Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 UNDERVISNINGENS DAG UNIVERSITY TEACHING DAY Campus Aalborg Theme of the day: Preparing students for the future Date and time: 12 May 2016 from 8.15-15.45 Venue: Kroghstræde 3, room 1.104 (auditorium) Sign up here Dear all, This year’s AAU teaching day focuses on inspiring University teachers to prepare students for the future. This means that we aim at inspiring AAUs University teachers to review and reflect on their current teaching approaches to consider how to provide the conditions for innovative thinking. Speakers include experts from within our own institution as well as experts from the ECIU – The European Consortium of Innovative Universities, of which Aalborg University is a member. Materials from the day’s presentations will be available thereafter on learninglab.aau.dk. AAU Learning Lab www.learninglab.aau.dk Side 1 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 DETAILED PLAN OF THE DAY 8:15 Coffee and tea 8:45 Welcome by Pro-rector Inger Askehave Room 1.104 (Video-transmission between Esbjerg and Aalborg) 9:00 Keynote by Professor Mark Brown Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University (DCU) The Story of Digital Learning: The Future is Not What it Used to Be Room 1.104 (Video-transmission between Esbjerg and Aalborg) 10:15 Break 10:45-12:00 Parallel workshops Workshop 1 Room 4.128 Active Learning in (also large) Lectures – More than Clickers? By Dr. Andrea Brose Workshop 2 Room 4.112 Flipped classroom og podcasts – et hæfte fra HERU By Hans Hüttel & Lone Krogh Workshop 3 Room 1.119 Educational Battle læring om udvikling af en problemformulering ved inddragelse af ældre studerende By Henrik Find Fladkjær Workshop 4 Room 5.126 Digital exams By Kathrin Otrel-Cass 12:00 Lunch From 12:30 Ceremony of this year’s Assistant professors finishing this year’s Adjunktpædagogikum from room 1.104 13:00-14:15 Parallel workshops Workshop 1 Room 4.110 Active Learning in (also large) Lectures – More than Clickers? By Dr. Andrea Brose 14:15-14:30 Workshop 2 Room 4.128 Flipped classroom og podcasts – et hæfte fra HERU By Hans Hüttel & Lone Krogh Workshop 3 Room 1.119 Educational Battle læring om udvikling af en problemformulering ved inddragelse af ældre studerende By Henrik Find Fladkjær Workshop 4 Room 5.126 Digital exams By Kathrin Otrel-Cass Break Side 2 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 14:30-15:45 Parallel workshops Workshop 1 Room 4.110 Active Learning in (also large) Lectures – More than Clickers? By Dr. Andrea Brose 15:45 Workshop 2 Room 4.128 Flipped classroom og podcasts – et hæfte fra HERU By Hans Hüttel & Lone Krogh Workshop 3 Room 1.119 Educational Battle læring om udvikling af en problemformulering ved inddragelse af ældre studerende By Henrik Find Fladkjær Workshop 4 Room 5.126 Digital exams By Kathrin Otrel-Cass End Side 3 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 Keynote Professor Mark Brown Director of the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University (DCU). The Story of Digital Learning: The Future is Not What it Used to Be This presentation tells the story of the dreams, debates and new designs associated with the emergence of so-called disruptive models of digital learning. It anchors this story in a long history of educational technology and asks if digital learning is the dream solution, then what is the problem? In exploring this question the presentation starts by reflecting on claims about previous technologies and the rhetoric reality gap between the state of the art and the state of the actual. A number of current debates associated with claims about the transformative potential of digital learning are then explored from a critical perspective. While these debates show the future still lives to some extent in the past, the presentation adopts the language of opportunity to explore how teachers can redesign the curriculum through a blend of new pedagogies and new digital solutions to provide more active, engaging and connected learning experiences for 21st Century learners. Finally, we reflect back on the original question and some of the even bigger problems facing higher education. In so doing the talk illustrates why our collective future depends on developing new digitally enhanced models of teaching and learning in uncertain times. Biography Before taking up this position in 2014, Mark was Director of the National Centre for Teaching and Learning at Massey University, New Zealand. He has more than 20 years experience of working in Higher Education, serves on several international journal editorial boards and has published extensively in the areas of Online, Blended and Digital Learning. Mark chairs the Teaching and Learning Steering Committee for the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) and serves on Board of the Irish National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and Executive Committee of the European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN). A recipient of a National Award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching, Mark has a strong commitment to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and remains a member of the New Zealand Academy of Tertiary Teaching Excellence. Twitter: @mbrownz Web: http://www.dcu.ie/nidl/people/director.shtml Side 4 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 About the workshops Workshop 1 -Active Learning in (also large) Lectures – More than Clickers? Dr. Andrea Brose Dr. Brose leads the Centre for Teaching and Learning at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Activating methods are an integral part of many measures to improve teaching. Often one sees that these methods can be used for small lectures only or that the method already provide themselves for greater learning success. These and similar ideas may lead to disappointment among instructors as well as frustration among students. One aim of the workshop is to examine these ideas and expectations critically. This is already necessary because the success hoped for activating methods do not always materialize by themselves. The workshop "Active Learning in (also large) Lectures – More than Clickers?" aims to enable the participant to get to know and be able to implement methods such as "Peer Instruction" and other selected, activating methods that are suitable for use in large groups. It will be explored what factors are crucial when implementing certain methods and what are the crucial didactical aspects for the success of such methods. We offer participants the opportunity to experience some of the methods themselves as well as to contribute their knowledge and experience with activating methods. Biography Dr. Andrea Brose, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) Dr. Andrea Brose leads the Centre for Teaching and Learning at TUHH. Before that she worked in the Department of Engineering Education with Prof. Kautz, where they conducted empirical studies to find difficulties in students’ understanding of fundamental concepts in engineering. Before she moved to Hamburg, she taught mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles and was responsible for the quality of teaching there. Dr. Brose did her PhD in mathematics (probability theory) at the University of Colorado Boulder in 1998. Side 5 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 Workshop 2 - Flipped classroom og podcasts – et hæfte fra HERU Hans Hüttel & Lone Krogh Kjær-Rasmussen Denne workshop præsenterer det første i en række af hæfter, udgivet af Higher Education Research Unit (HERU). I dette første hæfte beskriver forfatterne, Hans Hüttel og Dorina Gnaur, principperne bag hvorfor og hvordan man kan anvende en flipped classroom-pædagogik. Workshoppen giver et overblik over disse principper og vil desuden give deltagerne mulighed for, at udvikle ideer til hvordan og hvor de kan indarbejde ideer fra flipped classroom i deres undervisning. Hans Hüttel Lektor ved Institut for Datalogi Hans Hüttel er cand. scient. i datalogi og matematik fra AAU i 1988, og han har en PhD grad i Theory of Computation fra University of Edinburgh fra 1991. Han har vejledt et hav af studenterprojekter på datalogiuddannelserne og på kursussiden har han især undervist i syntaks og semantik og i beregnelighed og kompleksitet. I 2014 blev han valgt som Årets underviser ved AAU. Hans er medlem af censorkorpset i datalogi og Studienævn for datalogi og sidder i samarbejdsudvalget for Institut for datalogi som repræsentant for DM. Følg hans blog på http://www.hanshuttel.dk og læs om lidt af hvert Lone Krogh Kjær-Rasmussen Lektor and Leader of HERU Lone Krogh er lektor ved Aalborg Universitet, institut for Læring og Filosofi. Hendes fokusområder er uddannelse og læring i videregående uddannelser, set i lyset af den internationale udvikling – og dens indflydelse på uddannelserne og undervisningen hovedsageligt ved de videregående uddannelser. Hendes interesser inkluderer uddannelsesudvikling med fokus på nye og innovative undervisnings- og læringsaktiviteter, med fokus på inddragelse af de studerendes ’stemmer’ og engagement, voksenlæring samt evaluering. Hun har erfaring med at implementere PBL- og staffdevelopment strategier både nationalt og internationalt. Hun har publiceret en række artikler, heraf er de seneste: "Learning, Leading, and Letting Go of Control: Learner-Led Approaches in Education" (2015), udgivet af Sage Open, sammen med medforfattere; "Gross National Happiness in Bhutanese Education: How Is It Implemented In Practice?" (2015), udgivet af Sense Publishers i 'Dealing with Emotions', redaktør og forfatter på flere artikler i antologien; "Visions, Challenges, and Strategies: PBL Principles and Methodologies in a Danish and Global Perspective" (2013), udgivet af Aalborg Universitetsforlag; samt en række artikler i antologien "University Teaching and Learning" (2015) udgivet af Samfundslitteratur, redigeret af Rienecker, m.fl. Side 6 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 Workshop 3 - Educational Battle - læring om udvikling af en problemformulering ved inddragelse af ældre studerende Henrik Find Fladkjær Denne workshop præsenterer resultaterne fra forskning af en process, som studerene bruger, der benytter intensiv undersøgelse til at præcisere en gruppes problemformulering og planlægning af dennes projektarbejde. Idéen er at inkludere og undervise erfarne 8. semester studerende, som rådgiver bachelor studerende i det første år. Denne workshop introducerer deltagerne til nøgle idéer og til hvordan man organiserer sådanne aktiviteter. Derudover vil deltagerne også blive introduceret for resultaterne fra den nyligt afsluttede forskning. Deltagerne vil være i stand til at planlægge sådanne aktiviteter i deres egne kurser. Henrik Find Fladkjær Associate Professor Henrik Fladkjær er lektor og formand for Erhvervsøkonomisk studienævn på Aalborg Universitet. Hans arbejde på universitetet har i mange år omfattet forskning og forskningsbaseret undervisning. Hans forsknings- og undervisningsaktiviteter er fokuseret på komplekse teoretiske emner indenfor erhvervsøkonomi, med konkrete og potentielle forretningsrelaterede muligheder. Henrik Fladkjær forsøger altid at kombinere undervisningen indenfor erhvervsøkonomi med relevant informationsteknologi. Henrik Fladkjær er opfostret med PBL modellen - både som studerende og, senere, som universitetsansat. Han ser videreudvikling af sine egne PBL færdigheder som en stor og interessant udfordring. PBL er også en essentiel del af studienævnets tiltag; hovedopgaven her er at sikre at både undervisning og supervision er PBL baseret. Side 7 af 8 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2016 Workshop 4 - Digital exams Kathrin Otrel-Cass In this workshop we will be discussing how to handle the digital formats of conducting. We will discuss ways on how to use DE most effectively to support and integrate the digital format into the teaching/examination process. The workshop will also report findings from a recent small research project investigating the use of the digital exams, also to address some concerns people had. Participants are encouraged to come with questions. Kathrin Otrel-Cass Professor with Specific Responsibilities Is Professor mso at the department of Learning and Philosophy, her research interests are amongst others in assessment and learning and she conducted the recent investigation into digital exam performance. Side 8 af 8
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