AUTHOR’S SYNOPSES UDK 316.344.32:331.556.46 Branko ILIČ, Sabina BERNJAK, Andrej RUS: INTELEKTUALNI KAPITAL KOT KAZALNIK USPEŠNOSTI POMURSKE REGIJE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 579–604 Eden od ključnih dejavnikov uspeha vsake regije je ustrezna raven intelektualnega kapitala, ki ga prispevajo njeni prebivalci. V članku skušamo pokazati, da nizka raven regionalnega razvoja v Pomurju kot najmanj razviti regiji Slovenije sovpada z nizko ravnijo intelektualnega kapitala. V članku pregledamo literaturo o konceptu in merjenju intelektualnega kapitala ter ponudimo operacionalizacijo, ki je primerna za merjenje intelektualnega kapitala na regionalni ravni. Rezultati pokažejo, da ima Pomurje nižjo raven intelektualnega kapitala, kot je nacionalno povprečje. Analiza stopenj rasti intelektualnega kapitala skozi sedemletno obdobje nakazuje sistematično zaostajanje Pomurja za slovenskim povprečjem. Študija primera pokaže, da je beg možganov poglavitni kontekstualni dejavnik, ki vpliva na raven intelektualnega kapitala in ki negativno vpliva na uspešnost regije. Ugotovitve pokažejo na prioritete za bolj uspešno razvojno politiko. Ključni pojmi: intelektualni kapital, beg možganov, regionalni razvoj, Pomurje UDK 328.184:061.1EU Mitja HAFNER-FINK, Meta NOVAK, Danica FINK-HAFNER, Rainer EISING, Daniel RASCH, Patrycja ROZBICKA: VELIKANI IN PALČKI: MNOGORAVENSKE STRATEGIJE LOBIRANJA NACIONALNIH INTERESNIH ORGANIZACIJ Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 605–624 Članek z raziskovanjem lobističnih strategij nacionalnih interesnih organizacij v okviru političnega sistema EU opozarja na popačenost interesnega predstavništva v okviru EU. Tako teoretski okvir o določnicah odločitve nacionalnih interesnih organizacij (IO), da delujejo na ravni EU, kot tudi analiza podatkov projekta INTEREURO Multi-Level Governance Module (MLG) ( razkrivata tri ključne ugotovitve. Prvič, največje razlike med interesnimi organizacijami nastajajo med IO iz starejših članic EU (Nemčije, Združenega kraljestva in Nizozemske), kar se kaže v njihovi nadpovprečni aktivnosti, ter IO iz novejših članic EU (Švedske in Slovenije), ki so podpovprečno aktivne na ravni EU. Drugič, razlike med ravnmi aktivnosti IO med različnimi javnopolitičnimi področji so manjše kot razlike med državami. Tretjič, čeprav IO iz vseh držav uporabljajo medije in strategije TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 839 objavljanja (informacijsko politiko) pogosteje kot mobilizacijo svojih članov in podpornikov (protestno politiko), lahko vendarle opazimo nacionalne vzorce pri izbiri strategij IO in v intenzivnosti uporabe teh strategij. Ključni pojmi: EU, interesne skupine, interesne organizacije, lobiranje, strategije UDK 321.01 Locke J. Igor LUKŠIČ: ACTUALITY AND ACUTENESS OF LOCKE’S CONCEPTION OF PROPERTY Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 625–644 840 John Locke placed the concept of private property as the main concept of his political theory. Private property is natural and therefore legitimates natural political power compared to the divine legitimation of feudal political power. Locke is a great advocate of capitalist society against feudal monarchy based on theological ideology. His criticism of Filmer's idea of the Christian foundation of monarchic power provides the base for his concepts of private property, civil society, state, law and judge. The final end of all state and social institutions is the defence of private property as the most important natural thing. Keywords: John Locke, Robert Filmer, private property, state, state of nature, civil society, capitalism UDC 355.019.2:341.123 Anton BEBLER: THE UNITED NATIONS AND DISARMAMENT Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 645–658 The purpose of this article is to show the link between the functioning of the United Nations (UN) in the field of arms limitation and earlier international activities in this field. Specifically, the article focuses on efforts undertaken throughout the UN system of principal organs and other bodies. It looks at the UN’s role in the context of a wider international effort as the initiator, supporter, convenor, depositary of international conventions and treaties, and as the institution that monitors states’ compliance with those international agreements. Keywords: disarmament, United Nations, disarmament conference, international conventions, nuclear arms TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 UDC 341.123(569.4-076) Primož ŠTERBENC: THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE QUESTION OF THE PALESTINE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 659–675 The article deals with the activities of the United Nations (UN) regarding the problem of Palestine. On one hand, the UN has coped with the issue as it set up the legal basis for its resolution, established the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, and created an institutional place for membership of the State of Palestine in the UN. However, the UN has been unable to stop the continuing Israeli violations of international law which have considerably reduced the possibility of creating a Palestinian state. This has been the result of the United States of America’s consistent pro-Israeli policies in the UN Security Council. In sum, one can argue that the UN’s activities have been a great failure. Yet, the General Assembly of the UN is much less responsible for this failure than the UN Security Council. Keywords: United Nations, Palestine, Palestinian state, international law, Security Council, United States of America UDC 341.123:355.357 Mateja PETER: LEGITIMACY AND RELEVANCE: THE FUTURE OF UNITED NATIONS PEACE OPERATIONS Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 676–693 Peace operations are more than just an activity of the United Nations (UN), they symbolise what the organisation stands for. This contribution analyses past and recent trends in UN peacekeeping. It sees its transformations as a reflection of changes in the global order and a sign of the organisation’s legitimacy deficit. Major reforms of the UN and its peace operations are unlikely. The UN will therefore remain preoccupied with its own legitimacy and the relevance of its peace operations for contemporary conflicts. Parallel to this, we can expect the development of new ad hoc approaches to conflicts. Keywords: peace operations, peacekeeping, United Nations, African Union, use of force, legitimacy TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 841 UDC 341.123:34.018 Katarina VATOVEC: UN SANCTIONS: TOWARDS CREATING A GLOBAL SANCTIONS POLICY Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 694–711 842 The use of sanctions – particularly since the end of bipolarity – characterises the functioning of the United Nations (UN). The article argues that it was precisely the development of this particular tool of international relations within the framework of the world organisation that made a significant contribution to its integration and meaning within the context of multilateral organisations. The shift from comprehensive to targeted sanctions which, by deviating from the traditional, country-related measures mainly focuses on targeted individuals, has shaped contemporary understanding of the concept of sanctions. The use of sanctions, adjusted to the requirements of the changing international environment and time, widens the gap between their dual nature pertaining to law and politics. The author’s findings are based on a theoretical approach and an analysis of the sanctions adopted by the decision-making body, the bearer of UN sanctions policy, i.e. the Security Council. Due to the increased intensity of the sanctions and their characteristics, mainly the flexibility of the Security Council, its involvement in international politics, and the narrowness of the normative basis, it is possible to evaluate the UN’s contribution in the area of the use of sanctions. This also gives impetus to considering the creation of a global sanctions policy with the protection of human rights at its centre. Keywords: UN sanctions, sanctions policy, Security Council, protection of human rights UDC 341.123:343.211.3 Petra ROTER: THE UNITED NATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 712–728 The paper aims to analyse the role of the United Nations (UN) in the area of international protection of human rights, in terms of both norm development (i.e. through international conventions) and the development of mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of norms. To achieve this goal, the paper applies a historical analysis. Special attention is paid to the significance of the Cold War as an obstacle to further development of the global human rights regime. The paper relies on extensive use of primary sources – human rights documents adopted by the UN over the period of TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 seven decades. The paper ends by reflecting on further challenges for the UN in the field of international protection of human rights. Keywords: international protection of human rights, United Nations, norms, monitoring mechanisms, politics of human rights UDC 061.2:343.211.3 Metka NAGLIČ: CARRYING OUT THE WORK OF INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS AT THE UNITED NATIONS: THE CASE OF AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 729–745 The main focus of this article is the evolving role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the United Nations (UN). It is striking that, although 70 years have passed since the UN was created, intergovernmentalism continues to represent an obstacle, if not an opposition, to the more active role of NGOs in the UN system. This is especially the case when human rights issues are discussed. Amnesty International (AI) serves as a case study for this article because it is arguably the most influential NGO committed to protecting human rights. Since 1964, it has enjoyed consultation status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) in which it actively promotes human rights as an important topic in the work of the UN. In this respect, the article discusses the work of AI within the UN to illustrate the potential of NGOs in (co)operating with and within the UN. It assesses the impact of AI in terms of both contributing to setting the standards of human rights law and monitoring their implementation, but also in terms of its ability to call for action when human rights are being violated. Finally, the article evaluates the role of AI as an actor in the process of the UN’s institutional development. Keywords: non-governmental organisations, human rights, international law of human rights, United Nations, Amnesty International UDC 341.123.02(497.4) Dimitrij RUPEL: CRUMPLED FLAG, REMARKS ON THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UN AND SOME OTHER ANNIVERSARIES Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 746–760 The article presents new historical facts and personal observations concerning Slovenia’s accession to membership of the United Nations (UN) in TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 843 844 1991. Personal comments are connected with the author’s diplomatic career and his experience at the helm of the Foreign Ministry between 1991 and 2008. The author compares the UN with other international organisations, and finds that it has hardly adapted to the circumstances that have arisen since the end of the Cold War. From this point of view, the author considers as interesting the sympathies the UN enjoys in (mostly) the left-leaning part of the Slovenian political community. The lively interest of Yugoslav diplomats from Slovenia in positions within the UN system before 1992 is also mentioned. The article details the moment when Slovenia became the 176th member of the organisation. He describes the structure and operation of the UN system, and emphasises the Slovenian foreign policy after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In connection with these, he discusses new challenges, particularly the migrant/refugee crisis and solidarity. He finds that the UN did not distinguish itself in resolution of the Yugoslav crisis. He sums up his speech at the General Assembly in New York in autumn 2006 and his conversation with Ban Ki-moon in 2008 when Slovenia held the Presidency of the EU. According to the author, the UN needs reform but, given the interests of the permanent members of the Security Council, there is little hope of seeing that happen soon. Keywords: UN membership, WWII, Berlin Wall, Milan Kučan, Boutros Boutros Ghali UDC 341.123.02(497.4) Boštjan UDOVIČ: Boštjan UDOVIČ: “FIGHTING FOR OUR PLANS”: THE CONTRIBUTION OF SLOVENIAN PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES TO THE UNITED NATIONS Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 761–776 The article introduces the work of Slovenians serving as permanent representatives to the United Nations (UN). The main purpose of the article is to emphasise that Slovenian permanent representatives, whether they served as Yugoslav or Slovenian permanent representatives to the UN, had three characteristics. First, they were ‘figures’, meaning they had a solid political or diplomatic career before entering the UN system. Second, Slovenians in New York were committed to the UN and to multilateralism, understood as a precondition for symmetric relations and equality among states. As such, Slovenian permanent representatives in the UN were always taken into consideration when the debate was on human rights, legal issues, sovereign equality and the right of nations to independence and to their own development path. Due to all these characteristics, one can say that Slovenian TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 permanent representatives to the UN significantly influenced the progressive development of the UN. Keywords: permanent representatives, United Nations, Yugoslavia, Slovenia UDC 316.42:341.123(497.4) Adriana ARALICA: UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATIONS AS ADVOCATES AND CRITICAL OBSERVERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 777–794 The article analyses the role of civil society in the United Nations (UN) system with United Nations Associations (UNAs) as a case study. UNAs – national civil society organisations with diverse programmes and memberships – represent a link between citizens of the world and the UN. The article presents UNA Slovenia's success stories and focuses on the pioneering role of UNA Slovenia in the field of global education in former Yugoslavia and opportunities to reinforce this role. UNAs will continue to be flag-bearers of UN issues and values. Establishing dialogue with relevant stakeholders, advocating UN values and goals and taking a critical look at UN activities with a special focus on youth as a target group presents an opportunity to strengthen UNA Slovenia as the central forum for discussions on global challenges. Keywords: United Nations, civil society, United Nations Associations, advocacy, information service, global education UDC 341.123:32-053.81 KATJA CIMERMANČIČ and Miha PONGRAC: THE POTENTIAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF UN YOUTH DELEGATE Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 795–809 The 70th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) represents a great opportunity to highlight the position of a UN Youth delegate, which was recently introduced in Slovenia, and to answer the question of what is the added value of this particular institution. The article begins with a historical overview of the position of UN Youth delegate, illustrated by comparing approaches of certain UN member states to the Youth delegate programme. In this respect, the article underscores the messages the UN member states and indeed the UN itself try to convey, especially to young people, through TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016 845 the Youth Delegate programme. Finally, the article offers some policy suggestions for Slovenia as to the future development and work of the UN Youth Delegate programme in this country. Keywords: UN, Youth Delegate, youth policies, National Youth Council of Slovenia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs UDC 341.123:355.357 Zlatko ŠABIČ: THE ROLE OF SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS: JOB IMPOSSIBLE? Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana 2016, Vol. LIII, No. 3, pg. 810–830 846 The aim of this paper is to analyse the role and importance of the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN). This article is based on the thesis that a high level of independence of the Secretary-General in formulating and implementing UN policies brings certain risks because member states, especially the permanent members of the Security Council, are unwilling to accept the role of the Secretary-General as an equal player. The lessons learned from past mandates indicate there is considerable mistrust in Secretaries-General. However, this is inconsistent with the challenges from the external environment the UN has to deal with. In the contemporary international community, which is becoming increasingly conflictual, there is a realistic need for a Secretary-General whose primary task, even at the expense of states’ interests, would be to actively strengthen the role and image of the UN as an organisation whose existence is critical in any effort to prevent a new world war. Keywords: UN, Secretary-General, actorness, UN Charter, peace operations TEORIJA IN PRAKSA let. 53, 3/2016
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