Statement of teaching interests

Statement of teaching interests
As you know, knowledge is far more valuable when shared. Thus teaching is
especially important as it imparts knowledge to others. Teaching is something that I
have started enjoying when I was still very young. Once I had learned something
new, I remember that I was always existed to share my new discovery with my
school friends.
While growing up as a high school student, and undergraduate, a graduate, and
even a post graduate, I have always admired those school teachers and university
professor who excelled at conveying their knowledge unto me.
My first teaching experience came when I was still in high school. I remember all the
after class that I had with my school mate. Now that I am equipped with the
knowledge of administrative law as well as research experience, I am eager for a
teaching opportunity to share what I have learned and to inspire those young and
fresh minds so often found in academia.
As an instructor, I realize that my responsibility should go beyond just sharing
knowledge. There are other students form habits of critical thinking and developing
the ability to discover new things by themselves. One simple way of achieving these
is to provide inspiring hints, rather than direct answers to the student’s questions.
Students need to be help to understand the answers better, and more importantly, it
builds up confidence in themselves to discover the solutions on their own. I would
like to teach administrative law for both under graduate and graduate students.
Based on my own academic background and my careful study of current course at
the University of South Africa in the department of public constitutional and
international law, I would to teach administrative law to student in the same very
good way that I have learned it.
In my point of view, a great teaching is like a great artist who uses basic tools to
transform raw materials into valuable assets of society. Great teachers are not just
ones who transmit information, teach skills, and help student earn the best grades.
They are those who share their passion for knowledge and curiosity with their
students, develop their critical thinking ability and prepare them for the complex
world they will face after stepping off campus.
Based on my own experience of being a student, I think the following principles are
the most noteworthy ones in good teaching:
- Passion is one of the most key ingredients of effective teaching,
- Teaching is not just a way to impart knowledge, but can also be used as a method
to foster interest in the subject,
- A teacher should encourage critical thinking and should always strive to be
respectful on different opinions,
And finally a teacher should be prepared to challenge and to be challenged by the
If I have managed to pursuit my post graduate study it I s just because of what I
received as good teaching in the past. Serval teachers have inspired me and taught
me necessary skills to achieve the goals and I would like to join their ranks and be
successful and help other students to fulfil their dreams. I believe my great passion
for teaching will make me an excellent teacher.
Kasengele Tubadi Steve.