: Date of Birth: Nationality: Civil Status: Rebours Céline Monique Odile June 06, 1973 French single, 1 child General Dr Céline Rebours is an experimental Marine biologist, specialized in Phycology. Her areas of expertise are on algal culture (microalgae and macroalgae) and uses of algae as fodder in marine hatcheries, nurseries and on-growing facilities for both invertebrates and fish. In the last 7 years, Rebours focuses her research on algae culture and uses of algae in environmentally friendly production systems for both aquaculture and agriculture. Rebours has a scientific interest to bridge the gaps between research and food production management. Education and employments In 1996, Rebours obtained a master in Master in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, opt.: Plant biochemistry (flow of energy and matter, signals and regulation). In parallel to her main university studies, she also specialized and obtained various University degrees in Oceanography and Marine Environments with specialties in coastal biology, phycology, valorization of aquatic plants and phytobenthos. Since 2005, she holds an interdisclipinary Ph.D. degree in Physiology, Organisms biology, populations and interactions from Caen Basse-Normandie University, France. The thesis was titled “Closed-cycle echiniculture: algae as food sources to improve the survival and growth rates of the larval and post-metamorphosic stages of Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck)”. Rebours showed in her thesis that a well-managed mass production of algae (micro and macroalgae) used as feed could contribute to increase the survival of Paracentrotus lividus from 20% to over 70%. Her intensive pilot scale study of sea urchin cultivation has contributed in the establishment of sea urchin hatcheries both in France and in Norway. In 2002, she moved to Norway and started to work as a production and research engineer for a commercial hatchery of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, where she could scale up the system developed during her PhD to a commercial scale. In 2005, Rebours initiated projects with the aim to develop the uses of algae in Norway as a tool for environmentally friendly production systems. She achieved important efforts to enlarge her Norwegian and International network in this field and to point out towards the regional actors the diverse array of uses of this widespread natural resource in the North of Norway. Within the objective to develop competence and skills to contribute in the process of raising the algae culture to an industrial level, she worked closely with the cod and blue mussels’ aquaculture through position in both R&D units and the industries. These investigations of the already established aquaculture were to define the availability for competence in Norway for longline cultivation techniques (blue mussels industry) and investigate the potential for developing products either to be used directly back in aquaculture or to use the algae in an integrated system to reduce negative environmental impacts of fish farming. In Bioforsk since 2007, she has developed an innovative R&D strategy adapted to the local problems. She also intended to produce / provide information that will assist in planning coastal management and that could be first stages towards a future sustainable development of the algae industry in Norway. She has been actively participating in developing the new research strategy for her department. In its new strategy for Northern Norway, Bioforsk Nord established a new section called then ”Bioproduction and Ecosystem in Northern Coastal Regions” in which the development of the plant production happens also towards coastal plants and their ecosystems. She then collaborated with different experts in Norway and abroad in order to initiate and perform integrated R&D projects on the uses of algae in agriculture (e.g. food additives, fertilizers, bioenergy) and aquaculture (e.g. IMTA), and on enlarging knowledge about the potential of the algae as a tool for an environmentally fish farming. She also contributed in several projects to explore the possibility for developing new feed ingredients by using algae as sources of molecules with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Geographical and project experience Rebours has participated in several EU projects as partners, WP coordinator and/or National coordinator (FAIR CT96-1623 BFN, INTERREGIIIB Northern Periphery Programme, INTERREGIVB NPP-ECOFISH; FP7-IRSES-IMTA; INTERREGIVB- CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 1 NETALGAE). She currently coordinates the activities in Norway related to the FP7-IDDREM ( She also participated in several national and regional projects as project leader, Wp´s leader and scientific adviser. Outside Europe, Rebours has substantial experience with working towards Asia (especially China) and Latin America (mostly with Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Argentina). She has also created the Latin American seaweed network that she coordinates since 2012. In the last 9 years, she has followed international professional trainings in China in International Business at the School of Economics and Business Administration from the Beijing Normal University, in Kelp culture, breeding technology and Aquatic food safety control at the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, and at the breeding seaweed company called Shandong Orient Ocean Science-technology Com, Ltd. She has also achieved a 3 months training period in Kelp culture and long-line technology at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (New Zealand). Management experience Her management competence is nowadays directed towards management of projects at trans-national, national and regional level as well as in establishing relation (links) with the authorities. Since 1998, Rebours has also supervised nine bachelors’ and nine masters’ students for their practises and thesis. She has taught and provided training to technical staff on a variety of subjects such as Marine biotechnology, sterile work, algae culture, sea urchin cultivation, mussels processing, project management, design of scientific experiment and scientific writing. During her time as a Managing director at NorAlgae and as quality leader at Vestfjord Mussels AS, she has gained experience in Business and Management such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading and coordinating the efforts of employees to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Other assignments Rebours is author or co-author in over 100 publications e.g. peer-reviewed, technical guidelines for the industry, oral or poster communications in national and international conferences). Since 2012, she published 7 per-reviewed articles, over 20 general publications to the industry, and held more than 10 lectures at international conferences. She has been invited speaker to conferences or expert meetings, e.g., MABFUEL 2013, CLABA, 2013; Seagriculture 2013, Atelier de travail du project NETALGAE 2012, dialogue-meetings with med Innovation Norway, and Royal Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs in 2011 and 2013. In 2014, she participates in the International Advisory Committee and organises a symposium entitled “Management, regulations and policies in the seaweed industry: practices and trends” at the 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology for 2014 in Sidney, Australia ( Since 2012, she is invited and assigned to evaluation missions in individual projects proposals (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research, NSERC, Canada), as well as referee duties in international scientific journals (Aquaculture, Journal of Applied Phycology). Rebours has experience in organizing international conferences (“Modeling of IMTA”, 2010; “Algae week”, 2012). She is designated expert in the international committee ISO TC234 (Aquaculture) and an elected member in the steering committee of International Society for Applied Phycology ( In August 2014, she as elected President elect of the International Society for Applied Phycology for the triennium 2014-2017 and will be constituted president from 2017 to 2020. Finally, she is a member in the International Advisory Committee for an FAO workshop entitled “Cultivation of Seaweeds in Latin America: strengthening academia and industry for species and market developments” that will be held in 2015. Awards 2010 Bioforsk national price for Innovation (2nd), “Production of cold water microalgae for fish and shellfish hatchery”. 2006 DnB NORs Innovation price for Nordland, Troms and Finmark (Finalist) Diploma for contributions to the knowledgebased economic development in Norway. 2001 Best Student Poster “Production of microalgae and macroalgae as aquaculture feeds: a new medium”. International Aquaculture Europe 2001 conference, Trondheim, Norway Key area qualifications: Project management at the regional, national and international level (mostly with Europe, China and Latin America) Coastal marine biology and phycology Plant physiology and biology, population and interactions Macroalgae and microalgae culture and uses as feed Aquaculture production primarily in hatchery Environmentally friendly production systems (e.g. Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture, organic farming) Management, regulations and policies in aquaculture and exploitation of natural seaweed resources Stakeholders analysis Statistical analysis of data Linkage between two sectors of food production: agriculture and aquaculture CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 2 Education Institution [Graduation date] Caen Basse-Normandie University, France, 2005 Paris VI University, France, 1997 Caen Basse-Normandie University, France, 1996 Paris VI University, France, 1996 Paris VI University, France, 1995 Caen Basse-Normandie University, France, 1995 Caen Basse-Normandie University, France, 1994 Degree(s) or Diploma(s) awarded Doctorat spec.: Physiology, organism biology, population, interactions D.E.A. in Oceanography and Marine Environments, spec.: Phycology Master in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, opt.: Plant biochemistry European Diploma in Valorisation of the environment of aquatic plants Socrates Diploma in Mediterranean phytobenthos University Diploma in Coastal biology, opt.: Algology Bachelor in Sciences, opt.: Natural sciences Special professional training 2013 Training in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with special focus on aquaculture system. Institute of Environmental sciences, University of Leiden, Netherland. Class hold at the Genoa University, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy. 5 days. 2012 Kelp culture, Long-line technology. Hosted at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand: 1 period of 3 months. 2006-2010 Kelp culture, breeding technology and Aquatic food safety control. Hosted at the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute and Shandong Orient Ocean Science-technology Com, Ltd, Qingdao, China: 4 visits for a total period of 3.5 months. 2006 Training in International Business in the school of Economics and Business Administration at the Beijing Normal University, China. 7 days. Other skills Languages: French (native language), English (Fluent), daily Norwegian (Bokmål), basic Chinese (1 year) Security: Training in Hygiene and security in laboratory, C.F.P.S. : First Aid qualification, VWR seminar on safety in laboratory (02/04/2014) Informatics Technology. Proficiency in main programs of MS Office (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint), statistics (e.g. Statistica, minitab), image processing (e.g. Cell^P, Pegasus Pro, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoShop) Scuba Diving: C.M.A.S. Diver 3 stars & instructor one star. Professional Experiences 2007 - Present: Researcher and project leader at Bioforsk Nord Bodø • Development of the research strategy related to Algae culture and uses • Design and plan of the new research premises (Biotechnology laboratory & algae culture hall) • Establishment of a broad national and international network (R&D, industry, decisions markers) • Organization of international conferences, seminars and workshops • Supervisions of seven bachelor students, training of technical staff • Preparation, organization, participation and reporting in research projects at the European, National and Regional levels Participation in 4 EU projects: “IDREEM: Increasing Industrial Resource Efficiency in European Mariculture”. FP7-ENV.2012.6.3-1 Innovative resource efficient technologies, processes and services. National coordinator. “IRC-IMTA: An international Research Consortium for promoting and developing Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture”. FP7IRSES grant, Marie Curie Program. National coordinator. “NETALGAE: Inter-regional network to promote sustainable development in the marine algal industry”. Marine Area Transnational Programme. National coordinator. “ECOFISH: Organic fish production through sustainable and environmentally friendly fish farming in Northern areas”. InterregIII B Northern periphery Program. Partner, Bioforsk coordinator. Participation in 3 National and 2 Regional projects: “EU Nettverk Nordland” PES2020 (NFR). Partner. “AquaClimate: Aquaculture, Climate Change, and Knowledge: Adaptation and Innovation” RFF - Regionale forskningsfond Partner & WP leader CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 3 “Monitoring and control of marine pool ecosystem: a step toward organic farming. Part I and II”. Mabit program (NFR) and Lofitorsk holding (Lofilab AS). Project co-leader. “NATVIT: Natural sources of antioxidants - a necessity for animal health and welfare and product quality in organic livestock production”. MAT program (NFR). Partner. “ALGEBAKT: Natural sources of antibacterial – a necessity for organic animal welfare and product quality”. Mabit program (NFR). Partner. Participation as intern expert in the following projects: “BioCO2: An integrated multidisciplinary project using solar energy for production of renewable hydrogen combined with CO 2 capture, to address global warming and energy production’; “Steigen / Statoil Project: Biogas and algae in Nord Salten (Norway)”. 2013 - 2014: French teacher, Folkeuniversitetet Nordland avd. Bodø (Adult Education Association, Norway) Evening class for adults, 2 hours per week. 2013: Lecturer, University of Tromsø (Norway) BIO-3610-Industrial Biotechnology: Macroalgae in biotechnological applications. Master students 2006-2011: Founder and Managing director, NorAlgae As (Norway) Hiring and managing employees, budgeting, marketing, periodic reports following tax and employment laws. Research, engineering and consulting in aquaculture including algae production and coastal management using mostly geographical information systems (GIS). 2006 (6 months): Research Assistant, University of Nordland (Norway) Cod biology: Installation and testing of a Rotifer production system Aquatic Eco-systems Inc.. First feed production in batch and bioreactors (algae-rotifers). Sperm cell collection and preparation for histological study, sperm cells and epithelium measurements for further modelling. Supervisions of practical training and thesis of two bachelor students and one master student. Research Financial support: INTERREG IIIB Northern Periphery Programme (NorthCod project: ) 2006 (6 months): Quality leader, Vestfjord Mussels AS (Norway) Control quality of the product, personnel management and training, part-time production leader, manager´s substitute during holiday’s period. 2004-2006: NORALGAE Project leader Investigation on the possibilities of establishing of a specialist algae production enterprise in Nordland (Norway). Finalist for the DnB NORs Innovation price 2006. Participation in the Promar project: Elaboration of a Bioreactor for the production of astaxanthin from microalgae (2 weeks). Installation of two laboratories for the production of microalgae at the University of Nordland (Norway). Research financial support: Innovation Norway (INN), MABIT 2002-2005: Production and Research engineer, Bodø Kråkebolleklekkeri As and University of Nordland (Norway) Development of new production processes for Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Elaboration of the production processes for algae and sea urchins (larvae, juveniles, broodstock). Isolation and culture of microalgae and seaweeds. Supervision of one master student. Training of technical staff at echinoderm aquaculture and algal cultures techniques. 1999-2001: Part-time lecturer, Caen Basse-Normandie University (France) Lecture in plant cellular biology (24 hours) at the Biological Engineering Department at the University Institute of Technology. Lecture in plant biology (60 hours) and population genetics (58 hours) at the Life Sciences University Department. 1997-2000: PhD student and Researcher at the Marine Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Caen Basse-Normandie University (France) Study of the impact of the diet on the growth and survival of juvenile sea urchins reared in closed-cycle. Culture of microalgae (diatoms) and seaweeds. Biochemical analysis of the algae composition. Development of pilot-scale production systems for sea urchins and algae (microalgae and macroalgae). Supervision of five master’ students. International cooperation (Norway, Belgium, France). CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 4 Employee at AURA-PHENIX, Caen (France). Research financial support: Regional Council of Basse-Normandie (France) and EU (contract Fair-CT96-1623BFN) 1996-1997: Research assistant, the Marine Biology and Biotechnology Laboratory, Caen Basse-Normandie University (France) Elaboration of new algal culture techniques and fodder based on algae. Study of the ecophysiology and biochemistry of carrageenan from Rhodophyta. Voluntary work. 1995-1994(2 months): Technician, the Intracellular Transport Laboratory ITL-CNRS-URA 203 (France) Development of a new immune-serum for detection of plant glycoproteins in commercial food labelled as of animal origin. Quality control of animal foods. Voluntary work. Other assignments Elected employees representative 2008-present: Elected local deputy for the Norwegian Association of Researchers – NAR (Forskerforbundet) 2014-2016: Elected local safety employee representative for Environment, Health and Safety - EHS (Helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeidet HMS) Referee/reviewer Referee in international peer-reviewed scientific journal (Aquaculture, Journal of Applied Phycology) Reviewer for Grant application (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research, NSERC, Canada). Member in International Scientific Committee Designated Norwegian expert in the international committee ISO TC234 (Aquaculture) for standards on the "Calculation of FIFO (fish in fish out) and FCR (feed conversion ratio)" and “minimum requirements for the certification of products from sustainable marine fishery”. President elect of the International Society for Applied Phycology for the triennium 2014-2017 and will be constituted president from 2017 to 2020. Contact person for website ( and member of the International Advisory Committee for ISAP2014 congress. Promoter and Coordinator of the Norwegian Latin American Seaweed Network (LATIN SEAWEED NETWORK). The LATIN SEAWEED network is a platform to encourage cooperation amongst the seaweed stakeholders across Latin America and Europe in order to support the development of the seaweed sector. Member in the International Advisory Committee for an FAO workshop entitled “Cultivation of Seaweeds in Latin America: strengthening academia and industry for species and market developments” that will be hold in 2015. The aim of this workshop will be to encourage effective contributions between academia and industry acting in the Atlantic region in all aspects related to seaweed production, research, ecosystem services, management of artisanal and small-scale aquaculture, traditional and alternative market and economics. Teaching/Training Annual organisation and participation to the research day (Forksningsdagen) either in Bodø or in Oslo: 3&theater Since February 2013: French Teacher at the Folkeuniversitetet Nordland avd. Bodø (Adult Education Association, Norway) October 2013. Lecturer at the University of Tromsø (Norway), BIO-3610: Macroalgae in biotechnological applications. 2005-2007: Project leader: Handcrafted Norwegian Card (Kvinnemillionen støtte, Nordland Fylkeskommune). This project aimed to develop a network between foreign and Norwegian women to improve integration and to promote the practice of a hobby using elements extracted from the Norwegian coastal line especially seaweed. 1997-present: supervisions of students´ practises and thesis (9 at master level and 9 at bachelor level). The practices were most of the time confidential as achieved in collaboration with the food, cosmetics or aquaculture industries. Below some examples of thesis publically available: Robin J.B., 2007. Mise en place d une unite de production en semi continu de rotiferes (Brachionus plicatilis). Confidential, Master thesis, Caen Basse-Normandie University (France). 49+xii p. Louis J., 2010. Cod hatchery: variation of zooplankton population in a marine pool. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at the University of Burgundy (France), 20p. Cocagne M., 2010. Keys to control a marine pool ecosystem: Identify and measure biological and physic-chemical indicators. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at the University of Burgundy (France), 20p. Pelletier P.Y., 2010. Monitoring a marine pool ecosystem: measurement of the physical and chemical parameters with CTD (Conductivity Temperature and Depth) instrument. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at the University of Burgundy (France), 20p. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 5 Di Sotto E., 2010. Northern Norwegian macroalgae with high antioxidant content. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at the University of Burgundy (France), 20p.-confidential contentMillet R., 2009. Installation of a culture room for the microalgae and study of the influence of the concentration of nitrate on the growth of Nannochloropsis oculata. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at theUniversity of Burgundy (France), 20p. Ioan B., 2009. Sample, measure and identify the biology and chemistry in marine pool ecosystem. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at the University of Burgundy (France), 21p. Bergeron F.-X. , 2009. Measure and identify the biology (zooplankton, phytoplankton) and chemistry in the marine pool to have the keys for control the pool ecosystem. Bachelor assignment, Biological Engineering Department at the University of Burgundy (France), 20p. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 6 Publications PEER-REVIEW PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS 1. Alexander, K., Potts, T.P., Freeman, S., Israel, D., Johansen, J., Kletou, D., Meland, M., Pecorino, D., Rebours, C., Shorten, M., Angel, D.L., 2015. The implications of Aquaculture Policy and Regulation for the Development of Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture in Europe. Aquaculture. ISSN: 0044-8486; Impact Factor 2.009; 5-year Impact factor 2.624 2. Loureiro R., Gachon C.M.M., Rebours C., 2015. Promises and challenges of seaweed domestication at an unprecedented pace. New Phytologist. (2015) 206: 489–492 Impact Factor 6.545, ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2013: 9/196 (Plant Sciences) 3. Vatsos I., Rebours C., 2014. Use of seaweed extracts as antimicrobial agents in aquaculture. Journal of Applied Phycology. ISSN 0921-8971 Impact Factor 2.326; 5-year Impact factor 2.497 4. Rebours C., Marinho-Soriano E., Zertuche-González J.A., Hayashi L., Vásquez J.A., Kradolfer P., Soriano G., Ugarte R., Abreu M.H., Bay-Larsen I., Hovelsrud G., Rødven R., Robledo D. 2014. Seaweeds: an opportunity for wealth and sustainable livelihood for Latin America. Journal of Applied Phycology, Open Access ( and completed journal issue Volume 26, Issue 5 (2014), Page 1939-1951. DOI 10.1007/s10811-014-0304-8. ISSN: 0921-8971; Impact Factor 2.326; 5-year Impact factor 2.497 5. Rebours, C., Ottesen, O.H. 2013 Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Animal Reproduction Science 139 (1-4), pp. 155-161; DOI:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2013.03.017; ISSN: 0378-4320; Impact factor 1.897; 5-year Impact factor 1.943 6. Skjånes, K., Rebours, C., Lindblad, P. 2013 Potential for green microalgae to produce hydrogen, pharmaceuticals and other high value products in a combined process. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 33 (2), pp. 172-215; (Open Access) DOI:10.3109/07388551.2012.681625; ISSN: 07388551; Impact factor 5.095; 5-year Impact factor 5.966 7. D'Arcy, J., Dunaevskaya, E., Treasurer, J.W., Ottesen, O., Maguire, J., Zhuravleva, N., Karlsen, A., Rebours C., Fitzgerald, R.D. 2012 Embryonic development in ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta. Journal of Fish Biology 81 (3), pp. 1101-1110; DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2012.03337.x; ISSN: 0022-1112; Impact factor 1.834; 5-year Impact factor 1.836 OTHER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS GENERAL PUBLICATIONS TO THE INDUSTRY 1. Rebours, C., Hayashi, L., Marinho-Soriano, E., Vasquez, J.A., Robledo, D., Kradolpher, P., Soriano, G., Ugarte, R., Abreu, M.A., Hovelsrud, G., Bay-Larsen, I., Rødven, R., Zertuche-Gonzalez, J.A. 2014 The Norwegian Latin American Seaweed Network-LATIN SEAWEED network. Bioforsk Fokus 09(2): 130. 2. Rebours, C., Friis Pedersen, S., Øvsthus, I., Roleda, M.Y 2014 Seaweed a resource for organic farming. Bioforsk Fokus 09(2): 131. 3. Roleda, M.Y., Herrero, M., Rebours, C., Lysøe, E., Bruckner, C., Meland, M., Wiken Dees, M., Blystad, D.R., Borgvang, S.A., Karlsen, Å., Hermansen, A., Novoa-Garrido, M., 2014 Seaweed diseases unknown threats to the Norwegian seaweed industry. Bioforsk Fokus 09(2). 4. Friis Pedersen, S., Meland, M., Rebours, C. 2013 Macroalgae for an increasing organic market. Bioforsk Fokus 8(2):337338. 5. Almvik, M., Liu Clarke, J., Haug, L., Herrero, M., Karlsen, Å., Løes, A.-K., van Leeuwen, G., Novoa-Garrido, M., Friis Pedersen, S., Rebours, C., Gangenes Skar, S.-L., Skjånes, K., Svalheim, Ø., Uhlig, C., Vangdal, C. 2013. Blågrønn integrering. Bioforsk Fokus, 8(2):334-336. 6. Novoa-Garrido, M., Bruckner, C., Rebours, C., Meland, M., Karlsen, Å. 2013. Dyrkning og bruk av alger til næringsformål Pågående aktivitet i Bioforsk Nord Bodø. Bioforsk Fokus 8(2):364-365. 7. Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. The Norwegian Seaweed Industry, Workpackage 1&2. November 2012. AGROCAMPUS ed.11p. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 7 8. Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Lesueur M., Mesnildrey L., Spinec F., Folliard G., Pien S., Rebours C., Meland M., Gallastegi I., Inunziaga Urizarbarrena A., Marques A., Atack T., Dunningham J., Maguire J., Abreu H., Walsh M., 2012. Seaweed industry in Europe. An output of the Netalgae project - Interreg IVB, AGROCAMPUS ed. 12 p. 9. Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Lesueur M., Mesnildrey L., Spinec F., Folliard G., Pien S., Rebours C., Meland M., Gallastegi I., Inunziaga Urizarbarrena A., Marques A., Atack T., Dunningham J., Maguire J., Abreu H., Walsh M., 2012. Overview of the seaweed industry by country : Ireland, France, Norway, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom. An output of the Netalgae project Interreg IVB, AGROCAMPUS ed. 8 p. 10. Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Lesueur M., Mesnildrey L., Spinec F., Folliard G., Pien S., Rebours C., Meland M., Gallastegi I., Inunziaga Urizarbarrena A., Marques A., Atack T., Dunningham J., Maguire J., Abreu H., Walsh M., 2012. Seaweed industry in Europe: a guide to better practice. An output of the Netalgae project - Interreg IVB, AGROCAMPUS ed. 8 p. 11. Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Rebours C., Maguire J., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 01: Broodstock. AQUATT ed., 4p. 12. Fitzgerald R., Treasurer J., Rebours C., Maguire J., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 02: Egg Production. AQUATT ed., 4p. 13. Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Rebours C., Maguire J., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 03: Larval Rearing. AQUATT ed., 4p. 14. Rebours C., Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Maguire R., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 04: Microalgae Production Technology in Ballan Wrasse Hatcheries. AQUATT ed., 4p. 15. Fitzgerald R., Treasurer J., Rebours C., Maguire J., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 05: Rearing of Juvenile Wrasse. AQUATT ed., 4p. 16. Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Rebours C., Maguire J., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 06: The Health of Farmed Wrasse. AQUATT ed., 4p. 17. Maguire J., Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Rebours C., Ottesen O.H., 2012. ECOFISH ballan wrasse project: Technical leaflet 07: Farm Application of Wrasse. AQUATT ed., 4p. 18. Ottesen O.H., Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Maguire J., Rebours C., 2012. EcoFish project: using wrasse as cleaner fish in salmon farming. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 15(2):24-25. 19. Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Lesueur M., Mesnildrey L., Spinec F., Folliard G., Pien S., Rebours C., Meland M., Gallastegi I., Inunziaga Urizarbarrena A., Marques A., Atack T., Dunningham J., Maguire J., Abreu H., Walsh M., 2012. Guide pour une meilleure Gestion de la filière des macro-algues en Europe. Project NETALGAE - Interreg IVB. 8 p. 20. Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Lesueur M., Mesnildrey L., Spinec F., Folliard G., Pien S., Rebours C., Meland M., Gallastegi I., Inunziaga Urizarbarrena A., Marques A., Atack T., Dunningham J., Maguire J., Abreu H., Walsh M., 2012. Présentation de la filière des macro-algues par pays : Norvège, France, Royaume-Uni, Espagne, Irlande, Portugal. Projet NETALGAE - Interreg IVB. 8 p. 21. Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Lesueur M., Mesnildrey L., Spinec F., Folliard G., Pien S., Rebours C., Meland M., Gallastegi I., Inunziaga Urizarbarrena A., Marques A., Atack T., Dunningham J., Maguire J., Abreu H., Walsh M., 2012. Etats des lieux de la filière des macro-algues en Europe. Projet NETALGAE - Interreg IVB. 12 p. 22. Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. Introduction to the management and regulation of Norwegian seaweed industry. Bioforsk Fokus 7(2): 275-277. 23. Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. Short description of the Norwegian seaweed industry. Bioforsk Fokus 7(2): 278-279. 24. Meland M., Rebours C. 2011. Ønsker bærekraftig algeproduksjon. Fiskeoppdrett, 8:84-85. 25. Ottesen O.H., Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Maguire J., Rebours C., Zhuravleva N., 2008. Ballan Wrasse Offer Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Sea Lice Control. Global Aquaculture Advocate, 11(6):44-45. GENERAL PUBLICATION ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE OG IN NEWSPAPERS 26. Bay-Larsen I., Hovelsrud G., Rebours C., Bærekraftig utvikling av havbruk. Avisa Nordland 2013. 27. Bay-Larsen I., Hovelsrud G., Rebours C., Bærekraftig utvikling av havbruk. Intrafish, Kronikk 01.Okt. 2013. 28. Ottesen O., Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., D´Arcy J., Maguire J., O´Neill, Rebours C., Dunavyeska, 2011. Rearing Ballan Wrasse for sea lice control. Fish Farmer November/December 2011. Available from URL: 29. Meland M., Rebours C. 2011. Ønsker bærekraftig algeproduksjon. Available from URL: 30. Rebours C., Novoa-Garrido M. 2009. Antimicrobial Activity of Algae as Solution for Sustainable Fish Farming - A Mini Review. September 2009. Available from URL: 31. Rebours C., Karlsen Å., 2008. Økologisk torskeoppdrett i Lofoten. Intranet article: 32. Several articles on REPORTS 33. Pecorino D, Chiantore M., Costa S., Povero P., Massa F., Fanciulli L., Cò R., CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 8 Meland M., Rebours C., Johansen J., Brunner L., Hughes A., Speirs W., Atack T., Treasurer J., Sánchez M., Gunning D., Maguire J., Shorten M., Kletou D., Loucaides A., Polykarpou P., Israel D., Goldan O., Angel D. (2014) Report for each SME produces – Characterizing the biological and physical parameters. Deliverable 2.1 of the IDREEM project (FP7/2007-2013), 87 pp. 34. Rebours C., Meland M., Johansen J., Jørgensen J. & Eilertsen R.A., 2013. FP7-IDREEM project Milestone 18. Part II: gaps identification and samplings methods for establishment of a future IMTA design at the Oldervika salmon farm (Nordland, Norway). Bioforsk RAPPORT (in progress). 35. Rebours C., Meland M., Johansen J., Jørgensen J. &, Eilertsen R.A., 2013. FP7-IDREEM project Deliverable 5.1. Detailed plan and description of the future IMTA system at Oldervika site (Nordland, Norway). Bioforsk RAPPORT: 8 (93) 2013. ISBN: 978-82-17-01115-6 36. Meland M., Johansen J., Jørgensen J. & Rebours C., 2013. FP7-IDREEM project Milestone 18. Part I: Review of the production parameters at the Oldervika salmon farm (Nordland, Norway). Bioforsk RAPPORT: 8 (74) 2013. ISBN: 978-8217-01095-1 37. Stévant P., Meland M., Schipper J., Rebours C., 2012. CONFIDENTIAL REPORT: seaweed culture techniques training at Hortimare AS. Bioforsk rapport vol. 7 Nr 136. 38. Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. The Norwegian Seaweed Industry, Workpackage 1&2. November 2012. AGROCAMPUS ed.11p. 39. Ottesen O.H., Treasurer J., Fitzgerald R., Maguire J., Rebours C., Karlsen, 2012. Ecofish final report INTERREG programme, 14p. 40. Rebours C., Øvsthus I., Karlsen Å. 2011. Monitoring and control of marine pool ecosystem: a step toward organic cod farming (project AF0037). Final report MABIT programme. 8p. 41. Ingunn Øvsthus, Rebours C., 2011. Mineralization in seawater: Decomposition of organic materials and regeneration/ mineralization of nutrients. Bioforsk rapport, 4p. 42. Novoa Garrido M., Rebours C., 2011. Undersøkelse av nord norsk makroalge arter for antibakteriell aktivitet på tarm indikator bakterier hos landdyr og fisk (BS0035). Final report for MABIT programme. 16p. 43. Meland M., Rebours C., 2010. Report on the seaweed industry in Norway WP1. NETALGAE Project. Bioforsk report, 45p. 44. Karlsen Å., Øvsthus I., Rebours C., Uhlig C. 2009. Biogass og alger. Miljøvennlige synergieffekter mellom aquatiske og terrestiske produksjonssystemer i Nord Salten. Bioforsk Rapport 4 (139). 45. Jangoux M., Grosjean P., Vaïtilingon D., Cam C., Cosson J., Billard C., Bucaille D., Ouin J.M., Rebours C., Hagen N.T., Solsberg C., Ludvigsen H.H. (2000) Biology of sea urchins under intensive cultivation (enclosed cycle echiniculture). Final Report of EEC contract FAIR-CT96-1623 BFN from 01/12/1996 to 01/03/2000, 163p. 46. Rebours C., Billard B. & Cosson J. (2000) Biology of sea urchins under intensive cultivation (enclosed cycle echiniculture). Third Individual Progress Report of EEC contract FAIR-CT96-1623 BFN from 01/12/1998 to 01/03/2000, 15p. 47. Rebours C., Billard B. & Cosson J. (1999) Biology of sea urchins under intensive cultivation (enclosed cycle echiniculture). Second Individual Progress Report of EEC contract FAIR-CT96-1623 BFN from 01/12/1997 to 01/12/1999, 10p. 48. Rebours C., Billard B., Rusig A.M., Véron B. & Cosson J. (1998) Biology of sea urchins under intensive cultivation (closed cycle echiniculture): definition of an algal food for survival and optimal growth of young sea-urchins after metamorphosis. First Individual Progress Report of EEC contract FAIR-CT96-1623 BFN from 01/12/1996 to 01/12/1997, 10p. 49. Rebours C. (1997) Contribution à la mise au point d’aliments à base d’algues pour l’élevage des larves et des juvéniles d’oursins (development of algae-based food for larval and juvenile sea urchins). Rapport de D.E.A., Océanologie Biologique et Environnements Marins, Paris VI, 30p. 50. Rebours C. 1994. Cadrage de l immunoserum 179/123 sur differentes preparations commerciales de soja : Immunodetection de glycoproteines vegetales sur des produits alimentaires d´origine animales (customize the immune serum 179/123 for different commercial preparations of soya Immunodetection of plant glycoproteins on food of animal origin). Rapport de stage, Laboratoire des transports Intracellulaires, Université de Rouen, 24p. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS/LECTURES 51. Rebours C., Meland M., Johansen J., 2015. IDREEM: Increasing industrial resource efficiency in European mariculture. Sats Marint Conference, 04-05 February 2015, Bergen, Norway 52. Rebours C., Marinho-Soriano E., Zertuche-González J.A., Hayashi L., Vásquez J.A., Kradolfer P., Soriano G., Ugarte R., Abreu M.H., Bay-Larsen I., Hovelsrud G., Rødven R., Robledo D. 2014. Seaweeds: an opportunity for wealth and sustainable livelihood for Latin America. X congreso de Ficologia de Latinoamerica y El Caribe. VIII Reunion Iberoamericana de Ficologia, 5-10 October 2014, Metepec, Mexico. 53. Rebours C, 2014. Past and current uses of seaweed in Norway: Oldervika salmon farm an Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture case study. Intern workshop at Cinvestav-Merida, 01 October 2014, Merida, Mexico. 54. Rebours C., Friis Pedersen S., Øvsthus I. 2014. Seaweed in organic farming: uses, effects and status in Nordic countries. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 9 55. Rebours C., Marinho-Soriano E., Zertuche-González J.A., Hayashi L., Vásquez J.A., Kradolfer P., Soriano G., Ugarte R., Abreu M.H. , Bay-Larsen I., Hovelsrud G., Rødven R., Robledo D. Seaweeds: an opportunity for wealth and sustainable livelihood for coastal communities. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. 56. M.Y. Roleda M.Y., Rebours C. 2014. Selective breeding in European seaweed industry: socio-economic, environmental and ethical implications. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. accepted 57. Rebours C., Meland M., Johansen J., Jørgensen R., Eilertsen R.A., 2014. Oldervika salmon farm: An Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture case study in North Norway. Sats Marint Conference, 12-13 February 2014, Bergen, Norway 58. Rebours C., Meland M., Abreu M.H., Bay-Larsen I., Hovelsrud G., Gachon C.M.M., Maguire J., 2013. Integrated actions for the development of the Macroalgae Sector in Europe. 2nd International seaweed conference, 25-26 September 2013, Den Helder, the Netherlands. 59. Novoa-Garrido, M. & Rebours, C. Effect of organic and inorganic extracts from arctic macroalgae on Enterococcus sp. and Escherichia coli strains isolated from Norwegian White Sheep. In: IT's 2nd Annual World Congress of Ocean-2013. Economy, Resources and Growth. Hangzhou, China 22-25 Sept., 2013: 344. 60. Rebours C., Skjånes K., Lindblad P., 2013. Green Microalgae: bioenergy and high value compounds in a combined process. MABFUEL WORKSHOP, 07th May 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. 61. Rebours C., Meland M., Frangoudes K., Jacob C., Mesnildrey L., Lesueur M., Pien S., Marques A., Jesus D., Santos R., Atack T., Dunningham J., Gallastegi I., Walsh M., Abreu M.H., Maguire J., 2013. Critical review of the European macroalgae industry. XXIst International Seaweed Symposium, 21-26 April 2013, Bali, Indonesia. 62. Abreu MH, Bouvet A, Bruhn A., Champenois J., Holdt S.L., Hughes A.D., Malta E-J., Pereira R., Rebours C., Schipper J., Soler-Vila A., 2013. New developments of IMTA in Europe: focusing on seaweed. XXIst International Seaweed Symposium, 21-26 April 2013, Bali, Indonesia. 63. Rebours C., Krogh Jensen S., Steinshamn H., 2013. Selenium and tocopherols in Northern Norwegian macroalgae. Nasjonal Økologisk Kongress, Trondheim, Norway. 64. Friis Pedersen S., Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. Seaweed for Organic Producers and Consumers – A Nordic Approach. NETALGAE final Project Conference Donostia- San Sebastian, Spain, 6th and 7th of November 2012 65. Rebours C., Meland M., 2012. Macroalgae industry and Management of resources in Norway. NETALGAE final Project Conference Donostia- San Sebastian, Spain, 6th and 7th of November 2012 66. Rebours C., Meland M., 2012. Organisation et gestion de la filière des algues en Norvège. Atelier de travail du project NETALGAE «la filière des macro-algues: état des lieux et perspectives», Brest, France. 67. Rebours C., Novoa-Garrido M., Treasurer J., 2012. Antibacterial effect of microalgae used as green water on fish pathogens Vibrio bacteria. 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology and 1st International Conference on Coastal Biotechnology, Adelaide, Australia. 68. Rebours C., Meland M., Bruckner C., 2012. IMTA status and algae culture. Integrated Aquaculture seminar, Bodø, Norway. 69. Rebours C., Meland M., 2012. Organic seaweed for animal and human food. Organic food and agriculture seminar, Oppdhal, Norway. 70. Rebours C., Meland M., Marques A., Mata L., Atack T., Gallastegi I., Lesueur M., Pien S., Walsh M., Maguire J., Frangoudes K. A., 2011. Comparative study of the seaweed industry between European Atlantic countries. 4th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Halifax, Canada. 71. Rebours C. 2011. Production of cold water microalgae for fish and shellfish hatcheries in Norway. Innovasjon Norge workshop «Nasjonalt samspill og ambisjonivå innen mikroalger», Tromsø, Norway. 72. Rebours C., Vang E., Karlsen Å., 2009. Sustainable cod farming: a North Norwegian case study. The 10th International Forum on Marine Science and Technology and Economic Development: International Symposium on Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture, China. 73. Novoa-Garrido M., Rebours C., 2010. Presentation of ALGEBAKT project – Antibacterial effect of arctic macroalgae species. 7th circumpolar Agricultural Conference (CAA). Alta, Norway. 74. Uhlig C., Øvsthus I., C. Rebours C., Karlsen Å.. 2010. The Steigen concept: A regional approach towards an integrated resource management. International conference on modelling Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture 2010, Bodø, Norway. 75. Rebours C., Meland M., Maguire J., 2010. Preliminary results in the project NETALGAE- Inter-regional network to promote sustainable development in the marine algal industry. International conference on modelling Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture 2010, Norway. 76. Rebours C. 2008. Makroalger til gjødsel, jordforbedring I økologisk produksjon. Bonder kurs 2008, Porsanger, Norway. 77. Rebours C., 2008. Algae for business development. Algesymposium 2008, Norway. 78. Rebours C., 2007. Seaweed in the North: new scopes for coastal farming. Landbruk i Barents 2007, Norway. 79. Rebours C., 2004. Algae: research, bank and aquaculture. Seminar: “smakebiter fra marin Forskning”, Bodø, Norway. 80. Rebours C., 2003. Algae as food in sea urchin aquaculture: from nutritional pilot scale study of young stages of Paracentrotus lividus to a commercial production of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Seminar: “smakebiter fra marin Forskning”, Bodø, Norway. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 10 81. Rebours C., Billard C. & Cosson J. (2001) Relationship between feeding and development in the juveniles of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. International Aquaculture Europe 2001 conference, Trondheim, Norway. 82. Rebours C., Billard C. & Cosson J. (2001) Relationship between feeding and development in the larvae of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. 6th European Conference on Echinoderms, Banyuls-sur-mer, France. 83. Rebours C., Billard C., Rusig A.M. & Cosson J. (1999) Effects of the composition of the algal ration on the development of young sea urchins. 8th International Conference on Applied Algology: Algae and human affairs in the 21th century, Montecatini, Italy. 84. Rebours C., Billard C. (1999) Optimization of the algal ration to develop the young sea urchins rearing: standardization of the algal culture and the larvae and juveniles obtention; selection of the most efficient algal species. Sea Urchin Cultivation Project of EEC contract FAIR-CT96-1623 BFN, Meeting, Bruxels, Belgium. POSTERS 85. Vatsos I., Rebours C. 2014. Seaweed extracts as antimicrobial agents in aquaculture. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. 86. Rebours C., Meland M., Critical review of the Norwegian macroalgae industry. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. 87. Rebours C., Hayashi L., Marinho-Soriano E., Vasquez J.A., Robledo D., Kradolpher P., Soriano G., Ugarte R., Abreu M.A., Hovelsrud G., Bay-Larsen I., Rødven R., Zertuche-Gonzalez J.A., 2014. The Latin seaweed Network. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. 88. Rebours C., Meland M., Johansen J., Jørgensen R., Eilertsen R.A. 2014. Increasing industrial resource efficiency in European mariculture. 5th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology, Sidney, Australia. 89. Rebours C., Hayashi L., Marinho-Soriano E., Vasquez J.A., Robledo D., Kradolpher P., Soriano G., Ugarte R., Abreu M.A., Hovelsrud G., Bay-Larsen I., Rødven R., Zertuche-Gonzalez J.A., 2014. The Norwegian Latin American Seaweed NetworkLATIN SEAWEED network. Bioforsk Conference 2013, Hamar, Norway. 90. Rebours C., Friis Pedersen S., Øvsthus I., Roleda M.Y, 2014. Seaweed a resource for organic farming. Bioforsk Conference 2013, Hamar, Norway. 91. Roleda M.Y., Herrero M., Rebours C., Lysøe E., Bruckner C., Meland M., Wiken Dees M., Blystad D.R., Borgvang S.A., Karlsen Å, Hermansen A., Novoa-GarridoM., 2014. Seaweed diseases unknown threats to the Norwegian seaweed industry. Bioforsk Conference 2013, Hamar, Norway. 92. Friis Pedersen S., Meland M., Rebours C., 2013. Macroalgae for an increasing organic market. Blågrønn integrering. Bioforsk Conference 2013, Hamar, Norway. 93. Almvik M., Liu Clarke J., Haug L., Herrero M., Karlsen Å., Løes A.-K., van Leeuwen G., Novoa-Garrido M., Friis Pedersen S., Rebours C., Gangenes Skar S.-L., Skjånes K., Svalheim Ø., Uhlig C., Vangdal C. 2013. Blågrønn integrering. Bioforsk Conference 2013, Hamar, Norway. 94. Novoa-Garrido M., Bruckner C., Rebours C., Meland M., Karlsen Å., 2013. Dyrkning og bruk av alger til næringsformål Pågående aktivitet i Bioforsk Nord Bodø. Bioforsk Conference 2013, Hamar, Norway. 95. Friis Pedersen S., Meland M., Rebours C., 2013. Makroalger til et voksende økologisk marked- et preliminært studie. Nasjonal Økologisk Kongress, Trondheim, Norway. 96. Rebours C., Krogh Jensen S., Steinshamn H., 2012. Preliminary results on the tocopherols content in Northern Norwegian macroalgae. 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology and 1st International Conference on Coastal Biotechnology, Adelaide, Australia. 97. Meland M., Rebours C., Barros H., Marques A., Atack T., Frangoudes K., Gallestegi I., Lesueur M., Pien S., Walsh M., Maguire J., 2012. NETALGAE: Inter-regional network to promote sustainable development in the marine macroalgal sector. Conference ALGER2012, Bodø, Norway. 98. Rebours C., 2012. Mariculture of Saccharina japonica in China. Conference ALGER2012, Bodø, Norway. 99. Rebours C., 2012. Antibacterial activity from seaweed: an alternative to antibiotics in animal production. Conference ALGER2012, Bodø, Norway. 100. Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. Introduction to the management and regulation of the Norwegian seaweed industry. Bioforsk Conference 2012, Oslo, Norway. 101. Meland M., Rebours C., 2012. Short description of the Norwegian seaweed industry. Bioforsk Conference 2012, Oslo, Norway. 102. Rebours C., 2011. Organisation and management of the organic aquaculture of cod in Norway. International Aquaculture Europe 2011 conference, Rhodos, Greece. 103. Meland M., Rebours C., 2011. Norwegian algae industry. Algesymposium 2011, Oslo, Norway. 104. M. Novoa-Garrido, Rebours C., Øvsthus I., Uhlig C., Karlsen Å., 2011. Bioforsk: From agronomy to innovative research in marine resources. Bioprosp 2011, Tromsø, Norway. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 11 105. Rebours C., Novoa-Garrido M. & Pang S.J., 2010. Antibacterial activity from seaweeds – a review. International Aquaculture Europe 2010 conference, Porto, Portugal. 106. D’Arcy J., Dunaevskaya E., Treasurer J., Ottesen O., Maguire J. , Zhuravleva N., Karlsen A., Rebours C., FitzGerald R.. 2010. Embryonic development in Ballan Wrasse Labrus bergylta. International Aquaculture Europe 2010 conference, Porto, Portugal. 107. D'Arcy J., Dunaevskaya E., Treasurer J.W., Ottesen O.,Fitzgerald R., Karlsen Å., Rebours C., Maguire J., Zhuravleva N. 2011. Embryonic development in ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta. Sats på torsk; 2011, Bergen, Norway. 108. Øvsthus I., Rebours C., 2010. Nitrogen mineralization of added organic materials in ponds. International conference on modeling Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture 2010, Norway. 109. Meland M., Rebours C., Amaro J., Frangoudes K., Gallestegi I., Konde I., Labaka J., Lesueur M., Pien S., Treasurer J., Walsh M., Maguire J., 2010. NETALGAE: Inter- regional network to promote sustainable development in the marine macroalgal sector. The International Workshop for Management of Marine Algal Resources, Brest, France. 110. Treasurer J., Ottesen O., Fitzgerald R., Maguire J., Zhuravleva N., Karlsen Å. and Rebours C., 2010. Ecofish: Sea lice control utilizing reared ballan wrasse (Labridae). Bioforsk conference 2010, Norway. 111. Rebours C., Novoa-Garrido M., 2009. Antimicrobial activity of algae as solution for sustainable fish farming – a mini review. International Aquaculture Europe 2009 conference, Trondheim, Norway. 112. Treasurer J., Ottesen OH, Fitzgerald R., Maguire J., Zhuravleva N., Rebours C., 2008. Sealice control utilising reared ballan wrasse (Labridae). Ecofish- NPP/EU. 7th International conference: Sea Lice 2008- 31st March and 1st April, 2008. Puerto Montt, Chile. 113. Rebours C., 2007. Mariculture of Laminaria in the world. Landbruk I Barents 2007, Tromsø, Norway. 114. Rebours C., Skreslet S., 2006. Microalgae as food source. Torskenettverks Konferanse “Sats på Torsk”, Tromsø, Norway. 115. Rebours C., Billard C. & Cosson J. (2001) Production of microalgae and macroalgae as aquaculture feeds: a new medium. International Aquaculture Europe 2001 conference, Trondheim, Norway, Poster awarded as the best Student Poster. CV CÉLINE REBOURS VERSION APRIL 2015 12 MASTER AND PHD. THESIS PhD. and master thesis of the University of Caen Section: Physiology, Organism biology, Population, Interactions 1997-2005 Subject: Closed-cycle echiniculture: algae as food sources to improve the survival and growth rates of the larval and postmetamorphosic stages of Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck). Jury: Supervisors: Host laboratories : Pr. Bruno De Reviers, Dr. Monique Guillou, Pr Jean-Marc Lebel Pr. J. Cosson, Pr C. Billard Laboratoire de Biologie et Biotechnologies Marines (L.B.B.M.) and Centre Régional d’Études Côtières (C.R.E.C.) at the University of Caen (France). Co-financing: European Community (European contract Fair-CT96-1623BFN), Regional Council of Basse-Normandie (France). Abstract: Increasing demand for sea urchin roe has led to a worldwide intensification of echiniculture, which has been experimented in France using a closed-cycle rearing method to produce the edible species Paracentrotus lividus. The survival and growth rate of the early post-metamorphic stage to metamorphosis may be limited by the food sources. Cultures of microand macroalgae were first optimised and standardised to produce a constant quality of suitable food either for larvae or early juveniles. Two different microalgae (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Chaetoceros calcitrans) were tested on the larval survival and metamorphosis competence. The mixture of these two diatoms is an efficient larval food to obtain early juveniles. Different algal regimes were tested on the early development of post-metamorphic sea urchins: microalgae incorporated into alginate beads, microscopic stages of various seaweeds, such as gametophytes of Laminaria digitata and Undaria pinnatifida, sporophytes of Porphyra sp. (Conchocelis). The brown alga, L. digitata, gave the best results in terms of survival and growth rates. Biochemical analyses indicated that a high ratio lipids/proteins positively affects the precocity to metamorphosis of the larvae and that a high ratio sugars/proteins gives good results in terms of juvenile survival and growth. This intensive pilot scale study of sea urchin cultivation in a closed cycle system has allowed an increase from 20% to over 70% in the survival of the cultivated P. lividus and has demonstrated possibility of mass production of algae as feedstocks. Keywords: Paracentrotus lividus, Larvae, Juvenile, Metamorphosis, Aquaculture, Algae, Artificial Food, Growth, Survival, Nutrition. Postgraduate Thesis of the University of Paris VI Section: Phycology 1997 Subject: Elaboration of algal food for the culture of the larval and juveniles stages of sea-urchins (Paracentrotus lividus) Supervisor: Pr. J. Cosson Host laboratories: Laboratoire de Biologie et Biotechnologies Marines (L.B.B.M.), University of Caen (France). Co-financing: European Community (European contract Fair-CT96-1623BFN), Regional Council of Basse-Normandie (France). 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