LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety Serie 592D/594D LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety LINEA safety Serie 592D/594D LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety Serie Serie592D/594D 592D/594D Serie 592D/594D The automatic locking system by TENTE LINEAautomatic safety castor is automatically locked for designers regarding the deve The locking system by TENTE by default and can only be moved when the for mobile furniture, and devices. The automatic locking system byis TENTE LINEA safety castor automatically locked designers regarding the deve Det automatiske låsesystem fra TENTE A direct access to the castor by foo locking system is actively released. by default and can only be moved when the mobile furniture, and devices. LINEA safety castor is automatically locked for designers regarding the development of The automatic locking system by TENTE activated and necessary to release the mobility. The wheel lock is permanently by default andlocking can only be moved when the mobile furniture, and devices. A direct access to the castor by foot system is actively released. LINEA safety will castor is automatically locked forconnection designers regarding the development of be released byhelt actuation. The Åbner op for nye designmuligheder locking systemThe is actively released. A direct access to the castor by is nothe longer wheel lock is permanently activated and necessary tofoot release mobility. by default andbetween can onlythe be castor movedand when the mobileisfurniture, and devices. LINEA safety is available with wh the appliance made The wheel lock is permanently activated and necessary to release the mobility. Hjulet er som udgangspunkt altid bremset will be released by actuation. The connection locking systemby is actively released. A direct access to the castor by isand no longer theactuation. customer. diameter 75foot mm 100 with mm, wh w will be released by The connection between the castor and the appliance is made LINEA safety is available is Hjulet skal aktivt låsesand op ved hjælp aftoet kabeltræk The wheel lock permanently activated necessary release the mobility. The spring used in the locking system is not on diameter 100 mm. between the castor and the appliance is made LINEA safety is available with wheeland lock onmm, w by theKan customer. diameter 75 mm 100 will be released actuation. The med connection by monteres P41 brake (plade), B10 75 (tap) eller S70 (gevind) under stress wheninthe castor is engaged, by the customer. diameter mm and 100 mm,100 withmm. total lock The spring used the locking system is not on diameter between the castor and the appliance is made LINEA safety ishjulbremse available with wheel lock on inisStandard LINEA hjul med The spring used the locking system isi Ø75 not og onØ100 diameter 100 mm. this an advantage for safety. LINEA 592DUAP075L51-10 won under stress when the castor brake is engaged, by the customer. diameter 75 mm and 100 mm, with total lock under stress when castor brake is hjul engaged, the Standard LINEA i Ø100 med totalbremseInterzum High Product Quality Awa This system allows completely new possibilities The spring used locking system is not on diameter 100 mm. thisinis the an advantage for safety. LINEA 592DUAP075L51-10 won this is an advantage for safety. LINEA 592DUAP075L51-10 won under stress when castor brakecompletely is engaged, new possibilities Interzum High Product Quality Awa This the system allows This system allows completely new possibilities Product Award 2013. Hjuletforersafety. designet således, at detInterzum altid 592DUAP075L51-10 er High bremset somQuality sikkerhedsthis is an advantage LINEA won foranstaltning. Hjulet kan kun bevæges, når det bliverQuality aktivtAward låst op2013. This system allows completely new possibilities Interzum High Product ved hjælp af et kabeltræk. Så snart kablet/håndtaget slippes, låses hjulet øjeblikkeligt igen og møblet kan ikke flyttes. Locking Mechanism 592D Ø75, wheel lock Låsemekanisme 592D Ø75 hjulbremse Locking Mechanism Locking Mechanism 592D Ø75, 592D wheelØ75, lock wheel lock Locking Mechanism 592D Ø75, wheel lock Default position, wheel lock engaged. Default position, wheel lock engaged. Udgangsposition, lås aktiveret (hjulbremse) Default position, wheel lock engaged. Default position, wheel lock engaged. Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Lås frakoblet, efter aktivering af kabel Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Låsemekanisme Ø100 hjulbremse Locking Mechanism 592D Ø100, wheel lock wheel lock Locking592D Mechanism 592D Ø100, Locking Mechanism 592D Ø100,592D wheel lock wheel lock Locking Mechanism Ø100, Default position, wheel lock engaged. Udgangsposition, lås aktiveret (hjulbremse) Default position, wheel lock engaged. Default position, wheel lock engaged. Default position, wheel lock engaged. Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Lås frakoblet, efter aktivering af kabel Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. Wheel lock disengaged after actuation. TENTE A/S Birkemosevej 32 8361 Hasselager Telefon: 70 10 82 10 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety Serie 592D/594D Serie 592D/594D Låsemekanisme 594D Ø100 totalbremse Locking Mechanism 594D Ø100, total lock The automatic locking system by TENTE Detteis hjul fås only kunwith medS70 S70 gevindstift M12x25. This castor available threaded stem M12x25. Other fittings can be made on demand. Please contact us for further details. LINEA safety castor is automatically locked for designers regarding the development of Spørg os hvis du har brug for andre befæstigelser. by default and can only be moved when the mobile furniture, and devices. locking system is actively released. The wheel lock is permanently activated and Udgangsposition, lås aktiveret (totalbremse) Default position, total lockbe engaged. will released by actuation. The connection between the castor and the appliance is made by the customer. The spring used in the locking system is not under stress when the castor brake is engaged, this is an advantage for safety. This system allows completely new possibilities A direct access to the castor by foot is no longer necessary to release the mobility. Lås frakoblet, efter aktivering af kabel total lock disengaged after actuation. LINEA safety is available with wheel lock on diameter 75 mm and 100 mm, with total lock on diameter 100 mm. LINEA 592DUAP075L51-10 won Interzum High Product Quality Award 2013. Locking Mechanism 592D Ø75, wheel lock LINEA Ø75 & Ø100 safety Serie 592D/594D Default position, wheel lock engaged. Dedicated drilled fittings for 592D serie available Load Overall Hvorfor brugeCastor LINEA safety? Diameter Capacity height LINEA safety available range Du kan ikkeØ75 glemme at P41-42x42/10 60låse kg bremsen. 86 mm Drilled Hole Ø Product mmdisengaged after actuation. Wheel3lock Load Housing Wheel body P41-65x65/10 Ø75 så 80 kg Capacity mmmed 3 mm Material Perfekt til skoler, børnene ikke85 leger Product Diameter Material Wheel Tread møblerne og bruger dem til skateboards. Locking Mechanism 592D wheel 592DUAI075L51-10 075 Ø100, 80 kg lock PA Bearing 3 mm PA Polyurethane plain bearing clipped 592DUAO075L51-10 075kan være90 kg PA PA Til miljøer, Ø75 hvor der S70-12x15/10 100 kg hældninger 83 mm eller3 mm mange op og ned075 kørsler, f.eks. 592DUAP075L51-10 100 boghandlere, kg PA PA biblioteker, restauranter og lufthavne. B10-11x20/10 Ø75 80 kg 81 mm 3 mm 592DUAP100L51-11 100 100 kg PA PA Polyurethane plain bearing riveted S70-10x15/10 Ø75 80 kg 82 mm P41-42x42/11 Ø100 111 mm 594DUAP100S70-12x25* 100 80 kg 100aldrig kg mm PA 3 at På hospitalet vil sygeplejersken glemme PA Polyurethane precision riveted LINEA safetyØ100 Ø100wheel med hjulbremse LINEAsafety safety Ø100total medlock totalbremse Linea Ø100 Linea safety lock ball bearing Polyurethane precision ball bearing riveted Polyurethane precision ball bearing riveted aktivere bremsen på udstyret, og kan i stedet P41-65x65/11 Ø100to EN12528 kg mm 3 mm Load capacity tested according Castors for109 Furniture. kon centrere sig 100%100 om patienten. Default position, wheel lock engaged. These castor scomply with all the requirements from EN 12530 Castors for Institutional use, but the swivel play test. S70-10x15/11 Ø100 100 kg 105 mm 3 mm På tested hospitalet vil patienten kunne rykke rundt * Load capacity according to EN12530 selv Castors for Institutional use med f.eks.Ø100 sengebordet B10-11x30/11 100uden kg risiko 103for mmat det3 mm See the document for fra differences & EN 12530sig standards. “løber ham” between og hanEN12528 falder og skader selv. The cable wire system engineering remains to be designed or supplied by the customer. Other fittings can be made on demand. Please contact us for further details. Load capacity tested according to EN12528 Castors for Furniture, for Linea safety Ø75 & Ø100. LINEAsafety safetyØ75 Ø75wheel med hjulbremse Linea lock Wheel lock disengaged after actuation.
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