Welcome to our parish! As pastor, I hope we can enrich your experience as much as you enrich ours. Fr. David Ruby Pat DeGroot gave a Lenten presentation of the Woman at the Well followed by a soup lunch. See more pictures on our website in the photo gallery. Bishop’s Appeal Stella Maris Parish Target Received to date from 135 donors Total needed to meet assessment $50,516 $30,210 $20,306 Monday, March 31 Morning Prayer-8:00 am-SB Tuesday, April 1 Scripture Class-8:30 am-SB Pray the Rosary-12:00 noon-BH Lenten Taize Service-3:00 pm-SB Knights of Columbus Meeting-7:30 pm-BH Wednesday, April 2 Faith Formation Grades 1-8-4:00-5:30 pm-BH Evening Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction6:00 pm-SB Faith Formation Grades 9-12-7:00-8:30 pm-BH Thursday, April 3 Coffee With Matthew-9:00 am-SB Triduum Choir Practice-10:30 am-SB Worship Committee Meeting-1:30 pm-EH Office Reconciliation-5:00-6:00 pm-BH Faith Formation Committee Meeting-6:30 pm-BH Friday, April 4 Reconciliation-10:00-11:00 am-EH Stations of the Cross-12:00 noon-BH K of C Fish Dinner-12:30 pm-BH (Reservations by Thursday 9 am to the office (920) 868-3241) Saturday-Sunday, April 5-6 Mary Gomoll Speaking at all Masses this weekend Sunday, April 6 Coffee With Matthew-9:00 am-EH Coffee With Matthew-11:00 am-SB Triduum Choir Practice-11 am-SB-Piano Room Qinceanera-12:00-3:00 pm-SB For Online Giving to our parish, please go to www.stellamarisparish.com and click on “Giving to the Parish Electronically” on the front page. Stella Maris Mission Statement “Stella Maris Parish, guided by our patron, lives and shares the mission of Jesus Christ" By consensus, on May 8, 2010, the Pastoral and Finance Councils recommended to the pastor that we continue to build Stella Maris as a vibrant parish, and that we continue to serve five ministry sites and the ministry to Washington Island. Website: www.stellamarisparish.com Fourth Sunday of Lent-March 30, 2014 2| Welcome to Stella Maris in Baileys Harbor, Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, Jacksonport, Sister Bay & Washington Island Dear Fellow Parishioners Recently, there were some tragic local suicides. One of the people grew up in our parish, served mass for us and attended faith formation. I attended his memorial and knew people who attended the other memorial. Both memorials were well done and were as helpful as possible for the people who were attending. No matter how well done the services are, the grieving of those kinds of deaths is always difficult and takes a long time to heal if it ever truly happens at all. There are so many difficult questions that go unanswered. These questions tear our insides apart and cause to us to wonder why they do that and how to stop them from happening. Although suicide is one of the hardest experiences, it is not the only difficult one. Any senseless taking of innocent life or significant loss of human life or inhumane treatment of people by other people shocks us. It also calls out to us for some decent and satisfactory answer to justify the unjustifiable. In the midst of this anger and questioning, God often is the target and/or blamed in some way. An interesting Masterpiece Theatre presentation is entitled, “God on Trial.” It concerns a group of Jews in Auschwitz concentration camp. They are awaiting their death and upset about Hitler’s extermination of the Jewish people. They put God on trial for breach of the covenant he made with His chosen people. From their understandings of the scriptures, their history and of God in general; they argue for or against God’s complicity in their situation and whether He kept His covenant. Of the people present, some are very knowledgeable about these matters and some are not. Some are religious and some are not. Some want to stay loyal to God and some do not. A father and son who are opposite each other in almost every way continue to demonstrate their anger and frustration toward each other. Although we hear almost every side of the story, in the end we are told that God is convicted of breach of the covenant. The conclusion is that what is happening is somehow God’s fault. That is not surprising with how we as human beings have acted since the beginning. Although personally I do not agree with the trial’s outcome, I do not think the exercise of that trial was bad. It was a normal and healthy outlet. I would even go so far as to say it was prayerful. As we continue our journey with the woman at the well, it is important to carry on the conversations with Jesus that push the limits of faith, hope and love. Just as those Jews could not understand why God would allow the extermination of their race by Hitler, we find situations in life that we just cannot fathom. Some people use those situations as excuses to abandon God. That option is the least creative, growth filled or helpful one possible. The better way is to handle these experiences, questions and difficulties as seriously as possible with the greatest reverence in the deepest part of ourselves in dialogue with the deepest part of reality. We do that when we discuss these situations with God whatever the ultimate outcome. The psalms which are filled with these discussions can guide us in our ability to cope with life by venting in the presence of God’s tender, unconditional love. In Christ’s love, Fr. Dave Ruby, Pastor Faith Formation Health & Wellness Coffee with Matthew continues this week-Jesus’ Life-Giving Death offers a close look at the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Matthew's Gospel. Groups meet Thursday in Sister Bay at 9 am, Sundays in Egg Harbor at 9 am and 11 am in Sister Bay. “Living Healthy is a Prayer” WARNING SIGNS OF DEMENTIA What is her name? Where did I put my glasses? I seem to be getting more forgetful as I get older! Most of us experience some signs of memory loss at some point in our lives. Does this mean we have dementia? Following is a guide to normal memory loss and dementia symptoms -- typical age-related memory loss and other changes compared to Dementia. For more information please call one of the group leaders: Mark Kunstman at (920) 495-5856, Jan Liss at (920) 839-2630 or Marijo Young at (951) 265-0649 for Sister Bay and Pat Gureski for Egg Harbor at (920) 493-8705. Christian Service & Responsibility The world makes us look toward ourselves, our possessions, our desires. The Gospel invites us to be open to others, to share with the poor. Tweet from Pope Francis @Pontifex Stella Maris Food collections. Food collected at the Sister Bay site goes to two different organizations. Food placed in the grocery cart near the kitchen entrance benefits the Koinonia Sister Bay Food Pantry. Food collected in the basket at the main entrance goes to Catholic Youth Expedition. Food collected at the Washington Island site is used by the Washington Island Food Pantry. Food collected at the Egg Harbor, Jacksonport, Fish Creek and Baileys Harbor sites benefits Feed My People. $500 was given to the Special Olympics-Door County enabling individuals with intellectual disabilities the tools they need to increase their self-confidence, improve their health and work in solidarity with others. The Special Olympic movement not only provides athletic competition but now also provides support programs for athletes and their families such as nutrition and life-style choices. Signs of Dementia Typical age-related changes Poor judgment and decision mak- Making a bad decision once in a ing while Inability to manage a budget Missing a monthly payment Losing track of the date or the season Forgetting which day it is and remembering late Difficulty having a conversation Sometimes forgetting which word to use Misplacing things and being unaLosing things from time to time ble to retrace steps to find them If you notice any of the Warning signs of Dementia in yourself or someone you know, don't ignore them. Schedule an appointment with your doctor. (Adapted from the Alzheimer’s Association website) REMINDER: Northern Door Health & Wellness Ministry presents this month’s CHIP Program THIS WEEKEND, Sunday, March 30 on “Recognizing Signs of Dementia”, at First Baptist Church, Sister Bay, at 4:00 pm. Please join us! Fourth Sunday of Lent–March 30, 2014 3| Our Faith News SPRING FLING-is this Sunday, March 30 at our Sister Bay site. The cost for raffle tickets is 3 for $10. This is a major fundraiser for our parish and we encourage all parishioners to participate. You could be a winner of $500, $250, $100 or various other prizes. Your participation ensures the success of this event. A pot roast dinner will be served from 2 to 6 pm with the raffle beginning at 5 pm. Tickets for the dinner will be $15 for adults and children under 12-$5. Tickets may be picked up at our sites after Mass or at the door. See you there! THE PROLIFE CAMPAIGN, 40 Days for Life, provides daily devotions, peaceful activism and prayers for Lent. Go to 40daysforlife.com and click the devotionals tab. THE YMCA is sponsoring a bus trip to the Passion Play at Xavier High School, Appleton. For more information call the YMCA. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND a Morning of Reflection for Women on Saturday, April 26, from 8 am-12 Noon at the Sister Bay site. God has given you many gifts in the form of talents (writing, athletics, painting, gardening, music, cooking, managing, etc.). Bring a symbol/object that expresses one of your talents. Wrap this as a gift and bring it with you (you will take it home with you). Continental Breakfast provided. RSVP appreciated by April 16 to Mary Mackowski - phone: (920) 256-2239. Offered by the Women of Christ Renews His Parish. MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH, Panfila Macias Jauregui and her sons, will be the recipient of the Habitat for Humanity home that will be constructed east of Egg Harbor this summer. This is a "Faith Build" home with all Northern Door Churches invited to take part. Plan now to attend the benefit kick-off dinner on Saturday, May 3 at 5:15 pm at the Baileys Harbor site, to learn more about the project and how you can help and simply to support this northern Door house build. Dinner will feature chicken cordon bleu with all the trimmings and entertainment along with a free-will offering to help sponsor the project. WALK FOR A CAUSE: Support Brain Tumor Awareness and Door CANcer-Come join in prayer and fellowship on Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 9:00 am at Corpus Christi Church. The Sturgeon Bay Catholic Community and Corpus Christi Parish are sponsoring a 1or 3 mile Walk for a Cause. The cost is $15.00 per person which includes a Walk for a Cause t-shirt, and a donation to Door CANcer. Registration forms are available at the Corpus Christi Parish Office and on the Corpus Christi web site. The forms must be received by April 21 to guarantee a shirt. The 1 or 3 mile walk begins at 9:00 am from the social hall, but is a staggered start, so come and walk any time from 9noon. This is an opportunity to raise money for Door CANcer, pray for those that have been touched by the disease and create fellowship in our Christian community. WEBSITE: http://www.stellamarisparish.com/ Did you ever wonder what goes on at the new Faith Formation committee meetings? On the top left, click Parish Ministries, then Committees. Scroll down to just below “Pastoral Ministry” and you will find the minutes. SHOP THE STELLA MARIS DINING GUIDE Restaurant & Bar Point-Of-Sale Equipment And Island Fantasy Gifts BAKERY * SANDWICHES * COFFEE ESPRESSO * GIFTS * FULL DELI -PCEFMM1PJOU3Er8BTIJOHUPO*TMBOE8* (920) 847-2632 XXXEBOJTINJMMDPN 920-868-3095 For information on advertising, please call our church representative www.wildtomatopizza.com THE VIKING GRILL AND LOUNGE “HOME OF THE OUTDOOR FISH BOIL” Ellison Bay, WI 743-9923 YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HERE! Jacksonportt920-823-2081 Open Wed & Thur @ 4 Dinner Friday @ 11 am Lunch & Dinner Sat & Sun Breakfast-Lunch & Dinner Great Food & Refreshment 8 N. Madison Ave., Sturgeon Bay AcclaimPOS.com 854-2400 (920)854-2998 DENNIS THOMPSON at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2470 Email: [email protected] www.SeekAndFind.com www.thevikinggrill.com ENJOY OVER 300 FEET OF SANDY BEACH DOES YOUR BUSINESS TAKE CREDIT CARDS? Would you like to SAVE 10-20% on your fees? Ask me about our “Save you money or pay you $500.00* guarantee” Simon Creek Winery 746-9307 823-2404 OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL LAKE MICHIGAN JACKSONPORT, WI *Terms & conditions apply Call Dennis Thompson at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2470 or Bowling - Restaurant E-mail: [email protected] 854-2841 www.SeekAndFind.com Donny’s Glidden Lodge Open Year Round 4IPQTr'PPE%BJMZr". 920-746-9460 (MJEEFO%SrSturgeon Bay, WI FOR AD INFO CALL Dennis Thompson 1-800-950-9952 r WWW-1JCOM )PNFNBEF4PVQ$IJMJr$BSSZ0VUT 0QFO:FBS3PVOEtt'JTI$SFFL)XZ STELLA MARIS, EGG HARBOR B 2C 01-0721 02-28-2014 15:32:09 C REEK R ESORT HAMMERSMITH TV A PPLE MOTEL & SUITES *OEPPS1PPM8IJSMQPPMT'JSFQMBDFT 1FOJOTVMB4UBUF1BSL4IPQT%JOJOH)JLF 4MFJHI3JEFT94LJ8JOFSJFT'JTI$SFFL LG HD Television Displays DIRECTV Systems Over 50 Years serving Door County t BQQMFDSFFLSFTPSUDPN 854-2614 Sister Bay Hide Side Corner Store HIDE SIDE BOUTIQUE Downtown Fish Creek SCHARTNER’S FARM MARKET Fresh Fruits & Vegetables In Season 920-743-8617 4 miles south of Egg Harbor on Hwy. 42 Dr. John’s Computer Repair CARLSON & ERICKSON BUILDERS, INC. “We make house calls” Ken Beutler, Realtor/Parishioner 920-421-2034 XXXLFOCFVUMFSDPNtLFO!LFOCFVUMFSDPN Contact me for all your your Door County Real Estate Needs :$;,<,=6>?@)*A/B-"C Gifts, Garden, Home Decor .JDIJHBO4U10#PY Sturgeon Bay, WI Ph: 920-743-5635 Formerly Davis Mortuary 'JTI$SFFLt4JTUFS#BZt4UVSHFPO#BZ !"#$%&'"(")*+,-%.%&#"$/0%12345%63783396 Rusty Rabbit Shop FUNERAL HOME 4JTUFS#BZr920-854-2162 Pc’s, Macs, Data Recovery, Virus, Spam and Malware Removal, Custom Systems Built and One-on-One tutoring 3225 Highland Spur Road, Fish Creek, WI Professional personal in home pet care, when you can’t be there! 854.7522 YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HERE! *OEFQFOEFOU#FBVUZ$POTVMUBOU '3&&4)*11*/( XXXNBSZLBZDPNTLMBNFS (PE'JSTU'BNJMZ4FDPOEBOE$BSFFS5IJSE 854-4929 Sun 7:30 - 5:00 8FFLEBZT Open Daily 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hwy. 42, South of Sister Bay Open Daily 8 a.m. Thursday 2:30-3:30pm 0SDBMM(920)746-8800 Downtown Egg Harbor 'SFE#SVOTXJDL 920-868-2120 4UVSHFPO#BZ8* Apartment homes starting at $580 Apar www.doorcountygrocery.com WINTER OPEN HOUSE //JOUI$PVSU4UVSHFPO#BZ XXXEPOFGGDPN Good Samaritan-Scandia Village A Senior Living Community! 10560 Applewood Road, Sister Bay Call 854-2317! Rocky Ridge Storage County E just west of Peninsula Center -Bailey’s HarborUnits/Boats/Vehicles/RVs For information on advertising, 854-2391 please call our church representative 8&&%$0/530-r*/4&$5$0/530-r'&35*-*;"5*0/ Big Hill Regency House 920-421-1032 or 920-868-3992 Parish Members DENNIS THOMPSON at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2470 Email: [email protected] Assisted Living Home For The Elderly 920-854-7225 Sister Bay, WI 54234 www.SeekAndFind.com FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1909 4UBUF-JDFOTFE 'VMMZ*OTVSFE XXXF[HSFFOMMDOFU Van Gemert 854-4851 Memorials 823-2259 Competitive Rates Free EstimatesrFully Insured Toll Free 1-866-280-8356 Creations Hair Designs HE BEST WATER VIEW IN DOOR COUNTY EGG HARBOR, WISCONSIN 54209 RESERVATIONS (920) 868-3115 www.eggharborlodge.com )BJSDVUTr1FSNTr$PMPSr#BSCFSJOH -PXFS-FWFMt$PVOUSZ8BML4IPQT 4JTUFS#BZ8* Dorchester KATIE VOIGHT, Owner/Stylist (920) 854-9866r8BML*OT8FMDPNF Door County Septic Systems, Inc. 4LJMMFE/VSTJOHt3FTQJUF$BSF 1IZTJDBM3FIBC (920) 743-6274 DAN LUNDQUIST 4563(&0/#":0''*$& /035)&3/%003#3"/$) PHONE 920-868-3909 -&*() ."3: ;*&-,& HWY. 42 '*4)$3&&, 8* 4JTUFS#BZr$PVOUSZ8BML-BOF Located on the quiet side of Sister Bay (Door County, WI) Your hosts, Jim & Carol Mullaney 10490 State Highway 57 Sister Bay, WI 54234 920-854-4242 www.voyagerinndc.com Adventure Golf OWNER “ATTEND-A-PET” 4VF#BSSZ "-VYVSJPVT3FUSFBU #FESPPN4VJUFTX'JSFQMBDFTt*OEPPSBOE 0VUEPPS1PPMTt4BVOBt8IJSMQPPM 1-800-927-2492 or 920-839-2336 JOHN J. SAWYER, 4BMMZ4BMPQFLr(920) 854-5347 10432 Hwy 42, Ephraim (City Farmer) 10326 Hwy 42 &QISBJNr (608) 712-3038 (&/&3"-$0/53"$5034 $6450.)0.*-%*/(3&.0%&-*/( .BTUFS1MVNCFS 854-5634 Equal opportunity provider of healthcare services. GLS-07731-11-GM SISTER BAY Call the Landmark Resort 868-3205 Good Food, Good Fun at the Landmark 24 Hr. Service Nightly Rentals, Indoor Pool, Great Rates! (920) 868-2046 www.ParkwoodLodge.com Pat’s Painting 868-3323 6939 State Hwy. 42, 3 miles south of Egg Harbor 868-3871 Open Daily May - October NORTHERN DOOR COMMUNICATIONS 1BU;BL0XOFS Cell 920-493-0345 Home 920-868-3910 850 S. Lansing - Sturgeon Bay & Gift Shop, LLC ANNUALS ~ PERENNIALS ~ GARDEN ACCESSORIES 2350 MAPLE DRIVE 854-4800 SISTER BAY or 877-528-1414 www.northerndoorcommunications.com 920-868-3646 Plumbing & Heating 746-9200 CR #15855 MP #232312 Little Hoppers Dumpster Service R E A LTO R S Mary Jo Ehnert 854-2363 (920) 746-7434 www.little-hoppers.com Got Metal? We pay CASH! 23 Years of Putting Buyers & Sellers Together [email protected] r#FESPPN4VJUFTXJUI,JUDIFOT Whirlpools and Fireplaces r*OUIF$FOUFSPG&HH)BSCPS (walking distance to shops and restaurants) 7888 Church St. r*OEPPSBOE0VUEPPS1PPMT Egg Harbor, WI r8IJSMQPPMr4BVOBr 'JUOFTT3PPN (920) 868-9900 r$IJMESFOT*OEPPSBOE0VUEPPS1MBZHSPVOET “Where Your Health is Our Concern” Cherry Point Mall The Cornerstone 920-746-2977 )XZr&HH)BSCPS 920-868-3005 "OUJRVFTr-PEHJOHr$POWFSTBUJPO www.baypharmacy.net 1300 Egg Harbor Rd. Sturgeon Bay, WI MOTEL, SUITES, & CONDO RENTALS 4006 Hwy 42, Fish Creek, WI (920) 868-3748 CHRISTINE’S Staudenmaier Chiropractic Wellness Center S.C. Casuals and Classics BackToWellness.org Dr. Luke Staudenmaier 3FTJEFOUJBM$BSFr4UVSHFPO#BZ8* Serving The Needs Of The Elderly Population Since 1991 920-743-7255 /UI"WFr4UVSHFPO#BZ Residential & Commercial Kris Kennedy-Dart, Administrator (920) 839-9358 (920) 743-9289 FOR AD INFO CALL Dennis Thompson 1-800-950-9952 Egg Harbor, WI “The Store for Beautiful Clothing” r WWW-1JCOM STELLA MARIS, EGG HARBOR 920.868.3750 A 2C 01-0721 02-28-2014 15:32:09 5| Fourth Sunday of Lent-March 30, 2014 Worship & Music Column This weekend, our liturgy is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as Laetare Sunday. Laetare is Latin for “Rejoice” and we are rejoicing as Easter is fastapproaching…..only three weeks from now! Our focus this Lent is: What’s in Your Well? Last weekend, we heard John’s Gospel proclaimed about the Samaritan Woman at the Well. With our special hymns this Lent: “Come to the Well” and “There is a Well”, it is our hope and prayer that the music and the lyrics help bring us closer to the Lord as we relate to what Jesus would say to us and what we would say to him at the well. How would that conversation change our lives? Continuing our Lenten Journey with the Woman at the Well, please plan on joining us this Tuesday, April 1 for our Lenten Taize Prayer, 3:00 pm at Sister Bay. We will incorporate our Lenten Well focus into this particular Taize Prayer. Through the music and the sacred scripture and the silence and the art and environment, we pray that the experience will bring us closer to the Lord this Lent. I’d like to share an example of the Taize Prayer I experienced last July, at the NPM (National Pastoral Musician) convention in Washington, D.C. It was held very late at night at 10:30 pm after all the day’s workshops, music readings and events. I didn’t know how many people would be there, given how late the time was after a jam-packed day. Wow, was I surprised! In the huge ballroom, it was overflowing with people of all ages with some sitting on the floor to be closer to the icons. There was a huge metal pedestal that looked like a tree and the vigil candles were placed at the end of the branches, illuminating the icons and the cross. The effect was mesmerizing. The music was so soothing and touched your heart singing it. The prayer was supposed to last for an hour, but we found ourselves still praying and singing after Midnight. It was one of the most profound spiritual experiences in which I’ve had the privilege of participating. We will try our best to accomplish a little of that in this Tuesday’s Taize Prayer. Thank you, Kathy Sedan, Worship & Music Minister Liturgies of the Week Saturday, March 29-Fourth Sunday of Lent Washington Island 11:00 am Liturgy of the Word W/Communion Baileys Harbor 4:00 pm-DR Members of Stella Maris Sunday, March 30-Fourth Sunday of Lent Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Herb Kuchenbecker Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR †James Champeau Monday, March 31 Sister Bay 8:00 am Morning Prayer Tuesday, April 1 Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR †Clarice Berns Wednesday, April 2-St. Francis of Paola Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Joseph & Dorothy Charnetski Thursday, April 3 Sister Bay 8:00 am-DR †Harriet Redelin Friday, April 4-St. Isidore (Doctor of the Church) Baileys Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Kenneth Krishka Saturday, April 5-Fifth Sunday of Lent Washington Island 11:00 am-DR †Members of Stella Maris Baileys Harbor 4:00 pm-DR †Paul Ruffolo Sunday, April 6-Fifth Sunday of Lent Egg Harbor 8:00 am-DR †Susan Van Dyck Sister Bay 10:00 am-DR †Lorraine Braubach & Raymond Kaminski (Fish Creek & Jacksonport are temporarily closed) DR=Fr. David Ruby Readings for the Week of March 30 Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Jn 11:1-45 or 11: 3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Fourth Sunday of Lent-March 30, 2014 6| Pastor Reverend David Ruby [email protected] Egg Harbor Office (920) 868-3241 PO Box 49, 7710 State Hwy 42, Egg Harbor, WI 54209 E-mail: [email protected] Fax (920) 868-1481 Web site: www.stellamarisparish.com Office hours: (Mon-Fri) 8:00-12:00 & 12:30-4:30 Pastoral Associate Becky Nash [email protected] Worship and Music Minister Kathy Sedan [email protected] Bookkeeper/Wedding Contact/LoSEC (Local Safe Environment Coordinator) Jim Slomski [email protected] Receptionist/Secretary/Bulletin Editor Lorie Orthober [email protected] Normal Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday, 9am Secretary Trustee-Sharon Brabson [email protected] Parish Membership Stella Maris Parish is delighted when new people want to join our parish and gladly welcomes them into our faith community. Contact the parish office. Infant Baptism The baptism of new babies and young children revitalizes our faith community. Please contact the parish office to make arrangements for baptism. Adult Initiation The Catholic Church is always enriched whenever any adult chooses to be Catholic. Adults wishing to be baptized, or baptized adults wishing to be confirmed, the RCIA program is available. rament on the 1st Thursday of the month from 5:00-6:00 pm at our Baileys Harbor site (except holidays) and by appointment. Sacrament of Matrimony A faith-filled wedding is a joyful time for the couple and the parish. Our parish wants to have all weddings here be the best possible. The couple must meet with the pastor before a date can be reserved. Please contact the parish office at least 12 months in advance to begin preparation. Ministry to the Sick Everyone needs extra compassion and care when his or her health is not at its best. As a parish, we try to meet that need. Communal anointing Masses Reconciliation take place twice yearly, with God’s great mercy is something individual anointing done when requested. Parishioners in the to be celebrated. Ritually we hospital, nursing home or other Catholics experience God’s unconditional love in the sacra- institution are encouraged to notify the office to arrange for ment of reconciliation. Our pastor is available for this sac- visits or communion. Treasurer Trustee-June Biemeret [email protected] Devotions Pastoral Council Chair-Michelle Piatek [email protected] MORNING PRAYER: Monday-8:00 am, Sister Bay Finance Council Chair-Richard Dannhausen [email protected] SCRIPTURE CLASS: Tuesday mornings after the 8:00 am Mass in Sister Bay. Please join us for a closer look and discussion on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. Visitors are welcome. Deacon David [email protected] ROSARY: Tuesday-Noon in Baileys Harbor. Faith Formation-(920) 421-2195 Call Chairperson Linda Cummer with any concerns EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & BENEDICTION: Wednesday-after 8:00 am Mass at Egg Harbor and 6-8 pm in Sister Bay. Health & Wellness Committee [email protected] Spiritual Director-Marilynne Kowalski [email protected] Tower Clock Eye Center-Green Bay Big Hill Regency Apts Sturgeon Bay RECONCILIATION: 1ST Thursday of the month from 5-6 pm in Baileys Harbor or by appointment. Offertory Contributions –March 22-23, 2014 Envelopes Offertory Visitor Envelopes Other Funds Totals 2013/14 2013/14 2012/13 Actual $6,320.68 963.03 60.00 .00 $7,343.71 Actual YTD Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget $4,804.80 883.20 103.60 .00 $5,791.60 $447,323.94 $431,749.40 $383,252.99 Total Attendance last week 429
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