Page Six — Section I THE WAVE, UOCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1962 in - OBITUARY NOTICES Mrs, Joseph Habib, Born In Turkey Solomon Thaler, Arverne Resident Edward J. Niehaus, Sr. Mrs. A m b r o s e Moran H u r t In Accident Of Relle H a r b o r Mrs. Jose&h Habib of 319 Beach 89th street, died Friday at the Peninsula General Hospital, Bd|femere, after an illness of some time. The former Letaru Habib, she was born in Turkey 74 years ago. Her parents were Judah and Clara Habib. Mrs. Habib, whose husband, Joseph Habib, died September 25, 1959, lived in the Bronx before coming to the Rockaways eight years ago. She leaves five sons, Irving, a lieutenant in the Fire Department, of the Bronx; Louis, a policeman, of the Bronx; Meyer <3f the Beach 89th street address; Nissin of Suceasunna, N.J., and Stanley of Manhattan; three daughters, Mrs. Clara Heyman of Manhattan, Mrs. Elizabeth Capilouto and Julia Habib of the Beach 89th street address; two brothers, Morris of Beach 89th street address; David, a patient at the Veterans Hospital at Montrose; a sister, Mrs. Rachel Bonbanastl, who lives in Turkey, and nine grandchildren. Rabbi Gabriel Beer of Temple of Israel ,Beach 84th street, officiated at services Sunday in the Bronx. He was assisted by Rabbi Pesaeh of the Bronx. Interment followed In Beth-El Cemetery, Paramus, N J . Solomon Thaler, of 344 Beach 70th street, Arverne, died January 4 after an illness at th'o Veterans Hospital at Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn. Born in Perth Amboy, N. J., April 29, 1917, he was the son of Isidore and Beatrice Thaler of Brooklyn. He moved to Art verne nine years ago from Miami, Fla. A veteran of World War II, where he served with the Air Force in the European theatre of operation. He was a member of the Men's Club of Congregation Derech Emunoh, th'c? Arverne Fishing Club of which he was honorary member; Rockaway Lodge No. 622, Knights of Pythias, and the Regular Democratic Club of the Rockaways. He was a mechanic. He leaves his widow, Ida (nee Tabb), wh'om he married in Brooklyn 20 years ago; a son, David;' a daughter, Linda Ruth; his parents, and a brother, Gerald Thaler of Brooklyn. Dr. Eugene J. Cohen of Congregation Derech Emunoh, Ar verne, conducted services Sunday from the Riverside Memo rial Chapel, Far Rockaway. In terment followed in New Montefior e Cemetery, Pinelawn. Edward J. Niehaus, sr., df 161 Aster drive, New Hyde Park, died January ? at Queens General Hospital following an accident which occured the previous day at Idlewild Airport. Mr. Niehaus, who had be^n a summer resident of Seaside for a number of years, was born in Pennsylvania 68 years ago. He was an employee of National Air Lines at Idlewild Airport. Mr. Niehaus was a member of the* Holy Name Society of Notre Dame R.C. Church at New Hyde Park. He leaves his wife, Mabel Niehaus; a son, Edward J., jr., Of Pittsburgh,.Pa.; a daughter, Mrs. John Grammas of New Hyde Park; a brother, the Rev. Philip Niehaus, administrator at Du* quesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa., and six grandchildren. Father Niehaus celebrated the solemn requiem mass offered Friday morning for his brother in the Now Hyde Park parish. The Rev. Father Donriolly and the Rev. B'ather Pfundstein, friends of the family, were deacon and sub-deacon. Interment followed in St. Charles Cemetery, Pinelawn, under the direction of the Denis S, O'Connor Funeral Home, 91-05 Reach Channel drive. Mis. Lorettu Mulsil, Mrs. Marry WeiiiHtein, Kuril In New York Born In Kussiii Harold Richard M e d i a n , Hoxiiu; Athlete Harold Richard Meehan of Broad Channel died Sunday at Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx, from Injuries he received in an automobile accident, which occurred on June ip. He was born January 13, 1942 at Rockaway Beach Hospital, the son of Bernard and Eleanor Schilling Meehan of 204 Noel road, Broad Channel. An alumnus of St. Virgilius Parochial School, Broad Channel, he attended St. Augustine's School in Brooklyn and Far Rockaway High School. He was employed as a wire lather. An ardent football player, he was a member of the Rockaway A.C. and was a boxer, who trained at the Trinity Club in Brooklyn. He was a member of the Broad Channel Volunteers." He leaves his parents, a sister, Mrs. Donald Dobbin of Broad Channel, and his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Meehan of the Noel road address. A solemn requiem mass was offered this morning in St. Virgilius R.C. Church, Broad Channel. Interment followed in St John's Cemete'ry, Middle Villiage * Mrs. Lortta Matsil of 91-01 Mrs. Harry Weinstein, the forRockaway Beach boulevaid, died mer Beckle Pomerantz, died SunThursday after a long illness. day at Peninsula General HospiThe former Loretta W e b b, tal, Edgemere. Born in Russia daughter of Alexander and Dor- 87 years ago, she resided at 125othy Ellen Webb, shte was born 02 Ocean Promenade, Rockaway in New York. She lived the Park. greater part of her life in the She leaves her husband, Harry, Rockaways. and a son, Theodore Shepard. Mrs. Matsil was a member of Dr. Alexander Budin of Conthe First Congregational Church, gregation Ohab Zedek, Belle being confirmed in 1984. Harbor, officiated at services She leaves a son, Joseph of Tuesday from the Riverside Me22-40 Mott avenue, Far Rocka- morial Chapel, Far Rockaway. way; a daughter, Dorothy Ellen, Interment followed in Beth Moses of the Boulevard address, and Cemetery, Pinelawn. a brother, Alexander Webb of 228 Beach 72nd street. Dominiek Casucci, The Rev. Henry M. Childs, jr., pastor of the First Congrega- Retired Ice Dealer tional Church* officiated at the Dominiek Casucoi, retired ice services Friday from the Ed- dealer of 311 Beach 87th street, ward P. Bennett & Son Funer- died Friday a long illness al Home at 264 Beach 116th at Queens after General Hospital, % street, Rockaway Park. Inter- Jamaica. ment followed in Mt. Olivet Born in Italy August 20, 1886, Cemetery, Maspeth. Mr. Casuccl was the son of Veto and Anna Aquasanta Casucci. Louis F. Vilardi, He was a resident of the Rockaways for 38 years. Former Grocer He leaves his widow, Ann Louis F. Vilardi, retired grocer, died suddenly at his residence, Casucci; a son, James, who is a 1334 Gipson street, Far Rocka- psychologist of Walton, Joseph, way on Friday. He was born in a teacher of Detroit, Miah., and Mrs. William Tooker, Italy 68 y.ears ago. the son of Anthony of Rockaway Beach, and Born In Ireland Francesco and Philomlna Rodi four grandchildren. Vilardi. He came to Far RockaA solemn requiem mass was ofMrs. William Tooker, 1156 way when he was young man. fered Monday morning in St. Nameoko street, Far Rockaway, He leaves his widow, Helen; Rose of Lima R.C. Church. The died Sunday at St, Joseph's Hosthree sons, Louis, jr., William Rev. Ralph J. Garvey was the pital, Far Rockaway after an illand Arthur; a daughter, Rose; celebrant; the Rev. James Bur- ness of several weeks. The fora sister, Rosina, and three grand- gess, deacon and the Rev. Sam- mer Nora Winifred Riordan, she uel Winters, sub-deacon. Inter- was born in County Cork, Irechildren. A missa cantata mass was of- ment followed in St. Mary's Cem- land, December 26, 1877.Her parfered Monday in St. Mary Star etery, Lawrence, under the direc- ents were Daniel and Ellen Colof the Sea R. C. Church, Far tion of the Denis S. O'Connor lins Riordan. She moved to Far Rockaway Rockaway. Interment followed in Funeral Home, Inc., 9105 Beach six years ago from Lawrence. St. Mary's Cemetery, Lawrence. Channel drive. Her husband is deceased. • I • She leaves her sister, Mrs. Margaret Collins, with whom she lived. A solemn requiem mass was offered yesterday in St. Majy Star M\ X V I j i x O JL JL/ JEZ «• • of the Sea R.C. Church, Far where service is a tradition that is Rockaway. Interment followed in Hx>ly Rood Cemetery, Westbury. strengthened with every day. RIVERSIDE MEMORIAL CHAPEL, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Far Rockaway: 1250 Central Ave. • FA 7-7100 M a n h a t t a n : 76th St. and A m s t e r d a m A v e . • E N d l c o t t 2-66001 M t . Vernon • B r o n x • Brooklyn • Miami directors: Morton Rosenthal . N o r m a n Shapiro CHAPELS IN ALL LONG ISLAND COMMUNITIES Eternal Light Shines The Shadows At Journey9* Through End The faith that shine* through the darkest hours to solace and sustain Is expressed in the beauty of a funeral service that Is conducted with deep reverence and quiet dignity BENNETT FUNERAL HOME OMcrVAnt of Every Wish, Heedful of Every Need Nttytune 4^773 AIB CONDITIONED M4 Beeeli ll€Hi Street Eook*w*y Pwk» N. Y., Denis S. O'Connor, Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS • CHAPEL SERVICE m 91-05 Reach Channel Drive NUptime 4-4011 M r s . J o s e p h 1<\ H u n t Of Rockaway Park Mrs. Joseph F, Hunt died Monday at her home, 165 Beach 120th street, Rockaway Park, after a long illness. She was the former Ellen Magdalen Gilmartln, daughter of Patrick and Sarah Giblin Gilmartih, and was born in New York January 27, Widow of Joseph, F. Hunt, 1881. who died October 30, 1935, she lived in Brooklyn for 45 years\ moving to the Rockaways 12 years ago. During tWe years she lived in Brooklyn, she had been active in the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Rose of Lima Church, serving as its president for 20 years. She became a member of the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church, Belle Harbor, after moving here. She leaves four sons, Joseph1 E., of Demarest, N. J., Walter J., of Eltingville, Staten Island, and John R. and Francis X., both of Brooklyn; three daughters, Mrs. Raymond Connor of Elmont, Mrs. John Mega of Coral Gables, Fla., and Mrs. Felix Mullen of the Rockaway Park address; 21 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. A solemn high mass was offered this morning in St. Francis de Sales R. C. Church', the R^v. Thomas J. Kearney, the celebrant; the Right Rev. Msgr. J. Jerome Reddy, pastor, deacon) and the Rev. Joseph A. Grogapj, sub-deacon. Interment followed in Calvary Cemetery, tinder the direction of the Edward P v Bennett & Son Funeral Home^ 264 Beach 116th street, Rockaway Park. Wave Wants Work Wonders HAMMEL - HOLLAND SEASIDE Wesjt End Ladies Guild To Be Installed Tomorrow Officer! of the Ladies Guild of the West End Temple will be inMailed a l 8:45 p.m. tomorrow in the temple, 147-02 Newport avenue, Neponsit. Mrs. Melvin Brenner and Mrs. Edward jMeyers will be seated as co-prelidents. Other Jpfficers to be installed are: Mrjg Stanley Falk, Mrs. Marvin l e v y and Mrs. Herman Cantor, \lce-presidents; Mrs. Ira Schneicleij| sunshine secretary; Mrs. Roiert Rauch, recording secretary; Mrs. Ira Newman and Mrs. Lean ...agin, corresponding secretarifB; Mrs. Sydney Gunner, social secretary; Mrs. Nathan Coppermln, chaplain; Mrs. Harry Zuckejman, Mrs. Fred Hammer and Mrs. Harry Rubin, trustees, and Mrs. George Arum, Mrs. Mortimeif Grossman, Mrs. Sue Hammer and Mrs. Hyman Schrier, delegates. Membors of the board to be in- stalled are: Mrs. Sam Barbolet, Mrs. Leonard Bender, Mrs. Grace Berk, Mrs. Jack eBrnstein, Mrs. Bobby Bittan, Mrs. Lew Bleir, Mrs. Eugene Bondy, Mrs. Morton Certiman, Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. Irving Epstein, Mrs. Alfred Fener, Mrs. Rita Fish, Mrs. Bert Feinstein, Mrs. George Feldman, Mrs. Harold Gerber, Mrs. Murray Ginsburg, Mrs. Sadie Handin, Mrs. Alice Heyman, Mrs. Kate Hofman, Mrs. Milton Holfman, Mrs. Mildred Jaffe, Mrs. Abner Kay, Mrs. Louis Kessler, Mrs, Roman Limner, Mrs. Al Martin, Mrs. Edwin Manheimer, Mrs. Robert Mayer, Mrs. Joseph Meyersfleld, Mrs. Maurice Musnick, Mrs. Sam Paris, Mrs. Arthur Price, Mrs. Morton Reifer, Mrs. David Ribet, Mrs. Sylvia Resnick, Mrs. Chester Sahn, Mrs. Harry Schoninger, Mrs. Al Seidman, Mrs. George Stern, Mrs. Louis D. Tanenbaum, Mrs. Alex Warshavsky, Mrs. Jack Weiss, Mrs. Alex Weinstein, Mrs. Harold Weintraub, Mrs. Abe J. Weinberg, Mrs.Mrs. Joseph Weiss, Mis. Edward Wolfe, Mrs. Louis Zane, Mrs. Ben Zousmer, and Mrs. Bernard Zoref. Mrs. Catherine Muir of 95-15 al Church will sponsor on the afMrs. Ambrose Moran, the forRockaway Beach boulevard, left ternoon of March 15 In the John mer Marion Hayes, of 413 Beach Tuesday for Jacksonville, Fla., C. Green Chapel, will appoint her 129th' street, Belle Harbor, died where she will visit with her son- committee at the January 18 Friday after a brief illriess at in-law and daughter, Mr. and meeting. Peninsula General Hospital. Mrs. John Bunn, and their five James Casucci of Walton, and She was the daughter of John children for throo months. his brother, Joseph, of Detroit, • Mich., were in the Rockaways for and Mary McMahon Hayes, and Neighbors and friends of Mrs. the funeral of their father, was born in New York, May 6, Loretta Webb Matsil, who resid- Dominiek Casucci, a retired ice 1^97. She moved to the Rockaed at 91-01 Rockaway Beach dealer, which took place on Monways from Chester, 20 years boulevard, who died Thursday at day morning. ago. the Peninsula General Hospital, Her husband died December Edward J. Niehaus of PittsEdgemere, after an illness of 16, 1959. burgh, Pa., son of Edward J. Niefour months, have extended their She was a member of the Al-. haus, sr., who had been a sumsympathy to her daughter, Dortar and Rosary Society of St. mer resident of the Rockaways othy Ellen, and son, Joseph MatFrancis de Sales R. C. Church, for a number of years, was in sil. Belle Harbor. Christine Beth, daughter of Mr. town having been summoned by S'h'e leaves two sons, Ambrose, and Mrs. John Hess of 301 Beach his father's sudden passing on jr., of VVantagh and Roger of 84th street, celebrated her fifth January 2 at the Queens General Edgemere; a daughter, Mrs. birthday New Year's Day at. the Hospital. Henry Beehler, with whom she The Altar and Rosary Socihome at a family celebration. lived, and nine grandchildren. ety of St. Rose of Lima R. C. Mrs. R. it. Krost of Arverne, The Rev. Joseph A. Grogan Miss Isabella M. Schmcelk of Church will hold its regular celebrated the missa cantata Edgemere and Mrs. John W. monthly meeting tonight in the mass offered Tuesday hi St. Rogers of Beach 98th street will Knights of Columbus Hall, 333 Francis de Sales R. C. Church, be the hostesses at the January Beach 90th street. Plans for a Belle Harbor, Interment follow18 meeting of the Ladies Aid future fund-raising function will ed in Long Island National CemSociety of the First Congrega- be made. etery, Pinelawn, under the ditional Church in the church parNeighbors and friends have exrection of th'c Edward P. Ben lor-. tended their heartfelt sympathy nett & Son Funeral Home, 264 Mrs. Rose Hoyden, general to the family of Mrs. Joseph Beach 116th street, Rockaway Stanle J. Kempner was inFollowing the service an oneg chairman of the St. Patrick's Tea Habib of 319 Beach 89th street, Park. stalled • master of Olympia shabbath will be sponsored by and fashion show the Ladies Aid who died Friday after an illness Lodge, o. 808, F. & A. M", last the Ladies Guild. Society of the First Congregation- at Peninsula General. Thursda night. Benjamin WolWilliam Hirsehfehl, tin was WQ installing officer and Retired Salesman Harry J* Moon was the marshal. William Hirschfeld of 1913 George I Levy served, as chapBrookhaven avenue,, Far RocM- lain din g the installation core way, a retired salesman, died monies, Oth'er fficers installed were: Friday after an Illness of several Feustel, senior mar-1 weeks at St. Joseph's Hospital, Harry ALL shal; Jerome Zimmerman, junior Far Rockaway. He was born 74 years ago, and his parents were marshal; Alfred E. Stewart, senFred and Lena Sorber Hirsch- ior deacttn; Gabriel Nathan, jun • BLOUSES ior deacon; Abraham Falk, senfold. He leaves his widow, Margaret ior master ot ceremonies; MauON ALL • SKIRTS Hirschfeld; a son, William, and rice J [poldschlag, junior masfive daughters, Mrs. Elsie Milnes, ter of ieremonies; Barney P. • SWEATERS Mrs. Dorothy Schoenert, Mrs. ,S t u r m| r, steward; Benjamin • COATS steward; Thomas F. Schnier, Margaret Severin, Mrs. Claudy Kloman and Mrs. June Sarro. « Rice, m jjrshal; William Kirk, sr., • SLACKS • SUITS The Rev. Ralph J. Morris of the tiler; S ul F. Goldberg, chapLawrence Methodist Church offi- lain; R ph W. Starke, organist; • DRESSES Vandewater, treasurer, ciated at services Monday in Far Percy DRASTICALLY REDUCED and Ke ineth S. Caldwell, secreRockaway. Cremation followed in Fresh Pond Crematorium, Mid- tary. Vand r ater started his 19th dle Village. year ir»! the financial post and IN MEMORIAM Caldwel his 20th as secretary, presented the outgoFeust In dear and loving memory of ing ma Jer, Elias Goldstein, with 1045 CENTRAL AVE. 1033 CENTRAL AVE. our dear grandson, Robert Heng a gavel on behlalf of the lodge. lein, fifteenth anniversary mass John s^larcus gave Kempner January 18, St. Rose of Lima at his mailer's pin, and Goldstein FAR ROCKAWAY 7:45 a.m. present® him with a past masGrandma & Grandpa Henglein ter's apk>n. & family Keminer Installed Mastir Of Lodge • * WINTER CLEARANCE 20 - 50% OFF •I lMl-li-|i-H-I.MHM»»ill—|-'«i.|f*.|- WW •»•'•"• 1 •'""•"" «.^I.HN»HI^MI*IIW«II- mm 1-ili' • IHIIIlllMlHMI.WII.ili. W| .ii»iiWW-^Hi^H^W-»»-»i'«i**i-iii-* NW!H|I m fawum nm limm II Mim- .»|| »||l,|| l||.ll|PI||.||.iHlHl.»ll|WNW|ll||H|lll| •IP». M I I I|I>.IWWW I ..IMHWIIIII»IIN ...Hi* % |»W M LANDAU'S DRESS CENTER wwHiilwiMWI BiMji.ipii.iiii III up III III III i||» mm mm in mm .- £, ..Mjmmmm 1M MEMORIAM Patrick J. Davis, who died January 11, 1954. "Death never separate those who bound by the ties of love." miss you Pat. Margaret & family on can are We A M A I C A S A V I N G S BANK 100th Precinct Youth Unit Will Meet Tonighl There will be a meeting of the Youth Council of the 100th Precinct at 8:30 tonight. The meeting, which will be under the direction of Captain John Mink, commanding officer of the precinct, will be held in the Knights of Columbus Hall, 333 Beach 90th street. Announces -. • Golden Chain Group 'Sets "Las Vegas" Night The Sunrise Link, No. 45, Older of the Golden Chain, will hold a Las Vegas Night at 8:30 p.m. January 27 in the Knights of Columbus Hall, 1848 Cornaga avenue, Far Rockaway. There will be many gifts. The Mmes. Minnie Sarratt and Pau> line Marcus will be in*" charge of the affair. , A YEAR COMBINED RATE BONUS DAYS Money deposited by Shodfly Shoes? JANUARY 15 Total dividend anticipated for the quarter beginning January 1, 1962, with the continuance of satisfactory earnings. 3 3 /4% a year regular plus VA % a year special on ONE-YEAR money. earns dividends from OUR QUALITY REPAIR will make 'em look so good, you can't tell 'em from NEW! Why buy new shoes when we can repair your old ones so well? See us for lasting satisfaction. JANUARY 1 Dividends Compounded QUARTERLY from DAY OF DEPOSIT mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm Good reason to save at Jamaica right now! Open your account at the office nearest you. //ezeWSetve fou, • •> i We sell the famous CHILD LIFE SHOES for Growing: Children SHOE RERUILDERS ORTHOPEDIC Resources Over $500,000,000—Established 186& MAIN OFFICE: 16102 JAMAICA AVENUE Michael Berardinb & Sofi 265 Beach' 116th Street Sutphin Boulevard Office: 146-21 Jamaica Ave. Queens Village Office: 21619 Jamaica Ave. Jackson Heights Office: 8101 37th Ave. Rockaway Tark Tel.: GRanite 4-9202 Fresh Meadows Office: 61-24 188th Street Far Rockaway Office: 1525 Far Rockaway Blvd. Rockaway Park Office: 211 Beach 116th Street Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 • •
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