Resource mapping of solar energy An overview of available data in Norway Report: KVT/OB/2013/R046 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Content 1 Introduction...................................................................................................... 4 2 Properties of solar radiation ................................................................................. 5 2.1 2.2 3 THE SOLAR RADIATION SPECTRUM DEFINITIONS OF QUANTITIES 5 5 Observations of solar radiation .............................................................................. 7 3.1 SURFACE OBSERVATIONS 7 3.1.1 Global radiation......................................................................................7 3.1.2 Diffuse radiation .....................................................................................8 3.1.3 Direct radiation ......................................................................................9 3.1.4 Radiation measurements for solar energy ......................................................9 3.1.5 Sunshine duration....................................................................................9 SATELLITE 10 3.2 4 Existing resource mapping projects .......................................................................12 4.1 PHOTOVOLTAIC GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (PVGIS) 12 SATEL-LIGHT 14 4.2 SODA - SOLAR RADIATION DATA 15 4.3 4.3.1 HelioClim3 .......................................................................................... 15 4.3.2 HelioClim1 .......................................................................................... 16 4.3.3 NASA-SSE ............................................................................................ 16 METEONORM 16 4.4 SOLEMI 16 4.5 ENMETSOL 16 4.6 3TIER 16 4.7 IRSOLAV 17 4.8 STRÅNG 17 4.9 5 Description of stations included in the database .......................................................19 5.1 NETWORKS MEASURING SOLAR RADIATION IN NORWAY AND SWEDEN 19 5.1.1 Bioforsk, Norway................................................................................... 19 5.1.2 Meteorological Institute, Norway............................................................... 20 5.1.3 Energinettet, Norway ............................................................................. 20 5.1.4 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Norway ........................................ 21 5.1.5 SMHI’s radiation network in Sweden ........................................................... 21 RADIATION MEASUREMENTS STATIONS 23 5.2 5.2.1 Fagklim, UMB, Ås .................................................................................. 23 5.2.2 Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. ................................................. 24 5.2.3 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) .................................. 24 5.2.4 Institute for Physics, University of Oslo ....................................................... 26 5.2.5 Agder Photovoltaic Lab, University of Agder ................................................. 26 5.2.1 Norut, Narvik ........................................................................................ 26 5.2.2 Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)................................ 27 5.2.3 Akershus Energi, Lillestrøm...................................................................... 27 5.2.4 Brødrene Dahl, Larvik ............................................................................. 28 5.2.5 Jotun, Sandefjord ................................................................................. 28 5.2.6 Teknova, Kristiansand............................................................................. 28 5.2.7 Glava Energy Center, Arvika..................................................................... 28 CLOUD OBSERVATIONS 29 5.3 5.3.1 Norwegian Meteorological Institute, METAR ................................................. 29 SOLAR ENERGY PRODUCTION DATA 29 5.4 5.4.1 Akershus Energi, Lillestrøm...................................................................... 29 2/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 5.4.2 5.4.3 Hedmark University College, Evenstad ........................................................ 29 Production data from Swedish solar plants ................................................... 30 6 Summary and suggestions for future work...............................................................31 7 References ......................................................................................................34 Appendix A List of stations ..............................................................................................35 A.1 BIOFORSK STATIONS A.2 METEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE A.3 OTHER STATIONS 35 46 53 3/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 1 Introduction Accurate estimates of solar radiation are essential in order to give good estimates of the potential power production form a solar power plant. The solar radiation is dependent in particular on the cloud and particle climate and angle of incident varying with geographic position and time of day and time of year. This can give large differences in daily average solar radiation received over short distances. Over the latest years we have seen a large growth in the utilization of solar energy for power production in European countries (Both photovoltaic production of electricity and solar collectors for solar heat). We also see a large growth in solar energy plants installed in Sweden and Denmark, however several of the tools used to estimate the power output from such installations in Norway shows that the solar resource in Norway is quite low. This may be one of the reasons why development of solar power installations has not experienced a similar growth in Norway as in our neighboring countries. Some of the commonly used tools to estimate energy production from solar energy plants are based on a limited number of data for estimating the solar resource in Norway. In the PVGIS tool (described in Chapter 4.1) only one station of solar radiation is included for Norway. Meteonorm (a licenced software from Meteotest described in Chapter 4.4) has only got 3 stations in Norway out of a database of 1200 stations worldwide. In addition to the ground stations satellite measurements of solar radiation at the ground is available. The satellite data is found to be quite accurate in Europe. The quality of the satellite data is however reduced at higher latitudes because of a low viewing angle. In this project we will perform a screening to find and describe the solar radiation data in Norway. We aim to build up a database of such data, which will be essential for future solar resource estimates, model validation purposes, the use as reference stations and improvement of the mapping of solar resources in Norway. 4/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 2 Properties of solar radiation 2.1 The solar radiation spectrum The energy spectrum of the solar radiation is shown in Figure 2-1. The spectrum shows how the solar energy is distributed on different wavelengths, with a maximum in the visible part (~400700 nm). The yellow part of the graph is an indication of the wavelengths that are absorbed through the atmosphere. The red area represents the energy spectrum of solar radiation received at sea level. The absorption bands of the atmospheric gasses, O2, O3, H2O and CO2 are marked. In addition to absorption by gasses, particles and aerosols also contribute to the absorption in the atmosphere. Figure 2-1 the solar radiation spectrum. The energy of the solar radiation for different wavelengths at top of atmosphere (yellow) and at sea level (red) is shown. Also shown is the blackbody spectrum for 5250 °C, which represents the theoretical spectrum of emitted radiation from the sun. Image created by Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art. 2.2 Definitions of quantities Solar irradiance is defined as the power of solar radiation incident on a surface and is given as the power per unit area (watts per square meters , Wm-2). The integral of solar irradiance over a time period is solar irradiation or insolation and is measured in Jm-2 (3600 Jm-2 = 3600 Whm-2). The albedo is defined as the reflection coefficient and it represents the amount of incoming radiation that is reflected from the ground. The albedo is typically given as a value between 0 5/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 and 1 (or percentage) where 0 represents a black body which reflects no radiation, while 1 represents a reflection of all incoming solar radiation. The global irradiance on a horizontal surface on Earth consists of the direct irradiance Edir and diffuse irradiance Edif. On a tilted plane, there is another irradiance component: Eref, which is the component that is reflected from the ground: E = Edir + Edif + Eref The direct radiation is the radiation received directly from the sun, this is the main part of the radiation on a clear day. The direct radiation is directed from the sun’s location on the sky. The diffuse radiation is the part of the solar radiation that has been scattered in the atmosphere before it reaches the surface. The scattering is caused by the atmospheric gas components, particles (aerosols) or clouds. The scattering of the solar radiation is typically larger at low solar angles compared to high solar angles. During cloudy days the diffuse radiation may constitute the largest part of the global radiation. The diffuse radiation is often considered to be non-directional. Measured on a horizontal plane the reflected component will be negligible, but for a tilted plane this component also must be considered. The reflected component will depend on the sun’s angle, the angle of the plane, the angle of the reflecting surface and the ground albedo. 6/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 3 Observations of solar radiation 3.1 Surface observations The typical method to measure solar radiation is by using a thermopile detector. The detector has a black coating that absorbs the incoming radiation. This leads to a temperature rise in the detector that depends on the intensity of the radiative flux (irradiance) received by the detector. For solar energy purposes the solar panels are tilted at an angle to optimize the power production from the installation. In order to estimate the solar resource this tilting must be considered. It is therefore important to separate the solar energy into the direct and diffuse components. The direct radiation will be increased by tilting of the panel compared to horizontal surface, while the non-directional diffuse radiation received by the panel will not be modified by the tilting. 3.1.1 Global radiation Global irradiance is measured with a pyranometer. An example of a pyranometer is shown in Figure 3-1. The instrument consists of the thermopile detector which is located at the center of the two glass domes. The pyranometer needs to be mounted horizontally to measure global irradiance. The spectral response of a thermopile pyranometer is typically independent of wavelength and measures in the range ~300-3000 nm. Figure 3-1 Kipp & Zonen CMP11 pyranometer (ref Kipp & Zonen, Maintenance of the pyranometer: The instrument must be cleaned regularly to ensure the translucence of the glass dome. The leveling of the instruments must be checked regularly. Kipp and Zonen advise the user to recalibrate the instruments every two years ( 7/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Other challenges with the instrument are frost or dew forming on the dome. The instruments can be equipped with extra ventilation that ensures that the air is kept above the dew-point. Snow can be another challenge in the winter months. Regular cleaning and inspection of the instruments reduces these problems. But a thorough inspection and filtering of the data is advised as part of the analysis of such data. According to ISO9060 the pyranometers are classified according to their performance giving a list of specifications that must be fulfilled. The ISO9060 compliant pyranometers are grouped in 3 classes, Second Class, First Class and Secondary Standard. Pyranometers of the Secondary Standard classification follows the highest performance criteria for a pyranometer. For solar energy purposes it is recommended to use anemometers classified at least as First Class. 3.1.2 Diffuse radiation Measurements of diffuse radiation are more challenging than global radiation measurements. The diffuse radiation is also measured by the pyranometer. But the direct radiation must be blocked out. This is typically done by using a sun-tracker. The sun tracker is a mechanical devise which is set up to follow the sun’s movement across the sky during the day and during the year. The sun tracker contains a disk that is set up to block the direct solar radiation. An example of a sun tracker is shown in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 Kipp & Zonen SOLYS 2 sun tracker (ref Kipp & Zonen, 8/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 3.1.3 Direct radiation Direct radiation is measured by a pyrheliometer. The instrument contains a thermopile sensor, but the sensor has a 5° field of view with a flat window. The pyrheliometer needs to be installed on a high accuracy sun-tracker in order to always be directed towards the sun. Typical accuracy of the sun-tracker should be less than 0.5°. An example of a pyrheliometer is shown in Figure 3-3. In Figure 3-2 the instrument can be seen mounted on a sun tracker. Figure 3-3 Kipp & Zonen CPH 1 Pyrheliometer (ref Kipp & Zonen, 3.1.4 Radiation measurements for solar energy Measurements of the solar resource for a solar energy purposes is often performed by mounting a pyranometer on a tilted surface. By tilting the pyranometer it does not measure global radiation, but rather the potential energy that is available for the solar panels. With such instrumentation set up one will not separate between direct and diffuse radiation, but rather potential energy valid for the given tilting angle. With such a setup reflection from the ground and albedo effects can be an additional challenge since the ground surface becomes a larger part of the instruments viewing angle. 3.1.5 Sunshine duration Sunshine duration sensors can be used to provide the number of sunshine hours per day. Several of the meteorological stations are equipped with sunshine duration sensors. The output from the sensor separates sunny from non-sunny weather. The accuracy of such a sensor is around 10 %. An example of a sunshine duration sensor is shown in Figure 3-4. The value from this sensor is often reported as minutes of sunshine during the last 1 hour. The data from this sensor might be useful in combination with data on global radiation to model the direct and diffuse components. 9/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Figure 3-4 Kipp & Zonen CSD 3 sunshine duration sensor (Kipp & Zonen, 3.2 Satellite Global radiation can also be derived from satellite measurements. The Heliosat method (Cano et al, 1986) uses the visible images of the geostationary satellites to derive the surface global radiation. The Heliosat method assumes that the albedo of a cloudy atmosphere is higher than from the land surface and ocean. Based on the albedo measured by the satellite a cloud index for the given location is calculated. The cloud index is used to estimate the global radiation in time steps of 15-30 minutes. The global radiation calculations are done using data from the Meteosat satellites. Two generations of this satellite have been operative. The first generation was operative until 2005 with a resolution of the satellite images of up to 2.5 x 2.5 km, the second generation Meteosat has been in operation since 2005 and has a spatial resolution up to 1 km x 1km. The resolution is highest at the equator just below the satellite location. The resolution is reduced by increasing distance from this point since the viewing angle becomes lower. The geostationary satellites are thus not the best suited to monitor areas at high latitudes, because of a low viewing angle. The uncertainty of such data does therefore increase northward. At low sun elevation it becomes difficult to distinguish between cloudy and cloud free conditions. The first generation Meteosat had a sampling rate of twice per hour, while the second generation has a sampling rate of four times per hour. Ineichen (2011) has made an intercomparison between several of the different Meteosat satellite products available for 23 ground stations in Europe between 22-60°N for data covering 2006. It was shown that the global irradiance was retrieved with a negligible bias and with a standard deviation around 16 % for the best algorithm. For the beam irradiance the bias is several percent with a standard deviation of around 35%. The work of Hagen (2011) has shown that the satellite data gives a quite good estimate of the global radiation measured at several locations in Norway and Sweden. The methodology has some difficulties in distinguishing between clouds and snow cover. This contributes to an underestimation of the global radiation by the satellite. Some differences arise from the fact that the satellite does not take into consideration the horizon as viewed at the measurement site, which leads to some overestimation of the radiation by the satellite. It was shown in 10/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Hagen (2011) that the satellite data on average had a positive bias compared to radiation measurements. It is not known to what extent polar orbiting satellites have been used to create similar products. The problem using polar orbiting satellites is that they pass over an area only 2 times per day, and that the area covered by the satellite at each passing may also vary. The geostationary satellites deliver a snapshot of the same area every 15-30 minutes, and will thus give a reliable description of the variation in solar radiation over the day. The polar orbiting satellites are however better suited to map areas at high latitudes with a higher resolution than is available from geostationary satellites. Studies to estimate solar radiation at the ground form polar orbiting satellites have been carried out by e.g. Godøy (2012) and Liu & Liu (2012). 11/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 4 Existing resource mapping projects 4.1 Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) PVGIS is a project of the Institute for Energy and Transport of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) under of the European Commission. The project provides assessments of the solar energy resources in Europe with the aim to contribute to the implementation of solar energy. From the PVGIS web site1 solar resource maps can be downloaded as yearly global irradiance values on horizontal and optimally inclined surfaces [kWh m-2]. The maps are presented for each country for a horizontal plane and for the optimal inclination (Figure 4-1). The web page also consists of an interactive resource map (a screen dump is shown in Figure 4-2) which allows the user to extract information about the monthly and daily radiation parameters for a chosen location. An interactive estimation of the PV energy production can also be done for the chosen location using the interactive web tool. The steps that have been used to calculate the resource maps are the following: 1. Calculation of the clear sky global irradiance. Linke turbidity (Remund et al., 2003) represents the atmospheric absorption and scattering under clear skies conditions. The solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere has been integrated down to the surface representing clear sky conditions using the Linke turbidity from SoDa2. Elevation data from a digital elevation model is used to represent local shadowing effects for low solar angles and as a correction of the Linke turbidity values at high elevations. 2. Calculation and interpolation of the clear sky index to estimate the real sky irradiance. The clear sky index represents the reduction of the total radiation on the ground by clouds. The clear sky index is calculated based on the ratio between the measured global irradiance and the computed clear sky global irradiance from met stations in Europe (ESRA database). The clear sky indices from the met stations are spatially interpolated to a map of 1km x 1km for each month. Most of the European countries are covered by a dense network of stations. From a total of 566 stations in Europe only one is located in Norway (Bergen). Sweden has 11 stations which are also used in the interpolation of clear sky indexes in Norway. See Figure 4-3 for a map of the stations used. 3. Calculations for surfaces inclined at different angles. Calculation of the energy density at different angles requires that the global radiation is divided into direct and diffuse components following empirical relations (cf. Scharmer and Greif, 2000, Kasten and Czeplak 1980, Hrvoľ 1991). The maps have been validated by comparing the interpolated maps with the measurement of radiation at the different stations (Figure 4-3). A cross-validation of the maps was performed by leaving out some of the stations in the calculation of the maps, and then to use these left-out stations for validation. The cross-validation was performed for a large number of combinations of stations to finally reach a level an uncertainty level in the maps presented. The average yearly bias (MBE) for all stations were found to be 1 Wh/m2 (0.03%), but with higher biases for 1 2 12/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 the monthly values. The root-mean square error (RMSE) from the cross validation was found to be within the interval 97-299 Wh/m2/day (4.7-11.2 %). The PVGIS website ( contains a detailed description of the models and interpolation routines that are used to create the maps. The project is currently active and the site and models are regularly updated. Figure 4-1 Global irradiation and solar electricity potential for horizontally (left) and optimally inclined (right) PV modules. From PVGIS, JRC, European Community. 13/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Figure 4-2 Interactive map interface to output monthly and daily radiation values from the PVGIS database and tool for estimation of energy from a PV system. Screen dump from the PVGIS web site. Figure 4-3 Map of the ESRA ground stations used for calculation of the clear sky indices and for validation of the final calculations. From PVGIS web pages. 4.2 Satel-light The Satel-Light project gives access to solar radiation data based on data from the Meteosat satellites for all over Europe up to approximately 66 °N. The project was funded by the 14/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 European Union from 1996 until 1998, and one of the goals of the project was to provide a database with satellite images. The database consists of data covering the period 01.01.199631.12.2000 with half hourly resolution. The work of Hagen (2011) shows that the satellite data gives a quite good estimate of the global radiation measured at several locations in Norway and Sweden. The project is no longer funded but the web site and database is in operation and is available at From the web site it is possible to acquire time series of satellite data for any given position. The resolution of the satellite data in the database is approximately 5 x 16 km at 60 degrees latitude. 4.3 SoDa - Solar Radiation Data The SoDa web services gives access to solar radiation data as timeseries or maps for free and for purchase from their web site ( Available data is from HelioClim1, HelioClim3, and NASA-SSE. 4.3.1 HelioClim3 The data from the HelioClim3 project for solar irradiance is given as global, direct and diffuse components on a horizontal plane, on an inclined plane or on a plane normal to the sun rays. The temporal resolution is 15 minutes. Also hourly, daily, weekly and monthly values are given. Data for the period 01.02.2004-31.12.2005 is available without cost from the SoDa web page. Data after 31.12.2005 can be purchased through the SoDa web page. The HelioClim3 data have a spatial resolution up to 3 km x 3km and a spatial coverage as shown in Figure 4-4. Figure 4-4 Extent and spatial resolution of 15/55 HelioClim3 (from SoDa, http://www.soda- KVT/OB/2013/R046 The data is given as csv-files compatible with PVsyst. 4.3.2 HelioClim1 The data from HelioClim1 is given as daily, weekly and monthly values of global radiation on a horizontal plane for the period 1985 to 2005. The data has a horizontal resolution of approximately 20 km x 20 km. The data is freely available from the SoDa web page. The data coverage is the same as for HelioClim3 4.3.3 NASA-SSE Data is provided as time series of global radiation on a horizontal plane with grid cells of 1 degree x 1 degree from 1983 to 2005. Data is available worldwide. The data is available as daily values from the SoDa web page. 4.4 Meteonorm Meteonorm, provided by Meteotest, uses a synthetication method that combines satellite images and ground observations and deliver resource maps in addition to hourly and sub-hourly time series of solar radiation and other meteorological parameters with a spatial resolution down to 1km x 1km. The meteonorm database contains data from more than 8300 meteorological stations, where approximately 1200 of these stations contains measurements of solar irradiance. In Norway the database contains the solar irradiance data from Bergen, Bodø and Tromsø. In addition a number of meteorological stations without solar irradiance measurements are available. Data from Meteonorm can be purchased from their web site: 4.5 Solemi Solemi can deliver hourly timeseries based on satellite data worldwide up to 66 degrees latitude. Solemi is provided by DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt - German Aerospace Center). The temporal coverage for the time series is 1991-2005 for Europe. The data has a geographical resolution up to 2.5 x 2.5 km2. Data after 2005 has a geographical resolution up to 1 x 1 km2. The parameters given from Solemi are global horizontal irradiance and direct normal irradiance. A free sample of data is given from the year 2005, and can be acquired from the web page: 4.6 EnMetSol From the University of Oldeburg satellite derived irradiance data are available as timeseries and maps trough the EnMetSol methodology. They use the Heliosat method by calculating the cloud indexes from the Meteosat satellite images. The final product is global horizontal, diffuse horizontal and direct normal irradiance given as time series using the satellite resolution. Data is available for purchase. 4.7 3Tier 3Tier provide a dataset on solar radiation based on Meteosat. They use the Heliosat method, but also include daily snow cover datasets to distinguish clouds and snow cover. The data is calibrated for each satellite based on ground observations. Data is available for purchase. 16/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 4.8 IrSolAv IrSolAv is based on Meteosat using the Heilosat method. The cloud index is derived using the methodology developed by Dagestad and Olseth (2007) with some modifications. The clear sky conditions are identified with an algorithm by Polo et al (2009). A resource map based on IrSolAv is presented in an interactive web page on More information is available from Data is available for purchase. 4.9 STRÅNG STRÅNG is a model for solar radiation developed by SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) based on meso scale simulations. This model produces instantaneous fields with 11 x 11 km horizontal resolution and 1 hour temporal resolution of global radiation, direct solar radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, UV radiation, and sunshine duration, covering the entire Scandinavia. Measurements of global radiation and direct solar radiation from the radiation network of SMHI have been used for tuning and validation of the model. The error when comparing hourly model data with point observations is approximately 30 % for the global and the UV irradiance, while it is about 60% for the direct irradiance and the sunshine duration, as it is stated in the STRÅNG system database. STRÅNG data is publicly available for download through the STRÅNG system database ( The data can be returned as hourly, daily, monthly or yearly time series covering the period 1999 and onward. Data prior to 01.06.2006 have a horizontal resolution of 22 x 22 km2, instead of 11 x 11 km2. Based on data from STRÅNG combined with information of the positioning and roof angle of every building in Stockholm, a solar energy potential map of Stockholm has been made (Figure 4-5). The map shows the incoming solar radiation on each roof of each building in the city. The map is available from 17/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Figure 4-5 A screen dump of “Stockholms solkarta”, 18/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 5 Description of stations included in the database 5.1 Networks measuring solar radiation in Norway and Sweden 5.1.1 Bioforsk, Norway A total of 47 stations in the Bioforsk network measures solar radiation today. 46 of these stations have long timeseries of global radiation (more than 10 years). Several of the stations have data back to the 1980’s. Several of the stations also measure sunshine duration. The data from Bioforsk is available from their database at A list of the stations, including measurement equipment, location and duration of measurements can be found in Appendix A. Today most of these stations are equipped with Kipp and Zonen pyranometers (CM11, ISO9060 Secondary Standard), while some stations uses Kipp and Zonen CM3 (ISO9060 Second Class) or CNR1 (ISO9060 Second Class). The sensors at these stations are not ventilated which can give condensation in the instruments during some meteorological conditions giving erroneous measurements. Routines for the operation of the stations are described by Instrumenttjenesten (ITAS) in a Technical memorandum. The pyranometer is cleaned weekly during the summer season, while monthly during the winter season. Figure 5-1 Typical setup of a Bioforsk station (From ITAS Teknisk Notat, LMT værstasjon Type 2) 19/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 5.1.2 Meteorological Institute, Norway Meteorologisk Institutt has a large number of stations in their eklima database. A total of 70 of these stations are equipped with either pyranometers or sunshine duration sensors. The 70 stations from Meteorologisk Institutt include also the 47 Bioforsk stations. An overview of the location, station type and length of data from the Meteorological Institute is shown in Figure 5-2. From eklima the data is available as hourly values for the latest years, for earlier periods data is typically available every 3 hours. Several of the stations in the database from Meteorologisk Institutt also includes visibility measurements and cloud observations. Meteorologisk Institutt is also responsible for collecting METAR data which is the meteorological data used for aviation. The data is typically collected at airports, but also at other stations. Since the data is intended for aviation cloud observations are an essential part of the METAR. Solar radiation is however not included in the METAR. A total of 68 METAR stations are found in the database from Meteorologisk Institutt. Figure 5-2 The locations of the stations operated by Meteorological Institute which have global radiation or sunshine duration. The circles denote stations where global irradiance is measured; the squares denote the stations where sunshine durability is measured. The triangles denote the stations where both sunshine duration and global irradiance are measured. The colors denote the length of data at each station. 5.1.3 Energinettet, Norway This is a network of weather stations located mainly at different schools in Norway. The weather stations are operated by teachers and students. The data from a total of 32 stations 20/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 are collected in a database, and is available for download from The data also includes measurements of solar radiation. The instruments used are however instruments of lower quality (non ISO9060 compliant) with a different spectral response than the thermopile pyranometers, and with a cutoff at around 1100 nm. 5.1.4 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Norway Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (Statens Strålevern) operates 10 stations in Norway where they perform measurements of UV radiation in several spectral bands. Currently they have no pyranometer measurements at their stations, but they are planning to install pyranometers at 3 of the stations in the near future. Data and information from the stations are available from The contact at Statens Strålevern is Bjørn Johnsen. 5.1.5 SMHI’s radiation network in Sweden Figure 5-3 shows the location of the SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) stations measuring solar radiation in Sweden. Stations marked with yellow circles measure only sunshine duration; yellow triangles mark stations measuring sunshine duration and global radiation; yellow squares mark stations that also measure longwave radiation; the stations that also measure direct and diffuse radiation, as well as the aerosol optical depth are marked with orange circles. Stations in bold compose the main network, while the stations in grey compose the supplement network. Global radiation and sunshine duration data are available back to 1983. Data from earlier years may also be available but are most probably affected by artificial variations caused by changes in the measuring systems that occurred during the earlier years. Data from SMHI’s radiation network may be purchased from SMHI. However, SMHI plans to make these data freely available through the webpage in the near future. 21/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Figure 5-3 Location of the SMHI’s stations measuring radiation. Stations marked with yellow circles measure only sunshine duration; while yellow triangles mark stations measuring sunshine duration and global radiation; yellow squares mark stations that also measure longwave radiation; the stations that also measure direct and diffuse radiation, as well as the aerosol optical depth are marked with orange circles. Stations in bold compose the main network, while the stations in grey compose the supplement network. From SMHI. 22/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 5.2 Radiation measurements stations The large networks of measurement stations in Norway or Sweden were listed in Chapter 5.1. There are however other stations as well. Some are advanced measurement stations operated by research institutes, while other stations are privately owned stations where data can be made available on request. 5.2.1 Fagklim, UMB, Ås A field station for agroclimatic studies is located at Sørås at UMB (Universitetet for Miljø- og Biovitenskap). The station includes advanced measurements of solar radiation in addition to other meteorological parameters. Global irradiance is measured at this station since 1950, while diffuse irradiance is measured since 1966. Albedo measurements have also been performed since 1966. Radiation in 5 different spectral bands has been measured since 1977. The instruments currently used are the Eppley Precision pyranometers for global, reflected, diffuse and for 3 of the spectral bands (695-2800nm, 630-2800nm and 495-2800nm. The band 400-700nm (photosynthetical active radiation) is measured by a Li-Cor Quantum Sensor. UV radiation in the band 295-385 nm is carried out with an Eppley Ultra-Violet Pyranometer. The instruments at this station are ventilated. The instrumentation of the station is shown in Figure 5-4. Figure 5-4 Solar radiation instrumentation at the Fagklim site at Ås (Source: UMB) Data are available as hourly average values since 1987. Earlier data is available only as daily values. Data with 10 minute frequency can also be received from this station. More information can be found at: Data requests can be made to Signe Kroken (64 96 54 48, signe.kroken[at] 23/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 The use of the data in publications should be referenced to “Thue-Hansen V. and Grimenes A.A. Meteorologiske data for Ås, Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap 1987 til 2012”. 5.2.2 Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen. At the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen (GFI) measurements of global and diffuse radiation have been carried out at the roof top of the GFI building since 1965. In 1982 the station was also equipped with a pyrheliometer to measure the direct radiation. Sunshine duration has been measured since 1952. The data from GFI are available in hourly frequency. The raw data from the measurements have been stored for the latest years, and is available with a 20 second resolution. The instruments are calibrated on an annual basis, cleaning of the instruments are carried out frequently. The instruments are Kipp & Zonen instruments which are ventilated. The instrumentation is shown in Figure 5-5. The contact person at GFI is Jan Asle Olseth (Jan.Olseth[at] Figure 5-5 Instrumentation for solar radiation at the GFI roof top. The left figure shows the pyrheliometers measuring direct solar irradiance. The right figure shows the instruments for diffuse and global irradiance. (Source: Jan Asle Olseth). 5.2.3 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Measurements of solar radiation have been carried out at NTNU from 1985. The measurement station was located at Institute for Physics at Lade until 2001. In 2001 the station was moved to Realfagsbygget at Gløshaugen. Measurements are carried out with a horizontally mounted pyranometer for global irradiance and a pyrheliometer for measurement of the direct component of solar irradiance. The instruments used are Eppley instruments. The station is in addition equipped with a Cimel CE318 spectral band sensor measuring irradiance at wavelengths 340 nm, 380 nm, 440 nm, 500 nm, 670 nm, 870 nm, 936 nm, 1020 nm and 1640 nm; and spectral sensors measuring both direct and global radiation in the range 300 nm to 550 nm. Before the station was moved they experienced some problems with cabling for the pyrheliometer. The routines for cleaning of the instruments were not optimal before 2001, during some periods the instruments may have been covered by snow. The cleaning routines have been improved over the latest years, and cleaning is carried out every 2-3 days or at least 24/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 once per week. The station was equipped with a new sun tracker with higher precision in 2007. After this, the data from the pyrheliometer is considered to be of high quality. The last calibration of the pyranometer and pyrheliometer was carried out in September 2002. Later calibration of the pyranometer and pyrheliometer has not been considered since the data is only used as a support for their spectral instruments. Calibration of the data is however possible as part of post processing of the data since spectral measurements also are available from the station. We have received data dating back to 1991 from these stations. The data are raw data with 1 minute time resolution. The data from Lade is given in W/m-2, while the data from Realfagbygget is given in volts. The data must be calibrated and quality controlled before use. The contact persons at NTNU are Amund Gjerde Gjendem (amund.gjendem[at] and Oddbjørn Grandum (oddbjorn.grandum[at] 25/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 5.2.4 Institute for Physics, University of Oslo Measurements with pyranometers have been carried out for different master and PhD projects at various locations in Oslo. The measurements have been carried out for shorter time periods (maximum of 2 years) at the different locations. In some of the projects the measurements are carried out with a pyranometer placed horizontally, in other projects they have used a inclined surface. The locations have generally not been optimal for solar irradiance measurements. The instruments have been quite disturbed from surrounding vegetation and buildings, and are as such not representative for solar radiation in Oslo. For more information about the data, and to acquire the data requests can be made to Michaela G. Meir (m.g.meir[at] 5.2.5 Agder Photovoltaic Lab, University of Agder Since December 2010 measurements of solar irradiance have been carried out on a tilted surface (39° from horizontal) facing almost South (7° East from South). Recently a horizontal sensor was also installed. They use two inclined sensors: a 2nd-class thermopile pyranometer Kipp & Zonen CMP 3 with a response time of ~18 seconds, and an amplified, temperature-compensated silicon PV cell SolData SPC80 with an instantaneous response. Until autumn 2012, the measurements were logged every minute (as long as the irradiance was at least 30 W/m2). Since then, measurements are logged not exactly every minute, but wait instead for stable irradiance. This is because the primary interest was to record good-quality current-voltage curves of the tested PV modules. Therefore, this data set is not just irradiance time series – it contains I-V curve parameters of 10 PV modules. The site has had some problems with the fast sensor due to corrosion in the spring and summer of 2012, but the pyranometer data are reported to be ok. The measurement system uptime has been almost 100% in the years 2011 and 2012, but lack data from some days or parts of days in late 2013 due to computer hardware and software issues. The instruments have not been re-calibrated at the manufacturer, but in house calibration based on the self-referenced irradiance in several new PV modules has been carried out. The data from this station (georgi.yordanov[at] will be available by contacting Georgi H. Yordanov 5.2.1 Norut, Narvik Measurements of solar irradiance in Narvik are available from the Northern Research Institute (Norut). The station has installed PV modules from different suppliers. The PV modules are set up with a dual axis tracking system as shown in Figure 5-6. The tracking system is also equipped with a local solar irradiance sensor. The data is available with a 1 minute time resolution from June 2010. The pyranometers used are LI-COR Terrestrial Radiation Sensors, LI-200SA with a silicon photovoltaic detector. The spectral response of the LI-200 does not include the entire solar spectrum. The contact person at Norut is Øystein Kleven (oystein.kleven[at] 26/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Figure 5-6 Overview of Norut’s PV system. (Source: NORUT) 5.2.2 Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) NVE have carried out measurements of solar irradiance from automatic weather stations at Storbreen (from 2001), Midtdalsbreen (2000-2014), Langfjordsjøkelen (2007-2010) and Hardangerjøkulen (2000-2013). The stations are operated by the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research at the University of Utrecht. The stations carried out measurements of incoming and reflected solar radiation and incoming and outgoing longwave radiation. The instruments used are net radiometers from Kipp and Zonen, CNR1 (ISO9060 Second Class). The stations are inspected once per year. The analyses from these measurement campaigns are yet not finalized. Data may be made available upon request to Michiel van den Broeke or Rianne Giersen at the University of Utrecht. 5.2.3 Akershus Energi, Lillestrøm In relation to the Akershus Energipark at Lillestrøm, global irradiance data is available from two horizontally mounted pyranometers. Data is available since February 2013 every 5 seconds. Production data from the solar heat collectors are also available and can be presented e.g. as daily values in kWh. They have not yet implemented any routines for cleaning of the pyranometers. Data is available from Akershus Energi by contacting Torbjørn Kvammen (tk[at] 27/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 5.2.4 Brødrene Dahl, Larvik Brødrene Dahl has carried out measurments of global radiation at Ringdalsskogen in Larvik. Data is stored every 15 minutes. Data is available from May 2011. Cleaning routines and instruments used are unknown. Contact at Brødrene Dahl is Kåre Johansen (kare.johansen[at] 5.2.5 Jotun, Sandefjord Global radiation has been carried out in Sandefjord by Jotun since 1999. The instruments have been delivered by Houm AS. Calibration and cleaning is performed once per year by IndaCo. The system is set up to log data every 10 minutes. In addition to solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, relative humidity wind speed and wind direction is also measured. The data can be made available upon request to Kjell Erik Flaten (kjell.erik.flaten[at] or Morten Eliassen (morten.eliassen[at] at Jotun. 5.2.6 Teknova, Kristiansand Teknova carries out mesurements of global end diffuse radiation on a horizontal plane in addition to pyranometer measurement on a tilted (20 degrees) plane. The site is located at the roof of Akershus Energi at Kjøita, Kristiansand. The instruments are Kipp & Zonen CMP11 and are ventilated with a CVF3. They use a Kipp & Zonen Solys2 sun tracker. The measurements started in May 2012, and are registered with a 1 minute interval. Temperature, wind speed and wind direction are also measured. The instruments are cleaned once per month. The data will not be distributed freely. For more information Anne Gerd Imenes at Teknova can be contacted (AnneGerd.Imenes[at] 5.2.7 Glava Energy Center, Arvika Measurements of direct and diffuse radiation are available for Glava Energy Center, in addition to measurements of global irradiance on a horizontal plane, albedo measurements and measurements with pyranometers with 3 different inclination angles. The weather station at Glava Energy Center is also equipped with measurements of air pressure, temperture, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and wind direction. The instrumentation of the station is shown in Figure 5-7. Data is available with a 6 second frequency. Contact at Glava Energy Center is Magnus Nilsson (magnus.nilsson[at] 28/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Figure 5-7 Solar radiation measurement station at Glava Energy Center. The sun tracker with pyranometer and pyheliometer is seen in the middle of the picture. The pyranometers installed with different inclination angles can be seen on the right. (Photo: Øyvind Byrkjedal) 5.3 Cloud observations 5.3.1 Norwegian Meteorological Institute, METAR Meteorologisk Institutt is responsible for collecting METAR data which is the meteorological data used for aviation. The data is typically collected at airports, but also at other stations. Since the data is intended for aviation cloud observations are an essential part of the METAR. Solar radiation is however not included in the METAR. A total of 68 METAR stations are found in the database from Norwegian Meteorological Institute. 5.4 Solar energy production data 5.4.1 Akershus Energi, Lillestrøm The solar plant at Lillestrøm consists of 12.800 m2 of heat collectors, which is able to deliver 78 MW of solar energy. The plant was opened in 2013. Production data from the solar heat collectors available and can be presented e.g. as daily values in kWh or as temperature data. Data is available from Akershus Energi by contacting Torbjørn Kvammen (tk[at] 5.4.2 Hedmark University College, Evenstad The roof of one of the buildings at Hedmark University College at Evenstad has been equipped with PV panels in 2013. A total of 455 m2 of PV cells was installed, expecting to produce 64 MWh of electricity annually. The production data from this solar plant will most likely 29/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 become freely available according to Thor Chrisitan Tuv at FUSen (thor-christian[at] who has been the project leader for this installation an behalf of Statsbygg. 5.4.3 Production data from Swedish solar plants Production data from 41 solar plants located in Sweden are publicly available through the website These plants were commissioned between 1984 and up to present. Details regarding the location, maximal power and energy production of each plant are presented. Energy production data from 2010 on may be downloaded as daily, monthly or annual values through this database. 30/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 6 Summary and suggestions for future work This report has given an overview of the available data for resource mapping of solar radiation that presently exists in Norway. The report discusses the existing resource mapping products and the available measurements of solar radiation. Solar irradiance data have been collected and a database with all available data has been established at Kjeller Vindteknikk. Data from a total of 68 stations measuring global irradiance has been collected in addition to several stations measuring sunshine duration. 51 of the stations measuring global solar irradiance have more than 10 years of data. Most of these measurements are performed with Secondary Standard pyranometers, which are the highest quality pyranometer class defined by ISO9060. The tools to estimate the solar resources are either based on surface observations, satellite data, meteorological models or a combination of the different sources. The data based on the geostationary Meteosat satellite have limited coverage in Norway because of a low viewing angle. The data is quite coarse and data is not available north of 66°N. Comparison of different satellite products (Ineichen, 2011) showed that the best satellite product had low biases and low standard deviation compared to ground observations at 23 stations in Europe. None of the stations used for the comparison was in Norway. Hagen (2011) compared data from Meteosat with 10 ground stations in Norway and Sweden and found that the data from Meteosat compared well for several of the stations, but that for some stations differences arise from the fact that the satellite does not take into consideration the horizon as viewed at the measurement site. The satellite data thus overestimate the irradiance for some of the sites. Two of the tools to estimate the solar resources are based on ground observations. PVGIS is solely based on ground observations (north of 58°N) of solar irradiance. South of 58°N also satellite data is used. PVGIS is based on data from only 1 station in Norway (Bergen). The data from this station is interpolated with other ground stations in Sweden and the rest of Europe to a map of the solar resources in Norway. The methodology to interpolate the clear sky index between the different stations takes topography into account, but cannot differentiate the regions of different weather regimes such as the difference between western Norway compared to eastern Norway caused by the mountain range that separates the two regions. Crossvalidation of the PVGIS product shows small biases, however the validation is performed only for 1 station in Norway. Meteonorm is a product mixing ground observations and satellite data and has a database of 1200 stations that measures global irradiance worldwide. Only 3 of these stations are located in Norway (Bergen, Bodø and Tromsø). Meteonorm uses the ground observations to adjust the satellite data, and uses an interpolation technique to represent global irradiance at stations without global irradiance measurements. For both of these products (PVGIS and Meteonorm) the interpolation of ground based solar irradiance stations in Norway gives large uncertainties due to the low number of measurement stations that has been used. However from our screening of solar radiation data in Norway, we find a total of 68 stations that measure global irradiance in Norway. 22 of these stations have more than 10 years of data. We suggest using these data for validation purposes, improving the existing tools or developing new tools better suited to estimate the solar resources in Norway in the next stages of this work. 31/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 The first step that should be carried out should be to use these data to validate the solar resource calculations that are carried out in the different software available (such as PVGIS, Meteonorm and others). Questions that need to be answered are: How well do these models represent the solar radiation that is observed in Norway? Are the models biased? How large are the uncertainties in the existing models? The validations should be performed by comparing the modeled values from the tools with the observed irradiance at the different sites. As part of this work it is important to carry out quality control of the observed data at each station. There will be periods with poor data that needs to be removed. The different stations should also be intercompared to check the homogeneity of the data series. Any effects from shadowing must also be considered for each station. Based on the validation for several of the ground stations in Norway one can reach conclusions regarding the biases and uncertainty levels in each of the models. Secondly, one should consider if it is necessary to develop models better suited for Norway. If the validation of the existing model shows that the uncertainties are unsatisfactorily high or that the models are biased, one needs to proceed to improve the existing models or develop better tools to calculate the solar energy resources. Several methodologies should be investigated. A possibility is to use the available ground stations by following the methodology of PVGIS. A similar tool as PVGIS could be developed for Norway, but with a far better selection of data as a basis (using 68 stations instead of 1).This work could be performed in cooperation with PVGIS in order to achieve an overall improvement of the existing model. A combination of satellite and ground based observations could also constitute an improvement compared to utilizing only the PVGIS method. The use of data from polar orbiting satellites should then be investigated. The polar orbiters deliver a high spatial resolution, while the geostationary satellites can contribute as a reference to describe the diurnal variation with 1530 minute resolution. The STRÅNG database from SMHI is developed based on mesoscale simulations. It has rather low spatial resolution, and an uncertainty that is quite high. However, combined with ground observations, this can also be used as a long term reference for stations with short time duration. Similar mesoscale model products such as STRÅNG can also be developed for Norway using higher resolution data that already exists today (Kjeller Vindteknikk has developed a mesoscale data base for Norway with 4km x 4km resolution). Cloud observations and observations of sunshine duration can also be useful to validate such models, and should be carried out as a supplement when using models as long term references. Thirdly, when one has agreed on a solar resource map with acceptable low uncertainty, one can develop mapping products directed toward the users. One example of such a mapping study is the mapping that has been performed for the roof tops in Stockholm (Figure 4-5). For solar energy purposes it is also important to describe the solar radiation at an incident angle relevant for the solar panels that will be installed. The models to carry out such calculations have not been investigated here. The distribution of the solar radiation as diffuse and direct components should be investigated. How well do the existing models describe these two components? Any errors in the energy calculations that arise from errors or biases in the separation of global energy in diffuse and direct parts will be amplified at higher latitudes compared to lower latitudes. A validation of the existing models can be performed at the stations where diffuse or direct irradiance measurements are collected. This can also be validated at the stations were tilted pyranometer measurements exists. Stations where 32/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 combinations of global irradiance and sunshine duration measurements exist can give valuable information about this. The energy spectrum of diffuse and direct radiation should also be investigated. The PV panels have a different spectral response compared to the pyranometers as illustrated in Figure 6-1. The radiation spectrum of diffuse and direct radiation is also expected to differ. To what extent this is considered in power production models is not investigated in this report. It is also recommended to study this in the future. Figure 6-1 Spectral response of a solar cell compared to the solar energy spectrum at the ground (right). The spectral response of a thermopile-type pyranometer shown on the right. Left figure from Duffie and Beckmann (1991), right figure from Kipp & Zonen Instruction manual for the CM3 pyranometer. 33/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 7 References Cano, D., Monget, J. M., Albuisson, M., Guillard, H., Regas, N. & Wald, L. (1986), A method for the determination of the global solar radiation from meteorological satellite data, Solar Energy 37(1), 31-39. Dagestad K.F. and Olseth J.A. (2007) A modified algorithm for calculating the cloud index. SOLAR ENERGY, 81, 280-289 Duffie J. A. and Beckmann W. A. (1991) Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. Godøy Ø (2012), Estimation of surface solar irradiance using polar orbiting satellites, Midnight Sun Seminar 2012 Hagen L (2011), Measured, modelled and satellite derived solar radiation in Scandinavia. Master’s thesis in meteorology, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen Hrvoľ, J., 1991, Eine neue beziehung für die Berechnung der monatlichen durchschnittsummen der diffusen Strahlung. Acta Meteorologica Univeristas Comenianae, XIX: 3-14. Liu Y. and Liu R. (2012) Evaluation of the Spatial and Temporal Uncertainties Distribution of Daily-Integrated Shortwave Downward Radiation Estimated from Polar-Orbiting Satellite Observation, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 1481–1491. ISO9060 (1990) Solar energy – Specifications and classification of instruments for measuring hemispherical solar and direct solar radiation Ineichen P (2011). Five satellite products deriving beam and global irradiance validation on data from 23 ground stations, University of Geneva, February 2011. Kasten, F., Czeplak, G., (1980) Solar and terrestrial radiation dependent on the amount and type of cloud. Solar Energy, 24: 177-189. Polo J., Zarazalejo LF., Salvador P., Ramirez L. (2009) Angstrom turbidity and ozone column estimation from spectral solar irradiance in a semi-desertic environment in Spain, Solar Energy Vol 83, 257-263 Remund J., Wald L., Lefèvre M., Ranchin T., Page J., 2003. Worldwide Linke turbidity information. Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress, 16-19 June 2003, Göteborg, Sweden Scharmer K. and Greif J, (2000) The European solar radiation atlas. Vol. 1 Fundamentals and maps 34/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Appendix A List of stations A.1 Bioforsk Stations Documentation from Bioforsk collected by Halvard Hole, 24.10.2013: Data Det leveres data fra 47 stasjoner De første værstasjonene våre ble satt i drift i 1987 Data er oppgitt som timeverdier Data fra før 2005 er ukontrollerte data Det mangler data for kortere eller lengre perioder Tabellen nedenfor viser hvilke filnavn som gjelder for de ulike stasjonene. weatherstation_id 5 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 name start antall linjer Ås 30.08.1991 00:00 188543 Alvdal 28.10.1992 00:00 183384 Apelsvoll 28.02.1987 00:00 233042 Bø 18.09.1991 00:00 190589 Etne 02.06.1995 00:00 156232 Frosta 31.12.1989 00:00 199066 Fureneset 23.03.1987 00:00 211941 Fåvang 27.10.1992 00:00 180061 Gausdal 30.10.1992 00:00 181041 Gjerpen 16.06.1994 00:00 166245 Gran 31.12.1991 00:00 187971 Gvarv 05.04.2004 00:00 144167 Hjelmeland 11.01.1991 00:00 194984 Hokksund 28.10.1991 00:00 182662 Holt 31.05.1987 00:00 231341 Hønefoss 31.12.1991 00:00 188010 Ilseng 02.01.1991 00:00 195297 Kise 01.01.1987 00:00 232301 Kvam 02.06.1995 00:00 153541 Landvik 23.03.1987 00:00 225909 Lier 31.12.1991 00:00 189058 Linge 02.06.1995 00:00 157459 Lyngdal 04.09.1995 00:00 155666 Løken 19.03.1987 00:00 225481 Mære 02.01.1991 00:00 196070 Njøs 22.03.1991 00:00 194159 Pasvik 29.08.1992 00:00 185356 Rakkestad 09.01.1991 00:00 194092 Ramnes 02.01.1991 00:00 196640 35/55 csv filnavn Aas.csv Alvdal.csv Apelsvoll.csv Boe.csv Etne.csv Frosta.csv Fureneset.csv Faavang.csv Gausdal.csv Gjerpen.csv Gran.csv Gvarv.csv Hjelmeland.csv Hokksund.csv Holt.csv Honefoss.csv Ilseng.csv Kise,csv Kvam.csv Landvik.csv Lier.csv Linge.csv Lyngdal.csv Loeken.csv Maere.csv Njoes.csv Pasvik.csv Rakkestad.csv Ramnes.csv KVT/OB/2013/R046 weatherstation_id 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 118 name start antall linjer Rissa 30.09.1992 00:00 181668 Roverud 02.01.1991 00:00 196285 Rygge 01.06.2013 00:00 155421 Sande 31.12.1989 00:00 201071 Skjetlein 02.01.1991 00:00 196575 Skogmo 23.01.1991 00:00 194446 Sortland 25.03.1992 00:00 174512 Surnadal 29.09.1992 00:00 181780 Særheim 19.03.1987 00:00 220732 Tingvoll 09.01.1995 00:00 161590 Tjølling 02.02.1990 00:00 200328 Tjøtta 11.05.1987 00:00 207685 Tomb 02.01.1991 00:00 196214 Årnes 28.12.1998 00:00 128817 Ullensvang 09.01.1995 00:00 152008 Vågønes 01.12.1989 00:00 185192 Kvithamar 12.05.1987 00:00 227167 Øsaker 15.10.2004 00:00 78964 36/55 csv filnavn Rissa.csv Roverud.csv Rygge.csv Sande.csv Skjetlein.csv Skogmo.csv Sortland.csv Surnadal.csv Saerheim.csv Tingvoll.csv Tjolling.csv Tjotta.csv Tomb.csv Aarnes.csv Ullensvang.cvs Vaagones.csv Kvithamar.csv Oesaker.csv KVT/OB/2013/R046 Elementer Kode Beskrivelse Måleenhet Kommentar TM Luftemperatur ºC gjennomsnitt pr time UM Relativ luftfuktighet % gjennomsnitt pr time QO Globalstråling W/m-2 gjennomsnitt pr time ST Solskinnstid Min/time Gjennomsnittt QO > 120W i en time gir 1 solskinnstime. Elementet blir bare lagret som døgnverdi i vår database ST1 Solskinnstid t QO over 120W i en time, beregnet ved uttak av data W/m-2 gjennomsnitt pr time (elementet måles bare på værstasjonen Ås) REFSH Reflektert kortbølget stråling Værstasjoner Ås Fylke:Akershus Kommune:Ås Høyde over havet:94 Breddegrad:59.660468 Lengdegrad:10.781989 Startdato for måleserie:30.08.1991 Alvdal Fylke:Hedmark Kommune:Alvdal Høyde over havet:478 Breddegrad:62.10944 Lengdegrad:10.62687 Startdato for måleserie:28.10.1992 Apelsvoll Fylke:Oppland Kommune:Østre Toten Høyde over havet:255 Breddegrad:60.70024 Lengdegrad:10.86952 37/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Startdato for måleserie: 19.03.1987 Bø Fylke:Telemark Kommune:Bø Høyde over havet:105 Breddegrad:59.4175 Lengdegrad:9.02859 Startdato for måleserie: 18.09.1991 Etne Fylke:Hordaland Kommune:Etne Høyde over havet:8 Breddegrad:59.6625 Lengdegrad:5.95383 Startdato for måleserie: 02.06.1995 Frosta Fylke:Nord-Trøndelag Kommune:Frosta Høyde over havet:18 Breddegrad:63.56502 Lengdegrad:10.69298 Startdato for måleserie: 31.12.1989 Fureneset Fylke:Sogn- og Fjordane Kommune:Fjaler Høyde over havet:12 Breddegrad:61.29272 Lengdegrad:5.04428 Startdato for måleserie: 23.03.1987 00:00 Fåvang Fylke:Oppland Kommune:Ringebu Høyde over havet:184 Breddegrad:61.45822 Lengdegrad:10.1872 Startdato for måleserie: 27.10.1992 00:00 Gausdal Fylke:Oppland Kommune:Gausdal Høyde over havet:375 Breddegrad:61.22468 Lengdegrad:10.25878 Startdato for måleserie: 30.10.1992 00:00 38/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Gjerpen Fylke:Telemark Kommune:Skien Høyde over havet:41 Breddegrad:59.22684 Lengdegrad:9.57805 Startdato for måleserie: 16.06.1994 00:00 Gran Fylke:Oppland Kommune:Gran Høyde over havet:245 Breddegrad:60.35575 Lengdegrad:10.55906 Startdato for måleserie: 31.12.1991 Gvarv Fylke:Telemark Kommune:Sauherad Høyde over havet:46 Breddegrad:59.38223 Lengdegrad:9.21189 Startdato for måleserie: 05.04.2004 Hjelmeland Fylke:Rogaland Kommune:Hjelmeland Høyde over havet:43 Breddegrad:59.22995 Lengdegrad:6.14992 Startdato for måleserie: 11.01.1991 Hokksund Fylke:Buskerud Kommune:Øvre Eiker Høyde over havet:15 Breddegrad:59.76152 Lengdegrad:9.89166 Startdato for måleserie: 28.10.1991 Holt Fylke:Troms Kommune:Tromsø Høyde over havet:12 Breddegrad:69.65381 Lengdegrad:18.90946 Startdato for måleserie: 15.02.1995 39/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Hønefoss Fylke:Buskerud Kommune:Ringerike Høyde over havet:126 Breddegrad:60.14032 Lengdegrad:10.2661 Startdato for måleserie: 31.12.1991 Ilseng Fylke:Hedmark Kommune:Stange Høyde over havet:182 Breddegrad:60.80264 Lengdegrad:11.20298 Startdato for måleserie: 02.01.1991 Kise Fylke:Hedmark Kommune:Ringsaker Høyde over havet:129 Breddegrad:60.77324 Lengdegrad:10.80569 Startdato for måleserie: 01.01.1987 Kvam Fylke:Hordaland Kommune:Kvam Høyde over havet:13 Breddegrad:60.33637 Lengdegrad:6.21821 Startdato for måleserie: 02.06.1995 Landvik Fylke:Aust-Agder Kommune:Grimstad Høyde over havet:5 Breddegrad:58.340071 Lengdegrad:8.522554 Startdato for måleserie: 23.03.1987 Lier Fylke:Buskerud Kommune:Lier Høyde over havet:39 Breddegrad:59.79005 Lengdegrad:10.2604 Startdato for måleserie: 31.12.1991 40/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Linge Fylke:Møre og Romsdal Kommune:Norddal Høyde over havet:34 Breddegrad:62.28815 Lengdegrad:7.21713 Startdato for måleserie: 02.06.1995 Lyngdal Fylke:Vest-Agder Kommune:Lyngdal Høyde over havet:6 Breddegrad:58.12589 Lengdegrad:7.05036 Startdato for måleserie: 04.09.1995 Løken Fylke:Oppland Kommune:Øystre Slidre Høyde over havet:527 Breddegrad:61.12183 Lengdegrad:9.06302 Startdato for måleserie: 19.03.1987 Mære Fylke:Nord-Trøndelag Kommune:Steinkjer Høyde over havet:59 Breddegrad:63.94244 Lengdegrad:11.42527 Startdato for måleserie: 02.01.1991 Njøs Fylke:Sogn- og Fjordane Kommune:Leikanger Høyde over havet:45 Breddegrad:61.179943 Lengdegrad:6.862209 Startdato for måleserie: 22.03.1991 Pasvik Fylke:Finnmark Kommune:Sør-Varanger Høyde over havet:27 Breddegrad:69.45513 Lengdegrad:30.04085 Startdato for måleserie:29.08.1992 41/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Rakkestad Fylke:Østfold Kommune:Rakkestad Høyde over havet:102 Breddegrad:59.38824 Lengdegrad:11.39042 Startdato for måleserie: 09.01.1991 Ramnes Fylke:Vestfold Kommune:Re Høyde over havet:39 Breddegrad:59.38081 Lengdegrad:10.23923 Startdato for måleserie: 02.01.1991 Rissa Fylke:Sør-Trøndelag Kommune:Rissa Høyde over havet:23 Breddegrad:63.58592 Lengdegrad:9.97051 Startdato for måleserie: 30.09.1992 Roverud Fylke:Hedmark Kommune:Kongsvinger Høyde over havet:150 Breddegrad:60.25378 Lengdegrad:12.09144 Startdato for måleserie: 02.01.1991 Rygge Fylke:Østfold Kommune:Rygge Høyde over havet:35 Breddegrad:59.39805 Lengdegrad:10.75427 Startdato for måleserie: 01.06.2013 Sande Fylke:Vestfold Kommune:Sande Høyde over havet:35 Breddegrad:59.6162 Lengdegrad:10.22339 Startdato for måleserie: 31.12.1989 42/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Skjetlein Fylke:Sør-Trøndelag Kommune:Trondheim Høyde over havet:44 Breddegrad:63.34038 Lengdegrad:10.29737 Startdato for måleserie:02.01.1991 Skogmo Fylke:Nord-Trøndelag Kommune:Overhalla Høyde over havet:32 Breddegrad:64.51035 Lengdegrad:12.01885 Startdato for måleserie:23.01.1991 Sortland Fylke:Nordland Kommune:Sortland Høyde over havet:14 Breddegrad:68.64825 Lengdegrad:15.28288 Startdato for måleserie: 25.03.1992 Surnadal Fylke:Møre og Romsdal Kommune:Surnadal Høyde over havet:5 Breddegrad:62.98474 Lengdegrad:8.68956 Startdato for måleserie: 29.09.1992 Særheim Fylke:Rogaland Kommune:Klepp Høyde over havet:90 Breddegrad:58.76053 Lengdegrad:5.65078 Startdato for måleserie: 19.03.1987 Tingvoll Fylke:Møre og Romsdal Kommune:Tingvoll Høyde over havet:23 Breddegrad:62.91341 Lengdegrad:8.18623 Startdato for måleserie: 09.01.1995 43/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Tjølling Fylke:Vestfold Kommune:Larvik Høyde over havet:19 Breddegrad:59.04641 Lengdegrad:10.12513 Startdato for måleserie:01.01.2005 Tjøtta Fylke:Nordland Kommune:Alstahaug Høyde over havet:10 Breddegrad:65.82951 Lengdegrad:12.42553 Startdato for måleserie: 11.05.1987 Tomb Fylke:Østfold Kommune:Råde Høyde over havet:12 Breddegrad:59.31893 Lengdegrad:10.81449 Startdato for måleserie: 02.01.1991 Årnes Fylke:Akershus Kommune:Nes Høyde over havet:162 Breddegrad:60.1268 Lengdegrad:11.39342 Startdato for måleserie: 28.12.1998 Ullensvang Fylke:Hordaland Kommune:Ullensvang Høyde over havet:13 Breddegrad:60.31853 Lengdegrad:6.65381 Startdato for måleserie: 09.01.1995 Vågønes Fylke:Nordland Kommune:Bodø Høyde over havet:26 Breddegrad:67.28465 Lengdegrad:14.45155 Startdato for måleserie: 01.12.1989 44/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Kvithamar Fylke:Nord-Trøndelag Kommune:Stjørdal Høyde over havet:28 Breddegrad:63.48795 Lengdegrad:10.87994 Startdato for måleserie:01.01.1988 Øsaker Fylke:Østfold Kommune:Sarpsborg Høyde over havet:45 Breddegrad:59.31936 Lengdegrad:11.04221 Startdato for måleserie: 15.10.2004 45/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 A.2 Meteorological Institute A list of stations with either global radiation or sunshine duration from the Meteorological institute is shown in Table A-1 together with the station coordinates. A list of elements and the period of data for each station is given in Table A-2. Table A-1 List of stations with global radiation or sunshine duration measurements from the Metorological Institute. Station No 3290 3370 4920 5660 8710 8880 11500 12180 12550 13030 13150 17050 17380 17850 18700 19940 20280 20540 23500 26820 26990 27315 27780 30330 32061 32240 35860 38140 39040 41825 44300 45770 46200 47498 49490 50110 Station name RAKKESTAD ØSAKER ÅRNES ROVERUD SØRNESSET ALVDAL ØSTRE TOTEN - APELSVOLL ILSENG KISE PA HEDMARK GAUSDAL - FOLLEBU FÅVANG RÅDE - TOMB RYGGE - HUGGENES ÅS OSLO - BLINDERN LIER HØNEFOSS - HVERVEN GRAN LØKEN I VOLBU HOKKSUND SANDE - GALLEBERG RAMNES - KILE VESTRE TJØLLING GJERPEN - ÅRHUS GVARV - NES BIOFORSK BØ LYNGØR FYR LANDVIK KJEVIK LYNGDAL SÆRHEIM HJELMELAND SULDAL - MO ETNE - ENERHAUG ULLENSVANG FORSØKSGARD KVAM - AKSNESET Longitude 11.3875 11.0422 11.3933 12.0913 10.1535 10.6268 10.8695 11.2028 10.8055 10.2588 10.1857 10.8145 10.7543 10.782 10.72 10.2607 10.2662 10.5592 9.063 9.8922 10.215 10.2397 10.125 9.5772 9.2118 9.0287 9.1503 8.5225 8.0767 7.0503 5.6505 6.1498 6.417 5.9522 6.6538 6.2182 46/55 Latitude 59.3863 59.3193 60.1268 60.2537 61.887 62.1093 60.7002 60.8028 60.7733 61.2247 61.455 59.3188 59.398 59.6605 59.9423 59.7902 60.1403 60.3558 61.122 59.7613 59.6193 59.3808 59.0467 59.2268 59.3822 59.4175 58.6335 58.34 58.2 58.1258 58.7605 59.23 59.4617 59.6575 60.3185 60.3363 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Station No 50540 53530 55370 55430 55770 56420 58020 59610 60650 64510 64760 67140 68860 69100 69150 69655 70680 71320 72710 76530 80610 82290 82260 86520 89010 90450 90400 91500 92120 93570 97250 97251 99460 99710 Station name BERGEN - FLORIDA MIDTSTOVA GAUPNE BJØRKEHAUG I JOSTEDAL NJØS FURENESET GJENGEDAL - DALHEIM FISKÅBYGD LINGE TINGVOLL SURNADAL - SYLTE SKJETLEIN TRONDHEIM - VOLL VÆRNES KVITHAMAR FROSTA MÆRE III RISSA III OVERHALLA - SKOGMO TJØTTA MYKEN BODØ VI BODØ - VÅGØNES SORTLAND - KLEIVA KISTEFJELL TROMSØ TROMSØ - HOLT NORDNESFJELLET BLÅENGA MAZE - RUOGONJARGA KARASJOK KARASJOK - MARKANNJARGA PASVIK - SVANVIK BJØRNØYA Longitude 5.3327 7.276 7.2888 7.2762 6.8622 5.0443 6 5.5817 7.2172 8.1862 8.6897 10.2973 10.4539 10.9352 10.8795 10.694 11.4255 9.9705 12.0197 12.4313 12.486 14.3588 14.4515 15.2828 18.1288 18.9368 18.9057 20.4253 -34.2103 23.6946 25.4817 25.5023 30.041 19.005 47/55 Latitude 60.383 60.657 61.4063 61.6595 61.1798 61.2928 61.6667 62.103 62.2882 62.9133 62.9847 63.3403 63.4106 63.4592 63.4882 63.5657 63.9425 63.5858 64.5103 65.826 66.7628 67.2672 67.2853 68.6483 69.2897 69.6537 69.6523 69.5739 -77.512 69.4559 69.4683 69.4635 69.4552 74.5167 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Table A-2 Element list of each station Station Name 3290 Rakkestad Global stråling Sol siste time Parameter From date QO OT_1 26.01.2012 14.10.2010 31.10.2012 3370 Øsaker Global stråling QO 04.02.2013 4920 Årnes Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 03.07.2012 14.10.2010 31.10.2012 5660 Roverud Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 03.07.2012 14.10.2010 31.10.2012 8710 Sørnesset Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.01.1957 30.09.1998 8880 Alvdal Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 11500 Østre Toten Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 19.03.1987 19.03.1987 12180 Ilseng Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 12550 Kise på Hedmark Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 01.01.1982 01.01.1982 13030 Gausdal - Follebu Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 13150 Fåvang Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 26.01.2011 14.10.2010 31.10.2012 17050 Råde - Tomb Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 05.02.2013 04.07.2013 17380 Rygge - Huggnes Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 04.07.2013 04.07.2013 48/55 To date KVT/OB/2013/R046 Station Name 17850 Ås Global stråling Stråling, albedo Stråling diffus Fotosyntetisk aktiv stråling Strålingsbalanse Parameter From date To date QO QA QD QF QOB 01.01.1990 01.01.1990 01.01.1990 01.01.1990 01.01.1990 31.12.2008 31.12.2008 31.12.2008 31.12.2008 31.12.2008 18700 Oslo - Blindern Global stråling Bølgelengdeområde Sol siste time Sol siste 24 timer QO QOA OT_1 OT_24 09.10.1996 30.04.2006 05.12.2012 03.02.2004 07.07.1952 31.05.2005 19940 Lier Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 20280 Hønefoss - Hverven Global stråling QO 13.02.2013 20540 Gran Global stråling QO 13.02.2013 23500 Løken i Volbu Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 01.06.1987 01.06.1987 26820 Hokksund Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 26990 Sande - Galleberg Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 22.12.2011 14.10.2010 31.10.2012 27315 Ramnes - Kile Vestre Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 27780 Tjølling Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 30330 Gjerpen - Århus Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 32061 Gvarv - Nes Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 32240 Bø Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 35860 Lyngør Fyr Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 15.07.1973 31.03.2004 49/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Station Name 38140 Landvik Global stråling Sol siste time Parameter From date QO OT_1 23.03.1987 23.03.1987 39040 Kjevik Global stråling Sol siste time Sol siste 24 timer QO OT_1 OT_24 01.08.1995 29.02.2004 13.02.2004 31.07.2013 01.01.1954 31.10.2003 41825 Lyngdal Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 06.02.2013 08.10.2013 44300 Særheim Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 19.03.1987 19.03.1987 45770 Hjelmeland Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 46200 Suldal - Mo Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.11.1974 31.10.1992 47498 Etne - Enerhaug Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 49490 Ullensvang Forsøksgård Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 22.12.2011 30.06.2009 50110 Kvam - Aksneset Global stråling QO 01.04.2013 50540 Bergen Florida Sol siste time Sol siste 24 timer OT_1 OT_24 16.04.2007 30.04.2007 01.01.1957 30.09.2005 53530 Midtstova Bølgelengdeområde QOA 25.02.2013 55370 Gaupne Global stråling QO 09.05.1984 31.01.1996 55430 Bjørkehaug i Jostedal Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.12.1963 31.10.2004 55770 Njøs Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 06.02.2013 25.07.2013 50/55 To date KVT/OB/2013/R046 Station Name 56420 Fureneset Global stråling Sol siste time Parameter From date QO OT_1 23.03.1987 23.03.1987 58020 Gjengedal - Dalheim Global stråling QO 07.11.1989 30.06.1996 59610 Fiskåbygd Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.07.1969 31.01.2007 60650 Linge Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 64510 Tingvoll Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 06.02.2013 25.07.2013 64760 Surnadal - Sylte Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 67140 Skjetlein Global stråling Bioforsk QO 08.02.2013 QO 01.09.1996 31.05.2011 QOX 01.09.1996 31.05.2011 69100 Værnes Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.01.1982 30.11.2003 69150 Kvithamar Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 12.05.1987 12.05.1987 69655 Frosta Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 23.12.2011 10.03.2010 70680 Mære III Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 06.02.2013 23.08.2013 71320 Rissa III Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 13.02.2013 23.08.2013 72710 Overhalla - Skogmo Global stråling QO 05.02.2013 68860 Trondheim - Voll Global stråling Global stråling - største minuttverdi 51/55 To date KVT/OB/2013/R046 Station Name 76530 Tjøtta Global stråling Sol siste time Parameter From date QO OT_1 01.07.1987 01.07.1987 80610 Myken Sol siste time OT_1 12.06.2013 82260 Bodø - Vågønes Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 04.06.1987 04.06.1987 82290 Bodø VI Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.01.1961 31.10.2005 86520 Sortland - Kleiva Global stråling QO 06.02.2013 89010 Kistefjell Sol siste time OT_1 25.07.2013 90400 Tromsø - Holt Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 01.06.1987 01.06.1987 90450 Tromsø Sol siste time Sol siste 24 timer OT_1 OT_24 10.08.2004 01.01.1961 31.03.2008 91500 Nordnesfjellet Bølgelengdeområde QOA 31.12.2011 93570 Maze - Ruogonjarga Global stråling QO 05.08.1982 31.01.1992 97250 Karasjok Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.01.1961 30.06.2004 97251 Karasjok - Markannjarga Sol siste time OT_1 07.07.2004 99460 Pasvik - Svanvik Global stråling Sol siste time QO OT_1 16.10.2010 14.10.2010 31.10.2012 99710 Bjørnøya Sol siste 24 timer OT_24 01.01.1959 31.10.2006 52/55 To date KVT/OB/2013/R046 A.3 Other stations Ås – Fagklim Owner: UMB Contact: Signe Kroken (signe.kroken[at] Longitude: 10.782 Latitude: 59.6605 Period of measurements: From 1987, ongoing, older data is also available daily Description: Horizontally mounted pyranometer for global radiation, also measurements of diffuse radiation. Hourly frequency, Higher frequency available by contact to UMB, Other variables: Albedo, PAR and spectral bands available by contact to UMB Avaialbility: Available in database Bergen - GFI Owner: Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen Contact: Jan Asle Olseth (Jan.Olseth[at] Longitude: 5.3327 Latitude: 60.383 Period of measurements: Global and diffuse measurements since 1965, Direct radiation since 1982, sunshine duration since 1952. The measurements are ongoing. Description: Hourly frequency, Higher frequency (20 seconds) available for the latest years. Avaialbility: Will become available in database shortly Lade – NTNU Owner: NTNU Contact: Amund Gjerde Gjendem (amund.gjendem[at] and Oddbjørn Grandum (oddbjorn.grandum[at] Longitude: 10.45 Latitude: 63.43 Period of measurements: Global and direct measurements in the period 1991-2001. Description: There have been some problems with the sun-tracker. The data is raw data that has not been quality controlled. Data is stored as minute values. Avaialbility: Avaialble in the database Gløshaugen – NTNU Owner: NTNU Contact: Amund Gjerde Gjendem (amund.gjendem[at] and Oddbjørn Grandum (oddbjorn.grandum[at] Longitude: 10.407 Latitude: 63.416 Period of measurements: Global and direct measurements from 2001. The measurements are ongoing Description: The data is raw data (volt) that has not been quality controlled. Data is stored as minute values. Avaialbility: Avaialble in the database Narvik – Norut Owner: Norut Contact: Øystein Kleven (oystein.kleven[at] Longitude: 17.4347 Latitude: 68.4362 53/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Period of measurements: Measurements started in June 2010. The measurements are ongoing Description: Solar irradiance from a horizontally mounted pyranometer in addition to a pyranometer set up on a dual axis tracking system. The data is available with a 1 minute time resolution. Avaialbility: Avaialble in the database Grimstad - UiA Owner: Agder Photovoltaic Lab, University of Agder Contact: Georgi H. Yordanov (georgi.yordanov[at] Longitude: 8.5781 Latitude: 58.3336 Period of measurements: Measurements started in December 2010. The measurements are ongoing Description: 2 inclined sensors: a pyranometer and a PV cell. Logged every minute. Inclination of sensors: 39° from horizontal, 7° East from South. Avaialbility: Avaialble upon contact to Agder Photovoltaic Lab Hardangerjøkulen, Midtdalsbreen - NVE Owner: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate Contact: Michiel van den Broeke or Rianne Giersen at the University of Utrecht. Longitude: 7.4677 Latitude: 60.567 Period of measurements: 2000-2013 Description: The stations carried out measurements of incoming and reflected solar radiation and incoming and outgoing longwave radiation. Avaialbility: Data may be made available upon request Hardangerjøkulen, Platå - NVE Owner: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate Contact: Michiel van den Broeke or Rianne Giersen at the University of Utrecht. Longitude: 7.45 Latitude: 60.55 Period of measurements: 2005-2006 Description: The stations carried out measurements of incoming and reflected solar radiation and incoming and outgoing longwave radiation. Avaialbility: Data may be made available upon request Storbreen - NVE Owner: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate Contact: Michiel van den Broeke or Rianne Giersen at the University of Utrecht. Longitude: 8.13 Latitude: 61.6 Period of measurements: Started in 2001. The measurements are ongoing Description: The stations carried out measurements of incoming and reflected solar radiation and incoming and outgoing longwave radiation. Avaialbility: Data may be made available upon request Langfjordsjøkelen - NVE Owner: Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate Contact: Michiel van den Broeke or Rianne Giersen at the University of Utrecht. Longitude: 21.75 54/55 KVT/OB/2013/R046 Latitude: 70.13 Period of measurements: 2007-2010 Description: The stations carried out measurements of incoming and reflected solar radiation and incoming and outgoing longwave radiation. Avaialbility: Data may be made available upon request Lillestrøm Owner: Akershus Energi Contact: Torbjørn Kvammen (tk[at] Longitude: 11.07444 Latitude: 59.9725 Period of measurements: February 2013, ongoing Description: 2 horizontally mounted pyranometers, 5 second frequency Avaialbility: Available by contact to Akershus Energi Kristiansand Owner: Agder Energi, Teknova Contact: Anne Gerd Imenes (AnneGerd.Imenes[at] Longitude: 8.001 Latitude: 58.153 Period of measurements: Measurements started in May 2012 Description: Global end diffuse radiation on a horizontal plane in addition to pyranometer measurement on a tilted (20 degrees) plane Avaialbility: The data will not be distributed freely, but may be made available upon request Ringdalsskogen, Larvik Owner: Brødrene Dahl Contact: Kåre Johansen (kare.johansen[at] Longitude: 10.094 Latitude: 59.121 Period of measurements: Data is available from May 2011 Description: Global irradiance on a horizontal plane Avaialbility: Available from database Sandefjord Owner: Jotun Contact: Kjell Erik Flaten (kjell.erik.flaten[at] (morten.eliassen[at] Longitude: 10.245 Latitude: 59.106 Period of measurements: Since 1999 Description: Global irradiance on a horizontal plane Avaialbility: Available on request to Jotun 55/55 or Morten Eliassen
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