.SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1946 .ROME SENTINEL, ROME, N. Y. FACE TWO Grand Jury Sits to Probe County Crimes Bonded Debt Miss PetreTli Report Made Married to Returning veterans were urged years of preference in obtaining Nelson Durr to take advantage of their privi- civil service jobs and promotions. By Treasurer leges under the veterans prefer- Disabled veterans continue to get Mrs. Harry Nawman c Water Held Veterans Urged to Take No Problem at Advantage of Preference Critically Injured in School Site Oneida Road Accident Architect Approves ence acts which have met with first choice, without time limit. $1,167,750 Total Couple United in Justice Cross . legislative approval, both federal Fuller called upon all local men and state, in recent months, at a who are returning to civilian life Dec. 31; Leeway Nuptials at St. Laurel St., Two Opens Utica Court meeting of Fort Stanwix Chapter who had taken any civil service 20, disabled American Veterans, examination prior to their entry Is $1,756,170 John's Church Other Locations Term Monday last evening. or during their time of service to check with the Civil Service More than 60,000 of the na—S/Sgt. Louis DiMarco, 215% on Pags 7) Miss Katherine V. Petr< , the' Negligence actions comprise all Skillful planning could eliminate having jurisdiction over the Rome's(Tabls W. Liberty St., arrived in New any anticipated difficulties from tion's disabled veterans who are Board total bonded indebted- daughter of the late M Vin- but 54 of the 299 cases on the examination tried by the returncivil service wartime appointees York Thursday aboard the Queen underground water conditions on ness as of Dec. 31, 1935, was $1, cenza Petrelli, 115 E. Bli imfield calendar of the January term of ing veteran, although he may not are reported eligible for permanMary. 167,750, with the last payment St., was married in a doub] ring^supreme court which Justice the Laurel St. tract, proposed as received an appointment at due —Sgt. Donald Sexton, 207 W. site for the new elementary- Jun- ent employment as the result of have in 1958, a report of City Trea- ceremony to Nelson F. Durr, son! James T. Cross, Rome, will open this time. efforts in their behalf by the Dissurer John W. Hughes reveals. Mrs. Harry Nawman, 53, Town Embargo St., has returned to Ft. ior High School. of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Durr, Till at Utica Monday at 10 a. m. abled American Veterans. The State Civil Service Comof Verona, is in a critical condi- Moultrie, S. C , after spending the Rates of interest on the bonds S. James St., this morning at 10 So The Board of Education was J. Wright, commander of mission counsel, from whom the Besides opening the session, tion at the Rome Hospital where Christmas holidays with his moth- informed last night in a letter theFrank range from .90 per cent to as high a. m. at the Church of St. John Justice Cross will charge the Forst Stanwix Chapter 20, Rome Civil Service Commission she was taken this morning after er, Mrs. Mabel Sexton, and his from Frank C. Gilson, architect DAV, announced following a re- seeks advice and is governed ac- as 4.25 per cent. A breakdown the Baptist, the Rev. Francjr J. grand jury which will investigate the car she was driving left the wife, the former Eleanor Pill with the State Education Depart- quest by the Disabled American cordingly, has taken the position shows outstanding school bonds Culkin officiating. crimes committeed in Oneida road and struck a telephone pole more, Westernville. He has been ment's division of school buildings Veterans, total $324,000; Rome Hospital, Matron of honor was Mrs. County since the report of the issuance of an order by that veterans preference applied in service three years. on the Fred A. Winship farm six and grounds, who inspected that President Truman that all war- to all existing lists of eligibles, $209,750; sewer disposal, $75,000; James Carollo and Miss Angeline October grand jury. miles from this city on the Romeand other proposed Rome school time and temporary civil service regardless of when they were es- water $60,000j relief, emergency Greci was the bridesmaid. Jack Appreciation Three Romans are included in Oneida Road. r and public welfare $189,000; gen- Durr, brother of the bridegroom, employees who are disabled vet- tablished. I wish to thank my friends and sites Dec. 27. the 24 chosen probers. They are eral city, $21,000; public works, Mrs. Nawman, who was riding neighbors erans, with compensable disabili"The underground water condiStatistics reveal that about 61,- $204,000; general refunding, $45,- was the best man and James Car- Frank S. Bell, 208 W. Embargo for extinguishing the alone toward Rome, has a brain fire at my tion on the Laurel St. site does not ties, shall be eligible for certifi- 500 workers are under the juris- 000, r home on Thursday St., a contractor; Ory J. Reynolds, and funding bonds, $40,000. ollo ushered. concussion, internal injuries about evening. appear to be a serious problem cation by department employees. diction of the State Civil Service Eight Sodalists from the Sodal423 W. Park St., painter, and Payments in 1946 will amount the chest and also a neck injury. since the test boring shows water Wright called attention to the Commission. About 45,000 of that ity of Our Lady, of which the Leonard Williams Frank A. Kriegal, R. D. 4, SavThere are also multiple* cuts and —Advertisement. 10 feet, six inches below street fact that during the past three number are state employees, with to $223,000 and if no bonds are bride has been an active member age Arms employee. The others issued this year the bonded inlacerations about the head. level and at least 13 feet below years the DAV has been advocat- the remainder being employed by will be reduced to for eight years, formed a guard are: She was driving toward Rome first floor level of a new building," ing both to the president and the county, town, village and school debtedness $944,750 or under one million dol- of honor. They were Connie J. Audas, R. D. 3, ClinCivil Service Commission that dis departments. when the car is believed to have Gilson wrote." Spohn, Jenny Fontanna, Joanne ton,Lundie lars. farmer; Philip W. Brady, New abled veterans who are war serv skidded on a film of ice, sending Whenever a job vacancy occurs, Catalano, Theresa Messineo, Betty Hartford, salesman; Gilson said the 7 U -acre site 13 Cents For Defts Harry E. the car across the highway and BEMUS, Thursday, January 3, near the Jay St. School, owned by ice appointees be made permanent one of the top three persons on a Maiola, Prudence Favata, Flora Brewer, Blossvale, electrician; Mr. Hughes in a communication Alemployees. certified eligibility list must be into a ditch on the opposite side. 1946, Orbie Bemusl age 37 years. the city, cannot be recommended Casbara, Mery Delia Contrada, fred S. Brown, R. D. 1, Taberg, Percy C. Fuller, local service chosen for the position. Veterans to Mayor John C. Schantz ac- Theresa Sbaraglia. Funeral from the Thomas A. Cox for approval for these reasons: Tracks Show Car's Course companying the report says in farmer; Anthony J. Coleman, ForThe bride wore a gown of estport, guide; Daniel E. Comins, 1. It is too small. From 12 to officer of the organization, stated who have passed the examination part: "In the year, 1945, out of Tracks in the snow show where Funeral Home, 109 W. Court St. that veterans will make 'practi are placed ahead cf all other apMonday morning at 8:45, afid & 15 acres of easily developed area the vehicle left the road and each dollar appropriated for city white satin and chiffon with Camden, farmer; Vincent L. Corstruck a small ditch. The car ap- St. Peter's Church at 9:30, where is recommended as a site for a cally a clean sweep" of civil serv- plicants in the order of their government, 13 cents was for sweetheart neckline and fingertip ona, Sherrill, tailor; Truman A. ice jobs, both federal, state and examination marks according to veil clasped to a pearl tiara. She Cox, R. D. 2, Verona, farmer; parently was swung around, back a requiem high mass will be cel- building housing 1,200 pupils. municipal indebtedness. carried a cascade of mixed flowers Eleanor W. Curtiss, Camden, on the road and then off again, ebrated. Interment in St. Peter's 2.. It is too irregular in shape local, during the next few years. Fuller. "In 1946 the amount to be spent called attention to amendment Commander Wright advised that tipping against a telephone pole Cemetery. with an orchid in the center. and rough in contour to be easily He Friends may call Saturday and developed for building and recrea- number six which met with ap- all veterans who care for further for debt will be 11 cents of each The matron of honor's gown had housewife; Edwin T. 'Ford, R. D., on the Winship farm. dollar. The policy of reducing the Clinton, farmer; LeNita C. Getproval at the balloting machines information concerning Civil Servsatin top and nylon skirt; man, Oneida Castle, corse tiers; tional fields. The metal top of the automobile Sunday at their convenience. in this state during the past elec- ice rights should contact Percy C. bonded debt on the City of Rome ashepink carried yellow roses. Miss ^was forced down by the telephone DAVIES—On Friday, January 3. Its use would require the tion. Under the amendment, nonat the local U. S. Employ- was continued in 1945 with most Greci wore a blue lace and net Harry G. Goodson, Deansboro, pole which left a deep crease ex- 4, 1946. in this city, Margaret E. purchase of several improved disabled veterans are given five- Fuller gratifying results. The amount of farmer; Eva S. Jones, R. D. 1, ment Office. tending across above where the Richards, wife of Robert D. Davies. properties costing many thousands bonds retired in 1945 was $254,000 gown and carried pink roses. The Holland Patent, housewife; John driver's seat is located. plus the interest cost of $30,351,75. bridegroom's mother was dressed A. Kalk, R. D., Vernon, farmer; Funeral services will be held at of dollars. The right side of the car was her late home, 408 William St., 4. Grading costs would be ex"In 1946 the debt payment will in blue with matching accessories Hugh A. Lewis, R. D., Waterville, badly damaged and the front right on Monday at 2:30 p. m. Inter- cessive. be $223,000 with an interest cost and wore a corsage of red roses. farmer; John E. Nutt, Boonville, wheel snapped off. Glass in the ment in Rome cemetery. Friends Gilson said at least two other of $25,101. The net *onded indebt- Mrs. Durr graduated from the farmer; C. LeRoy Ossont, Proswindshield and doors was shatter- are invited to call at their con- sites should be recommended for edness at the close of 1946 will Rome Free Academy in 1940 and pect, farmer; Burt F. Philputt, ed and the top of the car was pull- venience. approval—one of about 20 acres, be $944,750, the lowest municipal is employed in the magnet de- Oriskany, merchant; Roy E. partment of General Cable Corp. Pierce, R. D. Cassville, farmer; ed away from the windshield. A located northwe§lAof~ Gansevoort indebtedness in over 27 years. Born in Rome and Resident of Rome DIXON—On Friday, January 4, School. an<L4heother on Thomas dressed chicken lay on the seat in Her husband, a veteran of two Myron J. Sayer, Oriskany Falls, 19/ 2 Per Cent Limitation 1946, in North Bay, N. Y., Nicho- St., of o v e r l 5 acres, and adjoining front. "The limitation on amount of and one-half years overseas in the farmer, and Carlton R. Seavey, Always Lived Here For Past 38 Years Mrs. Nawman is believed to las J. Dixon. The funeral will be the Laurel St. tract. local indebtedness which may be Army, went to S. A. A. and R. D. 1, Marcy, farmer. have been thrown from the ve- held from his late home, North The Laurel St. tract, now owned Mrs. Margaret E. Davies, wife Daniel W. Heaney sr., 74, 730 W, Contracted is 9% per cent of the graduated from St. Mary's. He Actions other than negligence hicle. She was brought to the Bay, on Monday at 9 a. m., and by the city, was approved by the of Robert O. Davies, 408 William Dominick St., die<Hhis morning at average assessed valuation of the worked at the Rome Army Air hospital in the Martin J. Nunn at St. John's Church, Ntorh Bay, state department some time ago. St., died yesterday at the Rome a Rome hospital. He had been in last five years. The average valua- Depot before going into the ser- include breach of contract, assault ambulance. Her husband is a fore- at 10 a. m., where a requiem high If this, becomes the final location Hospital after a short illness. and battery, recovery on promisfailing health for the past six years tion for the City of Rome is $30,- vice. Inter- it might be wise to purchase four She was born in Rome, the and seriously ill for one weelc. man at Rome Division of Revere mass will be celebrated. 778,118 which gives a debt limita- They will live at 114 S. James sory notes, malicious prosecution, ment in St. John's cemetery, or five acres of adjoining property daughter of the late David E. and Copper and Brass Incorporated. replevin, money damaged, fraud, He was born Feb. 25, 1871, in tion of $2,923,920. Therefore, the St. Deputy Sheriff Clarence Laufer North Bay. trespass, ejectment, nuisance and while it is available, advised Gil- Jane Williams Richards, June 22, Williamtown, the son of James P. debt margin as of Dec. 31, 1945, is investigated. property damages. 31,756,170. 1891, and had always lived here. son. and Rose Ann Kell: Heaney. He HEANEY—January 5, 1946, She was married to Robert O. "It is recognized that is an Also urged by Gilson was steps had lived in Rome the past 38 Daniel W. Heaney, Sr., age 74 Notice of Collection of years. Funeral will be held from to locate and acquire a 12 to 15- Davies, Oct. 30, 1916,- at Rome. years and prior to that in Wil enviable financial position. HowThree Romans Among Mrs. Davies was associated with liamstown. ever, we should continue in the his late home, 730 W. Dominick acre site on the northeast side of Water Rents for the City Street Tuesday at 10 a. m. and at the city for another proposed ele- Mark's Fashion Shop in this city Jan. 17, 1894, he married Helene future as we have in the past few 11 Navy Enlistees for 14 years until she retired three LaTeour at Williamstown, the years of holding fast to a con- Temperatures soared into the mentary-Junior High building. St. Peter's Church at 10:30. "This should be done before pro- years ago. She was a member of Rev. John McGrath officiating. sistent policy of debt reduction. 40s this morning as the early JanCity Treasurer's Office, Rome, —Interment in St. Peter's CemThree Romans were among the N. Y. perties there are developed and the Bethel Presbyterian Church; Two years ago this month they "We should not under any cir- uary thaw entered its third day 11 enlistments in the Navy, anetery. Water rents are due Jan. 1, —Friends may call at their con- improved with new homes," he the Ruby Seal Society of that celebrated their golden wedding cumstances be lured into the with the Weather Bureau promis- nounced by Chief Petty Officer E. church; Wanakena Chapter, O.E.S., anniversary. morass of pay-on-forever public ing continued mildness. 1946, and may be paid at the of- venience. advised. C. Price, in charge of the recruitOrder of Amaranth and the Ceriddebt. Rather it should be our mot- The high temperature has forced ing office in the Federal Building. fice of the city treasurer without Mr. Heaney was employed at the to, and we should boldly take the wen Lodge. KORNATOWSKI — At Confee during the month of January, From Rome were Robert C. Seldiscontinuance of skating on rinks stableville, N. Y., on Friday, Jan. Survivinp besides her husband, old Rome Merchant Iron Mills as stand to strive if possible, to stay at both Thron's Pond and Frank- vetti, 207 Henry St.; Leonard La 1946. are a daughter, Mrs. Max Grems; a puddler for many years, but had on a pay-as-you-go basis, of at lyh's Field. Recreation Director Rossa, 229 Pleasant St., and WilFive per cent penalty will be 4, 1946, John Frank Kornatowski, age 67 years. Funeral services least a modified pay-as-you-go William G. Keating, who said the liam T. Heffner, 418 Elm St. a sister, Mrs. Elmer M. Spriggs, been retired for some time. charged on bills if not paid during will be held Tuesday at 10 a. m. He was a member of St. Peter's plan. and two brothers, Robert E. and the month of January, 1946. rinks are closed for the week-end, The others were Philip J. FilChurch and the Holy Name SoJohn D. Richards, all of Rome. "Needs and desirability should will announce when supervised inger, Frankfort, and Henry D. Regular office hours 9 a. m. at his home, Crofoot Hill Road, ciety of that church. be measured against its cost and skating at both centers may be Struve, Richard A. Saporito, Cosuntil 3 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. and at 11 a. m. at St. Hedwig's Becomes Bride of Church, Houseville; interment in Besides his wife, he leaves five the municipality's ability to pay resumed. to 12 m. mo Pellegrino, Guy E. Bonomq, S t Mary's Cemetery, Constabledaughters: Rose A., at home; Mrs. by taxation." Peter Viola John W. Hughes, Hugh R. Cram, Charles E. MayReadings taken at City Hall ville. . Edward G. Schnitt,. Utica; Mrs. City Treasurer. showed the temperatures did not hew and Basil Serour, all of Utica. Thomas R. McCall, Mrs. Willard —Advertisement. go below 40 from 11 a. m. yesterLaDUKE—On Saturday, January Miss Rose Varano, daughter of T. Atwood and Mrs. Edgar A. Joseph Hatzinger Jr. Mrs. Rafael Varano, 308 Depeyday to noon today, the 43 high 5, 1946, in this city, Willis A. La Doyle, all of Rome; five sons, setting in at 10 a. m. and staying BETHLEHEM OIL BURNERS R. .H. Gray, 522 Maybury Road, Daniel F. Heaney jr. and John V., Celebrates Birthday Duke. Funeral services will be ster St., and Peter Viola, son of WEATHER to -noon. held at the Funeral Home of Grif- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Viola, 104 has been called to Punxsutawney, at home; James T., William D. INSTALLED Meanwhile, the Weather Bureau fin & Aldridge on Monday at 2 River St., were married Thursday Pa., by the death of Mrs. Gray's and Henry L., all of Rome; two Joseph Hatzinger jr., entertainSaturday Friday — Also — 42 p. m. Interment in Evergreen at 10 a. m. in the Church of St. mother, Mrs. Mary Marling, who sisters, Mrs. Mary Mellen, Rome, ed several of his friends at his predicted "warmer tonight" with 40 1 a. ITla • . • John the Baptist. The Rev. Vic2 42 40 a. 2 » cemetery. Friends may call at the BOILER and BURNER . died Thursday night after three home, 222 E. Garden St., yester- increasing cloudiness, probably 40 41 3 a. tor F. Cinciarelli, pastor, offici- months illness. Mrs. Gray has and Mrs. Rose Quinn, Syracuse; day in honor of his ninth birth- followed by showers, and continued 3 p. m. Funeral Home at their conveni15 grandchildren and several 4 40 41 a. 4 p. UNITS ated, using- the double ring cere- been with her mother for several ence. 41 day. They played games and mild for Sunday. 41 5 D p. in. nieces and nephews. mony. \ 42 47 6 a. m. 6 p. m. watched movies. He received weeks. 42 42 7 a. m. PETERSEN—Entered into rest Miss Gerievieye LaGatta, was Mrs. Marling was born in Scot7 p. m. many gifts. 42 on Thursday, January 3, 1946, maid of honof~and the Misses Ele42 8 a. m. t p. m . 43 42 9 a. m, land 76 years ago. She came to • p. m . Those present included Shirley, 43 Caroline L. Grossmeyer, wife of anor and Anne Viola, sisters of the Spring Hill, Nova Scotia, when a 40 10 a. m. 10 p. m. . James and Mary Smith, Gerald At United States Hotel, Taberg 11 43 42 Peter J. Petersen. , Services will m. 11 p. m. . , bridegroom, were bridesmaids. young girl. She married Hugh Corcoran, Patricia Rhein, Barbara SATURDAY NIGHT 43 42)12 Noon 12 M'jM .. be held from her late home, 307 The best man was Joseph MerMarlin, also a native of Scotland, Gurley, Bobby Lauber, Elaine Dave Reid's Orchestra. Kossuth Street, on Monday mornToday, overcast. curio and ushers were James Col- who died in 1929. Lauri, Mary Pocchari, Lila Kesh• SUNDAY NIGHT 804 Varick St., Utica Friday'* high, 42 degree*; low. 35 ing at 9 o'clock and at St. Mary's angelo and Sebastian Ferrare. w degree*. Mean temperature, 38.8 They moved to Punxsutawney, . Willis A. La Duke, 55, 261 W. ler, James Mullin and Paul HatMusic by Floyd and Vince. Church at 9:30 where a solemn Phone 4-1450 St., died at his home zinger. The bride wore white with degree*. She Dominick Rounds — Squares — Polkas. requiem high mass will be cele- bodice of slipper satin made with Pa., about 43 years ago. Forecast: Warmer tonight. Sun. early this morning after an illleaves two sons and five daughday, increasing cloudiness probably brated. Interment in Mt. Olivet sweetheart neckline and trimmed of one year. followed by showers. Confniued ters, Mrs. R. H. Gray, Rome; Mrs. ness Have You Contributed Cemetery at Oriskany, N. Y. Born Oct. 20, 1889, the son of with net and full net skirt. Her Clifford Waldron, Melrose, Mass.; mild. to the Kiwanis Boys' Health Camp Friends are invited to call at her maid of honor wore pink taffeta Mrs. Harold Hinderliter, Pitts- Charles and Emma Denton La Fund? If not, phone 509. Duke, he spent his entire life in late home at their convenience. with sweetheart neckline and el- burgh, Pa.; Ethel and Hazel MarONlY bow length sleeves. Her head- ling, at home; Hugh R. Marling, Rome, working for many years in —Advertisement. SEIFERT — January 4, 1946 dress was of pink flowers. Rome Iron Mills. His last job was CONTINUOUS Buffalo, and Albert B. Marling, with the city. At Salvation Army Citadel Josephine R. Back, age 52 years, The bridesmaids' gowns were Punxsutawney, Pa. wife of Burton C. Seifert of Point made with taffeta bodices, sweetHe leaves one son, Alvin C. La Rock. Funeral will be held from heart neckline and elbow sleeves Mrs. Marling was a Presbyte- Duke; two sisters, Mrs. Henry At Liberty Hall — Westernville the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home and full skirts of maline. They rian. Burial will be made in Skinner, Camden, and Mrs. Salva- SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 Tuesday at 8:30 a. m. and at St. wore shoulder length veils. Miss Knights of Malta Cemetery, Punx tore Summa, Rome; and two 9 to 1. sutawney. Peter's Church at 9. at 7:30 P. BE. brothers, Charles and Willard La Music by Jimmle Nelson and His Eleanor Viola wore yellow, and her —Friends may call at the Funer- sister was gowned in blue. Duke, Rome. Blue Ridge Mountaineers. al Home at their convenience. A reception was held in UkraSPECIAL SERVICE inian Hall. After a trip to New DUMP TRUCKS FOR^HIRE IN M E M O R I A M York City, Massachusetts and ConSpeaker Major Douglas Seaver of ALL KINDS HEAVY In loving memory of our dear fa- necticutt, they will make their Utica ther. John F. Murphy, who passed home at 308 Depeyster St. The HAULING. „, , TONIGHT, SATURDAY away one year ago, January 6, 1945. bride wore as her going-away outPatsy Fabrizio died this mornJ. STACHNIK Topic: The Flaming Sword fit a yellow and black two-piece ing at a Rome hospital. He was and SUNDAY Daughters. born in Italy, Mar. 2, 1867, the Write or Call at 107 Expense St. suit. HOWARD P. TELLER— son of Mike and Angela Fabrizio 5* — COMPANION FEATURE — FUNERAL HOME He married Mary Vingenzo, now 220 N. Washington 8 t Phona 60> Governor? Mead Soys deceased. >\ 8 Mile* from City Line Out HEAR B- A SANBORN & SON— , He formerly lived \at 115 LawE. Dominick St. FUNERAL, HOME Wait Six Months rence St., where he made his Camden Phone 36 or 2.19 Rounds, Squares and Hops homeafor about 40 years. He had All Enemy Film Used in This Picture Has Been Taken from MAE F. STRONGU. S. Senator James M. Mead is lived at the Oneida County Home SATURDAY and SUNDAY FUNERAL HOME Captured Japanese Film. This Story Couldn't Be Told B e f o r e still non-committal on persistant Hear Loren Lenaghen play for one and one-half years. First Methodist Church 211 W. Court St. I'hone 1166 reports in political circles that he Among his survivors are several Secret Films of the Pacific War. the Piano-Accordian and may be the Democratic candidate grandchildren, nieces and nephews, Cor. George and Embargo SU. GRIFFIN & ALDRIDGE— FUNERAL HOME for governor of New York State Elmer Burch Call , 209 North Washington Street in the November election this COMING MONDAY and TUESDAY Phone Day or Night—721 Sunday, Jan. 6 year. After pondering the quesAll Legal Beverages WALDO WIGGINS PRINCE— tion thoughtfully yesterday he Regular Dinner Served •• 10:46 A. M. "HOME FOR FUNERALS" Lunches Served Finest Foods and Beverages said: 210 W. Court 8 t Phone 70t Daily 'THE HEALING POWER OF A "I haven't done anything about Plenty of Parking in MARTIN J. NUNN— GEORGE G. MORSE, PERSONAL CHRISTIAN it. Six months from now might FUNERAL HOME From 0 P. M. to 9 P. M. at Proprietor Rear EXPERIENCE" 4It N. Qeorge S t Phone 842 bring about many Changes.", Phone 2661-R-2 for Reservations Ambulance Service TONIGHT and SATURDAY TIMES TODAY — CONTINUOUS NIGHTS Verona Woman's Personals Car Struck Pole, Landed in Ditch Deaths Daniel W. Heaney Succumbs at 74 Mrs. R. O. Davies Dies Suddenly Mercury in 40s As Thaw Stays Miss Rose Varano Wed at Church Mrs. Marling Dies A t Punxsutawney CENTRAL N Y. EQUIPMENT CO. DANCE Willis A. La Duke Dies at Home DANCE CAPITOL- Sunday Sunday, Jan. 6, Pa+sy Fabrizio Succumbs at 78 DANCING Traveler's Rest "Appointment in Tokyo" DANCE Rev. A. C Goddard, D. D. SISTO'S Rathskeller Underground" Union Week of Prayer Services January 6 to 11, Inclusive at First Baptist Church Sunday, Jan. 6, at 7:30 Service of Sacred Music by United Church Choir*. Monday, Speaker Russell Bostain, Dept. of Correction Topic: "Crime Wave and It* Attendant Evils" Cordially Invited to Attend These Services First Presbyterian Church T H E CHURCH WTTH THE COPPER SPIRE" l e v . Percy E, Radford, Ph. D., D. D., Pastor ^ Sunday t1 A M. Holy Communion Meditation: "The Value of Shadows" M.-Church School I Meeting at the Manse. I HANK, CHARLIE and SCOTTY The Sensational HOT SHOTS FROM HARLEM Corcoran'* Tavern ROME-UTICA ROAD Sandwiches Served 9 P. M. to Dance Tonight and Tomorrow 12:30 A. M. CHARLES CORCORAN, Prop. at the Collector's Notice COMMANDER HOTEL Porks Hotel Town ol Annsville 299 E. DOMINICK ST. 251-253 W. Dominick S t Having received tax book will collect taxed at:— to the Music o! Tenderloin Steaks IiSisgnn i Spaghetti with Meat' Roast Beef Dinner Fish Fry Service a la Carte $1.00 6Ac 00c 50c S0c Second and Third Floor Storage Space To Rent In Former Armour Building E. Front St. Railroad Siding, Elevator Phone 1223 N. Domenico "My Name Is Julia Ross" Lynn Evans Orchestra Link's Store, Blossvale Thursday( Jan. IT Harden'* Store, McConnellsvlIle Thursday, Jan. 24 GLADYS HALL, Collector. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com SUNDAY MONDAY Adele Mara/Edgar Barrier Delicious Foods Ail other days at my residence from 9 A. M. to 0 P. M., except Saturdays,' " '\ STRAND TODAY Mexico* Dining Room Open 24 Hours Daily We Cater to Parties, Banquets, etc. 1 SUNSET CARSON LINDA STERLING in 'Cherokee Flash* i : man with JIMMY WAKELEY
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