DISPROPORTIONATE RISK GLOBAL The world through the lens of climate change vulnerability and readiness CUB CAN USA HTI JAM West Indies MEX GTM SLV HDN NIC PAN VCT TTO NORTH/CENTRAL AMERICA 57 ECU GUY VEN BRA BOL SUR PRY Here, the 175 countries included in the ND-GAIN Index are redrawn as circles. The size of a circle is proportional to that country’s vulnerability score, while the color encodes its readiness to accept adaptation investment. FIN DNK ISL LVA IRL NLD GBR BEL ESP PRT ITA CZE CHE MLT EUROPE POL UKR HUN BIH MNE VULNERABILITY low high Many countries in Africa and Asia exhibit the dangerous combination of high vulnerabilty and low readiness. CPV MRT CYP EGY GIN LBR low high ND-GAIN Index scores, which combine vulnerability and readiness to illustrate comparative resilience, are given for each region defined by large white circles. ISO3 codes are given for a subset of countries. DZA SYR ISR ERI TUN TGO TCD SDN KEN CMR CAF GAB STP AFRICA 42 DATA SOURCE: ZAF LSO IND LKA IRN IRQ SAU MMR ARE KWT 54 JPN LAO MYS SGP MIDDLE EAST IDN 57 SLB FJI PACIFIC COM MOZ index.gain.org 11.2014 MDG PHL KHM NZL MWI BWA ZWE AFG KOR AUS COD RWA BDI AGO CHN PNG NER GHA BFA TJK BGD GEO GMB GNB TKM ALB YEM Color indicates a Country’s READINESS GRC ASIA RUS KGZ 68 SOUTH AMERICA Size indicates a Country’s MDA SRB URY 55 55 57 TLS READINESS UPGRADES VULNERABILITY Examining a six year trend, a number of vulnerable countries have made great strides in readiness. Their positions on the ND-GAIN Matrix in 2013, compared to 2008, demonstrate the improvements possible with smart investment. Liberia Rwanda Guinea Laos Sao Tome & Principe Zimbabwe READINESS VULNERABILITY The ND-GAIN Matrix illustrates the comparative resilience of countries to climate. The vertical axis shows the vulnerability score and the horizontal axis shows the readiness score. READINESS DATA SOURCE: Countries in the red quadrant have a high vulnerability to climatic change, and a low level of readiness. Countries in both red and blue quadrants are a priority for investment. As a country improves its readiness (moving left to right across the matrix), it increases its ability to accept adaptation investment to address the urgent need for action. index.gain.org 11.2014
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