Document 4981

MARCH 1970
Plaudits for Subcontracting Program
MANUFACTURING Manager Vince Murray (cen­
terl accepts the Small Business award citation from
Timothy F. Ready (right), SBA subcontracting
specialist, as Roy Spearen, Procurement Manager,
looks on.
Submarine SignaJ Division was the recipi­
ent of the Small Business Administration's
Award for its subcontracting program.
Manufacturing Manager Vince Murray
was presented the award by Timothy F.
Ready, S.B.A. Subcontracting Specialist,
Northeastern Area. The presentation cere­
monies took place in the Division's manu­
facturing plant.
The award was presented to Sub Sig in
recognition of its contribution to the eco­
nomic welfare of small businesses through
active participation in the S.D.A.'s volun­
tar-y-subcontr.,acting pT08ram~_
As a part of the program, Sub Sig under­
took an in-house vendor seminar program
for both large and small companies, offered
an opportunity to small businesses to parti­
cipate as supplien; for the Division, and
assisted many of the small finns in the im­
provement of their product quality and
Lt. DeClercq Decorated for Viet Nam
Lieutenant Keith DeClercq, USN, repre­
senting the Naval Ship Systems Command
at Sub Sig, recently received high honors for
military setvice during combat operations in
Vietnam. In ceremonies h.eld February 27th
in Washington, Rear Admiral Sonenshein,
Commander, Naval Ship Systems Com­
mand, presented Lt. DeClercq both the
Bronze Star Medal awarded by the President
and the Navy Commendation Medal award­
ed by the Secretary of the Navy. Lt. De­
Clercq's wife) mother and three children
were present at the ceremony.
The Bronze Star Medal was awarded for
meritorious achievement while DeClercq
was setving as a Task Unit Commander
from 25 March to 3 July 1969. The cita­
tion reads in part: "Lt. DeClercq was in
command of assorted river patrol craft of
the Vietnamese Navy. He was personally
involved in twelve fire fights and wounded
on two occasions. His command accounted
(Continued on page 4)
LT. KEITH L. DECLERCQ is congratulated by
RADM N. Sonenshein, Commander, Naval Ship
Systems Command, upon his receipt of the Bronze
Star with Combat "V" and the Navy Commenda­
tion Medal with Combat "V" during a ceremony
held recently in Washington, D.C.
MARCH 1970
Navy Oceanographic Office Opts for Raytheon's RATAC®
Ext. 2350
Official Publication
Submarine Signal Division
Raytheon Company
R.A. Martin
Vice President
General Manager
IV.R. ]Or1es
MgT. Industrial Relations
Managing Editor
B.A. Beal
Cilief Edifor
S. Mello
In/ormation Editor
C. Brown
Ocean Systems' acoustic command
and control program got a boost last
month when the U. S. Naval Oceano­
graphic Office placed their first order
for a RATAC System.
Sales credit goes to OS&E' 5 Dave
Rattray who convinced the customer
that many of the problems encountered
with their existing equipment could be
OverCOme by using RATAC.
After a thorough test and evaluation
program, the system will be used as
an acoustic release for retrieving
instrumentation from the deep ocean.
The underwater unit of the RATAC
System is designed to release itself
from the bottom upon command from
the surface unit. A buoyant float
attached to the equipment carries it
to the surface where it can be re­
The order gives OS&E Engineering
an opportunity to show the oceano­
graphic community that the reputation
established with Raytheon's precision
recorders is also applicable to its
oceanographic products.
Dexter Cate is the Project Engineer.
Other engineers assigned to the pro­
gram are John Grobe, Mike Chosak,
and Alan Hudson.
Abtut 111 ...
Donna Kay Cardoza, daughter of
Shelley Cardoza of Purchasing, is fea­
tured in this month r s issue of the maga­
zine' Coach and Athlete as the "Co-ed
of the Month." Donna Kay has also been
a summer-hire here at Sub Sig. Con­
The following letter was received by
our Managing Editor:
Center Barnstead, N. H.
March 6, 1970
Dear Bo:
Just a Dote to tell you how nice it was
to receive the last issue of Soundings.
[ have not had a chance to evaluate
this retirement bit yet but right at the
moment I am looking forward to a
long summer (3 months anyway).
Five weeks ago my wife caught in­
fluenza and three days later I had it
too - I got over it OK and quicker
than she did. The doctor gave us the
OK signal Thursday. so I went toboggan­
ing. The snow last weekend spoiled
skating until we have another hard
freeze. So I' m waiting....
Remember me to all the boys & girls.
Clarence F. (}ove
Lt. Susan M. Hennessey, WAF. was
recently awarded the Bronze Star for
meritoriolls service while serving in
Lt. Hennessey received a BA degree
from the University of New Hampshire
in 1966, and was commissioned into
the Women l s Air Force in 1968. She
was graduated from Intelligence School
at Lowry AFB. Denver, Colo.
Susan is the daughter of Dorothy
Hennessey of Procurement Services.
,$YMBObiB of the change from an R&D to a'pro'
duction program is the passing of the transducer
used in the RATAC® 1200 System. The system
was sold recently to the U.S. Naval Oceanographic
New-bern Named
TUBA Manager
--6fme by Dave Aanray-(right):-Others-involved-irr---,
the program ilre Heft to right) John Grobe, Raleigh
Utterback, Mike Chosak, Oexter Cate. and Alan
Stocklin to Manage
Research Department
Robert O. Newbern has been appoint­
ed the TUBA Program Manager. In
this position he will represent Submar­
ine Signal Division in directing tech­
nical support operations relating to
fabrication, installation, and opera­
tional testing of the AN/BQH-5 and
operational checkout of submarine
sonar systems associated with the
TUBA Program. Additional responsi­
bilities include formulation and develop­
ment of advanced TUBA Programs in
the area of Submarine Surveillance.
Dr. Philip L. Stocklin has been
appointed Manager of Submarine Sig­
nal' s Research Department.
In his new position. Dr. Stocklin is
responsible for the Division's Indepen­
dent Research Program: the planning.
review, approval, management and
conduct of basic and ·applied research
project programs and contracts; the
reporting of research to Management,
and the coordination of Division re­
search with related activity both inside
and outside the Company.
Mr. Newbern joined SUbmarine Sig­
nal Division in september 1969 as Man­
ager of Hardware Integration Programs
within the Integrated Systems Labora­
tory. Prior to assuming this position,
Mr. Newbern was on active duty with
the U. S. Navy and retired as a Cap­
Dr. stocklin received his A.B. from
Harvard and M. S. and Ph. D. degrees
in Physics from the University of
Connecticut. He has been active in
ASW and underwater acoustics research
since 1949.
His military experience includes duty
in Destroyers, Submarines, FleetASW
Stafr assignments and most recently as
Deputy Director of the Southeast Asia
Combat Analysis Group for the Chief of
Naval Operations.
Prior to joining the Submarine Signal
Division in 1965, he was employed at
the U. S. Navy Underwater Sound Lab­
oratory, the Office of Naval Research,
and as U. S. Navy exchange scientist to
England. He is a member of the Tech­
nical Committee on Underwater Acous­
tics of the Acoustical Society of America.
MARCH 1970
Williams Water Plan Nets
CR Remuneration
Constant WUHams. SUpervisor of
Materials and Process Lab, was award­
ed a check for over $200 in Fehruary
representing 10% of the net savings for
a Cost Reduction Suggestion of$2085. 40.
The suggestion involved the implemen­
tation of a deionization water system to
replace bulk usage of bottled distilled
water. Cost per gallon and handling
costs were reduced making the above
annual savings possibLe.
We wlsb to thank all SSD employees
for their CR participation so far in 1970
and are looking forward to your con­
tinued efforts and ideas to reduce costs.
Wives Fashion Fling For Fibrosis Foundation
Spring Fashion made a tasteful debut
at the Raytheon Wives Club Fashion
Show held on March 1 at the Performin<;
Arts Center In Newport.
The latest in sports wear, formal
fashion and lounge wear were modeled
by members of the club before a group
of 300.
Between fashion changes the audience
was entertained by the "Treble Makers, "
a barber shop quartet. Also entertain­
ing the crowd were flTbe Grand Squares, "
a square dancing group. and Tom and
Sarah Atkins doing a Cha-Cha.
During intermission. a check was
presented to the Cystic Fibrosis Found­
ation on behalf of the Raytheon Wives
Club by Ann Williams.
ENTERTAINING the audience with their barber
shop harmony were the Naval War College ''Treble
Make,," (left to right) CO R Geo'lle Winslow (baSS>.
LCDR Tony DeMarco (tenor) CDR Ron Smith
(lead). and LCOR Dick Talten (baritone).
CONSTANT WILLIAMS (left), Supervisor of Ma­
terials and Process lab, receives CR Award check
from Tom Szepatowskl. Quality Assu~nce Mana­
MODELS at the Raytheon Wives Club Fashion
Show included (left to right) Ann Williams, Pat
Brabant, Sandy Del Ross, Pat Cote, and Barbara
Business Week Discount
For Sub Sig Employees
Willett Lectures
At URI Seminar
Management Assn
Hears Humorist
Sub Sig employees are invited to take
advantage of a discount subscription plan
for the weekly magazine Business Week.
Fred Willett, a senior engineer in
Ocean Systems. served as a guest
lecturer on March 5th at the University
of Rhode Island 1 s 11Seminar in Marine
Science Policy." Fred. who heads
OS&E's marine survey activity, spoke
on the geodetic mapping of the Con­
tinental Shelf. His lecture was part of
a series of seminar discussions on
IlMarine SCience Policy and Public Law ll
conducted as a part of URI 1 s nationally
prominent Marine Affairs Program.
·1"red has had·an interesting career
in the marine science field. Prior to
joining Raytheon he served as Opera­
tions Manager of small manned sub­
mersibles at General Dynamics I Elec­
tric Boat Divis ion, as supervisor of
at-sea operations for Westinghouse ' s
Underseas Division. and as head of the
Geophysical Programs Branch of the
u. S. Naval Oceanographic Office. He
holds a bachelors degree from San Diego
State College and a masters in Geodesy
from Ohio State.
its first dinner meeting of the year on
If you already are subscribed to Busi­
ness Week. you may enroll in the plan
and your subscription expiration date
will be extended prorata. at the Dew dis­
count rate.
All magazines will be delivered to your
Business ~ is regarded as being
highly informative to the consumer.
Rates are:
Discount Rates
Normal Rates
1 year - $7
2 years - $12
3 years - $15
2 years - $15
3 years - $20
1 year - $10
To subscribe contact Bob Miller, Ext.
SSD 1 s Management Association held
Friday. March 6, 1970 at White's
Restaurant in Westport, Mass.
The association was addressed by
Ralph Martin, Vice President and
General Manager and samuel Ramsey.
guest speaker.
Mr. Ramsay. one of America I s
foremost humorists J spoke on "The
Value of a sense of Humor. /I
Association meetings have been
tentatively scheduled for May 22.
August 7 and November 20, with a
social function on SeiJtember :;:;6.
Potential guest speakers include
Senator John O. Pastore. Chairman
Atomic Energy Commission, Mr.
Joseph F. Allbrandi. Vice President
and General Manager of Raytheon f s
Missile Systems Division, the Very
Reverend Joseph Lennon D.P, Vice
President of Providence College and
Mr. John Powers. General Manager
of Boston Garden.
MARCH 1970
ZD Program
In Full Swing
Santa Cheers Children
At R.I. Hospital
The thoughtfulness of many Building
2 employees last Christmas was recog­
nized in the following letter received
by Manufacturing Manager Vince Murray:
The March 6th Zero Defects Cere­
monies in Buildings I, 2, and 4 for all
shifts formally launched SSD into its
1970 ZD Group Achievement Program.
In two years, Sub Siggers participat­
ing in the error reduction program have
reduced overall Division error genera­
tion by 50% across the major error
reduction categories of hardware work­
manship, drafting, production kits, and
inspection/test paperwork.
Major speakers were Product Assur­
ance :Manager Al Wiant, Production
Manager Joe Cahill, and Vice President
and General Manager Ralph Martin.
Mr. Martin presented Second Period
169 Awards and trophies to first place
System Test, second place Engineering
Shops Inspection, and "ON COURSE"
Qualifier Transducer Inspection/Test.
The guest speaker was Lt. Keith L.
DeClercq, Naval Ship System Rep­
Dear Mr. Murray:
I have been informed by Miss Hill of
the fine television set which you donated
to Potter r this Christmas, and we are.
having a bronze plaque engraved for it.
I understand also that Santa and the
toys and refreshments made possible by
the Transducer and Quality Assurance
employees, added to the enjoyment of
the day.
I am sure their having the opportunity
to witness the happiness of the young­
sters rewarded those who were able to
help at the party.
This was a worthwhile project and we
are very grateful for your thoughtful­
Sincerely yours,
Lloyd L. Hughes
Executive Vice President
Rhode Island Hospital
Ladies' News
All Raytheon employees are invited
to a husband and wife "wine tasting"
evening at the Pocasset Country Club
on April 1. The event begins with a
social from 6:30 to 7 p. m. A spagetti
and meatball dinner will follow.
Wines will be served courtesy of
Lazar! s Liquor Store in Middletown.
Tickets are $2. 65 per person. For
reservations call Pat Cote at847-1113
or Brenda Shortall, 253-4381 by March 28.
The Raytheon Wives Ten-Pin League
bowls every Tuesday morning. This
season two of the teams will compete
in a tournament at the Walnut Hill Bowl­
ing Lanes in Woonsocket. A cheering
section would be greatly appreciated.
Call Jane Ashton, 846-6483.
Lady golfers are invited to attend a
coffee at the home of Harriet Spearen
on April 15 at 10 a. m. Anyone in­
terested in learning to play golf and
already seasoned golfers are welcome
to attend. Call Mrs. SpeareD, 847-3947.
The Raytheon Wives Bridge Club
meets the second Wednesday of each
month at the Newport Furniture Comp­
any. Call Betty Brundage, 846-1635.
for further information.
NO BOATS - NO CARS' Product Assurance Mana·
ger AI Wiant congratulates SSO Zero Oefects win­
ners for accepting the challenge to reduce errors in
their work as he previews ZO '70 objectives.
If you smoke,
chances are
your kids
will too
Dord fool yourself: they'll follow
your example. You certainly don't
want your kids to smoke.
Then see our new film 'Who, Me?"
It's available through the local unit
of your American Cancer Society.
It's about people like you. And kids
like yours. And cigarettes.
Aller thaI, maybe you'll give up
smoklng ... if nOl for yourself, for
the kids.
Lt. DeClercq
(Continued from page 1)
for one hundred fifty nine of the enemy
killed and seven captured."
The citation for the Navy Commenda­
tion Medal relates that DeClercq served as
a River Division chief staff officer and sub­
sequently Division Commander from Octo­
ber 1968 to October 1969. "He partici­
pated in over seventy combat patrols in the
enemy infested Rung Sat Special Zone, the
narrow, dangerous confines of the Vam Co
Dong river. . . During those patrols, he
boarded and searched over fourteen hun­
dred junks and sampans, interdicted cross
river traffic, inserted and extracted friendly
forces in hostile territory, provided fire sup­
port for besieged units and outposts and en­
forced curfew." In one operation, due to
the keen judgment and tactical awareness
typical of him, documents of high intelli­
gence value were captured.