Leah (Larisa) Gheber
January, 2014
• Personal Details
Name: Leah (Larisa) Gheber
Marital Status: Married, three children
Date and place of birth: January 18, 1964, Ukraine
Date of immigration: August, 1974
Regular military service: 1982-1984
Address and telephone number at work:
Department of Chemistry, the Marcus Campus, 62/119, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel
Address and telephone number at home: Haruv 7 Omer, 84965, Israel
• Education
B.Sc. 1984-1987 Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, Chemistry, Cum Laude
M.Sc. 1987-1990 Biophysical Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BeerSheva, Israel. Summa Cum Laude. Adviser: Prof. Zvi Priel. Title of
thesis: The properties of the metachronal wave
Ph.D. 1990-1995 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. Biophysical
Chemistry. Adviser: Prof. Zvi Priel. Thesis title: Full characterization
of mucociliary activity in vitro
Post doctorate 1995 – 1999 Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Under the supervision of Prof. M.
Andrew Hoyt
• Employment History (in reverse chronological order, including sabbatical leave)
2012 - present
2010 - 1012
2005 - 2010
1999 - 2005
1995 - 1999
Senior Lecturer, Departments of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural
Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Senior Lecturer, Departments of Clinical Biochemistry and
Chemistry, Faculties of Health and Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Lecturer, Departments of Clinical Biochemistry and Chemistry,
Faculties of Health and Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Lecturer and Gastroenterology Laboratory Director, Departments of
Clinical Biochemistry and Gastroenterology, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka University
Medical Center, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Leah (Larisa) Gheber
1986 - 1995
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Instructor and Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, BenGurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
• Professional Activities
Positions in academic administration (departmental, faculty and university)
2012 – present Member of the University Centers Committee, BGU
2012 – present Head of the Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Department of
Chemistry, BGU
2012 –2013 Biophysical and Organic Chemistry Seminar Coordinator, Department of
Chemistry, BGU
2011 – 2012 Teaching Committee, M.Sc. Students, Basic Science Division, Faculty of
Health Sciences, BGU
2011 – 2012 Seminar Coordinator, Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and
Technology, BGU
2010 – 1011 Seminar Coordinator, Clinical Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BGU
2008 – 2011 Coordinator of the Biophysical Chemistry Track, Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, BGU
2008 – present Teaching Committee, M.Sc. Students, Chemistry Department, Faculty of
Natural Sciences, BGU
2003 – 2006 Seminar Coordinator, Clinical Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BGU
2003 – present Teaching Committee, School of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of
Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BGU
2006 – 2011 Committee on Admission for the Prospective Medicine Students, Faculty of
Health sciences, BGU
Professional functions outside universities/institutions
2013 Session Chair, Microscopy at the Frontier of Science, Tarragona, Spain, September
2013 Session Chair, Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on Soft Matter and Biophysics, Ben
Gurion University and the Dead Sea 10-14, February 2013
2013 Organizing Committee, The Annual Meeting of the Israeli Live Imaging Forum on
Super-Resolution and Advanced Imaging, June 25, 2013
2012 Organizing Committee, 46th Annual meeting of the Israeli Society for Microscopy,
Beer-Sheva, Israel
2012 – present Board member of the Israeli Society of Biophysics
2012 – present Initiator and Steering Committee Member of the Israeli Forum for Cellular
and Cytoskeleton Motility (IFCCM)
2003-2013 Review of five manuscripts, two for Journal of Biological Chemistry; one for
Food and Chemical Toxicology; one for Life Sciences and one for Biophysical Journal
2003 – 2013 Review of several grant proposals for ISF, GIF, BSF, Israeli Ministry of Health
and the Israeli Cancer association
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2008 Session Chair, Intracellular Motility and Cell Division, The 5th Congress of the
Federation of the Israel Societies for Experimental Biology FISEB (ILANIT), Eilat, Israel,
2005 Organizing Committee, 39th Annual meeting of the Israeli Society for Microscopy,
Beer-Sheva, Israel
Membership in professional/scientific societies
2012 – present The Israeli Forum for Cytoskeleton and Motility
2010 – 2012 The American Biophysical Society
2008 – present Israeli Society for Biophysics
2005 – present Israeli Society for Microscopy
2002, 2005 The American Biophysical Society
• Educational activities
Courses taught
1999-present General and Clinical Biochemistry for Medical and Medical Laboratory Sciences
Students - Part 1 (coordinator since 2007)
2005-2012 Organic Chemistry for Medical Students
2002-2010 General and Clinical Biochemistry for Biomedical Engineering Students
2004-present Analytical Chemistry for Life Sciences and Geology Students – (total of ~ 300
students, coordinator)
1999-2001 General and Organic Chemistry for Nursing, Emergency Medicine and Physical
Therapy Students
2004 Cell Biology for Chemistry Students
2004-2006 Chapters in Biophysical Chemistry for Chemistry Students
2007-present Structure-function relationship in motor protein activity, for Graduate students
Research students
Current Research group
Ofer Shapira – Ph.D.
Nurit Schkolnik – M.Sc.
Alina Goldstein – M.Sc.
Darya Goldman – M.Sc.
Nir Funt – B.Sc. project
Roey Ashkenazi – B.Sc. project
Past Postdoctoral Fellows
Vladimir Fridman
Adina Gerson
Natalia Movshovich
Irena Gertsberg
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Graduated Research students
2011 - Vladimir Fridman
2010 - Natalia Movshovich
2009 - Adina Gerson
2009 - Rachel Avunie
2012 - Ofer Shapira
2012 - Mariya Podolskaya
2011 - Alexander Sorkin, MD
2010 - Yael Nissenkorn
2009 - Yulia Zalkin
2008 - Vladimir fridman
2006 - Nataia Movshovich
2006 - Adina Gerson
2005 - Ilit Leizerman
2005 - Rachel Avunie
2005 - Keren Moyal
2004 - Adelina Mermelstain
Basic Science thesis for MD Degree and Residency
2004 - Doron Schwartz, MD
2003 - Bertha Delgado, MD
Undergraduate projects
2013 - Or Ivgi
2012 - Hila Cohen
2012 - Moran Damaty
2011 - Maya Pollok
2008 - Yael Nissenkorn
2007 - Alina Greko
2007 - Orr Reaifman
2006 - Vladimir Fridman
2005 - Keren Moyal
2002 - Ilit Leizerman
• Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
Honors, Citation Awards (including during studies)
1987 - Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University, The Amnon Zingerman Award
for Academic Achievements in B. Sc. studies
1989 - Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University, The Avraham Haimovitch Award
for Academic Achievements
1989 - Ben-Gurion University, the Rector's Award for Outstanding Excellence in M.Sc.
1991 - The Israel Chemical Society, Award in the Memory of Ruth and Prof. Milton Orchin
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1991 - Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University, the Bet-Haemek Biological
Industries Award for Excellence in Biophysics Studies
1992 - The Wolf Foundation Award for Excellence in Ph.D Studies
1993 - Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University, Machteshim Industries Award in
the Memory of Masha and Zvi Sharib, for excellence in Ph.D. research
1995 - The Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship (~$25,000)
1995 - The Fulbright Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (~$15,000)
• Scientific Publications
Chapter in book
L. Gheber and Z. Priel. (1998) Metachronal wave, ciliary stroke and mucus propulsion. In
Mucus Cilia and Mucociliary Interactions, Marcel Dekker, Inc. Edited by G.L. Baum et al.,
pp. 103-118.
Refereed articles in scientific journals
1. L. Gheber and Z. Priel. (1989) Synchronization between beating cilia. Biophysical
Journal 55:183-191.
2. L. Gheber and Z. Priel. (1990) Ciliary activity under normal conditions and under
viscous load. Biorheology 27:547-557.
3. L. Gheber and Z. Priel. (1990) On metachronism in ciliary systems: a model
describing the dependence of the metachronal wave properties on the intrinsic
ciliary parameters. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 16:167-181.
4. Z. Weiss, L. Gheber, V. Shoshan-Barmatz and Z. Priel. (1992) A possible mechanism
of ciliary stimulation by extracellular ATP: Involvement of calcium dependent
potassium channels and extracellular Ca2+. Journal of Membrane Biology 127:185193.
5. L. Gheber and Z. Priel. (1994) Metachronal activity of cultured mucociliary
epithelium under normal and stimulated conditions. Cell Motility and the
Cytoskeleton 28:333-345.
6. L. Gheber, Z. Priel, C. Aflalo and V. Shoshan-Barmatz. (1995) Extracellular ATP
binding proteins as potential receptors in mucociliary epithelium: characterization
using [32P]3'-O-(4-Benzoyl)benzoyl ATP, a photoaffinity label. Journal of Membrane
Biology 147:83-93.
7. A. Tarasiuk, M. Bar-Shimon, L. Gheber, A. Korngreen and Z. Priel. (1995)
Extracellular ATP -induced hyperpolarization and motility stimulation of ciliary cells.
Biophysical Journal 68:1163-1169.
8. L. Gheber and Z. Priel. (1997) Extraction of cilium beat parameters by the combined
application of photoelectric measurement and computer simulation. Biophysical
Journal 72:449-462.
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L. Gheber, A. Korngreen and Z. Priel. (1998) Effect of viscosity on metachrony in
mucus propelling cilia. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 39:9-20.
L. Gheber, S.C. Kuo and M.A. Hoyt. (1999) Motile properties of the kinesin-related
Cin8p spindle motor extracted from S. cerevisiae cells. Journal of Biological
Chemistry 274:9564-9572.
F. R. Cottingham, L. Gheber, D. L. Miller and M. Andrew Hoyt (2000) Novel roles
for saccharomyces cerevisiae mitotic spindle motors. The Journal of Cell Biology
147:335-349. Equal contribution; Featured on the cover and in an “In Brief”
O. Zagoory, A. Braiman, L. Gheber and Z. Priel (2001) The role of calcium and
calmodulin in ciliary stimulation induced by acetylcholine. American Journal of
Physiology-Cell Physiology 280(1):100-9.
R. Peleg, I.Z. Ben-Zion, A. Peleg, L. Gheber, M. Kotler, Z. Weizman, A. Shiber, A. Fich,
Y. Horowitz and P. Shvartzman (2004) Bread madness revisited; screening for
specific celiac antibodies among schizophrenia patients. European Psychiatry
I. Leizerman, R. Avunie-Masala, M. Elkabets, A. Fich and L. Gheber (2004)
Differential effect of monastrol in two human cell lines. Cellular and Molecular Life
Sciences 61(16):2060-70.
A. Ben-Dor, M. Steiner, L. Gheber, M. Danilenko, N. Dubi, A. Zick, Y. Sharoni and J.
Levy. (2005) Carotenoids activate the antioxidant response element (ARE)
transcription system. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 4(1):177-86. Featured on the
A. Mermelshtein, A. Gerson, S. Walfisch, B. Delgado, G. Shechter-Maor, J. Delgado,
A. Fich and L. Gheber. (2005) Expression of D-type cyclins in colon cancer and in
cell-lines from colon carcinomas. British Journal of Cancer 93(3):338-45.
E.R. Hildebrandt, L. Gheber, T. Kingsbury and M.A. Hoyt (2006), Homotetrameric
form of Cin8p, an S. cerevisiae kinesin-5 motor, is essential for its in vivo function.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281:26004-26013.
N. Dubi, L. Gheber, D. Fishman, M Hershfinkel and I. Sekler. (2008) Extracellular Zinc
and Zink-citrate acting through a putative Zinc sensing receptor, regulate growth
and survival of prostate cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 29:1692-700.
N. Movshovich, V. Fridman, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, I. Schumacher, I. Gertsberg, A. Fich,
MA. Hoyt, B. Katz and L. Gheber. (2008) Slk19-dependent mid-anaphase pause in
kinesin-5 mutated cells. Journal of Cell Science 121:2529-39.
A. Gerson-Gurwitz, N. Movshovich, K. Moyal, R. Avunie-Masala, V. Fridman, MA.
Hoyt, B. Katz and L. Gheber. (2009) Mid-anaphase arrest in cells eliminated for the
function of Cin8 and dynein. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 66(2):301-13.
V. Fridman, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, N. Movshovich, M. Kupiec and L. Gheber. (2009)
Midzone organization restricts interpolar microtubule plus-end dynamics during
spindle elongation. EMBO Reports 10(4):387-93.
A. Avraham, J. Sandbank, N. Yarom, A. Shalom, T. Karni, I. Pappo, A. Sella, A. Fich, S.
Walfisch, L. Gheber and E. Evron. (2010) A similar cell specific pattern of HoxA
methylation in normal and in cancer tissues. Epigenetics 5(1):1-6.
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23. O. Voloshin, Y. Gocheva, M. Gutnick, N. Movshovich, A. Bakhrat, K. Baranes-Bachar,
D. Bar-Zvi, R. Parvari, L. Gheber and D. Raveh. (2010) Tubulin chaperone E binds
microtubules and proteasomes and protects against misfolded protein stress.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 67(12):2025-38.
24. R. Avunie-Masala, N. Movshovich, Y. Nissenkorn, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, V. Fridman, M.
Kõivomägi, M. Loog, M.A. Hoyt, A. Zaritsky and L. Gheber. (2011) Phosphoregulation of Kinesin-5 function during anaphase spindle elongation. Journal of Cell
Science 15;124(6):873-8.
25. A. Sadeh, N. Movshovich, M. Volokh, L. Gheber and A. Aharoni (2011) Fine-Tuning of
the Msn2/4-Mediated yeast stress responses as revealed by systematic deletion of
Msn2/4 partners. Molecular Biology of the Cell 22(17):3127-38.
26. A. Gerson-Gurwitz, C. Thiede, N. Movshovich, V. Fridman, M. Podolskaya, T. Danieli,
S. Lakämper, D.R. Klopfenstein, C.F. Schmidt and L. Gheber (2011) Directionality of
individual kinesin-5 Cin8 motors is modulated by loop 8, ionic strength and
microtubule geometry. EMBO Journal 18;30(24):4942-54.
27. C. Thiede, V. Fridman, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, L. Gheber and C. F. Schmidt (2012)
Regulation of bi-directional movement of single kinesin-5 Cin8 molecules. BioArchitecture 2, 70-74. Joint corresponding authorship.
28. V. Fridman, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, O. Shapira, N. Movshovich, S. Lakämper, C.F.
Schmidt, and L. Gheber (2013) Kinesin-5 Kip1 is a bi-directional motor that stabilizes
microtubules and tracks their plus-ends in vivo. Journal of Cell Science
126(18):4147-59. Featured in an “In Brief” minireview.
Unrefereed professional articles and publications
L. Gheber (2012) ‫ הנעה הפוכה‬Reverse propulsion. ‫ גלילאו‬Galileo (scientific journal for
children and youth) 50:31-32
• Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by
Published Proceedings
Invited plenary lectures at conferences/meetings
L. Gheber, Metachronal wave, ciliary stroke and mucus propulsion International Congress
on Cilia, Mucus and Mucociliary Interactions. In honor of the late Prof. Alex
Silberberg. February 1997, Jerusalem, Israel, 1997
L. Gheber, Regulation of a microtubule-based motor protein. The 3rd Bi-National FranceIsrael workshop on Biosensors, Biochips and Nanobiotechnology, Eilat, Israel, 2003
L. Gheber, Function and regulation of a mitotic kinesin-related motor protein. 49th
Annual meeting of the Israeli Society for Microscopy, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2005
L. Gheber, Kinesin-5 motors and mitotic spindle dynamics. The Membrane Trafficking
Meeting of the Israeli Society for Cell Biology, Hetzelia, Israel, 2007 (oral)
N. Movshovich, V. Fridman, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, M.A. Hoyt, L. Gheber, Kinesin-5 function
and interpolar microtubule dynamics during anaphase spindle elongation, The 12 th
International Congress on Yeast, Kiyiv, Ukraine, 2008
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V. Fridman, N. Movshovich, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, B.Katz, M. A. Hoyt, L. Gheber., Interpolar
microtubule dynamics and kinesin-5 activity during anaphase spindle elongation, UK
and Israel Bi-Lateral Meeting on Genome Stability In Health and Disease, Jerusalem,
Israel, 2008
L. Gheber, R. Avunie, E. Admon, V. Fridman, A. Fich, Mechanisms underlying the
differential sensitivity of human cell-lines to monastrol, a prototype of new anticancer agents, Foshan, China, 2009
L. Gheber, Regulation of S. cerevisiae kinesin-5 Cin8 during mitosis, Genome Stability
Meeting, BGU, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2009
L. Gheber, Regulation of the Motor Functions of the S. cerevisiae Kinesin-5 proteins,
Motility Subgroup, 55th Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, USA, 2011
L. Gheber, Knesin-5 motor proteins and microtubule dynamics during mitosis in S.
cerevisiae cells, 5th Meeting of the Israel Live Imaging Forum, Weizmann Institute,
Israel, 2011
L. Gheber, Directionality and intracellular functions of mitotic Kinesin-5 nanomachines.
Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Physiology and Pharmacology, Jerusalem,
Israel, January, 2012
L. Gheber, Mitotic kinesin-5 motors – not unidirectional anymore. The 46th Annual
Scientific Meeting of Israeli Society for Microscopy, Beer-Sheva, Israel, May 2012
L. Gheber, Studying function and regulation of mitotic kinesin motors using live
microscopy and single-molecule fluorescence motility assay, Batsheva de Rothschild
Symposium on Single Molecule Biophysics, Neve Ilan, Jerusalem Hills, Israel, May,
L. Gheber, Directionality of kinesin nano-motors: old dogma new insights, The 3rd meeting
of the Israeli Forum for Cytoskeleton and Motility (IFCM), Bar-Ilan University,
Ramat-Gan, Israel, July 2013
L. Gheber, Regulation of Directionality and Function of Mitotic Kinesin-5 Motors,
Microscopy at the Frontier of Science, Tarragona, Spain, September 2013
Lectures of papers at conferences/meetings (oral)
L. Gheber and Z. Priel, A model describing the dependence of the metachronal wave
parameters upon the intrinsic ciliary parameters. The 7th International Congress of
Biorheology, Nancy, France, 1989
L. Gheber and Z. Priel , The relation between the time of delay and metachronal
wavelength. 24th Annual Meeting of the SEPCR, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1989
I. Horshi, A. Fich and L. Gheber, Effect of monastrol, an inhibitor of a mitotic kinesin, on
cells from a gastric carcinoma cell line. The Half-Annual Meeting of the Israeli
Society for Gastroenterology, Hertzlia, Israel, 2002
L. Gheber, A. Mermelshtein, G. Schechter, B. Delgado, J. Delgado, S. Walfisch and A. Fich
Expression of D-type cyclins in malignant colorectal tissue. The Half Annual Meeting
of the Israeli Society for Gastroenterology, Dead Sea, Israel, 2002
L. Gheber, Cin8p, a mitotic motor that drives mitosis. 2nd Joint Meeting of the Israeli
Society of Cell Biology and Developmental Biology, Eilat, Israel, 2006
L. Gheber, Mitotic kinesin-related motor protein and neurite outgrowth. The Zlotowski
center of neuroscience Annual Meeting, Israel, 2007
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N. Movshovich, V. Fridman, R. Avunie, A. Gerson, I. Gertsberg, M. A. Hoyt, B. Katz, L.
Gheber, Function and regulation of the S. cerevisiae Kinesin-5 mitotic motor Cin8,
Minerva - Weizmann Workshop, Moving Cell - from Molecules to Animals, Rehovot,
Israel, 2007
L. Gheber, Kinesin-5 function during anaphase spindle elongation, The 5th Congress of the
Federation of the Israel Societies for Experimental Biology FISEB (ILANIT), Eilat,
Israel, 2008
V. Fridman, N. Movshovich, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, B.Katz, M. A. Hoyt, L. Gheber, Interpolar
microtubule dynamics and kinesin-5 activity during anaphase spindle elongation,
European Life Science Organization (ELSO) Meeting, Nice, France, 2008
L. Gheber, Function and Regulation of S. cerevisiae Kinesin-5 motor proteins during
anaphase B spindle elongation, IDIBELL Cancer Conferences on the Cell Cycle,
Barcelona, Spain, 2009
L. Gheber, Regulation of Kinesin-5 function during mitosis, ESF-EMBO Symposium on the
Emerging propertied of the Cytoskeleton: From Molecules to Cells, Sant Feliu de
Guixols, Spain, 2010
L. Gheber, Regulation of Kinesin-5 motor function during mitosis, 6th Congress of the
Federation of the Israeli Societies for Experimental Biology FISEB (ILANIT), Eilat,
Israel, 2011
Presentations at informal international seminars and workshops
L. Gheber Kinesin-5 motor function and anaphase spindle elongation in S. cerevisiae cells,
Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, March
L. Gheber Regulation of Kinesin-5 Function, 3rd Institute of Physics, George Augustus
University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany, May 2009
L. Gheber Function and Regulation of Kinesin-5 Proteins during Anaphase Spindle
Elongation, Institute of Biochemistry ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, October 2010
L. Gheber Regulation of the Motor Function of S. cerevisiae Kinesin-5 motors, Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA, March 2011
L. Gheber Control of the In Vivo and In Vitro Motor Functions of the S. cerevisiae Kinesin5 Cin8, Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore, August 2011
L. Gheber To Switch or Not to Switch – Control of Directionality of a Mitotic Kinesin-5
Motor, Ludwig Cancer Research Institute, UC San-Diego, San-Diego, USA, February
L. Gheber To Switch or Not to Switch – Control of Directionality of a Mitotic Kinesin-5
Motor, Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Davis, Davis, USA, March 2012
L. Gheber Function and Regulation of Kinesin-5 Proteins during Anaphase Spindle
Elongation, Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, August
L. Gheber Kinesin-5 Motors in Reverse Gear, Department of Molecular Oncology,
European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy, February, 2013
L. Gheber Function and Regulation of Kinesin-5 Proteins during Anaphase Spindle
Elongation, Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, August
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Seminar presentations at universities and institutions
L. Gheber, Regulation of Kinesin-5 function during mitosis, Department of Chemistry,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2009
L. Gheber, To switch or not to switch – control of directionality of mitotic Kinesin-5
motors. The Ilse Katz Institute of Nanoscale Science and Technology, BGU, BeerSheva, Israel, 2011
L. Gheber, To switch or not to switch – directionality control of a mitotic kinesin motor
protein, Faculty of Biology, Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, April, 2012
L. Gheber, Regulation of Kinesin-5 motors, Department of Physiology, Tel-Aviv University,
Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 2013
L. Gheber, Studying function and regulation of mitotic kinesin motors using live
microscopy and single-molecule fluorescence motility assay, Department of
Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel, May, 2013
L. Gheber, Directionality of kinesin nano-motors: old dogma new insights, The National
Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer-Sheva, Israel, May 2013
• Research Grants
1. 2000-2003, USA - Israel Binational Science Foundation. With M.A. Hoyt, S.C. Kuo, JHU
Baltimore, USA. Subject: Regulation of Cin8p activity and its multiple mitotic roles
2. 2000-2003, The Israel Science Foundation. Subject: Activity and regulation of HsEg5,
a human mitotic kinesin-related protein ($150,000).
3. 2001, The Israel Science Foundation equipment grant for young researchers
4. 2003, The Israeli Health Office, the Chief Scientist grant. Subject: Expression and
activity of D-type cyclins in normal and malignant colon tissue ($20,000).
5. 2006, Zlotowski Center Equipment Grant ($15,000)
6. 2004-2008, The Israel Science Foundation. Subject: Motor activity and structure of a
bipolar kinesin ($120,000).
7. 2004-2008, USA - Israel Binational Science Foundation. With M.A. Hoyt, JHU
Baltimore, USA. Subject: Influencing microtubule dynamics: in vitro and in vivo study
of S. cerevisiae mitotic motor proteins ($160,000).
8. 2009-2012, Lower Saxony – Israel Research Grant. With Prof C.F. Schmidt and S.
Lakamper, Institute of Physics, Gottingen University, Gottingen, Germany Subject:
Regulation and structural basis of the cell-cycle dependent Cin8 motor activity
(€225,000 total, €112,500 to L. Gheber).
9. 2009-1013, The Israel Science Foundation. Subject: Microtubule dynamics and
kinesin-5 function during normal and aberrant anaphase spindle elongation
10. 2013-2018, The Israeli Science Foundation. Subject: The switchable directionality of
the mitotic kinesin-5 motors: structural determinants, regulation by phosphorylation,
and connection to intracellular functions ($560,500)
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• Additional Information
Scholarships, grants and prizes awarded to research students
2010 Students’ travel award, ESF-EMBO Meeting Meeting, Emergent Properties of the
Cytoskeleton: Molecules to Cells, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 3 - 8 October 2010,
awarded to Vladimir Fridman
2010 United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) travel grant for young
scientists (a travel grant to the USA), awarded to Adina Gerson
2009 Department of Chemistry award for excellence in research, awarded to Adina
2008 DAAD Short-term Fellowship awarded to Vladimir Fridman for Collaborative
Research in the George Augustus University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany
2008-2010 Scholarship for Interdisciplinary M.Sc. studies awarded to Yael Nissenkorn by
the Rector of BGU
2007-2011 The Negev Scholarship for Ph.D. studies awarded to Vladimir Fridman by the
Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies, BGU
2006 Bernard Cwikel prize for excellence in research, Faculty of Health Sciences, BGU,
awarded to Vladimir Fridman
2005 Department of Chemistry award for excellence in research, awarded to Adina
2004 Department of Chemistry award for excellence in research, awarded to Adina
2004 First prize for the best poster - The 38th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for
Microscopy, Israel, awarded to Adina Gerson
Selected Lectures and Posters Delivered by Group members and Students
R. Avunie, V. Fridman, B. Katz and L. Gheber. Sensitivity of human cancer cell lines to
monatrol, a specific inhibitor of a mitotic kinesin-related protein. Joint Meeting of
the Israeli Societies for Cell Biology and Developmental Biology, Eilat, Israel 2006
V. Fridman, I. Shumacher, N. Movshovich, B. Katz and L. Gheber, Spindle midzone
organization during mid-anaphase pause induced by mutations in kinesin-5 motor
proteins. European Life Science Organization (ELSO) Annual Meeting, Dresden,
Germany, September, 2007
V. Fridman, N. Movshovich and L. Gheber. In vivo and in vitro functions of the S.
cerevisiae kinesin-5 Kip1. European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Annual
Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherland, 2009
V. Fridman, N. Movshovich, S. Lakamper, C.F. Schmidt, and L. Gheber, Anaphase midzone
organization and motile properties of the S, cerevisiae Kinesin-5 Kip1. ESF-EMBO
Meeting, Emergent Properties of the Cytoskeleton: Molecules to Cells, Sant Feliu de
Guixols, Spain, 2010
V. Fridman, N. Movshovich, L. Gheber. In vivo and in vitro function of the S. cerevisiae
kinesin-5 Kip1. Genome Stability Meeting, BGU, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2010
M. Podolskaya, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, C. Thiede, N. Movshovits, V. Fridman, S. Lakaemper,
C.F. Schmidt and L. Gheber. The effect of mitotic spindle-binding proteins on the in
Leah (Larisa) Gheber
page 12
January 2014
vivo and in vitro function of the kinesin-5 Cin8, 44th Meeting of the Israeli Society for
Microscopy, Tev-Aviv, Israel, 2010
A. Gerson-Gurwitz, C. Thiede, N. Movshovits, M. Podolskaya, V. Fridman, S. Lakaemper,
C.F. Schmidt and L. Gheber. In vivo and in vitro functions of Cin8, the S. cerevisiae
mitotic kinesin-5 motor protein, Genome Stability Meeting, BGU, Beer-Sheva, Israel,
N. Movshovich, A.Gerson-Gurwitz, R.Avunie, M.A. Hoyt, B. Katz and L. Gheber, Spindle
localization of the S. cerevisiae kinesin-5 Cin8 during anaphase spindle elongation,
Genome Stability Meeting, BGU, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2010
Y. Nissenkorn, A. Zaritsky, and L. Gheber. Phosphoregulation of Kinesin-5 Cin8 during
Mitosis in S. cerevisiae, Genome Stability Meeting, BGU, Beer-Sheva, Israel, 2010
M. Podolskaya, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, C. Thiede, N. Movshovits, V. Fridman, S. Lakaemper,
C.F. Schmidt and L. Gheber, The effect of mitotic spindle-binding proteins on the in
vivo and in vitro function of the kinesin-5 Cin8, 6th Congress of the Federation of the
Israeli Societies for Experimental Biology FISEB (ILANIT), Eilat, Israel, 2011
A. Sorkin, V. Fridman, and L. Gheber, Influence of motor proteins on microtubule
dynamics during late anaphase in S. cerevisiae cells, 6th Congress of the Federation
of the Israeli Societies for Experimental Biology FISEB (ILANIT), Eilat, Israel, 2011
V. Fridman, A, Gerson-Gurwitz, C. Thiede , N. Movshovich, M. Podolskaya, S. Lakamper,
C.F. Schmidt and L. Gheber. Mitotic functions and motile properties of the S.
cerevisiae Kinesin-5 motors. 55th Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, USA,
2011 (oral presentation)
O. Shapira, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, M. Podolskaya and L. Gheber. Effect of phosphorylation
on the motility of the biological nano motor Cin8. The 46 th Annual Meeting of the
Israeli Society for Microscopy (ISM), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BeerSheva, Israel, May 2012
O. Shapira, A. Gerson-Gurwitz, M. Podolskaya and L. Gheber. Effect of phosphorylation
on the motility of the biological nano motor Cin8, Nano Israel 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel,
March 2012
O. Shapira, A. Gerson-Gurwitz and L. Gheber, Effect of phosphorylation on the motility of
the biological nano motor Cin8, Batsheva de Rothschild Symposium on Single
Molecule Biophysics, Neve Ilan, Jerusalem Hills, Israel, May, 2013
A. Goldstein, L. Holt and L. Gheber, Evolution of phospho-regulation of mitotic kinesin-5
motor protein, Batsheva de Rothschild Symposium on Single Molecule Biophysics,
Neve Ilan, Jerusalem Hills, Israel, May 2013
N. Schkolnik and L. Gheber, Regulation of motor protein Cin8 by phosphorylation,
Batsheva de Rothschild Symposium on Single Molecule Biophysics, Neve Ilan,
Jerusalem Hills, Israel, May 2013
O. Shapira and L. Gheber. Phospho-regulation of kinesin-5 movement, The Annual
Meeting of the Israeli Live Imaging Forum on Super-Resolution and Advanced
Imaging, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel, June 25, 2013 (oral
O. Shapira, A Gerson-Gurwitz and L. Gheber, Effect of phosphorylation on the motility of
the biological nano motor Cin8, 9th European Biophysics Congress, EBSA2013,
Lisbon, Spain July, 2013