FIL 124 – Introduksjon til praktisk filosofi – Litteraturliste

FIL 124 – Introduksjon til praktisk filosofi – Litteraturliste høst 2015
Aristoteles: Den nikomakiske etikk, (overs. Øyvind Rabbås og Anfinn Stigen), Oslo:
Bokklubben Dagens Bøker, 1999. Bok 1-2 (1-38)
Bentham, Jeremy: An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Kitchener:
Batocje Books 2000. Kap. 1. (s. 14-18)
Mill, John Stuart: Utilitarianism, i The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume X Essays on Ethics, Religion, and Society, London: Routledge 1985. Del 2. (s. 209-226)
Kant, Immanuel: Kritikk av den praktiske fornuft, (overs. Bjarne Hansen og Øystein Skar),
Oslo: Aschehoug 2007. Første bok, første kapittel §1-8 (s. 39-65).
Kant, Immanuel: Om ordtaket ”Det kan være riktig i teorien, men duger ikke i praksis”,
(overs. Øystein Skar), i Lars Svendsen (red.): Liberalisme, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
2009. Del II. (s. 59-73)
Ruse, Michael: ”The Significance of Evolution”, i Peter Singer (red.): A Companion to Ethics,
Oxford: Blackwell1993. (s. 500-509)
Baier, Kurt: ”Egoism”, i Peter Singer (red.): A Companion to Ethics, Oxford: Blackwell1993.
(s. 197-204)
Kant, Immanuel: Religionen innenfor fornuftens grenser, (overs. Øystein Skar), Oslo:
Humanist forlag 2004. Kap 1. (s. 29-55)
McGinn, Colin: Ethics, Evil and Fiction, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1997. Kap. 4. (s. 61-91)
Dreier, James: “Moral Relativism and Moral Nihilism”, i David Copp (red.): The Oxford
Handbook of Ethical Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006. (s. 240-264)
Rawls, John: ”Justice as Fairness”, Philosophical Review 2/1958. (s. 164-194)
Nussbaum, Martha: Frontiers of Justice, Cambridge, MA Cambridge University Press 2006.
(s. 9-35)
Baier, Annette: ”The Need for More than Justice”, i Russ Shafer-Landau (red.): Ethical
Theory: An Anthology, 2. utg. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2013. (s. 721-728)
Nozick, Robert: Anarchy, State, and Utopia, New York: Basic Books 1974. (s. 149-164)
Sen, Amartya: The Idea of Justice, Allan Lane, London 2009. (s. 1-27)
Strawson, Peter F.: ”Freedom and Resentment”, i Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays,
London: Routledge 2008 (1974). (s. 1-28)
Berlin, Isaiah: ”Two Concepts of Liberty”, i Four Essays on Liberty, Oxford: Oxford
University Press 1969. (s. 118-172)
Conly, Sarah: Against Autonomy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013, kap. 6. (s.
Thaler, Richard og Sunstein, Cass: “Libertarian Paternalism”, The American Economic
Review 93/2003 (s. 175–179).
Mill, John Stuart: On liberty, i The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume XVIII Essays on Politics and Society Part I, London: Routledge 1977. Kap. 2. (s. 228-259)
James Rachels: “Why Privacy is Important”, Philosophy and Public Affairs 4/1975. (s. 323333)
Wolf, Susan: Meaning in Life and Why it Matters, Princeton/London: Princeton University
Press, 2010. (s. 1-33)
Frankfurt, Harry: ”On Caring”, i Necessity, Volition, and Love, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1999. (s. 155-180)