Agreement Between Chicago Sun-Times, Inc. and Chicago Newspaper Guild 10/01/07 through 9/30/10 Table of Contents Page AGREEMENT ..................................................................... ! ARTICLE l DEFINITIONS .......................................... ! ARTICLE II SCOPE OF AGREEMENT/ JURISDICTION ....................................... ! Transient or occasional employees ............. 2 Section 2 Part-time employees .................................... 2 Temporary employees ................................. ) Section 3 & 4 Jurisdiction .................................................. 4 Section 5 Job Sharing ................................................. .4 ARTICLE III GUILD SHOP ............................................ S ARTICLE IV CHECKOFF .............................................. 6 ARTICLE V MINIMUM SALARIES ........................... 6 Section 2 Generallncreases ........................................ 14 Section 3 Salary reduced ............................................. 14 Employee who bumps ................................. 14 Section 4 Work in a higher bracket ............................ 15 Section 5 Designated assistant department head ........ 15 Section 6 Night shifts .................................................. 15 Section 7 Information for all employees .................... 15 Section 8 Rights to material produced by employee. 16 Section 9 Bargaining individually .............................. 16 Section 10 Direct Deposit ............................................. 17 ARTICLE VI EXPERIENCE.......................................... l7 ARTICLE VII OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENTffRY OUTS ............... l7 Try-outs ....................................................... l8 Intems .......................................................... /8 Training programs for minority groups ..... 19 Educational courses .................................... 20 Sections l-5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 ARTICLE VIII HOURS .....·-·······························---...··-····21 Section 4 Schedule to be posted ................................. 21 Section 5 Hours between shifts ................................... 22 Section 6 Four-day work week ................................... 22 ARTICLE IX OVERTIME................. ·--······················-·22 Section 4 Sixth or seventh day .................................... 23 Section 5 Overtime records ......................................... 24 Section 6 Called back to duty ..................................... 24 Section 7 Called before starting time ......................... 24 Section 8 Travel time .................................................. 24 ARTICLE X HOLIDAYS ...............................................25 ARTICLE XI DISMISSAL PAY ···············-···...·····-··..... 26 Section I a b Employee is dismissed or discharged ........ 26 Employee who retired ................................. 26 c&d Leaves of absence/not considered breaks ... 27 e Discharged for gross breach of trust .......... 27 f Death of an employee ................................. 27 g Continuous Service ..................................... 27 ARTICLE XII PENSIONS/RETIREMENT•••••••.••••••••••.••28 ARTICLE XIII VACATIONS ••••••-.....................................29 Section 2 Choice of vacation dates ............................. 30 Section 3 Termination of employment ....................... 30 Section 4 Shall not accumulate ................................... 30 Section 5 Vacation includes a holiday ....................... 30 ARTICLE XIV SICK LEAVE, LIFE INSURANCE, HOSPITALIZATION AND EYE CARE •• 31 Section I Paid sick leave .......................................... 31 Section 3 Life & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Plan ............................................ 32 Section 4 Procedures ................................................... 32 Section 5 Premium for health insurance ..................... 33 Employees age 65 or over........................... 34 Special Health Insurance Supplement ........ 34 Section 6 Vision Care .................................................. 34 Section 7 Group dental plan ........................................ 35 ARTICLE XV SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ••••••••••••• 35 Section I Standing Committee .................................... 35 Section 2 Grievance Committee.................................36 Section 4 Information .................................................. 37 Section 5 Status quo .................................................... 37 ARTICLE XVI EXPENSES AND EQUIPMENT ............ 37 Section I Necessary and authorized expenses ........... 37 Section 2 Required to use car regularly ...................... 38 Mileage rate ................................................. 38 Section 4 Driver's License may be required .............. 38 Section 5 Moving Expenses ........................................ 38 Section 6 Photographers' insurance ............................ 38 ARTICLE XVII OUTSIDE WORK -·--·······-······---··········39 ARTICLE XVIII MILITARY SERVICE .•••·-·--···········--·-·39 ARTICLE XIX SECURITY ·········--···-················-········--··41 Section I Dismissals .................................................... 41 Section 2 Progressive discipline procedures .............. 41 Sections 3, 4, 5 & 6Dismissals to reduce theforce................. .42-43 Section 7 Seniority ...................................................... 43 Section 8 Employee transferred to another city ......... 44 Section 9 Introduction of new or modified processes or equipment ................................................ 44 Labor/Management Committee .................. 44 Section I 0 No discrimination ........................................ 45 Section II Probationary period ..................................... 45 ARTICLE XX SEVERANCE PAY_.............................._. 45 ARTICLE XXI UNUSUAL RISK ...................................... 46 ARTICLE XXII LEAVES OF ABSENCE .......................... 46 Section 2 Maternity leave ............................................ 47 Pregnant employee/sick leave.................... .47 Child-rearing leave ...................................... 47 Section 3 Funeral leave ............................................... 48 Sections 4 & 5 Guild leave ................................................. .49 Section 6 Peace Corps leave ...................................... .49 ARTICLE XXIll EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURE ............ 49 Section I Post vacancies ............................................. 49 Section 2 Equal Opportunity ....................................... 50 Section 3 Actively recruit minority groups ................ 50 Section 4 Same Sex Domestic Partner Benefit Policy... 50 ARTICLE XXIV MISCELLANEOUS-"·"····-··"············- 50 Section I By-line ......................................................... 50 Section 2 Bulletin boards ............................................ 51 Section 3 Lunch time ................................................... 51 Section 4 Struck work ................................................. 51 Section 5 Combination persons .................................. 51 Section 6 In-shop balloting ......................................... 51 Section 7 Employee files ............................................. 51 Section 8 Providing legal representation .................... 52 Disclosure of information ........................... 52 Section 9 Test VDT equipment .................................. 52 Section 10 Judge employee's qualifications ................. 52 Section 11 Section 125 Pre-Tax .................................... 53 Section 12 Health and safety ......................................... 53 Section 13 Space and file cabinet ................................. 53 ARTICLE XXV DURATION AND RENEWAL ••••••••••••••• 54 APPENDIX A ASSIGNMENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO CHECK OFF GUILD MEMBERSHIP DUES ........................................................ SS-56 APPENDIX B MINIMUM WEEKLY NIGHT RATE 57-59 LETTER 1 Stringers and Freelancers........................60 LETTER 2 Affirmative Action Committee................61 LETTERS 3 & 4 Stringers and Freelancers/ Features Sections ...............................- ••• 62-64 LETTERS Stafl' Freelance Opportunities ..........·-··· 65 LETTER6 Settlement Agreement •••••••••••••••••._ ....... 65-66 LETTER7 Past Practice Agreement .......................... 67 LETTERS Settlement Agreement..............................68 LETTER9 Use of Freelancers and Stringers••••••••••••69 LETTER10 "Round Table" Committee ••••••.••••••••••••••• 70 LETTERll Same Sex Domestic Partner Benefit Policy LETTER12 STNG Wire Agreement ••••••••••••••••••••••72-73 Implementation ......................................... 71 A:/:_ a~ TillS AGREEMENT is made thi> L day ofNovember, 2007 between the CHICAGO SCN-TIMES INC., and the CHICAGO NEWSPAPER GUILD, (Guild or Union) a local (1134071) chartered by THE NEWSPAPER GUlLD, a sector of the Communications Workers of America, (AFL·CIO, CLC}, for itself and on behalf of the employees covered by this Agreement and provides as follows: ARTICLE I Definitiano Whenever used herein, the following words and pluases shall ~ the meanings stated below uniess a different meaning i> plainly required by the context: Section I. "Employer" means the CHICAGO SUN· TIMES, INC., which is engaged in the publication of the newspaper known as the Chicago Sun-Times. Section Z. "Guild" or "Union" means CHICAGO NEWSPAPER Gu1LD, a local (#34071) chartered by The Newspaper Guild, a sector of the Communications Workers of America. Section 3. "Employee" or "Employees" means an individual or individuals, as the case may be, covered by the terms of this Agreement, employed by the Employer. ARTICLE II Seope of Agreeme•t Section 1. (a) This Agreement covers all Employees of the Employer in the editorial department, regularly employed, except Editor, Executive Editor, Managing Editor, Deputy Managing Editors (3), Assistant Managing Editor Administration, 1 Assistant Managing Editor Sports, Assistant to Editor, one secretary to each of the foregoing not to exceed six (6), Editor of the Editorial Pages, Editorial Writers1 , Editorial Page Cartoonists. Assislant Managing Editors or News Editors--not to exceed seven (7) in mnnber, Assistant Managing Editor Metro, Deputy Metro Editors (a.k.a. City Editors) (2), Glapbics Editor (a.k.a. Assistant Managing Editor Graphics), Executive Sports Editor, FlllllllCial Editor, Diiector of Design (a.k.a. Head, Art Department), Chief Photographer, (a.k.a. Head Photograplier), Director of Photography, Chief of the Copy Desk, Deputy Chief of the Copy Desk, Chief of Washington Bureau, Head Librarian, and Deputy Featores .Editors (2). (b) Transient or occasional entPioyees working in cOillleclion with entertainment, contests or similar entetprises. or collecting or labulating election returns, whether the employee while engaged in such work is on a full-time or part· time basis. Section 2. (a) A part-time Employee is one who is hired to work regularly less than 30 hours per week. Part-lime Employees shall be paid an hourly rate ofpay determined by dividing the weekly minimum salary for their classifieation and experience by 37 I 12 bouts. Part-time Employees working less than 20 hours per week shall not be included for Pensions, Sick Leave, and Life Insurance. They shall be eligible for holiday pay if they would otherwise have been regularly scbeckiled to work on such holiday. Part-time Employees working 20 hours or more per week slm1l receive these benefits on a pro ra1a basis. 1950 hours of work shall constitute the equivalent of a work year for experience pwposes. Other benefits shall be on a pro rata basis. 1 ldentified as .Editorial Writers who regularly participate in editorial conferences wbere editorial policy is determined, provided that any of those excepted in this clause may, at their option, elect to receive any benefits that may accrue tmder Articles XI-DISMISSAL PAY and XID-VACATIONS thereof. 2 (b) Temporary Employees shall not be employed tu permanently eliminate or displace part-time or full-time Employees. Temporary Employees may be hired to cover vacancies created by illness, temporary assignments given to regular full-time or part-time Employees, job trials being undertaken by regular full-time or part-time Employees or to fill in for a regular full-time or pan-time Employee who is on a leave of absence granted for any reason for the teffil of streb leave. Temporary Employees employed for more than sixty (60) days, shall be required to become members of the Guild on the sixty-first (61st) day following the commencement of their employment. The termination of such temporary Employees shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure. During the tenn of temporary employment, temporary Employees shall receive all the benefits of this contract except dismissal pay, pension, sick leave and severance pay. Temporary Employees retained for work beyond the time period of the vacancy they were hired to cover, or transient or occasional Employees retained for more than sixty (60) days, either shall become regular part or full-time Employees and ohall be covered by all me terms and conditions of this Agreement or shall be terminated forthwith by the Employer on notice from the Guild that the time period for covering the VliCaliC)' has been exceeded. Benefits shall begin accruing as of the date of hire in1o a regular position. (c) Nothing in lhis Section, however, shall affect the right of the Employer to employ temporary Employees or lransient or occasional employees as specified in Article II, Sections I and 2. When layoffs occur in any given classification, transient or occasional employees and temporary and part-time Employees in that classification, if any shall be laid off before aoy regular full-time Employee in that classification is laid <>ff. (d) In addition to cunent practices in effect relative to part-time work available to omployees returning from maternity leave, part-time opportunities may be made 3 available at the Employer's discretion. upon request of the Employee. Such opportunities shall be for no more than six (6) months in duration. and may not be renewed. During the period of such part-time employment, such Employees shall receive all the benefits of this conlrad nn a pro rata basis. Section 3. The jurisdiction of the Guild is: (a) The kind of work either normally or presently perfonned witllin the unit covered by this Conlrad. (b) New or additional work assigned to be performed within said unit. Section 4. Exempt employees may only perfonn bargliining unit work: a) Which is necessary in ordel' to get the newspaper out; or b) Which is nonnally or pmently performed by exempt Employees (as of 10126194); or c) Which (as of 10/26194) does not elimioale or erode bargaining unit work as described in Section 3 above, or d) Which cannot reasonably be performed by employees in the bargaining unit ~of the tmique natwe of a specific ciroiiJIISI.allCe. Seetioo 5. The Employer will consider in good faith any job sharing ammgement proposed by Fmployees. All requests for set1ing up a job sharing arrangement will be made to the Editor for his or her consideration and approval. The terms of snch job sharing ammgemeut must be acceptable to the emplo)-ees involved, the Guild, and the Fmployer. The resolution of any and all problems or differences which may arise between the employees in the job sharing 81T1111gement must be acceptable to the Employer, the Guild, and the employees involved. 4 In any such job sharing anangement, the total salary and benefits shall not exceed I oo-.4 of the average of the salary and benefits of the two (2) employees. Salary and all benefits shall be oo. a strictly pro rata basis, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement. For purposes of vacation selection, computation of pension service credits, and the job security JXUvisions of the contract, seniority sball be maintained and accrued during the period of a job sharing arrangement as if the participants continued in full-time employment. A specific job sharing ammgement may be terminated by the Employer fot business reasoos after six (6) months upon thirty (30) days notice in writing 10 the job sharing participants. An employee in a job sharing arrangement may terminate the arrangement upon thitty (30) days written notice to the job sharing partner and the Employer. Upon such termination, the Employer has the option of: (a) allowing the remaining job sharing partner to continue working bis or her part-time schedule, (b) considering any alternate job sharing partner suggested by the Employee, (c) hiring a temporary employee to v.'Ork any of the remaining hours in the job-share, (d) returning the remaining partner to bis or her former status. ARTICLE Ill GuildSitop Seetion 1. Employees covered by this Agreement at the time it becomes effective and who are IneJIJbeD of the Union at that time sball be required as a condition of continued employment 10 remain members in good standing in the Union for the duration of this Agreement. Employees covered by this Agreement, and all Employees who are bired hereafter who are not members of the Union at the time this Agreement becomes s effective, shall be required as a condition of continued employment to become members of the Union on the thirty-first (31st) day following the commencement of their employment or !he date of execution of this Agreement, whichever is later, and remain members in good standing: Section 1. The Guild agrees to rnalce membership in the Guild available to every Employee on the same term:~ and conditions generally applicable to other members of the Guild. ARTICLE IV Cheekoif Upon the Employee's voluntary 111ritten assignment. the Employer shall deduct from the salary account of such Employee and pay to the tteasurer of the Guild not later thao the 15th day of the month following the month in which the deductions are made, all regularly recurring membership dues levied fur !he previous month accompanied by a list of names of the Employees from whose salaries such deductions were made and the amount withheld from eadl. Such membership dues shall be deducted from the Employee's salary in accordance with a schedule certified by the tteasurer of the Guild. An Employee's voluntary written assignment shall remain effective in aecordanoe with the terms of such assignment A sample ofthe form of the assignment is iacludecl as an appendix to this Cootnlct and is hereby made a part thereof. ARTICLEV Miaimum Salaries Section 1. The following mininum weekly sslaries shall be in effect durin$ the period of this Agreement Employees will be paid bi-weekly. 6 Group l. Assistant city editors, officially designated assistant department heads, telegraph editors, columnists and critics, real estate editor, food editor, fashion editor, travel editor. 09/30/2007 09/28/2008 09/27/2009 $1,483.41 $1,513.08 $1,543.34 Group 2. Assistant picture editors, copy editors, rewrite, writers of major sports, makeup, and reporters used interchangeably as rewrite, makeup or assistant city editors. 09/30/2007 09/28/2008 09127/2009 Less than I year $908.10 $987.46 $1,00721 After I year ... $1.038.60 $1,059.37 $1,030.56 After 2 years ... $1,110.82 $1,133.03 $1,155.69 After 3 years ... $1,19024 $1,214.04 s1.238.32 After 4 years ... $1267.09 $1,292.44 $1,318.29 After 5 years ... $1,J!Wi.J1 $1,413.90 $1,442.13 Group 3. Artists, photographers, reporters. 09130/2007 09/28/2008 0912712009 Less than I year $891.18 $909.00 $927.18 After I year.•. $964.86 $91!4.15 $1,003.1!4 After 2 years ... $1,043.24 $1,06921 $1,090.59 After3 years ... $1,126.43 $1,148.95 $1,171.93 After 4 years ... $1,218.34 $1,242.71 $1,267.57 After 5 years ... $1,340.64 $1,367.45 $1,394.80 7 Group 4. Reference librarians, editorial researcher. 09/30!2007 09!2812008 09!21!2009 Less than 1 year $101.62 snJ.n $136.20 After I year••• $756.19 S771.Jl $116.15 After 2 years •.. 5819.86 5836.25 5852.98 After 3 years ... $884.19 $901.111 $919.91 After 4 years ... $946AO $965.32 $984.63 After 5 years... $1,02!.56 SI,049.13 $1,070.11 Group 5. Library classifiers, library assistants, photo technicians (not 10 exceed 3). 09131Jt2001 09!2812008 09!27!2009 Less than 1 year $631.53 $644.16 5657.05 After I year... $67520 $688.70 $702.48 After 2 years... $125-lS $139.15 $154.55 After 3 years ... $796.87 $812.86 $829.06 After 4 years... $87328 $890.74 $908.56 09!2812008 9!2712009 Less than I year $609.51 $621.70 $634.13 After 1 year... $644.43 $657.32 $67M7 After 2 years ... $68!.97 $702.75 $716.&1 After 3 years ... $738.51 $753.28 $768.35 After4 years ... $814.00 $830.28 $846.88 Group 6. Editorial Assistants. 09131lt2007 8 Group 7. Secretaries. 09/3012007 09/2812001 0912712009 Less than I year S$97.13 $609.08 $621.26 After I year .•• $631.53 $644.16 $657.05 After 2 years ... $6i4.42 $687.9\} $70L66 After 3 years ... $724.44 $738.92 $753.70 After 4 years... $801.26 $817.2~ $833.63 GroupS. Clerks, stenographers, receptionists, head copy clerks. 09/3012007 Less than I year 0912812001 S$2U7 $537.51 09127/2009 $548.26 After I year ... SS49.97 $560.97 S572.19 After 2 years ... SSi4.84 $516.34 $598.07 After 3 years... $604.33 $616.42 $628.75 0912812008 0912712009 Group9. CopyCierb. 0913012001 Less than l year $481.77 S491.41l SSOJ.23 After I year... $507.11 S$17.26 $527.60 Effective on or after December I, 1997 new employees hired into Groups 2 through 9 will receive increases nmging fiom 50 percent of the top of the group minimwn salaries with Jess than I year to 90 percent after 4 years of service based on the following schedule: Group 2. Assistant picture editors, copy editors, rev-rite, writers of major sports, makeup, and reporters used interchangeably as rev-rite, makeup or assistant city editors. 9 Less than I year 50% oftop of the group minimum salary After I year 60% of top of the group minimum salary After2 years 70% of top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 80% of top of the group minimum salary After 4 years <JOO/o of top of the group minimum salary After 5 years 1000.1. of top of the group minimum salary Group 3. Artists, photographers, reporters. Less than I year 50% of the top of the group minimum salary After I year 60% of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 70% of the top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 80"/o of the top of the group minimum salary After 4 years <JOO/o of the top of the group minimum salary After 5 years I 00% of the top of the group minimum salary Group 4. Reference librarians, editorial research.,-. Less than I year 50% of the top of the group minimum salary After I year 60% of the !op of the group minimum salary After 2 years 70% of the top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 80% of the top of the group minimum salary After4 years 90% of the top of the group minimum salary After 5 years I 00% of the top of the group minimum salary Group 5. Library classifiers, library assistants, photo technicians (not to exceed 3). Less than I year 60% of the top of the group minimum salary After I J"'3C 70% of lhe top of lhe group minimum salary After 2 years 80'Yt of the top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 90% of the top of the group minimum salary 10 After 4 years 100% of the top of the group minimum salary Group 6. Editorial assistants. Less than 1 year 60% of the top of the group minimum salary After I year 70"/o ofthe top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 80% ofthe top oftbc group minimum salary After 3 years 90% ofthe top of the group minimwn sahuy After 4 years I00% of the top of the group minimum salary Group 7. Secretaries. Less than 1 year 60% of the top of the group minimum salary After 1 year 70% of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 80% of the top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 90"/o of the top of the group minimum salary After 4 years 100"/o of the top of the group minimum salary Group 8. Clerb, stenographers, =eptionists, bead copy clerb. Less than I year 70% of the top of the group minimum sahuy After I year 80% of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 90% of the top of the group minimum sahuy After 3 years 100% of the top of the group minimwn.salary Group 9. Copy clerks. Less than 1 year 90% of !be top of the group minimum salary After I year 100% of the top of the group minimum salary Effective on or after January 1, 200) new eruployees.hin:d into Group 2 through Group 9 will receive iJwreases ranging fiom 54% of the top group minimum 1l salaries with less than I year to 93% after 4 )"earS of service based on the following schedule: Group 2. Assistant picture editors. copy editors, rewrite, writers of major sports. lllllkeup. and repol1erS used interchangeably as rewrite, makeup or assistant city editors. Less than 1 year 54% of top of the group minimum salary After 1 year 64% of top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 74% of top oftbe group minimum salary After 3 years 84% of top of the group rnininn.m salary After 4 years 93% of top ofthe group rninillllliD salary After 5 years 100% of top of the group minimwn salary Group 3. Artists. phorographels, reporters. Less than I year 54% of the top ofthe group minimum salary After I year 64% of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 74% of the top of the gro~ minimum salary After 3 years 84% of the top of the group minimum salary After 4 years 93% of the top of tbe group minimum !181ary After 5 yeam 100% of the top oftbe groupminimwn salary Group 4. Reterence librarians, editorial researcher. Less than I year 54% of the top of the group minimum salary After I year 64% of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 74% of the top of the gro~ minimum salary After 3 years 84% oftbe top of the group minimum salary After 4 years 93% oftbetopofthegroup minimum salary After 5 years I 000.4 of the top of the group minimum salary 12 Group 5. Library classifiers, library assistants, photo technicians (not to exceed 3). Less than 1 year 64% of the top of the group minimum salary After 1 year 74% of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 84% of the top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 93% of the top of the group minimum salary After 4 years 100% of the top ofthe group minimum salary Group 6. Editcrial assistants. Less than 1 year 64% of the top of the group minimum salary After l year 74% of the top of the group minimwn salary After 2 years 84% of the top of the group minimum salary After 3 years 93% of the top of the group minimum salary After 4 years 100"/o of the top of the group minimum salary Group 7. Secretaries. Less than 1 year 64% of the top of the gmup minimum salary After 1 year 74o/, of the top of the group minimum salary After 2 years 84% of the top of the group minimwn salary After 3 years 93% of the top of the group minimwn salary After 4 years 100% of the top of the group minimum salary Group 8. Clerks, stenographers, receptionists, head copy clerks. Less than 1 year 74% of the top of the group minimum salary After I year 84% of the top of the group minimwn salary After 2 years 93% of the top of the group minimwn salary 13 After 3 years 100% of the top of the group minimmn salary Group 9. Copy clerks. Less than 1 year 93o/o of the lop of the group minimum salary After I year I DO'Yo of the lop of the group minimum salary For Apprentice scales of less than five years only, in the 2()()4..2007 contract, the "Less Than One Year" percentage in the 2004-2007 contrnct will be increased to match the "One Year" perrentage rate that existed in the 2001-2004 contract or the "After One Year" percentage listed above, whichever is higher. Section 2. Employees paid above the minimum for their experience rating shall receive increases of: Effective September 30, 2007- I. 5% increase Effective Septomber 28, 2008 ~ 2% increase Effective September 27, 2009- 2% increase Employees at or above the top mmimum for hislber job classification as of September 30, 2007 shall. on these dales specified above, will receive increases equal to the difference between the top minimum or his/her job classifications as of the day immediately prior to such dates and the top minimum for his/her job classification as of such dates. Section 3. No Employee shall have his/her salary reduced during the life of this Agreement, except in case of a layoff and bump into a lower classification or transfer to another classification as provided for in this Agreement at his/her own request. An Employee who bumps into a lower classification will be placed in that classification at the same experience level in which the Employee had been slotted in the classification from which the Employee was displaced An Employee who bumps 14 into a lower ciassification will retain whatever merit pay the Employee had been paid in the classification from which the Employee "'"!lS displaced. Section 4. Except when WQrking as a sickness replacement for a specific Employee, each Employee who during any working week, devotes more than five hours to work which, ifhe'she were doing it regularly, would classify the Employee, in a higher bracket, shall receive pay for all time worked lill!ing under such higher bracket equalro the minimum for said higher bracket. Section 5. Any Employee, except an officially designated assistant department head, performing work as a copy desk slot person, or who is required to substitute for an exempt supervisor for more than five (5) hours during any working week, shall receive at least Group I pay for all time so worked Section o. "Night slnfts" shall mean only regular shifts requiring work between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. of the succeeding day. All other shifts shall be regarded as "day shifts." For regular "night shifts," the compensation shall be ten percent (10"/o) higher than the salary paid the Employee on "day shifts." Any Employee regularly working on a "day shift' who is transferred to a "night shift" shall receive ten percent (10"/o) additional compensation. Any Employee transferred to a "day shift" shall not receive the additional ten percent {10%) compensation while working days. Seetion 7. (a) The Employer shall supply the Guild on request with a !iot containing the following information for all Employees on the payroll: Name, address, telephone number, sex, minority group, Social Security nwnber, date of birth, date of hiring, classification, experience rating, experience anniversary date, >llage rate; provided that the Employer Will only pro>ide the name, not the wage tate, of any individual receiving 20% ot more over rhe appropriate wage scale. 15 (b) The Employer shall notify the Guild office and the Sun-Tunes Unit Chair immediately in writing of: Resignations, leaves of absence, retirements, deaths and any other revisions in the data listed in Sectioo 7 (a) and etrective dates. (c) Within one week after hiring of a new ~loyee, the Employer shall furnish the Guild office and the SWI-Times Unit Chair in writing with the data specified in Section 7 (a) for each new Employee. S«tion 8. (a) All rights to material produced by an Employee for publication in the Sun-Times rest with the EmpJoJa-. (b) However, any Employee whose work is sold after publication in the Sun· Times shall be given additional compensatioo therefore as the Employee and the Employer may agree, but amotmting to no less than 50 percent of the proceeds. This paragraph does not apply to such material distributed as a public service or as part of a wire service or computer or other electronic database. Any Employee who is a by-line contributor to the Sun-Times Features, a division of Chicago Stm-Tunes Featnres, Inc. $hall receive compensation, payable annually, of$5 for each week in which helsbe has contributed up to three (3) stories or parts of a series; $10 shall be paid for each week in which be/she has contributed fonr (4) or more stories or parts of a series. 1be Guild shall receive anooally a list of all contribUIOI'S covered by Ibis contract In the event of any change affecting the herein previously referred to "SunTunes Features, a division of Chicago Sun-Tunes Features, Inc.,' there shall be no alteratioo in the present syatem for detennining eligibility fur compensation. (c) No employee's byline shall be used on worlc produced for the Sun-Times and destined for other publications without the employee's approval. Section 9. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Employees from bargaining individually for wage increases in excess of the minimum estsblisbed herein. 16 Section 10. The employer shall provide for direct electronic deposit of employee paychecks, upon request of the employ<e. ARTICLE VI Experience Section 1. Work in any or all of the following jobs: Editor, assistant editOr, reporter. copy editOr. rewrite person, caption writer, shall count in qualifying an Employee for experience rating on any job except tllat of an artist, librarian or photographer, provided that these ratings shall be based only on editOrial department experience gained in the manner descnbed below, and in the case of all other Employees shall be based only on experience in their respective lines of work gained in the manner described below. (a) on national press associations, on recognized national news magazines and major news and featnre syndicates; (b) on city news bureaus in American cities; (c) on English language daily newspapers with paid circulation of3S,OOO or more. Experience gained on newspapers of less than 35,000 paid daily circulation or newspapers whose frequency of publication is less than daily, shall berated according to the ration which the circulation of such newspapers bears to 35,000 paid daily circulation arullor the ration which the publication bears to a daily publication. For purposes of this proration, a daily publication shall be considered as having a frequency of publication of five per week. ARTICLE VII Opportunity for Advaacement Seelioo 1. Wherever practicable, Employees will be given an opportunity to "try out" for interdepartmental vacancies and higher classifications. In accordance l? v.ith the above, Employees shall be given an oppommity to apply and present credentials for consideration by the Employer. Employees on tryouts may request opportunities to discuss evaluation of their progress at least once a month. Section 2. Except for the job classification of columnists and critics, tryout periods shall not exceed four (4) months nor be less than(5) working days. The tryout period for columnists and critics shall not exceed six (6) months nor be less than five (5) working days. Sedion 3. During the tryout period, the Employee shall receive additional compensation which. when added to regular salary, is equal to the minimum for the "less than one year" experience rating in the classification for which the Employee is trying out. If this salary is already above such minimum, there will be no adjustment in compensation dnring the tryout period. Section 4. In any tryout periods commencing after the date of tbis Agreement, experience during the tryOut period shall count as experience in the higher rating only in those cases where the Employee is confirmed in the higher classification. Se.:tion S.lfthe tryout is not successful and the Employee is returned to the classification from which adVllllCed, the Employee shaU then receive the salary to which the Employee v;ould be entitled if never advanced. The period of service in the higher classification shall be counted for all purposes as service in the classification to which returned. Section 6. Up to six (6) persons may be temporarily promoted or temporarily hired on the editorial staff as interns during the course of each calendar year for periods not to exceed three (J) months per person per year. Interns as described in l8 this section are college graduates who have not been employed by other newspapers in positions in Group 3 or higher or college students having an interest in journalism. Interns shall not be used as vacation replacements fur anyone in Group 3 classifications or higher withoui appropriate compensation. Interns can be used as vacation replacements in dassiftcations lower than Group 3, and they may be assigned temporarily as copy clerks and clerics as part of their intern program. (a) Intems shall be paid at dte rate of a fust-yeareditorial assistant during their first six (6) months of employment During their third and final three-month period, they shall be paid at the "less than one year" level of Group 3. However, experience shall be computed from the first day of their classification in Group 3. (b) Time spent as an intern in the year in whicb the intern is hired as a regular part-time or full-time employee sbal1 be deducted ftom tbe probationary period ser forth in Article XIX, Section 12; provided, however, that there shall be a mioimum probationary period of thirty (30) days notwithstanding the foregoing provision for any new Employee hired after the effective date of this Contract (c) The Employer sball notify the Guild in writing of: name of iDtem, addtess, age, date of tempotary promotion or hiring and date of conclusion of eacb intcmship period. (d) In the event these provisions would make an internship unavailable to a college student because of the proximity or length of a quarter or semester break, the Employer and the Guild will meet to attempt to worl<. out appropriale non· precedential exceptions to the restrictions above. Seetion 7. The Employer shall set up training programs for members of minority groups to provide equal opportunity for jobs and for job advancement The Employer shall give first consideration to students of the Chicago Public School 19 System in filling summer clerk positions. Surmner clerks shall be paid at the Group 9 rate during their period of summer employment (a) Regular full or part-time employees who are members of minority groups may be tempomily promoted for on-the-job training periods to provide opportunities for job advancement. (b) Up to three (3) petSODS who are members of minority groups may be hired in each calendar year for the purpose of on-tbe-job lnliniag to provide opportunities for full-time or part-time jobs in the editorial department The purpose of this 111lining program is to provide employment opportunities in Group 4 positions 111111 higher to minorities who would not otherwise qualifY by their backgrolltld and experience for employment or internship in the editorial department. (c) The on-the-job !mining period shall not exceed six (6) months, but may be extended to a second and final six-month period. Employees promoted to a higher position lltlder this section shall receive either the "'ess than one year rate• ofthe higher position, or the step in the pay scale of the bigher classification next higher than the employee's current pay, whichever is grealer. In all other respects such 111linees shall be gowmed by the same terms and conditions of employment as ~ described in Section 6 ofthis Article. (d) An exempt editorial employee shall be designated as cooldinalor to develop the training program described in this section within six (6) montbs. The coordinator shall also administer and direct the lnlining prognllll. Section 8. Employees desiring to enroll in educatioilal courses or programs which are job related and provide trainillg which will improve their job skills and competency in their present jobs may request the Employer to pay up 10 threo-fourths of the cost of such courses or programs up to a maximum of $1,000 annually provided a gtade of •c• or better is obtained in the course or program. The decision as to whether the Employer shall pay any part of the cost of such courses or programs 20 shall be at the sole discretion of the Employer and shall not be subject to review through the grievaru:e procedure. ARTICLEVIIJ Houn Section I. The working shift of each Employee shall be a-; follows: 7 112 hours within 8 consecutive hours where the mealtime period regularly assigned foe the shift is 30 minutes; 7 112 hours within 8 112 consecutive hours where the mealtime perrod regularly assigned for the shift is one hour. By mutual consent between the Employee and the Employer, the working shift of the particular Employee may be fixed at 7 112 hours without allowance of a period for mealtime. Section 2. The working week shall be five (5) shifts in any seven (7) conse<:utive days. Section 3. The work week of the following Employees shall be 37 112 hours within any 5 of 7 consecutive days: Prep sports writers and one Big Ten sports writer. Section 4. The Employer shall cause a schedule to be posted of the starting time and days off of each editorial staff member (with the above-mentioned exceptions) and will give ten (I 0) days notice of change except in cases of emergency. Schedules shall assign no more than eight (8} consecutive shifts to an Employee, except by mutual agreement between the Employee and his/her supervisor. Days off shall be consecutive wherever possible. There may be an exception to the ten (1 0) day notice requirement fur changes in work schedules when the events assigned to Group 1 Critics in the Features Department are rescheduled unexpectedly, and the ten (10) day notice would make it impossible for the Critic 21 assigned to cover the event ln no event, however, shall the notice of a change in work schedules be less than seven (7) days. Stction S. There shall be at least twelve (l2) hours between shifts. Seetioo 6. Whenever practicable full-time employees may be afforded the opportunity of working a four (4) day work week, which shall be determined by mutual consent of the Employer and Employee. Overtime for full-time employees on a four (4) day schedule shell be defined as work beyond the hours in the nonnal work week e>r work beyond ten (10) work hours ina work day. Either party may terminate any four (4) day work Week arrangement at its option provided at least two weeks notice is given by the party of such termination. ARTICLE IX Overtime Section I. Overtime shall be all time worked beyond the regular working sluft or the regnlar working week as specified in Article VUI--HOURS. Section 2. Overtime either in town or oo out-of-town assignments must be authorized by the Employer or its representative. A request by a supervisor to an Employee who is not otherwise covered tmder Section 3 of this Article to remain on his job beyond his normal working hours in any work day shall constitute authorization of overtime. Section 3. All overtime shell be paid for in cash at the rate oftime and one-half with these exceptions: (a) All writers, columnists, critics and. political, fashion and travel editors earning Group 1 scale or higher shall receive compensatory time off for all time 22 worked in excess of 37 112 hours per week. Compensatory time off, at the rate of time and one-half, can be schednled by mutual agreement between the Employee and the Employer. If compensatory time off has not been scheduled within five (5) months of the time earned, it can be scheduled by tbe Employer upon not less than fowteen (14) days notice to the Employee. If compensatory time off has not been scheduled and taken wirhin six (6) months of the time earned, it shall be paid in cash unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Employer and the Employee. Subsection (a) above shall apply to Employees of bureaus more than 150 miles fium Chicago. (b) Writers of major sports covering professional basebail, hockey, basketball, and football, who shall receive five (5) additional weeks of vacation in lieu of overtime, to be taken at a time agreed upon with the Employer. (c) Where holiday sections provide for other specific payments. (d) All employees covered by this agreement, other than those specified in {a) or (b) above, with prior approval from their supervisor or J1UIIllig<1", may choose to be compensated for the frrst two and one-half (2-1/2) hours of overtime worked in any work week. in compensatory time at the rate of time and one-half for each hour worked. (e) Upon an Employee's termination, any time due earned but not taken shall be paid in cash. Section 4. Work performed by an Employee on hisJher sixth day within the work week shall be compensated for at the rate of time aod one-half for actual time worked, with a minimum of a regular day's pay for each day worked. Work perfonned by an Employee on his/her seventh day within the work week shall be compensated for at the rate of double time for actual time worked, with a minimum of a regalar day's pay for each day worked. 23 Section 5. The Employer and Employee shall cooperate in the keeping of records of ovenime. Overtime sbatl be reponed promptly in writing to the Employee's immediate superior, and if so reported by the next Monday following the overtime work, sball be paid on tbe next payday. Section 6. Having once been released trom regular or O"l:rtime duty, no Employee shall be called back to duty until the Employee's next regular shift begins without payment for one hour overtime in addition to the lime earned after return to duty. Section 7. An Employee called to woti before bislher regular starting time shall be paid for such lime at the overtime rate. Sedioa 8. Travel time to and frcm out-of-town assignments shall be considered worldng time. When the combined actual wotiing and !lave! time exceeds 7 l/2 bour.s in any given day, compensatory time off at the time and one-half rate shall be granted at the mutual conveniem:e oftlte Employer and the Employee for any excess constituting ttavel time, except that an Employee ttaveling overnight shall not be credited with more !ban the hours of a normal working day for each 24hour period. Any time constituting actual working time in excess of7 112 hours per day shall be compe:nsated for a1 the overtime rate. Insofar as possible, ttavel time shall be scheduled within an Employee's normal working hours, aod these bouts may be changed by mutual consent to IICCOIIIIllodate ttavel arrangements. Where the Employee is permitted a choice of more lhan one form ofttansportation, the shortest time by which the assignment cao be reached shall be credited as working time within the above stipulations. An employee may refuse to accept an out-of-town assigrunent ooly when substantive personal matters requiting the Employee's presence rend« an Employee unable to accept the assignment. 24 ARTICLE X Holidays Section l. There shall be nine (9) recognized holidays of24 hours each including tbe Employee's birthday or another day mutually agreed upon in advance between the Employer and the F..mployee, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Washington's Birthday (the third Monday in Febroa!y), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christrna.'l. There shall be an additional holiday ofthe Employee's choice for those Employees with more than ten (1 0) years continuous service. Except with prior approval, such Employees must give ten (I 0) days notice of their intent to take their holiday. For the purposes of this Article "Holiday" shall mean the day celebrated as the Holiday by the Employer. The day celebrated as the Holiday by the Employer shall be tmiform in the newsroom. The Employer may designate a day to be celebrated as the holiday only for holidays that fall on a Saturday or a Sunday, and it shall be either Monday or Friday. Section 2. A regular full-time Employee who is scheduled to work on any such holiday and is not required to work on that day shall be paid regular straight-time pay for that day. Section 3. A regular full-time Employee whose regular day off falls on a holiday and who is not required to work shall receive one day's regular straight-time pay for the holiday in addition to all applicable pay for hours worked in such week. At the option of the Employee, the Employee may designate an alternate day off as compensation for the holiday instead of an additional day of pay. If the holiday is not taken or paid for by advance mutual agreement of the Employer and the Employee within six (6) months of the day celebrated as the holiday it can be 25 scheduled by the Employer upon not less than fourteen ( 14) days notice to the Employee or paid in cash at the Employer's sole discretion. Section 4. Any Employee required to work on any such holiday shall be paid double the regular straight-time mte on such holiday shifts (including overtime) with a minimum of a full shift pay at the double-time rate and shall receive no further pay for that holiday. Seetion 5. In weeks in wbieh such holidays occur, a regular full-time Employee required to work on a scheduled day off which is not a holiday shall be compensated therefore at the overtime rate. Regular days otr shall not be changed during holiday weeks solely to avoid payment of the overtime mte. Section 6. These provisiollll shall apply only when the majority of the hours of the parlicular shift worked falls within such holiday period. ARTICLE XI Dismi10al Pay Section 1. The following dismissal pay provisions shall apply to all Employees: (a) When an Employee is dismissed or discharged after six months' service, the Employer shall pay the Employee dismissal pay subject to subsection (b) following, equal to one (I) week's pay for every twenty-six (26) weeks, or major frnction thereof, of his/her last continuous employment as indicated by the Employer's employment records, the maximwn of such dismissal pay not to exceed an amount equivalent to sixty-two (62) weeks' pay. (h) An Employee who retired from employment with the Employer on or after his/her :-.lormal Retirement Date or Disability Retirement Date as defined in the SunTimes Guild Employees' Pension Plan shall be eligible to receive dismissal pay. Dismissal pay payable to an Employee who is entitled to a pension in accordance with the provisions of the Sun-Times Guild Employees' Pension Plan shall be paid 26 into the Sun-Times Guild Employees' Pension-Trust, to be held for the Employee's benefit \lllder the provisions of said Plan. Employees who are eligible to receive dismissal pay as defined above may elect to withdraw payments in increment; of 25o/o, 50"/o, 75% or 100% of their dismissal pay total. The pension agreement provides for a 'cash out" option of any residual pen&ion for a retiring Employee who takes dismissal payment upon retirement as provided tor in this subseclion (b). (c) Leaves of Absence, granted in writing by the Employer, shall not be considered breaks in continuous employment, although lime spent on leaves of absence shall not count as employment periods: However, time spent in military service shall be credited as employment time for the purpose only of computing dismissal pay, provided the Employee entered military service while an Employee of the Employer, and had been an Emplo)-ee of the Employer for a period of at least six ( 6) months before entering military service. (d) In computing the amount of money to be paid under this provision. there •hall be used as a basis the highest regular weekly wages received. (e) These provisions for dismissal pay shall not apply in the case of any Employee discharged for gross breach of trust, or failure to maintain good standing in the Guild be<;ause of nonpayment of dues. (f) In the event of death of an Employee, the Employer shall pay the Employee's beneficiary an amount equal to the amount of dismissal pay which the Employee would have received upon termination of employment. (g) Last continuous employment as used in Article XI, Section (a) includes continuous service of the Employee with the Employer, immediately preceding continuous service of the same Employee with Field Enterprises Inc., Sun-Times Co. and Chicago Sun-Times Syndicate and immediately succeeding continuous service of the same Employee with a purchaser of the Employer where there has been no break 27 in the continuity of the Employee's employment by one or more of the foregoing entities. ARTICLE XII Pensioas/Retirement Section 1. lbe pension Agreement entered into by and between the Chicago Suo-Times and Chicago Newspaper Guild, relating to the existence of the Sun-Times Guild Employees' Pension Plan, is set forth in a supplement to Ibis Labor Agreement and is made part of Ibis Labor Agreement. Section 2. This pension agreement and the amendments provide: (a) 100% funding (over the original thirty-year period) of pension beru:fits and that portion of dismissal pay integrated therewith; (b) Pension credits for totally disabled Employees who receive benefits onder the Insured Salary Continuance Program; (c) Effective 111/89 an increased rate of accrual from .0125 to .0130 for all credited service earned after 1/1189 only; (d) Vesting with 5 years of service and age 21; (e) A I 0-year certain guarantee with dismissal pay retention. effective 1/l/70; (f) Effective with the signing of this Agreement (effective from 1011/91to 9130/94) each active employee covered by the Chicago Sun-Times Guild Employees Pension Plan shall receive the most financially advantageous of the following two pension improvements as determined by the Plan's actuary. (I) Either an additional annual pension credit of .0125 of the average annual salary for the five-year period January 1, 1981, through December 31, 1985, for each year of service within the perind January I, 1930, to January 31, 1985, provided that the annual retirement income credit provided herein shall not duplicate annual retirement income credits granted under the Plan prior to June I, 1990 for continuous service through December 31, 1985, and sball not be less rhan such credits; or, 28 (2) effective retroactively to January L 1985, an increase in the rate of accrual from .0125 to .0130 for all credited service earned after January I, 1985, only. This option is a one-time option and shall continue in effect for the remainder of the employee's employment (g) The pension agreement referred to in Section I of Article X!l has been amended effective 1/1/84 under Section 7.2 of the pension agreement to provide for one-twelfth of 3% reduction for each month that pension payments commence prior to bisfber nonnal Retirement Date. (h) Effective I 0/1196 an increase in the rate of accrual from .0130 to .02 for all credited service earned after !011196. ARTICLEXUl Vacatiom Section I. Employees wbo have been in the service of the Employer continuously sball receive vacations with pay as follows: (a) More tban three months' service and less tban one year's service prior to 711--one day for each 17 worlcing days. (b) More tbanone years service prior to 711-tbree weeks. (e) More tban two years' service prior to 7JJ-four weeks. (d) Employees with twenty or more years of continuous service shall =ive, in addition to the above schedule a vacation bonus of$325. Vacation credits will accrue on a pro rata basis from 7/1 of the previous calendar year for Employees who have not bad a vacation in the current year and from 7/1 of the current calendar year for Employees who have bad a vacation in the current year. Persona who begin emplo}ment 4/1 or later and terminate with more than three months and less tban one year of service will receive vacation credits in cash in the 29 amountof one day's pay for each. complete month of service, less any vacation previously taken. Section 2. Length of service shaU govern priority in choice of vacation dates. Whenever practicable, the free days of an Employee in the weeks immediately preceding and immediately following the Employee's vacation period shall be so arranged as to permit their use as an •~tension of the paid vacation period. Sectioa 3. In the event of termination of employment whereby dismissal pay is given, or upon resignation. or upon retirement, or in the event of death, or when an Employee takes a leave of absence for more than 60 days except sick leave, vacati<>n credits a£crued under Section I of this Article shall be paid in cash on the next regular weekly pay day in the week following the week in which one of the above events took place. Section 4. !fan employee has oot tak<n all of his or her vacation in any year by December 31, the employee at his or her option may carry over up to five (5) days of unused vacation time to be used during the following calendar year. Additional carryover vacation may be arranged by advance mutual agreement between the Employee and the Employer. If carryover vacation is not used during the carryover year, it shall be forfeited. Sedioa 5. An Employee whose Va£ation period includes a holiday shall receive an extra day off for each such holiday at a time convenient to 1be Employee and Employer. Permission to take such holiday time shall not he unreasonable withheld. 30 ARTICLE XIV Sicll Leave, Lif' lasuruu:e Hospitalization aacl Eye Care S«tioa I. Paid sick leave shall be granted to all full-time Employees covered by this Contract after three (3) months of full-time service and completion of a medical examination on the foUowing basis: (a) Fm Employees with more lban three (3) months of service, but less than two (2) years: Beginning with the fust day of absence, one hundred percent (100%) of salary for six (6) weeks, fifty percent (SOo/o) of salary for an additional seven (7) weeks. (b) For Employees with two (2) years of service, but less tbao ten (10) years: Beginning with the fust day of absence, onelrundred percent (100%) of salary for thirteen (13) weeks, fifty pen:ent (500/e) of salary for an additional thirteen (13) weeks. (c) For Employees with ten (10) or more years of service: Beginning with the first day of absence, one hundred percent (100%) of salary for twenty-six (26) weeks. Sick pay may be withheld or other disciplinary action taken if the sick pay pllln is abused. The compaay may require medical doeumentalioil ofiBness or inj..-y in cases of 'pattern" absences. An Employee will have his/her sick pay eli$ibility reinstated in accordance with the following schedule: (i) After returning to wort for four (4) moolbs with no unexcused abSences- one-third of any reduction in paid sick leave caused by previous covered absence due to illness shall be reinstated. 31 (ii) After returning to work for eight (8) months with no unexcused absencetwo-thirds of any reduction in paid sick leave caused by previously covered absence due to illness shall be reinstated. (ill) After reruming to work for twelve ( 12) months with no unexcused absences-the full amount of sick pay eligibility sbal] be reinstated. For purposes of this Article "unexcused absence" includes any absence, paid or unpaid, arising from illness or injury which is covered by the sick leave program or any unpaid absence which an Employee without notice to and approval of the Chicago Sun-Times. Tbe time period for sick pay regeneration shall commence on the first day immediately following an Employee's most recent unexcused absence day as that term is defined above. Section 2. No deduction, because of sick leave, shall be made from overtime or vacations credited or to be credited to an Employee. Seetion 3. The current Life & Atcidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Plan will be available to Employees under the current terms and conditions with the maximum amount of life in8lll'llllce coverage being $75,000. Section 4. ProcedurtS (a) If an Employee is going to be absent from work due to an illness or disability, be/she must inform hislber supervisor as soon as possible; and in no event less than one (I ) hour before the start of his/her shift or work day, unless physically U.'lable to do so. (b) A physician's report, acceptable to the Employer, is required if requested for continued sick pay benefits for any Employee absence for an illness which continues for more tiian one (I) week. Such physician's report shall bt: submitted to the Medical Department before returning to work. If the Medical Dcpartmeot is closed, lhe report shall be submitted to the employee's supervisor. The Employer may 32 require an employee off work due to an illness or il!juty which continues for more than one week to submit to examination by a physician selected by the Employer. The Company will pay for this =· In the event of conilicting medical reports regarding an Employee's illness or bislber ability to retom to work, the Employee may be required to submit to a third medical examination by a physician mutually agreeable to the Company and the Employee. In SU!:h a case, the Company will pay the cost of this examination and such examination will be determinative. (c) If an Employee is absent because of a mental or emotional illness, sick pay benefits will be provided ifhelsbe is under the continuing trea1m<nt of a licensed mental health professional. (d) If an Employee becomes eligible for social security disability pa)nteniS while on sick pay, the social security payment will be sublracted ftom the Employee's sick pay. If the Employee does not provide the appropriate social security informali011, sick pay will be discontinued until such infurmatioo is forthcoming and verified by the MedB:al Department Once such information has been verified the Employee will be paid retroactively any sick pay withheld during verification. (e) If an Employee is unable to return to work when hislber sick pay expires, the Employee may apply for long-term disability (if the employee participates in thet plan) or an unpaid Medical Leave of Absence. (f) An Employee must WJe all time due (e.g., vaadion) before an unpaid Medical Leave ofAbsence is processed and approved. (g) Up to five (5) days sick leave may be WJed for legitimate illnesses, injuries, or necessary medical appoiotments which cannot be scheduled fur an Employee's day off, of immediate family members requiring the presence ofthe Employee. Seetion S. The Employer shall contribute to the premium for health insurance available to all eligible Employees on the following basis: 33 Effective September 1, 2002 the maximum employer contribution per family or dual premium shall be $107 per week, and $55.00perweek per individual premium. Effective November 1, 2004 the maximum employer contribution per family or dual premium shall be $117.00 per week and $65.00 per week per individual premium. Effuctive October I, 2005 the maximum employer contribution per family or dual premium shall be $127.00 per week and $75.00per week individual premium. Effective October 1, 2006 the maximum employer contribution per family or dual premium shall be $137Jl0 per week and $85.00 per week individual premium. Effective September 30, 2007 the maximum employer contribution per family or dual premium shall be $142.00 per week and $90.00per week individual premium. Effective September 28, 2008 the maximum employer contribution per family or dual premium shall be Sl47.00 per week and $95.00 per week per individual premium. Effective September 27,2009 the maximum employer coniribntion per family or dual premium shall be Sl57.00 per week and $105.00 per week individual premium. The Employer shall contribute up to $2.00 per week to the premium of the hospital and medical/surgical insurance available to eligible Employees age 65 or over. Section 6. The Employer shall contribute to !he premium of vision care insurance available tO all eligible Employees $3.50 per month per individual Employee or the cost of the premium, whichever is less. The current vision care plan shall allow for one additional pair of properly prescribed eyeglasses during the life of 34 this Agreement for an Employee required to wear special lenses in order to perfurm his/her ordinary job responsibilities. Effective January 1, 2005 the employer shall contribute to the premiWI of vision insurance available to all eligible employees up to $4.50 per month per individual employee or the cost of the premiwn, whiche•-er is less. 1n addition to this increase in premium, the employer will provide the opportunity for employees to emoll their family member(s) into this vision insurance program. The cost of family member(s) to the vision inswance program wiU be paid by the employee. 1be cwtent vision care plan shall allow for one additional pair of properly prescribed eyeglasses during the life of this Agreement for an employee teqUired to "'eat special lenses in order to perform his/her ordinsry job responsibilities. Seetioa 7. The Employer agrees to provide a group dental plan for all eligible Fmployees and their eligible dependents. The full cost of the plan shall be paid by tbe Fmployer. ARTICLE XV Settlemeat of Dispates Section 1. ln an efibrt to estoblish a better working relatiooship between the parties and in the interest of increased cooperation between the Guild and the Fmployer, it is agreed that the parties will establish a Standing Committee consisting of an equal nwnber of Employer and Guild representalives (not to exceed eight (8) in number) to meet at regular intervals to discuss mat1ers arising ftom the application of this Agmment or affecting the relations ofthe Employees and the Employer. It is nnderstood that the membership of the committee may change from lime to time. It is agreed by the parties tluit all discussions at the Standing Committee meetings shall be considered offtbe record to the extent !hat statements made at such meetings shall not be introdU~:ed as evidence in any arbitration, administrative or court proceeding except upon mutual sgreement ofthe parties. It is further agteed 35 that the purpose of this committee is w develop a positive forum for communications, and that to achieve that end both parties agree in the spirit of good faith to exercise discretion in discussing or reporting the subject matter of the meeting thereafter. Every effort will be made to keep such reports free from inflammatory partisan commentary. Any grievance initiated by either party shall first be refemd to this Committee for discussion concerning resolution of the dispute within thirty (30) <lays after the aggrieved party knows of the occurrence of the acts or actions which consist the basis for the grievance. A new employee wishing to initiate a grievance concerning acts or actions t>f the Employer other than a dismissal during his/her probatiooary period must initiate such grievance no later than ten (10) days following the end of his/her probationary period. The parties agree !he Ccmmittee will meet, if at all possible, within two (2) days after a grievance has been refemd wit. The Committee shall make an earnest effort to resolve !he dispute but if, after ten (I 0) days, it is apparent that further discussion will be of no avail, the matter may be processed through the contractual grievance procedure set forlh below in acc(}rdance wilh the established pmctice of the parries. Section 2. The Guild shall designate a Grievance Committee of its own choosing to take up with !he Employer or its authorized agent any matter arising from the application of this Agreement or affecting the relations of the Employees ar.d the Employer which are not resolved by the Standing Committee referred to above. The Employer agrees to meet with the committee within five days after a request for such a meeting. Section 3. Any matter arising from !he application of this Agreement or affecting the relations of the Employees and the Employer (except renewal of any term or 'erms of this contract) not settled within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the formal response of the Employer may be submitted to fmal and binding arbitration by 36 the aggrieved party. Said matter shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association fur arbitration according to its rules. The costs of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties, except neither party shall be obligated to pay any part of the cost of a stenographic transcript without express consent If the matter is not referred to arbitration within forty-five (45) days of the formal response of the Employer, unless sucb time period is mutuaUy extended, the matter sball be consid<red settled. Section 4. Should the Employer mil to provide information necessary for the processing of a grievance requested in writing by the Guild to which the Guild is legally entitled under the National Labor Relations Act, the time tintits specified in Section 3 above sball begin running only upon receipt of the information by the Guild. Section 5. In the event of any controversy arising as to the interpretations of this Agreement, the conditions prevailing intmediately prior to the conditions causing the dispute shall be maintained until the controversy has been disposed of as provided above, provided that in cases arising out of the denial of payment of dismissal pay the sole question in the controversy shall be the payment and amowtt of such dismissal pay. ARTICLE XVI Expenses and Equipment Section 1. Necessary and authorized expenses incurred by Employees during the course of their assigned duties sball he paid by the Employer in accordance with tbe Employer's expense reimbursement policies and procedures. Expense accounts, executed in accordance with the Employer's expense accoWJting policies and procedures, should be submitted for approval by the first Tuesday after the week in which the expenses are incurred. Necessary working equipment shall be supplied to all Employees. 37 S..,tion 2. (a) An Emplayee required lo usc his or her car regularly on an annual basis in the service of the Employer shall be compensated at the rate of $22.00 per day or the current rate established by the IRS as the non-taxable mileage rate, whichever is greater. Computation of mileage shall begin at tbe point af origin, whether from office or home, of the day's first assignment. In addition, he/she will be given the sum of$800.00 annually, arthe full amount of his/her auto insurance, whichever is lesser, payable at the next anniversary date of bislher auto insurance. On presentation of the insurance bill, the Human Resources Department will authorize this amount to be included in the Employee's check.. (b) Any other Employee required to use his/her car in the service of the Employer shall be compensated at the rate of $20.00 per day or the current rate established by the IRS as the non-taxable mileage rate, whichever is greater, for each date the car is so used. s..,tion 3. An Employee shall not be required to own an automobile as a condition of employment. An Employee authorized to use hislber car on an annual basis in the service of the Employer shall receive a1least four weeks' notice before such authorization may be terminated. S«tion 4. Effective with the signing of this Agreement, any new employee may be required to have a valid driver's license as a condition of employment. S«tioa 5, Necessary and authorized moving expenses, incurred as a result of an Employee's transfer to another city at the Employer's request, shall be paid by the Employer. Section 6. The Employer will pay to photographers the sum of$160.00 per year toward the cost of insurance covering their personal photographic equipment used on the job or the full amount of the premium, whichever is lesser, payable at the next anniversary date of such insurance. On presentation of the illSlliRilCe bill, the 38 Human Resources Department will authorize this amount to be included in the Employee's check. ARTICLEXVll O.tside Work Section 1. Employees shall be fi:ee to fmnish written, graphic, broadcast or other worl< not belonging to or copyrighted by the Employer to enterprises that do not compete with the Chicago Sun-T1111es, provided such material is prepared on the Employee's own time. Without permission in writing from the Employer, no Employee shall use the name of the Chicago Sun-Times or Chicago Sun-Tunes, Inc., or any of its aforesaid divisions, or bislher conneclion with the Employer, or any featured title or other material of the Employer to exploit in any way tbe Employee's outside endeavors. Seetioa2. The Employer and the Guild concur that Employees and newsroom managers must refrain from engaging in practic:es which are inconsistent with accepted jOurnalistic ethics. ARTICLE XVIII Military Service Sec:tiOill. any employee who enlers the mililllfy service shall be placed on a military leave of absence for the duration of the term of duty and shall be elltitled to reinstatement to employment upon completion of tbe term of duty in accordance with the Veterans R.e·Employmeot Act which includes, but is not limited to, the following: (a) The Employee must have a docwnent showing that the lnlining and service in the anned forces has been completed, and that he/sbe bas not been dishonorably discharged. 39 (b) The Employee must apply for reinstatement within 9{) days of his/her release from !lel'Vice (31 days in case ofcertain individuals in tbe Ready Reserve who undergo only 6 monlhs active llaining). (c) For purposes ofdetenniningrate of pay and length of!lel'Vice, all time in 1be military will be credited to 1be Employee as experience in his/her job classification. (d) As a general condition, an Employee wbo goes into the military service retains re-employment rights as long as his/her tour of duty does not exceed four years. Sedion l. An Employee in military service who, upon competent medical advice, is adjudged to be physica!Jy or mentally incapacitated as a result of such service to the extent that he/she is unable to carry on his/her funner employment, and the Employer is unable to place the Employee in other acceptable employment, shall at the termination of service be granted a war bonus in a sum equivalent to one week's pay for every 26 weeks or major :fraction thereof of employment by the Employer as of such date of termination-such war bonus not to exceed the equivalent of 52 weeks' pay. Sedlon 3. Leaves of absence, without pay, for annual military training sball be granted upon request of the Employee. Semon 4. Leaves of absence, without pay, for federal government service may be granted by tbe Employer. Sedioa 5. An Employee entering military service who bas been employed more than two years, shall be paid a military bonus equivalent to four weeks' salary at tbe Employee's regular rate together with pay at his.iber regular rate for such vacation time as shall have accrued at the time of departure, providing: (a} The Employee bas not previously received a military bonus, or (b) The Employee is involwttarily entering the armed forces, or 40 (c) The Employee is entering military service in time of notional emergency. Seetioo 6. An Employee called to civil emergency military duty shall n:ceive his/her regular salary for up to two weeks while on sm:h duty. Seetioa 7. An Employee whose military obligation is incurred through any of the various National Guard or Reserve programs or as a result of the draft "ill receive the difference between the Employee's regular salary and any militaly pay he/she received during an annual training program for a period not to exceed two weeks in any calendar year. (Employees who must fulfill summer training requirements as a part of any military program other than those listed in this paragraph or who choose to extend their initial obligation are oot eligible for paid military leaves of absence.) ARTICLE XIX Security Seetion 1. Dismissal• may be either for good and sufficient cause, or to reduce the force, but shall not be made solely as a result of putting this Contract into effect. Seetion 2. (a) Upon dismissal, an Employee making written request within fuur (4) working days shall receive in writing from the Employer, or its representative, a statement of the cause of discharge. (b) Wben discipline is less than discharge, no Employee shall be subjected by the Employer to a fine or temporary layoff (suspension) as a step in the disciplinary process or as a disciplinary measure. In general, the procedures for progressive discipline shall be as follows: Oral warning First written warning Final written warning 41 Discharge Se<lion 3. The Employer agrees to give the Guild two (2) weeks notice of its intention to effect dismissals to reduce the force, stating the classifications of the affected Employees. During the two (2) week period of such notice, the Employer shall meet with the Guild and consider any suggestions made by the Guild with a view to reducing or avoiding such layoffs. Within the two (2) week notice period. any Employee in a classification affected may indicate to the Guild a willingness to resign voluntarily without affecting his/her right to severance pay under Article XX of the Agreement, provided the total of such resignations shall not exceed the numberofsuchjobs affected in a given classification. At the end of the two (2) week notice period, such number of Employees to be dismissed to reduce the force, after the impact of any such resignations and/or implementation of any alterr.ative dismissals have been assessed, shall be notified. Such dismissals shall be made effective two (2) weeks aftet the notice is given to the affucted Employee. Se<tioo 4. In determining the Employees to be dismissed to reduce the force, the primary consideration in tbe selection of Employees to be retained shall be seniority, except when an Employee has demonstrated special abilities or qualifications for particular fimctions, or where the Employer can establish there is a substantial difference in ability relative to other Employees. For the purposes of this Article XIX, seniority shall mean length of continuous employment in !he bargaining unit covered by this Agreement re~less of any change in classification. Classification shall mean the job titles listed in Groups I through 9. Job classifications listed in Group 1 in Article V shall be considered the highest classifications, the job classifications listed in Groups 2 through 9 shaH be considered "lower classifications" as that tennis used in this Article. Similarly, job classifications in other groups shall be considered higher than the job classifications in the groups listed beneath them in Article V. Employment shall be deemed 42 continuous unless interrupted by (a) dismissal for good and sufficient cause; (b) resignation: (c) retirement; (d) refusal to accept an otTer of rehire into the classifiCation in whicn an employee worlred when dismissed. Any period of employment for which severance pay has actually been paid and not refunded, shall not be counted as employment in calculating severance which may again become due after rehire. Section 5. Employees to be dismissed to reduce the force for economy reasons may elect to bump into a lower classification in which the Employee worked or in which the Employee is presently qualified to perfonn the available work, provided the Employee bas grester seniority than the least senior Employee in the lower classification. An Employee displaced by a bump into a classification may similarly exercise tbe right to bump into a classification in which the Employee worked or in which the Employee is presently qualified to perfonnthe available work, provided the Employee has greater seniority than the least-senior Employee in the new classification. Section 6. Each Employee dismissed to reduce the force, or who voluntarily resigns under the tenns of tbis Article, sba!l be placed on a rehiring list for a period of eighteen ( 18) months and shall be relrired according to seniority for the same or comparable jobs when such openings occur. Time spent on a rehiring list by a dismissed Employee shall not constitote a break in continuity of service, but shall not be counted as service time for any purpose under tbis Agreement. Employees who have bumped into lower classifications may return to their former classification when job openings occur in the former classification in order of seniority along with employees who have been dismis.'ed or who have voluntarily resigned to reduce the force (while such employees are on a rehiring list). Section 7. Seniority means the total length of continuous, uninterrupted employment. Employment shall be termed continuous unless interrupted by: 43 (a) Dismissal for good and sufficient cause, or (b) Resignation. or (c) Retirement. Time spent on any leaves of absence, except for military service, shall not be counted as employment for pwposes of detennining seniority, but shall not otherwise disturb already accumulated seniority. Section 8. No Employee shall be transferred ih>m Chicago to another city without the Employee's consent. Doring the first eighteen (IS) months following a transfer to anolher city the Employee may be transferred baclt to Chicago at the Employer's discretion. At the end oftbst eighteen (18) month period, the Employee may not be transferred back to Chicago without hi~ or her consent. In the event of any transfer the Employer will pay all transportalioD and all reasonable moving expenses for such Employee and his or her family. Section 9. There shall be no dismissals as a result of the introduction of new or modified processes or equipment. New processes or equipment which would introduce new jobs or alter the content of existing job classificalions shall not be put into use until after lhirty days' notice to the Ouild, and any reduction in the work force made possible by any changes will be effected by attrition. The Company agrees that any Employee displaced as a result of the illlroduction of electronic editing equipment shall be placed in another position as comparable as is practicable at the titne of displacement and given adequate training for that position at the Employer's cost lllld on the Employer's time. Issues associated with the introduction of new equipment by the Employer may include, but shall not be limited to, the following: the Employer's inteat to introduce new equipment, treatment of Employees displaced as a result of the inlroduction of new equipment, COJllllianoe with applicable laws and regulations pertaining to such equipment, and the resolution of physical problems created as a result of the 44 introduction of new equipment as well as radiation leakage and eye strain. Such topics shall be discussed by the Standing Committee referred to in Article XV, Section L Section 10. There shall be no dismissal of nor other discrimination against any employee because ofhislher membership or activity in the Guild, nor because of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, non-jot. related disability, sexual orientation, or Veteran's status. Race, color, creed, sex, age, non-job related disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or Veteran's status shall not be a consideration in any element of wages and salaries, promotions or conditions of employment Section II. A new Employee shall be a probationary Employee for a period of sixty (6()) working days. The dismissal of an Employee during tbe Employee's probationary period shall not be subject to tbe prO\isions of Article XI:X, Sections I and 2 and shall not be subject to r.,.;ew onder Article XV of this Agreement, except that no new Employee shall be subjected by the Employer tn a fine or temporary layoff as a disciplinary measure. ARTICLE XX Severance Pay In the event an Employee with at least five (5) years of continucus service is dismissed to reduce tbe force for economy reasons, the Employee shall be entitled to receive severance pay equal to one week's pay for each six months of contiouous service or major fraction thereof to a maximllm of twenty-five (25) years of service. The maximum payment of such severance is not to exceed an amount equivalent to 50 weeks' pay. An Employee economically dismisscl shall receive severance pay and, if rehired, shnll be required to repay such severance pay minus an amount equal to the salary he/sbe would have earned had he/she continued to work. Acceptance of severance pay shall not constitute a waiver of rehire rights. Any refusal to accept rehire to the same or comparable position shall constitute a waiver of the Employee's 45 rehire rights. In the event of the death of an employee prior to his/her request of sevemnce pay as entitled iD. this Article, the Employer shall pay to m Employee's spouse or estate m am011111 equal to the amount the Employee would have received upon temlination of Employment. Severance pay, as referred to in this Article, is separate and distim:t fiom the dismissal pay referred to in Article XI. ARTICLE XXI UnuSWII Risk Section l. No Employee sbaJI be requited without bislhet consent to work at the unUStl&l risk of injury, disesse or Section 2. An Employee assigned to duty at the scene of domestic rioting or civil commotion where there is clear and pment danget of lUnfire or other deadly assault shall receive special and additional death and dismemberment insurance. Section 3. An Employee assigned to wmk involving unusual risk shall be provided with all protection and protective devices the Employee deems essential to the assignment Section 4. Provided he/she communicates with a supervisor, an Employee shall not be decked for the time lost ifbe/she is unable to report to work because of domestic rioting or civil commotion. ARTICLE XXII Leaves of AbHnee Semon 1. By arrangement with the Employer, Employees may be granted leaves of absence. Such leaves shall not constitute termination of continuity of service in the compotatioo of dismissal pay as provided under the Chicago Sun-Times and Newspapet Guild Pension Plan (Article XI above), vacations, or other benefits of this Agreement, but the time spent on such leaves shall not count as service time. 46 Section 2. (a) A maternity leave of absence without pay will be gtanted upon request of a pregnant employee but the total maternity leave and child rearing leave of absence provided herein shall not exceed twelve (12) months. The Employer will make every reasonable effort to pennit a maternity leave of absence to begin and end on the dates requested. A pregnant employee shall be emtled to sick leave fur that time for which she is medically certified unable to perfurm her job because of her pregllllllCy and subseq11e11t birth of the child and shall be treated lhc same as any other person under such leave, pursuant to Article XIV. Once a pregnant employee or an employee is the mother of a newborn child is medically certified able to n:tum io worlr., sick pay ceases. Sick leave is separate from maternity or cbild-rearing leave, and any period of paid sick leave shall not be counted agaiDSt the twelve-month period of maternity andlor child-rearing leave. (b) A child-rearing leave of absence of up to twelve (12) months shall be granted, without pay, upon the request of an employee who has given birth to a child The Employer will make every reasonable effort to pennit a child-rearing leave of absence to begin and end on the dates requested but the leave must commence no later than sixty (60) days after the birth of the child and may extend no longer tban sixty (60) days after the child's first binhday. (c) A child-rearing leave of absence of up to twelve (12) months without pay will be granted to the fatber of a newborn cbild The leave shall commence no later than sixty (60) days after the birth of the child and may extend no longer than sixty (60) days after the child's first birthday. The Employee will make every effort to permit such leave to begin and end on the dates requested subject to the limitation set fort above. Where both parents are employed by !he Employer, the combined childrearing leave taken by the couple may not exceed twelve (12) months, may not be taken simultaneously, and each leave must be continuous. 47 (d) The same rules !bat govern child-rearing leaves will apply to the adoptive parent$ of an infant child five (5) years of age or younger except that such leave shall commence within thlrty (30) days of the date of adoption. (e) Up to two weeks of child-rearing leave will be granted upon the request of an Employee who bas adopted a child older than five years of age. (f) Maternity, child-rearing or adoption leaves of absence dn not consritute a break in continuity of service in the computation of dismissal pay as provided Ullder rwes and Newspaper Guild Pension Plan {Article XI above), the Chicago Sun- vacatinns, or other benefits of this Agn:ernent, but time spent on sucb leave9 shall not count as service time. (g) This Section 2 shall not be applied in any way that would violate the Family and Medical Leave Act {FMLA) of 1993. Any leave granted under this Section 2 shall be counted as FMLA leave, and vice versa, to the extent permitted by the provisions of the FMLA. Nothing in this subsection (g) shall be construed to 1iinit leaves pro~ided in this Article to the FMLA minimums. Seetioa 3. Employees are eligible for funeral leave witb pay for up to three (3) consecutive., regularly schednled working days, one of wbich shall be the day of the funeral, in order to attend the funeral of a member of the immediate family. "Immediate family" is defined as: spouse, pll!eilt, child, S~ep-<:hild, brother, sister, and effective July I, 2005, domestic partner as defined bytbe same sex domestic partner benefitS policy. A supervisor may exercise discretion ill granting such funeral leave with pay to attend the funeral of grandparents, grandcbildren, parents-in-law, step-parent, stepbrotherlsister, or other relative living in the same household. Should paid leave not be gran1ed, the Employee may attend the funeral, and if the supervisor and the Employee mutnally agree, the Employee may be permitted to use accrued vacation or time due to attend such funeral. 48 Section 4. An Employee selected to hold office on a full-time basis in THE NEWSPAPER GUILD or the CIDCAGO NEWSPAPER GUllD shall, upon request. receive a leave of absence, without pay, provided no more than three Sun-Tunes staff members at any one time shall be entitled to such leave which shall not be longer than two years. However, such leaves may be extended upon application to the Employer. Such leaves shall not count as service time. Section S. An Employee elected a delegate to a Guild convention by arrangement with the Emplcryer sball receive a leave of absence, without pay, of two (2) weeks. An Employee who serves on the Guild Intemational Executive Board by ammgemeut with the Employer shall receive such leaves. without pay, as are required to attend meeting.<!. No more than five (5) staff members shall be entitled to such leaves at any one time under the above provisions. Such leaves shall count as service time. Section 6. An Employee entering tbe Peace Corps shall receive a leave of absence, without pay, for a period of one enli&tment. Such leave shall not count as service time. ARTICLE XXIII Employmeat Proecdure Seetlon 1. Iri the event the Employer finds it necessary to fill vacancies or require additional Employees in covered positions in the editorial department, the Employer shall post the vacancies and notify the Guild of such vacancies. The posting shall include the job opening to be tilled, the classification in which the job is placed, and the minimum qualifications of said job. The Guild may thereupon submit to the Employer within one (I) week after such notification a list or lists specifying the names and experience of such candidates for such positions. A minimum of onethird ( 113) of lhe names on such list or lists shall be experienced minority candidates for such positions. Such candidates shall be considered along with applicants from 49 other sources for such job openings. The Employer shall grant at least one interview to any Employee in the bargaining writ who possesses the minimum qualifications for the position and who indicates an interest in the posted position. Semon shall continue to be the policy of the hmployer in selecting new Emplo}eeS to extend equal opponnnity to all applieants regardless of their race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, marital or parental status, or non-job related disabili1y. Section 3. It shall continue to be the policy of the Employer to actively recruit women and member.; of minority groups for all positions covered by this contract and to make a strong effort to achleve through its affirmative action program a work force reflecting the composition of minorities in the metropolitan area. The Employer and the Guild agree that following execution of the labor contract, a committee consisting offour (4) Employer and four (4) Guild representatives will be established to meet at three (3) month iatervals to study and issue recoltliDelldations ~ goals, employment, and career opportUnities and training programs for minorities and/or women. In the event of a reduction in force, the Employer and Guild will meet prior to the effective date of any such reduction fur the porpose of discussing protecting the jobs of minority Employees. Section 4. Effective no later than July !, 200S, the employer will implement a same sex domestic partner benefit policy. ARTICLE XXIV MbeellaDeoua Section 1. BY-LINE. An Employee's by-line shall not be used over that Emplo)ee's protest, nor shall an Employee's by-line be used on any story to which 50 that Employee has made no significant contribution. Ifa by-line is to be used, a reasonable effort will be made to call substantive changes to the Employee's attention before publication. An Employee may object to the use ofhislhet by-line in a story originally produced for the SIDI-Times in any other publication or publications. After the filing of such an objection, the Employer shall not authorize the use of that Employee's by-line in any such publication or publications. Sectloll Z. BULLETIN BOARDS. The Employer agrees to provide bulletin boards suitable placed in each editorial department for the use ofthe Guild. The Emplo)-er further agrees to penni! the use of an electronic bulletin bosrd ln the Employer's computer system on a "read only" basis for the transmission of notices dealing with official business of the Guild. Seetioa 3. LUNCH TIME No employee shall. except in emergency, be required to take his/her lunch within .3 hours after reporting for work. Sedioa 4. STRUCK WORK. Employees shall not be required to handle wod< originating in any legally stnlck department of the Employer, nor shall Employees be required to handle W<ll"k destined for a legally struck department of the Employer. Those Employees wbo volunlllrily do not wod< daring such periods shall have no claim fot pay for such periods, Seetioa S. COMBINATION PERSONS. Reporters aod pbolograpbers shall not be required to wod< as combination persons performing both functions, except in unusual circumstances. Sedioa 6.1N-SHOP BALLOTING. Space adjacent to staff working areas and suitable for marking and casting secret ballots shall, upon the Guild's request, be made available for voting in elections supervised by the International Election aod Referendum Committee of The Newspaper Gnild. Section 7. Employees may inspect and receive copies of materials included in their own complete employee 61es maintained by the Company at reasonable times 51 during normal woridng hoo:a:s upon reasonable request to the Human Resource Department. The Employer reserves the right to request reimbursement for the cost of producing such copies, Section 8. The Employer shall continue the present practice of providing legal representation to Employees involved in legal matters concerning libel or sutTendering ot disclosing information relating to the news-gathering fanction. The Employer reserves the right to make final decisiOilS concerning the scope, intent and direction of such legal represenllllion. When a demand for disclosure of information relating to the news-gathering function is made upon an Employee by a federal, state, or municipal court, grand jury, agency, department, commission or legislative body. such Employee shall notifY promptly the Employer, or if the demand is made upon the Employer, the Employer shall notify promptly the Employee. Following such notification, the Employer's counsel will be consulted and. if their advice is followed, the Employer agrees to indemni1'y such Emplcyee against any penalties or jodgments if such action results from the proper pursuit of the Employee's duties. In libel matters, when the Employer assumes the Employee's defense and the Employee cooperates fully with the Employer's COUDSel in presenting the defense, the Employer agrees to indemnifY the Employee against any penalties or judgments, if such action results from the proper pursuit of the Employee's duties. Section 9. The Employer agrees to lest VDT equipment for possible harmful emissions once during the term of this Agreement. Criteria fur snch testing shall be discussed by the Standing Committee referred tO in. Article XV, Section I. Seetioa 10. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to impair the right of the Employer to judge any Employee's qualifications for any position in any classification. 52 Section II. Employees covered under this Collective Bargaining Agreement will be eligible to participate in the Employer's Section 125 Pre-Tax Benefit Program. Se<:tion 12- 'The Employer shall make e>ery reasonable effort to ensure that the Employees' work area is in conformity with federal, state, and local health and safety laws/regulations. Section 13. 'The Employer shall provide adequate space and a fite cabinet on the premises of the Employer and convenient to the editorial department, for the use of the Guild in carrying on its duty of representing employees covered by this Agreement. The location of space shall be detennined by mutual consent between the Guild and the Employer. 53 ARTICLE XXV Duration and Renewal Section l. The effective date of !his Agreement shall be October I. 2007. The Agreement shall be in full force and effective through September 30, 2010, and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the sue<:essors and assigns of the Employer. Section 2. Within 150 days immediately prior to 9130120\Q hut at least 30 days prior to such date. the Employer or the Guild may initiate negotiations for a new agreement to rake effect 1011/2010. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in effect during suoh negotiations. S..,tion 3. In the event any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be invalid under any State or Federal law, tbe remaining provisions shall not be affected, and this Agreement shall be binding and enforceable as to the remaining provisions in the same manner as though the invalid provisions had been omitted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized officers this 54 tic .5i__ day ofNovember, 2007. APPENDIX A Assignment ud Authorization to Cbedroff Guild Membersllip Dues TO CIDCAGO SUN-TIMES I hereby assign to the Treasurer of the CIDCAGO NEWSPAPER GUILD, and direct you to pay to him/her, the amowrt of my membership dues and any legal assessments which under the law [ may assign and direct you to pay and which shall accrue to the CIDCAGO NEWSPAPER GUILD during the period for which this assignment and direction shall remain in effect, colllll1elll:ing with those accruing fur the month of _ _ _ _ _---' An appropriate percentage of such dues and assessments shall be deducted ftomeachpaycheclc. I hereby state the amouat of my membership dues which will so accrue to be those specified in or calculated according to the schedule heretofore filed with yoo by and on behalf ofthe CIDCAGO NEWSPAPER GUILD. You are authorized to rely upon that schedule or any new schedule or scbedules which may be filed with you by or on behalf of the CIDCAGO NEWSPAPER GUILD specifying the amowrt of membership dues and assessments to be paid by members of the Guild. Weekly earnings, as tbat term may be used io any such schedule, shall include only straight time weekly pay, excluding overtime. The assignment and authorization shall remain in effect Wllil revoked by me, but shall be irrevocable fur a period of one year ftom the date appenring below or uotil the temrination of the colletlive bargaining agreement between yourself and the Guild, whichever occurs sooner. I further agree and direct that this assignment and 55 authorization shall be continued automatically and shall be irrevocable for successive periods of one year each or for the period of such succeeding applicable collective agreement between yourself and the Guild, whichever period shall be shorter, unless written notice of its revocation is given by me to yourself and to the Guild by registered mail not more than thirty (30) days and not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of each petiod of one year, or of each applicable collective agreement between yourself and the Guild, whichever occurs sooner, Such notice of revocation shall become effective for the calendar month following the calendar month in which you receive it This assignment and autborizatic:m supersedes all previous assignments and authorizations heretofore given to you by me in relation to my Guild membership dues. Employee's Signature--------~---- Dare __________________________________ 56 APPENDIXB Minimum Weekly Night Rate Qrmml. 09/3012007 09/28/2008 091271201:R $1,631.75 $1,664.39 $1,697.67 0913012007 Grouo2. 09/2812008 09127/2009 !Ass dJao I yev $1,064.!)1 $1,086.21 $1,107.93 After 1 year... $1,142.40 $1,165.31 $1,188.62 After 2 years..• $1,221.90 $1,246.33 $1,271.26 After 3 years... $1,30!).26 $1,:>35.44 $1,362.15 After 4 years..• S1,393.80 $1,421.68 $1;150.12 After 5 years. .. $1,524.79 $1,5SS.29 $1,586.40 0913012007 09/28/2008 09/27/2009 ~ L<$5 dJao I yev $ 980.30 s W9.90 $!,019.90 After I year... $1,061.35 $1,082.58 $1,104.22 After 2 years••• $1,15J.06 Sl,m.JJ $1,199.65 After 3 years ... $1,239.07 $1,263.85 $1,289.12 After 4 years. •. $1,340.17 $1,366.98 $1,394.33 After 5 years... $1,474.70 $1,504.19 $1,534.28 57 .!:!mJm.i. 09/30/2007 09/28/2008 09rl7120W Less thu I year IDB.JI $793.95 SS09.82 After 1 year... st31.81 S848.4S Sll65.42 After 2 years... $901.85 $919.87 $931.23 After 3 years..• $972.61 $992.06 $1,0!1.90 After 4 years... SI,041.04 S1.06U5 $1,083.09 After 5 years... $1,131.42 $1,154.04 $1,171.12 0913012007 09/2812008 0912112009 Less than I year U94.68 $708.58 S722.1S After I year... $742.72 $751.51 $772.73 ilim!JU. After 2 years... $191.77 $813.72 $830.00 After 3 years... $116.56 $894.08 $911.97 After 4 years... $960.61 $979.11 $999.42 0913012007 0912812008 0912712009 Less thaa I year $670.46 S68U7 $697.54 After I year... $708.87 $723.05 $731.52 After 2 years. .. $151.&1 sm.02 S783.49 After3~... $812.36 $828.61 S34S.IB After4~ ... $895.40 $913.31 $931.57 llimm.i- 58 .Y!ll!!nl09i30/2007 09/28/2008 09127/2009 Less than I year $656.84 $669.99 $683.39 After I year.•. $694.68 $701!.58 S722.7S $771.83 After 2 years... $741.19 $756.70 After 3 years... $796.88 $812.31 $829.01 After 4 years... $88139 $899.&2 $916.99 09130i2007 09/28/2008 09127/2009 $$79.67 $591.26 $603.09 After I year... 1004.97 $617.07 $629.41 After 2 years... $632.32 $644.97 $657.88 After 3 years... $664.76 $678.06 $691.62 09130i2007 09/28/2008 0912712009 ~· Lesslhaftl year ~- Less than I year $529.95 $540.54 $551.35 After I year... $5$7.82 $568.99 $5110.36 59 November 5, 1985 Mr. Gerald J. Minkkinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild, Local71 230 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1630 Clucago, III. 60601 DearGeny: The Guild has raised some questions about and objectiom to some of the uses which the Sun-times has made of stringers and freelancers. The Sun-times bas and will continue to use stringers and fi:eelarn;ers in its operations and believes that their use bas not violated the collective bargaining agreement. However, in order to alleviate the concerns raised by the Guild, the Sun-Times bas given the Guild the following assurances concerning the use of stringers and fi:eelancen: f. The special School Section and other such editorially produced special sections done at the Sun-Times will be laid out and edited by Sun-Times Employees who will also make the assignments for the copy to appear in such sections. 2. Stringer photographers will not have individual boxes in the photo department and will not be offered the opportunity to cover g<nt:ral news events except in emergencies beyond the Employer's cmrtrol. 3. Except for sports stringern and stringers covering special one-time events, stringers and freelancers will not be permitted to use VDTs in the Sun-Times building except in unusual circumst.arn:es and emergencies beyond the Employer's control. 4. VDTs owned by the Sun-Times will not be given to stringers and fi:eelancers. 5. Stringers and fi:eelancer.; will not have individual mail boxes. The Sun-Times recognizes that the Guild reserves the right to grieve matters not covered by this letter. Sincerely, Agreed to by the C"'hicago Newspaper Guild By Gerald J. Minkkinen Burton J. Abrams Director of Employee Relations Date Jan. 2, l 986 60 December 2, 1988 l\1r. Gerald J. Minkkinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild, Local 71 230 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1525 Chicago, ill. 6060 l OearGeny: During negotiations for a new labor contracL the parties agreed that the initial agenda for the Affirmative Action Committee would include the following items: 1. &1ablishment of a Sun-times scholarship for a minority student pursuing journalism as a career. The scholarship student who maintains a B or better average "ill be guaranteed an offer of employment as an intern by the Chicago Sun-Times during his c<>llege years. 2. Establishment of a Sun-Times Chicago Area High School worlcshop for high school newspaper editors to further their education in journalism and to encourage their considecation of journalism as a career. 3. Development of rec<>mmendations for special reeruitment efforts and other such measures in order to develop applicant pools in which qualified minorities and women are represented in proportions sufficient to help increase their employment and promotion in the Editorial Department. Sincerely, Brian Fantl Director of Labor Relations and Personnel 61 October 17, 1991 Mr. Gerald J. Minkkinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild, Local 71 230 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1525 Chicago, ill. 60601 Dear Gerry: During our recently concluded negotiations, the Guild raised certain questions about and objects tc the manner in which the SW1-Times has dealt with certain stringers and freelancers from whom it has purchased editorial matter for use in Sun-Times feature sections. 1'lu: Guild !w.> Slaloo:d it d""" not st:ek to limit or restrict the proper use of fteelancers and stringers by the Sun-Times. The Sun-times and Guild agree that it is important that the Company properly use freelancers and stringers from whom it purchases editorial matter for use in feature sections and recognize that the Sun-Times must continue to have the right to use information and material purchased from snch freelancers and stringers. During negotiations, the Sun-Times assured the Guild that it has not and will not use free lancers and stringers from whom it purchases features material as Employees. It is understood that in detennining whether such freelancers or stringers are Employees, the parties will apply the case by case indicia for determining whether an Employer-Employee relationship exists developed by the National Labor Relations Board. Sincerely, Ted Rilea Vice President Labor Relations as of Aug. 25, 1992 62 May 22, !992 Mr. Gerald Minkltinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild 230 N. Michigan Avenue, Ste. 1525 Chicago, Ill. 60601 Dear Gerry: As part of the final settlement discussions which led to agreement on a new collective batgaining agreement, it was agreed that if a question were raised by Chicago Newspaper Guild regarding the staluS of persons whose work is used in the feature sections of the Chicago Sun-Times the indicia developed by the National Labor .R.ela1ions Board would be used in determining the staluS of the person. In general, a person whose work is used in the fealnre seclions of the Chicago SunTintes may be considered to be an Employee when: 1. The Sun-Tunes pays the person by salary. 2. The person receives fringe benefits from the Sun-limes. 3. The Sun-Times pays the persons expenses except when incorporated into a negotiated fee for the product purchased or work performed. 4. The person is not free to connibute or not eontribute material as he or she wishes "ithout fear ofjeopardizing his/her chances of contributing in the futwe. 5. The Sun-Tunes resnicts connibutionofmaterial by the person to other publications. 6. The person is regularly assigned or works regularly scheduled hours. 7. The Sun-Tunes provides office space andforcompanyequipmenttothe person. 63 Mr. Gerald Minlddnen Mayl2, 1991 Pagel 8. The manner and means by which the person produces the material used or performs his/her work is directed and controlled by the Sun-Times. It is recognized tbal any or all of the above indicia will apply prospectively and may change with future NLRB decisions. It is understood that no single indicia shall he controlling, but rather all indicia sbaJI be considered in concert. Disputes regarding those person whose work is used in the feature sections of the SUD-imteS which the parties cannot resolve sbaJI be submitted to arbitcation in accordance with Article XV. The arbitrator shall use the indicia developed by the NLRB in detennining the status of the person in dispute. Very truly yours, Ted Rilea Vice President Labor Relatioos 64 December 17' 1997 Mr. Gerald Minkkinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild 171 230 N. Michigan Avenue Suite2500 Chicago, lL 60601 Dear Mr. Minkkinen: The Chicago Sun.Ti~s and the Newspaper Guild, during our 1997 neg()(iations, had thorough discussions about freelance oppoounities for employees interested in photography and writing about the arts, prep sports. travel aad food but not assigned to those departments. To ensure that staff is aware of such opportunities, Editorial management will post a notice on company bulletin boanfs reminding staff of lieelance oppo!lllnities approximately every six monlhs. Empluyees will be encouraged to make their interests in occasionallieelance assigmnents known to ~ editom and to provide those edi!OJS with samplts of their WOik. Assignments will conrinue to be made by sel<l:ling the person or persons the assigning editor, in his/her sole discretion, believes will produce the best copy. the In additi<>n, periodically Editorial ~ will, through a genem1 posting on the company bulletin boards, uk the staff to complete a vohmtary questionnaire designed to uncover talents, interests, language skills and o1hor infonnation outside the scope of their cummt assignments that may be useful in makiog decisions about future fteelance opporllllities. Sincerely, TedRilea Vice President Labor Relations Human Resources 65 December • 2001 Mr. Gerald Minllinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild #71 35 S. Wabash Avenue Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60603 Dear Mr. Minkkinea: During the course of2001 nego1iations, the parties eotmd into the following Settlement Agrtement cooceming Robert Novak, CharlottE Searl and Kenny Maluclmik: I) Within 60 days following ralification of the coUective bargaining agreement, the Publisher wiD reclassey Robert Novak from his current slatus as an independent conlrllctor to that of a bargaining unit collllllllist 2) Within 60 days foUowing ratification of the collective borgainins agreement, the Publisher will transfer Charlotte Se.l from her current exempt position as Graphics Editor to the positioo of Copy Editor/Paginator and will transfer Kenny Maluclmit from his current position as News Editor to the position of Copy Editor/Paginator. Upon her 11ansfer, Ms.l!earf will be covered by the Guild collective llatgainin& agreement. However, Mr. Malucbnilc, upon his transfer, will continue to be covered by the Stu>-TUD<S' agreement with Chicago Typographical Union No. 16. Notwitbstanding these tmnsfers and the fact that Ms. Searl and Mr. Maluclmik are expected to perform paginatinn worl< in their new c1assificatioos the parties agree that paginalioa work may also be assisned to exempt employees. 3) The parties agree that Ibis Settletnent Agreement is not in!el1ded to change the respective rights of the parties concerning the lllliUets coveted herein. In consideration for the above, the Guild agrees to wilhdmw, with prtjudke, the pending grievances coooerning Robert Novak, CharlottE Searl and Kenny Maluclmik. Sincerely, Ted Ri1ea Vice Presidert Labor Relations HumanResour<e~ 66 December 8., 2004 Mr. Gerald Minkkinen Executive Director Chicago Newspaper Guild #71 36 S. Wabash Avenue Suite 1400 Chica!PJ, IL 60603 Dear Mr. Mlnkkinen: During the course of 2001 and 2004 negotiations, the parties entered into the following agreement regarding certain proposals that were inlroduced by the parties during the negotiations. Neithet the introduction nor tlle withdrawal ofproposals to amend Article n, Sections 3 and 4, during the 2001 and 2004 negotiations, by either the Chicago Sw1-Times or the Chicago Newspaper Guild, may be used, referred to or introduced as e\idence in any future jurisdictional dispute between the parties. Sincerely, TedRilea Vice President Labor Relations Hwnan Resources TR/sr 67 December , 2001 Mr. Gerald Minlckinen Executive Director Chicago N"""""""" Guild #71 36 S. Wabash Aveaue Suite 1400 Chicago, 1L 60603 Dear Mr. Minkkinen: During the course of200l negotiations, the parties enll:red into the following Settlement Agreement cOllef!ming the Washington Bureau Chief L}liD Sweet. This Settlement Agaieemont is entaed into by the Chicago Sm-Tomes, Inc. (the "Sun-Tunes") and Chica&~> N"""""""" Guild (the "Guild''). l) The Guild has tiled a grievance now pending before Arbitrator Edward Aicl!cr as AAA Case No. 51 300 00267 01 alleging that exerq>t Washington &reau ChiefLYDD Sweet is improperly perfOIJDin& bargaining unit 1!IOd< aod the Sun-Tlltle$ has denied the grievance. 2) The Sun-Tunes and the Guild wish to settle their dispute over Lyrm Sweet wirhout expense and, therefoiO. have agreed to the following: ~ A) The Guild wiD withdraw, with prejudice, its grievance and demand for arbitratio1l concemillg Lymt Sweet. B) The Suo·Tilllet ow- that if Lym Sw<et is replaeed as Wasbiugton Bureau Chief; the Washington Bureau Chief position will then be reclassified from that <>f an exempt posffion IDa bargaining unit position except as descnDed in (C) below. C) The Washin&foa BlllCIIU Chief position shall remaia an exempt polition after Sweet va<:ates the position ifaod w!tea Sweet's replacemeDt supervises an employee(a). D) The parties agree that they win not use the frequency of Swo:et's bylines as evidence in olhet disputes concerning exempt employees pelfonnlng batgaining unit work. Ted Rilea Vice President Labor Relatioos Human Resources IR!st 68 Decembe< 8, 2004 Mr. Gerald Minkki~~a~ Executive Ditector Chicago Newspaper Guild 1171 36 S. Wabash AveDUe Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60603 Dear Mr. Minkkineo: During the coum of 2001 and 2004 negotiationo, the parties discussed the use of li:eelaru:ers and stringers. Underscoring the importance of Ibis issue to each of the perties, the parties have agreed to renew the letb:rs atta£bed to the contlllct go11el11ing the we of fieei&D<erS and stringers.. Sincerely, TedRilca Vice Ptesident Labor RelatillllS HU!IWlReso""""' TR/sr G9 December 8, 2004 Mr. Gerald Minkkinen Executive Director Cbicagu Newspaper Guild #71 36 S. Wabash Avenue Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60603 Dear Mr. Minkltinen: As a result of our m:ent round of contract negotiations the parties have agreed to the funnation of a "'Round Table" Committee. The primary purpose of this Committee will be to impro\e overall communi-cations between management and tire newsroom employees. This Committee (not to exceed six (6) in number, 3 members each from Management and the Guild} shall meet at three (3) month intervals. Topics for discussion may include, but are oot limited to, the introduction of new technology and equipment, safety, employee career goals and opportunities, training, employee saggestions, issues and coocerns. Either the Guild or Management may present a proposed agenda to the other side one week in advance of each meeting. The topics to be discussed at the meeting shall not be restricted to those set forth on the agenda. This committee is not intended to replace the Standing Conunittee snd the grievance aad arbitration procedure(s) set forth in Article XV of the parties' collective bargaining agreement. Sincerely, TedRilea Vice President Labor Relations Human Resources TR/sr 70 December 8, 2004 Mr. Gerald Minllinen Executive Director Chicag~ Newspaper Guild #7 I 36 S. Wabash Avenue Suite 1400 IL 60603 Chica~, Dear Mr. Minkkinen: During the course of 2004 negotiations, the parties discussed domestic partner benefits. The parties agreed that the Chicago Sun-Times will implement a same sex domestic partner benefits policy fur all Chicago Sun-Times employres no later1han July I. 2005. Sincerely, TedRilea Vice President Labor Relations Human Resources 1Risr ClnCAGO SUN-llimS Mr. Get3Jd Miol:ldDo:n &e.:ulive Di=toc Chicago Nev.'SJ'IPC£ Guild i34071 36S. WabashA""""" SW1ID 1400 Cbica~P. TL 60603 Dear Gerry: At our meetiDg last Moudlry aftanooo. I promised to JI(Ovide you aad your llOftllDilll!e wilh a wriltea recap .of our cliscassicm. As you kmw dliO Chicagp Sua-'fimes News Group ('STNG") is cmboik.illg on anew V\llltm:, 1he S1NG ~ will provide news tips, items aod "daybook"' eatries ilr a variety of ex1emal cliems, inoll.ldinc Cbialgo 's Olajor TV sl8lioos MKI,_, - radio opcratiom, Like Ire City News s..:.-;c. of old, it will be primarily a tip savice on "tops and coma." serving os a t - fur :furtllcr coverage by !he clielll oo1lets. ADd it will provide a daily caleo4tr brieflD& on the majcw eveat., .both public aad pAvaie. lhat will be tatillg place ia the Cbicago Ilea. Our~ OODhct with lhe clients providas fur a lenD of""" year, to begin around 1he middle of feb, 2006. If we &it to provide any of om- clieals with lhe in1imnloCioft we rillbt " opt ... of this comract by givioa liS 30 days have promilred tt-.1hey haw 1be nocicc. This new v~ will be jlfOdllceollly a hmdful or- staibs, beth til· IBid~. who will be dedicated 1o this scrvi<;e. They will be aiOed lly the Sm-Times reportiDg aod oditiJic Slaff ... needed. These new Edit«ial Assi3blnts will be l1lCIIIben of the Newspaper Guild aDd will be covered by our Collecti"' Bargaiainjj Agreemcot. They will be cla$siiied in Group 6. They will be locmd together in the middle of the 9"' floor newsroom. Tho editor of the STNQ Wile will be an exempt -posili011. (By lhe way, Jeff Mayes fonn&lly from the Post- Tn'blne, has .reooutly aecepted Ibis position.) Jeff's, Job Descripl.ien-as SlNG·Edilolr ius Mllows: ClllCAGO SUN-TIMEs TIIDII.UA VJCI! PIIESII&iT I..AaOilut.Al'llli'S 1. The editor will II>80IIgOt and direct tbe S<Jn.1"1111015 News Group Wtte Service, which wiD have seven to JOa!!ployees{fourfull..timeaadapool ofpert-timas). Thai wire will provide ruanillg news to a host of extemal media dienls. The editor will hire aod dixea1y ~ and schednle 1iiMe employees. Tbe editar will also serve .. a liailiCil wilh !be rest<1f11oeS..T""""aewsroom. 2. The editor will lllllllll&" the intemal "wire" of the~- groap. This wbe win orgaoizc a daily pool of stnries generated by all tbe siW:r lJ8PCt3 aad provide 1be.m fur liSe to all members of the news group. Hdsbe will be the co:Diral ~ f~ all tile pepcn in !be 1111e of tbis wile. The editor will JD<lillitoF 1he ~ lllld ~ of 1he stGriea. The editor will nc:itber ....;gn the 5laries ooo: serve as primary editor. The cdiliDg of 1he individual stories will be CO!Ilpleted at the origina1inc papem. 3. The edit« will mooitor all news liom tbe JICW!I group and~ to pot sloJies from the group placed immediately oo lbe appropriate web$ile(s). The STNG Editoc wi1I report to the Maoa&Jn& Editor of lbe S<Jn.Timco (with additioual repotting to the VP ofNew Media fur basiDms llido mo.-). The SlNG EdittJr will be responsible for lli.s departmclll budget aDd for dUciplinc and schechtling. lliri.n& li.rillg, The SlNG editor, bt/ob<; wiD perfuoD otber duties mated to lbe edDiog aad man.,....... ofllw Chica&<> Sun-T" uoip.edby loia ~fiam lime tom-_ 1 abo raised using tbe '"RoWid Table~ Committee to deal with lilY flmll1: ~ suggcsdom, issues or coocerus !bat may be raised by either poorly as we IJlOYe for.wnl with tJifJW venture. Gury,l believe I"ve captiiNd most of the ~poinlsofourdiscos8ion. I aL.o waot to tab> the opportuoity to lhank you and yoqr committee fur your ofkr of <OOpCrlllioa in -ving torward wilh tiUs _._. k is importalll to bolh of Wllllal this gelS oif 00 the right track as soon as possWie. S~A~a.~ ' Tedltika Vlcc ~of LAbor Relations Tilllt C.C. Jolm Barron. Bob~ MIChael Davenport
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