Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day Campus Aalborg Theme of the day: Effective planning for student centered teaching and learning Date and time: 9 april 2014 from 8.00-15.00 Venue: Kroghstræde 3, room 1.104 (auditorium) Sign up here. Teaching and supervision can be challenging tasks for University teachers where they have to make sure that things are in place so students can get the most to acquire academic knowledge, skills and competences. There is not one right way of doing it - things that need to be taken into consideration when activities are planned includes, the subject areas, learning goals, students’ backgrounds etc. The PBL teaching framework at AAU sets particular learning conditions, including teaching that supports students’ project work, while specific teaching environments like classrooms/lecture rooms or laboratories shape particular teaching and learning environments. It is the University teacher’s challenge to consider various conditions to orchestrate productive learning environments. On this year’s AAU teaching day the aim is to focus on planning for various teaching interventions and settings. We seek inspiration from each other, as there are many colleagues, who on daily basis develop and work with their ways of practicing good teaching and supervision. We also look forward to some inspiration from Dr. L. Dee Fink, a professional and international consultant in Higher Education from US, who will present a keynote and run a workshop. The program will be followed by a poster presentation by assistant professors and postdocs who have recently finished the Adjunktpædagogikum. At the end of the day there will be a celebration of the recent graduates of the Adjunktpædagogikum. Materials from the day’s presentations will be available thereafter on learninglab.aau.dk. Some of the presentations will be in Danish some in English. Looking very much forward to seeing you Associate professors Kathrin Otrel-Cass and Lone Krogh Department of Learning and Philosophy / AAU Learning lab. www.learninglab.aau.dk Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Detailed plan of the day 8.00: Coffee & tea 8.30: Welcome by pro-rector Inger Askehave 8.45: Keynote by Professor L. Dee Fink, “The joy and responsibility of teaching well and establish significant learning” (Video-transmission to Esbjerg) 9.45: Short break 10.00 – 12.00 Parallel workshops Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Workshop 5 Room: 4.128 Room: 4.110 Room: 4.112 Room: 1.119 Room: 5.131 Integrated course design for teaching and learning in a PBL Context By Dr. L. Dee Fink Brug af teknologi: Planlægning og brug af podcasts og andre teknologier v/adjunkt Dorina Gnaur og lektor Hans Hüttel Hvad kendetegner gruppesamarbejdsproblemer? Hvad kan projektværktøjer tilføre samarbejdsprocessen? v/lektor Birthe Lund og specialestuderende Maiken Lykke Pedersen og Heidi Trude Holm Integrating sustainability in projects and courses – What? Why? And How? By Assoc. professor Mona Dahms, and Assoc. professor Kathrin Otrel-Cass, See description below Se beskrivelse nedenfor Se beskrivelse nedenfor See description below Workshop for skoleog studieledere + andre med interesse for studieledelse - om hvordan studierne opretholder undervisningens kvalitet, når der skæres i timerne til undervisning. Formålet er dels at tage en diskussion af udfordringerne i de krydspres studieledelsen sidder med og dels at arbejde innovativt med udvikling af nye studiemodeller. Workshoppen fortsætter efter frokost Chair: Lone Krogh Chair: Dorina Gnaur Chair: Birthe Lund Chair: Kathrin Otrel-Cass Chair: Hanne Dauer Keller Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 12.00 – 13.30: Lunch and poster presentations by Assistant professors with some of their experiences from Adjunktpædagogikum 13.30 – 14.45: More parallel workshops with different themes Workshop 6 Workshop 7 Workshop 8 Workshop 9 Workshop 5 fortsat Workshop 10 Room: 1.104 Room: 4.110 Room: 4.112 Room: 4.128 Room: 5.131 Room: 1.119 Hvordan kan man evaluere de studerende gennem et undervisningsforløb og til sidst til eksamen? Etablering af gode gruppedannelser. Processer som forudsætning for gode samarbejdsprocesser i projektarbejdet Hvordan kan man forbedre sine (mega) forelæsninger? The input from Poul will be in Danish – but ppt.s in English Activating students in large classes Fortsættelse af workshop for skole- og studieledere. I denne session diskuteres de konkrete forslag op imod kvalitetskriterier for god undervisning og effektiv læring med sparring fra L. Dee Fink. Ansvarlige Hanne Dauer Keller and Lone Krogh Udformning af nye og omskrivning af eksisterende studieordninger. Eksempel: Medicin og sundhedsuddannelser Åben for alle v/lektor Poul Thøis By Assist. Professor Kamal Nasrollahi, Assist. Professor Rasmus Stenholt, and Professor MSO Erik de Graaff v/professor Palle Rasmussen og lektor Bettina Dahl Søndergaard v/adjunkt Charlotte Overgaard og lektor Jens Chr. Rauhe Se beskrivelse nedenfor Se beskrivelse nedenfor Se beskrivelse nedenfor See description below Se beskrivelse nedenfor Se beskrivelse nedenfor Chair: Palle Rasmussen Chair: Annie Aarup Jensen Chair: Christian Ydesen Chair: Kathrin Otrel-Cass Chair: Lone Krogh Chair: Diana Stentoft v/lektor Diana Stentoft og lektor Jeppe Emmersen 15.00 The day ends with celebration of Assistant professors having finished Adjunktpædagogikum. Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 The keynote speaker Dr. L. Dee Fink is a nationally and internationally-recognized consultant on college teaching and faculty development. After receiving his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1976, he accepted a faculty position at the University of Oklahoma. In 1979 he founded the Instructional Development Program at the University of Oklahoma and served as its director until his retirement from Oklahoma in 2005. In 2004-2005, he served as president of the POD Network (Professional and Organizational Development) in Higher Education, the primary professional organization for faculty developers in the United States. He is the author of “Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses” (Jossey-Bass, orig. ed. 2003; updated ed., 2013) and co-editor of “Designing Courses for Significant Learning”, Issue #119 in the quarterly series New Directions for Teaching and Learning (Jossey-Bass, Fall 2009). More information can be found on his website: www.finkconsulting.info About the workshops and presenters Workshop 1: Want Your Students to Learn More? Designing Your Courses for More Significant Learning Most college teachers would like their courses to be an experience in which their students achieve some kind of significant learning that lasts. But we feel frustrated and uncertain about how to get that to happen – for more students, more of the time. This workshop will (a) expand participants’ vision of the kinds of learning that are possible and (b) familiarize participants with a process for designing courses for Significant Learning, i.e., learning that truly makes a difference in the way students think, act and feel after college. In this workshop, we will: Examine the place of instructional design in the “big picture” of teaching, Take a close look at what each of us really wants our students to learn, Work through the model of Integrated Course Design that enables us to systematically design significant learning into our courses, and Conclude by looking at some case studies that address the question of whether this more intentional way of designing courses really makes a difference in the way students respond. Workshop organiser: Dr. L. Dee Fink Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Workshop 2: Brug af teknologi: Planlægning og brug af podcasts og andre teknologier Om nye strategier til kursusundervisning, der "vender undervisningen på hovedet" og inddrager elementer af video. Inden for de seneste 10 år er ideen om "the flipped classroom" begyndt at blive populær i USA og dukker nu også op på danske uddannelser som en ny tilgang til kursusundervisning, hvor anvendelse af video erstatter traditionelle forelæsninger og der bliver skabt et andet fokus i mødet mellem underviser og lærende. I denne workshop vil vi med udgangspunkt i et konkret eksempel fra Aalborg Universitet introducere denne tilgang, dens mulige fordele og mulige faldgruber. Vi vil både give konkrete praktiske råd og et indblik i de overvejelser af teoretisk art, der ligger bag "the flipped classroom". Workshopansvarlige: Hans Hüttel er lektor ved Institut for Datalogi. Dorina Gnaur er adjunkt ved Institut for Læring og Filosofi. Workshop 3: Hvad kendetegner gruppesamarbejdsproblemer? Hvad kan projektværktøjer tilføre samarbejdsprocessen? På AAU er der gjort forsøg på at understøtte studerendes samarbejde gennem projektværktøjer, som f.eks. KUBUS, men vi savner yderligere viden om hvad det er for samarbejdsudforinger de studerende aktuelt står overfor, og hvordan de selv beskriver disse udfordringer. Specialestuderende på Læring og Forandringsprocesser (Maiken Lykke Pedersen og Heidi Trude Holm) fulgte i 2013 7. semester og er nu 8. semester studerende for at belyse aktiviteter og overvejelser ift. PBL-arbejdet. Det er blandt andet undersøgt om ledelses- og procesværktøjer kan støtte de studerende i etableringen og organiseringen af PBL arbejdet og hvordan de vurderer dette værktøj. På workshoppen diskuteres i forlængelse af oplæg bl.a. hvilken rolle vi som vejledere indtager, når der registreres samarbejdsproblemer i en gruppe. Workshopansvarlige: Birthe Lund, Lektor ved Institut for Læring og Filosofi, med særlig interesse for samarbejdsdrevene innovationsprocesser og dermed gruppeprocessers betydning for innovationsskabelse. Maiken Lykke Pedersen og Heidi Trude Holm er specialestuderende på kandidatuddannelsen: Læring og Forandringsprocesser. Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Workshop 4: Integrating sustainability in projects and courses – What? Why? and How? Sustainability is one of the biggest challenges faced by world society and thus also by engineering educations at this point in time. The task for teachers and educational planners is how to interpret this challenge and how to translate it into teaching practice. Is there a need for new elements in study programs? Is there a need for more - and possibly more interdisciplinary - project work with realistic engineering problems? Can sustainability be measured using a universal metric or does the concept depend upon the professional field of specialization, does it develop and change over time and depending upon the task at hand? In the workshop we will start with a short discussion of the concept of ‘sustainability’ and then go on to present results of the project “Sustainability at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University – Practice and potential”, with focus on best practice examples in existing teaching practice. Following this, participants will be divided into groups according to relevant criteria which will be discussed with the participants. The groups will be working with suggestions for integrating relevant aspects of sustainability into selected study modules, courses or projects. The workshop will conclude with a short presentation of group work results and a discussion of future work with integration of sustainability in educational programs. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring descriptions or plans of study modules they may wish to work on in the workshop, in order to get feedback and suggestions on how to include aspects of sustainability. Workshop organisers: Associate professor Mona Lisa Dahms has an educational background in electronic engineering and works with the UNESCO Chair in Problem Based Learning (UCPBL) where she is responsible for the Chair’s work in Africa and coordinates the Master in Problem Based Learning (MPBL). She participates in the above mentioned project about sustainability in the educational programs of the Faculty of Engineering and Science. Associate professor Kathrin Otrel-Cass from the Department of Learning and Philosophy has worked on and taught in environmental education and has together with a group of colleagues, including Mona Dahms investigated sustainability integration into existing teaching programmes at AAU. Workshop 5: Hvordan opretholder studierne undervisningens kvalitet, når der skæres i timerne til undervisning Workshop for skole- og studieledere og andre med interesse for studieledelse. Workshoppen falder i 2 dele: – Om formiddagen diskuteres problemstillinger, knyttet til udfordringen, færre ressourcer og høj kvalitet i uddannelse og undervisning. Om eftermiddagen vendes udfordringerne med Dr. L. Dee Fink. Workshopansvarlig: Hanne Dauer Keller, som er lektor og skoleleder ved Skolen for Erkendelses- og Forandringsprocesser, Det Humanistiske Fakultet. Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Workshop 6: Hvordan kan man evaluere de studerende gennem et undervisningsforløb og til sidst til eksamen? "Forskningen fortæller os, at løbende evaluering af de studerene gennem et kursusforløb er med til at give de studerende bedre læring. I denne workshop vil vi derfor både se på forskellige metoder til at evaluere de studerende undervejs i et kursusforløb (kaldet formativ evaluering) og til slut til eksamen (kaldet summativ evaluering)." Workshopansvarlige: Bettina Dahl Søndergaard er lektor ved UNESCO Chair i Problem Based Learning in Engineering Education på Institut for Planlægning. Hun har forsket og publiceret bl.a. inden for i internationale karakterskalaer, taxonomier og diagnostiske test i matematikundervisningen. Palle Rasmussen er professor i lærings- og uddannelsesforskning ved Institut for Læring og Filosofi. Han har blandt andet undervist og forsket i evaluering af undervisning og uddannelse, i PBL samt i rammebetingelserne for universitetsundervisning. Workshop 7: Etablering af gode gruppedannelser. Processer som forudsætning for gode samarbejdsprocesser i projektarbejdet Workshoppen sætter fokus på udfordringer ved gruppedannelsesprocessen, hvordan gode processer kan understøttes samt såvel undervisernes og de studerendes roller og interesser i forbindelse med gruppedannelsen og det efterfølgende gruppesamarbejde. Der vil indgå oplæg, samt diskussion af deltagernes egne erfaringer med gruppedannelsesprocesser og udfordringer i relation hertil. Workshopansvarlige: Charlotte Overgaard, adjunkt ved Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi og semesterkoordinator på kandidatuddannelsen i Folkesundhedsvidenskab. Jens Chr. Rauhe, lektor ved Institut for Mekanik og Produktion og semesterkoordinator for 6. semester på bacheloruddannelsen i Maskin og Produktion samt kandidatuddannelsen i Design af Mekaniske systemer. Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Workshop 8: Hvordan kan man forbedre sine (mega) forelæsninger? På workshoppen vil Poul med udgangspunkt i nylig studenterevaluering pege på, hvad de studerende betragter som god undervisning for større hold (2-300 studerende). I dialog med de fremmødte vil Poul søge at identificere, hvornår og hvorfor læring opstår i en så umulig sammenhæng som forelæsninger for umulige holdstørrelser. Poul Thøis Madsen is an economist, associate professor at Aalborg University. He has written on a number of subjects among those being ‘how to teach non-economists in economics’ in Danish and in English.1 He has also a deep interest in different kind of pedagogical issues and has, consequently, been making research in textbooks of political science and economics as well as mentored a number of assistant professors in their teaching. Some of his views on teaching in general might be found in Danish in Uglen and Forskerforum.2 Workshop 9: Activating students in large classes The workshop responsibles aim to give a general introduction (Erik) and show some examples (including a video from Eric Mazur) followed by demonstrations of practice by Rasmus (quizzes) and Kamal (clickers). At the end we will discuss together with the audience the advantages / disadvantages of different methods. Workshop organisers: Erik de Graaff is professor in the research group of the UNESCO chair for Problem Based Learning. He has published extensively on PBL and Active Learning in engineering Education. He will present a background picture on methods to activate learners in large groups. Kamal Nasrollahi is an assistant professor in image processing and computer vision at the department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology. He will talk about his experience on using clickers for activating students during teaching. Rasmus Stenholt is assistant professor in virtual reality and computer graphics at the Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology. He will talk about his experiences with printed pen-and-paper quizzes as a means of activating students during lectures. 1 In Danish: http://www.google.dk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fojs.statsbib lioteket.dk%2Findex.php%2Fdut%2Farticle%2Fdownload%2F5583%2F4882&ei=4fwXU9KEHqeKywPwo4HIAw&usg=AFQjC NG04SUTfMS_WFooVKmGPgoJyEhZDg&bvm=bv.62577051,d.bGQ. In English: http://www.paecon.net/PAEReview/wholeissues/issue13.htm 2 http://www.uglen.aau.dk/digitalAssets/66/66502_www_uglen_2_2013_um.pdf . S. 19-20. http://www.forskerforum.dk/downloads/ff-261.pdf. Side 20-22. Undervisningens dag / University Teaching Day 2014 Workshop 10: Udformning af nye og omskrivning af eksisterende studieordninger, eksempel Medicin og sundhedsuddannelser. Workshoppen er også åben for ansatte ved andre studieretninger. Jeppe Emmersen er lektor, uddannet cand. scient. fra Aarhus Universitet, PhD Aalborg Universitet, PGCME York 2013. Postdoc DTU og Helmholtz Zentrum München. Har arbejdet intensivt med udvikling af medicinuddannelserne, herunder studieordninger og implementering heraf. Studienævnsformand 2009-2013 og studieleder siden 2013. Diana Stentoft er lektor i universitetspædagogik ved Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, AAU med særligt forskningsfokus på problembaseret-læring. Hun har i flere år arbejdet med udvikling af nye og eksisterende uddannelser og er særligt optaget af hvordan uddannelsers pædagogiske tilrettelæggelse kan understøtte studerendes udvikling af faglige kompetencer.
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