i*2 LONG ISLAND S T A R - J O U R N A L , f U E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 8, 194*1 *—• * * TRUMAN BACKS SLOW DISCHARGES ,. Pag* m i row in St. Sebastian's! Roman ] ed from St. Michael's Parochial ployes l i whether they should walk Catholic Church. WoodsifH. Burial j School and Flushing High School., out in sympathy with 17,000 w e s t will be in Calvary Cemetlry, Win- ! He was unmarried an. lived at 13» ern Electric employes in 21 plants SIOAXSET — Catherine, on Honda;, Jan. 7. field. 21 37th avenue with his sister, throughout New York City and New 1946. beloved wife ot Edward Sr . devoted mother ot Edward Jr.: daughter of TheoMr. Conlon lived at 3*1-56 62nd A n na. Jersey, who are demanding a 30 per dore A. Van wvca. sister of Richard and street for many years. |He died Before going to the Little Neck cent wage increase. Arthur Maruflcid. John Van WVCK Mr» Julia Rexrodt, Mr» Virginia MuUtgan and Sunday in Bellevue Hospital folPostofflre four years ago, he had This poll is aside from tomorrow's lira Margaret Seibel. lowing a fall. Survivinglhim are heen superintendent of the Mas(Continued from Pngm Omi Xelattvea and friend* art renpertrull* Invited threat of picket lines by W.E, to attend the funeral from her residence. HART—Louise (nee ScaulU), on Jan. 7, 1946; I NINZATTI—Antoinette, on Jan. 7, 1946. of 34- two daughters, Mrs. Sadie Flynn pet h Postofflce for 10 years. strikers. beloved wife of the late Rudolph; devoted 08 30th at.. Astorls: beloved wife of John. l t M B 60th ave . Fluahlng. N. V mother of Ida McCarthy. Louise Grimes Funeral from the Moriseo Funeral Home, 30-12 and Mrs. Mary Rowantre^f* * He leaves another sister, Mrs. building a firm foundation for the Notice ot services later , Plant Tied Up Madeline Utley, Walter and Raymond. Astoria blvd.. on Friday, Jan. 11. at 9 90,192 Hours Given to Mary O'Flanagan of Elmhurst, and Funeral service at THOMAS M. QUINN A A. M. A solemn high mass at St. Patrick's future peace of the world. BUM—Martin, on Jan. 6. IMS: beloved husThe one Queens plant of Western SONS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 36-10 Broadway. R C. Church at 10 A. M. a brother, Edward J„ of New Roband of Edna, (nee Schehn: devoted father "The future of our country now Electric, at 66th street and MetroL. I. City, on WednesoAy at 1:30 P. M. Interment In Calvary Cemetery under the di- Ralph H. Diltt of Joseph. Rita. Dolores and James; son of Wyckoff Heights chelle. Interment In Woodlawn Cemetery under the rection of N. Moriseo A Son. Inc. Alice and the late Martin; brother of is as much at stake as it was in politan avenue, Middle Village, was direction of Thomas M. Quinn A Sons. Inc. Charles and Frederick. Burial will be in Mt. St. Mary's the days of the war." M . on Sunday. Jan. 6. Services for Ralph H. f>iHs. 53, tied up yesterday when pickets Funeral from the Bergen Funeral Home. 45-18 HEINZ—John, on Jan. 5. 1946. of 25-40 Cres- PITTNER—Gertrude 1946. who resided with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wyckoff Heights Hospital today Cemetery. SSth ave.. Woodalde. L. I., on Wednesday, an engineer who lived l i Astoria Mr. Truman reminded the na came over from Kearny, N. J., home | r eported that volunteers gave 90.192 cent St.. Astoria, beloved hushano of Julia. Lebkuecher at 13-33 124th St.. College Point. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ at 10:30 A. M. Solemn mass of requiem and devoted father of John. Philip. Edward. niece of Sister Lamberta and cousin of I f o r m a n y y e a r s will he field at at St Patrick's Church. tion of the enormity of the task of the main W.E. plant, Richard. Mrs Lillian Lam. Mrs. Elizabeth Sister Henrietta Mar.e ot 8t. Agnes Convent. • * hours to the hospital between Interment In St. John's Cemetery, under the College Point; Schruefer, Mrs Joan Sehuman and Mrs. of demobilization. member of JCsU^S&|p/M..to»^rrow at h^ h|me^ 1236 Alexander Casko d:rec'if«n of Thomas T. Bergen A Son. About 140 employes of the Queens Mrs, Catherine Becker. Sodality. M a i c h > 1 W 2 . to Jan. 1, 1945. Grand Concourse, the B r o n j . Burial Funeral from the Dowdall Funeral Home. 25-02 | Funeral from the Shoop Funeral Home, 123-11 „ . . . ~ i « ' K t said the Army had released plant refused to cross the picket R u d o l f H e r r i m a n . volunteers Newtown a v e . Astoria, on Wednesday, Jan, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ at will be in St. Michael's Cemetery, 18th ave.. College Point, on^ ^Wednesday, •moDT-t.iUie. 9 30 A. M . thence to St. Fidelia' R. C Astoria. 9. at 9:30 A. M. Solemn requiem mass at Reprising at THOMAS M QUINN A SONS | i s wife, were held for at ^Alexander 2 P. M. today at his Services Casko, 47, , W9f 374 volunteer* w H h a , f o f , h ( l g^.OOO men lines, although the local union is not ( n m r m a n , sald Surviving are Church, where a solemn requiem mass will the Church of Our Lady of Mt Carmel at FLSERAL CHAPEL. 3H-10 Broadway, L. I. home, 58-31 Fresh Pond road, Mas and women in service on V-E Day. on strike. LerwMt. Of this number. 153 w be offered at 10 A. M. City. untU Thursday. 1 3 0 A M Julia, and daughter, Lorrfine. 10 A M \ From a peak strength of 3,500.000. peth. Burial was in Lutheran l&termeat in Holy Cross Cemetery under di- Interment In St JohnAs Cemetery under the Interment In Mt. St Mary's Cemetery. M. L. Phillips, manager of t h e h^0<j Cross nurses' aides who f»V* the Navy has returned almost rection of Thomas M Quinn A Sons. Inc. Cemetery, Maspeth. direction of George W\ Dowdal! plant, reported later that the pre- 29.474 ' hours RMI.I.V -James, on Jan «. 1946; beloved husI • B O W M — F l o r e n c e (nee Marten, on Jan. «. Hl'LSEB— Minnie, on. Monday, Jan. 7. 1946: band of the late Catherine inee Martini: Adolph Soderberg Mr. Casko died suddenly Friday 1,250,000 to civilian life. Mrs. Ilerriman and her assistant, sence of the pickets was unauthorbeloved mother of Ft» rnces. Virginia and "These numbers are staggering," 1S46: beloved wife of Leo Brown; loving devoted father of Sister Rose Carmel: loving Mrs, Mi hired Biuder. said 100 vol| at his home. Surviving are his wife, William Jr. "Si ized, and that he had been assured daughter. Mrs. Catherine Maher, sister of brother of Katherine Hsvlland. Services for Adolph S*>derberg the President said. He asked the Anna: a Lillian. Mary. Catherine. Richard. Joseph. Reposing at 9-26 122nd?St.. College Point Funeral from THOMAS M. QUINN A SONS d a u « h t e r - Arline, and four people to consider the ships, ex- by the strike committee that they unteers were stul active last year. Notice of time and funeral later, under di50, World War 1 veteran o 7 * L o n g | Jean and Loretta. FUNERAL CHAPEL. 36-10 Broadway. L. I. They served a total of 30,174 hours rection of Henry Weydlg A Son. not return. Tuaeral from the Urban Funeral Home. 43-17 Ctty, on .Thursday at 9:30 A. M. Solemn Island City, were to be held at brothers. tensive staffs and rail transporta- would Meanwhile the president of the in that year. «Wth St.. Woodslde. on Wednesday, at 9 30 JOHNSTON—Mary C , (nee RockTon Jan. 7. Twenty-one amburequiem mass at St Francis of Assist R. C 1:30 P. M. today at t h e Charles A M , thence to St Mary's R. C. Church, Church at 10 A. M. tion involved. 1946 at St Vincent's Hospital, wife of the strike-bound Bee Line and its t h r e e ; lance a t t e n d a n t s worked 9.125 where a mass of requiem will be offered. late Edward F and mother of Marie L., Interment In Calvary Cemetery under the di- Weydig Chapel, 20-68 Steinway "The wonder," he said, "is not subsidiary bus companies declared | hours. The 37 Red Cross nurse*' Interment In Calvary Cemetery. rection ot Thomas M. Quinn A Sons, Inc. Charles M . Edward F. and Lawrence R. street, Astoria. Burial will be in that of «..our soldiers, Funeral from her residence. 43-27 Forley St.. SCHOLL—Catherine. . • .some « » , - ~f » i - " i . « «sailors « — today the firm was saving money i aides put in 8,063 hours. Elmhurst, L. I., on Thursday, Jan. 10. at Reposing at THOMAS M. QUINN * • I KKE—Catherine Jane, (nee LoughUm; beSt. Michaels Cemetery, Astoria. and marines are not yet home, but by not operating its buses, but he] Mrs. Herriman urged volunteers SONS 9:30 A M. solemn requiem mass St. Barloved wife of the late Patrick; devoted FUNERAL CHAPEL. 168-31 Hillside ave.. Long Island City Order of Odd tholomew's Church at 10 A. M. that so many are already back a t mother of Irene. Thomas. James. John, WalJamaica, L. I., until Thursday at 2 P. M. also hinted that the company may to continue their work. She Interment Calvary Cemetery under direction Interment In Lutheran Cemetery under the di- Fellows held its aervice y*sterday. ter and the late Edmund. their own firesides." of Gerard J. Neufeld', Renoslng a' Oates Funeral Home. 309 E. 83rd pointed out that hospitals in many soon make an attempt to resume rection of Thomas M. Quinn A Sons. Inc. Mr. Soderberg, a carpenter, was a St.. X \ Solemn high mass of requiem in Mr. Truman said he was aware service—even if the strike is not cases have less help now than St. Monica's Church, on Thursday. Jan. 10, KENNEDY—Stephen L.. on Jan. «. 1»46: hus- SHAN%JEY—Mary. past grand of this organisation. band of Bridget (nee Gushue), and father of that there are parents who want settled. at 10 A. M Repollng at THOMAS M QUINN A SONS during the war years. (Continued from Page One) Gertrude. Alice Laricy. Mary; Mildred Vopat. Surviving is his brothel, August Interment In Calvary Cemetery FUNERAL CHAPEL. 36-10 Broadway. L. I their sons released at once: wives the late William L and - Mercedes Morrissey. City, until Wednesday, 9:30 A. M. The bus line executive, H a r r y B. Funeral from Neufeld Funeral Home. 83-05 Interment tn Calvary Cemetery under direc- W. Soderberg. and children anxious awaiting the BVBNE—Joseph E . on Jan. 6. 1946. Broadway. Elmhurst. L I . on Wednesday. tion of Thomas M. Quinn A Sons. Inc, Reposing at THOMAS M. QUINN * SONS Carter of Rockvilie Centre, said ~ f ~ H R L J W A Y disturbed by the fact that tracks return of their husbands and Jan. 9. at 9:30 A. M. Solemn requiem mass FUNERAL CHAPEL. 16S-31 Hillside ave. study was being given to a proat St. Bartholomew's Church, at 10 A. M. proJamaica. L I . until Wednesday. 9:30 A. M. SOMERS—James J . suddenly. Jan. 6. 1946: John T. Cronin share in t h e breakage. fathers. Inierment in Holy Cross Cemetery under di- Interment In St. John's Cemetery. beloved husband of Mary A. (nee Riley i. rection of Thomas M Qutnn a Sons. Inc. LO BroLIO—Antonla. "Thii is legal shortchanging of . " T ,° P r e f e r th* m f m b e " o f , a n > posal to issue an ultimatum to the loving father of Francis P.. James I., In her 70th year, on 240 members of the Transport A solemn requiem mass for John Thomas J. and Edward A : Mrs Daniel Jan. 7. 194*. beloved wife of the late Stefano: single group,wo«W however appealing s Workers Union who walked off CAMPAGNA — Vinceiutna (nee Quintal, on Clark and Mrs. Frank J. Post: also surloving mother of Michael Lo Bugllo. Nicholas t h e rankest^iort," he declared. ^ ^ « | t h e i r claim"" be to*"ignore Jan 6 IMS: beloved wife of the late vived bv 10 grandchildren and 4 great- T. Cronin. 20, World W a t II vet" ,o Bugllo, Frank Lo Buglo. James Lo Bugllo tracks are not entitled Fortunate grandchildren: devoted brother of Mary A. eran _ -..* _ to A a cent _ - of -« j our obligation to give first consid- their jobs last Saturday morning Rose Camps jr. Madallne Bottone and Mary of Astoria, was offered at »it. yet the *_*state Funeral from 148 East 74th st . N. Y . on Somers and Mrs. John Kastner. magnanimously AJvlno. eration to the individuals who have to agree to arbitration or face di«Thursday. Jan. 10. at 10 30 A V a Funeral from the Fogarty Funeral Home. 13*- 8:30 A. M. today in St. J o i t p h ' s Ro- cu (Continued from Pagm One) •oiemn mass at Our Lady of Good Council Funeral from her late, residence. 57-41 Penrod tta t h e tracks in for 40 per c e n t m a d e t h e heaviest aftcriflcet," h e ! missal action. 25 41st ave.. Flushing, on Wednesday. Jan. St., Corona, on Saturday. Jan 13. at 9 3 0 R C Church. 11 A. M 9. at t : » A. MT thence to St Mary's man Catholic Church, Astoria. A. M,. thence to St. Leo's Church where a "Imagine, if you can, a private | ^ j , ^ 1 , * « . ; m M Interment in Calvary Cemetery under direcChurch, at 10 A. M . where a solemn remass will be offered Should this suggestion be spurn-j teriaIs are also scarce, with tion of N. Moriseo A Son. Inc. sharing—and to such Burial was in St. John's tSemetery, corporation quiem mass will be offered. Interment in family plot In St John's Cemea n The Manila demonstrations werejed. C a r t e r Indicated, t h e company oriti*>s for housing. Interment in Mt. St. Mary's Cemetery. * * d u i t - with the state on a tery Arrangements by Nicholas Gappola. CEGELSKI— Leokadta. on Jan fi 1946: beloved under the direction of Charles i the most spectacular. But. gripes would declare the jobs vacant and mother of Mrs Mary Kowalskt and Joseph The new super-highway, by-pass[ state-imposed t a x ! devoted T E S A R - Frank, on Jan. 4, 1946: age 72 years: Weydig. Cerelskl. ssster of John, also survived by 3 L«M>N IE—Sarah, on Jan. 8, 1940: also were registered in Paris. A engage other drivers to operate ing most of the big cities, will go mother ot Catnerlne U. Bursley. Francis X "Well, if there must be sharing, grandchildren. beloved fether of Mrs. Mary Novotny and Mr. Cronin enlisted \n t h e inand John T. Loonle. large group of enlisted men at AnFuneral from her late residence 61-26 165th | Frank Tesar; biother of Joseph, also surthrough Rockland, Orange, Ul*r«»r, the buses of the Bee Line and the f^et Home. fantry when he was 18 and was let the city share in the tax S t . Flushing L. I , on Thursday at 9 15 Fun»ral from the Kennedy Funeral vived by 3 grandchildren. drews Field, just outside Washing- subsidiaries, the Long Beach Bus Greene, Albany, Schnectady. Mont58-20 Roosevelt ave., Woodslde, oh Wednes- FUneral from the Urban Funeral Home. 42-17 A M . thence to St Adelbert s R. C Church the county in which the track is seriously injured at Anzio beachton, protested to their officers of Company, Rockvilie Centre Bus gomery. Herkimer, Oneida, Madiday. Jan. 9. Mass of requiem at Corpus • h e r e a mass of requiem will be offered. 69th st., Woodslde, L. I., on Monday at 1:30 Christi Church at 11 A. M. head when he stepped on an ene- located benefit. P. M. Interment In Mt St Mary's Cemetery. "inequalities" in the discharge sys- Company and the Utility Bus son. Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Urban Funeral Home. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Interment In Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Syracuse, my mine. He lived at 42-t8 Broad"Instead of the present 60-40 Baltimore and Hartford papers please copy. tem. Lines, which serve communities Ontario. Monroe, Genesee, Erie and LUIS—Fran*, on Sunday. Jan. «. 1946. of 25way, Astoria, and died Friday in division of the pari-mutuel tax, I Many congressmen considered the CONLOJI — James M.. on Jan. «. 1945: be77 Causeway. College Point: beloved husband TOME—Salvatore. on Jan. 6. 1946. tn his 42nd Chautauqua counties. from Freeport to Patchogue. loved husband of the late Mary Walsh: say it should be 70-30, and let the the Brprix Veterans Hospital. He of Esther: iovtng father of Mrs. Pearl Ryan year, of 31-13 23rd St.. Astoria. devoted father of Mrs. Sadie Flynn sflnd demonstrations so serious that they "The e n t i r e route will be devoid and Mrs Doris Cardwell. Pfc. of the V. S. Funeral from his late residence. Wednesday was a member of the Disabled War additional percentage be turned Mrs Mary Rowantree Gordon Barrager, president of Jan 9, at 2 P M Marine Corp: also survived by 1 brother and withheld immediate comment. Othof obstacles to t h e easy flow of Funeral en Wednesday at 10:30 A M. from Interment In St. Michael's Cemetery under Veterans and Astoria Veterans of over to t h e city treasury to help 3 sifters and 2 grandchildren. Local 710 of the Transport Workthe Hughes' Funeral Home 45-05 •Sth ave . ers, including members of hoth partraffic," a report said. "IntersecRenoslng at Henry Weydlg A Son Funeral direction of N. Moriseo A Son. Inc. lighten the e v e r increasing loc*l Woodslde: thence to It. Sebastian's R C. Foreign Wars Pos*. He w»8 graduHome. 13-39 132nd st College Point Futies, charged bluntly that the ers Union, CIO, commented on the tions at grade will be non-existant. Church where a solemn mass ot requiem WEBER—Katherine: loving mother of Mrs ated from Public School l H , Wood- tax load. neral on Wednesdav. Jan 9 at 10:30 A M statement by Carter t h a t the bus will be offered at 11 A M Philip J. Rachor (Maigaret E. Weber). Mary thence to St. Fidells R C. Church where a Interment in Ca.'vary Cemetery under direc"Based on last year's figures, the Army had broken faith with its company is saving money by not No traffic lights will blink along Its Queefis VocaZvcmik and Elizabeth Bollmann. and grand- side, and attended solemn requiem mass will be offered at tion of P J Hughes course. Bridges and underpasses mother of Louise Cocchl. Dorothy Frlti and tional High School. 11 A M additional 1 per cent would mean men and demanded an investiga- operating its buses. Marilyn Rachor. will be provided for cross traffic tion. in St. Raymond's Cemetery. C B o i . l l s - Martha S.. at Flushing. N Y . Interment $4,500,000 to the city. How we Renoslng at the Hallett Homestead. 147th Charles H. Weydlg Funeral Director. Surviving are his wBe, Jose" I t is a provocative statement on Monday. Jan 7. 1946: mother of Beth and access and egress to t h e ThruThe Marine Corps, meanwhile, st. and Northern blvd.. Flushing. L. I., Ume could use this money In Queens and Richard Crolius. Gladys Tyler. MTGOWAN—Edward r^TorT Jati~«T!946. son 3 months phine; a son, Thomas and one that is a direct contradiclater. way limited to those points w h e r e announced new point reductions Funeral services at Walter B Williams for schools, roads and better of the late Sarah and William. Brother of Funeral Home. 41-39 149th place. Flushold; and his mother, Mrs. Kather transit facilities! 1 ' which will make a T ' e s t i r n V t e T z T - ! " 0 " of Carter's hints that the com "| appropriate traffic interchange faGeorge and Lester. ing. N. Y-. on Wednesdsy. Jan 9. at 11 Reposing at the John Vogel Funeral Home. In Memoriam ine Cronin. A. M 65-29 Grand Ave.. Maspeth. until WednesHalpern explained last year the 000 additional officers and men pany will make an a t t e m p t to re-•jlfilities will be built." Interment private. day. 9:30 A. M requiem mass at TransAmerican Legion and various other eligible for discharge by Feb. 1, sume bus service," Barrager said*m "The economic significance of t h e In cherished and loving memory of figuration R C. Church. 10 o'clock. DILTS— Ralph H in his 53rd year: beloved Interment Calvary Cemetery. Mrs. Anne K Twomey a devoted son and brother, veterans* organizations supported a when critical scores will be lowered "With the buses idle, income halt- T h r u w a y has been evidenced by husband of Julia, and devoted father of CAFT. JOHN J. BOVA, ed and administrative expenses plans already made by large InMcGLlNCHY — Honora (nee Barry), on Jan. bi-partisan measure, of which he from 55 to 45 points. Lorraine. killed In action in Belgium. Jan 9. 1944. A solemn requiem mass was of8. 1946: beloved wife ot the late Cornelius: Funeral services on Wednesday at 2 P M. First anniversary mass on Wednesday, Jan E n t e r i n g In the entire demobili- continuing, \ don't comprehend dustrial organizations to seek facwas a sponsor, which would have mother of Anne. Katherine, Frank and Ed- 9. at St Joseph's R. C. Church at 9:30 A. M. from tits late home 1236 Grand Concourse. fered for Mrs. Anne Kenel *Twomey, zation controversy was the prob- how the bus company can save tory sites along its route and a t ward McGltnchy. earmarked breakage for veterans A silent thought, a secret tear, near l«7th st Bionx. N. Y, Notice of funeral hereafter. 44, of Astoria at 10 A. M. today In rehabilitation. points near centers of population Keeps his memory ever dear. Interment In St Michael's Cemetery. . lem of United States prestige in the money." William F Coster.. Director. MOTHER. FATHER. SISTERS MeHl'GH— Theresa. Jan. 4. 1946: beloved sisfrom which manpower may be Mass Demonstration St. Joseph's Roman C a t h o l i c conquered countries and the This, like all other track bills, _ and BROTHER ter of Mrs. John Leonsrd. DOCAB—Andrew. Jan. «. 1946. beloved hus- Funeral from the THOMAS M QUINN A readily obtained." Barrager said 100 of the Bee Line touchy ho me front question of uniChurch, Astoria. Burial was in Calwas killed by the powerful t r i c k In loving and cherished memory of tviad of Anna father of Ma-v ST».»USS. SONS FUNERAL CHAPEL. 36-10 Broadway Some upstate communities have strikers will travel to Manhattan our beloved brother. versal peacetime military training. Anna Wstral. Elizabeth Fastenan Josephine vary Cemetery, Winneld, tinder the lobby in Albany. L I C . Tuesday. 10 30 A. M Solemn JOHN P. WELSH. Knott Georite. John. Andrew JS and Frank orposed the proposition on grounds today to join CIO pickets in a Also certain to have a bearing on requiem mass Most Precious Blood **.. C, "This breakage bill must become who entered eternal rest direction of Thomas M. Quinn. Reposing at the O'Shes Funeral 'Home. 29-13 Church, i l A. M , Jan 8th. 1941 Oilman Blvd Astoria mass demonstration at* the Western; that it would divert tourist trade. the outcome of investigation dea law," Halpern declared, "and I Mrs. Twomey lived at »-71 33rd Arrangements tstrr under the direction ot Interment Calvary Cemetery under direction There is a link, death cannot sever. Love and remembrance last forever of Thomas M Qulnn A Sons. inc. intend to fight for it until It be- mands was congressional concern | Union building" to demonstrate IHowever, this may 'be overcome by Charles J OShea. street and died Frida. in a Queens BROTHERS and SISTERS hospital after a long illtiess. She comes a law. The $3,500,000 which over the possible effect of G.I. dis- the solidarity of union men in this "feeders" — roads " leadinf ** *•*• BOOUY—John J suddenly Jan T, 1946. be- M M -George F . on Jan 6. 1946. of 206loved son of the late Michael and Jrtary. ! •65 45th rd . Bayslde; beloved husband of lived in Astoria 16 years* Surviv- would have thus been secured for | content in t h e impending 1946 elec- fight for s higher standard of Thruway. Annte: devoted father of Mary Rellly and laving brother of Anna C . Edward J4 and , Card of Thanks living." ing are her husband, J o h n J. veterans" rehabilitation last year, tions. the late George Jr . brother of Martin and MYs. Mary O'Flannigan. Funeral from the Fogarty Funeral Home. I Last night In Freeport, Barunder such a measure is little The Army, which touched off the Twomey; three sisters, 5|fs. Josefrom the Harden Funeral Home. / The family of the late 136-25 41st Ave . Flushing. N. Y , o n Thurs- Funeral JAMES A. demonstrations with an announce-j rager met with members of the / MABV T MARTl'RAWO phine Brennan, Mrs. Mary Boland, enough. day Jan 10 at 9 30 A. M.. therwSt to St. j Northern blvd . corner 209th St., Bayslde wish to extend their sincere thanks to their Michael's Church where a solemn asqulem > on Wednesday 2 P, M. ment that demobilization would Nassau-Suffolk CIO Council to plan j "The state will have to spend many friends, relatives and neighbors for and Mrs. Margaret Fey, J l n d two mass will be offered at 10 A M -\.f Interment in Flushing Cemetery. their sympathy, floral offerings and mass Interment In Mt. St. Mary's Cemeteryi* Harry and F r e d e r i c k more and more money if it is to slow down from now on, said it support of the strike by all CIO MONACO — Philip F.: dsrllng baby son of cards extended during their recent bereave- brothers, Rosarlo snd Hanna (nee Keogh). of W-Xl ment. Twomey. provide its veterans with the care could not "rob" occupation forces anions in both counties. Another, GALLAGHER — Eilen of 45-30 170th St. Genera/ Tracf 35th ave . Tackson Helj-hts. They especially wish to thank Peter Angerame meeting will be held Wednesday{ Flushing. L I . on Monday Jan 7. 1946 Funeral to which they a r e entitled. Break- without adequate replacements. from the MeGrath Funeral Home, for his kind and efficient services beloved wife of the late Thomas F : de| 2 7 0 JACKSON AVE.. L. L 81-20 37th ave , Jarkeon Heights, on WedIt said the situation stemmed night in Hempstead, he said. He age represents a 'painle s' source voted moth»r of Thomas F Charles J.. nesday at 9:30 A. M. M u s of the Angels S T . l U e l l 4-8527 Mrs. Antonia Lo Buglio Hugh J. and Mrs Helen Murray I from the Jack of any comprehensive added that, "sympathy strikes are at tbe Church of the Rlessed Sacrament at of revenue." Funeral from the Conway Funeral Home «3rd Mrs. Antonia Lo BuolioJ 70, died 1C A M. St. and Northern blvd , Jacfcson Heights. Informed sources in Albany said ; program for replacing veterans in not contemplated." JOSEPH V McGRATH. Funeral Director. Day and time later Carter made his statement about last night at her home. 57-4t Penrod the state administration looked Europe and Asia. It also blamed "world conditions" which the Bee Line saving money as a 1 street. Corona, after a lon§; illness. favorably on O'Dwyer's proposals rchanged uired th « country to maintain result of the strike after he had John Heinz She was the mother of Nicholas Lo for new taxes, if " t h e ~neecTw~erej « l been asked bv a reporter what the And It was con- occupation forces. A solemn requiem mass for John Buglio, Sanitation Department as- demonstrated. Stoppage was costing his firm. The War Department reiterated ceded that funds were needed for Heinz, 91. of Astoria, will be of- sistant director of safety and presi"The biggest loss In this s t r i k e ! rscTOBt i i r r u u - t i i . that the demobilization slowdown the city's subway systems. fered at 10 A. M. tomorrow in Our dent of the department's Qplumbian incotiroKATiD ~z and any similar walkout is the; However, administration leaders was not unexpected. Lady of Mount Carmel Roman tf ALTER & COOKS. rrswMeat a». Ssls Ovstr Society and th* «rand council of public." the Bee Line president d e - ! were cool to O'Dwyer's suggestion Catholic Church, Astoria. Burial •3-32 FOREST AVE. 1B8-14 NORTHERN BLVO. d a r e d . "I am reluctant to discusswill be in St. John's Cemetery, State and City Civil Suffice Em- that the state turn over the stock FLUSHING, L. L t S - l l lash*** are I. 1. O i l * RIDGEWOOD, L I. the financial aspect to the company! transfer tax collection* made in ployee* Columbian Society. Middle Village. Kmsr B r t S s s H . . » STUIwsU « swaa Phone i FLeahinf S-S«0d because it might be Interpreted as Phone • HEfemaa 3-0900 I Mr. Heinz was born In Germany Also surviving her arc tilree oth- the city and a 50 per cent slice of gloating. Yet, the fact remains and came to this country 65 years er sons, Michael, Frank and James, the state tax on racing collected 150-10 HILLSIDE AVE.. JAMAICA. L. I . — P b o n . i JAm. S-6670 that we save money by not operatat city tracks. ago. A retired cigar maker, he and three daughters. Mrs. Rose The** of thm Finmtt Funmrat Hommt In Long lalond ing buses now. lived in Astoria since 1915. He died Campay, Mrs. Madeline Bottone An admission tax could bo Im"We make our money In \ the Every known comfort for the bereaved with a t e of Chapel and Saturday at his home. 25-40 Cres- and Mrs. Mary Alvino; 11 grand- posed on city race goers with the (Continued from Poaw One) summer, when crowds are going to cent street, after a long illness. beautifully furnished Repoalng Room without extra charge, children and six great grandchil- approval of the state administraand from the beaches. In fact, we Surviving are his wife, Julia; tion, It was predicted. However, dren. fUneral from residence li desired. Manager In office, but office closed. must make enough then to tide us four sons, John, Philipp, Edward the tracks draw patrons from out•sUf Csses Casks* CsvsrsJ wis* Ssv Mrs. Lo Buglio lived in Corona through the winter months, when No pickets. and R'chard, and four daughters, side the metropolis and the New Clsta. 4s Ulsstrstse Mrs. Lillian Lans, Mrs. Elizabeth since 1907 and was a member bf York Stock Exchange is a state and LA GUARDIA FIELD: Office patronage is much lower." Ms* Schruefer, Mrs. Joan Sehuman and the Rosary Society at St. |<eo's Ro- national business. For these rea- closed. No pickets. Riders 'Amased' man Catholic Church. A solemn Mrs. Catherine Becker. sons, it was pointed out, the city Carter said he and other comrequiem mass will be offered SaturJ u s t before the strike was called, day at the church for hef. Burial could not claim a special share of R H. Kimball, company viee-presi pany officials had received, "inthe state taxes on these activities. will be in St. John's Cemetery, Middent, addressed a message to a j j ; numerable" expressions of amazeMrs. Mary R. Johnston dle Village. employes in the metropolitan area ment from bus riders and others A solemn requiem mass for Mrs. iiveing them to reconsider the de- that the company's offer to arMary Rock Johnston, 86, of Elm150 Attend Session bitrate the dispute had been recision to walk out. hurst will be offered at 10 A. M. OUR DIGNIFIED FUNERAL INCLUDES: Thursday in St. Bartholomew's Msgr. James A. Chmteh Of P.A.C. in Queens jected by the union. UP said the company was willing C a s u s <ss J i o s t r s t s d i i r u n m s e w u a rsis&sioD oai nsnaiws. s n e r s v e u Roman Catholic Church, Elmhurst. ' t o discuss a redistribution of t h e ! , "The people who have been In Bams p l a t s s a d lined witb p U i o * to m s i c h . Strong outsids ouriaj More than 700 persons filled St. More than 150 attended a meet- (award handed down by the W a r ouch with us and we surselves Burial will be in Calvary Cemebos. Removing ramsJns from s a y Hospital sn Orsator New York, BmMimuag s o d oars ot r o m a i a s u o c u s m a n s Bolt os U a d r s urwss, tery. Winneld, under the direction Catherine of Sienna Roman Catho- ing of t h e Queens Citizens Politi- (Labor Board so that 16 per cent can't understand why t h e same • s s of eandolatora s a d osvncUes w h s r s equestsd, Oss of draperies lic Church, St. Albans, during the cal Action Committee last night in of Gerald J. Neufeld. a n d t w o doassi etuUrs a n d p t i m a Flowers on door Procuring of the employes who got no raises union that consented to arbitration DON'T LOOK UNDER the parish house of Grace*Epissolemn high requiem mass yesterin Manhattan recently is opposed permit S n t o m o b U s H—rso. O n * U m o u s i n s to s a y ComstscT Mrs. Johnston was t h e mother of will benefit. Oreater Nrw T o r t Ossivorins bos ss Cemstwl?. Marie L. Johnston, acting principal day for Monsignor James A. Char- copal Church, 155-24 90th avenue, T h e union, he asserted, refused to it out here on Long Island," THE BED Carter said. of Bryant High School. Also sur- ters, founder of the parish. One Jamaica. to accept the WLB's award because Soaars 8 » Charles Belous of Forest Hills, One of the suggestions t h a t the hundred others who couldn't gain viving her are three sons, Charles Solid s U r - v o o w was it felt the public members of the strike be settled by arbitration for burglars! T h e y »r* M., Edward F . and Lawrence R. entrance to the church stood out- a former city councilman side in the drizzling rain. Burial chairman of the meeting. Guest board were prejudiced and that came from Mayor Herbert Mirschel far too smart and besides, Johnston. intimidating of Hempstead, who sent telegrams was in Holy Name Cemetery, Biook- speakers Included Dr. Dan Dodson the company was Mrs. Johnston lived at 43-27 For4s OlastroteS dangerous. Outwit of Sunnyside, chairman of former workers by asking for police pro- to the company and union, em- it's Belsw ley street and died Monday in St. ly.n. phasizing t h a t "the right to strike Vincent's Hospital, Manhattan. She B o r o u g h President fames A. Mayor LaGuardia's Committee on.tection He denied both charges. is not absolute" when a public car- them by getting yttna came to Elmhurst in 1905. Burke. County Judge T h o m a s Unity and Palmer Weber, research On the telephone tront of Citizens P. A. C, and the rier is involved. Residence and Outside Downs and Commander "Frederick director professor at University of VI r- strike picture was brighter. The Bee Line executive said no Gallagher, senior Catholic chaplain gin la. James M. Conlon Negotiations 'Promising* conference to attempt to settle the Theft Insurance, at St. Albans Naval Hospital, were t t i i SDOWS are ins* two oi t i n many eempieta tunoraia fa A solemn requiem mass for among those present. A strike t* scheduled for- tomor- strike was planned. s>r* ftlao many m a g n l n o e n t casket* tn a l a n o g a n y O o s and otnwi s e l e c t s * James M. Conlon, 85, of Woodside, Police in t h e central and westrow which would disrupt telesrood* which ax* plainly marked s a d Sb* o n e * inc lads* s o m p l s t s f u n c r o t Bishop Thomas E. Molliy of the Star-Journal Employe will be offered at 11 A. M. tomorern Nassau communities served by phone service throughout t h e Brooklyn Diocese pronounced t h e •taNBATTAJI cjt'tEKt OUR FUNERAL HOMES Bee Line reported that commuters, country, but negotiations were unbenediction. The Rev. Daniel Dwyer With Red Cross Overseas 11? Weal ISew) M TRafa'gai 1-97SS 1SS-1S HinsMs Avawws JAssalea S-SS7S including hundreds who normally der way today which seemed of St. Bartholomew's Chufch, ElmSS-SS Fsrest Avesuae—HEgesaaa S-SSM I4S1 flSB* I T S " ' INSURANCE AGENCY Albert E. Rounds of 136-12 57th promising. Both aides already ride buses to t h e Jamaica subway US- U N«rtb«rw BlvO. -FLsshista t-SSSS hurst, was the deacon, and the aubM O R S . JROORLTR and elevated stations, were man- G e n e r a / Inturanca VndmtavrifeSPSJ road, Flushing, has arrived in the 1 West Iteth SI RArasowd »-ItP> deacon was the Rev. Edward Dono- European Theatre of Operations to have made, concessions. s* Se*eata tvesno—MAla i-*SSS-* aging to get to their jobs by using 1M East Treasont Avs.—Ladlnw 1-27S* The threatened strike Is an out?4-03 Roosevelt Ave.. 1211 Flatswsb Av — g l e k m l m U t t-026*-i van of St. Patrick's C h u i p i . Gi -at serve the armed forces as an AmeriM7 w.iii. Av* noti H»..O a s m 141 LiitOea • ! * « . •I'ekmimtei «-l*SS growth of the Western Electric the Long Island Railroad, pooling Neck. Jackson Heights private r a r s or, In isolated cases, can Red Cross assistant field di- strike, which started last week STATSJV tsiaNtvart roross »tess» SI B n s o i * * — O l S r a i t a a S-A05* ( S T ft M T t O N BLVD - I « I •"«> hitch-hiking. rector. Until his Red Cross apErnest Waver, president of the RtHMHims-tl« Maaiaronsek A v e a a * TatepB*** WRIte flslas , i _ PBONB C A U vTUJ. BRING BKPRESCNTA11VR— NO OBUUailUN pointment. Rounds was employed by A s s o c i a t i o n of Communlcat «.n HAvemeyer 4-4480 Mrs. Louise Hart the Long Island Star-Journal. Dur- Equipment Workers, an IndepenBeer and Liquor License* 1IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI\I Services for Mrs.. Louisf Schultz ing World War II he served as a dent union with 6,000 members, Notice li hereby Klven thst License No Hart, 81, of Astoria will bf held at volunteer ambulance driver fori said plans call for the throwing of EB-:'MS has been lsxued to the undrrtifned S 4lr>tfl*w MO to sell elder snd beer at retail under the 1:30 P. M. tomorrow in tile Thom- U.S.A.A.C. Emergency Corps in New | picket lines around all telephone Almhnlic Beverate Omtrol Law at 2 1 - l t 4»th as M. Quinn and Sons Funeral York City and was a member of the j offices tomorrow. Union employes »vrnui> Long Island City, Queens County, for consumption Chapel, 36-10 Broadway, Astoria. U'. S. Coast Guard auxiliary, Flush- would refuse to go through, he on premises We quote our Funeral* com• v a l l a b l s to ELIZABETH BEI.LIPARIO MINCNN1. Burial will be in Woodlawn Ceme2 1 l t 40th avenue, Lone Ulsnd City. ing. Mrs. Rounds will remain in predicted. plete — t h e r e a r e no extra Jan * I M : tery, the Bronx. Flushing during his service overiw _ In t h e meantime, Joseph A -ornate or charges t h a t cause misunderMrs. Hart died Monrtaf at heris e a * s Beirne, president of the National standings—tn our display room home, 22-07 19th street. She was Federation of Telephon Workers, the widow of Rudolph Hart, and { you And a large price range tn j RUSSIAN c m t l S T M A R the parent union, said a national mother of Mrs. Ida McCarthy, Mrs. Members of the Russian Orthodox j strike poll was only 70 per cent COMPLETE FUNERALS Louise Grimes, Mrs. MadHline Ut- Church who follow the Julian calen- completed, ley and Walter and Raymsnd Hart. dar observed their Christmas yes-1 He refused to Indicate the trend because they are Insured From One Hundred terday in Queens by attending spe-1 of the strike poll, cial church services. The question before telephone emHarry B. Royer and Fifty Dollars CONVEME.NTH LOCATSD D i v i d e n d D e c l a r e d a s of D e c e m b e r 3 1 s t , 1 9 4 1 . A solemn requiem mass lor Harry 42-17 69th ST„ WOODSIDE Careful Attention to ReligiB. Royer. 64, former president and Four Savings are Insured up to S5.0M by the Federal Having* a ous and Fraternal Details. manager of the Long Island City A tittle drip Loan Insurance Corp., of Washington, D. C , s n Instrumentality National Bridge Works, will be ofcows* • tlip "A 24-Hour Personal Sorvicm" of the United States Government. fered at 10 A. M. Thursday in the Oas fifftfs* slip esa Corpus Christi Roman Catholic ormok m kip RtrNHOLD A. Church, Manhattan. Burial will be Accounts Opened tf looking tor s This sssoctstton Is 1 in Pottstown, Pa. 122-11 18th Awe., College Point Home our tHtlrers G o v e r n e d by s up to the Mr. Royer lived at 440 Riverside will he pleased to Board of Directors 10th of the Month COMPANY. I N C KLushing 3-3131 drive, Manhattan, and die# Sunday Chapel Fantral Director help you in ovary t h s t a r e local men in St. Luke's Hospital, Manhattan. EARN DIVIDENDS DIGNIFIED AND possible way. • who k n o w local 45-09 Little Neck Parkway, Surviving him are his wife, Lucy; EXACT rUNEKAL DIRECTION From the 1st Please call on them needs. Little Neck, at Northern Blvd. a son, Richard, and a sister, Miss THOMAS G. PLUMIING 86-08 Broadway, Elmhurst E. Mabel Royer. BAyside 9-4949 TsL H A e . m s y o r 9-3000 HEATING Death Notices Monday. GALLAGHER—William J., on Sunday. Jan. • MOSKOW1TZ — Antonettt M . on Jan. 7. 1946; devoted wife of Joseph; be1946. of Little Neck. L. I ; brother of Marloved mother of Jacob; loving daughter of garet F. Conran, Nathalie Duffy, Edwin and by seven Nicholas Maur >; also survived George Gallagher. brothers and sisters. Funeral from the Shoop Funeral Home. Little Neck parkway, at Northern blvd. Little Neck. Funeral from the residence. 56-45 Van Cleef 10, at L. I . on Wednesday, at 9:30 A. M . thence: ave.. Corona, on Thursday, Jan. 11 A. M. to St Ana stasia's R. C. Church where a i In St. Vincent's Cemetery In solemn requiem mass will be offered at 10 Interment Madison, N. J. A. M. WILLIAM J( HI ANN, Funeral Director Interment In Calvary Cemetery. 374 WORKERS AID HOSPITAL CITY SHARE IN RACING TAX SOUGHT TO BE FREE FROM TOLLS M l | I ' STEVENSON CO. T Obituaries Salter p. Cooke HAR0WAR Hamburger's " ^ u s i " TELEGRAPH WORKERS STRIKE Si 50 $225 IIEIYSTOXE OUR POLICY iHAuMfttt 423161 m i T URBAN SAVINGS EARN WITH SAFETY Funeral Home Charles T. Shoop, INC SKELTON FOGARTY tnimiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiimiiniiiimmii Funeral Director J,.MORISCO»50«1_ ESTABLISHED 1889 HENRY l Two Modem Funeral ftom*$ •0-11 ASTORIA Bl VD L I C RAvenswood 8-1681 U-28 BBOADWAT L. L C1TT M M RAvenswood 8 - 7 8 8 3 — H MAYER MALBIN Flushing 9-85*3 WEYDIG? FUNERA1 HOME CBARJCS WFtDlUu 13-39 122nd ST. Uc. Met. %Zg%% 136-25 41st AVENUE FLUSHING N. Y. Officer—FLu 9-0268 RmMidonem—FLu. 9-0304 MODFRN NEAR FUNERAL ROMS ALL TRANSIT John J. Dooley A" requiem mass will be offered at 10 o'clock Thursday m#rninR in St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Flushing, for John J. Dooley, superintendent oil the Little Neck Postofflce, who jjfcollapsed at his desk yesterday an<| died be fore medical aid reached flim. Mr. Dooley, who was J 41, was born in Flushing and was graduat- INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CAM. LONO ISUafTD CITl STillwoM ,4-4995 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com A Thrift st W * I T * r o s sAitrta 28-0? JACKSON AVENUE 40-19 36TH AVENUE LONO Flushing Federal Savings and Loan Association ISLAND CITl AStoria S-.101 In&iitution line* 1888 136-37 ROOSEVELT AVE., RUSHING, N. T. Telephone FLuthino, 9-2277
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