State of the art – Brystkre/ E1er ASCO 2015 Erik Wist Nyheter som berøres Nyheter som umiddelbart påvirker/endrer klinisk praksis I Norge Nyheter som kan lede til endringer i norsk klinisk praksis Nyheter som bekrefter norsk klinisk praksis Nyheter som gir økt innsikt t r a b l e d d i m u m o s s i s r k e t a r p k Nyhe s i n i l k k s r o n r e r d en CALGB 70604 (Alliance): A randomized phase III study of standard dosing vs. longer interval dosing of zoledronic acid in metastatic cancer Presented By Andrew Himelstein at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting Trial Schema Presented By Andrew Himelstein at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting No significant difference in time to SRE between ZA q 4 weeks vs. ZA q 12 weeks (p = 0.601) Presented By Andrew Himelstein at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting No significant differences in pain scores (p = 0.751) Presented By Andrew Himelstein at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting Conclusions Presented By Andrew Himelstein at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting l i t e d le n a k s m i o s s k r a r e t p e k h s y i n N i l k k s r o n i r e g n i r end v a g n i l d n a h e b n i t r f k e r o k d t s En y r b k s i t a t s a t e m CDK4/6-kinaser Vekst av HR positiv brystkreft er avhengig av ”cyclin dependent kinases” CDK4/6, som promoterer G1-S fase cellecyklusprogresjon. Abstract LBA502 A Double Blind Phase 3 Trial of Fulvestrant With or Without Palbociclib in Pre- and Post-menopausal Women With Hormone Receptor-positive, HER2-negative Advanced Breast Cancer That Progressed on Prior Endocrine Therapy (PALOMA3 Study) Nicholas Turner,1 Jungsil Ro,2 Fabrice André,3 Sherene Loi,4 Sunil Verma,5 Hiroji Iwata,6 Nadia Harbeck,7 Sibylle Loibl,8 Cynthia Huang Bartlett,9 Ke Zhang,10 Carla Giorgetti,11 Sophia Randolph,10 Maria Koehler,9 Massimo Cristofanilli12 1Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK; 2National Cancer Center, Goyang-si, Korea; 3Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France; 4Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 5Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre, Toronto, Canada; 6Aichi Cancer Center Hospital, Nagoya, Japan; 7Brustzentrum der Universität München, München, Germany; 8German Breast Group Forschungs GmbH, Neu-Isenburg, Germany; 9Pfizer Inc, New York City, USA; 10 Pfizer La Jolla, USA; 11Pfizer Milan, Italy, 12Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA Presented at ASCO 2015; June 1, 2015; Chicago, IL, USA 1. Juni 2015 PALOMA3 Study Design n=347 • HR+, HER2– ABC • Pre-/peri-* or post-menopausal 2:1 Randomization • Progressed on prior endocrine therapy: N=521 Palbociclib (125 mg QD; 3 wks on/1 wk off) + Fulvestrant† (500 mg IM q4w) – On or within 12 mo adjuvant – On therapy for ABC • ≤1 prior chemotherapy regimen for advanced cancer *All received goserelin. • Stratification: ● Visceral metastases ● Sensitivity to prior hormonal therapy ● Pre-/peri- vs Postmenopausal n=174 Placebo (3 wks on/ 1wk off) + Fulvestrant† (500 mg IM q4w) Post-menopausal patients must have progressed on prior aromatase inhibitor therapy. †administered on Days 1 and 15 of Cycle 1. NCT01942135 CDK4/6 - hemmere Neutropeni ● Fulvestrant alene 3.5 % ● Fulvestrant + palbociclib 78.8 % Febril neutropeni ● Fulvestrant alene 0.6 % ● Fulvestrant + palbociclib 0.6 % Behandlingslinje 1 Medikament Spesifikasjon Aromatasehemmer (AI) Ikke aktuell ved kort sykdomsfritt intervall etter adjuvant AI. Ikke førstevalg ved kort sykdomsfritt intervall etter adjuvant tamoxifen.3 Fulvestrant 500 mg/ dose1 Eksemestan + everolimus Tamoxifen + everolimus Aromatasehemmer* Behandlingslinje 2+3 Fulvestrant (eller tamoxifen) Dersom tidligere progresjon på letrozol/anastrozol Dersom tidligere progresjon på AI og eksemestan ikke er aktuelt behandlingsvalg Dersom tidligere ikke benyttet eller kun en type AI er benyttet tidligere og everolimus ikke er ønsket behandling Dersom tidligere ikke benyttet Kommentar 1 Effekten av fulvestrant oppfattes sammenlignbar med AI. Tamoxifen er et sekundært alternativ, men oppfattes å ha noe mindre effekt sammenlignet med AI Behandlingsvalg i 2. og 3. linje kan være avhengig av individuell vurdering av hva som vil være til nytte for den enkelte pasient (inkludert sykdomsstadium, forventet effekt og bivirkningsnivå) *Steroidal AI kan benyttes etter progresjon på nonsteroidal AI (eller motsatt) Et av de behandlingsvalg som ikke er benyttet tidligere Megestrol Acetat Behandlingslinje 4 og videre Østrogenbehandling Hvis aktuelt, bør slik behandling styres av onkolog med spesialkompetanse i endokrin terapi. MONALEESA-3 (CRibociclibF2301) Study Design Randomization 2:1 Patient Population: • Postmenopausal women • HR+/HER2- advanced BC • Treatment naive metastatic disease or after 1 prior hormonal treatment • No prior chemotherapy for advanced disease (adj or neo-adj treatment allowed) Screening A Phase III, randomized, study of fulvestrant with or without ribociclib for the treatment of postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive, HER2-negative, advanced breast cancer who have received no or only one line of prior endocrine treatment for advanced disease fulvestrant + ribociclib (n~440) Crossover not permitted fulvestrant + placebo (n~220) One interim futility analysis; one interim efficacy analysis Stratification : -visceral disease -prior hormonal therapy Endpoints • Primary • PFS (Local Read) • Secondary • OS • PFS (BIRC) • ORR • DOR • TTR • ECOG • QoL • Safety • PK profile t n a v u j d a n i r k o d n E g n i l d n be ha St. Gallen 2015 More generally, the Panel considered that factors arguing for inclusion of OFS were age 35 or less; persisting premenopausal oestrogen level after adjuvant chemotherapy; or the involvement of 4 or more axillary nodes …. and a large majority would use this with exemestane rather than tamoxifen Bekymringer OFS i studien er ikke bare bruk av GnRH-agonist, men også oophorectomi (17 %) og RT av ovarier enten upfront eller senere (ikke kjent) Bekymring med goserelin og høy BMI Mye bivirkninger Høyt frafall i studien (22 % sluttet innen 4 år) 60 mg 2 ganger per år L Gianni, T Pienkowski, Y-H Im, L-M Tseng, M-C Liu, A Lluch, <br />E Starosławska, J de la Haba-Rodriguez, S-A Im, JL Pedrini, B Poirier, <br />P Morandi, V Semiglazov, V Srimuninnimit, GV Bianchi, <br />V McNally, H Douthwaite, G Ross, P Valagussa Presented By Luca Gianni at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting NeoSphere: study design and pCR results p = 0.0198 S PTD (n=107) pertuzumab (840→420 mg) trastuzumab (8→6 mg/kg) docetaxel (75→100 mg/m2) PT (n=107) pertuzumab (840→420 mg) trastuzumab (8→6 mg/kg) PD (n=96) pertuzumab (840→420 mg) docetaxel (75→100 mg/m2) Study dosing: q3w x 4 U pCR, % ± 95% CI Pa@ents with operable or locally advanced/ inflammatory HER2-‐posi@ve BC Chemo-‐naive & primary tumors >2 cm (N=417) 60 R tpCR 30 20 10 45,8 29,0 39,3 24,0 21,5 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 16,8 PTD 11,2 PT 17,7 PD HR-‐posi^ve HR-‐nega^ve 63,2 5,9 36,8 26,0 20,0 TD HR, hormone receptor; HR-‐posi@ve = estrogen and/or progesterone receptor-‐posi@ve; HR-‐nega@ve = estrogen and progesterone receptor-‐nega@ve bpCR 40 TD E Y p = 0.003 50 G R p = 0.0141 0 bpCR, % ± 95% CI TD (n=107) trastuzumab (8→6 mg/kg) docetaxel (75→100 mg/m2) PTD 27,3 17,4 30,0 PT PD Gianni L, et al. Lancet Oncol 2012; 13:25–32 31 PFS, % PFS: all arms of therapy, ITT population n at risk TD PTD PT PD 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 TD PTD 5-year PFS, % (95% CI) 0 12 TD PTD PT PD n=107 n=107 n=107 n=96 81 (71– 86 (77– 73 (64– 73 (63– 87) 91) 81) 81) 24 36 48 PT PD 60 Months 107 107 107 96 101 99 93 85 89 94 86 76 83 88 80 72 78 86 77 69 58 63 55 57 Kaplan–Meier curves are truncated at 60 months (the end of scheduled follow-up). However, summary statistics shown here take into account all follow-up Three late events occurred with PTD: two cases of progressive disease (PD) at 63 and 71 months, and one death due to an unrelated cerebrovascular accident withou DFS, % DFS: all arms of therapy, ITT population n at risk TD PTD PT PD 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 TD PTD 5-year DFS, % (95% CI) 0 12 TD PTD PT PD n=107 n=107 n=107 n=96 81 (72– 84 (72– 80 (70– 75 (64– 88) 91) 86) 83) 24 36 48 PT PD 60 Months 103 101 96 92 92 96 91 81 85 92 87 76 79 88 81 72 77 85 75 66 12 17 10 29 rves are truncated at 60 months (the end of scheduled follow-up). However, summary statistics shown here take into account all follow-up ts occurred with PTD: one case of PD at 67 months, and one death due to an unrelated cerebrovascular accident without PD at 72 months PFS, % PFS for tpCR and No tpCR by hormone receptor status, ITT popula^on – HR nega^ve tumors n at risk tpCR HR-‐ nega^ve No tpCR HR-‐ nega^ve 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 tpCR HR-‐nega^ve 5-‐year PFS, % (95% CI) HR (95% CI) 0 12 HR-‐nega@ve No tpCR tpCR n=134 n=72 72 (64– 84 (72– 79) 91) 0.65 (0.32–1.30) 24 36 No tpCR HR-‐nega^ve 48 60 Months 72 69 64 60 58 43 147 125 108 102 97 82 Kaplan–Meier curves are truncated at 60 months (the end of scheduled follow-‐up). However, summary sta@s@cs shown here take into account all follow-‐up One late event occurred in the tpCR HR-‐nega@ve group, a death due to an unrelated cerebrovascular accident without PD at 76 months 34 PFS, % PFS for tpCR and No tpCR by hormone receptor status, ITT popula^on – HR posi^ve tumors n at risk tpCR HR-‐ posi^ve No tpCR HR-‐ posi^ve 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5-‐year PFS, % (95% CI) HR (95% CI) 0 12 HR-‐posi@ve No tpCR tpCR n=163 n=22 80 (73– 90 (67– 86) 98) 0.66 (0.15–2.79) 24 36 tpCR HR-‐posi^ve No tpCR HR-‐posi^ve 48 60 Months 22 22 19 19 18 12 175 161 153 142 137 96 Kaplan–Meier curves are truncated at 60 months (the end of scheduled follow-‐up). However, summary sta@s@cs shown here take into account all follow-‐up. One late event occurred in the tpCR HR-‐nega@ve group, a death due to an unrelated cerebrovascular accident without PD at 76 months; two late events in the No tpCR HR-‐posi@ve group due to PD at 63 and 71 months 35 Conclusion Presented By Luca Gianni at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting 36 CONCLUSIONS Cavity shaving halved the rates of positive margins and reexcision among patients with partial mastectomy. k e b m o s r e t e h y N s i s k a r p k s i klin k s r o n r e t f e r Phase III, randomized study of trastuzumab emtansine ± pertuzumab vs trastuzumab + taxane for first-line treatment of HER2-positive MBC: Primary results from the MARIANNE study Presented By Paul Ellis at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting MARIANNE Study Design Trastuzumab + docetaxel • HER2-positive (central) LABCa or MBC (8 mg/kg LD then 6 mg/kg + 100 or 75 mg/m2 q3w) OR Trastuzumab + paclitaxel (4 mg/kg LD then 2 mg/kg + 80 mg/m2 qw) • No prior chemotherapy for LABC/MBC • >6 months from prior neo-/adjuvant vinca alkaloid or taxane chemotherapy T-DM1 + placebob (3.6 mg/kg + 840 mg LD then 420 mg q3w) T-DM1 + pertuzumab N = 1095 (3.6 mg/kg + 840 mg LD then 420 mg q3w) • Stratification factors: World region, Prior neo-/adjuvant therapy (if Yes: prior trastuzumab/lapatinib), Visceral disease • Primary end point: PFS by independent review facility (IRF), non-inferiority and superiority assessed • Key secondary end points: OS, PFS by investigator, ORR, Safety, Patient-reported outcomes LD, Loading dose. aLocally progressive or recurrent and not amenable to resection with curative intent; bPertuzumab placebo. Progression-Free Survival by IRF Progression-Free Survival (%) 100 80 60 HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P Median PFS (mo.) 13.7 14.1 15.2 Events (no.) 231 236 217 Stratified HR (97.5% CI) vs HT — 0.91 (0.73– 1.13) P=0.31 0.87 (0.69– 1.08) P=0.14 — 0.91 (0.73– 1.13) Stratified HR (97.5% CI) vs T-DM1 40 20 HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 Time (mo.) 36 42 48 365 367 363 265 257 261 163 176 177 107 133 135 75 104 109 21 28 25 5 3 5 1 No. at Risk HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P Non-inferiority: Established if the upper limit of the 97.5% CI for the HR is below 1.1765 (non-inferiority margin). 50 67 75 54 Overall Survival (First Interim Analysis) 100 Survival (%) 80 60 40 20 HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P 0 0 6 12 18 NR, not reached. HT NR T-DM1 NR T-DM1+P NR 123 116 0.86 (0.64– 48 1.16) 115 0.82 (0.61– 54 1.11) — 42 Time (mo.) No. at Risk HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P 24 Median OS (mo.) Events (no.) Stratified HR (97.5% CI) vs 36 HT 30 365 367 363 335 345 341 303 321 309 273 291 282 250 263 257 218 224 231 98 104 106 25 37 28 1 3 1 Objective Response and Duration of Response by IRF Objective Response Rate Duration of Response 100 100 80 67.9% 59.7% Patients, % 70 64.2% 60 50 40 Patients without progression, % 90 80 Median, mo. (95% CI) 60 20 20 12.5 (10.5– 16.6) 20.7 (14.8– 25.0) TDM1+P 21.2 (15.8– 29.3) HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P 0 195/287 181/303 0 192/299 6 12 18 HT T-DM1 Error bars depict 95% confidence intervals. T-DM1+P HT T-DM1 T-DM1+P 24 30 36 42 5 14 11 1 Time (mo.) No. at Risk 0 T-DM1 40 30 10 HT 195 181 192 150 150 162 81 110 118 55 85 92 37 65 75 24 35 44 1 48 54 Maintenance of Health-Related Quality of Life Presented By Paul Ellis at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting [TITLE] Nyh g m o eter s t k i s n n i t k ø ir Kjemohjerne Chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment (CRCI), and neurotransmitter signaling, longevity, and inflammation pathways in 366 breast cancer (BC) patients and 366 agematched cancer-free controls: A prospective, nationwide, longitudinal URCC NCORP study. • This is the largest longitudinal study showing significant CRCI amongBC patients receiving CT compared to cancerfree controls. CRCI in BC patients is influenced by neurotransmitter signaling and longevity genes and leads to increased inflammation.
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