Growth and nutrition in preterms Anne Karin Aurvåg og Christine Gørbitz Kliniske ernæringsfysiologer, BUK, Akershus University Hospital Optimal nutrition and growth of the preterms: • AAP 1985 standard for postnatal nutrition; ”the standard for postnatal nutrition in all preterm infants aimes to duplicate normal in utero growth rates” • AAP Commitee on Nutrition 1998; repeated the message Intrauterin growth • Fetus weightgain GA 27 – 34 weeks; 16–17 g/kg/d (baby 2 kg – weightgain = 32-34 g/d) Lenght/headcircumference increases 1 cm/week • Accumulation of nutrients mainly in third trimester ”….not because growth per se is important, but rather because poor growth is a marker of inadequate nutrition, which in turn can impair cognitive development.” Ziegler 2001 Postnatal growth failure % SGA at birth: 33% % SGA when leaving the hospital/at term: 58% • Growth and nutrient intake among very-low-birth-weight infants fed fortified human milk during hospitalisation Henriksen C et al, Br J Nutr 2009;102:1179-86 Growth failure (<10 p): 2000: 64,5% - 2013: 50,3% • Weight Growth Velocity and Postnatal Growth Failure in Infants 501 to 1500 g: 2000-2013 Horbar JD et al, Pediatr 2015;136:84-92 Enhanced Feeding and Diminished Postnatal Growth Failure in VLBW Infants • Birthweight < 1500 g • 50 children • Interventiongroup had more energy, protein, vitamin A and essential fatty acids • Interventiongroup better weightgain og less SGA Moltu S et al JPGN 2014;58(3),344-351. Early aggressive nutrition Adequate nutrition from day 1 - growth • Weightgain and increased HC is directely correlated to proteinintake. Arslanoglu S et al, J Perinatol 2006;26:614-21 • Preterms < 1500 g; before day 5 received > 3 g aa/kg/d weightgain, HC and lenght by 36 weeks GA. → better Poindexter BB et al,J Pediatr 2006;148:300-5 • Preterms fed more aggressively, regain birth weight sooner → NEC and sepsis unchanged or reduced + earlier discharge. Hay WW et al, Curr Pediatr Rep 2013;1(4):1-17 Adequate nutrition from day 1 – cognitive function • Perinatal growth failure in VLBW resulted in subnormal HC at 8 months. At 8 years: → adverse effect on neurodevelopmental outcome → increaced hyperactivity Hack M et al. N Engl J Med 1991;325:231-7 • + 10 kcal/kg/day first week → + 4,6 point MDI at 18 months + 1 g protein/kg/day first week → + 8,2 point MDI at 18 months Stephens B et al, Pediatr 2009;123:1337-43 Human milk composition per 100ml Content Protein, g Preterm Term 2,2 1,8 (W. > 10) 1,4 1,0 1,2 0,9 (W. 1) 60 60 66 (W. 1) (W. 3-4) Kcal (W. 3-4) (W. > 10) 77 66 A systematic rewiew and meta-analysis of the nutrient content of preterm and term breast milk. Gidrewicz and Fenton, BMC Pediatrics, 2014;14:216. n=843 preterm mothers and n=2299 term morthers 68 Our analysis……………. More than 100 samles om mothers milk analysed at Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital – Energy: – Protein: – Fat: 44-135 kcal/100ml 0,5-2,3 g/100 ml 2,5-11,7 g/100 ml If the child only gets unfortified donormilk? Recommended preterm intake (ESPGHAN 2010) 15% (150 ml/kg) bankmelk Energy, kcal/kg/d 110-135 100 Protein, g/kg/d 4-4,5 1,35 Vitamin A 400-1000 ug/kg/d 90 ug Vitamin D 800-1000 iu/dag 0 Iron 2-3 mg/kg/dag 0,15 Tiamin, mg 0,14-0,30 mg/kg/dag 0,03 Riboflavin, mg 0,2-0,4 mg/kg/dag 0,04 Vitamin C, mg 11-46 mg/kg/d 6 Preterms need fortification/supplementation of breast milk! Individual differences: –what kind of supplement/fortification? –amount of supplement/fortification? –tolerance for supplement/fortification –tolerance for volum CAKE I Effekt av intensiv kostintervensjon hos barn med fødselsvekt 1500-2000 g Anne Karin Aurvåg og Christine Elisabeth Gørbitz Kliniske ernæringsfysiologer BUK Aims • Growth duplicating intrauterin growth • Achive more knowledge concering nutrition and growth from birth to 4 months corrected age (56 weeks GA) CAKE hypothesis; Individual nutritional follow-up of children with birth weight 1500 - 2000 g, improves growth compared to controls. Weight, term Control: 2993 g Intervention: 3568 g P < 0.0005 Weight, 4 months corrected age/GA 56 weeks Control: 6219 g Intervention: 7042 g P < 0.01 Lenght, term Control: 49.2 cm Intervention: 50.5 cm P < 0.0005 Lenght, 4 months corrected age/GA 56 weeks Control: 62.0 cm Intervention: 63.7 cm P < 0.05 Head circumference, term n.s. = Ikke signifikant forskjell mellom gruppene Head circumference, 4 months corrected age/GA 56 weeks Control: 41.1 cm Intervention: 42.2 cm P < 0.05 CAKE CAKE II Starting september 2015 Akershus University Hospital Stavanger University Hospital St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim University Hospital North Norway in Tromsø Telemark Hospital in Skien Intervention by dietetian; at Akershus University Hospital More knowledge about preterms (1500-2000 g); growth, nutrition and feeding difficulties
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