Publications – Pia Lane Lane and Makihara (forthcoming). Indigenous peoples and their languages. In: García, Flores and Spotti (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society. Oxford University Press Lane (2015) Minority language standardisation and the role of users. Language Policy, 14:263–283 Lane (2014) Nexus Analysis. In: Östman and Verschueren (Eds.). Handbook of Pragmatics, John Benjamins: Lane (2012) Kodeveksling og grammatisk samspill: Morfologisk integrasjon av norske substantiv. [Code-switching and grammatical interplay. Morphological integration of Norwegian nouns]. NOA. Norsk som andrespråk, 5- 22 Lane (2012) Multimodality and culture. In: Chapelle (Ed.). Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Wiley-Blackwell: Blackwell Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: Kjelsvik and Lane (2011). Kva kjenneteiknar etnografiske metodar i diskursanalyse?. In: Nielsen Veum and Hitching (Eds.). Diskursanalyse i praksis. Metode og analyse, 235238 Lane (2011) Neksusanalyse: en etnografisk tilnærming til diskursanalyse [Nexus Analysis: an ethnographic approach to Discourse Analysis]. In: Nielsen Veum and Hitching (Eds.) Diskursanalyse i praksis! Høyskoleforlaget, 239-256 Lane (2011) The Birth of the Kven Language in Norway: Emancipation through state recognition. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2011 (209) pp. 57-74 Lane (2011) “Dette er mitt morsmål". Narrativer om språkvalg og språkskifte [This is my mother tongue. Narratives of language choice and language shift]. Nordand: Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning 2011; 1. 73-87 Pietikäinen, Lane, Salo and Laihiala-Kankainen (2011). Frozen actions in arctic linguistic landscape: A nexus analysis of language processes in visual space. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(4), 277-298 Lane (2010) ”We did what we thought was best for our children”. A Nexus Analysis of language shift. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. (202) pp. 63-78 Pietikäinen, Huss, Laihiala-Kankainen, Puoskari and Lane (2010). Regulating multilingualism. Acta Borealia, 27.(1), 1-23 Blommaert, Kelly-Holmes, Leppänen, Lane, Moriarty, Pietikäinen, and Piirainen-Marsh (2009). Media, multilingualism and language policing: an introduction. Language Policy 2009; 8(3), 203-207 Lane (2009) Identities in action. A nexus analysis of identity construction and language shift. Visual Communication, 8: 449-468 Lane (2009) Mediated national language policy: a case of citizenship categorization in Norwegian media. Language Policy; 8(3), 209-225 Lane (2009) Norsk språkpolitikk og nasjonale minoriteter [Norwegian language policy and national minorities]. In: Lindgren (Ed.). Kvener og skogfinner i fortid og nåtid. Tromsø: Speculum Boreale, 25-33 Lane (2007) Språk som identitetsuttrykk: Kodeveksling i et kvenskspråklig samfunn. [Language as an expression of identity. Code-switching in a Kven community] NOA. Norsk som andrespråk 2007; 1:37-56 Lane (2007) Identitetskonstruksjon i Bugøynes og Lappe, Canada [Identity construction in Bugøynes and Lappe]. In: Kvener og skogfinner i fortid og nåtid. Rapport fra seminaret "Kvener og skogfinner i fortid og nåtid – identitetsforvaltning og strategier. Tromsø: Speculum Boreale nr. 9. Skriftserie frå Institutt for historie 2007, 9-22 Lane (2006). A Tale of Two Towns. A Comparative Study of Language and Culture Contact. PhD-Thesis. University of Oslo Lane (2006) Norwegian verbs in a Finnish morpho-syntactic frame: Code-switching or borrowing? In: Hirvonen and Watson (Eds.) Finno-Ugric Language Contacts. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Lane (2005) Language contact between Finnish and Norwegian. In: Winsa (Ed.): FinnoUgric people in the Nordic countries. ROOTS V: The roots of peoples and languages of Northern Eurasia. Meän akateemi, 140-148 Lane (2002) Survival of the Fittest? The Maintenance of Finnish in Canada and Norway. Proceedings from the Second Vigo International Symposium on Bilingualism Johannessen, Janne Bondi, Kristin Hagen and Pia Lane (2002). The performance of a grammar checker with deviant language input. In: Shu-Chuan Tseng (Ed.): Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING. Taipei, Taiwan, 1223-1227 Johannessen, Hagen and Lane (2001). Some problems related to the development of a grammar checker. In: Proceedings from the 2001 Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics Hagen and Lane (2001). "Det er fort gjort og skrive feil." En Presentasjon av en automatisk grammatikkontroll for bokmål. In: Utvalgte artikler fra Det niende møtet om norsk språk i Oslo 2001 Lane (1999). Language contact in Bugøynes/Pykeä. MA-thesis, University of Oslo Edited volumes (forthcoming) Lane and Costa 2016 (Eds.) Standardizing Minority Languages: Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery, Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism (contracted). Diana Camps, Haley de Korne, Ana Deumert, Susan Gal, Lenore Grenoble, Elina Kangas, Alexandra Misty, Jacqueline Urla, Donna Patrick and Bernadette O’Rourke Lane, Røyneland and Wright 2016 (Eds.) Language planning – the theory and practice of standardisation, Sociolinguistica - Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik 2016, De Gruyter Mouton (invited contribution) Commissioned book reviews Lane (2010). 2010 Review of respecting linguistic diversity in the European Union, edited by Xabier Arzoz. Journal of Sociolinguistics 14.(3): 419-422 Lane (2009) Commissioned review of Rhetorica Scandinavica: Retorikk & antropologi (nr. 40 2006). Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 20.(1): 127-129 Research reports and newspaper articles for the general public Golden, Lane, Lanza, Ryen, Simonsen and Svendsen (2013). Bred enighet i internasjonal forskning om fordeler ved tospråklighet. Aftenposten Innsikt [General agreement in international research on advantages of bilingualism] Golden, Lane, Lanza, Ryen, Simonsen and Svendsen (2013) Finn fem feil i debatten om tospråklighet. Aftenposten Innsikt [Five mistakes in the debate on bilingualism] Lane and Räisänen (2008) LICHEN-prosjektet – et humanioraprosjekt i polarårsbuketten. Ottar 2008 (4), 12-19 Lane (2011). Documenting the Kven language and other minority languages in the northern areas (LICHEN) In: Orheim and Ulstein (Eds.) International Polar Year 2007-2008: the Norwegian contribution, Research Council of Norway, pp.161-163 Trosterud, Hagen and Lane (2001). En grammatikkontroll for bokmål [A grammar checker for Bokmål]. Språknytt 2005 Comments on Norway’s third periodical report on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Report to the Council of Europe 2003 Public comment on behalf of the University of Oslo on the report Kvensk – språk eller dialekt? (Kven – language or dialect?). The report was commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and led to recognition of Kven as a language.
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