Study Abroad Erasmus+ Exchange Fall 2016/Spring 2017 The Faculty of Science Application deadline 1st of March 2016 How to read the guide: University name – remember to check their website for further information! If a department or Institute is listed, then you can only choose courses from these. Studies covered by the exchange agreemeent. Special requirements and considerations to take into account for this particular exchange agreement. Number of exchange places on the exchange agreement, as well as academic level. Remember to: Remember to check for relevant courses at each university where you apply for an exchange place – for more information click here. That there is no limit on the number of exchange places you apply for – and we recommend you apply for at least 5 to improve your chances of getting a place. Explore our website about studying abroad – here you’ll find relevant information on your options, how to do it, practicalities and more. You can explore our pages here. Do you need help or guidance? You are always welcome to contact us at SDU International! You can email us via SPOC by clicking here. Or call us during our office hours from 10am-2pm every weekday at +45 6550 1050 You can also meet our international advisors at Student Services, Gydehutten, campus Odense, on weekdays from 10.00 am. to 2.00 pm. Erasmus 2016/2017 Austria Graz University of Technology, Department of Biosciences Biokemi 4 place(s) graduate Id:3173 Also Applicable to undergraduate level for Biochemistry and molecular bioscience Karl-Franzens Universität Graz Fysik, Kemi Id:2409 4 place(s) graduate Universität Wien, Biology Biologi Exchange for a single semester may be possible. Semesters run from oct - feb and march - july. Id:3307 4 place(s) 2 semester spots for biology students and 2 semester spots for molecular biology students Belgium Ghent University, Biologisk ins tut Biologi 4 place(s) graduate Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculty of Science Biologi 2 place(s) graduate Universite Catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Sciences Fysik Id:3176 Id:2421 Agreement not yet con rmed by partner. Id:2423 2 place(s) graduate Cyprus University of Cyprus, Department of Computer Science Datalogi Czech Republic 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Id:2440 University of Palacky, Department of Organic Chemistry Kemi 2 place(s) graduate Id:2448 One of the oldest universi es in central Europe. Located in Olomouc. Estonia University of Tartu, Ins tute of Physics Fysik Id:3382 1 place(s) 2 place(s) graduate Finland University of Eastern Finland Kemi, Farmaci Id:3372 4 place(s) undergraduate / graduate University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Biosciences Biologi Id:2551 1 place(s) graduate University of Oulu, The Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Biokemi 2 place(s) graduate Åbo Academy University, Biologisk ins tut Biologi Id:2968 Id:3177 4 place(s) graduate France Ecole Interna onale des Sciences du Traitement de I'Informa on, NAT Datalogi, Matema k 4 place(s) graduate École Na onale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR) Kemi 1 place(s) graduate Id:2557 0541 math 061 Computer Science Id:2560 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Biologisk ins tut Biologi Id:3179 2 place(s) graduate Université Bordeaux 1, Biology Biologi Id:3350 1 place(s) graduate Université Bordeaux 1, Mathema cs / Computer Science Datalogi, Matema k Id:3075 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Université Joseph Fourier, Department of Physics Fysik Id:3394 2 place(s) graduate Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Department of Biology Science (NAT) 2 place(s) graduate University of Versaille, Chemistry / Forensic Kemi 2 place(s) graduate Id:3295 Target group: molecular biology Id:3349 Forensic Science Interested students may contact Kaare Lund Rasmussen at SDU Germany Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Ins tute for Biology Biologi 2 place(s) graduate Chris an-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Datalogi, Matema k Id:2757 2 place(s) graduate Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Matema k Id:2758 4 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Chris an-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Science (NAT) Id:3303 4 place(s) graduate Id:2471 Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Ins tue for Pharmacy Farmaci Id:3013 1 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Primarily intended for project- or thesis work. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Biologisk ins tut Biologi Id:3178 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Faculty of Biological Sciences Biologi Id:3175 4 place(s) graduate Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg Biologi, Biokemi Id:2451 3 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Pharmazeu sches Ins tut Farmaci 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Ruprecht-Karls-Univeresität Heidelberg, Ins tut für Pharmazie und Molekulare Biotechnologie Farmaci Id:3012 1 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Mostly intended for project work; contact Mar n Brandl Technische Universität Braunschweig, Dept. of Pharmaceu cs Farmaci Id:3297 Id:2980 1 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Intended for BA-projects or thesis-wri ng. Interested students should contact prof. Mar n Brandl. Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Matema sk ins tut Matema k 1 place(s) graduate Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Department of Physics Fysik Id:3060 10 place(s) graduate Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Department of Chemistry Kemi Id:3062 1 place(s) graduate Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Informa k Datalogi, Matema k Id:3257 1 place(s) graduate Id:2762 Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Department of Biology Biologi Id:2499 1 place(s) graduate Universität Bremen, Department of Biology Biologi 1 place(s) graduate Universität Hamburg Kemi 2 place(s) graduate Id:3045 4 place(s) graduate Universität Regensburg Matema k Id:3044 4 place(s) graduate Universität Regensburg Fysik, Kemi Id:2509 8 place(s) graduate Universität Rostock Matema k, Science (NAT) 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate 1 place(s) graduate (full academic year) Universität Stu gart, Ins tut für Geometrie und Topologie Matema k Exchange for a single semester may be possible. Id:2966 Id:2512 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Universität zu Lübeck, Mathema cs Matema k Id:2967 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Universität zu Köln, Ins tut für Gene k Biologi 4 places for physics; 4 places for chemistry. Id:2510 Universität Stu gart, Ins tut für Theore sche Physik III Fysik Environmental Science, ecology Id:2760 Universität Regensburg Biologi Id:3170 1 place(s) graduate Id:3151 Wes älische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Biologi, Biokemi, Bioteknologi 3 place(s) graduate (full academic year) Id:2513 Exchange for a single semester may be possible. Iceland University of Iceland, Faculty of Natural Sciences Kemi Id:2626 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Fall semester: August - January Spring semester: January - June Italy Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dip. Scienze Chimiche Kemi Id:3348 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Interested students may contact Kaare Lund Rasmussen at SDU. Universita degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza Biologi Id:3180 1 place(s) undergraduate / graduate biological and related sciences Università degli Studi di Trento, Centro di Biologia Integrata - CIBIO Biologi Id:3351 2 place(s) graduate Universita degli Studi di Udine, Dipar mento di Matema ca e Informa ca Datalogi, Matema k 2 place(s) graduate Primarily for thesis work within Physics Universita di Bologna, Pharmacy Farmaci 1 place(s) graduate Universita di Pisa, Dipar mento di Chimica Kemi Netherlands Id:2641 Id:3172 Farmaci Id:2644 1 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Primarily project work or thesis. Interested students should contact prof. Kaare Lund Rasmussen. Universiteit Leiden Id:2670 Fysik, Kemi, Biologi 6 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Exchange for a single semester may be possible. Undergraduate level only possible for students on their 5th and 6th semester. Poland Adam Mickiewicz University Datalogi, Matema k Id:2684 6 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Located in Poznan. Fagkoder math 0541 computer Science 061 Portugal Universidade de Aveiro Kemi, Biologi, Biokemi, Bioteknologi Id:2714 4 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Exchange for a single semester may be possible. Universidade do Minho, Dept. of Mathema cs and Applica ons Matema k 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate University of Coimbra, Department of Biology Biologi Id:3049 Id:3174 6 place(s) graduate Spain Universidad de La Laguna, Facultad de Matema cas Matema k 6 place(s) undergraduate Id:2527 Universidad de Murcia Biologi Id:2532 4 place(s) graduate In order to enable students to make the most of their Erasmus scholarship and to avoid disappointments on personal and academic level, we would like to inform you that star ng from the academic year 2015-16 , the Universidad de Murcia has decided that incoming Erasmus students have to meet requirements on the Spanish language level as follows : All Incoming Erasmus students B1 level : Excep ons : 1.students from Italy and Portugal : A1 level 2.students following bilingual studies who only enroll in courses taught in English. Students should meet this requirement before star ng courses at our ins tu on, and therefore upload on their applica on the a ached cer cate signed by their home ins tu on before arriving at Murcia. Universidad de Navarra, School of Sciences Biologi 1 place(s) graduate Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Biologia Biologi Id:2533 For studies in Pamplona. Id:2755 2 place(s) undergraduate / graduate Others areas of science might also be admi ed. Most courses are in Spanish. Lab work also possible. Sweden Chalmers University of Technology, Naturvidenskabelig fakultet Fysik, Kemi, Matema k, Biokemi 6 place(s) graduate Id:3293 Biochemistry: 1 student for 1 semester. Chemistry: 1 student for 1 or 2 semesters. Physics: 2 students for 1 or 2 semesters. Mathena cs: 2 students for 1 or 2 semesters.
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