FUTURE CONNECTED HEALTH Sirkku Pikkujämsä Director of Healthcare City of Oulu City of Oulu Oulunearly 200 000 inhabitants the 5th largest city in Finland • Young population structure • the average age 37,4 yrs • High education level • Both city center and sparsely populated areas • Ageing of the population • High morbidity rate • Economic situation unstable • Youth and long-term unemployment rates high High morbidity • A SUMMARY INDEX OF PREVALENT DISEASES 2010 168,9 Hypertension Coronary artery disease 100 Asthma Diabetes 60,7 *) Rheumatoid arthritis Oulu Cardiac insufficiency Psychosis NOHD 139,2 KP V Morbidity is also reflected in the costs; in 2012-2014 S Oulu had the highest healthcare service costs / inhabitant among the large cities in Finland. P Source: KELA, Finland=100 10% of residents account for 81% of costs % of total costs The majority need a contact/ visit/ service on an occasional basis 100% 90% 80% 70% 10 % of people, 81% of the costs 5% of people, 68% of the costs 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% A certain proportion of people require an intensive service model - Coordination of services - Careful and individualized planning because of complex needs - Designated case worker, client manager, primary nurse, personal trainer - Flow and integration of information between professionals Kallein 1% 3% 5% 7% 9% 11 % 13 % 15 % 17 % 19 % 21 % 23 % 25 % 27 % 29 % 31 % 33 % 35 % 37 % 39 % 41 % 43 % 45 % 47 % 49 % 51 % 53 % 55 % 57 % 59 % 61 % 63 % 65 % 67 % 69 % 71 % 73 % 75 % 77 % 79 % 81 % 83 % 85 % 87 % 89 % 91 % 93 % 95 % 97 % 99 % 0% % of residents Study conducted among inhabitants on Oulu in 2013, NHG and City of Oulu Who make up the 10% with the heaviest service use? Breakdown of total costs of the most expensive 10%** 2% 17% Muut Other Kalliit somaattiset High-cost somaticsairaudet illnesses 11% 9% 6% Diabeetikot ja sydänja verisuonitautipotilaat Patients with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases ”Health care clients who do not use social services” 38% of the costs Psykiatrisen erikoissairaanhoidon (ei sos.palveluita) Clients of specialised psychiatricasiakkaat services (no social services) 12% 5% 38% Clients of substance abuce services &housing services Päihdepalveluiden ja päihdeja mt-asumispalveluiden asiakkaat for sunstance abusers and psychiatric) Vammaiskehitysvammapalveluiden asiakkaat Clients ofjadisability and developmental disability services ”Clients of social services”*** Lastensuojelun asiakkaat Child protection clients 62% of the costs Elderly services clients Vanhuspalveluasiakkaat * NB: covers 81% of total costs ** Each resident is only included in one group, so that costs are not counted twice for anyone. If a person should be included in several groups based on their service use, they are allocated to the lowest possible group on the list. This means that clients of services for the disabled and developmentally disabled do not include clients of services for the elderly or child protection services. Clients of substance abuse services may have received psychiatric services, whereas clients of specialised psychiatric services do not receive substance abuse services. Correspondingly, the group “high-cost somatic illnesses” only includes patients who are not clients of social services, mental health services or psychiatric services. ***The total costs of persons classified as social services users comprise the use of both social and health care services Segmentation of clients / patients - not the same model for everyone • High individual selfcare capacity – simple needs – e-services • High individual selfcare capacity – multiple or complex needs – information, guidance, e-services • Low individual selfcare capacity – various different needs – personal trainer, coordination, professional collaboration • Low individual selfcare capacity – high needs – ”stand by the patient” National Social and Healthcare Reform Regional governance 2019 University Hospitals (5) väestö 31.12.2012 HYKS erva Helsinki ja Uusimaa Etelä-Karjala Kymenlaakso KYS erva Pohjois-Savo Etelä-Savo Itä-Savo Keski-Suomi Pohjois-Karjala OYS erva Northern Ostrobotnia Kainuu Keski-Pohjanmaa Lapin Länsi-Pohja TAYS erva Pirkanmaa Etelä-Pohjanmaa Kanta-Häme Päijät-Häme TYKS erva Varsinais-Suomi Satakunta Vaasa Pasi Parkkila 2015 1 869 617 as. 1 562 796 132 355 174 466 817 782 as. 248 233 104 803 44 881 250 369 169 496 990 km 39 kuntaa 24 kuntaa 9 kuntaa 6 kuntaa 68 kuntaa 20 kuntaa 9 kuntaa 4 kuntaa 21 kuntaa 14 kuntaa 739 475 inhab. 68 municipalities 400 959 77 435 78 237 118 189 64 655 1 106 115 as. OULU 29 municipalities 8 kuntaa 10 kuntaa 15 kuntaa 6 kuntaa 67 kuntaa 518 157 198 944 175 472 213 542 23 kuntaa 19 kuntaa 11 kuntaa 14 kuntaa 865 184 as. 62 kuntaa 472 139 224 934 168 111 29 kuntaa 20 kuntaa 13 kuntaa KUOPIO TAMPERE TURKU HELSINKI Oulu Innovation Alliance is a strategic partnership agreement A common goal and confidence in developing the region. City of Oulu • Implements business and innovation policy, including start-ups, growth, relocation, conferences, and operating environment development services University of Oulu • Promotes free international level research and education, development and maintenance of research infrastructures, and develops utilization paths of research results VTT • Produces new ideas, technology and innovations, develops new applications and knowledge for business, and infrastructure that support research and business activities Oulu University of Applied Sciences • Applies, transfers and develops professional expert knowledge Oulu University Hospital (OYS) • Produces high quality, demanding specialized healthcare services for Northern Finland, and trains future healthcare professionals Technopolis • Operates environments and services for companies and organizations LUKE (Natural Research Institute Finland) • Provides new solutions towards the sustainable development of the Finnish bioeconomy and the promotion of new biobased businesses The Oulu Region Joint Authority for Education (Osekk) • Provides education services rooted in practical work life, anticipating the challenges of the future. Health and well-being for residents
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