Symposium Fundamentals of Care / Grundlæggende sygepleje Aalborg universitetshospital 22. juni 2016 kl. 10.00 - 15.00 Program 9.30-10.00 Welcome and morning coffee 10.00-10.30 Fundamentals of Care in a new context: A specific focus in The North Denmark Region by Head of Research, Professor MSO in Clinical Nursing, RN, MSc Nursing, PhD Erik Elgaard Sørensen, Aalborg University Hospital and Aalborg University 10.30-12.00 Conversations on the Fundamentals of Care by Professor of Nursing, RN, BSc(Hons), PhD Alison Kitson, University of Adelaide, Australian 12.00-12.45 Lunch and networking 12.45-13.20 Fundamentals of Care in a high-technological setting by PhD Student, RN, MSc Nursing Karin Aagaard, Aalborg University Hospital and Aalborg University 13.20-14.05 Fundamentals of Care and Newly Graduated Nurses by PhD Student, RN, MSc Nursing Siri Lygum Voldbjerg, University College of Northern Denmark, Aalborg University Hospital and Aalborg University 14.05-14.25 Coffee break and networking 14.25-14.50 Panel Discussion between speakers and attendees 14.50-15.00 Ending the symposium by Head of Research, Professor MSO in Clinical Nursing, RN, MSc Nursing, PhD Erik Elgaard Sørensen, Aalborg University Hospital and Aalborg University Moderator: Post Doctoral Research Fellow, RN, MNg, PhD Mette Grønkjær Fundamentals of Care / Grundlæggende sygepleje Forskningsenhed for Klinisk Sygepleje og Sygeplejefagrådet, ved Aalborg Universitetshospital er stolte over at kunne byde velkommen til Head of School (Nursing), Professor of Nursing, RN, BSc(Hons), PhD Alison Kitson, University of Adelaide, som er international anerkendt for sin forskning inden for Fundamental of Cares. Alison Kitson konkluderer på baggrund af hendes forskning: Nursing's challenge to meet patients' basic or fundamental needs is complex. Developing a knowledge base will include identifying researchable questions, using rigorous methodologies, ensuring the relational dimensions are not lost, and ensuring the new knowledge is applied in practice. This requires collaboration on an international scale to achieve improvements in care. Ref: Anything but basic: nursing’s challenge in meeting patients’ fundamental care needs. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 2014; 46(5):331-339. Information og tilmelding Dato: 22. juni 2016 kl. 10.00 - 15.00 (velkomst og morgenkaffe kl. 9.30) Hvor: Medicinerhusets Auditorium, Mølleparkvej, Aalborg Deltagere: Sygeplejersker i klinisk praksis, udviklingsansvarlige sygeplejersker, undervisere, sygeplejefaglige ledere, forskere i klinisk sygepleje med interesse for Fundamentals of Care Sprog: Dagen vil blive gennemført på engelsk Pris: Gratis Tillmelding: Mail til: [email protected] senest 1. juni (Begrænset antal pladser, som tildeles efter først til mølle princippet) arrangører Forskningsenhed for Klinisk Sygepleje og Sygeplejefagrådet, ved Aalborg Universitetshospital 2016 Images courtesy of
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